Hell is coming

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Credits to the pic above.. and this dare is something I'm going to have a hard time dealing with my emotions

Luna: as long as they aren't going to be like Tegami and Equi though

True, those two make me go insane

Luna: =-=||| I had to stop them using those power..

Not going to remember it again


Dare: _Amethyx_

Luna: *floating up in the air, in a sitting position* how am I suppose to turn them into a reverse? It's not easy when it comes to Quake but Thunder.. nah he'll be hard too. Unlike Ice and Cyclone, I can manipulate them easily. *shrugs her shoulder* hmmm.. *ting* what if..

At late night in the living room

Earthquake; *already sleeping in*

Thunderstorm: *busy with his computer which I don't know what*

Luna: *invisible* (hope that.. the others can change them back before something else happen but.. Cycy and Fang can't help them..) *sighs* ... (Sorry) *is walking on the ceiling, jumps down and landed on the floor quietly like a mouse* ... *walks to Thunderstorm then whispers something into his ear*

Thunderstorm: *heard the whisper, shivers, alertly glance around the living room* ...huh *all of sudden, feeling drowsy, his vision started to blur* w.. what.. *all he sees now is black dots* hap.. pen.. ing..? *faints*

Luna: *just glance at Thunderstorm who is now looking a bit lifeless* ... *walk to Earthquake, crouch down then whispers into his ears*

Inside Earthquake's mind

Earthquake: *chatting with BBB* how much do I have to tell you..

BBB: eheh, I know that I shouldn't be so careless but I had too!

Earthquake: *sighs but smiles because of his use to it* it's fun to talk to you Boi

BBB: you are me, Quakie. *giggles* yet, we have different souls

Earthquake: ah.. we are not talking about that now-

Oh~ what do we have here.. a bonding time? With the real BBB? That's weird to see coming from you Earthquake!

Earthquake: *confuse, look around*

BBB: ?? What's the matter?

Earthquake: I- *now having a headache, grab his head and grip it*

Did you miss me, Earthquake? Miss the feeling of killing? It runs in your blood to kill innocent people!

Earthquake: Shut it! *shakes head* don't even continue saying it! *crouching down now*

BBB: *puzzled* Quake..? *hesitating to touch Earthquake*

You love to kill them! Don't you remember? You kill them with a satisfying smirk, your hand was covered in blood and your sanity was broken!

Earthquake: *accidentally look down at his hands which is cover in blood, freaks out* I-I'm not that type of person any longer! *grits teeth in pain*

BBB: what's.. *worried*

Earthquake: *glance at BBB with tears rolling down his eyes* S-Sorry.. *raise his hand up then clench it*

BBB: No!- *disappears*

Aw.. boring.. I was about to approach him but oh well!

Earthquake: l-leave him o-out.. of t-this.. he have nothing t-to be involve w-with! *collapse on the ground, clenching his hands tight*

Whatever! Let's make it harder for them this time!

Earthquake: *eyes widen in fear, black shadow surrounding him* SHI- *screams out in pain but then went silent* .... *close his eyes then open them to reveal his pupil dilated and the color is now dull* .. *stands up, his hat fell off to the ground to reveal his hair now reverse* ..he.. hehehe..

In Thunderstorm's mind

Thunderstorm: *eyes instantly open, jolts up, breathing heavily* w-where..? *scans the place then realize* shit..

Oho! You are back! This is amazing to know! I didn't thought that you would come back sooooo soon!

Thunderstorm: I'm not idiot! *stands up* I'm getting out of here! *runs*

Come on! Let me control you again! It was hilarious to see your brothers reaction! Their face are priceless!

Thunderstorm: I'm not letting you win this time! I am done with you controlling me! *running away, but he is stuck in a loop*

Useless to run? Isn't it? Come to the cat now you dirty mouse~

Thunderstorm; I'm not your mouse you filthy cat! *bump into a glass wall* what in the name.. *saw Earthquake struggling* NO!

Hm? Even the leader is getting control? Awesome~

Thunderstorm: *bangs on the glass wall* Earthquake! Do you hear me?!

Thundy! Thundy! He can't hear you from here, this glass wall is the divider between you and your brother!

Thunderstorm: *saw that Earthquake turn into a reverse* ... *tears stream down his face* p-please.. this is.. just all a.. n-nightmare.. *collapse on his knees, hugging himself, not caring about his surroundings which is now covered by black shadows*

This is a nightmare... a nightmare that you will never wake up from!

Thunderstorm: *his hair turned into a reverse and his eyes are covered by his bangs* ... *stands up, glancing at the readers with a creepy smirk* you ask for it~

Back to reality

Thorn: BBB?! *rushes to BBB's side who is laying on the floor cold*

BBB: ...

Thorn: (what is he doing here? Unless..) *gasp* (no no no.. Thorn don't believe in that thought..) *carries BBB, immediately runs to where the rest are*

Solar: *staring at the sun, bored*

Blaze: *sleeping with Ice* Zzz

Ice: *sleeping too*

Cyclone: was it fun in space with your brother?

Fang: you could say something like that *fold his arms, annoyed*

Kaizo: *checking his watch if any other mission is available* ...

Thorn: *open the door, panics* everyone!!

All: *turn to look, surprise*

Kaizo; BBB?

Fang: Wait how?

Solar: Thorn! Where did you find him?

Thorn: I found him laying on the ground! In the living room!

Cyclone: Earthquake and Thunderstorm..

Thorn: I didn't saw them in there! Thunderstorm's laptop was still on and the TV wasn't even switch off

Solar: oh no..

Fang: can someone tell me what's actually happening?

Kaizo: ...I think I know

Them: ?

Kaizo: are those two, in their reverse form?

Solar: *flinch*

Thorn: ...

Cyclone: *avoiding eye contact*

Blaze: *is now awake, not knowing the situation but when he heard 'reverse' his panicking in the inside*

Ice: *keep quiet*

Kaizo: it is, isn't it?

Solar: ..unfortunately yes.. with BBB our from Earthquake and those two missing.. its a possibility

Kaizo: are we suppose to fight them now huh?

Ice: *heard a laughter* ...welcome to hell

Outside(meaning the battlefield)

R.Thunder: *standing on the battle ground with his spear ready, red sparks surrounds his spear* ..

R.Quake: *crack his neck, Earth golem is ready, saw the others came with fire in their eyes* a surprise for you!

Kaizo; *scanning at R.Thunder and R.Quake* (that's not them.. not even.. the feeling.. is them..)

Fang: *taking a deep breath, looking at R.Quake*

Blaze: *summons his blazing chakras* no it is surprise for you!

Cyclone: *riding his hover board, holding a sword made out of wind* and it is an amazing surprise!

Thorn: *being silent, summoning his leaf blades*

Solar: give us back our brothers!

Ice: ...or do we have to do this the way we did... last few years ago?

R.Quake: *grins* why not the last option?

R.Thunder: fight to death.. like how we used to do *cold tone*

Ice: *roll eyes, wears his hoodie then summons his icy bow*

Solar: *summons his light sword, look at Kaizo and Fang* you two, stay here, until I shout. Interfere immediately

Kaizo: ... *glance at the situation, nods*

Fang; *confused* why?

Kaizo: sit back and watch..

Fang; *grumbles*

Let the fight, commence

R.Thunder: *lands on the ground, wiping the blood coming out from his mouth* heh, getting stronger now?

Cyclone: you bet I am! Ever since that last fight with you, I train myself to be more stronger!

R.Thunder: even that pathetic Thorn?

Thorn: :p I'm not pathetic anymore! *raise up his hand then clench it* leaf trap!

R.Thunder: ?! *got tied up by vines but easily breaks free* better be more smarter, then stronger! *zaps off*


R.Quake: I see that now you work on that teamwork of yours *dodging every fireballs and ice arrows*

Blaze: Nyeh! That was in the past that we lack of it! But now! Nope!

Ice: *calmly glance at Blaze* we are one, people do says opposite attracts

R.Quake: wise words! *punches the ground then it started to shake badly* but not enough to wake up your brother!


Solar: this isn't easy now.. *is covering them with invisibility dome*

Fang: can't we have another way then killing them?

Solar: ...

Kaizo: is there?

Solar: *avert eyes* there is.. he rarely needed though..

Kaizo; *held Solar's shoulder* now is the time, you don't even want any of this mess, right?

Solar: no..

Fang: then call him! Whoever he is!

Solar: ... *sighs* fine *closes his eyes, mumbles*

A portal open

Telepathy: you called?

Kaizo: him?

Fang: *look up and down* (he doesn't seem bad)

Solar: *open up his eyes, looking down* ..

Telepathy: I know that I can't be trusted, for this once.. trust me! I can handle with those two being reverse!

Solar: *nods*

Kaizo: (weird)

Fang; (I don't get it..)

Solar: *let the invisibility dome down, shouts out* NOW! *uses his light to blind R.Thunder and R.Quake's vision*

Fang; *uses his shadow fingers to get both R.Thunder and R.Quake*

Kaizo: *then quickly trap them inside the energy dome*

R.Quake: Tsk?!

R.Thunder: Tch.. *glaring*

Solar: *glance*

Telepathy: believe in me.. *teleports inside the dome, eyes started to glow* 𝖈𝖔𝖓𝖙𝖗𝖆𝖗𝖎𝖚𝖒 𝖊𝖘𝖘𝖊 𝖖𝖚𝖔𝖉 𝖋𝖆𝖈𝖙𝖚𝖒 𝖊𝖘𝖙 𝖊𝖙 𝖙𝖊𝖓𝖊𝖇𝖗𝖆𝖊!

Days later

Earthquake: *wakes up slowly, having a split headache* ...? *look around just to see his room* was that.. all.. a dream?


Thunderstorm: *sitting on the edge of his bed, blankly looking at the window* it was a nightmare..


Both: just.. a nightmare..

Or was it?

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