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Taufan could hear a footstep approching him. He slightly open his eyes, his head is still leaning on Hali's shoulder.

Hali's expression looks like a cat who met their enemy, Taufan then throw a glance at the figure who got the full of despise glare from Hali, it's Solar.

He is standing in front of them, Ice calmly stare at him without having any intention to open the conversation.

The boy with a white outfit's gaze looks..quite over confident. He is looking down at the three of them who is currently relaxing on the sofa.

Taufan let out an 'oh' sound and began to chuckle.

"I'm wondering why you have that scary expression on your face, don't stare at our youngest brother like that,Hali." Taufan smile as he retract his head from Hali's shoulder.

"What do you want? Stop staring at us with that cocky expression of yours.", Hali said with an annoyed tone.

Ah, this two really didn't have a good relationship at first.

Taufan helplessly smile as he stare at his two brothers who is currently exchanging a glare.

But i could still remember how painful was your expression, when our youngest brother died, Hali. Taufan smiled.

"Now, do you need something?", Taufan asked Solar with his usual smile, trying to break the tense atmosphere.

"You..", Solar said, his gaze is locked at Taufan's figure.

"If i'm not wrong, i've already introduced myself to you, but it's okay, i will introduce myself again in case you forgot about my name, i'm Taufan, the second oldest element, can i help you?", Taufan said, he gave him his indifferent smile but it feels cold.

Hali forgot that Taufan can be like this, he can see Ice whose eyes get a little wider because of this.

Ice smirked, but he quickly covered his mouth with Mr.Whale.

Solar furrowed his eyebrows, "i didn't forget.", he said with an annoyed tone.

"Oh!", Taufan said as he fake his surprised reaction.

"I thought you forget that i have a name because you call me with 'you' even thought i've already introduce myself to you. I'm sorry, hehe. My bad.", Taufan said with a laugh.

The Reverse inside him chuckled, "so you have this kind of behavior too.."

Taufan smiled, "of course, everyone is too soft to our youngest brother, if i want him to not causing any trouble because of his cockiness, at least i should do this much.", he answered to the Reverse inside him.

"So, what do you want to ask, Solar?", Taufan asked him.

"You are the one who know it, right? How did you know?", Solar asked Taufan with an annoyed voice, he still can't get over Taufan's sarcastic commentary.

He thought Taufan is like another simple minded brothers he have like Blaze or Thorn, but his prediction is wrong.

Ice is staring at them, after Solar bringing that Topic, he listen to their conversation seriously.

"Know about what?", Taufan asked as he put his index finger on his chin.

"About you need me to appear before we could use a second tier.", Solar said to him, his gaze is piercing.

Taufan gave him that again. That unreadable smile. "Guess~" he said as he walked forward.

"I'm gonna go to our cute brothers, i promised them to go play with them.", Taufan said as he walk past Solar.

Solar's expression is getting more annoyed, he pull Taufan's hand. "You haven't answered me!"

Taufan stopped his step, he glance at his youngest brother, his blue eyes seems cold. "You should learn a little bit about manner first. I'm not obliged to answer someone who can't even ask with some manner.", Taufan answered to him.

Am i being too cold? He thought.

But he is kinda get pissed with Solar's behavior.

Maybe it's because he know that this behavior of his youngest brother will lead his brothers into danger.

Or maybe it's because he feel envious? Because he is strong and smart, he can be cocky and here he is, weak and stupid, he have to be on everyone's good side.

Taufan lightly shook his head to get rid of that thoughts. He is your brother,Taufan. He said to himself.

Solar let out a sneer, "i thought you are just an airheaded type just like Blaze and Thorn."

Taufan's smile frozen, as his older brother, am i allowed to hit his head?

"Tell me the answer.", Solar said to Taufan as he give him a cold stare.

Taufan pull his own hand from Solar's grip, he gave him his proffessional smile. "About that thing, shouldn't you ask to Ochobot instead?"

"I'm asking you!", the Solar answered him.

Taufan chuckled, "i am but a mere airhead, no?", Taufan answered him as he pat Solar's shoulder.

"See you later, youngest brother.", He said as he walk away.

He wave his hand to Hali with a big smile, and then he stare at Ice. Their eyes locked.

Let's play pretend again,Ice. Taufan thought as he smiled and wave his hand to Ice too.

Ice let out a faint smirk, he is Taufan after all. He thought as he lazily wave back to Taufan.

Solar is still standing there, he looks furious.

Hali walk past him and leave the room, leaving only Ice and Solar.

Ice stand up from the sofa, he hug the blue whale plushie lazily.

He then stand in front of Solar.

"Dearest brother , What do you think About our wind brother?", Ice asked him with lazy tone.

Before Solar could answer, Ice already patted his shoulder, "he is really good at keeping secret, you know~"

Ice's pair of light blue eyes is now staring on Solar's golden eyes. "He may seems like an airhead, but he is much more than that."

"If you asked him like that, he won't tell you the truth.", Ice smiled as he play with a little water bubble on his palm.

He then walked past him, "ah, one more thing..."

"He is right, you should learn about manner, after all you are one of us."

"No one will give you a friendly answer if you asked like that, got it, Solar?", Ice said as he opened the door.

"Not even a person with a smile as his mask.", Ice said coldly.

"Ah, but don't get me wrong, we all love you, you are our brother after all." , Ice smiled, the door is closed after he said that.

In that room,Solar stood still quietly for a while.

//Author's note//

I managed to update hehehe UwU
Thank you for staying with me guys! I hope you will enjoy this chapter 💕💕

I'm in the mood to write Taufan's not so good Attitude (its for their brother's sake too but oh well)

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