Lets Dance~!

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Credits to the owner of the drawing

Luna: we ain't =-=

Nix: aw...

Luna: *facepalm, look around the place* I guess we can call them now

Nix: -w• let me do it! *teleports away*

Luna: Mkay *sits on a couch, lays down then waits*


Earthquake: *currently busy cooking delicious food* ~~

Nix: owo.. *behind Earthquake* BOOOOOM!!

Earthquake: *startled, almost flip his pan, sigh in relief and looks at Nix* ^^|| yes Nix? Are you going to give us another dare?

Nix: Nope! Call your brothers then come down to the whatever it is called again, that underground thingy magic stuff!! *runs off*

Earthquake: okay..? *shrugs his shoulders, finish up his cooking then head upstairs*


Earthquake: *knocks on Solar and Thorn's room* guys?

Solar: *opens the door, having a sleepy face* Yes- *yawns* -Quake?

Earthquake: Sorry for waking you early in the morning Solar ^^|| but Nix told me to call you all and told me to come down to the.. uh.. whatever it is called.

Solar: *gets what Earthquake means* really?

Earthquake: mhm!

Solar: Alright then *lazily walks back into the room and told Thorn everything*

Thorn: 0o0 Ooo~

Earthquake: *close the door and walk down the hall then stop in front of a door* wonder if his awake.. *about to knock but open by..*

Ice: Not a word *look a bit energetic, a loud noise could be heard inside*

Blaze: YEEEEEEEEAAAAAAAH!!! *rocking the music*

Earthquake: oh my, um, by the way, Nix told me to come to the.. that thing underground

Ice: note it -_- *close the door, walks to Blaze mad smacks Blaze's head*

Blaze: OWIE!?

Earthquake: ^^||| *walks down another hall then knocks on the door* Cy?

Cyclone: *open the door up* yesh?

Earthquake: *peeks inside and saw the room is a mess, a bit irritate but let it go* Nix told me to tell you guys to go to the-

Cyclone: basement? OKAY! *zooms right back in as his door close shut*

Earthquake: oh, it's the basement.. •-• *shrugs then proceed to Thunderstorm's room, knocks*

Thunderstorm: *opens the door with everything prepare* I know, the basement *zaps away*

Earthquake: how?


Luna: did you get everyone?

Nix: =w= yes ma'am!

Rin: *smiles* it's nice to be here *her left eye color is blue whole her right eye is grey, brush her brown shoulder length hair*

Ayane: not really knowing why I'm here but! Bring in the fun!

Kex: *ruffles her black hair which have a beanie on it* I'm new here! *for a quick second open up her light blue eyes before closing it back*

Karensa: *grumbles a bit* don't ever wake me up that early! I was having a good dream!

Cindy: owo at least you will see Thundy *her black hair sways a bit due to the air conditioner* cold~ *rubs her blue eyes*

FemKi: *on Luna's head, as a tiny kitten* =w= *purrs*

Luna: Wokay! Now, get into your positions-

All except Luna: *in their own place*

Luna: wow, so let me recall... *looks at Nix* you are with me

Nix: owOb

Luna: *looks at FemKi* With Darkness

FemKi: mew! *nods*

Luna: *looking at Karensa* Thundy-chu?

Karensa: Pfft~ of course

Luna: *now looking at Rin* Solar the banana?

Rin: *nodding*

Luna: Ice? *look at Cindy*

Cindy: Yep!

Luna: lastly.. Blaze? *look at Ayane*

Ayane: Mhm

Luna: since that is settled.. BOYS YOU CAN COME OUT NOW!!

BBBs: *walk down the stairs, wearing different type of clothing*

Thunderstorm: I'm here == no need to shout

Earthquake: *rubs his ears* ||||

Cyclone and Blaze: *jumping up and down with Thorn and Cloud* we are here!!

Thorn and Cloud: ^w^ here

Ice: *just waves*

Solar: here~ *got hug by Darkness* =-= ugh

Darkness: *smiling like a gentleman* I'm here~~

Sand: right here! *pop up from nowhere*

Luna: =w= good good.. now.. go to your partners who have the same accessories as you then I want each of you guys pick out a song!

All minus Luna and Nix: SAY WHAT!? ARE YOU TELLING US TO SING?!

Luna: *wearing headphones* yeah, what else? Do you want to dance then?

Then: *silence*

Luna: -_-.. *claps hands* Get onto it!!!

Few hours later

Luna: who should go first? Wait.. nah, I'll choose.

Nix: OwO LunLun! *whispers into Luna's ears*

Luna: Mkay then. *look at the others* Me and Nix agree to let.. Blaze and Ayane to sing!

Others: *sighs in relief*

Blaze: >^< YESHH!!!

Ayane: Oh awesome!

Luna: now.. sing!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Blaze: I torture you~ Take my hand through the flames~ I torture you~ I'm a slave to your games! I'm just a sucker for pain, I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain!

Ayane: Hop up out the bed turn my swag on, Ain't no sense listining to them, haters 'cause we whip 'em off, And we ain't doing nothing wrong, So don't tell me nothing. I'm just tryna have fun! So keep the party jumping~!

Blaze: So whats up! (yea)

Ayane: And I'll be doing what to do, We turn our back And we walk over and just shake them off~ Shake them off, shake them off, shake them off~ Don't let haters keep me off my grind, Keep my head up and I know I'll be fine Keep fighting until I (yea) Am down and I feel like giving up~

Blaze: I torture you~ Take my hand through the flames~ I torture you~ I'm a slave to your games! I'm just a sucker for pain, I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain!

Ayane: I'm going get more, shine than a little bit, Soon as I hit the stage, applause I am hearing it, Weather its black stars, black cars I am feeling it But no other do it like I do~

Blaze: I, I gets it in hmmm yea I go hard, When they see me pull up I whip it real hard~ I whip it real hard, real hard, i whip it real hard

Ayane: Don't let haters keep me off my grind Keep my head up and I know I'll be fine Keep fighting until I (yea) Am down and I feel like giving up~

Blaze: I torture you~ Take my hand through the flames~ I torture you~ I'm a slave to your games! I'm just a sucker for pain, I wanna chain you up, I wanna tie you down, I'm just a sucker for pain!

Ayane: Ladies if you feel me, Do it do it whip your hair, Don't matter if its long, short Do it do it whip your hair~

Blaze: Ladies if you feel me, Come on do it do it whip your hair, Don't matter if its long, short, Do it do it whip your hair! (your hair, your hair)

Ayane and Blaze: whip my hair back and forth~

All: *claps hands*

Luna: Ooo~ nice one! Next up-


Luna: o-o Okay

Rin: *takes a deep breath, look at Solar*

Solar: *smiles* we can do this

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Solar: *summons a guitar then starts to play* When the days are cold And the cards all fold And the saints we see, Are all made of gold

Rin: When ur dreams all fail And the ones we hail Are the worst of all And the bloods run stale~

Solar: I wanna hide the truth, I wanna shelter u But with the beast inside, Theres nowhere we can hide

Rin and Solar: No matter what we breed, We still are made of greed, This is my kingdom come, This is my kingdom come~

Solar: When u feel my heat, Look into my eyes, Its where my demons hide~ Its where my demons hide~

Rin: Dont get too close, Its dark inside, Its where my demons hide~ Its where my demons hide~

Solar: At the curtains call, Its the last of all, When the lights fade out, All the sinners crawl

Rin: So they dug ur grave And the masquerade, Will come calling out, At the mess u made~

Solar: Dont wanna let u down But I am hell bound, Though this is all for u, Dont wanna hide the truth

Rin and Solar: No matter what we breed, We still are made of greed, This is my kingdom come~ This is my kingdom come~

Rin: When u feel my heat, Look into my eyes, Its where my demons hide~ Its where my demons hide~

Solar: Dont get too close, Its dark inside, Its where my demons hide~ Its where my demons hide~

Rin: They say its what u make, I say its up to fate, Its woven in my soul~ I need to let u go..

Solar: ur eyes they shine so bright~ I wanna save that light~ I cant escape this now..

Rin and Solar: Unless u show me how!

Solar: When u feel my heat~

Solar and Rin: Look into my eyes, Its where my demons hide, Its where my demons hide~

Solar: Dont get too close~

Rin and Solar: Its dark inside! Its where my demons hide! Its where my demons hide~! *bows*

Blaze: ._. Wow

Ayane: that was.. beautiful

Luna: alright! Next is~

Thorn: owo can me, Cloud, Cyclone and Sand be in one group?

Luna: oh sure!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Cloud; You'll never takes us alive~

Sand: We swore that death will do us part They'll call our crimes a work of art~

Thorn: You'll never takes us alive~

Cyclone: We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners..

Them: Partners in crime!

Sand: Partners in crime

Cyclone: This, the tale of, reckless love, living a life of crime on the run, I brush to a gun to paint these states green and red,

Sand: Everybody freeze,

Cloud: nobody move,

Cyclone: put the money in the bag,

Thorn: Or we will shoot,

Sand: empty out the vault and me and my doll will be on our way~

Cyclone: our paper faces flood the streets, And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we'll play with fire cause,

Cloud: You'll never takes us alive~

Cyclone: We swore that death will do us part They'll call our crimes a work of art~

Thorn: You'll never takes us alive~

Sand: We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners..

Cyclone: Partners in crime, Partners in crime..

Sand: Here we find our omnipotent outlaws fall behind the grind tonight,

Cyclone: left unaware that the lone store owner won't go down without a fight,

Thorn: Where we gonna go,

Sand: he's got us pinned,

Cloud: Baby I'm a little scared,

Cyclone: Now, don't you quit,

Thorn: He's sounded the alarm, I hear the sirens closing in..

Cyclone: Our paper faces flood the streets, And if the heat comes close enough to burn then we're burning this place to the ground cause,

Cloud and Thorn: You'll never takes us alive~

Sand: We swore that death will do us part
They'll call our crimes a work of art~

Cloud and Thorn: You'll never takes us alive~

Cyclone: We'll live like spoiled royalty, lovers and partners..

Sand: Partners in crime!

Thorn: The skies are black with lead-filled rain,

Sand: a morbid painting on display,

Cloud: this is the night the young love died,

Cyclone: buried at each others side,

Thorn: you never took us alive~

Sand: We swore that death would do us part So now we haunt you in the dark~

Cloud: You never took us alive~

Cyclone: we live as ghosts among these streets, lovers and Partners in crime..

Sand and Cyclone: Partners in crime~

All: Partners in crime~!!!

Solar: not expecting them to sing this *sweatdrops*

Ayane: I agree with you

Blaze: =^= nah

Rin: that was intense~

Luna: Okay~ So next up is...

Nix: Cindy and Ice!

Luna: *nods* you ready?

Cindy: As ever be!

Ice: ..ye

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Ice: You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide, I know you want me, So don't keep saying our hands are tied, You claim it's not in the cards, Fate is pulling you miles away And out of reach from me But you're here in my heart, So who can stop me if I decide That you're my destiny?

Ice: What if we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine, Nothing could keep us apart, You'd be the one I was meant to find, It's up to you, and it's up to me, No one can say what we get to be, So why don't we rewrite the stars? Maybe the world could be ours, Tonight~

Cindy: You think it's easy, You think I don't want to run to you But there are mountains And there are doors that we can't walk through, I know you're wondering why Because we're able to be Just you and me Within these walls But when we go outside, You're going to wake up and see that it was hopeless after all..

Cindy: No one can rewrite the stars, How can you say you'll be mine? Everything keeps us apart And I'm not the one you were meant to find. It's not up to you, It's not up to me, When everyone tells us what we can be,How can we rewrite the stars? Say that the world can be ours, Tonight..?

Both: All I want is to fly with you~ All I want is to fall with you~ So just give me all of you~

Cindy: It feels impossible..

Ice: (it's not impossible)

Cindy: Is it impossible?

Both: Say that it's possible!

Both: How do we rewrite the stars? Say you were made to be mine? Nothing can keep us apart Cause you are the one I was meant to find, It's up to you And it's up to me. No one can say what we get to be And why don't we rewrite the stars? Changing the world to be ours..

Cindy: You know I want you, It's not a secret I try to hide.. But I can't have you.. We're bound to break and my hands are tied..

Rin: *emotional* that.. is sad..

Ayane: Its.. I.. have nothing.. to say..

Blaze: *is crying in the inside cause knowing Ice really meant this song*

Thorn: *pouts*

Cloud: m-mm.. sad..

Sand: ..woah

Solar: power of the song..

Luna: ahem! Next up is Thunder and Karensa!

The two of them: what?

Luna: Its your turn!

Nix: *whispers* are you seriously going to write down the lyrics?

Luna: *groans* I'm still going to.. *energy level is tired and body is aching (#reality)*

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Thunderstorm: ha ha ha~ this is about you!

Karensa: Beware, beware, be skeptical Of their smiles, their smiles of plated gold, Deceit so natural..

Thunderstorm: But a wolf in sheep's clothing is more than a warning!

Karensa: Bla-bla-black sheep, have you any soul?

Thunderstorm: No sir, by the way, what the hell are morals!?

Karensa: Jack, be nimble, Jack, be quick, Jill's a little whore and her alibis are dirty tricks

Thunderstorm: So could you.. Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?

Karensa: Show me how you justify, Telling all your lies like second nature..

Thunderstorm: Listen, mark my words, one day, You will pay, you will pay..

Karensa: Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Thunderstorm: Aware, aware, you stalk your prey With criminal mentality, You sink your teeth into the people you depend on, Infecting everyone, you're quite the problem

Karensa: Feefifofum, you better run and hide I smell the blood of a petty little coward

Thunderstorm: Jack, be lethal, Jack, be slick
Jill will leave you lonely dying in a filthy ditch!

Karensa: So could you.. Tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself?

Thunderstorm: Show me how you justify, Telling all your lies like second nature, Listen, mark my words, one day, You will pay, you will pay, Karma's gonna come collect your debt

Karensa: Maybe you'll change, Abandon all your wicked ways, Make amends and start anew again, Maybe you'll see, All the wrongs you did to me And start all over, start all over again

Thunderstorm: Who am I kidding? Now, let's not get overzealous here, You've always been a huge piece of shit If I could kill you I would, But it's frowned upon in all fifty states

Both: Having said that, BURN IN HELL!

Karensa: So tell me how you're sleeping easy? How you're only thinking of yourself? Show me how you justify, Telling all your lies like second nature

Thunderstorm: Listen, mark my words, one day, You will pay, you will pay..

Karensa: Karma's gonna come collect your debt..

Thunderstorm: Karma's gonna come collect your debt~

Both: Karma's gonna come collect your debt!

Almost everyone: *shivers*

Luna: =w= noice

Nix: Ooo~ scary one! Next up in the list is, Darkness and FemKi!!

Darkness: =^= Oh yeah~~

FemKi: owo Mew!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Darkness: I knew you were, You were gonna come to me And here you are But you better choose carefully 'Cause I, I'm capable of anything Of anything and everything I'm gonna make you my afrodite, Make you my one and only But don't make me your enemy, your enemy, your enemy

Darkness: So you wanna play with magic? Girl, you should know what you're falling for Baby do you dare to do this? Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse Are you ready for, ready for A perfect storm, perfect storm Cause once you're mine, once you're mine There's no going back

Darkness: Mark my words, This love will make you levitate Like a bird, Like a bird without a cage But down to earth, If you choose to walk away, don't walk away

Both: You're from a whole 'nother world
(It's in the palm of your hand now baby) A different dimension (It's a yes or no, no maybe) You open my eyes (So just be sure before you give it all to me) And I'm ready to go, lead me into the light (All to me, give it all to me)

Both: Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me (So you wanna play with magic) Infect me with your loving, fill me with your poison (Baby, you should know what you're falling for) Take me, ta-ta-take me (Baby do you dare to do this?) Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction (Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse)

Both: Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign, It's supernatural, extra-terrestrial~

FemKi: This is transcendental, on another level, Boy, you're my lucky star, I wanna walk on your wavelength And be there when you vibrate, For you I'll risk it all

Both: Kiss me, ki-ki-kiss me (So you wanna play with magic) Infect me with your loving, fill me with your poison (Baby, you should know what you're falling for) Take me, ta-ta-take me (Baby do you dare to do this?) Wanna be your victim, ready for abduction (Cause I'm coming at you like a dark horse)

Both: Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign, It's supernatural, extra-terrestrial Boy, you're an alien, your touch so foreign It's supernatural, extra-terrestrial~

Darkness: There's no going back... There's no going back...

Luna: >w< this will be the best mashup I have ever heard in English!

Nix; next is Kex and Earthquake!

Kex: finally~

Earthquake: ^^ yay!

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Kex: Hey, brother, there's an endless road to re-discover..

Earthquake: Hey, sister, know the water's sweet but blood is thicker..

Both: Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do..

Kex: Hey, brother, do you still believe in one another?

Earthquake: Hey, sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?

Both: Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do..

Earthquake: What if I'm far from home?

Kex: Oh, brother, I will hear you call, What if I lose it all?

Earthquake: Oh, sister, I will help you out!

Both: Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do~

Kex: Hey, brother, there's an endless road to re-discover..

Earthquake: Hey, sister, do you still believe in love, I wonder?

Both: Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do..

Earthquake: What if I'm far from home?

Kex: Oh, brother, I will hear you call, What if I lose it all?

Earthquake: Oh, sister, I will help you out!

Both: Oh, if the sky comes falling down for you, There's nothing in this world I wouldn't do~

Luna: ;w; aw...

Nix: *smiles* cute

Luna: everyone is done right?

Nix: Wait, What about us?

Luna: nah, aren't we likely going to sing Korea?

Nix: right~ but add the song so they know~

Luna: Mkay

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Luna: =w= Love this one.. this is for me then Nix would be~

[There should be a GIF or video here. Update the app now to see it.]

Nix: ✨〰️✨

Luna: =^=|| So~ readers, any type of readers those active ones! Silent ones! Whatever! Vote which one is your favorite! Who wins will definitely be staying in my truth or dare book and the losers will eat Yaya's cookies!



Luna: owo hehe


Blaze and Ayane: sucker for pain X whip my hair

Rin and Solar: Demon

Thorn, Cloud, Cyclone and Sand: Partners in crime

Ice and Cindy: Rewrite the Stars

Thunderstorm and Karensa: Wolf in sheep's clothing

FemKi and Darkness: E.T and Dark horse

Kex and Earthquake: Hey brother

You may only choose two out of eight

By the way, sorry if your character doesn't act like one. I'm tired and my body is not helping right now. So hope you enjoy this one long ass thing.


Luna: *sneaks into the room, holding a cake*

BBB: *reading his book, humming a song he listens to earlier* ...

Luna: *smirks, teleports in front of BBB and throws the cake into his face* HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!! YOU ARE OLD NOW, HAH!

BBB: *sweat drops, grabs the cake then wipes it off his face* Thank you ^^|| *a grins appears then hugs Luna with the cake*

Luna: *saw his grin about to run away but got hugged* NUUUUUU!!!

BBB: >wO hehe~

Words 3695

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