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"How do you feel?", Hali asked Taufan. He assumed that Taufan's dizziness was due to his lost memories, now that Taufan already gained the memories back, maybe he would feel better.

Taufan smiled, his cheerful grin is painted on his face, "i'm fine, of course!"

"..is that so?", Hali asked, his hand is patting Taufan's head. Maybe because he is Taufan's only older brother, he can feel that Taufan's cheerfulness is not the same with the naive cheerfulness he had when he haven't got his memories back.

"I'm glad that you gained your memories back..,but..don't force yourself. Talk to me or Gempa or your other brothers if there's something that bothering you..", Hali said to Taufan, his voice still sounds grumpy, but for Taufan, he sounds like a big brother that cares so much about his younger brother.

"Really..you've grown up so much!", Taufan praised him as he smiled.

"Well, we all does..", Hali said, he now take a seat next to Taufan. Leaning his back on the wall.

"Taufan,back then..when you died..i..once hated you.", Hali said to Taufan.

Taufan's eyes got wider, "hates me?"

"Is that so?", Taufan shrugged, he rub his nape uncomfortably, he let out a sad smile.

"Well, it can't be helped..i mean,i've been planning everything behind you guys..", Taufan said to his big brother.

"No,i mean, we got mad at you because we didnt know the truth, all we know was that you've planned everything and then leaving us,just like that."

"But then..we got to see everything.", Hali continues.

"Huh?", Taufan can't understand what does Hali means with 'everything'.

A voice coming from beside them, "Taufan, it's time to drink the medicine.", Solar said as he bring Taufan a cup of warm water to help him swallow the medicine.

"Ah, thanks.", Taufan quickly took the medicine and drink it.

"You don't have to bring it to me everytime like this you know, i can just take the meds with me. And also.. i think my condition is much better, and my memories is already back..", Taufan continues.

"I'm the second oldest, but i've got babysitted by all of you.. i feel..uh.." Taufan is busy trying to find the fitting words, but then Solar hitted Taufan's head lightly.

"Ouch-", Taufan flinched as he received the sudden hit.

"Did i do something wrong?", Taufan asked.

Hali's red pupils is already staring sharply at Solar, "what do you mean by this, shiny lamp?", he asked Solar annoyedly.

"Payback.", Solar said.

"Back then he hitted my head too.", Solar continues.

"Of course i deserves it...but still, i can't accept it. Why did you leave without explaining anything? It's a good thing that we managed to find the answer, but what if we couldn't? back then.. we might never have you with us again!", Solar said to Taufan, a frustration that has been buried since a long time ago finally came out from his mouth.

"What if we decided to just continuing our live, forgetting about you..no, worse than that, what if we decided to hate you?!", Solar continues. Tears can be found on the corner of his eyes..

"..well, i don't think it's that bad if it turned out to be like that too..", Taufan answered. He didn't realize that two of his grumpy brothers' stare now looks piercing at him.

"As long as you guys are living happily, then my life is.. a little price?", Taufan explained with a soft chuckle, not realizing his brothers' reaction.

Sometimes it's funny how sharp is his intuition about the other's feelings but when it comes to himself, he is so oblivious.

"You--", Solar really want to give him a nice gentle punch, but Solar's hand got grabbed by a considerably cold hand, a smirking expression is painted on that face, that person is blocking Taufan from Solar's reach, making Solar unable to touch Taufan.

"i know that he is annoying, but don't try to hurt him.", That smirking person said with an unlikeable smile.

His red eyes looks piercing yet his expression looks playful, somehow it could only make him looks even more scary.

"Revan! It's okay, i know Solar wouldn't do anything that could harm me.", Taufan said as he tugged Revan's clothes, hoping that he can stop him.

"Well, it's difficult for me to protecting this oblivious, two faced , self sacrificing freak, so please be more careful with your action toward him.", Revan said, his red eyes is staring coldly at Solar.

Solar rarely feels intimidated like this, Gempa is the only person that can make him silent like this.

And Also Ice with his indifferent and savage commentary.

And the most similiar and memorable one is, back then, when Taufan made him feels like he is so wrong, this is the same feelings he got from Revan's action towards him.

"The reverse seems to have some similiarities with the original.", Solar sneered, they can't really tell if it's a compliment or a mockery.

"Well, of course. We share the same element.", Revan answered with a smug sneer.

Hali who has been silent, finally decided to open his mouth, "..i usually will be mad with this kind of rude behavior, and also..you mocked Taufan just now and i hated it. But because you played an important role to help us reviving him, i will pretend like i never saw your rudeness.", Hali said,

two pairs of red eyes is glaring at each other, one looks so serious and the other one looks miscievous.

"Oh, should i say thank you then?" Revan answered smugly, looking down at Taufan's older brother.

"Wait wait-- i don't understand?", Taufan said to them, after he died, he thought Revan died too. But it doesnt seems that simple?

"Well, we saw your reverse's memories inside the crystal cave. We saw everything.", Ice suddenly popped up as he lazily throw Mr.Sharkie to Taufan.

Taufan catches it and hugged it as tight as he could. Resting his chin on his favorite plushie.

Revan smiled, "too bad, your soul was all used to fight that villain so it's only mine that remained inside that crystals, and they could see it.", Revan said to Taufan.

Taufan gasped, "w-what? Why?" , Taufan never wished them to know about this, because he don't want them to see his vulnerable and 'pathetic' side.

"Well, thanks to that we finally understand the reason for your death.. and for your schemes.", Hali said to Taufan, somehow his eyes doesn't looks happy, if Taufan dare to guess, it looks like he is sad more than happy.

Taufan is silent, "but it's not your fault!" Taufan said to his brothers.

"Dont put on that sad face, it's not your fault,and also.. i'm here now. I'm fine, my memories is back, and i have you guys here..", Taufan said to his brothers, his deep blue eyes reflect his fear but also his determination.

His brothers is now silent, "then promise us.."

"Promise what?" , Taufan asked them.

"Promise us that you wont do that kind of dangerous thing alone again." , Hali said to Taufan as he grip his own sleeve.

Taufan smiled, "then you guys too. Don't ever endager yourself too."

The three brothers and even Revan sighed, they all seems helpless and done with Taufan's behavior, "..we will watch you closely." , Ice said to Taufan as he pinch Taufan's cheek.


Revan is lying down on a tree lazily, closing his eyes as he enjoyed the refreshing breeze.

"Boy, hey, that white haired boy, you are..Taufan's reverse right? Come here.", said a man that called him.

Revan rolled his eyes, he ignore the call and continue lazying around as he watch a butterfly that flied on top of him.

"Butterfly..what a nice color..", he said as he observe the butterfly that has a blue wings, the similiar color with Taufan's pupils.

Come to think of it.., the first owner of wind element is.. butterfly shaped alien or something..

"Flying freely, roaming the sky, yet butterfly's live span is short. They've just spent their dream life after a lot of struggles, but right after they get what they want..they died.", suddenly a voice said, the voice of a person that he share such a strong bond with.

"How pitiful, isn't it, the butterfly?" , Taufan said. Revan didn't know since when Taufan appeared next to him.

"Whats with the negative talk, its scary.", Revan said as he closed his eyes.

"What do you think about it Revan?", Taufan asked his reverse.

Revan change his position into the sitting one, he stare at the butterfly that fling away from them. "The butterfly is just like you."

"You achieved your wish and then you died..", Revan said, it's rare for Taufan to see such a solemn expression from his reverse.

Taufan chuckled, "is that so?"

"But their life is beautiful, and it's also meaningful. They roam the sky freely, they help the flowers to spread their seed..", Revan said to Taufan.

Taufan's eyes got wider, he is speechless. "Thank you..", Taufan said as he smiled.

Revan get up and begin to brush the dirt off from his clothes, "but you came back. You are no longer the butterfly that has a short life. No matter how much you get in danger, me and your brothers..wont let you go again. Not anymore.", he said to Taufan as he slap Taufan's back casually.

"And also, the similiarity of you from back then and the butterfly is, you cant fly high enough.. they can fly to wherever they can, not to wherever they want. They cant fly too high, they have to rest their wings on a little flowers.", Revan continues.

"But from now on, i will make sure that you wont have to be like that again. You dont have to restrain yourself again."

"Fly as high as you want, like an eagle or maybe a phoenix? Beat the wind, tell the sky that you are the king. You are as free as the wind, because you are the wind itself" , Revan said, he ruffle Taufan's hair as he walked away.

Taufan is standing still, he is too surprised with what Revan said.

His eyes lit up, he run with his full speed, he jump onto Revan's back "Teacher! Give me your wisdom! You are the best teacher!" , Taufan said as he let our a cheerful laugh.

Revan sneered, "you just realize it now? I'm your best teacher, that's the fact."


"Taufan,why is your reverse is so harsh to me?", Amato whined as he put his face on the table.


"I asked him to help around and he said i have to be berdikari." , Amato said as he acted like he is hurt.

"Oh dear, mister i'm so sorry to make you sad like that, it's just..hmm i'm just repeating the things that you always said to your sons no?", Revan said as he brought two cups of hot chocolate, giving Taufan one cup and drinking the other one.

"See, Taufan, your reverse is so cruel!", Amato said as he hugged Taufan pitifully.

Taufan let out a helpless laugh, "father, you are heavy.", Taufan said, gently pushing his father away so that he will stop hugging him.

"But Taufan's reverse is not wrong tho.", Ice said.

"He said the truth, why are you acting like you are the victim anyway?", Hali said to his father as he frowned his eyebrows.

"You guys, don't be too cruel on him, look at him, he said we have to be 'berdikari' yet he is the one who whines so much", Gempa said as he let out his 'gentle' smile.

"And also father, stop saying things like that, Taufan's reverse is not bad, he helped Taufan, and also he is the one who helped us when you are busy with your work.", Gempa continues, giving more damage for his Father's heart.

"I'm so sorry sons, please dont punish me like this! Aba, please help me", Amato said as he whines to Tok Aba.

"Your sons is even more mature than you, you have to learn from your sons Amato.", Tok Aba said, ignoring his Son's whines.

"And also, Revan is a good boy, he helped me and he take care of Taufan well.", Tok Aba said as he grinned proudly.

Revan smiled at him, "thank you Atok, i know which people i should respect and which i should not, and Atok is one of the person that i admire."

Taufan laughed, "whoa Revan, who teach you to be this smooth?", Taufan asked teasingly.

"You of course.", Revan answered.

"Good,good, i'm proud. Atok, do you mind if you have one more grandson?", Taufan asked Tok Aba with his playful tone.

Atok grinned and nodded, "of course, if Revan is willing to help around the stall." He said.

All of the elemental brothers is relieved that Taufan's behavior is slowly getting more and more cheerful, just like before, when he still doesn't have a heavy burden on his shoulder.

He still hides so many things regarding his struggle with his smile, and he always hides whats in his mind,but they believe that one day, he will trust them enough to share his burden with them.

- Ending 2, fin.

//Author's note//

2221 words, omg so long! Thank you guys for always accompanying me and this fic till now! Taufan finally got the happy ending he deserves, i hope you guys satisfied with this ending.

There'll be an extra chapter, so stay tune!

And please ask anything you want to Taufan,Revan and the elemental brothers here! They will answer it on the next chapter.

See you!

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