Half and half / seven

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If you get that title then I think you know what the dare is going to be.

Luna: *sitting on the ground while watching some TicTok in her phone, got a notification* ?? *reads*

Dare: Please let Blaze and Ice meet *secret* ChristianneFaeRemias

Luna: *blinks* welp, at least I already know who this guy is... now.. how am I going to get him without getting that cussed Tsundere notice? Hmm..

Few hours later

Luna: I'm so sorry for using you as a bait!! *runs into the portal while dragging a certain person*

??: *running away* T^T



Luna: *runs out and put the person down* owo Gomen!

???: that's alright, you should've just ask..

Luna: =^=|| I don't think that will work as much.. anyways! Let's get onto the dare!


Blaze: *issa confuse* why am I here?

Ice: correction.. why are we here?

Luna: *appears* cause! I have a dare that you need to meet this guy!

Blaze and Ice; who?

Luna: owo *moves a side* >w< meet Todoroki!!

Todoroki: *blanky look at Blaze and Ice* so these two..

Luna: owo Yea

Blaze: *jaw drop*

Ice: ._.

Luna; OwO there was this one picture I found (TwT but I dunno where it is now) which have you two and him!

Oh wait...

Blaze: *jumps up and down happily* his like a mix of us!! *grins*

Ice: *curiously look* ..

Todoroki: ||||| ?

Ice; so you can use both.. ice and fire?

Todoroki: *nods, lifts up his left hand the fire covered his hands while lifting up his right hand that started to covered with ice*

Blaze: ✨O✨ awesome!

Ice: why does he remind me of... *shakes head* forget it

Todoroki; you two?

Blaze: us? Heh! *summons his blazing chakras* this! And some other thing!

Ice: *summons his ice canon then his ice bow and arrows*

Todoroki: not bad, you guys have some good quirks

Ice and Blaze: .-.

Luna: ^w^|| Let's not question that now...

The portal that left open suddenly glows

Luna: owo||| uh-oh..

Midoriya: *Running out, confused where he is but keeps on running anyways*

Bakugou: de-KUUUU!!!! *chasing Midoriya*

Luna: ^w^|| I should have close the portal...

Todoroki: *shakes head* hold up *runs after them*


Bakugou: LET ME FCKING GO YOU PEPPERMINT BOY!!! *struggles to get free from the ice*

Todoroki; but I'm a human.. *blunt*

Midoriya: thanks for saving me.. Shouto *smiles*

Todoroki: *nods*

Blaze: *dumbfounded*

Ice: *doesn't get anything but enjoying whatever is happening*

Luna: *facepalm* I think you guys should head back.. •~• the others might come here too and I ain't going to let this book into a crossover

Midoriya: uh.. sure! How are we.. *looking at the Bakugou situation*

Bakugou: *glares* What are you looking at Broccoli?

Midoriya: *flinch* ^^|||| n-nothing! *raise both of his hands up*

Ice: hmm.. *creates a rope from snow and a little bit of ice, gives it too Midoriya* here

Midoriya: eh? *takes it, look at Ice and smiles* Thank you! Um.. whoever you are!

Ice: Ice, that's my name and that's.. *points at Blaze* my twin brother Blaze

Midoriya: I'm Midoriya! Or Deku! And well this.. *points at Bakugou* that's Bakugou! *realized something* wait.. Woah! Twins! And the names are like Todoroki's quirk!!

Ice: wha?

Luna; come on! Get home you three!!!

Todoroki: *grabs the rope from Midoriya and wraps it around the ice trapping Bakugou inside*

Bakugou: *frustratingly groans* ==

Midoriya: *waves* ^^~ see you guys again! Bye! *runs into the portal*

Todoroki: *dragging, following Midoriya, did a little wave*

Luna; Bye Bye~ *sticks out tongue at Bakugou*


Luna: =~=.. (I'm a wolf) *snaps fingers as a black tape covers Bakugou's mouth*

Bakugou: MMMMPH!?

The portal close

Luna: =^=|| phew.. I thought everything would turn into chaos..

Ice: isn't it already? *points*

Luna: *look then collapse on the floor* whyyyyy....

The place has exploded also covered with fire and ice

Blaze: .-. What's quirk?


Guys, help me, I'm falling into the fandom but.. it's the Villain AU.. QwQ I had fallen for the Villain Deku....

Me seeing this video.. at first I'm like.. 'okay, his.. scary..' then watch some and more.. BAM! TwT I have fallen into this Villain.. helpppp


Luna: got another dare? *looking at her phone*

Dare: the seven BBBs to be... ImLonely11307

Luna: 💖w💖


BBB 7: *walking out from their rooms with different face expression*

Luna: *eyes sparkles, smiling*

Earthquake: can you tell us now, why we are dressing like them? ^^||

Luna: its a dare and I love it! *takes picture of all of them*

Solar: *chuckles* looks like I'm the leader

Luna: duh, cause he suits you the best

This is Joonie our precious leader

And this is Kim Namjoon.... How can this be the same person—

Luna: owO Don't die~

Earthquake: *laughs* I think I know why I am the mommy

Mommy Jinnie aka world wide handsome

Kim SeokJin... tell me hOw—

Luna: owo~

Thunderstorm: why am I even him?

Luna; QwQ it was hard.. between you and Ice.. this guy have both of your traits but I choose you cause you have more personality like him more then Ice

Here is little mew mew

Here is Min Yoongi— bish what—

Luna: ^w^ nyuhu

Cyclone: >^< oh yesh! *dances*

This is.. our Hope.. Hobi

That turn into.. Jung Hoseok— WHAT—

Luna: ÕwÕ

Thorn: *when smiling his eyes his close*

Chimchim.. smol bean.. mochi.. Jiminie

Hella Park Jimin.. WhY-

Luna: owo (Nix get wreck)

Ice: I don't get it why I am him?

Luna: QwQ I told you.. I had a hard time picking but hey! This is your other self that you only show to Blaze

Hello V, Tae Tae, Blank Tae...

Now hell..o Kim Taehyung... THIS GUY—

Luna: ÒwÓ

Blaze: =^= I'm the Maknae?

Kookie, bunny, Muscle pig(JEON CENAA), Justin Seagull, Jungsh00k, Nochu, LiViNg MeME—


Luna: owo bootiful

Earthquake: you aren't going to die right— by my handsomeness?

Luna: *a bit blush* PFFT— nah, not meh but good one

Thunderstorm: *look at Luna with a gummy smile* Mew mew~

Luna: *heart got struck by a love arrow* ^w^

Cyclone: let's dance Luna~! *grabs Luna's hand then started to randomly dances with her*

Luna; // ^^|||

Solar: Cyclone, you should stop, it might make her dizzy *takes Luna's hand then pulls her into a hug*

Luna; *dying in the inside* ///

Cyclone: *rubs the back of the neck* ^^ hehe sorry

Thorn: Luna you know that you are short right??

Luna; =-= Let's see.. *got let go from Solar, stands beside Thorn* who is taller?

Them; Luna

Thorn: *pouts cutely, fold arms while looking away*

Luna: QwQ oh my gawd...

Blaze: *laughs at it then felt his hair got brushed, sh00k*

Ice: *brushing Blaze's hair then caress Blaze's ear, cheekily smiles*

Blaze: Yah.. ///...

Luna: *diez* #TaeKookShipper

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