HOT HOT HOT- *dies*

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(Don't play the song till the end of the dare, if you are at the end of the dare which is who won then you can play it)
((And.. sorry DragonKiller249 if your character doesn't act like one!))

Guys! Remember the competition? Well I would give you time till my school reopens so don't rush! You still have time! You can remake it if you feel like it needs improvements!

Author out~!

Before any incident happen

Luna: Wait.. why Do we have to do this dare?

Dragon: *have purple eyes with sparkly galaxy hair* cause I'll be joining too!

Luna: TwT I'm gonna die

Dragon: oh! Even the Author have to join!

Wait, WHAT!?

Dragon: wow same kind of reaction like Luna, but come on! Let's do it together!

Nope Nope nope nope nope *disappears*

Dragon: aw...

Luna: =^=||| lets get it started!


Dragon: *appears in the living room with a speaker, looks around and saw all of them sleeping in different places* huehuehue *switch on the speaker then shouts in it* RISE AND SHINE!

BBB6: *jolts up* HUWAAAA—

Thorn: *fell down from the table* oof! QwQ

Solar: *fell down from the chair he was sleeping on* ow?!

Blaze: *came rolling down the stairs* ow ow ow ow ow

Cyclone: *fell off the fan and hits the floor, face first* ouch...

Earthquake: *accidentally cuts....... a fish* !?

Thunderstorm: *roll down from the couch and hits the floor* ==...

Ice: Zzzzzz...

Dragon; *sweatdrops looking at Ice still sleeping* his still asleep..

Luna: *teleports into the room and saw* •~• what happen?

Thunderstorm: *grumbles* life..

Luna: •~•|||| *looks at Dragon* did you wake them up with a speaker?

Dragon: |||||| n-no *throws the speaker away*

Luna: Mkay~

Earthquake: *came in and looks at Dragon* ^^|| um.. can you explain why you wake us up?

Dragon: yea! It's.... um... why did I came here again?

BBB6 and Luna: *falls down anime style* aduiiiiiiii ma..

Dragon: oh! Now I remember!

Luna: *stands up* which is..?

BBB6: *stands up as well* ??

Dragon: you guys have to eat spicy noodle! No drinking is allow! Who is the last wins the challenge! And I'll join just to make it fair

Luna: QwQ my life


Ice: Zzzzzz


All: *sitting on the chair and a table in front of them with a spicy noodle, gulps*

Dragon: alright! Let's start it.. in three...

Luna: I'm dead..

Blaze and Cyclone: TwT helpppp

Solar: bye bye my fabulous fans.. I'll be dead

Thunderstorm: == woi

Dragon: two...

Thorn: •w•?

Earthquake: ^^|||

Ice: *stares at the noodle..*

Dragon: ONE!

All: *eats the noodle*

Half way through

Luna: *already dead on the floor* @-@b I'm okay!

Thunderstorm: *dash to the toilet to puke*

Blaze: BULTAORUNE!!!!!!(It's on Fire) *breaths fire*

Cyclone: *singing fire* FIREEEEEEEEEEEEEE!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luna, Thunder, Blaze and Cy is out!

Almost in the end

Dragon: *dies, on the chair looking dead, mouth apart* hot.. hot.. hot...

Solar: oh my... *dramatically faints*

Earthquake: *leaning against the chair, fanning self* to hot...

Dragon, Sol and Quake is out!

Remaining Ice and Thorn!!

Ice: *keeps on eating with no complaining* .... *but soon faints because of the hotness*

Ice is out! Looks like the winner is Thorn!

Thorn: *still eating* OwO I don't get it.. why does it called spicy when it's not?

All: *anime fall* terbaik lah Thorn~


is everyone....

worried about..


No one?

Really no one?

Oh.. well..


a surprise..

I never really thought..

that no one cares about him..


*looks at somewhere* ......

After the incident

?: oh boy.. will we ever find him? *look at the readers with golden eyes* looks like.. they are after us again.. and kidnap Ice.. *wearily smiles* life is repeating it self..

???: *crying uncontrollably, hugging self while looking at a photo* where are you.. *looks up at the readers with sky blue eyes* please help us..

??????: *laying down on the couch, hugging it while crying silently, looks at the readers with green eyes* help...

??: Tch.. *punch another wall leaving a crack this time* ...stupid self... I should've check.. I'm the worst.. *death glares at the readers with deep lighting red eyes* don't give me any pity looks

??: *in his room, curls up into a ball on his bed, hugging a photo tight, bangs cover eyes, hands clenching a bit* looks like... no body cares about Ice.. *looks at the readers with teary-blazing orange eyes* ....he is never the weak one between all of us, his strong.. he just.. have problems.. that he can't even express.. and now he is gone.. and I can't find him.. are you happy? (Asking you readers)

Meanwhile.. somewhere far.. away..

Solar: *walking into the forest, looking down at his phone* (Tch... if that guy touch Ice I would kill them..) *keeps on walking*

Mika; *in his fox form while following Solar has a purple scarf tied around his neck* Calm down Solar. We will find him for sure.

Solar: *looks down at Mika and sighs* thanks for tagging along.. I can't do this alone anyways.. *keeps on walking*

Mika: *heard and nods* No need for your thank yous. I did this for you after all. Your my longest friend and Ice is your brother. Hmm *looking around while tailing Solar from behind* Where are we heading tho?

Solar: whatever you say then.. *heard then stops in front of a warehouse* this...

Mika: *saw* ....the warehouse huh... looks old and abandon to me.. *jumps and lands on Solar's shoulder* Your going in?

Solar: *felt shoulder weight a bit, side glance at Mika* what do you think? Of course I am *push open then door and wents in*

Mika: *heard* heh, That's the spirit *grins, saw solar opens the door* hmmm this place is seriously dangerous... they could be anywhere to ambush us.. *wraps tail around Solar's neck while eyeing around* watch your steps Solar.. you won't know if there are any traps around here... *growls slightly*

Solar: *felt tail wrap around neck, heard then nods* I know *keeps on walking cautiously*

Mika: hm.. ah... over there *points at a door that is slightly open, with some lights are kept away from the room*

Solar: *hides behind the door, peeks and saw..*

?: *got blast to the wall, breaks down from the ice then walks back again at Ice who is tied up to the chair with his pupil dilated a bit* heh.. is that that you called strong?

Ice: T-tsk... *struggles to get free*

Mika: *saw* ?! *whispers in a low tone* Ice..

??: *the one tying Ice to the chair, pulling on the chains harshly* hmph.. You are not going to harm any of us here.. or we will do the same to you *grins darkly*

Solar: (Tch.. them again..)

?: *lifts Ice's chin up then glance down at his eyes and saw* Oo~ looks like he can't control himself this time~

Ice: Tsk.. *harshly moves his head away from ?, tries to calm down but fail*

Mika: *growls lowly in anger*

??: You poor little boy~ I wonder what else can we do with you *grinning*

Ice: you can't do anything! *kind of yell but then flinch as he felt the fire touching his skin*

?: *hand wreathed in red flame, slightly touching Ice's cheek* better calm down~ I know you hate fire~ *strips Ice's clothing off, only leaving him in his pants* oh what do we have here?

Ice: *on his body, multiple cuts and bruises are visible, looking away while gritting teeth*

Solar: *eyes widen, covers mouth in shock* (I-Ice..?)

Mika: *saw and eyes widen in shocked* Ice.. Those cuts..

??: Mmm~ what a waste of skin~ *traces fingers on Ice's body* alot of scars~ whats up with that~? Hm~?

Ice: *felt fingers tracing on body, shivers a bit but keep looking away, bite bottom lip*

?: don't tell us.. *whispers into Ice's ear* you are jealous of your brothers..

Ice: *eyes widen but then shakes head while hat covering his eyes*

Solar: (what.. jealous?) *keeps observing them..*

Mika: ..... (Whatever is going on in there.. its not going to be good...) *looks at Solar* .... *looks around the place while scanning, heard something*

??: *chuckles* What are you so jealous about~? Why dont u share some with us ey~? *removes Ice's cap and throws it aside*

Solar: .... *heard the same sound* huh?

Ice: *cap got thrown aside* you cross the line... *glares at them with icy blue eyes pupil dilated and the twin snowflake symbol gone* ..and so you face the consequences *glance up and saw*

Snowfox: *growls, jumps down while glaring at ?? And ?* ... *tackles ? And throws her across the room*

Icewolf: *beside Solar and Mika, looks at them* (save Ice we'll take care of them.. there is more in here then you see.. go) *runs in and tackles ? Down while biting him*

?: what the— *got tackled down and bite* GAHHHHH— *struggling*

??: *got tackled down* GAH?! *got thrown across the room n hits the wall and falls on the ground* tch!

Mika: *heard Icewolf* ... mhm *gets down from Solar and changes to his normal form, wearing a different type of clothing like an assassin one and has a purple scarf tied around neck* hmph! *summons his Azure Soul blades then glares at ?? Who is charging after self charges after her* Solar! Save Ice!! I'll distract her!

Solar: *saw* woah... *nods* alright! *runs to Ice then looks at his eyes that are still the same* Ice..

Ice: *looks away, hair is half white* ..I can do this alone.. I don't want your help.. I'm useless.. weak— *got hugged* !?

Solar: *hugging Ice, looks down at him* Ice.. please.. don't say that.. you are strong just the way you are.. you don't need to show us.. we already know.. *carries Ice bridal style then runs* Mika! Meet me back at where I found you! *dash out*

S.F: *following whole guarding Solar and Ice, growls at the shadows then snow-ice ball starts to throws at them*

Mika: *heard Solar n nods* of course! *fighting with ??* =^= Fighting is fun isn't it~ girl?

??: heh don't think to highly yet boy~ Betas like you aren't my taste! *slashes Mika with her sword*

Mika: *blocks with two katana* ^^ maybe~ Cause Betas are born to help others! *kicks ?? To the wall hardcore*

??: Does that mean u will also surrounded for your friend?

Mika: what..? *stops*

??: *stops as well, chuckles* You take favors I see~ Well~ I have a favor for you~

Mika: ....

??: *smirks and walks to Mika n whispers something*

Mika: *eyes widen in shocked as body felt pain and weak. Collapsed to the ground* .......

??: *withdraw her dagger, licks the blood on it* mmm~ easy~

I.W: *saw then immediately scoops Mika up, death glaring at ??* (you will pay for that little girl) *growls then dash out* (hold on Mika!)

Mika: *got scooped up, grunts in pain then glance at ??* tch.. *takes a bit of his strength to throw one of his flame katana towards ?? And saw it stabs her to the wall* heh... serves... you... right.. *holds onto the bleeding part* tch.. This won't end good huh.. ahah..

I.W: (you will be fine! I need to find S.F!) *howls while dashing inside the forest*

S.F: *heard then starts to howls back, running to the same direction*

Mika: =^=|| Oh please, you guys don't have to help a lifeless fox like me *sways hands weakly in air* I just want to see...those two happy.. at least ^^ ... *loosing too much blood* plus, it might be too late anyways

I.W: *look at Mika* (oh~ don't worry you aren't the only one who fall for the same trick) *keeps on running* (who says it was to late?) *grins when saw S.F*

S.F: *gestures to put Mika down, walks to them*

I.W: *puts Mika down then backs away*

S.F: *sits down in front of Mika, it's nose touch Mika's forehead* (You aren't going to die just like that.. you are their protector from birth.. now why wasted being all negative when the fun moment is going to happen) *licks Mika's injuries then it heals* (and sorry if you feel cold by it) *steps back then glance at I.W* (go take him to them)

I.W: *nods, scoops Mika up again* (hold on tight!) *dash into the forest*


Solar: *carrying Ice while running back to the tree where he met Mika* Ice... *puts him down then looks at S.F* thanks..

S.F: *bows a bit* (it's my pleasure to help you..) *slowly walks away into the forest*

Solar: *sitting beside Ice* you should.. really.. tell us more about yourself.. it's.. really painful to keep it inside for all the time we have been together.. *looks at Ice*

Ice: ... *wearing Solar's jacket, looks down as slowly controlling back to himself* ..

Solar: *side hugging Ice, leaning against him while patting his head*

Ice: *just let Solar be, glance down while sighing a bit* (can't say it.. can't tell it.. can't even hold it in anymore..) *glance at Solar and saw his grey yet cheerful eyes* .....// *averts eyes while stuttering* S-Solar.. there is s-something.. I w-want to s-say..

Solar: ??? *looks at Ice while tilting head* what is it? You can tell me anything

Ice: *glance back looking at Solar's eyes, keeps on blushing lightly* u-um.. well.. *intertwines hand with Solar's while leaning a bit more closer as their forehead touch*

Solar: ?? *just waits, smiles a bit* yes??

Ice: I.. *hesitates then spits it out* I love you!— *got pulled into a kissed* !?

Solar: *smirks in the kiss, wraps arms around Ice's waist* (I have been waiting for you to say that..)

Ice: *eyes widen, but slowly melts into the kiss and kiss back* ////....

I.W: *on the tree branch with Mika, grinning a bit* ~

Mika: *sitting on the tree branch with I.W., chuckles silently* =^0 why dont you look at that~ *in a low voice* They finally did it ^^~ thats sweet~ *takes out a camera n snaps a pic,chuckles while looking in the camera* ~~ I shall protect you guys forever~ no matter in what situation its going to be ^^ My beloved masters~

I.W: =w= yep *just continues watching it happily*

Ice; *pulls back, panting heavily* ..//////

Solar: *chuckles* I love you too Ice, you are not the only one who feels jealous..

Ice: *looks away while face is really red*

Mika: ^^~ So cute~ So this is where the happy ending is huh~ *sitting on the tree branch* right, Author~?

Hey! Dont break the forth wall again!!

Mika: *chuckles* sorry sorry~ let the goddess of love bless them >w0 *happily smiles*


Lol Q calm down there anyways.. that is the end! Hope you enjoy this random thing I just think of ^^|| and wait for the dares and truth I receive from.. lots of people =^=|| my life..

Tbh that was a dare from kaouryya__ well I sort of change it to something like this.. eheh |||

And oh! This is a collaboration with mikageaikawaa so thanks Mika to help me with this!!

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