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((Lol sorry guys! I forgot to update the other dare so... ^^|| you should read back the last one))
This a dare that I haven't done.. sorry Athea for the wait!!! Knightress_01


Luna: what's up Athea!

Athea: *has orange hair with golden and pink streaks and cyan blue eyes* hey there Luna! I have a dare for you and the BBBs!

Luna: which is?

Athea: lets cosplay the decedents!

Luna: Oh~! Sure!!

Athea: get ready! I'll wait you guys at the park! *disappears*

Luna: Mkay~!

Back at the BBBs house

Luna; *breaks down the door* BOYS!

Earthquake: not the door again! *wiping the windows*

Thunderstorm: *leaning against the wall reading his book* hm?

Ice: *still sleeping, slowly wakes up and looks at Luna lazily*

Cyclone and Blaze: *watching TV, turns to look* yea?

Thorn: *on the fan, sitting there, looks at Luna* owo?

Solar: *sitting on the stairs, taking selfies* what is it dear~? *post it in IG and text someone*

Luna: we got a dare to cosplay as the decedents

Blaze and Cyclone: REALLY!? HOLD UP! *rushes up stairs bumping into Solar in the process*

Solar: OOF?! *brush his shoulder then shakes head* usual

Luna: Okay..? So... Thunderstorm you will be Jay

Thunderstorm: *nods then walks to his room*

Luna: Earthquake you will be Ben

Earthquake: Ben? The Prince? Alright ^^ *walks to his room*

Luna: erm~ Thorn and Solar you two will be Doug for Thorn.. and Solar you will be Harry

Thorn: owo sure

Solar: Harry? Oh! Sure! I would love that!

Luna: then.. Ice you will be.. Gill

Ice: ...why

Luna: cause why not?

Ice: ...fine

Luna: and then—

Blaze: *pop out from nowhere wearing a Carlos costume* Heyo!!!

Luna: what—

Cyclone: *appears to from nowhere, wearing Prince Chad costume* hello there princess~

Luna: —the heck... anyways.. I'm going to cosplay as Evie *teleports away*

Hours later

Luna: everyone done?

BBB7; Yeah

Luna: then let's go! *teleports everyone to the park*

At the park

Ari: *in Uma costume* ...weird

Athea: *looks at the time, tapping foot impatiently* where are they?

Luna: *teleports in front of Athea and smiles* hey there Mal!

Athea: *wearing a Mal costume* oh Evie! Finally you're here!

Luna: same goes to the others!

Thorn and Solar: *sitting on then bench* Wow~

Blaze and Cyclone: *hanging upside down on the tree* OwO Yay~

Earthquake and Thunderstorm: *standing on the ground, looking around*

Ice: *on the floor, sleeping* Zzzzzz

Athea: you guys will be wearing this for a week!

Ari: *groans* whyyyyyy

Athea: -w- reasons

Ari: ==.. I'm going back home *walks away*

Athea: aw...

BBB6: *sweatdrops* Okay

Luna: so that means.. until the third dare or truth I guess?

Athea: yep!

Luna: alright then

Thorn: •w• should we do the other dare?

Luna: what dare— oh yea!! Sure~ *snaps fingers then Earthquake turns into a little child*

Earthquake: um.. what happen? *turn into a three year old, looks at them*

Athea: *squeaks* aw!! *scoops Earthquake up and hugs him* cute!

Thunderstorm: that.. just happen...

Luna: It's was a dare from Kath(JAYALISYA ) so yea

Cyclone: is Quake gonna stay like for..?

Luna: until the next dare

Blaze: Oh~ Wait.. who will cook for us?

Luna: hm... OwO maybe Thunder?

BBB6 and Athea minus Luna: *looks at Thunderstorm* you can cook?

Thunderstorm: ==||| not that much..

Luna: Okay that settles it!

Earthquake: *got nuzzled by Athea* uhhh.. guys..

All: *looks at Earthquake* yea?

Earthquake: where's Ice?

All: . . .OH NO!


Ice: *sleeping on the car sit* Zzzzzz...

?: *looks behind the sit with a grin* his a heavy sleeper alright

??: *looks at ?* Yep, that's why I kidnap him

?: oh~ *looks back in front, fold arms* good at finding one of the BBBs

??: oh it was easy I might say~ since he is also one of the weakest out of all the BBBs *continue driving faster*


Well that is the end! Hope you enjoy~ and I didn't make that long cause.. I'm lazy

what will happen to Ice?
Will the others save him in time?
Who will save him?

Solar: *texting then saw the message* huh? *taps on it and reads* ["if you want your precious brother Ice back.. come here at XXXXX before midnight.. alone.. just you no one else"] *deletes the message, puts phone away then grabs his cloak* .... *orange vision covering his eyes* I'm coming Ice *disappears in a speed of light*

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