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Taufan leave his room after taking a quick shower, he hug Ice's whale plushie as he walked casually.

"Good morning~", he greeted his brothers in the living room, they're all immersed in their books.

"Ah,Taufan! Good morning.", Gempa greeted him.

"How are your condition?", Gempa asked him as he put on the bookmark on his book.

"I'm completely recovered!", Taufan exclaimed and he hop around.

"Ice~ here!", Taufan returned his favorite plushie to him.

"I have a good sleep because of him.", Taufan smiled, he give his brother a big grin.

Ice stare at him for a bit, his expression is indifferent. After a while he take his whale plushie, he smiled, "i told you don't i? He is fluffly."

Taufan smiled, "yes!" , he show him his big grin.

At least Ice know that Taufan is really in a good mood right now.

Hali approach them, he pat Taufan's head from behind, making Taufan startled, "wh- oh, it's you Hali, good morning!", Taufan greeted him.

"You are in a good mood?", Hali asked Taufan.

Taufan nodded, "you know me so well~ yes, it's all thanks to Mr.Whale", Taufan answered cheerfully.

"Mr.Whale?, you mean Ice's plushie?", Hali asked as he stole a glance at the plushie that is now in Ice's embrace again.

Taufan nodded, "anyway, i'm hungry, did you guys finished eating breakfast?"

Gempa smiled, "nope, we are waiting for you."

"Oh- sorry for keeping yo-", his words got cutted.

Suddenly, Hali take Taufan's hat and ruffle his hair. "Thank you for waiting. Isn't it's better than saying sorry?"

Taufan is surprised for a little bit, he then let out his grin again, "thank you!"


"Oh! So to control fire better i have to control my breath first!", Blaze exclaimed excitedly.

Taufan chuckled when he heard that, "do you enjoy reading that book?", he asked as he patted Blaze's head.

"Yes! It's easy to understand, now i'm gonna be the smartest in this land." , Blaze said as he puffed his chest.

Ice haven't commented on his brother's sentence yet because a strong blinding light suddenly appeared from Gempa's watch.

Taufan gulped, here you are, Solar.

"Huh, what is this?!" , Gempa is surprised by the sudden light coming from his watch.

Taufan walked away, "i'm gonna call Ochobot first.", Taufan said as he go to the door.

Just right after he leave the room, he bumped with Ochobot who looks like he is in a rush.

"He appeared.", Taufan said to him with a smile.

Ochobot is silent, he stare at Taufan.

"Don't look at me with that face, come on,we gotta greet him.", Taufan said to him as he dragged Ochobot's hand.

"What about you?", Ochobot asked Taufan, his voice sounds serious.

Taufan is silent, he gave him a smile, "what about me?", he asked him with a fake confused voice.

"Anyway, let's go!", Taufan ignore Ochobot's question and drag him.

The door Opened, in front of him is standing a boy wearing a white outfit, his face looks indiferent and full of confidence.

Blaze and Thorn is already circling around that person with awe.

"Whoa, what happened here?", Taufan asked them, he walked closer.

Ochobot scanned the new person in front of him, the data about him is now on his display.

"A light element, source of existence : knowledge." ,Ochobot said as he read the data.

"Whoa! So cool! What is your name?", Thorn asked him.

"Solar, my name is Solar.", That boy answered with confidence.

Taufan smiled, "nice to meet you, I'm Taufan.", Taufan said as he offer a handshake.

His youngest sibling stare at him with an indifferent,cocky yet curious expression, "Solar." He greeted Taufan with a cold voice.

Taufan still smiled, this kind of attitude is nothing for him. Rather than that he is more interested in Hali's expression.

He looks annoyed, well they are both rival after all.

Taufan chuckled, "now that you are here, we can finally use our second tier.. or i hope so."

Taufan retract his handshake, his hand slightly trembles.

You freakin nightmare just doesn't want to leave me alone, aren't you?

Taufan smiled, he gripped his palm.

Well, it's been a while, since i saw that cocky face of yours, youngest brother.

Taufan is sitting on the sofa, lazily watching his brothers who excitedly welcoming their youngest sibling.

Hali approach him and sit beside him, "taufan, what do you think about him?", Hali asked Taufan as he drink his cocoa drink.

Taufan take a sip of Hali's cocoa drink, "hmm, he is full of confidence, smart, stubborn.."

"You seems like you've known him.", Hali said, he took his cocoa drink from Taufan's hand.

"Well, Ochobot told me about him.", Taufan answered calmly.

He already prepared himself so that he could respond calmly and not causing any suspicion.

Ice throw himself on the sofa, he sit beside Taufan, now Taufan is between his grumpy brother and his lazy brother.

"You are done greeting him?", Taufan asked Ice.

"Yes~", Ice answered lazily.

"Finally no more books for us.", Ice said as he stretched his body.

Taufan chuckled, "indeed, now our youngest brother will do the studying for us."

Ice's pair of blue eyes is observing Taufan, and then he close his eyes as he lean his chin on Mr.Whale's body.

"Ah it reminds me..", Ice said.

"Hali, you said to me back then that there is two other figures in your nightmare that you didn't know, right?", Ice asked him.

Hali is surprised for a second, he awkwardly scratch his nape, his gaze is on Taufan, "..yeah."

"One of them is Thorn, right?", Ice said as he lazily hug his Whale plushie.

Taufan's smile is frozen, Ice.. can you please give me a break?

Hali still feels uncomfortable because he is afraid that Taufan will get affected by this, but he answered anyway, he really want to understand more too after all. "..yeah."

Ice chuckled, he opened his eyes, his blue eyes is now on Hali's figure. "Then tell me, was the other person is our youngest brother?"

Hali sip his cocoa drink, "..yes."

Ice is waiting for Taufan's reaction, but Taufan didn't react about this conversation.

Taufan took Hali's cocoa drink again and took a sip of that drink, he looks calm and collected.

I somehow expect this kind of reaction too, Ice thought.

This is Taufan after all.

Taufan chuckled, "i wonder how their second tier outfit will looks like?"

"I'm about to forget our second tier outfits too.", Taufan said as he close his eyes.

"Hali, lend me your shoulder. I'm gonna rest for a bit.", he said as he put his head on Hali's shoulder.

Your shoulder is not as soft as Mr.Whale. taufan thought as he suddenly chuckled.

Well,that nightmare is too difficult to hide. He thought as he assured himself.

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