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 Hello there, my fellow companions on earth. I would like to make a quick announcement on what I was doing past these months.

 As most of you know, I've been not uploading anything. So I've decided that I would inform you about some things.

 First off, I'm working on a story, after a full load-up of learning some really good grammar in the new school I'm attending, I've really come a huge way through this one semester, as most of you can see.

 Much to my dismay, these lessons kept me working on articles about projects. I've helped some students that have just started doing projects for about... two months? I don't know anymore hahaha. That of course really tired me lol

 I'm also working on doing my best at school, cuz, I've got a damn 100 percent scholarship and damn that's amazing for such a school. I've also got a cat (it's a village cat xD) that I take care of at school! He sometimes visits me uwu

 I'm also attending to a club at school. It's called JMUN, maybe some of you heard of it. It's basically United Nations, but a middle school version of it. What we do is, we pick up a problem that has to be worthy enough to be talked about. For example, "Payment differences according to genders". Then we talk about it, of course in English, then after a whole two days of discussing, we'll be asked to write a resolution paper. That's much about it. It was an amazing experience, except for the fact that our school brought us back to school only to have an exam that's not very necessary in the middle of the conference. I really hate my school for that :). (Like, there was actually a chance for me to be the Best Delegate! Thanks for taking that away from me, school!)

 And then there's this club I also attend to at my school called "Destination Imagination". To be honest, I think it's a stupid club that is nowhere near necessary, but I had to join it in order to join JMUN conferences. Anyway I got sick at the middle of the competition, puked about five times, and slept the following days sick in my cozy bed.

 Then, there was a project about physics, I won't go in details, but that kind of didn't work out so I dumped that off lol.

 And, there's ONE MORE project about physics, again, I won't go in details. I actually, me and my friends didn't really do the project, but we'll help presenting it.

 Now, one of the most important things about projects are presenting them, and sometimes it can come out hard. But when you are experienced enough, you'll do just fine! We'll be representing in a short time so I still need to get ready for that haha.

 After a while of resting from everything, I won an English letter writing competition, which I was not really expecting...

 The good thing about this is the whole school, yes even the fifth graders have joined it and oh goodness, that makes a lot of people. And I got a profit of 75 TL's, so... that's nice!!! (75 Turkish liras is about 12-13 dollars)

 After everything the World has witnessed, us, Turkish's have witnessed some horrible events too. We heccing had a 6.8 earthquake what the hecc---

 Well that earthquake was in the east part of the country, and since my city is on the line too, we've been having really big earthquakes for a while. We've even seen 5.2 here which is quite big. Buildings had to be destroyed in the east in order to build newer ones. A lot of people were stuck under buildings after the earthquakes tho, but thankfully, almost all of them were able to survive and deaths were quite low.

 After all these earthquakes, one of my dearest friends came up and said, "Hey wanna do a project?" and I immediately went "yes" because of how much I love her and the subject was the exact definition of perfect. We only have 13 days left and we're not done yet so we're kind of rushing lol. We'll go to a city near us and compete against really good projects if we make it out of the election of projects and be able to pass the first impressions :)

 And, lastly, I'm going to...





So about that, it's an Erasmus programme, so I won't be paying anything except for the money I can bring as a plus. So hecc yeah! Free traveling!!!

 I'll also be staying at a european house that I've never been to and the child in the house could be way more little than I am and the Finnish's are a little bit, okay let's get real, really cold (okay, usually), so I'm kind of scared--

 Also how will I take a bath in a stranger's house--

 So the programme is about robotics and coding, which I'm trying to master at together with Biology, so it's a good opportunity for me! WOHOO




 I'll be going on 29th of March and will come back on 5th of April so there's a caffeine effect on me 7/24 nowadays lol

 I think that's all, thanks for bearing with my -longest possible- A/N chapter, hope I'll get enough motivation for my next update, hope that everything will be fine for me, hope that I won't die-

 Okay that's definitely enough.

 Take care and,

Stay hydrated!


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