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Moon: >W<

Rune: yes..

Luna and Moon: *Dash off*

Rune: *sweatdrops*

Nikki: *secretly follows* =^= hehehe


Luna: *crashes into a studio* IMMA DRAG YOU GUYS WITHOUT PERMISSION!

The guys: Uhhh—

Luna: *opens a portal beneath them then they all fall and well.. scream for their lives* YEEET! *jumps into a portal*

With the BBBs

Moon: OwO~

Earthquake: so, are you saying that we are doing a..?

Moon: ^w^~

Earthquake: oh ok ^^

Thunderstorm: the.. hell.. you understand that?

Earthquake: living with Thorn do make some advantages *smiles*

Thunderstorm: -_- true

Solar; *heard a crashing sound in their backyard* what was that?

Thorn: OWO please be trolls!! *runs off*

Cyclone: But Thorn!! They are scary! *chase after*

Blaze: he watch to much Frozen *laughs and follows them*

Ice: *also following because he is curious*

Earthquake and Thunderstorm: *walks*

Solar: . . . Must be Luna with her portal accident *facepalm*

At the backyard

Luna: *giggling* Sorry! I always do this to almost everyone! Well.. maybe all

?: ACK?! My back!

¿: really? Are you that old?

?: yah! That guy is the grandpa not me! I'm the handsome son!

All: *groans*

Luna: =~= we get it Jin..

Jin: hmp! *brush his clothes, looking around*

Namjoon: *stuck in a tree* umm.. help?

Jimin: *sitting on top of a huge mochi* how is this here?

Nikki: *hiding behind a bush, taking pictures of Jimin*

Yoongi: *laying on the floor, processing his mind*

Hoseok; *playing with the fallen leaves* Woohoo!! Leaves!!

Jungkook: *is inside the pond because of Taehyung pushing him in* -~-

Taehyung: *laughing but suddenly his arm got grabbed and pulled into the pond, now his clothes is wet* T-T awwww

Jungkook: *laughing mischievously*

Luna: QwQ awwww babies..

Earthquake: BTS?

Bts: *immediately look at Earthquake with a huge smile on their face* mommy number two!!

Jin: What

Earthquake: huh? ||

Thunderstorm: *arrives* them again?

Ice: oh goodie..

Solar: Ohoho~ the famous boy group is here!

Cyclone: >^< this would be a fun dare!

Blaze: I agree so much!!

Earthquake: *counts* wait, where is Thorn?

Everyone: Idk

Namjoon: *still stuck at the tree* •-•..

Thorn: *behind him then..* owo hi

Namjoon: WAH!? *falls off from the tree*

Thorn: ^w^ hehe!

Yoongi: thanks for making him fall =-=

Thorn: welcome!

Luna; anyways~ now you guys should get into groups— that was fast

Team Jin

Earthquake, Jin, Yoongi, Cyclone, Hoseok and Solar

Team cuties

Jungkook, Taehyung, Thorn, Blaze, Ice and Jimin

Namjoon: ._. I'm alone?

Luna: nah, don't worry. You'll be the MC today uwu

Thunderstorm: what about me?

Luna: oh! You have another dare! *push Thunderstorm into a portal* GOODLUCK! *nudge Namjoon* go ahead! Meh wanna drink! *runs away*

Namjoon: I guess I'm lucky ^-^ *clears throat* okay! So today, we will do the same thing like our BTS Run But a different games!

Jungkook: *raise hand*

Namjoon: *saw* no Jungkook, there is no rap battle

Jungkook: *blinks* I was about to ask about why we are doing this

Taehyung; *is triggered by Namjoon*

Namjoon: oh, um. My bad.. *chuckles nervously* it's because we got dare by Nixy

Them: oooooh

Namjoon: anyways! Back to the thing. As I said that it will be the same as BTS Run but with a different and never try game! We will have three games! And each team member must participate *looking at Yoongi and Ice*

Yoongi: wut?

Ice: ..?

Namjoon: Ahem! The games are....

Acting game
Catch the balloons
Game of chance

Namjoon: I'll explain when we play, so first up is acting game!

Thorn: what's that? OvO?

Namjoon: Okay, I'll give an example *clap hands*

A table and chairs appears with three same food but one of them is totally different

Namjoon: the first team must eat those food and act like normal while the other group must figure out which of the first team member is acting. Do you understand?

Them: we understand!

Namjoon: so let's get onto it!

First round

Namjoon: one of them is a normal food while the other two are wasabi!

Jimin: *observing the other group member* hmm

Nikki: *Idk where she is hiding* (>w< he looks hawt!)

Thorn: I see no reaction o-o

Jungkook: *mind is blank but still observing*

Yoongi: *eating it casually like it's nothing for him*

Jin: *struggling like but keeps his cool*

Cyclone: *happily eating it*

Namjoon; now! It's time to pick!

Jk, Th, J: *whispering to one another*

Yoongi; *wipes his mouth his a tissue* yum

Cyclone: O^O I love it

Jin: *coughs*

Thorn: we have an answer!

Namjoon: ?? Say it!

Thorn: it's...

Jimin: Yoongi!

Jungkook: knowing that Jin is lying

Thorn: and Cyclone capable of eating wasabi!

Jimin: So our answer is Yoongi!

Namjoon; ^~^ come and try it!

Jimin: *walks to the other group table and take a scoop and eats it* . . . *spits it out immediately and runs off to the nearest water*

Nikki: (QAQ my poor baby..)

Jungkook: Wait What?

Thorn: EHHH OAO?

Namjoon: *shakes head* so who is it?

Jin; *stands up, laughing* it's me! Those two got wasabi while I got whatever this is!

Namjoon: next round!

Time skip

Namjoon: the winner for this round is~ Team cuties!

Team cuties; *high five*

Team Jin: hooooow

Namjoon: never underestimate the cuties! Onto the next game! The catching the balloon game!

Jimin: o.o it's basically catching a balloon right?

Namjoon: Yep! But with more difficulty!


Earthquake: *standing on a trampoline with a big basket on his head* ^^|||

Taehyung : *on the trampoline too, grinning and getting ready to jump*

Ice: *also with Taehyung* why me...

Namjoon; Luna said that you were too good with aiming ._. Is that true?

Ice: *nods* while Blaze...... *sighs*

Blaze: *at the side, getting ready with his fireballs and #HeHasTheWorstAimingEver*

Hoseok: *ready to throw some balloons*

Solar: *not really sure about what he is doing but since he doesn't want his pride to be hurt..* I'm ready!

Namjoon: get set.. ready.. go! *blows whistles*

Hoseok: *throws the balloons, aiming at the basket Earthquake is holding*

Solar: *doing the same thing*

Blaze: *he must pop the balloon*

Earthquake: *trying to catch the balloons but stumbles due to..*

Ice and Taehyung: *jumping up and down on the trampoline*

Taehyung: Hehe! Jump! Jump!

Ice: *just jumps*

Namjoon: (^~^ I am so glad that I'm the MC)

A minute later

Namjoon; there is six balloons!

Earthquake: *high five with Solar and Hoseok* Yay!

Solar: phew~ that was hard

Hoseok: But it was fun~~

Namjoon: these games are design to make you guys to lose stress!! So yea!

Time skiiiip

Namjoon: team Jin wins this round!

Team Jin: *high five each other*

Team Cuties: *glaring*

Namjoon: ^^|| next and the last round! The game of chance, this game is one of the simplest one ever!

All: what is it?

Namjoon: *smiles like an idiot* fish sauce!


Yoongi and Ice: *getting ready to run away but stop by vines wrapping around them* =-=

Thorn: owo

Solar: bleh! Fish sauce is the worst!!

Jin: that will ruin my vocal cord! *dramatic*

Earthquake: ^^|| it won't

Hoseok: *thinking about it then body shivers* Ewww

Taehyung: fish sauce? Is it that bad? *tilts head*

Jungkook: UwU I wanna try it

Blaze: EEEWW!! *shaking head furiously*

Cyclone: *trying to think positive* maybe it taste like a normal drink!

Jimin; *have tried it before and he is praying that he won't get it again*

Nikki: (T^T I wanna save him)

Namjoon: ^-^ lets start with it! Pick one to at least try it!

Team Jin: *whispers*

Team Cuties; *also whispers*

Team Jin

Earthquake: I don't trust this game.. |||

Jin: ahhh you should do it Yoongi!

Yoongi: oh hell no -_-

Hoseok: first of all, who have the worst luck in here?

Cyclone: *raise hand up*

Hoseok: his out

Cyclone: TwT aw

Solar: I think Jin should drink it

Jin: MOI!?

Earthquake: Seeing as you are the leader of the group, Jin ^^

Jin: T-T oh the suffer..

Team Cuties

Blaze: Jungkook should do it!

Taehyung: Yeah! He have the best luck ever!

Jimin: please be him! ><

Jungkook: ^w^ I wanna try it

Jimin: ok so JK is the leader! (Phew)

Thorn: uwu

Ice: *yawns*

Minutes later

Namjoon: you ready?

Jin: Yes~

Jungkook: Mhm!

Namjoon: we should let the Cuties first, they did won the first round

Team Cuties: Woohooo!!! Go JK!

Jungkook: *looking at the two drink in front of him* hmm..

Namjoon; one of them is fish sauce while the other is coffee

Jin: *also observing* (pick left, pick left!)

Jungkook: I'll choose right!

Namjoon: then Jin would choose left!

Jin: *devastated* (give it a try)

Namjoon; now, on the count of three. You two drink it together!

Jin and Jungkook: *holding the drink*

Namjoon: three..

Team Jin: two..

Team Cuties: One!!

Them: drink!


With Thunderstorm
Clashing sound of swords could be heard

Thunderstorm: you are one incredible girl.. *mumbles, avoiding the incoming attack*

Dark: Heh, told you from the start. Don't underestimate me! *glares coldly then attack Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *just keeping on avoiding the attacks*

Dark: coward I see?

Thunderstorm: *doesn't bother by it, zapping here and there before kicking Dark from behind then zaps away far from her, breathes heavily*

Dark: *on the ground, still standing, wipes the blood coming out from her mouth* mess with me! *dash at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *roll eyes and continues avoiding*

Back to the idiotic people

Namjoon: and it look like team Cuties won the game!!

Team Cuties: *hugging each other and scream or sing in victory*

Team Jin: -_- we should've pick Yoongi..

Jin: *is in the bathroom, washing the fish sauce off from his tongue*

Namjoon: the winner will sleep indoors andddd! Snacks are ready there! Meanwhile the losers sleep outdoors with no food!

Team Cuties: *runs inside*

Team Jin: *stomach growling*

Earthquake: at least we see Stars ^^

Solar: I can agree with that

Hoseok: Yeah! The stars! Where Armys are!

Yoongi: *went to the tent already*

Cyclone: I'm hungryyy *whines*

Jin: *comes back* I finally get that fish sauce off me, so what did I miss?

Earthquake: we'll be sleeping outdoors


Namjoon: ^~^ that is what Luna told me, it ain't my fault *chuckles and went inside*


Luna: *sitting on the table while eating chips* owo nom nom! *laughing at the boys who is sleeping outside the stop by hearing Nikki's voice* owo? *turns*

Nikki: *hugging Jimin like a koala* UwU

Jimin: ||||| *smiling*

Luna: Pfft! Good luck Jimin!

Jimin: Hahah.. thank you *sweatdrops, pats Nikki's head*

Nikki: OwO!!

Dares by: Nikki_Dawnlight and _aikisyahyiana_

This was a bit in rush.. so sorry if it feels like it

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