contagious nightmare

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It's morning, all of the elements has gathered in the dining room.

"Hali, what's wrong? You look pale?", Gempa said to Hali who looks pale and tired.

Hali furrowed his eyebrows, his eyes met with Taufan's worried eyes.

"I..had a nightmare.", Hali said, he hestitated when he said that.

Taufan's heart feels like it's stopped.

He can feel chills runs throught his spine.

"Nightmare?", Gempa asked to him.

"About what?", Blaze asked him, he is now curious and regained his energy.

"'s us, and also two other figures i didn't know..", Hali explained as he tried to remember that dream.

Ice's eyes is more  focused on Taufan who looks so frightened, his hand trembled and he looks pale rather than to the lightning boy.

Ice asked Hali, "two other figures?"

"I don't know, they looks familiar but.. i don't know them.", Hali said.

"But.., they both dies in front of me, they tried to protect us.", Hali explained, there's a noticable fears from his voice.

"And for some reason it hurts so bad, to see them dying, even if i didn't know who are they.", Hali said as he gritted his teeth, he clench his palm, his expression is filled with confusion and regret.

"It's only a nightmare, Hali." , Taufan said to him with his smile.

"Don't think about it too much, something like that wont happen.", he continued, he can feel his voice slightly trembles.

"But,it feels so real. And also-", Hali's words got stopped after he saw Taufan who still smiled. But despite of that smile, the spoon he held is trembling.

Yeah, Taufan's hand shivered so bad.

"Taufan, are you okay?", Gempa asked him.

Ice's piercing gaze is now on Taufan, Ice furrowed his eyebrows, his face darkened and his light blue eyes shone.

Taufan dropped his utensils, "..i'm a bit dizzy, i'm going to my room for a bit, you guys should eat breakfast first."

"Want me to bring you some medicine?" , Gempa asked him, his face looks so worried as he gaze at Taufan and also Hali.

"No need, it will be better after a little rest.", Taufan said to them.

"Please, just continue your breakfast.", Taufan said as he weakly smiled.


He locked the room, after that he let his shivering legs to take a break.

He fell to the ground, his hand that's still trembling tried to touch his knees.

"Is it because we fused yesterday?", he asked.

A voice that doesn't sounds as harsh as usual answered, "i think so, your memories combined with theirs when you fuse."

"W-what should i do?", Taufan asked him, his voice atill shivered.

He remembered how scary is that nightmare.

And how it tortured him every single time he remembered about it.

"Calm down. He only saw the beginning..", The Reverse answered to him.

"I'm trying..but what if he saw the continuation?", Taufan asked, his voice is filled with fear.

"Ah right, i should find a way for us  so we can stop fusing.." ,Taufan said.

"But sometimes you should fuse, you can't just ask your brothers not to fuse."

"Ochobot have modified this watch so we wont lose our memories even if we splits, but maybe he can modify it a bit more so that they could fuse without me?" , Taufan said.

"Are you crazy?", the Reverse asked him with disapproval.

"The gap between you and your brothers will grew bigger if you-", the Reverse words got cutted when he saw Taufan who still looks so panicked.

"But what should i so? You know how bad is that disaster right? If i want to prevent that, i can't let them know about this-", Taufan said.

"I know a method.", the Reverse said.

"You can't just prevent them to fuse, but you can block your memories so that when you fused they won't feel it.", the Reverse explained.

"But you can only use it with your power.., and your power right now is..", The Reverse tried to explain.

"But it can stop them from seeing my memories right?", Taufan asked him, his voice is getting calmer when he heard there's a solution about this matter.

"Yes, you can.", the Reverse answered.

"..thanks god.", Taufan sighed.

He throw himself on his bed, he can feel the pain inside his body more frequently now. "Just how much soul that dissipates from that day?" He asked to the reverse.

"you still have 97% of it.", the Reverse answered.

"Oh..the process is slower than i thought.", Taufan answered.

He just remembered about that price.
That everyday his sould is crushed and fading away quietly.

"So, i really am dying, huh?" , he chuckled softly, he didn't know but it didn't feel scary for him.

"You regret it?" , the Reverse asked him.

Taufan is silent, he thinks about it. Did  i regret it? He asked himself, but all he can imagine is his brothers.

"Nah, i'm grateful for getting this chance.", he answered monotonously.

"Anyway, i should begin to prepare all the books. If only we are already a Tapops members.. i can get the book from that library.", Taufan said.

"It's not the time yet, isn't it?", the Reverse asked Taufan. He already peeked into Taufan's memories and he know that Taufan's youngest brother will appear a year from now.

"You know that he is one of the strongest element don't you? I think it's better for summoning him earlier. So that he can practice more and getting more powerful.", Taufan said to the Reverse.

The reverse is silent, Taufan has his point here.

"But isn't it's too contradicting with your own trait?", the Reverse asked him.

Taufan is silent, he let out a 'pfft' sound and began to laugh.

"You are so cute.", he said while still laughing.

"You are just like a curious kid who asked about everything.", he continued.

The reverse give him a little stinging pain to show his dislike.

"You should stop hurting me, it hurts enough without you pricking me with your power.", Taufan complained, that stinging pain is not as strong as back then.

"You should learn how to shut up.", the Reverse answered him.

//Author's note//

Soooo i still have my writer block hhhhhh

Im sorry if this chapter is somewhat lacking :"

I still hope that you will enjoy this chapter 😭💞

Here is a little sketch about  revan

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