Who's A-

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This will be the first.. that I'm using other people's characters to be the main ones in this book


Kat; *shaking Lax while thinking of a plan to find Luna* mew.. where could she be now??

Lax: @~@ *is dizzy now*

Diana: we could ask the BBBs..

Ahri: *has run away before Kat could question her*

Lax: @-@ g-great idea bu- but- help! *can't free himself due to Kat's strength*

Diana: ||| *place her hand on Kat's shoulder* we'll find her, wherever she is now *smiles* as for now, we should ask them. They may know

Kat: .. *slightly pouts* okay *let go of the dizzy Lax who fell to the bed*

Lax; *holding his head* is it just me that I'm seeing the ceiling swirling?

Diana: *giggles* it's just you *stands up* who should we ask?

Kat; Earthquake! He always knows what's happening!


Kat: WHAT!? His sick?! *checks inside the room where Earthquake is resting*

Earthquake: *laying on the bed with Thorn healing him bits by bits*

Thorn: *his hands are on Earthquake's chest and it is illuminating white with the mix of green color lights*

Kat; .. Quake *went beside Thorn then hold his hand* is it.. a normal sickness?

Thorn: *shakes head but nods* yes it is.. and it is not *sadly pouts* I don't know why Quake suddenly fell sick..

Kat: oh.. *look at the glow* I didn't know you could heal people *bringing up the mood a bit*

Thorn: that's my other specialty! I rarely use it because.. it took a toll on me *smiles when he remembered that Solar worries about him when he fainted* but now! I can control myself!

Kat: *smiles* good to know

Thunderstorm: Blaze and Cyclone are getting the medicine.. *rolls his eyes because knowing the two will take a long time*

Lax; why did you entrust them with that task?

Thunderstorm: *looking at Lax* do you want them to take care a sick person and the house then?

Lax: *imagines* ..no |||

Thunderstorm; that's why, and.. *fold his arms* do tell your friend to stop the.. "Csar = Hali abuse" ..it's terrifying

Lax: OwO||| can't promise that

Diana: we're just asking about Luna..

Ice; again. We don't know. You may think she tell us everything but no *vacuuming the couch*

Solar: Luna~ Luna~ that little pup kept things to herself and the only time she tell is when she, herself felt tired to keep it a secret *chuckles while putting away the remaining dishes and cleaning up the broken ones*

Diana: *bitting her inner cheek* ok.. thanks *walk to Lax who finish his talk with Thunderstorm* it's useless, they don't even know where she is..

Lax; I guess, we wait?

Diana: *sits down next to Lax, leaning herself against him then let out a sigh* yeah

Kat: LAXIE- DIANAA- *runs out from the room then jumps up and down in front of the two* Thorn told me that, we can find something useful in Luna's room! Come on! Come on! *pulling Diana's arm*

In Luna's room

Lax; aren't we.. invading privacy? *does not want to touch anything*

Kat: Thorn said it is fine~ as long as we put back the belongings to its place! *rummaging*

Diana: *checking out Luna's room, spinning around slowly yet lazily*

Lax: ah alright.. *walking, letting his eyes wander around but that was a big mistake* fudge- *didn't see the small toy, falls onto the floor on his chest*

Kat; clumsy Lax~ *crouching down in front of him, giggling*

Diana: *looking at them but saw something* Lax.. you're a genius! *quickly went to the two*

Lax: I'm a genius?

Kat: is he? o~o?

Diana: look! *points at the floor Lax is laying on* the pattern on this floor is different!

Lax: *sits up, then look at the pattern* you're right! *knocks on the floor and felt that it wasn't hard* as if.. *stands up, close his eyes before he quickly vanishes*

Kat; Woah!! My turn!! *stands on the floor where Lax was standing, close her eyes and also vanished like Lax*

Diana: interesting.. *stood on the floor, closing her eyes before vanishing*

At the other side

Lax: NO PARACHUTE!? *free falling from the sky*

Kat: WEEEEEE!!! *not scared but is having fun and doing some aerial tricks*

Diana: *crossing her legs and folding her arms* this is not what I expected and hey~ new clothes~

Kat; yeah! Yeah!

Lax: WE'RE GOING TO DIE *panics*

Diana; relax, Lax *chuckles* we won't die *actually having fun too like Kat*

Kat; yeaah~ *now upside down while looking at Lax* don't worry~ *close her eyes and whispers some words, making the three of them teleported to the ground* OwO see?

Lax; you.. I.. *almost had a heart attack*

Diana: come on old guy! Let's explore this place! *laughs before catching up to Kat*

Kat: *skipping ahead*

Lax: TwT I'm not old *follows the two*

Walking walking walking-

Kat: AAAAAAAAA- *mouth is covered by someone's hand* skehdnqbekwoschemem- *muffles*

Diana: let us go! *struggling but the person's grip is strong*

Lax: *hanging upside down* (-3-||| am I having bad luck?) *looking at the people who had set trap to them?*

?: ... *is the one holding Diana down*

??: *covering Kat's mouth* woah woah! Shut up~

???: *walking out from the shadow, looking at the three then eyes widen* Lax? Diana? Kat?

The three: LUNA?!

Lax; wait.. are you even Luna.. *getting dizzy by just being upside down*

Luna: *chuckles* let them go, they mean no harm *walks to where Lax is*

?: *let go of Diana then stands up, nodding her head at Diana as a sign of sorry*

Diana: *sitting up, stretching her sore arm* that's okay! (Jeez.. she's strong)

??: sorry there! *let Kat free*

Kat; *takes in a le deep breath* OxYgEn- I cAn BrEaTHe-

Luna: *unties the rope then caught Lax and put him down* sorry~

Lax: it's alright but you need some explanation to do.. *gestures at the others*

Luna: *ruffles her back hair, sighing* fine~

Back at the camp

Diana: So, you are telling us that you are a princess?

Luna: in this dimension though.. don't get confuse!

Diana: and those two are your royal guards? *points*

??: hey! I have a name you know!

?: ... me too

Kat; which is~?

Bae: ..Bae *fold her arms*

Amato: and~ Amato!!

Kat: Wait..

Lax: who's Amato-

Diana: why is Amato-

Kat: shh shh~ *everyone went silent* what is Amato?

Amato: ^^||| uhhh.. yes?

Bae: ..wow

Luna: *look at Bae* his name is now around the place~ so yeah~

Bae: ..make sense

The three: *surrounding Amato and asking him a lot of questions*

Diana: you're actually THE Amato!?

Kat; is it true that you know what your son has been doing in his life??

Lax: are you the creator of power sphera?

Amato: easy there kids.. *sweat-drops* I can't answer that now.. but aren't you curious on why she is here? *points at Luna*

Lax; ah right! *look at Luna* what's the purpose of you, being here?

Luna: uhm.. kinda hard to explain..

Diana; just tell us!

Luna; alright then~ *shows them what happen before they and she came here by sharing her memories with them* this dimension wasn't in any danger but two portal open up, one of it shows two girls and the other is a guy..

Bae: the portal with the girls are near to where princess is having her nap *fold arms* and the guy is already inside the princess' room

Amato; he proceeds to kill princess-


Luna: ...I'm right here *facepalm* actually, the future of this dimension is that I'm alive, I can't die even in alternative reality.

Kat: what happen when you.. die?

Luna: this dimension won't be stable and it would cease to exist..

Lax: that sounded..

Amato: over exaggerate?

Lax; kind of like that

Amato: this is not a main dimension, it's just a side dimension and a little alternative from the main one. So as this does not support the main dimension, it can be easily.. BOOM! *laughs slight before lean his back against Bae* dimensions are surely confusing

Bae: *brush her tail, shrugging her shoulders* dimensions aren't that complicated

Lax; *is confused*

Diana: *processing the information*

Kat; *exe.broken*

Luna; for you, Bae~ *look at the three* you should head back now, they might get worry ^^|||

Diana; we aren't leaving without you! *fold her arms*

Kat; yeah! Let us stay!

Lax; it wouldn't be bad, would it?

Luna: ..hmmm

Bae: *sigh* let's just do it

Amato: come on princess~ it's better to use that power

Luna: Foine

Kat: *whispers to Lax and Diana* what power is he talking about?

Lax; I don't exactly know..

Diana: no idea

Luna: *walks up to the three* you won't be in the events, but you'll see it briefly *had her hands out* hold hands you three

Diana, Kat and Lax: *isn't sure with what Luna is doing but went with it then hold their hands*

Luna; *close her eyes, mumbling some words making the three radiant with the color of white, let go and took a step back*

Kat; what's happening!?

Diana; holy-

Lax; Luna?

Luna: *open her eyes to reveal her original eye colors* watch as time go by quickly *smiles before disappearing with Amato and Bae*

Kat: Luna!! *life passes by fast* w-woah.. what..

Lax: *saw the kingdom being restore and everyone is all healed up* this is.. I'm speechless

Diana: she did said to watch.. as time flies *saw Luna right up ahead but find it different* this dimension of Luna is all heal..

Kat; *finds this power interesting* she have a lot of explaining to do

Lax; *folding his arms* I guess that's done.. *felt his shoulder being touch* !? *turn around to see*

Amato; *smiling* it is done

The three: *time around them slows down and went back to normal*

Lax: everything happen like just in a minute..

Amato: for you *chuckles* it went for a year in the half

Lax: What?!

Diana: *looking in amaze* what power is this..

Bae: can't tell *put on a small smile at Diana while putting back the book inside her pocket while spinning the pencil between her fingers*

Diana: (hm..)

Kat: *hugging the almost fainting Luna* Don't do that again!!

Luna: @3@ sorry!! I had too! You guys don't belong in this dimension! *hugs back Kat before carrying her because she was so done* =3= let's head back..

Kat: owo Yay

Luna; Wait- *snaps her fingers to have her, Amato and Bae to change clothes*

Bae: hm, not bad *made a circle motion in air that made a portal open up* hop in, we'll reach at the BBBs and Amato *open up another portal for him* go on

Amato: *pats Lax's back* you'll do great in the book, kid! *thumbs up as he runs in* have an awesome life everyone! *runs in as the portal disappears with him*

Lax: *place his hand on his shoulder, nodding his head*

Diana: *walking towards the portal with the others then glance at Bae* ..

Bae: *tilts her head, smiling* bye~

Back to the BBB dimension

Lax: NOT AGAIN!!! *falling from the sky*

Luna; *sitting casually while sipping tea* eh, not the worse

Kat: YAAAAAAY!! *twirling in the air*

Diana: *spinning around* who knew this free falling is fun?

Luna: owo that's my everyday life!

Lax: I know this is fun and all but.. WE ARE DYING HERE

Luna: =w= nah nah! *whistles* Cloud!

Cloud: *is far from them, heard the whistle then sends couple of clouds to safe the four*

Luna: *lands on the cloud safely* thank you Cloud~

Kat: *bouncing on the cloud, laughing*

Diana: *laying down on the cloud* now this isn't what you experienced everyday~

Lax: *letting out a sigh of relief when his body touch the cloud* can we go home now?

Luna; of course~ *wags her tail making the cloud move following the wind she created*

Kat; you need to tell me all about your powers Lunlun!

Luna; *giggles*

Lax: *now relaxing himself* =w=

Diana: ... *stares at the distance while deeply thinking* (that girl..)


Bae; *walking inside Earthquake's room* how is he? *changing her appearance*

Flow; *pats Thorn's head, giving a cat smile at Bae* Quake is fine~ I finish up the healing process this little guy did~ *eyes glows purple with his grayish-blue pupils*

Thorn: *peacefully sleeping on Flow's lap*

Bae; good *walk to where Earthquake is sleeping on his bed* Denvor really wants Quake to die.. huh

Equi; *leaning against the wall, nodding his head* mhm but don't worry *look at Bae with his right eye is black and his left eye white* they are taking care of him




Anyways~ thank you so much for everything to you readers! Especially to~

Lax UserGalaxy
Kat xXLexi_W18Xx
Diana Diana_nightcore

In some of the scenes, it connects to one of my book

As for the characters I was using, (Lax, Diana and Kat)

Ya'll have enter to my fantasy story uwu

Oh oh

This will be the last update because I have my end of year examination coming very very soon sooo..


((If this is even your accounts, exclude Nixy))

Please wish all of us lucks for this end of year

And I wish luck for the others who also have their exams!!

B—— out~

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