welcome home, our 'Taufan'

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Taufan rushed to his brothers that was searching for him.

"Taufan where were you?! You haven't drink your medicine and supplement yet! Here, drink this.", Solar said as he gave Taufan two different pills.

Taufan take one of it and began to drink it, "it's bitter.", Taufan whined.

He then drink the supplement that Solar prepared by himself, his eyes got wider when the supplement went inside his mouth, "this--!"

"It tastes like candy!", Taufan said, his face brighten. He is tired with all of those bitter pills, so when he taste a sweet things like this,he became so excited.

Solar rub his own nape, "i thought you hates the bitter taste of those pills so much..so i tried to add some flavour into the supplement."

Taufan's deep blue eyes lighten, his hand patted Solar's head, he softly chuckled, "you've grown up so much, Solar.", Taufan proudly smiled.

"Huh?", Solar is dumfounded.

The other brothers that has completed the mission is now gathered around them.

"You guys are here, i thought something happened, the house is empty so i got worried..", Gempa said as he let out a sigh of relief.

"Gempa!", Taufan rushed as he hugged Gempa.

Gempa is startled, "what's the matter Taufan?", he asked with a slightly concerned voice but he returned the hug, he gently patted Taufan's back.

"No..i just missed you.", Taufan said.

"But we were just helping the neighbor's cat--", Hali said, but his voice got cutted when Taufan use a huge force and hugged him, Hali almost fell because of the sudden force.

"Thank you Hali..for being a good older brother for them while i'm gone.", Taufan said as he smiled.

"Taufan,you..", Ice walking toward Taufan, only to receive Taufan's hug too.

"I'm such a greedy person, am i right?", he asked Ice, his eyes reflected the gentleness and also longing in it.

Ice's light blue eyes got wider, "Taufan..", he said, his indifferent voice filled with hope.

Taufan chuckled as he pinched Solar's cheeks, "...how have you been, cocky brother? Oh, now you've grown up so much, you are no longer that cocky brother that i've scolded, now you are a reliable and hardworking brother..", he asked his youngest brother who is standing still in front of him, Solar's face looks like he can't believe these things.

Solar stare at Taufan, indeed, the image of the playful older brother that somehow mature inside is back, Taufan's deep blue pupils stare at Solar's eyes with such a gentle stare.

Solar's tears fell, "..you are Taufan-"

To be honest, deep down, Taufan's brothers wished that Taufan will regain his memories, because they believe that Taufan would want it too.

But they thought, maybe it's better for Taufan to stay the way he is because those memories might have hurted him, and they never wanted him to get hurt again.

Living with 'Taufan' thats more naive and clueless is more than enough.

But then.., Taufan's memories seems to be back.

They can feel that their heart beating so fast, hoping that their assumption is true.

"You are back- you are Taufan!", Blaze exclaimed as he suddenly rushed toward Taufan, jumping and suddenly hugging him, Thorn followed him and jumped as well, but then a swirling wind appeared around Taufan as a figure formed from that wind.

Everyone is startled when it's not Taufan that Thorn hugged, instead, a hand of a person wearing a long black cloak.

"I'm not trying to intrude this touching reunion, but if both of you jump onto him like that, he will fell and injure himself again. Please do understand.", that person smirked, a white hair that shines because of the reflection of the sunlight, and the gleaming red eyes. His expression looks confident and playful, yet they can feel the coldness and ruthless aura from him.

Taufan chuckled, "i remembered everything now.."

"All the things that i forgot, now i regained all of that.", Taufan said as he pat Blaze's hair that still hugging him.

"But who is this person?", Blaze asked Taufan, he instinctively put himself in front of Taufan so that the person wont hurt Taufan.

"Ah, i forgot, i'm Your brother's teacher, and also his reverse, he called me Revan. It's nice to meet you, i guess?", he said as he smiled, his smile thought, looks annoying for them.

"I'm sorry for forgetting so many things and i made you guys worried...", Taufan smiled to all of his brothers.

"Gempa, did you guys live happily after that event?", Taufan asked, tears is about to fell from the corner of his eyes.

Gempa shook his head, "of course not, Taufan, you were so cruel", Gempa said as he hugged Taufan, he cried loudly in Taufan's embrace.

"How can you expect us to live happily without you?", he complained as he sobbed.

The usual dependable brother is not here, Gempa now looks like the ordinary younger brother for Taufan.

Taufan smiled, he glance at Revan for a bit, Revan smiled as he disappeared.

Hali walked toward them too, he hugged Taufan and Gempa as his tears fell, "...welcome home, Taufan."

Taufan smiled, "be it the me without those memories, or this me, as long as you guys here, i'm always home.", he said as he hugged the two of his brothers.

Ice hugged Taufan too, he want to say many things, but maybe because his feelings is too complicated, he can only hug him tightly, "..Don't ever do that kind of things again.."

"Yes! Don't do those things anymore!", Blaze said to Taufan as he hugged them tightly.

Taufan smiled, "well, back then that's the only solution i knew..", Taufan answered as he let out a soft chuckle.his hand is busy patting the back of his brothers that still hugging him tightly.

"Solar,Thorn..come here too.", Taufan called the name of their youngest brothers, both of them rushed and joined the big group hug.

"I'm home guys..", Taufan said with a warm voice.


Author's note :

Im so sorry to disappeared for so long, i havent answered your comments from the last chapters too im soo sorry pls forgive me 😭😭😭

Things was so hectic these past few days, lots of problem happens and i waited for it to died down as i tried to solve some of it.

Tbh, i've wrote this chapters since 10 days ago i think? But because im not in my best condition physically and mentally back then, im afraid that this chapter wont satisfy you so i waited for myself to heal first i hope you guys understand 😭😭😭

And also i've been busy preparing for my uni stuffs too... i just hope that everything will go well.

And there's still a closing chapter maybe 1-3 chapter(s) i dont know lets see 😌 i hope you guys will enjoy this story till the end ❤ thank you for staying with me! Forgive me for disappearing and also see you on the next chap!!

Stay safe! Stay healthy and dont forget to wash your hands.

And also i really wish to hear your opinion about this fic's taufan and revan.. i will try to use these informations for my future project (royal au and any other headcanon inside my head)

You guys can write your opinion in the comment section or maybe dm me, or maybe i'll put more detailed questions in the upcoming chapters.

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