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Luna: *sweatdrops at the title* seriously?

Moon: owo can't help it! Let's get onto it!!


Luna: and do you want them to cosplay as...?

Ki: =^= hehe (_aikisyahyiana_)

Luna: ||||


Luna: *walks into the training field to see each of them busy fighting each other.. some of them* again?

Thunderstorm: *fighting with Fang, dodging every attacks*

Fang: Stay still!!! *shouts*

Solar: *relaxing on the floor, looking at the fight*

Thorn: *wraps Cyclone and Blaze up by using his vines* owo caught chu

Cyclone: •3• aw..

Blaze: •~• how did we ended up this way?

Earthquake: *talking casually with Kaizo* ^^

Kaizo: *nodding* ..

Ice: *I don't know how he is asleep on the ceiling* Zzzz..

Luna: *look up and saw Ice* •_•||| he ain't going to fall.. right?

Earthquake: *notice Luna* Luna~ what make you come here?

Luna: Oh! Yeah! *look at them with a smile* you guys are doing another cosplay!

Kaizo: ..judging by the title—

Luna: >~< Don't break the Tenth Wall! And yep!

Cyclone: *squeals* YOSH!!

Luna: now get into your rooms and meet me here ASAP!

All minus Luna; Roger that!


Luna: *saw Earthquake* owo wow, that fits you somehow

Earthquake: *cosplaying as Hashirama Senju* umm.. long hair?

Luna: o3o Don't ask me, ask the drunk Author of Naruto

Earthquake: ^^|||

Luna; next? *saw Thunderstorm as Tobirama Senju* •w• that fits you very well! And even his personality fit yours!

Thunderstorm: Tsk, quiet..

Cyclone: 030 why am I, a bad guy? *as Zaku Abumi*

Luna: well, I don't know how but he suits you.. that much

Cyclone: •3•... I think I should search it up

Luna: =^= nyuhuhuhu~

Solar: *walks in with senbon in his mouth* I love this! I even love this bandana! *as Genma Shiranui*

Luna; next up??

Blaze: HAHAHA! *jumps down from no where, did the same pose as the picture below* Mighty Gai is here!

Luna: =-=|||| next?

Thorn: *beside Blaze, cosplaying as Rock Lee* Sensei! >w<

Luna: you know what? QwQ he looks cute, next!

Ice: *walks out from the shadow with his arms close then leans against a tree that suddenly appears* ....

Luna: Shikamaru Nara?

Ice: *nods* Yes

Luna: Wait.. where's—

Fang: *walks in, feeling a bit awkward with the cosplay* what's with me and duck hair style?


Luna: =w= at least I didn't pick the other one~

Fang: *Glares*

Luna: *both hands up* owo now.. where is—

Kaizo: *appears beside Fang, with a black crow sitting on his finger* Itachi Uchiha..

Luna: *saw, about to faint* QwQ


Luna: QwQ at least I'm not even her or not I would be running away already

Kaizo: so I'm cosplaying as one of your bias?

Luna: QwQ what does it sounds like?

Fang: even me?

Luna: QwQ yes..

Earthquake: what are we suppose to do?

Luna: ummm... about that.. I don't know

Thorn: owo why not we try to use their everyday saying? Or quotes?? Or anything fun?

Luna: that.. that's a brilliant idea! *pats Thorn's head* Now.. Let's go with the Senju first!

Thorn: owo!

Earthquake and Thunderstorm: *nods*


When Quake has enough being a mother.. this happens and I suggest you watch the video first

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Earthquake(Hashirama): So who's the fifth Hokage? *questioning Emerald(Minato)*

Emerald(Minato): *rubs the back of his neck awkwardly* your granddaughter, Princess Tsunade

Quake(Hashirama): *his mood quickly turn into sulking* Tsuna huh? *look at Em(Minato)* is the village okay?

Em(Minato): I-is there something to be worried about? *close his eyes while smiling*

Quake(Hashirama): *mood turn into his normal one* she was my first grandchild, so I spoiled her rotten! In the end, she even pick up my gambling habit *laughs loudly*

((Luna: •~•||| Quaky.. is that you?))


[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thunder(Tobirama): *folding arms, pissed off* you brat possessed with the Uchiha evil! *glares* in that case I shall.. *a gust of wind appears from nowhere blowing right through at Fang(Sasuke)*

Third Hokage: lord second?!

Thunder(Tobirama): *blue light illuminate his body, lift up one of his finger* .. *the gust of wind getting stronger*

Fang(Sasuke): *ready his sword* Tsk..

Quake(Hashirama): *side glance at Thunder(Tobirama)* Tobirama! *the wooden floor beneath him crack as his body started to illuminated purple lights*

Both; *glaring intensified*

Quake(Hashirama): lower your finger

Thunder(Tobirama): *silent for a bit* all right.. *lowers his finger then everything turn back to normal*


Luna: owo||| Okay~? Next.. is.. Gai and Lee!

Blaze(Gai): *grins*

Thorn(Rock Lee): *nods while having a determined face on*


((Luna: Imma just do what they would do.. everyday(not that I'm correct.. I can get confused over these two)))

Blaze(Gai): Alright Lee! Today is the day.. we show that us! Taijutsu users can suppress any ninja in the world!

Thorn(Rock Lee): Yes Gai-sensei! Today it is!

Few minutes later

Blaze(Gai): *crying in the corner of the forest* T~T

Thorn(Rock Lee): mmm.. *walk to Blaze(Gai)* Sensei.. you haven't lost yet! There is still hope! Kakashi-Sensei didn't say he won, did he?

Blaze(Gai): you're right Lee! *wipes his tears away then grins happily* there are hope! Next time I won't lose at all!

Thorn(Rock Lee): Yeah!


Luna: *chuckles* whenever the conversation between them can make me laugh without knowing! Next is.. hmmm.. Zaku and Genma?

Cy(Zaku): oh come on! Why him hm?

Luna: *shrugs*

Sol(Genma): Let's get onto it


((Luna; A random scenario.. I have 100 percent that I would get these two hella wrong))

Sol(Genma): *stopping Cy(Zaku) from attacking furthermore* stop, that's it

Cy(Zaku): *clench both of his hands* What!? That's it? This isn't fun.. hmp

Sol(Genma): *shakes head, crouch down a bit seeing as Cy(Zaku) is Well.. short?* what did I tell you?

Cy(Zaku): *sighs* no words but action.. isn't that actually ridiculous? Hm?

Sol(Genma): heh, if you know how to use it then it isn't

Cy(Zaku): how hm.. *glance away* whatever you say, I'm going. See you again hm.. *runs off*

Sol(Genma): *look, just shakes head while smiling*

((Luna: Yep, definitely))


Luna: Shikamaru??

Ice(Shikamaru): *nods*


Ice(Shikamaru): *laying down on the valley under a shady tree, relaxing* ...

Qerin: *walking, searching for Ice(Shikamaru)* == where is that.. *saw* ah! *runs then shakes Ice(Shikamaru)* wake up!! I need help!

Ice(Shikamaru): *open his eyes* what is it now? *in a lazy tone*

Qerin: uh.. um.. how do you take care of an annoying person?

Ice(Shikamaru): *sighs* let another person take care of it

Qerin: *snaps fingers* oh right! Thanks! *runs away*

Ice(Shikamaru): *fold arms and fold his arms* how troublesome..


Luna: lastly.. *look at Fang(Sasuke) and Kaizo(Itachi)* you two..

Fang(Sasuke): *glance at Kaizo(Itachi)*

Kaizo(Itachi): *nods*

Fang(Sasuke): *walk to Luna and stop in front of her*

Luna: uh er... yes? |||

Fang(Sasuke): *grabs Luna then put her on shoulder and walks away*

Kaizo(Itachi): *following from behind*

Luna; what the— hey! Let me go!!

The rest already turn back to their normal self

Thorn: owo poor Luna

Earthquake: ^^||| she'll cry later..

Thunderstorm: *roll eyes*

Ice: *yawns* she have to do another one.. *fell asleep*

Solar: *still in his cosplay* I'm keeping this *takes selfie*

Cyclone: *look at the readers* >^< hope you enjoy!

Blaze: Yea! =^=|| she wasn't so confident in this

Cyclone: o^o mhm mhm

Few hours later

Luna: NOT THIS PART AGAIN!! *Le cries*

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