One last dare before I upload random stuff here-

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I am not quitting~ just need to finish this dare and since I'm sick and don't know what to do
(Especially that I have school holiday now)
Lemme finish this-
And don't mind how lazy this feels.. I just don't have the mood to do this properly.. sooo.. come back again and again, cause I might change some of the parts time to time

Dare: Star_252-purpulyRain
Diana: Diana_nightcore

Elementals going to school~

Earthquake: is everyone ready for their new school?? *packing his kids some food because he doesn't trust the food in canteen and he is worry about their health*

Thunderstorm: -_- no, I'm going to get chase by fangirls.. I need Solar by my side.. *never like right places especially around girls exclude the girls that he knows*

Solar: *smiles happily* that's alright Thunder~ I can take care of the ladies for you! *finish fixing Thorn's hair* there dear! That's it~

Thorn: uwu thank you Sunny! And I'm always ready mama Quake! *runs to where the troublemakers are* Blazy! Cycy!

Blaze: *taking pictures as they wanted to keep memories for the future but got photobombed by Thorn.. though, they still look cute in it* we're ready here mama!

Cyclone; yeah! Yeah! *grabs the phone then saves it safely then smiles at how cute Thorn is*

Earthquake: good to know ^^ *heard a groan* ? *look at the stairs* Ice? Are you ready?

Ice: *dragging his bag, yawning* ready.. just.. tired..

Earthquake: you can sleep later on Ice before the school really starts! Now since everyone is ready and up to go~ *grabs his car key* let's go!

At school ground

Diana: our first day at school! This is fun~ *actually being sarcastic*

Luna: *groans* I hate this, why am I in school agaiiiiin *sighs, getting drag by Diana as she was force to go with Diana* I've been to school for millions of years and I need some rest

Diana: shush, no more whining and accept your fate =^=

Luna: Fine~ I'm only going because you're with me

Diana: I'm still curious on how you manage to convince the principal to wear.. jeans *look at Luna*

Luna: hehe~ I have my ways =w=✨ *coughs* by the way~ is there anyone new here??

Diana: maybe, who knows? We always have new people coming to this school

Luna: I bet that it'll be a girl that seeks attention~

Diana: don't predict the future Lun-

Bell rings

Both of them: . . .SHIET-

At break time or recess

Luna: hey boys! I brought Diana with me!!

Diana: more like I brought you-

Luna: anyways!! Any teaaa to be spill??

Diana: oh yeah~ any teas?

Earthquake: ^^||| apparently, there's this new girl in our class that Ice is currently touring her around the school now

Diana: um.. why is it just you and Cyclone?

Cyclone: *eating the biscuit, smiling at the two* Thornie is busy with the garden! Blaze is in the gym doing some practice with soccer!

Earthquake: Solar is helping Thunder with fangirls around the school *sweat-drops* and you know Ice is being a tour guide now

Luna: typical life~ I wonder how Ice is doing with his little tour

With Ice

Ice: and that's all you need to know, apart from the boy's restroom.. *look at the girl who have brownish hair with bluish-grey eyes*

Abigail: thank you~ *smiles at Ice* I have one question though..

Ice: hm?

Abigail: who's that guy?? *pointing at Blaze who is currently practicing soccer all sweaty yet having that professionalism with him that is making nearby girls to sigh dreamily*

Ice: him? His my twin brother, Blaze *smiles a little at the hard working Blaze*

Abigail: twin? As in opposite twin? You two don't look like when it comes to-

Ice; enough talk, that's all you need to know.. it's lunch time now and I haven't eaten *walks off*

Abigail: *looking at Blaze before going off to follow Ice* h-hey! Wait up!

After the last school rang-

B: *totally not me* the bell doesn't dismiss you, I do! *glaring at the students who were packing up* ^^ but~ The septuplets, Diana and the new girl can leave

The rest: *groans*

Luna: *felt betrayal* TwT Diana, are you seriously going to leave me alone-

Diana: *already gone from her seat*

Luna: bit-

Blaze: *is already walking with Ice like the usual but felt his arm got grab* ? *turns back then saw Abigail* new girl?

Ice: ... *also stops, looking at the two*

Abigail: it's Abigail and.. is it okay if you would willingly to teach me.. soccer?

Blaze: ah.. *look at Ice who nod his head then look back at Abigail with his grin* sure! I can teach you! Right after class, meet me at the field! See you soon! *grabs Ice's hand then run to catch up with the rest*

Ice: .... *glancing back at Abigail who gave him the glare which he ignore then continue getting drag by Blaze*

Back at home

Ice: Blaze.. *sitting on bed while looking at Blaze*

Blaze: *also sitting on the bed, wanting to sleep with Ice tonight* yeah?? Something wrong?

Ice: *think for a minute, pull Blaze down into a hug then snuggles into Blaze big frame* I just need you..

Blaze: !? *surprise when he got pulled down into a hugged but laughs when Ice said it* I need you too~ and if you're worry about Abigail taking me out from your life.. don't be! I would never

Ice: *sighs softly, just needing the reassurance from Blaze* okay.. but.. what will you do if you.. forget..?

Blaze: I'll beat myself to death *laughs again, cuddle Ice up* and.. probably getting killed by mama Quake and I don't want that to happen!

Ice: ..good to know *loving that Blaze is embracing him* let's.. go to sleep now.. tomorrow is another day.. of-

Blaze: HELLLL~ *gets hit by Ice, laughs it off* sorry! Sorry! I'll go to sleep now~ *closing his eyes, smiling* night night Icy~

Ice: ..night.. *didn't sleep, instead he stares at the moon with full of negativity*

Ice: I regretted deeply.. that day when Blaze would tend to hangout more with Abigail.. I didn't stop him from going.. instead.. I encourage him, faking that I was happy for him. *show his hand that then glows white and a mirror of memories appear in front of him*

Abigail: weakling! *says it harshly right after she push Ice to the wall* I can't even believe that Prince Charming would hang around with a low life like you! He should be glad to have me, who is view as the one in power..

Ice: ..power? More like white lies- guh!? *felt a knee right at his neck*

Abigail: shut up! Shut up! *glaring at Ice* you, out of all people.. know about the real me.. I'm fascinated that you manage to get out from that spell-

Ice: Lie-

Abigail: SHUT UP! *silencing Ice* now.. if you could be so kind to let me be with my Prince Charming *let go of Ice, smiling sickeningly sweet* tata~ Kori~ *skips away*

Ice: *triggered* ...

Ice: *swipes to the left, sighing* she's crazy about power.. she's only taking advantage of Blaze.. to get to.. Solar.. Thunder.. and then Quake *cover his face using his hands* none of them realize that Abigail is our enemy.. none of them realize.. none.. and now *remove his hands from his face to reveal his eyes color change into dull one and glows purple with mix of white*

?: *walking towards Ice with an unsatisfactory atmosphere* are you sure.. reverse is the only solution to this?

Ice: *grips on his hat then gives it to ?, showing his hair is now inverted* it is the only way.. that I can save all of them *looking back at the mirror that shows all of his friends and brothers are all under Abigail's lies*

?: *holding the hat near his chest* but Ice-

Ice: *glares*

?: ...

Ice: Qexo.. I have lived longer then any of you, this is never the first time in my life that it happen.. *look to his left to see Cyclone on the snow couch sleeping* and this will be first that I'm doing it alone..

Qexo: you won't be alone, I'm here. *place the hat back on Ice's head* and even the rest are here.. you are never alone.. Kori.. you never will be.. alone

Ice: I know, I know.. it's just so empty without Blaze beside me.. *touch his shoulder where Blaze would always put his hand on* we should head out now.

Qexo: right *waves his hands right at where Cyclone is to form a ice dome that make Cyclone go invisible and only him and Ice can see* where to?

Ice: the school.

Later at school

Qexo: *is now hiding inside Ice's bag, a little bear cub, peeking out and is amaze by the surroundings* woah..

Ice: *letting Qexo be then by instinct he dodge a flying tomato* ... *glares at the window which is Gopal who is pointing his gun fingers at Ice*

Qexo: *almost transforms back into his real self but stop when Ice shake his head* ..

Ice: *continue walking in, passing by students who have been caught in Abigail's lie*

Student: *whispers to the other student* so brave of him to come.. doesn't he know that he hurt Abigail?

Student 2: probably he knows *glance* look, he is even in his reverse..

Student: !! *grabs the Student 2 hand then drag them away*

Qexo; *saw, is confused* (Why-)

Ice: (reverse is the only solution, you'll see soon enough)

Someone: Boboiboy Ice, please report yourself to the principal office, immediately

Ice: *grins appear on his face* (let the game begin)

In the office

Ice: *surrounded by his brothers, his friends, Abigail and the principal of the school* ... *hugging his bag where Qexo is hiding in* why did you call me?

Principal: you know very well, Ice. *gestures at Abigail* you tried to ruin her reputation, tried to make her injured multiple times and you even tried to kill her! Here in the school grounds!

Ice: prove?

Abigail: *slightly glaring at Ice but kept her posture* the prove is from them *looking at Ice's brothers* you guys saw it all, right?? *innocently ask with her big round eyes*

Earthquake: disappointingly saying.. I saw him doing so.. *really having the feeling of disappointment*

Thunderstorm: ..I saw him too *leans his back against the wall, avoiding to look at Ice*

Abigail; *smiling but actually smirking slowly*

Ice: ... (Tsk)

Thorn: he even bring Cycy along! He didn't even involve with this mess! *his innocent voice is now gone*

Solar: I am done with your doing Ice, you should respect girls, not the opposite of it. *glaring right at Ice*

Ice: (you haven't realize the truth..)

Blaze: *folding his arms, now even looking at Ice* I saw him. I saw everything.

Ice: (..Blaze)

Abigail: see! *look at the principal* they saw him! I have prove-

Gopal: but how did Ice even push you down the stairs when he was clearly beside me and not beside you? *finally spoken up*

Qexo; *curious, peeks out a little*

Abigail: he did push me! I almost broke my leg because of it!

Gopal: ..with just two steps down? That hurt? *slightly smiling at Ice*

Ice: *smiling at Gopal* (I knew he didn't fell for her tricks..)

Ying; what the hell, Gopal! You out of your mind!? Ice did bad things on her and you are defending him?

Gopal: were you there to see what really happen? Ying?

Fang; Hmp, how are you even sure that he didn't manipulate you? *glaring at Gopal*

Gopal; *glares back* and how are you even sure Abigail isn't manipulating your mind with her lies?

Fang; *taken aback* ..

Yaya: you speak so highly, Gopal! This isn't you at all!

Gopal: you aren't even yourself Yaya, you are usually the one who seeks out evidence, not just believe lies easily

Yaya: I-I..

Gopal: and you six.. *gazing at the six brothers* you choose a girl that you just met over your own sibling? Your own self? I always heard the 'family comes first!' But what do you know? You choose a stranger over him

Six of them; ...

Ice: *isn't surprise by how Gopal is handling the situation* (thank you..)

Principal: *is really speechless on what's going on* ...

Qexo: (But how did Gopal didn't fell for her tricks..?)

Ice: (because of my reverse, Gopal accidentally ate my.. snowball that made him know if I'm telling the truth or not when I'm reverse.. so..)

Qexo: (you knew Gopal can resist lie but act like an idiot so that Abigail won't notice.. I..)

Ice: (we don't need to fight physically for this, I know how to handle)

Abigail: *is sitting there, really pissed off by the fact that Ice is going to win* ... *stands up* you really are her favorite BBB *time frozen, only Ice, Qexo and her is moving* you already knew that this was coming.. is that why you put flavoring into that snowball?

Ice: *smiles lazily* maybe, maybe no, maybe yes. You'll never suppress me, Xikzi

Abigail(Xikzi): Tch.. *glitch back to her normal self* I'll pass this exam of Kishi's.. you'll one day be overthrown.. *walks to the door* you won this time Kori but this is not the last you are going to see me.. *laughs maniacally before glitches out and the time starts again*

Everyone is the room exclude Ice, Qexo and Gopal: *blinks, now feeling like part of their memory gone*

Principal: why are you kids in my office?

Earthquake: we uh.. *also don't know what's happening*

Gopal: you called us just to tell us that sports field is going to be happening next week and you want us to be the organizer! *is telling the truth*

Principal: oh? I did? Well then, off you go children! I have a lot of duties to attend too!


Blaze: I swear I feel like something is missing..

Ice: *hits Blaze's shoulder* nothing is wrong or missing, just your dumb brain

Blaze: hey! Rude! *but smiles* then~ I am your dumb brain guy that you love so so much~

Ice: ////.. *couldn't hide the fact that he loves Blaze even with his stupidity* ..yes yes I do *glance at Gopal who look at his direction with a thumbs up, nods his head before getting carried by Blaze* !?

Blaze: let's go!! *runs off with Ice in his arms*

Ice: ... *smiles*





>-< this what happen when you give me this type of dare- I would certainly change it into this type of story!

O3O though, you guys can use this plot as your own, I just made it up for fun~

Anyways~ I'll be uploading this book with random, until I'm done with that one book-

Another spoiler~

𝓐 𝓶𝓪𝓷 𝓽𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓱𝓪𝓿𝓮 𝓰𝓸𝓸𝓭 𝓲𝓷𝓽𝓮𝓷𝓽𝓲𝓸𝓷 𝓫𝓾𝓽 𝔀𝓲𝓽𝓱 𝓫𝓪𝓭 𝓭𝓸𝓲𝓷𝓰𝓼
(A man that have good intentions but with bad doings)

Not a major spoiler, just.. to make you guys work your brains- only one or two people know how the plot of this story goes-

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