Love interest?

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Don't you guys wonder.. who they like for the none original BBBs? Cause like, I don't think I'd ever shown who they are romantically attracted too.. sooooo..

Also, note that all of them here right now is around 17-18-19 years old

Future me: I'm sorry that I had been a little inactive, had been focusing on my school life (;-; Hhh I haven't even done lots of hws and cws) and me coping with quarantine!

Anyways, enjoy!!!

(F.M) Side note: honestly speaking, some of these characters are based of my old characters which I turned them into part of BBB so technically, they are different people that comes from one single person {p.s; yes they actually have different looks, only the canon 7 are like septuplets}


In Japan~

Darkness: *walking to Emerald's room to ask him whose turn is it to cook* hey Emmy- ....wha

Emerald: *his doing TikTok.. the throwback dance, having fun* ^^~

Darkness: *walks backwards and slowly close the door and proceeds to walk back to his room*

Ladies and Gentlemen, that is how Darkness realize that he is gAy for Emerald

Emerald: *walking down the stairs, rubbing his eyes as he walk pass the shirtless Darkness*

Darkness: morning Emmy~ *casually drinking water*

Emerald: ..? *turns around* good morning Dark- *blinks then turns around and continue his walk* /(≧ x ≦)\


Sand: 030.. I'm bored *rolling on the ground as his sand makes it easier to roll with*


Sand: •-•...

Cloud: *chasing after his clouds* no! Wait!! *saw Sand then stops* Sand! Please help me! The clouds won't listen to me! ><||

Sand: uh um.. sure?

Few minutes later

Cloud: thank you Sand!! *hugs Sand as a reward*

Sand: no problem buddy!! And maybe~ a kiss on the cheek?? *joking*

Cloud: e-er.. *kissed Sand on the cheek before summoning his clouds and zooms off* >\\\<

Sand: I-I.. O//O.. *was not expecting that*

Cloud could never get Sand's joke and he is glad about it-


Magnet: *trying out his fashion clothes but he wasn't confident on wearing them* Eclipse *turns his whole body around and shows it to him* how do I look?

Eclipse: *glance up from his phone* you look great babe *glance back down*

Magnet: oh ok.. *realizes and immediately tries to act cool* (he just call me, babe!?) ////

Eclipse: *internally panicking when it slipped out of his tongue* (..fck) *blushing slightly as he covers himself more*

Say thank you to Eclipse internet friends who says stuff like that to him!!


The ones in London

Seeker: *knocks on the door* hello??? *wants to use the bathroom but it was locked but it seems like no one is in there* oh whatever! *somehow breaks the lock then went in and chokes at the sight of Gold naked in the shower* s-sorry.. I'll just go- *awkwardly backing away*

Gold: no! No! It's alright dear! We always see each other naked, come on! Let's take a shower together! *he was so used to take showers with Silver and Dia that this isn't an embarrassing thing*

Seeker: .... *doesn't says anything and just walks out* Istg this feelings are weird- *angry blush blush*

Gold: ??? *shrugs it off then continues to shower but slight tint of blush is visible*

Dammit, y'all were about too see each other naked and probs finally Seeker doesn't have to waste the shampoo-

Seeker: next.


Silver: oh my lord.. *facepalm when Telepathy is hanging upside down* how did this happen?? *gestures as the silver plates creates stairs for him to walk up to Telepathy's level*

Telepathy: *sweat-drops* I was creating a new spell but I ended up using the old spell I had forgotten which is the upside down spell anddd I got caught in the unbreakable webs..

Silver: *sighs* sometimes, you are a mess *did another gesture as a silver knife floats beside him and use it to cut the webs* unbreakable you say?

Telepathy: not unless it's your silverware.. ^^|| *got freed and mumbles a spell to stop the spell which he ended up in Silver's arm*

Silver: next time, check your spells before casting them *now walking down the silver stairs*

Telepathy: *smiles* ^^ // can't promise you that

Silver: *shakes his head* ///..

This happened a lot to Pathy that Silver just gave him his favorite butterfly knife(ofc it's silver)


Emit: Ooohh!! That's awesome Dia! If we were to fuse our powers, I can use more portal of time! But like, the portal is made out of Diamonds!

Dia: it is not my best explanation.. nonetheless you understood it *smiles* why not we test our theory?

Emit: yes! *stands in front of Dia* I'm ready!

Dia: alright~


Dia: *eyes widen at the sight of Emit in his lates 20s*

Emit: ughh.. *holds his head, he looks way more mature and handsome, still cute in a way but damnnn*

Dia: *is a blushing mess, couldn't control himself so he covered using a diamond shield*

Emit: Dia? *saw his reflection* oh- oops- *flicks his finger and changed back to his 17 year old self* there!

Dia: *lowers his shield and let out a sigh of relief*

Emit; *but realizes* ah!? I'm sorry Dia! *had changed Dia into a 11 year old and snaps his finger again* sorry.. ///..

Dia: n-no! No! It's alright my dear..

Both: (god, I love him)

Emit and Dia are introverts. THEY GONNA BE AWKWARD OH GOD QAQ



Bubbles: and here is where we take a break! Anymore questions?? Shadow?

Shadow: naaah, I won't be here for that long anyways, I have to back to Lunar and Darkness sooner or later

Bubbles: aww.. that's sad.. considering that you aren't an actual BBB.. *pouting*

Shadow: Hey! Hey! Don't be sad! I don't mind it! *looking at the busy workers that is making Disneyland magical* be happy that I'm here.. with you *smiles cheekily at Bubbles*

Bubbles: *force himself to smile to not cry* I am happy! *hugs Shadow* I'm happy..

Shadow: of course you are.. ///

Fact of the day- yes, these two are already dating and a lot of kids love these two dynamics!


Lunar: *sitting on the Disney castle, looking at the lively streets* ...

Steel: here you are! I've been searching for you everywhere! *sits next to Lunar* how's your work?

Lunar: *was startled but calms down a little* it was alright, nothing happened much

Steel: that's good to hear.. so..

Lunar: ??

Steel: what's your answer..? *shyly glance at another direction*

Lunar: O-oh? *it didn't came across his mind when he was working* I'm still.. thinking..

Steel: *had his hopes up* ..I'll wait *smiles at Lunar* I don't force you Lun..

Lunar: *nods his head* ...

These two aren't sure about themselves but they'll get it eventually-

Chrome: =-= Nu

Techno: back at you -_-

Luna: awwWww! Waeeee!

Chrome: his better off with someone else, not with me *folds his arms*

Techno: oh yeah?? Then let's break up! *walks off*

Chrome: Wait- I WAS JOKING! Baby! Come back here! Babe!! *chase after Techno*

Luna: .-.

Neil: I have nothing to say, really

Neo: I'm not even surprised at this point

Luna: •-• *looks at the two*

Neil: we don't have any interest, thank you very much

Neo: blegh, no, just no

Luna: ._. Ok


Thunderstorm: *walking to his room but accidentally hit his foot at the coffee table* FCK ME-

Cyclone: *came out of nowhere* If you gave me a chance I would take it~!

Thunderstorm: what the fck-

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