When life doesn't give you chocolates

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Not a dare, just something random

Diana: Diana_nightcore
Kat: xXLexi_W18Xx
Lax: UserGalaxy


Thunderstorm: I hate this -_-

Kat: *is turn into a chibi, now sitting on Thunderstorm's hat* owo at least it didn't involve you!

Thunderstorm: true

Earthquake: L-Luna!! We'll buy you chocolates! Calm down!! *sweat-drops while following Luna*

Luna: REEEEEE *chasing after Solar who ate her last chocolate*

Solar: |||||| OH MY GOD DEAR IM SORRY!!

Cyclone: *dumbfounded* what happen?? *just got back home right after he finish his task from Quake*

Thorn: owo apparently, Solar ate Luna's last chocolate and she's on her period!

Cyclone: ._. That can't be good

Blaze: *laughing at the situation, it was his fault that this happen*


Blaze: *passing by Luna's room* hm~ hm~ hm~ *humming randomly*


Blaze: *startled* !? *wanting to hear so he leans in near the door frame and listens*

Diana: if you want to stop it, then get pregnant -3-||| *have been hearing Luna screaming here and there*

Luna: *having a tantrum* shut up! I just need my chocolates! *searching* UGH- *almost throw the pillow at Diana but just throws it to her bed and flops there* uuuuggghhh

Diana: *sweat-drops* I'll find you, your chocolate.. will that help you calm down?

Luna: YES! *is now crying* T-T I'm going to kill the person who eats my chocolates!

Blaze: *Ting, a mischievous grin appears*

Ice: *not that far from Blaze, saw the grin, backs away and ignore what's going to happen*


Blaze: ^~^ this is for you! *giving Luna's chocolate he found laying on the table to Solar*

Solar: *was busy doing experiments of duplication, looking at the chocolate* are you sure this isn't some type of prank you are pulling off, dear? *wiping his specs cautiously*

Blaze: nopy nope! I bought it with my own money! *smiles innocently*

Solar: hm.. fine *takes the chocolate*

Blaze: (I knew Thorn's lesson payed off! Now time to hide~) *hugs Solar* Yay!! Be happy~ *runs off*

Solar: ..eh *shrugs his shoulders before taking off the wrapper of the chocolate and eats it*

Luna: *heard it*

Back to the present

Diana: *breathing heavily, leaning herself against the chair* have anyone seen Luna?? I bought her chocolates- *saw the chocolates on her hands gone* what-

Luna: *running up the stairs with the chocolates and a dead Solar*

Solar: X~X what did I do to deserve this?

Diana: Luna!! Don't throw off Solar! *chase after Luna*

Earthquake: *collapse onto the floor, panting* who made this happen? *sits up, looking more like glaring at the troublemakers*

Cyclone: *raise both of his hands up* I just came back!

Thorn: 030 I was with Thundy

Thunderstorm: he was *playing with Kat's hair a bit*

Kat: *doesn't mind it, glaring right at Blaze*

Earthquake: so if you two did not do it.. then.. *cracks his knuckles, glaring into Blaze's soul*

Blaze: *feeling the pressure onto him* (uh-oh) GOTTA RUN *zooms off*

Earthquake: BLAZE!!

Ice: *have been sleeping throughout the chaos and finally woken up because he feels hungry* ... *shakes head when Blaze runs away from an angry mommy*

Kat: *hops off from Thunderstorm then turn back into her normal self* is it okay, if me and Diana have a sleepover here? With you guys? *looking at Thorn, Cyclone, Thunderstorm and Ice*

Thorn: ÕwÕ momma Quakie makes the decision but he wouldn't mind to have you two here!

Cyclone: *putting the groceries stuff into respective places* Quake will be okay with it~ *planning to bake cookies*

Thunderstorm: *shakes head* Earthquake isn't the type to say no for this, as long as you don't blow up the kitchen then he won't mind

Kat: but who will do the sleepover.. thing?

Ice: *yawns* maybe try to calm down Luna first? While letting me do the job.. *rubs his lazy eyes*

Kat: mkay! *smiles* thank you! *runs upstairs*

Thorn: owo eh? Since when Icy is not lazy?

Ice: Thorn, really? *facepalm* Thunderstorm, go grab the fairy lights in the basement and some other useful things for this sleepover

Thunderstorm: sure *zaps himself to the basement*

Ice: Cyclone, start baking some pastries that suits for each of us. It would be bland to just eat junk food

Cyclone: on it! *happily grabbing the ingredients*

Ice: and Thorn *turn his head to look at Thorn whose face is an inch close to Ice* ||||| *push Thorn back a bit* it wouldn't be a sleepover without the beds, go on, I know you've wanted to do this

Thorn: EEEKK!! ⭐️w⭐️ *already getting the beds ready*

Ice: ... *smiles lazily* my job is done~ *goes back to sleep*


Luna: *calm down now* omo *nomming on her chocolate* are you sure about it??

Kat: Yeah!

Diana: *nods*

Luna: YAY!! *snaps finger*

((Sorry Lexi if it doesn't look like your actual character))

Luna: *covers herself* this is not what I want but eh

Diana: new clothes! *checking out her clothes at the mirror*

Kat: this look okay to me~ *checking if her watch is still there, sighs in relief*

Luna: owo I even change the BBBs-


Luna: oops


Earthquake: ^^|| I guess she was way to excited for this..

Solar: *fold his wings in* ah~ she pick out my favorite one~

Thunderstorm: *doesn't mind being exposed* Hey Ice, we've done the job

Ice: *playing with the long sweater thing* good~ good~

Thorn: the beds are done! UwU *now sitting on the bed, smiling*

Cyclone: the pastries are almost done! *waiting*

Blaze: *hanging upside down, a rope tying around his ankle* xAx

Night comes~

Diana: *eating the pastry* yum! Cy! I didn't know you can bake!

Cyclone: thank you *wiping the crumbs off from the corner of Diana's mouth* I appreciate to hear that ^w^

Diana: *smiles*

Kat: *putting stickers onto Thunderstorm's abdomen* you show off to much *covering the expose abdomen*

Thunderstorm: it wasn't me =-=||

Kat: I know *still sticking the stickers*

Solar: *laying down on the beds, chuckling* did you actually made this bed, with the help of spiders?

Thorn: Ya! OwO they wanted to help me when I told them I can do it alone

Solar: you are nature itself *tracing his finger on the bed* spider silk.. rare

Blaze: *hugging Ice* T-T why didn't you warn me that I'll get into trouble?? And now I have a big bump- OW!? Hey!

Ice: *putting his ice cold hand on Blaze's bump* if I told you.. you wouldn't listen *roll his eyes when Blaze is complaining on how cold it is*

Blaze: T^T let me live

Earthquake: who is this person you are inviting? *tilts his head, looking at Luna*

Luna: owo someone

Earthquake: is it a boy..?

Luna: owo ya

Earthquake: is it that guy..?

Luna: ..owo maybe

Earthquake: that guy who draw-

Luna: owo

Earthquake: ||||||

Luna: *sense then immediately went to the door and open it up* Lax!! Ahri! Hey~

((Ahri is the white color one while Ari is the icy-blue one))

Ahri: hey there Lun~

Lax; hi Luna~ and I'm not going to be the only boy in this sleepover, right?

Luna: oh no no~ OwO you have the BBBs with you!

Lax: =w= phew

Luna: by the way.. where's Ari??

Lax; OvO she left us with red face, I might have flirted without knowing

Luna: *facepalm*

Ahri: =^= *was the one who did it*

Luna: let's just forget about that and PARTY!!

Earthquake: *from inside* nO pARtY!

Luna: aw..

Coughs.. le skip

Lax: TwT why am I wearing a girl clothes?

Thunderstorm: *pats Lax's back* you should not have said that to the girls

Lax: but Blaze dare me too.. hmmm *went behind the scene*

Thunderstorm: huh? *ignores it and continue to read his book peacefully in his and Cyclone's bed ford*

Cyclone: *helping Earthquake with washing the dishes*

Earthquake: *is happy that Cyclone is helping him*

Blaze: *getting torture by Ice* ;3; betrayer

Ice: *shrugs shoulders* I was dare.. *trapping Blaze in.. ice*

Lax: got you *chuckles before going to check out the girls*

Thorn; *looking at the fairy lights with happiness* wow.. they remind me of the old days..

Solar: I agree with you dear..

Luna: *laughing at Ari who got tease by Ahri*

Ari: AHRI STOOOP!! *red as ever*

Ahri; oh you know, what if.. *continues*

Diana: is this something I should be worry at?

Kat: nah owo

Diana: oh ok uwu

Lax: so what are you ladies talking about? *popping out from nowhere*

Girls minus Ari; WTF LAX *was startled*

Lax: don't kill me! *bracing himself*

Ari; *is already dead at this point*

Lax: *saw* what happen? *looking at Ahri*

Ahri: wasn't my fault!! *hides herself in her blanket*

Luna: õwõ just poke her

Diana: wouldn't he be hit? Knowing Ari..

Kat; YEAH! *thinking back* the last time someone poke her.. it didn't go well

Luna: naaaaaaaaaah, just do it! Trust me!

Lax: ok..? *walks closer to Ari then poke her chubby cheek*

Ari: *grab Lax's wrist, open up her eyes but face immediately turn red* ... *let go of Lax before running off inside Ice's own snow Ford that they build together*

Lax: *blinks*


Diana: does she have a cr- *mouth got close*

Kat: shhhh, she'll kill us if you say that

Ahri: *laughing hysterically on the bed, clenching onto her stomach*

Luna: oh my god, that was a good one *wipes the tear*

Lax: should I say sorry or something?

Luna: *shakes head* let her be~ *eyes blink to her normal golden and bloody red eyes to see words appearing in front of her which she can only see* ....

Diana: Lun? *the first one to notice*

Kat: ??? *confused*

Lax: um..

Luna: *blinks again to her eye color changing back to her usual dark blue eyes* I-I have to go guys! *stands up as her appearance change into her old self* sorry to cut it short.. Diana and Ahri, you two will be in charge, I have to go now *jumps into a portal that open beneath her*

Kat; Luna! *is even more confused* does she..

Diana: not that I know..

Ahri: ...

Lax: Maybe something came up *smile at the girls* let's continue, alright?

Girls: okay..

Kat: no! We have to find her!

Ahri: ..But Luna-

Kat; Nu-uh! She isn't going out alone!!

Ari: *peeks from the ford* you can't go. That wouldn't help her.. *going back inside*

Diana: she seems like she know something about this..

Lax: *thinking the decision*


But choose

Will they actually follow Luna?


Ask questions to Ari?


Here is the picture of the old Luna

And this is Ahri~

Stay tune though~ I'm not sorry for putting this as cliffhanger~

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