Happy >wO

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Credits to the art above!

Dare: xXLexi_W18Xx

I really don't want to do this ending but meh, I'll just do it casually. This is the happy ending for Thunderstorm X Cyclone

After the incident and now Cyclone is all okay

Cyclone: *got bear hugged by all of his brothers except Thunderstorm who is nowhere to be seen* ^-^

Earthquake: *a crying mommy, smiling happily that Cyclone is okay*

Solar: *wipes his tears away, muttering some words to himself*

Thorn: QWQ CYCY *crying while hugging Cyclone tight*

Ice: *comfily hugs Cyclone, smiling gently*

Blaze: T^T I miss you bro.. *sniffs*

Cyclone: hehe! I miss you all, please stop crying! ;~; you are going to make me cry..

Earthquake: this is happy tears Cy.. *wipes his tears away with a handkerchief* please.. if anything is wrong let it out to any of us..

Cyclone: *nods* promise!

Earthquake and Cyclone: *talking*

Blaze: *leans against Solar and whispers* does Cyclone remember about what really happen?

Solar: I'm not quite sure about that, he seems unfazed when Thorn accidentally said about it

Blaze: *slightly pouts* what did they do to him..

Ice: *behind the two* they must've erased his memories

Blaze and Solar: *glance at Ice*

Solar: ..for now, I'm agreeing with what you said Ice

Blaze: that make sense though..

Thorn: OwO what are you guys talking about? *appears*

Both: *shook* ||||| about Cyclone

Ice: do you sense it Thorn?

Thorn: mhm! His presence is a bit strange to me OwO

Blaze: *slightly pouts* I'm worried..

Solar: I'm going to Thunderstorm

Ice: I'll follow *glance at Blaze and Thorn* you two busy yourself with Cyclone

Blaze: sure can do!

Thorn: owo ok

In Thunderstorm's room

Thunderstorm: *traces his finger across a blank page of paper* .. *while his other hand scratch his head in frustration* ....ughhh *bangs his head on the table* stupid.. you asshole..

Solar: *casually sitting on Thunderstorm's bed with Ice* now you define yourself as that?

Ice: ...

Thunderstorm: *flinch, glares at Solar, getting ready to electrocute Solar*

Solar: *raise his hands up* calm down blockhead, I'm here to tell you about Cyclone

Thunderstorm: ... *takes a deep breath, close his eyes then nods*

Solar: his fine now, he is happy and yes all of his injuries are heal, but-

Ice: he doesn't remember the incident

Thunderstorm: what..?

Solar: somehow, he wasn't bother when Thorn accidentally talk about it

Ice: when I ask Thorn about Cyclone's presence, he said that it was strange to feel it coming from him

Thunderstorm: ..he doesn't remember

Ice: that's what I said earlier *cross his arms, flops onto the bed*

Solar: you, Thunderstorm. You have to make it up to him, even if he lost his memories about it. Let it go as you talk to him

Thunderstorm: I can't.. I just can't..

Solar: you can't? Why is that?

Thunderstorm: I.. *went silent*

Solar: nothing? Really? *sighs heavily* Thunderstorm just for this one damn day, let go of your ego! Your ego is to high! It feels like I'm climbing on your ego then jump down to your IQ!

Thunderstorm: *look away* ..

Solar: *facepalm, stands up, walks to Thunderstorm and slaps his face* stop whining and start to act like a grown man! *fix his hat* you aren't a 5 year old anymore, you are 23, act like it.

Thunderstorm: *touch his face where Solar slap him* .. *just nods before zapping away*

Solar: *groans* how stubborn can you get? Ice let's go back- *hears snoring* ..I should've not let him sit on the bed..

Ice: *snoring*

At a treehouse

Cyclone: *leaning his body against the tree covered with fluffy leaves* I miss being here *stares as the sun goes down and the moon appears across the horizon*

Thunderstorm: *above Cyclone, sitting on a swing which is attach to a tree branch* .. *summons his guitar and starts to play it slowly*

Cyclone: *heard it* ? *close his eyes, hums* Feeling like I'm breathing my last breath, Feeling like I'm walking my last steps.. *open his eyes walks to the railing*

Thunderstorm: Look at all of these tears I've wept, Look at all the promises that I've kept *still playing the guitar, eyeing Cyclone*

Cyclone: *rest his chin on his palm* I put my all into your hands, Here's my soul to keep, I let you in with all that I can..

Thunderstorm: *saw Solar sitting beside him playing the guitar, gestures* You're not hard to reach And you've blessed me with the best gift That I've ever known, You give me purpose, Yeah, you've given me purpose *stops playing his guitar then quietly jumps down*

Solar: *playing the guitar now*

Cyclone: Thinking my journey's come to an end, Sending out a farewell to my friends, for inner peace.. *tears starts to form, sniffs*

Thunderstorm: *sense it* Ask you to forgive me for my sins, oh would you please? I'm more than grateful for the time we spent, my spirit's at ease.. *gently hugs Cyclone from behind and rest his chin on Cyclone's shoulder*

Cyclone: *felt the warmth, tears streams down his face* I put my heart into your hands, Learn the lessons you teach.. No matter when, wherever I am.. *hugs Thunderstorm's arms*

Thunderstorm: You're not hard to reach And you've given me the best gift That I've ever known.. You give me purpose everyday.. *turns Cyclone around and smiles happily as tears roll down his face*

Cyclone: You give me purpose in every way.. *crying a bit, trying to smile*

Thunderstorm: Oh, you are my everything *cups Cyclone's face then place his forehead with Cyclone's*

Cyclone: Oh, you are my everything...

Solar: *stops, saw them crying and smiling* .... *having a satisfy smile on*

Earthquake: *behind Solar, motherly smile on* even if you are the youngest Solar, you are always there for the eldest

Solar: *chuckles*


Luna: *looking at the screen, eating chocolates, covered with blanket* TwT

Thorn: QwQ

Blaze: T~T

Ice: *shakes head* at least.. they are happy

Luna: couldn't agree more!! TwT

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