Vacation... PLUS SCHOOL-

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Dare: Gasky_RinAki ImLonely11307 xXLexi_W18Xx

Luna; ^w^|| can I just do the vacation thing in one chapter?

Rune: =-= that's a lot..

Whatever Luna, at least you got a break

Luna: But not you -.-

I did Lun, I did

Rune: let's get onto the dares!


Luna: since I have like.. three vacations..

Rune; just take one

Luna: hmmm.. I'll take the Disney land one!

Rune: what about going to China?

Luna: owo I have someone to do it for me!

Lyana: *appears* >w< HELLUU!

Rune; oh great -_-

Luna: OwO Hey Ana~ it's your vacation for one week to China!

Lyana: oh I am ready~!

This is how Lyana look like

Just a note, Lyana is Luna's other dimensional sister while Rune is Luna's opposite. Cause yea.. Luna is blue and Rune is red. I know I don't make any sense. Also, Lyana is my lil sis' character.

By the way.. did I show you guys how Rune look like..?

Luna: LETS GET ITTT!!! *runs off*

Rune: =~= I have a bad feeling he won't be able to take care of the kids.. *just walks*

Lyana: China~ *teleports*

With the BBBs

Hitokori: Yay! This is going to be one hell of adventure~!

Aoihono: hmp, it's just visiting them and telling them the dare they have

Hitokori: *smiles at Aoihono* Aoichan!! This is our first ever dimensional traveling thing! Be proud of yourself!

Aoihono: *shakes head* whatever then

If any of you guess who they belong too, I'm going to stay awake till midnight asking myself 'how?'

Hitokori: *reach at the BBBs house* We are here! *knocks on the door*

Aoihono: (please don't be Cyclone and Blaze, please.. oh wait.. please don't be Solar-)

Solar: *opens the door* oh? Who are you two?

Hitokori: *squeaks* >^< H-Hi!!

Aoihono: (-_-..) *waves casually* I'm Aoihono and this is-

Hitokori: Hitokori~! We are here to give you and your brothers a dare!

Solar: (never heard of them before) *heard* a dare? *walks in then gestures them to follow*

Hitokori: Yesh! *follows Solar*

Aoihono: *follows from behind*

Cyclone: *currently baking pie*

Blaze: *playing rock paper scissors with Ice but failed anyways* T-T oh come on!

Ice: *snickers*

Thunderstorm: *patting Thorn's head because Thorn wanted it*

Thorn: =w= *having that relaxing time of his*

Solar: *claps hands* Guys!

Them: ???

Solar: we have a dare and these guys are new here *steps aside*

Hitokori: *in awestruck* ✨〰️✨

Aoihono: hello *side glance at Hitokori then slightly nudge her*

Hitokori: E-eep?! *rubs her eyes* S-so! Your dare is to do a hardcore exam-!


Aoihono: Yeah, Techno and Chrome will be the supervisors

Techno: *appears, wearing like Idk supervisors*

Chrome: o^o Hey~ *also wearing the same thing like Techno*

Hitokori: good luck! *grabs Aoihono's arm and teleports away with him*

Thunderstorm: *got drag by Chrome* =-=..

Thorn: ^w^ *willing to follow cause he.. his naive*

Blaze: *got drag by Techno* T^T

Ice: *just follows*

Cyclone: *also got drag by Techno, eating his pie* Yum

Solar: *being over confident he is, had his chin up high*

Now to Luna


Nix; LETS RIDE WHATEVER THAT THING IS! *running with Luna*

Luna: HAII!!

Screams could be heard

Bubble: *inside a bubble, floating up and saw the two, giggles* ^^ hehe, they have a lot of energy

Lunar: *sitting on top of the bubble, sweating, wipes the sweats* man, those girls are all over me

Bubble: ^-^ but it was your fault, who told you too open your clothes in the public

Lunar: *stuck* U-uh.. it was hot that time! And my clothes were thick!

Bubble: excuses~

Lunar: *mutters*

Now to Earthquake

Earthquake: *walking in the streets of London* (are they home though?) *then stops in front of an apartment* (this is it) *went inside and upstairs*


Emit: Earthquake >~<?! *got hugged by Earthquake*

Earthquake: oh Emit! How much I miss you!

Seeker: *coughs* I'm here too

Dia: Don't forget about us Quake!

Golden: Yeah, we are right here, in front of you

Silver: -.- don't get jealous.. his always worried the youngest

Telepathy: um~ *floating up in the air* what are you doing here Quake?

Earthquake: *carrying Emit in arms* I got a dare to have a vacation and the destination, I choose here, to be with you guys ^^

Them: Oooh

Emit: what about them in Japan? *looking up at Earthquake*

Earthquake: I already met them, often but not you guys in London

Seeker: we are just as busy as them in Japan *drinking tea*

Dia: *pouring tea into each cup* well, I am glad you are here today Earthquake, because everyone is free

Earthquake: really?

Silver: mhm~ today my schedule is all free *drinking the tea*

Earthquake: ^^ that's great to hear

Golden: *sipping the tea happily* I have always wanted you to be here Earthquake, like the old times~

Earthquake: yeah, *pats Emit's head gently* like the old times.. *smiles*

Telepathy: *reading his spell book while the cup of tea is floating beside him* should we get the part started?

Earthquake: *nods* um ^^

To Lyana

Rin: so basically, you are Luna's dimensional sister?

Lyana: Yee~

Rin: meanwhile Rune is her opposite twin and her other half?

Lyana: Yeaaaa~ *eating chocolate bar*

Rin: how many dimensions do you guys have?

Lyana: hmmmm~ now that you said that.. I never counted before ^w^ *finish the chocolate bar but it magically refills back*

Rin: o3o it must be fun to know your other dimensions self

Lyana: Nah! *eating it* we do get along well but Nyeh! Chaos thins can happen! By the way~ is China your hometown??

Rin: Yep! >w< I haven't been here for I don't know.. uh..

Lyana: *pats Rin's back* no need to tell me! You wanna ride on my dragon form?? Or half one?

Rin: weh?

Lyana: =w= if you didn't know, I'm a dragon here~

Rin: and a wolf?

Lyana: Yep~ now~ choose!

Rin: I think the half one is better o~o

Lyana: mkay! *jumps up high to the sky, spins around then her wings, tail and horns appears* YAY~ *softly lands on the ground, having her wings folded* OwO ta-da!

Rin: COOL!

Lyana: =wO thank you~ now hop on!

Rin: uhh..

Lyana: =3= *walk to Rin then carry Rin behind back* let's go! *wings flapped then flies up into the skies*

Rin: O(≧∇≦)O

With Rune

Rune: what a weird country.. and what's up with maple syrup?

Aki; Sssshhhhh!

Rune: ==.. hmp

Aki: Don't you know what is maple syrup?

Rune: no

Aki: *gasp* have you never tried pancakes before?


Aki: you need to try! And you are lucky enough that we are going to the famous pancake place! The Paddington House! *grabs Rune's hand and rushes in*

Rune: *hand got grabbed, startled a bit* huh? *looked around the place with a =•= expression on her face*

Aki: you'll love the pancakes! There are different types of it!

Rune: uh-Huh.. what are we suppose— !? *a piece of pancake got shove into mouth* =-=

Aki: That one is a normal one with a little bit of maple syrup!

Rune: *eating it* Yum.. *thinks* is there a pancake with strawberries?

Aki: *nods* ^-^

Rune: Oo.. *disappears*

Aki: eh?

Rune: *reappears with pink pancakes floating around her and her eating one* Mmmmm~

Aki: -w- you love it?

Rune: ...definitely

Aki: Yay~!

Now to the suffering boys...

Thunderstorm: *staring blankly at the paper, pen on the table* ...

Cyclone; *playing with his pen and ruler, trying to distract himself*

Thorn: *innocently write in the answers* OwO

Solar: *== you know him..* I'm going to ace this text paper! HAH!

Blaze: *struggling with an easy question* T^T💢

Ice: *silence..*

Chrome: *clearly enjoying what he is doing right now* (glad that I'm not doing this test)

Techno: *with an eagle eye, glance at every one of the BBBs, being strict now*


Solar: (=^= easy peasy~)

Cyndu: *appears behind Thunderstorm, looking at the test paper* (mmmph..) *uses her wind to move the pen to the correct answer*

Thunderstorm: *surprise* ..? *glance around the shrug his shoulder and fill in the answer*

Cyndu; (^w^) *happy, look at where Cyclone is and saw him playing* (o3o..) *did the same thing like Thunderstorm*

Cyclone: *startled* !? *searching for the person who did that* 0_0.. *continue with his test*

Cyndu: *giggles quietly before getting teleported out by Kex*

Kex: ôwô *high five Cyndu*

Cyndu: *high five back* >w<

After everything

Luna: owO thanks sis! I owe you one!

Lyana: Nah~ we always help each other now adios! My mission is waiting for me! *jumps into a portal*

Rune: *bringing a lot of pancakes with her* ..

Luna: OAO... Wth

Rune: Don't ask.. *walk into a portal*

Earthquake: *patting every single of his children* ^^|| you'll do great next time..

Thunderstorm: =_= I almost pass..

Cyclone: TwT I failed

Blaze: I got zero marks!! T^T

Ice: ...just pass

Thorn: ^w^ it was okay~

Solar: pass! Pass! Pass~! *cheerful*


I might have change Telepathy and Emit to suit this dimension of BBB


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