Chapter 1 - WHERE AM I?

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English is not my mother language!

Many grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Deyy! Boboiboy!" Gopal shouted from afar as Boboiboy was staring at the clear sky from another planet. Boboiboy, Gopal, Fang, Yaya and Yin were currently in a mission trying to save another power sphere that was stolen from Adu Du yet again. After a job well done, the team decided to rest for a while.

"Oh, hey there Gopal" Boboiboy answered still looking at the sky.

"We managed to save, LoopBot (again) and kick Adu du's butt so why the down face?" Gopal sat next to his friend. Boboiboy was always smiling while saying his catchphrase 'Awesome!' with a thumbs up. So, seeing him sad was a bit unusual for Gopal.

"Nothing, maybe just tired" Boboiboy sighed. But it was a lie, something was bothering him.

"Well..." Gopal was about to continue when Fang cuts them off.

"Comander Koko Ci sends us an urgent call! It seems like there's an alien causing some disturbance back at the base!" Fang shouted. "It's a code red call!"

"What?!" Boboiboy, Gopal, Yaya, and Yin shouted at the same time. "Then we must hurry!" Boboiboy ran towards Fang with the others following him.

"Right!" Fang agreed. "Ochobot! Could you teleport us back to the TAPOPS base?"

"Sure! Hang tight everyone!" Ochobot collected the coordinates and gathered all of his powers, ready to teleport them. "I will be opening the portal now!" then a blue light came.





Upon arriving at the TAPOPS base, once again it was destroyed like in the last battle with Captain Vargova. How did the attacker even know where the base was?

"W... What happen here?!" Gopal shivered in fear, the fearful memory of fighting with Captain Vargova came into his mind.

"Whoever it is, they are strong!" Fang looked around for the enemy.

"Well, well, well, what do we have here? TAPOPS beloved group of children" a voice came and revealed himself from the shadow.

"Who are you?!" Boboiboy shouted.

"Well, allow me to introduce myself. I am Captain Vicious" the evil man revealed himself. He was a splitting image of the defeated Captain Vargova, only looked much bigger and much more vicious than the other and has a hook on his left hand. (Just imagine him scary like Blackbeard from One Piece). 

"It's a pity that my younger brother lost to a child" he glared at Boboiboy. "Even his underling became TAPOPS dogs now huh?"

The team gasped. Captain Vargova's brother?! Does it mean that the man in front of them was much stronger than him?! And they had a difficult time defeating Captain Vargova!

"Looks like we found ourselves a stronger enemy than Captain Vargova" Fang growled.

"I... I... I don't want to die!" Gopal was now screaming in fear as he hugged Boboiboy. "Save me Boboiboy!"

"No one's going to die in my watch!" Boboiboy shoved Gopal. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Thunderstorm!" Feeling the enemy was strong, Boboiboy decided to use his second-tier lightning element. "You have to pay for what you did!" his ruby eyes were flashing in anger as his Thunder Blade appeared in both of his hands. "Thunderstorm Sprint!"

"Do your best kid!" Captain Vicious smirked and summoned his own pirate-like blade.

Thunderstorm began attacking the man and used multiple thunder strikes towards him. However, the man easily dodges all of his attacks with his own sword. "Huh is that the best you got?"

"It was just the beginning!" Thunderstorm attached his two thunder blades and became a two edged-sword and continued attacking Captain Vicious with tremendous speed.

"It's my time to attack you also!" after succeeding yet again in dodging Thunderstorm's attacks, Vicious decided to finally use his powers. "CementBot! Come Forth!" the yellow cement maker-shaped bot appeared before them.

"CementBot?! How?! I thought it was within TAPOPS possession?" Yaya couldn't believe what she saw.

"How did he even get it?!" Yin shouted in shock.

Vicious began attacking and slowing Thunderstorm's movement by shooting cement toward him. He also didn't forget his friends.

"WATCH OUT!" Fang warned them.

"Ahhh! Meatball Transformation!" Gopal with his miraculous good aiming started to aim the cement with his power and changed it into meatballs.

"Nice Gopal! Now change them as much as you can! I'll help Boboiboy!" Fang then used his shadow manipulation power. "Shadow Bear Fusion!" he fused himself with his own Shadow Bear and began assisting Boboiboy.

"We will help also!" Yaya and Yin shouted in unison and fly/ran towards Captain Vicious. "Power Punch!" / "Thousand Times Kick!"

"Erggh! More children!" Vicious growled. "HookaBot! Come Forth! Ensnaring Hook! " he then summoned a different bot as the bot fused with his hook making it into a larger one before that and use it to hook up Yaya and Yin by tying them up.

"Huh?! He has HookaBot as well?!" Thunderstorm was beyond surprised.

"Well, I'm full of surprises children" Vicious smirked evilly. "Ensnaring Hook!" he used his power again against Boboiboy.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Cyclone!" Boboiboy quickly turned into his Cyclone form. "Tornado Shield!" strong wind girded him as he avoids the attack. "Hehehe... you missed!" Cyclone sticks his tongue out. "Typhoon Uppercut!" strong gashing wind began attacking Vicious.

Fang used this opportunity and attacked Vicious by punching him with his shadow bear fusion. Vicious flew to the opposite side upon receiving a punch from Fang.

"Yaya! Ying!" Gopal ran towards the two girls. "Spaghetti Transformation!" he used his powers and turned the hooks that were wrapping them into strings of spaghetti.

"Thank you Gopal!" the two of them thanked them.

"Wow! For a kid, you can give quite a punch huh?" Vicious stood up, ready to summon yet another power sphere.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Quake!" Boboiboy quickly changed into his evolved of the earth element. "Earth Golem!" he summoned his Earth Golems to which it promptly captured Vicious, trapping him tightly from moving.

Vicious struggled to free himself but was avail as the Golems power was too strong.

"You're not going anywhere!" Quake said in a serious tone. "Now, hand over yourself!"

"What? Me?" Vicious laughed hysterically. "Not in a thousand years!" he growled. "MagnetBot! Come Forth!" the explosion of power had caused the Earth Golems to lose their grips. "I will be ending this really fast. "Magnetic Push!" the strong magnetic force, sending all of them flying and hitting the wall really hard.

"So strong!" they said in unison.

"As much as I want to kill all of you right but I'd rather torture you all one by one to death" Vicious glared at them. "However my 'incomplete' powers seem to be reaching their limits. I'll have to stop, from now children"

"I won't let that happen!" Boboiboy who turned back to his original self slowly stood up. "I won't let you hurt my friends!"

"Ah, such bravery! It moves me to tears" Vicious pretending to wipe his tears. "Ah, such a noble hero indeed" he growled. "And a nuisance for me in conquering the galaxy!" he slowly walks towards Boboiboy. "Will do the honors and disappear for me, boy?"

"What do you mean by that?" Boboiboy questioned him.

"You wanted to become everybody's hero right, Boboiboy?!" he smirked as another power sphere they have never seen before appeared before them. It was white in colour and had a silver and gold pattern all over it. Vicious let out an evil laugh. "Then, for my last wish Wishbot! I wish that Boboiboy will disappear to a world fitting for a 'hero' like him!"

A black portal appeared beneath Boboiboy and the next thing they knew was Boboiboy had already disappeared right in front of their eyes!

"BOBOIBOY?!" his friend shouted in fear.

As Boboiboy disappeared, Captain Kaizo and his crew came bursting into the scene, saving the others. However, it was too late as Vicious had already run away.




U.A High School's hero course, 

In a world where about 80% of the population have some kind of superpower called "Quirk", this prestigious school was built to raise heroes to oppose villains and their crimes. 

I, Midoriya Izuku, am a student at this school, working hard to achieve my dream...

To become someone who can save people with a smile...

Yes, this is the story of how I became the greatest hero!




"Are they here?" wounded All Might turn around to see the group of heroes who came to their aid.

"This attack?"

"Could it be?"

"Sorry, everyone! Sorry, we're late!" Nezu, UA's Principal slowly walks with the group of heroes. "I gathered all who were immediately available"

"Iida-kun!" Uraraka was happy that their class representative managed to get help.

"I, Tenya Iida, class 1-A representative, have now returned!" Iida was standing with a group of heroes who are mainly UA's teachers. Present Mic, Midnight, Ectoplasm, Sniper, Cementos, Vlad King, Hound Dog, Power Loader, and other heroes stood beside Iida.

"Tchh!" the groups of villains began attacking the heroes. Present Mic weakened their attack by using his supersonic voice in which they fainted upon hearing it.

Ectoplasm then used his ability to produce streams of ectoplasm from his mouth and transform it into clones of himself. The clones began attacking the villain one by one.

"Split up and protect the students!" Principal Nezu shouted.

"Yes Sir!" the heroes split up and began assisting the students that were in different locations.

After that, the fight between UA hero teachers and the villains began. Exploding sounds were heard all over as the fight began.

"Aw man, they're here. It's game over now" Shigaraki, the head of the villains sighed. His plan to attack UA has failed. "Shall we go home and try again Kurogir..." before Shigaraki finished talking he was shot in the arm and both of his legs, causing him to fall down.

"Shigaraki!" Kurogiri quickly protected Shigaraki from being shot again.

"Someone whose quirk can capture them all in this distance..." Sniper said as he was still trying to shoot Shigaraki from a long distance.

"Me!" Thirteen who was also severely injured used her quirk that allows her to replicate a black hole suction effect from her fingertips. The black hole from her fingertips began sucking Kurogiri and Shigaraki.

"I may fail this time but I will kill you next time! Symbol of Peace, All Might!" Shigaraki growled with hatefulness as he slowly disappeared in Kuragiri's black clouds.


What the pros deal with...

What they fight against...

The world of evil...

That was an experience that we were not ready for yet.

I tried to withstand the pain within. "I... c... couldn't do anything!" I tried to stand but his legs were badly injured.

"That wasn't true" All Might, the one hero I've always admired said back to me. "If it weren't for those few seconds you bought me, I would've been killed. You've saved me again"

"All Might!" tears were beginning to form around the corner of my eyes. "I'm so glad that you're okay!" I couldn't help but feel relief when the one I admired was safe.



"What in tarnation..." Sniper slowly sighed as Shigaraki managed to get away.

"Man, they broke in so flashily, and yet we still let them get away" Present Mic continued.

"They really hit us where our guard was down but never mind that for now, we must tend the students!" Vlad King puts down Principal Nezu.

After a while, the teachers managed to save the students and all of them were being assembled by now.

"Is everyone okay?!" Iida went to check the whole class.

"Everyone fine, Iida-kun" Urakaka assured the class president.

"Well except for Midoriya that is" Mineta pointed, the injured Midoriya who was being supported by Kirishima.

"We better take him to the nurse's office before..."

Then the worse thing happened...

A big explosion was heard again, revealing a humanoid Joker-like villain and a green alien dressed as a cowboy with a big mustache sitting on his face.

The two villains attacked them out of know where causing all of them to be shocked.

"A VILLAIN?!" the students shouted.

"Is he one of their comrade?" All Might whispered.

"Another v... villain?" Midoriya said while holding his pain.

"Hahahaha, greetings humans. It's time I added some 'heroes' into my card collection" a Joker-like villain greets them and laughed maniacally.

"Don't forget what boss said" the green alien beside him reminded him as he played with his mustache. "The plan was to capture this planet's No.1 hero"

The heroes were about to attack the villains but the Joker-like villain had already made his move. "CardBot! Trapping Cards!" He threw many cards toward the heroes trapping Ectoplasm and Sniper. Both of them are now trapped in a form of cards. The cards that were trapping the heroes flew back into the Joker-like villain's hand.

"Ectoplasm-Sensei! Sniper-Sensei!" the students shouted.

"Hmmm, power, speed, and accuracy are an A-class. Pretty good" the Joker-like villain smirked as he read Ectoplasm and Sniper's data from the card.

"My turn" the green mustache alien took the cards. "CopyBot and PasteBot! Time to make some pirated copies of heroes" he smirked as the CopyBot began scanning the cards while PasteBot created pirated clones of Ectoplasm and Sniper. Soon, there was an army of pirated clones of the two pro-heroes.

"!!!" Both pro-heroes and the students were surprised. "The villain has a quirk that can trap humans in a form of cards! And the other one has the quirk that can create clones!" Midoriya said with fear. All Might was already worn out and Aizawa-Sensei and Thirteen were badly injured.

"What kind of quirks are those?!" Todoroki questioned the yellow bot beside the Joker-like villain and the two giant bots between the green mustache alien.

The pirated copies of Ectoplasm and Sniper began attacking the other pro-heroes. However, all of them were too preoccupied fighting the clones that they didn't realize the Joker-like villain's cards were flying toward them. Soon, Vlad King, Hound Dog, Cementos, and Power Loader were turned into cards.

"Everyone!" Present Mic, Midnight, and Principal Nezu shouted as most of them were trapped inside the cards, and to make things worse the pirated clones of Ectoplasm and Sniper surrounded them.

All Might who was already in his skinny form felt helpless as the other pro-heroes were in a difficult situation. He was also badly injured from the fighting against the Nomu just now and had used his last energy by then.

"We got to help them!" Iida shouted.

"Yeah!" While the other students supported him.

"Tchh! Children! It reminds me of that 'boy' and his group of friends" the green mustache alien felt irritated. "You! Pirated clones with the guns, kill these children for me will ya?"

The pirated clones nodded and followed his orders as they pointed their guns toward the students from Class 1-A. Without mercy then began shooting them.

The students brace their selves for the worst when suddenly...

"Earth Barrier!" a strong wall of earth protected them from being shot by the pirated clones.

"That's enough! You two are too much!" a boy with brown clothes and with a cap that has an earth emblem on it had appeared before them.

The Joker-like villain and the green mustache alien gasped as they couldn't believe their eyes. Was it an illusion? Were their eyes playing a trick on them!

"BOBOIBOY!" they shouted in fear.



"Ouch!" I hold my head. It was the same pain I felt when I fell onto a tree during a fight with Captain Separo. "Dejavu," I said.

I try to look at my surroundings. It looks very different from my usual view. I got up and cleaned the dust off my clothes. "Where is this?" I asked. Then I suddenly realized that Captain Vicious had used WishBot's powers over me. I was no longer in the TAPOPS base!

I wish that Boboiboy will disappear to a world fitting for a 'hero' like him!

Vicious words came knocking into my memories.

"No way!" I ran to see a better view of my surroundings. I was in a different world, very different from mine!

The only thing I could see was that I was in a place filled with various zones that had a particular disaster scenario in each zones.

"What the...? (Apakah? in Malay) I said as I looked around for people then I was some smoke coming from the East. Maybe someone was there? It's better to find someone else than to be alone right? So I decided to go there.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning! Lightning Speed!" with lightning speed I ran as fast as I could.



After a few minutes of running, I finally found a group of students standing not far from where I was. The look of relief was on their faces is evident when they meet again with their friends. Were they separated just now? A group of adults was also standing not far from them. At a glance, they all look like the heroes in the comics that Gopal always read secretly without the knowledge of Laksamana Tarung during the night. This was another reason why Laksama Tarung always kicks us out of bed at 7.00 am sharp.

I wanted to go there but my step was stopped by a man in front of me. I had a feeling that he was not a nice man. Fighting evil for a long time sure strengthens your hero instinct huh?

"You must be one of those lousy soon to be hero huh?" the man took out a knife from his pocket.


What was he talking about?

I couldn't understand him?

Duh! I was in a different world! No wonder I couldn't understand!

The guy kept talking but I couldn't understand a word he was saying, so I nodded at everything while the man looks at me as if I'm an idiot. Then I had an idea! My hands went to my left pocket and took a grey pill.

Erghh! It was a language pill invented by that idiot Light. Thinking of his smug face right now makes me want to puke. "He's probably praising himself right now"

The thing was Light began developing many strange pills during the time we were saving the power sphere. That narcissist idiot successfully develops a language pill so that we could understand the alien's language better especially the 'Mop' language (an alien from Boboiboy Galaxy Episode 2).

I quickly took the pill. Urghh, taste awful as ever! What did that idiot even put in this?! It tastes like Yaya's biscuits! I quickly swallowed it.

"Hey don't ignore me you brat!" the man was furious by now. 

Yes! The pill was a success I could finally understand what he was saying!

Oh? And was I ignoring him? Oh well, I'll apologize later.

"Damn! The invasion plan failed because of those stupid pro-heroes!" anger was shown on his face. I could feel his murdering aura from afar. "Well, even though the invasion failed but I still got a chance to kill a UA student!" he licked his lips. "Don't worry boy, I'll kill you in an instant so you won't suffer in pain" he shouted and began to attack me.

"Not on my watch" I summoned my Lightning Blades. "Sorry but I can't let you kill me!" then we engaged in battle. He was fast but not as fast as me in my Lightning form. "Lightning Blade Slash!" I managed to inflict an attack on him that electrified him with my lightning. He collapsed to the ground and went unconscious.

Oh? Did I fry him to crisp with my Lightning element huh? Well, I couldn't hold my attack in this form.

By the time I was done, I turned around and was shocked that the two familiar aliens that I'd defeated before were attacking the students.

How did they even get here?! I questioned. I clearly remember that they were arrested by TAPOPS. Did they escape? And why CardBot, CopyBot and PasteBot are with them?!

Seriously, many questions were in my head but I decided to think that later as the pirated clones were pointing their guns toward the group of students.

"Lightning Speed!" with lightning speed I quickly dashed towards them and got there before the pirated clones could even shoot them.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Earth! Earth Barrier!"




The whole class as well as the pro-heroes and even All Might was surprised that a mysterious boy suddenly appeared before them.

The boy's earth emblem shined in front of his brown dinosaur hat as he turned to them. "Are you guys okay?" Earth asked worriedly as he approached them.

"Thank you for protecting us!" Iida and Yaoyorozu thanked him while the others.

"Who are you?" they asked in unison.

Earth scratches his head. What should he say?

Oh hey! I'm Boboiboy but right now you can call me Earth in this form! I kinda came to this world because of a power sphere called WishBot and the one who sent me was another mean alien called Captain Vicious.

Simply not that right?!

"I'll explain later" Earth turned and glared at the two villains in front of him. "That's enough! Jokertu! Gijimo!"

"What he knows who those villains are?" Midoriya and All Might questioned.

Really? Who was the boy in front of them?

"How... how... did you get here?" Jokertu and Gijimo shook with fear.

"I don't know but one thing for sure... I'll defeat you again!" Earth ran towards them and jumped as he hit his fist on the ground. "Earth Punch!" Earth raises the ground level to where the pirated clones are located as it attacks them all together.

"BOBOIBOY!" Jokertu and Gijimo growled. "Attack him" they ordered the pirated clones.

"Multiple Earth Punch!" Earth began punching the ground as the ground rises again and attack the pirated clones multiple times. "Take this!" with another strong punch the ground level rises to a higher height knocking all of the pirated clones.

"He's strong!" everyone who watched him couldn't help but feel amazed as Earth knocks down the enemy in one shot.

"As if he's already a Pro-Hero!" Midoriya and Bakugou said to themselves.

Earth didn't stop there. "Earth Grab!" he drops both his hands on the ground and produces a pair of giant hands and grasp Jokertu and Gijimo.

"CardBot, CopyBot and PasteBot! Help!" they seek help from the power sphere beside them.

"Oh no, you're not!" Earth stood up. "Elemental Change! Boboiboy Wind!" he changed into his wind form. His brown hat and jacket turned into blue as a Wind emblem appeared on his now blue dinosaur hat.

"Eh? Is he like Todoroki with a hybrid quirk?!" the girls looked at Todoroki who was also surprised that there was another person like him that has two quirks.

"Wind Attraction!" Wind produces three spherical wind and used this technique to take away the power spheres from Jokertu and Gijimo. "You're coming with me," he said in a playful voice as he managed to get the power spheres from the two of them.


The power sphere mysteriously disappeared as soon as Wind managed to retrieve them. "That's strange?" he held his chin then he smiled "Oh well, thinking it's not my job! It's Earth's" he turned to the pirated clones. "It's time we end this right?" Wind smirked.

The pirated clones couldn't help but shiver in fear.

"Wind Sphere!" Wind then produces small clumps of tiny balls in mass quantities and attacks the enemy from a distance. The pirated clones went flying and knocked each other. "Now to really end this! Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning!" his hat and jacket turned yellow as a lightning emblem flashes on his yellow hat.

Everyone was in shock. "He has multiple of quirks?!" They questioned.

"He can manipulate lightning too?" Kaminari who recovered from his brain to short-circuit gasped.

"Not him!" Jokertu and Gijimo tried to break free from the earth that was grasping them tightly.

"I'll end this in a flash. Lightning Blades!" he summoned two of his lightning swords. "Lightning Speed!" with lightning speed he attacks the pirated clones, electrifying them as he swings his swords. The pirated clones then short-circuit as the electric waves flow into their systems.

"Hmmphh! Now your turn!" Lightning sprints towards Jokertu and Gijimo.

"NO!!!" they cried.

"Lightning Blade Slash!" he launches his last attack with a teardrop at Jokertu and Gijimo as it gives an electric shock so strong that they both became unconscious.

"Weaklings" Lightning said as he turned to his original self.

After defeating Jokertu and Gijimo the trapped pro-heroes had turned back to their selves and were freed from the card.

"What happened?" Vlad King asked, after being turned into cards he couldn't remember anything after that. The same situation was for the others.

"One thing for sure, that boy rescued all of us" Principal Nezu look at Boboiboy with amazement from afar.

"Is everyone alright?!" Boboiboy ran towards the group of students. However, upon seeing the injured Midoriya Izuku he began panicking. "Y... You're in... injured! Hospital!" Boboiboy was about to use his Wind element again but was stopped when the police came with Recovery Girl.

"We'll take it from here!" they said as they carried the injured Eraser Head and Thirteen first

"Thank you but I'm fine" Midoriya tried to assure Boboiboy. Boboiboy smiled warmly at him.

"Dude!" Kirishima was the first one who approached Boboiboy. "You were so manly back then!"

"Thank you for saving us!" Asui thanked me while the others gathered around Boboiboy.

"How did you get here?" Mineta waved his hand so that Boboiboy could see him. (He was short)

"How does your quirk works?" Ashido cheerfully asked.

"Do you have multiple quirks?" Before Boboiboy could answer those questions, Tokoyami cuts in.

"Dude! How could you handle your lightning quirk like it was nothing?!" Kaminari grabs hold of Boboiboys arms and shakes him. "I'm so jealous!"

"Eh? What? How?" Boboiboy's was now dizzy from all of the questions.

"Students" Principal Nezu approached them. "I know you have a lot of questions going around your heads but... will you young man follow us for a while?" he looked at Boboiboy. "There are some things we need to discuss,"

"Sure" Boboiboy slowly replied.

Oh No!

I hope I'm not in trouble!




StarTwinkle here! So how was it? I hope you enjoy reading!

I'll try to update as often as I can! Thanks!



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