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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Students" Principal Nezu approached them. "I know you have a lot of questions going around your heads but... will you young man follow us for a while?" he looked at Boboiboy. "There are some things we need to discuss,"

"Sure" Boboiboy slowly replied.

Oh No!

I hope I'm not in trouble!




After the villain attack on USJ, policemen came to arrest the villains who were defeated by the pro-heroes. They also didn't forget to arrest Jokertu and Gijimo who were still unconscious from Lightning's attacks.

"... 16, 17, 18, 19" police detective, Tsukauchi Naomasa counted the remaining Class 1-A. Midoriya was already sent to the nurse's office to be treated by Recovery Girl.

"Other than the boy with both legs seriously injured, everyone seems to be unharmed," he said as he looked at the group of students.

"Ojiro-kun" Hagakure tapped Ojiro's shoulder. "I heard that you were fired up this time. You were strong by yourself, huh?"

"I thought everyone was by themselves. I survived by using hit and run tactics" Ojiro sweatdrop. "Where were you Hagakure?" he couldn't help but ask the invisible girl.

"In the landslide area!" she pointed. "Todoroki was super strong. I was surprised!" she praised the half cold half hot quirk user.

"Anyway, I'm glad that you're okay" Ojiro smiled at her.

"I almost freeze her. That was close" Todoroki said seriously without looking at them.

The whole class was now talking about incidents back then.

They felt relieved that the villain's attack was managed to be stopped. Some of them were praising All Might because he managed to put an end to the villain and defeated the Nomu while some of them expressed their concern towards their teachers.

"Let's have the students return to their classroom for now," Tsukauchi said as he confirms that all of them were in a good condition.

"Detective, what about Aizawa-Sensei and Thirteen? Are both of them okay?" Asui hopped to the detective.

"Both of them are now being treated by Recovery Girl however those two heroes seem to suffer some serious injuries back then. Eraser Head orbital floor was broken plus he also has some fractures in the arms. Thirteen also received a massive injury with a laceration from the back to her upper arm. For now, they managed to survive" Tsukauchi replied to them.

"No" The whole class couldn't help but worry as the two heroes risk their lives to protect them during the attack.

"All Might?" Bakugou asked.

"All Might is being treated right now, knowing that he is a strong hero, he will survive" the detective continued.

"Deku-kun?!" / "What about Midoriya?!" Uraraka and Iida marched towards the detective. Clearly, they were worried about their friend, Midoriya.

"Midori... Oh, he is also being treated at the moment" the detective gave them a reassuring smile.

"Oh, good" they sighed in relief.

Then there was a pause...

"The boy who saved us just now, is he alright?" Iida slowly asked as everyone had their attention on the detective. "Or is he being punished for his actions?"

"By that, do you mean the boy with the orange dinosaur hat? Well, he is basically fine with no injuries. He is currently being taken by the pro-heroes right now as they have to question him for some information about the two villains that appeared after Shigaraki Tomura disappeared" the detective explained. "We'll leave it to the pro-heroes to decide what will happen to him"

Class 1-A became quiet after that.

"Now go back to your classroom" he instructed the students.

"Yes, sir"

The UA teachers and staff are currently engaged in a heated discussion because of a certain elemental hero.

"I think we should punish the boy! He used his quirk without a proper license. We possibly couldn't turn a blind eye in this case!" Vlad King voiced his opinion.

"I think I disagree with you" Midnight stood up. "That young man had saved all of us back then. He fought with courage. Truthfully, if it weren't for him, we would turn into that Joker-like villain's private collection by now"

"You have a point there Midnight but still laws are laws. His actions are considered illegal against the law" Ectoplasm opposed. "I'm very grateful that I got to see another day because of the boy but still... we cannot break the law"

"But we ourselves were in trouble and the young man did it to protect and save us all. Look, if he didn't save us then maybe something will happen to the students. UA's reputation will be tarnished if something happens to our students" Cementos argued.

"Still we don't know anything about the boy and he did mysteriously appear in the scene? What if he was with the League of Villains?" Power Loader gave his opinion next. "We were very lucky that the media didn't catch this boy, you know?"

"We have to cover up the story about the boy if the media found out about him. Although it's for the good of all, I also don't like to lie" Sniper said as he leaned on his chair.

"I beg to differ but I think the young man is not a villain" All Might reply (he was already healed by Recovery Girl). "His eyes had only shown us kindness and bravery. I'm sorry but I've to disagree with his punishment. Besides the boy clearly has the potential of becoming a hero. His quirk is one in a million"

"I have to agree with All Might here. He's still a teenage boy and we all saw how he fully handle his quirk as if he was a pro-hero" Principal Nezu spoke his opinion. "His movements, accuracy, defense, and attacks are certainly of a..."

"Prodigy" they agreed. That's a truth that was undeniable.

"However, he still went against the laws, surely he'll be facing some consequences for his actions" Principal Nezu sighed.

But then...

There was a knocking and a police officer went inside the meeting room. "Sorry to interrupt the meeting but someone claiming to be the boy's 'guardian' came to see you all" he stated as a man with red amour suit entered.

The pro-heroes and even All Might were in shock.

"Sorry but I'm the boy's legal guardian. I heard that he had some troubles here" the man smiled toward the group of pro-heroes.


Boboiboy tried to calm himself up. He was very nervous right now! After saving the day (once again) he was promptly taken to the UA High School Principal Office. He was asked to remain there and being the good boy he is, Boboiboy listened to the adult's entire saying.

"I hope am not in trouble" Boboiboy sighed for the millionth time today.

How could he not be in trouble? He suddenly went ahead of himself and defeated the enemy before him.

A moment ago, he just found out that the 'group of adults' were actually pro-heroes while the 'group of students' were actually UA High School's hero course students! Boboiboy blushed in embarrassment. 

How could he refer to them as just ordinary adults and students back then?

So basically right now, I'm in a world full of heroes huh?

He thought to himself.

So what do I do now?

Boboiboy was thinking deeply that he didn't realize that Principal Nezu, Present Mic, Sniper, and Midnight were already standing in front of him.

"Is he ignoring us on purpose?" Present Mic said as Boboiboy was still in his own world.

"He's thinking. Let him be" Midnight chuckled.

"Ahem!" Principal Nezu tried to gain Boboiboy's attention.

"Eh? What?" Boboiboy stood up now noticing Present Mic, Sniper, and Midnight in front of him. "I'm so sorry about that" Boboiboy bowed as he apologized. "I was deep in my thought again"

"No worries there boy! I'm glad you finally notice us" Principal Nezu said happily, however...

"Eh? Who was that speaking just now? Don't tell me? Was it a ghost?!" Boboiboy freaked out. He was kind of afraid of ghosts ever since the incident with the haunted house (Boboiboy Season 2) and the spooky forest (Boboiboy Galaxy).

"Pf-ft" Present Mic and Midnight tried to hold their laugh. "Man, this boy is really something," they said quietly.

"I'm certainly not a ghost, young man" Principal Nezu replied. It seems like Boboiboy didn't notice him because he was short?

Boboiboy then looked down where the voice was coming. 

"Oh my! I'm so sorry! That was very rude of me!" Boboiboy panicked as he finally noticed Principal Nezu.

However, one thing came into Boboiboy's mind once he saw the principal...

EH?! A mouse bear could talk? Is he a hero too?!

This world sure is amazing!

"It's okay! Things tend to be like that when people saw me at first sight" the principal replied still in a happy tone. "What's your name boy? And how old are you? " the principal politely asked.

"I'm Boboiboy" Boboiboy slowly answered. "I'm 15 years old, sir"

"Where did you come from?" Midnight was the next to ask him.

Boboiboy was now sweating. "I... I... I don't know" he replied. True, he didn't know how he got there. The only reason he was there was because of the power sphere's power but he simply couldn't tell them that right? "I woke up and I was already here"

"What?" Boboiboy's answer surprised the teachers. "You don't know how you got here?" Sniper asked back.

"Yes, when I woke up and quickly ran towards where you were back then" Boboiboy continued.

The teacher looks at each other. "Then how did you know who the villains are? I believed you said they were Jokertu and Gijimo just now?" Midnight asked again.

Oh no! What am I going to say?! Simply not "Those two are actually aliens who hunt power sphere to satisfy their own greed" right?

"I've encountered them before. To be put simply they were villains who obtain their own powers from stealing some kind of power source" Boboiboy tried to answer earnestly.

"For villains to have those strong quirks, our enemies are becoming stronger day by day" Midnight sighed. "The struggles that heroes faced these days are quite big"

"No wonder they have an unusual quirk," Present Mic thought. 

"And you're lucky you were off the hook this time, Boy!" Present Mic pointed at Boboiboy.

"Off the hook? But sir, I never went fishing?" seems like Leaf's naivety has rubbed into our elemental hero.

Midnight burst into a laugh as Sniper couldn't help but chuckle as well. "I love your sense of humor young man!" Midnight wipes her happy tears.

"That's not what I meant, boy! You're lucky that you weren't punished for your actions back at the USJ!" Present Mic tried to explain to him again.

"Punish? Did I do something wrong?!" Boboiboy panicked. He saved the pro-heroes and the students so why did he have to face punishment?!

"I know what you did was the right thing young man, saving people from villains. However, your actions are still considered as a vigilante" Sniper explained.

"So my actions were wrong?" Boboiboy couldn't believe what he was hearing.

"Seriously boy, where did you come from?" Present Mike sighed.

"Yes, your actions were still considered as a wrong doing by attacking villains without a hero license," Sniper continued his explanations.

"But after the discussion among ourselves, we came to a conclusion not to punish you as our gratitude for your bravery in saving us all" Principal Nezu smiled. "However, you're not allowed to talk about this incident to other people. Can you promise me that?"

Boboiboy took a deep breath. "I promise sir, and thank you for not punishing me" he slowly smiled, then he remembered something. "Excuse me but may I ask something?" Boboiboy slowly raised his right hand.

"Please, do" the teachers replied.

"What about those who were injured in the incident just now? If I'm not mistaken four people got hurt right? Sorry about asking but I'm very worried about them," concern was clearly on his face.

Although Boboiboy had arrived at the scene a little late however his eyes were still aware that some people had been injured from the attack, especially a green-haired boy whose leg had sustained severe injuries.

"They are currently being treated right now by Recovery Girl and all four of them are in a stable condition" Sniper explained.

"That's a relief" Boboiboy sighed in relief while holding his chest.

"Could you please leave me with Boboiboy for a moment?" Principal Nezu asked as he turned to the teachers.

"Sure" they replied and left the principal's office.

"I'm not in trouble, am I?" Boboiboy gulped as he looked toward the UA's principal.

"No, you're not Boboiboy. In fact, I'm very thankful for your help today! You managed to save the students as well as the heroes" Principal Nezu went to his desk and sat on his chair. "Things might have been worse if you didn't help us back then"

"I was just helping, it's no big deal" Boboiboy scratched his head, couldn't help but blush along the way. "It was the right thing to do"

"And you also have a strong quirk. May I know what your quirk is? Or perhaps are (he was referring to Boboiboy's multiple element change during the fight) in your particular case" Truthfully he was amazed that the young boy in front of him had a strong quirk for his age. If it was sown from the very beginning then he believed that Boboiboy's quirk would be one of the lights that illuminated the world from the darkness of evil.

But why does it feel that this boy in front of him has more to offer?

"My quirk is Elemental Manipulation, sir. It's a quirk that can manipulate elements" Boboiboy shined brightly as he explained his powers. He finally understands something about this world, where here powers are called quirks.

"I see, indeed an interesting quirk you have there" Principal Nezu smiled at the boy in front of him as he was excited telling him about his powers.

Now for the one billion questions...

"Would you like to become a UA student?" Principal Nezu didn't hold back asking. "You have the potential of becoming a hero with that quirk of yours. Also, if you become a hero then you don't have to worry about receiving any punishment upon attacking a villain" he explained more.

That question had made Boboiboy a little surprised. To be honest, at the moment he has no idea how to return to his world and he has nowhere to go in this world.

So maybe this is the best option for him right now?

He wanted to accept the offer but is also facing a major problem right now.

"S... sorry, I can't accept this offer" Boboiboy slowly replied as he looks down the floor. His eyes couldn't meet the principal's bead-like ones.

"I'm sorry to hear that you turned down this offer but may I know why you declined it?" he asked.

He couldn't let go of the precious gem in front of his eyes. If it's left untouched, then maybe Boboiboy's abilities will fall into the hands of villains. Such things will surely make it difficult for heroes to eliminate evil and protect the world.

"I... I..." Boboiboy then took a deep breath. "I don't have any money to pay the school's fees" Boboiboy looked at the principal with big crying eyes. True, he didn't have anything with him when he came to this world. Practically he's a homeless boy right now. "I'm kind of homeless too"

Boboiboy's answers surprised Principal Nezu.

"Well, you certainly don't have to worry about that Boboiboy because your guardian has taken care of everything for you including school fees and accommodation" Principal Nezu replied.

"My guardian?!" his eyes widened in surprise.

"Yes, we meet just now and he explained to me about your current situation. He also asked me to pass these keys for you" Principal Nezu took out a key and a piece of paper containing Boboiboy's new home address from his pocket vest. "Don't worry about your daily expenses because your guardian also gave you this" then he took out a shining 'golden' credit card.

Boboiboy eyes couldn't help but twinkle upon seeing the credit card. Never in his life had he seen such brightness emitted from a credit card.

"But I... I..." Boboiboy hesitated. A few minutes later Boboiboy's stomach was growling indicating he was hungry. Boboiboy blushed when the principal heard that.

"I think it's better for you to accept your guardian's kindness. Well, I don't want you to starve to death, Boboiboy"

After a moment of thinking then Boboiboy finally accepted the keys and the credit card. "Thank you," he said slowly.

I will surely pay this person back, Tok Abah! Please forgive for beloved grandson for accepting kindness from a person he doesn't even know. (Oh, you know him too well Boboiboy. You will see this person soon in the future).

But I have to survive in this world!

Boboiboy said with determination.

However, who was the kind person who offered him money and a house? Surely he had to thank this man later if he met that person.

"Now that's settled. I will ask you again, Boboiboy" Principal Nezu's tone turned serious. "Would you like to enroll as a UA student and become a hero?"

Boboiboy smiled, he already had his answer. "Yes, I would love too! I will be in your care from now!"

Boboiboy was finally allowed to go to his new house, after the whole talking. He was accompanied by a police officer to help him show him the way to his new home.

"Apparently, the house is not too far from UA" Boboiboy whispered after 12 minutes of walking.

"I think we're here!" said the police after they have arrived in front of the house.

"Thank you, sir" Boboiboy thanked politely. However, his eyes widened as soon as he saw his new home.

What the...? (Apakah?)

"Is this my new house officer?" he asked in disbelief. He really didn't think he would stay in such a house.

Was this real? Or is it a fairy tale?

"According to the address provided, this is the place" replied the police as he reread the address again. "I'm sure of it!" he turned to the shocked boy.

"Okay, I'll head out first. Enjoy your new home, kid" he later said as he excused himself.

"Okay, thank you," said Boboiboy again as his eyes were still glued to his new house.


It was not just a house but a freaking mansion?!

"This is too much" Boboiboy was starting to become dizzy as he holds his temple.

After a few moments later he decided to go inside the house.


He gasped.

This house was totally huge for a person to live in! Boboiboy gasped (again) as he walks around the living room. Oh gosh! His elemental splits would surely love this! Boboiboy then decided to walk to the kitchen, it seems like all of the cooking and wet ingredients are fully complete in the kitchen. His earth form would probably love this as he loves to cook for others.

He then examines every corner of the house. Apparently, the house is equipped with everything he needs like bathing, daily, and cleaning necessities also the house even had a video game room?! Boboiboy then went upstairs to his bedroom. There his school's essentials like new school uniform, textbooks, writing materials were already and perfectly prepared.

He suddenly felt like a prince!

"Who is this kind of person anyway?" Boboiboy thought. He definitely has to thank this person (a lot) as soon as they meet each other.



After filling up his hungry stomach and bathing (the clothes provided match perfectly with his size) (he is currently wearing an orange pajama), Boboiboy decided to rest himself in the living room after a day of tiredness.

However, there was something he had to discuss with his other selves...

"This is no time to be resting! Boboiboy Hepta Split!" a circle containing all of his elemental logos appeared, Boboiboy then jumped into the circle and splits into seven of his  elements (The elements wore their own colored pajama!) (Boboiboy currently was using his first-tier forms)

"What a long day we have here? Why couldn't we just sleep?" Water yawned as he hugged a pillow beside him.

"You're no fun Water! We haven't even tried the video game room yet!" Fire was shining with excitement.

"Yeah, I wanna play too!" Leaf added, jumping beside Fire.

"Humph! Babies! We certainly should explore the mini-library upstairs" Light sighed.

"What did you say?!" Fire marched towards Light but was stopped by Wind.

"Now, now, we have plenty of time to explore the house" Wind smiled still holding an angry Fire. "Lightning where are you going?" Wind asked as he saw Lightning walking away.

"Away from this madness" Lightning answered in a serious tone.

"Everyone" Earth's usual motherly tone changed into a stern tone which made the elemental siblings flinch. "SIT DOWN!" he glared at them.

Oh no! Mama Earth was mad!

"Yes sir!" they quickly seated themselves on the couch.

"Good! Now we need to discuss something" Earth started. "About the Power Spheres"

Leaf cheerfully raises his hand "By that, you mean the ones who disappeared when Wind tried to retrieve it?"

"Yes," Earth replied.

"Well for sure, the moment the power spheres got near me it magically disappeared" Wind explained. "I don't know but weren't those power spheres rebooted by Commander Koko Ci?"

"They were" Lightning answered. "I think they were our allies by now"

"But why did they help Jokertu and Gijimo? And weren't those two arrested by TAPOPS?" Water asked back.

"I don't know guys but I think all of this has to do with WishBot. One thing for sure WishBot's power is incredibly strong but we still don't know the limit of wishes he can grant" Light gave his opinion. "And I think Jokertu and Gijimo's intrusion in this world has to do with Captain Vicious" they all looked at Light.

"So Captain Vicious has the power to cross different worlds?" Leaf said worriedly. They were facing yet another strong enemy.

"That may be one of the possibilities" Light turned to Leaf. "And we still don't have an idea how to defeat him"

"Erghh! I hate this!" Fire stood up. "Yes we're facing a strong enemy (again) but one thing for sure we will kick his butt right? And besides we already have our elemental fusion!" Fire gritted his teeth and holds a knuckle "When I see him again, I'm going to burn him into crisp"

"Hah! In your dreams, Fire, because I'll be the first one to finish him off!" Lightning smirked. Oh, he couldn't wait to have his payback.

"All of us are going to stop him" Earth smiled as he looked at his siblings.

"I have a question" Leaf raised his hand again. "Back then when we faced those two aliens, why didn't we use our second-tier powers? And why didn't we split into sevens? It will be a lot easier to defeat the enemy?"

"We'll try to make a low-profile first, Leaf" Earth explained. "We still don't know our allies and enemies here in this world"

"And besides, they still have their eyes on us. So, we have to be very careful first" Light continued.

"Then when the time comes, we'll show them what we're made of huh?" Water yawned. "Sounds like a plan to me"

"Exactly" Earth nodded and all of his siblings agreed with the plan.

Play low first eh? They thought.

"I have a question too!" they all turned to Wind. "Now that we live in this big house and have lots of money (Ka-ching!!! The golden credit card shines) can we actually use these?"

"Well, for my opinion, I think it's best if we used it wisely" turned to Wind, Fire, and Leaf, who looked away while whistling. "We don't have anything left in our pockets" Lightning replied seriously.

"One thing for sure I love this house. It's cozy and very comfortable" Water smiled as he hugged a soft pillow.

"This house even has a video game room and a pool! We can party all day!" Fire's eyes shined brightly with Leaf following his actions.

"There's a mini-library too. I would love to indulge myself with some books" Light smiled. "Whoever helped us surely has a heart of gold and by a heart of gold did I mention I have that as well?"

All of the elements puked except for Earth and Leaf.

"Well as long as we use the money wisely and take good care of this house then I think there's no problem with it?" Earth smiled warmly at his elemental siblings. "However, I expect all of you to do your chores every day" He gave them a strict motherly smile which the other shivered in fear.

"YES SIR!" they quickly answered.

"Good! Now, let's get to sleep" he advised and all of them combined back.

Boboiboy yawned and went to his bedroom.

"Tok Abah, Ochobot, Yaya, Ying, Gopal, and Fang, I'm alright here. I hope you guys are doing well also" he said as he drifted to sleep.


The day after The League of Villains attacked USJ, the school was close temporary, but it was hard to take easy.

A video of All Might saving many citizens from a bomb attack while his smile played on my computer for the tenth time now.

It's fine now. Why?

Because I'm here!

I was currently thinking back about the incident today.

During the USJ incident, the villains just toyed with us with their malice and strength.

We just slowed down Aizawa-Sensei and Thirteen.

All Might fight his best in order to protect us. The pro-heroes also came to our aid and managed to save the day once again...

But I couldn't help thinking about the two villains who attacked us after the other one disappeared into the black mist.

And who was the boy who saved us from them back then? I heard that he was taken by the pro-heroes after the incident and we have never met after that.

I couldn't help but not to forget the kindness he has shown in his eyes towards me. That's definitely the kindness of a hero!

Then, there was a knock. It was my mother calling me for dinner. I quickly got off my bed and followed her.

Deep down in my heart, I couldn't help but ask...

Will we meet again?

"This school sure is big" Boboiboy walks as he looks around. "What was my class again?" Boboiboy tried to remember. Boboiboy was currently wearing his UA school uniform with his signature orange dinosaur hat. (Kyaaa!!!) "Oh yeah! Class 1-A!" he finally remembered. "Now where was it again?" he continued walking.

"You're looking for Class 1-A right?" a voice was heard from behind him

"Yes! Could please show me where..." Boboiboy turned back, then...

"A MUMMY!!!" he shouted after seeing the bandaged Aizawa-sensei.

"I'm not a mummy, kid" Aizawa groaned. Great! After he had finally been realized from the hospital (he force himself to be released actually) the first thing that happened to him was being called a mummy by the new student.

"S... Sorry about that" Boboiboy apologized. "Allow me to introduce myself, I'm..."

"Boboiboy, the new kid that was recommended by the principal himself" Aizawa-sensei replied. "The principal already informed me about your presence in Class 1-A" he replied in a sleepy tone. "I'm your homeroom teacher, Aizawa Shota"

"It's nice to meet you sir" Boboiboy bowed to him. "But if I may ask sir, are you even allowed to teach with your condition like that?" Boboiboy asked with concern.

"I've faced even worse than this. So, it's no big deal for me" Aizawa replied. "Now, please follow me to your classroom, Boboiboy" Aizawa begins walking.

"Thank you, sir" Boboiboy smiled as he followed his teacher.

"Hey, did you watch the news last night?" Hagakure chirped as Ojiro and Shoji turned toward her.

"Yeah" they replied.

"Did you see how everyone in the class was on screen for a second? I didn't stand out at all?" he sadly sighed.

"That's true," Shoji said bluntly.

"It's hard to stand out looking like that, huh?" Ojiro sweat-drop.

"But man all the channels made a big deal out of it" Kaminari looked at Kirishima who was sitting behind him.

"I was surprised" Kirishima replied.

"Can you blame them? The hero course that keeps pumping out pro-heroes was attacked" Jirou said as both Kaminari and Kirishima looked at her.

"But thank goodness that All Might and the pro-heroes saved us right?" Sero chuckled.

"STOP IT! SERO!" Mineta shouted. "Thinking about it makes me wet myself..."

"Shut up! Be quiet! Scum!" Bakugou shouted back at him from his seat making Midoriya and Mineta jump in fear.

"But All Might was great. He pushed back those crazy strong villains" praised Sato.

"Yeah, his strength is worth wondering at" Tokoyami added.

"Everyone! Morning homeroom is about to start! Stop talking and take your seats!" he instructed.

"We're already at our seats. You're the one who's not" the whole class replied.

"Shoot!" Iida cursed and took his seat.

"Don't worry about it!" Uraraka tried to cheer him off.

"Tsu, who's gonna teach homeroom today?" Ashido turned to Asui.

"Well, Aizawa-sensei is supposed to be in the hospital recovering from his injuries..." but before Asui could continue the door was opened revealing a bandaged Aizawa-sensei.

"Morning" Aizawa greeted his students as if nothing had happened to him.

"Aizawa-sensei! You're back too soon!" the whole class shouted in surprise.

"You're too much of a pro!" Kaminari gasped in horror.

"Sensei, are you alright?" Iida raised his hand quickly to ask about their teacher's well-being.

"My well-being doesn't matter" Aizawa limped to the teacher's desk. "More importantly, we have a new student joining us from today onwards" he informed them.

"Eh? A new student after the USJ incident?" the class questioned.

"Is it a boy or a girl?" Kaminari asked eagerly.

"Sensei! Why would UA accept a new student after what happened?" Iida asked.

"I would like to know that myself unfortunately I have no answer to that" Aizawa replied. "One thing for sure the new student was scouted by the principal, himself. You know what that means right?"

"That bastard quirk was acknowledged by the pro-heroes!" Bakugou growled from his seat.

"Correct" Aizawa-sensei confirmed. "You can come in now"

The door was opened, revealing a boy with his signature orange dinosaur hat. The whole class couldn't help but stare at him with astonishment.

Boboiboy took a deep breath. "Hello! We meet again? Sorry that I haven't introduced myself properly back then. I'm Boboiboy! It's nice to meet you all" he smiled warmly at them.

There was an awkward silence first then...

"EH?! YOU'RE THE NEW STUDENT?!" the whole class roared.

Midoriya couldn't help but smile upon seeing Boboiboy.

"What's your quirk, Boboiboy?!" Ashido stood up from her chair. Clearly couldn't wait to know about Boboiboy's quirk.

"My quirk is elemental manipulation. It's a quirk that can manipulate elements" Boboiboy explained.

"What?! No way! Your quirk is so cool, man!" Kirishima praised.

"How many elements can you manipulate?!" Midoriya, the hero analysis, eagerly asked him. His face shines with excitement.

"Well..." Boboiboy paused for a moment while the whole class waited for his answer.

"I can manipulate 7 elements" 




I hope you enjoyed reading it!



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