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Dare: anonymouz_01 Gasky_RinAki xXLexi_W18Xx
Truth: anonymouz_01

Rune: *lands on the ground, glaring at Luna*

Luna: wut?

Rune: why am I involve?

Luna: =w= oh~ yea~ replace me for awhile~ *runs away*

Rune: I.. *sighs* that wolf.. *vanish*


Rune: *walking around in the house, is a bit lost* I don't even know where is Quake.. *looking for him* where is he? *heard noises in the backyard* huh? *walks out to the backyard and saw* ......

Earthquake: *only wearing his jacket, which is zip open and well short pants* GUH! *smashing every object that is thrown at him*

Rune: ... *turn around to face the wall and see a switch* ? *clicks it*

Earthquake: *suddenly stop because of there is nothing thrown at him* ?? *turn his head to see Rune* Rune? What are you doing here?

Rune: *heard her name, didn't bother to look at Earthquake* you got a truth..

Earthquake: *is puzzled why Run isn't looking at him* um, What is it?

Rune: how did you feel after getting annoyed by your brothers?

Earthquake: *takes a deep breath and sighs loudly* I think you know how I feel *is holding a stick, clench his fist and the stick breaks into pieces* ^^💢

Rune: Yeah, I know. That bunny would never stop teasing me or even bother me == *walks back into the house* talk to you again, next time

Earthquake: you too!



Ice: *currently sleeping peacefully*

Blaze: *quietly playing his Xbox alone*

Cyclone: *reading a book with Thunderstorm* this is addictive!

Thunderstorm: told you *slightly smiles at Cyclone*

Cyclone: *saw his smile, feeling relief then smiles back*

Rune: *open the door, peeks in* hello?

BBB3: oh Rune, hi

Ice: *wakes up slowly* ..?

Rune: *walk in, close the door then sits on the ground, looking at them* you got dares

Thunderstorm: what is it now?

Rune; firstly to Blaze and Ice

Blaze and Ice: ??

Rune: change your personality

Blaze: sure~ I always wanted to know what does Ice do in his lifeu!

Ice; ..ok

Rune: also..

Cyclone: another dare?

Rune: kind of? *snaps fingers then teleports everyone in valley full of variety of flowers*

Blaze: *already acting like Ice, just lazily smiles at the sight*

Ice: *smiling* Beautiful!

Cyclone: WOAH!! *jumps up and down*

Thunderstorm: wow.

Solar: *chilling with Thorn*

Thorn: *talks to the flowers* ^w^

Earthquake: *confuse but enjoys the view*

Fang; *more confuse on why he is here*

Rune: So.. this is the only time you guys experience this.. stuff..

Thunderstorm: what stuff? *narrow his eyes, glancing at Rune*

Rune: well..

Portal open

Lunala: hAh! See I told you I would come in time! *sticks out tongue*

Melt: aw! *gives out a chocolate* here, you won this time! But I'm going to win the next time we meet!

(This is meh)Lunala: full of confidence ey?

Mist: you'll fail again, Melt..

Melt: :p

Dan: Ooo! That flower is rare to find in this place! *points*

Sunflower: Mhm!! Better pick one up!

Magma: *looking around, awe by the Beautifulness*

Cyndu: *excited, that she jump up and down* >^<

Typhoon: *also like Cyndu, squealing*

Cave: *silently look at the place, folding arms* ..

(Not meh)Luna: hehe, be careful you guys! *warning the other children*

BBB7 including Fang: *jaw drops*

Rune: ...that's... a lot of.. kids..

Lunala: you had no idea how much I have to control them before getting here! Only mah twin is easy enough to be taking care of! Now! You~ *points at BBB7 and Fang* take care of ya'll children! Don't lose them! Cause they don't belong to me! *went back into the portal*

BBB7: *shock down to the bones*

Fang: *still jaw drop*

Rune: *facepalm*


Thorn: *carrying Dan in his arms* ^w^ so you two belong to us?

Solar: *carrying Sunflower on his back* it looks like it *smiles*

Dan: mhm! Mhm! Mommy and daddy are our parent!

Sunflower: I agree with Dan! *resting her head on Solar's head* warm!

Solar: I don't know much on how to take care of kids..

Thorn: *look at Solar and did a cute smile* we can do this! *cheering up Solar* let's just be ourselves! And taking care of them will be way as pie!

Solar: *pink tints appear on his cheeks, nods* alright then

Dan: >w< Yay!!

Sunflower: awesome!

Skip time

Thorn; is this where you two wanted to see?

Dan: Yeah! *runs off* mommy's garden! Hehe!

Sunflower: Wait for me Dan!! *chase after*

Solar: oh boy.. *caught up to them in a speed of light* this caught your eyes?

Dan and Sunflower: *staring at the crystal tree, eyes shining bright* woah..

Thorn: *behind Solar, looking at them then giggles* you two admire Emerald's work?

Dan: *heard, turn and nods* Emmy's work is always awesome!

Sunflower: *walking to it then tap the tree gently* nothing can compare to his art! It's unbeatable!

Solar: I'm glad you two know ^^

Thorn: ^w^ Emerald will be happy to hear that!

Emerald: and I am *his hand move to his mouth and chuckles, appears as crystals trail behind him*

Sunflower: Emmy! *hugs him*

Emerald: *grabs Sunflower and puts her into a platform made from emeralds* there and you~

Dan: *already in front of Emerald* OwO?

Emerald: *carries Dan on his shoulder, poking Dan's nose* on me ^^

Dan: >w<

Thorn: Emmy! I didn't know that you're here! owo

Solar: it's surprising to see you here

Emerald: ah, I am only here to see these two precious cinnamon rolls *nuzzles Sunflower's nose while patting Dan's head*

Sunflower: *got nuzzled by Emerald, giggles because it tickles*

Dan: ^w^ *enjoying the pat he receive from Emerald*

Thorn: they don't belong to us though!

Emerald: still~ by seeing these two here, is what I see in the future ^^

ThoLar: *blushes*

Dan and Sunflower: Yea! Yea!

ThundClone ⚡️🌪

Cyndu: having a brother is awesome! Now I'm not lonely! *skipping with Typhoon*

Typhoon: and~ having sister is also awesome! *side hugs Cyndu, still skipping*

Cyclone: TwT adorable *takes pictures*

Thunderstorm: *actually feeling happy, seeing Cyndu and Typhoon* to include.. having a son and daughter feels awesome as ever *smiles gently*

Cyndu and Typhoon: oh dad! *laughs*

Typhoon: what about mom~?

Cyndu: *giggles*

Cyclone: *avoiding eye contact, getting shy now*

Thunderstorm: ...heh *wraps one arm around Cyclone's neck and pull him close* also, having a wife brings joy in my life

Cyndu: *Squeals*

Typhoon: Ooo! Cheesy!

Cyclone: //// *embarrassed*

Cyndu: Dad! Dad! Do a pick up line!!

Thunderstorm; *shakes head, look at Typhoon*

Typhoon: *nods, blows a bit of wind*

Cyclone: *got pushed by the sudden force, accidentally trip and fell but caught by Thunderstorm* ///////

Thunderstorm: you should be lucky for not falling for the floor.. but me *winks*

Cyclone: >\\\< *covers face with his arms*

Cyndu: Awe!! >w< *shakes Typhoon rapidly*

Typhoon: (need to learn more from dad!) *got shook* 0-0||

Cyclone: N-no more p-please! \\\\ *still a blushing mess, tries so hard to calm his racing heart down*

Thunderstorm: *softly laughs* I did what Cyndu ask for, couldn't miss that opportunity

Cyclone: *pouts cutely* okay.. okay.. but stop it! *can't get rid of that red face of his*

BlIce 🔥❄️

Melt: *slides down the ice slide* Mist! You better try this out! *sliding down fast*

Mist: *still sitting on top of the slide* maybe.. sleep.. on it *lays down and close eyes then let it slide on it's own*

Magma: *playing with the fireballs, juggles it* You can do this!!

((I just notice that all of BlIce children start off with letter M))

Blaze: *watching out the kids while Ice is buying food* maybe one day.. *thinking about his own future with Ice but got interrupted*

Magma: Ahem! Papa! *waves his hand in front of Blaze's face* I'm asking here!

Blaze: Sorry about that... And what?

Magma: =-=.. I'm asking if I can try juggling these fireballs with a mix of ice?

Blaze: mix of ice? I haven't tried that before.. *thinking*

Magma: I'll be careful! Promise I won't hurt myself! *trying to get permission*

Blaze: hmm.. fine, just don't be careless like I am

Magma: Promise! Thanks!! *runs to Mist* Mist!

Mist: *sleeping on the comfy snow, open up her eyes* yes?

Magma: give me some ice or snow into this ball! *already creates fireballs*

Mist: *sits up then adds them* be careful, it's too cold for you.. Mama warn you too many times about it.. *yawns*

Magma: I know! *went back to juggling*

Melt: *now beside Mist* is he doing it again?

Mist: yeah, with a bit of ice

Melt: his nuts!

Mist: like you -_-

Melt; true! But I'm lazy~

Mist: I couldn't argue with that ==||

Ice; *came back with ice cream(which is what the Twins wanted) and tokoyaki(What Magma wanted)* back~ *sits beside Blaze* Kids! Your food is here!

Mist and Melt: ICE CREAM! *runs*

Magma: Food!! *drops his fireiceballs and one of them hit his arm but he doesn't feel the pain, yet*

Ice: here! Melt, you wanted chocolate mint ice cream *gives it to Melt*

Melt: Yep~ *takes it then starts to eat it*

Ice: Mist, a strawberry with a mix of yam! My personal favorite *chuckles then hands it to Mist*

Mist: and my favorite.. *takes it then licks it*

Magma: where's mine?? *hungry*

Ice: here is yours! *gives Magma the tokoyaki*

Magma: Yesh! *takes it* I have been dying to eat these!

Trio(kids): Thanks Mama!!

Ice: Eheh, it's just a simple thing *rubs the back of his neck, slightly grinning*

Blaze: *notice there is burn scar on Magma's arm* (hmm) *look at Ice*

Ice: *look at Blaze too* ? *look at where Blaze's eyes are looking then saw the burn scar* Magma?

Magma: *eating his tokoyaki in joy, hear Ice calling his name* Yesh?? *not looking at Ice because he is busy eating*

Ice: what's that scar on your arm?

Magma: scar? *put down his tokoyaki then look at his arm, is now shock* how did that get there? *now feeling the pain* ow ow ow ow!

Mist: told you to be careful..

Blaze: same here

Melt: ouch that gotta sting

Magma: this wasn't here before! *move his arm and the pain shot right at him* OW! *grit his teeth*

Ice: *concerned* Magma, come closer

Magma: mmmph *gets closer to Ice*

Ice: *gently press his hand on Magma's burn*

Magma: *shut his eyes tight, grunts a bit*

Ice; sorry Magma *lets go and leave a bandage made from snow around Magma's arm* there, that will heal soon ^^

Magma: How.. *speechless, staring at his arm*

Melt: HOW DID YOU DO THAT!? *points*

Mist; it's easy Melt *facepalm*

Melt; Is it?

Ice: it is *chuckles*

Blaze: *have nothing to say because he is hella worried*


Kex: *giggles* Chu have the same name as Auwhor!

Luna: ^^|| I notice that, she even keep calling me twin

Kex: cause chu are! >w<

Luna: I guess, I am *smiles*

Cave: ceh, that's nothing to be proud of *roll eyes*

Luna: Cave, come on! *something came into her mind* Are you jealous?

Cave: WHAT? Me? JEaLoUs? *cross his arms and huff* I think you're the one jealous! *mutters*

Kex: Pfft =w=

Luna: Aha..

Earthquake: Cave have your personality ^^ *look over at Fang who is busy with his mask*

Fang: I can see that *plainly said, keeps fixing it but gives up* ugh! I tried everything and it's not working! *bangs head on the table lightly*

Earthquake: e-eh.. Fang.. *pats Fang's back* maybe try ask the kids?

Fang: *avert eyes but nods* Hey, you three

Cave: hm?

Luna: yes??

Kex: owo?

Fang: do you know how to fix this? *shows the mask*

Luna: Oo! I can do it!

Cave: what no, no you can't. Here let me do it

Luna: you'll ruin it Cave!

Cave: will not!

Both: *argue*

Kex: o3o... *push both of them aside* >3< no mwore fwigthing!!

Luna: *hold her arm while looking down at her shoe*

Cave: *folding arm, turn face away, pouts a bit*

Earthquake: oh my, you two. There is nothing to be fighting about.. *crouch down in front of them* if you keep on bickering like this, I'm taking away your free time

Cave and Luna: mother!?

Fang: and your powers won't be in use anymore *glancing*

Cave and Luna: father..

Earthquake: if you don't want that, forgive each other and promise not to fight like that *worriedly smiles*

Cave: *sighs* ... *let go of his arm, had his hand out, still looking away* I'm sorry, sister

Luna: *a relief smile appear on her face* hearing a 'sorry' coming from you is rare.. *hold Cave's hand and shakes it* I'm sorry too and I forgive you, brother, always ^^

Cave: Yea Yea.. whatever *mumbles* now can we just fix it?

Fang: *nods and gives it to Cave*

Later on

Melt: do we have to leave?

Rune: you guys aren't their real sons and daughters, remember that.

Melt: *pouts*

Mist: I have to.. admit that.. it was fun..

Magma: Yeah! I'm going to miss this..

Ice: aw don't be you three *grins* next time you three visited, we will train you!

Melt: Awesome!

Mist: *nods* Ok

Magma: Yesh!! Training!!

Blaze: *rub his eyes* we will miss you three too.. *hugs the three of them and Ice*

Melt and Mist: *felt the warmth, comfortable*

Magma: *hugs back*

Ice: *all he can do is smile*

Sunflower: nooo.. *hugging Solar and Thorn tight* I don't want to leaveeee..

Dan: QwQ *also hugging Thorn and Solar*

Solar: dear, we will meet again one day

Thorn: and if we do! We'll explore the crystal cave with Emmy OwO

Dan: R-really? *is crying a bit*

Solar: Yes *ruffles Dan's hair* we will

Dan: Yay! >w<

Sunflower: I need to bring a lot of my research book then!

Typhoon: I'll beat you one day dad!

Thunderstorm: I'm looking forward to it *smirks*

Cyndu: >^< Mom! Let's have a race when we meet next time!

Cyclone: Sure~ just don't whine if I win!

Cyndu; Oh I'm not the one losing here!

Cave: going back to our real parents.. *glancing at Fang and Earthquake*

Kex: *sitting on top of Earthquake's head* ;w;

Earthquake: Mhm ^^ we aren't your real ones but we are still them

Fang: good to know that Earthquake does have feelings for me *muttering to himself*

Earthquake: *blinks* ?

Luna: *got hugged by Lunala who is dramatically crying* |||||

Lunala: QwQ until next time twin!

Rune: *facepalm* just get back already, they are going to be worry sick!

Lunala: *let go of Luna, open the portal for each of them* Wokay! Here ya go!

Mist and Melt: *look at Blaze and Ice* we won't forget about this! *hugs them and got a kiss on the forehead before running off into the portal* We love you!

Magma: *still hugging Blaze and Ice* thank you.. love you.. papa.. and mama.. *let go and went into the portal*

Blaze: Bye.. *hold Ice's hand*

Ice: *laughs sadly* we love you two..

Sunflower: *walking with Dan, looking back at Thorn and Solar* Good bye, until we get to come again!

Dan: ;3; bye bye *waves*

Both: we love chu! Mommy and daddy! *enter their own portal*

Thorn: *got carried in Solar's arm, sniffs* Q3Q ..

Solar: *sighing* we love you too..

Typhoon and Cyndu: *hugging the last time*

Cyndu: I won't forget this moment! *runs off* I love you two! *enter the portal*

Typhoon: me neither.. love you *walks off and into the portal*

Cyclone: Q^Q I'm going to miss them badly..

Thunderstorm: *nods* we love you.. two..

Cave: *is the one not letting go of Earthquake* its too early to leave..

Luna: But we have to go back, Cave *sweat drops*

Cave: it feels like I'm not going to see them for thousands of years!

Earthquake: *pats Cave's head* Cave.. me and Fang aren't your real-

Cave: yeah who cares! You guys are still my father and mother! *wipes off a tear but slowly let go* please don't forget about us..

Luna: *looking at Cave with tears sweeping up in her eyes*

Fang: Oho, we won't *gives Cave a bracelet that Fang always wore* here, something to hold onto

Cave: *takes it and wear it* I.. *shakes head, grabs Luna's hand then run into the portal*

Luna: *waves* we love you mother! Father! *enter the portal with Cave*

Earthquake: *wipes a tear away, smile slowly fades away*

Fang: ..

Rune: wOw, What an emotional wreck

Lunala: *blows her nose into a tissue, glaring at Rune* its precious! You don't know how it feels!

Rune: ==||| ((<— actually a mother and having four kids))


This took me long enough, but thanks for it!

Dan and Magma belongs to Gasky_RinAki

Cyndu belongs to xXLexi_W18Xx

Typhoon, Sunflower, Melt, Mist, Cave and Luna belong to ImLonely11307

*flops onto bed, covers self with blanket and groans* so many kids..

Kex: *giggles, tackles meh then snuggles*

Nyaaaaaa Kex *just hugs*

After that situation

Dan: *pulls Rune's sleeves*

Rune: ? *crouch down* what now?

Dan: owo... grandma?

Rune: =_=....

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