Story Time!! -F.H

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Dare: tbhkanime_me

O3O... hi


Seeker: *sighs* again? *wakes up as he is already in cosplay* him?

F.Heart: *giggles* yeah! You got a dare to cosplay as Kacchan!

Shizen: *saw that Seeker is making the angry face* calm down boom boom boi, it's not that bad *innocently smiles*

Seeker: Hhhhhh- why do I feel cold.. *gets out of bed then check out himself in the mirror, rubs his eyes* ....



Aoi: he acts like Bakugou now.. funny *eating candy as he looks at Seeker who is high key pissed off*

Seeker: Tsk.. why must it be me? Out of all people?

Lotus: weeell~ you are one of the hot-headed person in the family besides Thundy and Blazy! And Eclipse and low-key Magnet!

Seeker: *grumbles* ..I can't deny it *fold his arms*

Shizen: or more like he is the introvert Bakugo..

Aoi: remind me of someone *looks up*


Aoi: nothing~ ^^

F.Heart: *burst into the room* I have a story!!

Seeker: !? OI! You better pay for that! *sighs* I swear that one day we will go broke because of these kids..

F.Heart: EEP- *hides behind Shizen* ;-; why is he mad..?

Aoi: long story short, because he is cosplay in that and his suffering because of the cold *sweat-drops*

F.Heart: ohhhh.. ^w^|| But But,, story??

Shizen; if it is interesting to hear, then yes

F.Heart: This will be interesting! It's the main 7!

Lotus: Ooo!! Tell us!!

Aoi: I thought we aren't going to-

Seeker: Author only said they won't get dates or truths, stories we can tell ==

F.Heart: oh Yay!! So I was just wondering in the main 7 place..


I was strolling in one of their big halls because I had nothing better to do..

F.Heart: *strolling around, humming as he does* ~


F.Heart: ?? *walks to the room and peeks slightly*

When I look inside, I saw Uncle Blaze with Uncle Ice andddd Uncle Hali, they were.. stress?? Confused??

Thunderstorm: I told you, that's an egg and we do not breed eggs!

Blaze: says who?!

Thunderstorm: says the scientists in this every goddamn world!

Ice: Hhhhh.. *facepalming*

I didn't want to interrupt but I stumbled in because I leaned too much on the door

F.Heart: oof? *looks up and saw Ice landing him a hand*

Ice: Heart? What are you doing here?

F.Heart: ^^|| I-I was just bored.. uhm.. *stands up then brush his hair* why are uncle talking about.. an egg??

Blaze: I'm glad you ask! *grins*

Thunderstorm: I'm explaining -_-

Blaze: awwww

Turns out, Uncle Blaze wakes up with an egg under his butt, he thought for awhile that it was not his but he ended up believing that it belongs to his.. Uncle Ice told him that it was just his Chicken's egg though Blaze ignore it..

F.Heart: oh..

Thunderstorm: *rolls his eyes* we breed human babies not egg babies!

Blaze: what if I'm one of the kind?? I need to ask Solar! *dashes off*

Ice: ..I'm going back to sleep, wake me up when this whole thing is over *goes back to sleep*

Thunderstorm: *rubbing his templates* I swear to god his going delusional..

F.Heart: Delusional..?

Thunderstorm: you don't have to know kid, let's just go to him *grabs F.Heart hand and zaps to Solar's lab*

Once we reach there, Blaze was on his knees, pleading Solar to convince people that the egg is his child

Solar: oh my god, dear, please, that's an egg! A real egg that supposedly belongs to your pet chicken!

Blaze: Nuuu!! This egg is mAh child!

Thunderstorm: *let go of F.Heart* how long?

Solar: *look at Thunderstorm with a 'help me' face* exactly 5 minutes , 23 seconds and 47 milliseconds

F.Heart: *awe as he never enter Solar's lab before, walks around*

Thunderstorm: Blaze, even Solar here, one of our intellectual is saying that this egg is not yours ==

Blaze: *groans* oh come on! Then how did it ended up under me? And I didn't crush it!

Solar: ugh, your chicken is from another universe Blaze, it's different from your original chicken

Blaze: NO! I'm not going to believe that!! *his throwing a fit*

Solar: babe please, get him out of my lab *continues back with his research*

Thunderstorm: *shrugs his shoulders-*


Seeker: Wait. BABE!? DID HE CHEAT-

F.Heart: no! ><||| this is another dimension of BBBs!

Seeker: oh.

Shizen: *stifling a chuckle* over protective..

Aoi: he is in the Cyclone squad ^-^||

Lotus: owo cheat?

F.Heart: anyways.. where was I..


Blaze: y'all are meanie!! *getting drag by Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *simple throws Blaze out of the room and lock the door, banging could be heard* there done *walks to Solar*

Solar; thank you ^^ *gives a quick kiss on Thunderstorm's cheek as he mix his potions*

Thunderstorm: *slightly smiles* //

F.Heart: *looking at the two, not used to seeing Solar and Thunderstorm together* •~•

It was weird!! I'm so used seeing Thunder with Cycy! But.. yeah..

F.Heart: *coughs* so uhm, what should we do with Blazy?

Solar: let's wait for Quake to come back from his stress relief therapy.. though that might make him more stress

Thunderstorm: or we can just knock him out and tell him it was just a dream -~-

Solar; Thunder, no.

F.Heart: or erm.. we wait for the egg to hatch to make your point true and his isn't?

Solar: *gasp* that's genius!

Thunderstorm: *sighs* won't that take long?

Solar: not at all! Funny enough, Blaze's pet chicken's egg hatch in just one week!

Thunderstorm: are you telling me we have to wait for one week!?

Solar: of course! This will be handy for my research..

F.Heart: (030.. not gonna lie, they have great chemistry here..)


Aoi: is that why you weren't home for 1 week?

F.Heart; yeah! I spent my time with Thorny! And Ice! And and Quake!

Shizen: hmm, what about Cyclone?

F.Heart: oh uh.. *fiddles with his bangs* that.. yeah, also Cycy.. *mutters*

Lotus: continue the story! >w< I wanna know what happened next!

F.Heart: a-ah Yeah!

Seeker: ..?


After the one week time I spent in that dimension, Blaze's egg finally about to hatch!

Ice: I bet it's just a chicken

Sol and Thunder: same here

Thorn: oAO or maybe a monster!?

Earthquake: nor it's just a normal chicken that we are going to released it

Blaze: you guys aren't helping with anything!

F.Heart: o3o.. *saw the egg move* it moved!!

Everyone focus on the egg as it slowly hatched..


F.Heart; turns out! It was actually a baby!

Seeker: a WHAT?! Are you serious??

F.Heart: Mhm! Here! *shows the pictures* oddly enough it's an actual baby..

Lotus: owO a baby? How?

F.Heart: I have no idea ||||

Shizen: But.. wouldn't that mean..

Aoi: ahhhh! Don't think of that Zen!

Seeker: are you sure you didn't got this from google?

F.Heart: eh! Why would I?

*Sweat-drop as the picture was found in google*

Seeker: *facepalm* so how did they reacted to it?

F.Heart: it was.. chaotic ^w^||


Earthquake: OH MY LORD IM A GRANDMA *crying tears of joy*

Solar: *in the corner, rocking back and forth* this doesn't make sense! *repeating his words*

Thunderstorm: *exe.broken.*


Blaze: I told you so! *holding the baby in his arms*

Ice: ....

F.Heart: uhhhh.. how does.. how was.. how did a baby came out of the egg??

Earthquake: *comes back after crying happily* good question, how did that happen? *glaring at Ice*

Ice: *gone from his place*


F.Heart: •-•? Did I do something wrong?

Thunderstorm: no kid.. you didn't.. *look at Blaze* did you two actually banged each other?

Blaze: *chokes on air* n-No! *patting the baby* w-well.. ma-maybe.. but I swear we were safe!!

Thunderstorm: uh-huh..

Solar: WAIT! *got an idea, stands up immediately after thinking about it* what if your pet chicken, have that abilities? We saw a lot of eggs laying in that planet and inside them was not eggs but other living creature!

Blaze: o-o.. Huh

Thunderstorm: actually make sense *looking at the baby* hmm.. *walks closer to it then brush the baby's hair*

The baby: *felt the movement then open their eyes* gaaa??

F.Heart: *he was busy minding his business with Thorn when he heard a gasp* ? *turns around to see Thunderstorm holding the baby as Blaze was standing there with tears in his eyes and Solar was shocked to the core*

Thorn: eh? 030 what happened??

Solar: t-their eyes..

Blaze: Sky.. sky blue..

Thorn: isn't that Cyclone's eye color- oh..

F.Heart: ??? *confused*

Thunderstorm: His given a second chance.. oh god.. *stumbles on the floor, still holding the baby gently*

Baby: Gaaa!! *reaching out to Thunderstorm with a smile*

F.Heart: ...


F.Heart: that's where I learned.. *looking at the baby picture* Cycy died after saving Thundy's life, He moved on to be with Solar as Thorn doesn't have any interest in love..

Shizen: a second chance? That's actually.. wow..

Aoi: ^^ heh, from a funny to sad in just a span of one week, isn't that a rollercoaster for you?

F.Heart: it is.. ;^; everyone cried that day and I joined because they were crying!

Lotus: o(╥﹏╥)o *clinging onto Seeker who comforted him*

Seeker: ... (it was good that he died because of saving him.. instead of killing himself) *shakes his head* what happened after that?

F.Heart: urm.. well, somehow, Cycy- uhhhHh.. Cyntia grew up faster then any normal human would and now his at the age of 10.. everyone treated him well, especially Thunderstorm, I secretly think Cyntia knows about her past self but chose not to say anything

Seeker: why is that?

F.Heart: I was there to wake up Thunder when she thanked Thunder when he was asleep, she saw me and hushed at me before pretending to be a 10 year old

Seeker: *slightly smiles at it* what a story..

Lotus: QwQ Mhm! Mhm! I hope that Cyntia will have a better life there!

Aoi: I hope so too

Shizen; yeah, same here

Seeker: we should be going downstairs now.. *shivers* it's freezing up here! (; ̄Д ̄)

Aoi: oh, right! Glacier is baking cookies right now! Let's go before Frost finished them all!

Shizen: this time I'm not giving his chance! *rushed out of the door*

Lotus; wait for me!! *slides out of the door*

Aoi: Wait up you two! *runs*

F.Heart: *look up at Seeker*

Seeker: ?

F.Heart: do you really think she'll be fine?

Seeker: *hums, walking with F.Heart* she will, just believe it will

F.Heart: ahh.. Alright!

Huh, who knew it's this long-


I wasn't planning to do that story that was inspired from TikTok(the egg part) but the rest is my random ideas-

And yes, that dimension of BBBs is not the original ones- where the main ships are, this dimension is only for Thunder x Solar and Ice x Blaze

Earthquake and Thorn, those two are forever single-

Anyways, hope ya enjoy thissssssssss

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