Under The Mistletoe

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As I promised, I'm doing a special

Thanks xKittaMew for giving me an idea~

UwU ofc it's a Christmas special

I don't celebrate it but I respect it- QwQ because you guys get to get gifts..

Also, I based your personality off from how y'all talk to me so, don't @ at me if I'm wrong

And, seriously... y'all keep wanting Supra and Cyclone- so I'm using a random generator- so don't be salty if you don't get the pair you wanted

Anyways, enjoy~

Ahahahahahhahaahh- I can rest now-

*collab book smacks at my face*



Kat: OwO this is fun *wearing the clothes* >w< thankie Solar!

Luna: Yeah! *spinning around* these looks so cool!

Diana: *nods* agree, did you plan this early on?

Solar: *chuckles* your welcome girls and why yes! You three were in my room last week and I was in the mood to sketch Christmas clothes!

Luna: owo I'm keeping this

Diana: So uhhh, did you do for your brothers too? And the rest?

Solar; of course, they pressure me to do it *sweat-drops* and heavens no, the others wanted to buy their own

Kat; Yay! Let's see what they are wearing!

Luna: I'm betting Ice would be in a such comfy clothes that he'll sleep on the floor again!

Diana: that was my bet!

Luna: I was first!!


Luna: OAO woah

Kat: OwO Christmas style!

Diana: it suits them, that's for sure

Earthquake: ^^ comfy! *felt warm inside*

Thunderstorm: *looking at the weird looking cape, Idk* what's with this thing

Cyclone: fufufu! *plays with the scarf* just what I wanted!

Blaze: YASH! No more coldness for me!!

Ice; *expose his other arm but doesn't care and sleeps on the floor*

Luna: =w= knew it

Thorn: *twirling around with his skirt* ^w^ hehe!

Solar: *fix the jacket around his waist* and there

Kat; *had gone somewhere*

Diana: Wait, one question- why is Thorn wearing a skirt?

Thorn: owo because.. mama said so!

Diana; Quakie?

Thorn; nope!

Diana: ._. Uhh.. another mom that I don't know?

Thorn: Yep! >w< hehe~

Diana; Wokay then- Luna- eh

Luna: *issa gone too*

Diana: T-T why am I alone?

Scar: you aren't alone *pops up from nowhere*

Diana: AAA- *surprise by Scar's appearance* what- Scar- since when you-

Scar: few minutes ago *felt a glare from Thunderstorm then just grin a him*

Thunderstorm: ==||| (she's not my pair..)

Scar: more likely I am

Thunderstorm: -_-||| (dear lord, safe me)

Diana: Wait.. so if you are here then..

Ashley: the others are coming *sitting on the couch with Supra who is standing next to her*

Supra: why am I involve

Ashley: you want to back away?

Supra; no, I'm just asking why -_-

Diana: others-?

Alexis: Yep~! *peeking behind Blaze, chuckles*

Blaze: *startled by the sudden appearance* =^=|| dOnt do that

Alexis: oops, sorry~

Blaze: that's fine!

Mayu: >^< I'm glad to be here! *sitting on Cyclone's hoverboard*

Cyclone: eh, how did you.. ._.

Mayu: you left it behind the door!

Cyclone: .-. Oh

Thorn: owo I got a friend *carrying Mia like a cat*

Mia: I don't know how I ended up here ><||

Thorn: OwO hehe *puts Mia down*

Mia: *stands on the floor, sighs in relief*

Glacier: *yawns but smiles when he see Bea* nice to see you again

Bea: oh~ho~ am I paired with you?

Glacier: *shrugs* from the looks of it, yes

Bea: cool~ *acting calm but in the inside she's happy*

Ice: ..so I'm paired with you..

Shiro: hmp, we better not lose to anyone in this room

Ice: *shrugs lazily* no promises

Shiro: whatever

Roza: hi!

Earthquake: *smiles* hello~

Roza: uwu I'm with momma Quakie

Earthquake: ^^|| good for you, I guess

Kim: this is unexpected *looking at who she is paired up with*

Solar: expected the unexpected dear!

Kim: ^^ Maybe pairing up with you won't be that bad

Solar: we will win~ do not worry!

Rensa: and I'm paired up with the half and half

FF: Hey! That's Todoroki's nickname! Not mine!

Rensa: I can call you whatever I want :)

FF: ||||||| (creepy smile)

Diana: all of you already know what we are doing-

All: Yes! / yeah! / mhm! / yea!

Diana: oh, maybe introduce yourself first

Scar: I'll start, name's Scar and I'm paired up with Thunder *points at Thunderstorm*

Thunderstorm: *roll his eyes*

Ashley: you met me before but my name is Ashley and I am with Supra

Supra: Ashley Huh

Mayu; hi! Hi! I'm Mayu-chan or just Mayu! I'm with~

Cyclone: me!!

Alexis: while me, I'm Alexis! I'm paired up with Blaze!

Blaze: yep! Yep!

Bea; uwu Bea~ and is with Glacier!

Glacier; glad to be paired up with her

Rensa: the one and only! Rensa is here with half and half!

FF: for god sake, that is not my nickname!

Mia: ^-^ I'm Mia~ and Thorn is my pair!

Thorn; OwO ye

Roza: Call me Roza! My pair is Quakie!

Earthquake; ^^ mhm

((Sorry, I had to change on how she look like, just the clothes!))

Shiro: as for me, my name is Shiro and I am.. paired with the lazy bear

Ice: meh

Kim: I am~ Kim! Apparently I'm with Solar!

Solar: do not regret that I am with you, dear~

((Note, this is just how she look like but just imagine.. purple-))

Diana: woah, okay, ten people.. that's a lot!

Luna; pretty much my finger is going to break

Diana: and you are willing to do all of this

Luna: *shrugs* just continue

Diana: Okay then, since there is ten- which makes it twenty people in there, I'll split it to two section, ten people will be in the first half and the other ten people will be at the second half, understand?

All: understood!

Diana: alright, let's begin!

Scar and Thunder, Bea and Glacier, Rensa and FF, Mia and Thorn & Ashley and Supra.

Diana: Okay! For the first round~ one of your partner is going to be blind folded and is going to a flavored cookie and they need to guess it right to get a point!

Thunderstorm: that sound easy

Diana: But not so fast! That cookie will be bake by the other partner!

Scar: bitch, you had to jinx it

Thunderstorm: == not on purpose

Diana: there is no cheating involve, alright? We have someone eyeing on each team, so don't even try it!

Thorn: owo what would happen if we did cheat?

Diana: good question! It's.. Yaya's cookies!

Everyone except Diana: WHAT!?

Diana: that was not my idea! So don't blame me on it and let's start the game!!

Scar: fuck baking, you do it!

Thunderstorm: me!? Like hell I can bake!

Scar: just try! Do you want me burn down the kitchen and this entire studio?

Thunderstorm: Ugh *quickly went to the kitchen get the ingredients he need to bake*

Scar: *puts on the blindfold*

FF and Rensa: Rock papaer scissors!

Rensa: scissors! *does a rock*

FF: *accidentally did scissors* Dammit! You cheated!

Rensa: did I? Or did I?

FF: you- that's just the same- I- *gives up and goes to the kitchen*

Rensa: works like a charm =w=

Bea: I am so glad to have you as my partner *putting on the blindfold*

Glacier: I'm glad to have you too *thinks* it would be an easy thing to do, Don't over think the taste-

Bea: and go with my gut!

Glacier: *smiles lazily* good *walks to the kitchen*

Mia: soo.. you can bake?

Thorn: owo I learn a lot from Cycy's baking class! Don't worry! I can do it!

Mia: ^^|| are you sure you don't want me to bake?

Thorn: -w- naw! Me wanna do it!

Mia: alright then~ *smiles*

Supra: can you bake?

Ashley; not that I don't know how to bake, but I am not taking any chances to even bake cookies that might be burnt

Supra: Huh *thinks for a bit* fine, I'll try to bake, Don't blame me if the cookie doesn't have the flavor

Ashley; psssh! I'll randomly guess the flavor!

Supra: *shrugs his shoulder then proceeds to walk to the kitchen*

Diana: since everyone is ready~ LETGO!

Time skip because I am running out of ideas on what to do sssooooooooo yeah

Diana: eating contestants! There is one cookie right in front of you and each are different flavor! Only two people will pass this round and yes, first come, first serve!

Luna: Let's get it started-


Rensa: *sniffs the cookie before gobbling the cookie into her mouth* Yum! Yum!

FF: the taste you idiot!

Rensa: Shut up you hoe, I'm currently enjoying it while my tiny brain is working on the taste!

Mia: *noms on the cookie, tasting it, thinking* hmm.. taste familiar..

Thorn: QwQ please get it right-

Mia; Ah! Is this butterscotch cookie??

Diana: Woah, that was quick and Mia and Thorn pass this round! One more team left~

Thorn: >w< Yay! Thank you Mia-senpai!!

Supra: no taste?

Ashley; no taste

Supra: *sighs* why am I even dragged into this mess

Glacier: it doesn't taste familiar to you? Are you sure?

Bea: *shakes head* it taste like double chocolate cookie.. but it also taste like an original cookie but then again..

Glacier: ||||| please guess it right

Scar: what the hell is this *currently eating the cookie* why is the taste burnt? Are you even good at baking?

Thunderstorm: I-

Diana: Yay~ we got another winning team~!! It's Scar and Thunder!

Scar: WHAT. THE. FUCK. Out of all those shitty flavors, I got the mother fucking burn ones!?

Thunderstorm: ==||| at least you aren't going to eat Yaya's cookies..

Scar; can't deny that but fuck why!?

((I use random generator so hush))

Diana: anyways~ sorry for the other three contestants but you guys are going to eat Yaya's cookies!! *snaps her fingers*

A trap door opened below the losing teams

Supra and Ashley; This is your fault- *falls into the pit*

Glacier: *hugs Bea before the both of them fall into the pit*

Bea: pwp there goes my chances-

Rensa: *creepily grins at FF* you'll get your punishment later on- *falls*

FF: (T^T save my soul) *falls down*

Diana: next up~ the five other teams~!!

Roza and Quake, Shiro and Ice, Mayu and Cyclone, Alexis and Blaze & Kim and Solar

Diana: *reading the rule and games* wow, someone here have an advantage for this game

Mayu: Ooo~ What is it?

Cyclone: is it video games?

Diana: Nope! More like.. wrapping Christmas presents!!

Everyone: *look at Earthquake*

Earthquake: ^^||| please don't stare at me like that!

Roza: yeah! Mommy Quake is my partner!

Earthquake: |||| Let's move on, the game?

Diana: it's simple! Wrap as much presents as you can within five minutes!

Blaze and Alexis: five minuets!?

Ice: can I back out-

Shiro: *glared at Ice*

Solar: hmm.. *thinking* does it have to be perfect?

Diana: Mhm! I don't want any cheating to be involve here, do it manually! And the present must be neat and tidy!

Kim: I'm suddenly worry that we won't win and Diana, what's the punishment?

Diana: oh right~! The punishment is that.. you guys are going to eat anything related to carrots!


((Fang; *happy noises*))

Diana: chop! Chop! Let's get the game~ start.. now!

Roza: *struggling* is this how you do it?

Earthquake: *look at it then chuckles* here.. *teach Roza on how to wrap the presents* it's not the hard to do, you'll get the hang of it ^^

Roza: ;w; easy for you to say

Ice: *groans* I hate this..

Shiro: *eyes twitch at Ice who is perfectly wrapping the presents* how?!

Ice: *shrugs his shoulders and continue wrapping the presents*

Kim: um, maybe you shouldn't analyze the whole measurement thing..?

Solar: no, it must be precisely correct! *being a clothes designer.. yeah*

Kim: (we are going to lose ||)

Mayu: *laughing at Cyclone struggling with the wrapper that is now wrapping him instead*

Cyclone: T~T help me!

Mayu: I'm helping~ I'm helping at laughing! *keeps laughing*

Alexis: don't burn them~ *trying to wrap the presents*

Blaze: ;-; I am trying! *cautiously wrapping the presents*

Alexis: *giggles at it because Blaze was even wearing gloves to help him to not burn the wrappers*

Skiiiiiiip timmmmmmeeeeeeeew

Diana: and the winner is... *gAsp* Ice and Shiro & Solar and Kim!?

Kim: wOw, I didn't know you can wrap presents that quick!

Solar: I have many tricks up my sleeves! And of them are being a designer~

Shiro: unbelievable *is actually happy they won*

Ice: what.

Alexis: How did Earthquake and Roza lose?

Blaze: yeah! Earlier I saw them having the most wrapped presents!

Cyclone: like mountains of wrapped presents!

Mayu: it almost fell on top of me ;^;

Earthquake: o-oh.. you must have mistaken! That was Ice's wrapped presents!

Roza: while our one is just twenty *nervously chuckles* because Quake help me instead of doing the actual thing

Diana: there you have it folks! Congrats on the winning team! And now for the losers.. *snaps her fingers and yes they fall into the trap doors*

Luna: final round! Finally!

Final round

Thunderstorm: I have a bad feeling about this round

Scar: how so?

Thunderstorm: ...that you would rather let yourself be rot in hell

Scar: hm

Thorn: OwO we will win this!

Mia: probably yeah, but I'm afraid something else will happen ^^||

Thorn: =w= nah nah~

Mia: if you said so

Kim: what are the possibilities that the last game is going to be something all of us won't do

Solar: *thinks* 99.999999999999999999 percent

Kim: that's.. not good?

Solar: dear, it's not good at all

Shiro: *sighs* can you not sleep now?

Ice: == I'm awake.. *only closing his eyes to think about the final rounds game*

Shiro: *notice how hot Ice can be when his closing his eyes, slightly blush*

Ice: *not realizing*

Diana: Wokay! The final round! You might hate me for this but-

Kat: MERRY CHRISTMAS! *shows a mistletoe on top of where the four teams are standing on*


Kat; kiss! Kiss!

Thunderstorm: There is no fcking way I'm kissing the person who always abuse me!

Scar: Fuck no!

Shiro: wHAT!? I am not kissing this- polar bear!

Ice: . . .

Kim: w-what? *panics*

Solar: oh dear..

Mia: oh boi ||||| *look at Thorn*

Thorn: OwO???? *confused* owo what are we supposed to do?

Kat: kiss your partner Thorn!

Thorn: owo cheek? Hand?

Kat: Nope! Lips~!

Thorn: owo........... °^° nu

Diana: only one team can win this round! Whoever kiss their partner first-

Kat: on the lips!

Diana: will be the winner of this Christmas game thing!

Mia: But, what's the price?

Diana: you guys won't have to suffer eating Yaya's cookies and carrots

Scar: But I'm underage!

All; so are we!

Diana: ^^||| please, this was not my idea but it was Luna's and you know what happen next- just kiss!

((Nyuhu, random generator time!))

Kim: ><||| I don't want to do this!

Solar: so do I *shakes his head*

Thorn: OwO Mia

Mia: ?

Shiro: you're not going to kiss me? (///)

Ice: no, I respect girls. I don't just kiss them out of nowhere

Scar: Fuck. This. Shit I'm out! *but suddenly got pushed by an unknown force* the fuc- *saw that she was heading towards Thunderstorm* GET AWAY ASSHOLE

Thunderstorm: *struggles* I can't! And no! My powers aren't working!


The two were getting closer and closer-

Scar: EWWWWW *squirming around*

Thunderstorm: *trying to face away from Scar*

Diana: and the winner is~ Thorn and Mia!

Mia: @////@ *on the floor*

Thorn: OwO

Rensa: :( awwww.. dammit *was the one who pushed both Scar and Thunder*

Scar: *glaring* Rensa..

Rensa: ;D *disappears*



Diana: one heck of the ride

Luna: My fingers survive! Don't worry!

Kat: owo I should run *RUNS*


BBB: *notice that Luna is outside, all alone* ? *secretly walks out*

Luna: *humming, gaze at the night sky filled with snowflakes* you know.. I'm okay with being alone.. *smiles at BBB*

BBB: *sits beside Luna, looking at his shoe* what's the matter? Did someone triggered you or something?

Luna: *sighs, knowing that she can't get away with it* no.. no one triggered me *let her tail wrapped around her body*

BBB: *seeing the movement* you missed them, don't you?

Luna; of course I do.. I know they are dead and their souls are.. nowhere to be seen and I'm just.. *gives up on talking about it* I was just jealous that everyone, almost everyone have their family.. and me? I'm all alone..

BBB: ... *wrap one of his arms around Luna's waist and pull her closer to him* it's okay, new life, new beginning *smiles sadly* I, myself, missed them too but what can I do?

Luna; hah.. *snuggles into BBB's body* I'm so glad to have you as a brother.. even though you aren't my real brother *close her eyes* I consider you as one

BBB: and I'm glad to have you as my older sister *chuckles*

Luna: *open her eyes, having that 'hurt' face* wOw, ouch, are you saying I'm old?

BBB: ^^|| Maybe..?

Luna: =3= I'm only letting you off just this one time..

Different color of portals appear in front of the two

Luna: ?

Izzah: *walks out from the grey portal, smiling* may I join?

BBB: *gently smiles* of course

Rune: *walking out from the red portal* Lun..

Luna: ah! *let go of BBB then runs to Rune and hugs her*

Runa: *blinks, laughs* so good to be one again~ *walks to them*

Kiza: *walking out with Alexandra in a mix of pink and blue portal* a meeting?

Alexandra: an emergency~?

Runa: no *shakes head* a reunion.. a peaceful one ^w^

B: *walks out from the black portal, wiping her tears* couldn't have any better OCs- sisters and brothers.. *runs to all of them and hugs* I love you all..

Izzah: we love you too..

Runa: >w< love! Love!

BBB; ^^ Mhm, we love you

Alexandra: *chuckles* love ya~

Kiza: *nods head*

Thank you so much to all of you that have read my cringe-ass TOD book! And for the ones who had stuck with me since the beginning.. I'm proud of you champ!

The people who are in this special are~
Scar! _Amethyx_
Rensa! ImLonely11307
Bea! Ayumi_Cycy028
Ashley! The_Invisible_Queen
Mayu! mayu070506
Alexis! Alexisgcate
Kim! Kardashian231
Shiro! siti_leyazulaikah
Roza! Kpopisinmylife
Mia! ArianaFlame

>w< thanks for joining my special~ I tried my best with each of your personality and everyone getting a fair.. screen time? Idk but yeah! You can see me struggling on how to make you guys talk like yourself here!

Also, school is coming- yaaaaay...~ so I won't be updating like usual! I'll have the time to write the other dares I got.. maybe around March or when I have my free time!

Keep the truth or dares coming~!

Merry (late)Christmas to all of you who are celebrating it!

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