Chapter 14 - HERO NAME!

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"I'm sure your 'guardian' is proud at your achievement." All Might continued and gave the elemental user a warm smile. "You might not see it, but I think he's watching you right now."

"Thank you." Boboiboy thanked him as he was released from the hug. As soon as he lifted his gaze towards the audience, he saw the man he always wanted to meet. The figure he always missed and thought during his difficult times.

Yes, Amato was watching his son among the crowd of heroes. He gave his son a proud fatherly smile as he lifted his hand and...

"Awesome! (Terbaik!)" He gave him a thumbs-up as he said Boboiboy's main catchphrase.

The sight of his father praising him again had sent joy to Boboiboy's heart. He felt so happy that he shed tears of joy right in front of the audience and his friends.

"Dad... Thank you for watching! I'll do my best here!"




After the UA Sports Festival, the school decided to have a day off for tomorrow and the day after. That means, two days of no class and training! Well, it was a worthwhile reward since the students had done their best in the UA Sports Festival. They deserved to have their leisure time all to themselves for two days.

Even though they were advised to do so, however...

The elemental's residence was still lively as ever. Well, probably because the siblings (Ahem... Trio Trouble Maker) were celebrating their 'first' win in the hero world. First, win? Yes, their first and official achievement! Of course, they were hyped up about that! Plus, they finally met their father, Amato during the sports festival. For them, that was a greater win they have ever accomplished.

Wind, Fire, and Leaf were currently enjoying their selves by singing their heart out. The 'cute team' felt like they managed to conquer the whole world or something even though they got third place in the UA Sports Festival.

Welp, as they say, a win is still a win, right? So, there would be no harm if they wanted to celebrate that small win.

I am the champion

I- I- I am the champion

Gone is the loser

Cause I am the champion


Fire ended the song with a perfect high note as he posed like a superstar. A hand on the hip while he pointed the ceiling not forgetting to put a smug face along with his ending pose. Everyone clapped at his brilliant performance. Well, not everyone since Earth was in the kitchen preparing a scrumptious snack for them while Lightning was on grocery shopping duty.

Indulging themselves with karaoke was definitely one of the brilliant ideas that the trio trouble maker came up. Even Earth agreed to their plan. He said it was a good way to release stress and have fun at the same time. Plus, the house won't get wrecked if the cute team were occupied with other things.

"Thank you everybody!" Fire waved at his non-existence fans. "Who's next?!" His loud voice echoed in all corners of their big place-like house.

"Me!!! Me!!!" Wind and Leaf raised their hands enthusiastically.

"Just use rock, paper, and scissors to see who goes next." Water yawned. The light blue themed boy was currently lying on the couch with his whale plush beneath him. He was enjoying his nap even though the trio trouble maker were really loud in front of him.

"Maybe, I should go next. I'll show you guys a worthwhile and golden performance." Light replied with a confident expression displayed on his face. The white-themed boy just finished framing their medal in the living room.

"Hey! Don't cut the line!" Wind and Leaf pouted rather cutely while Light sweat-drop.

"Yeah, Lightbulb! You came late! Get in line like the others!" Fire continued, still not releasing the microphone and again his loud voice echoed. In order to protect their poor and delicate ears, the other siblings covered them. Well, except for Water that is, who fell asleep the moment he finished talking.

"Close your mic first idiot! Are you trying to make us deaf?!" Light commented annoyedly. Fire's loud voice still echoed inside his head.

Fire shifted his gaze towards Light. That narcissist scientist! How dare he call him that! "Hey! Don't call me an idiot! You—"

"Now, now, everyone. There's plenty of time for each of you to sing." Before chaos came to say hey to their residence, Earth put an end to that specific conversation. 

The brown-themed boy suddenly appeared before them as he held Fire's and Light's shoulder. The two boys flinched and sweated nervously as Earth gave them a murderous yet calm aura. Even, Wind and Leaf hugged each other as they trembled at the sight before them while Water continued sleeping soundly on the couch.

"Boys, please don't a start a fight again because every time you guys fight then..." Earth's usual motherly façade quickly turned into a scary one as he gave another warning to his hot-headed siblings. "The house will be in a mess!"

"Y... Yes, sir!" Both Fire and Light responded by giving him a TAPOPS salute. They were really terrified when Earth enters mad mama mode. Besides, if they didn't listen to him then they would probably be in space right now.

Ladies and gentleman, that just show how dangerous the leader of the elemental sibling is.

"Good!" After hearing that from his brothers and quickly gave them an angelic smile. "Well, I better get the snacks ready then. Remember, no fighting!" He gave them a wave and went back to the kitchen.

"You almost killed us!" Fire and Light whispered rather loudly while pointing at each other.

"No more funny business, guys." Water quickly reminded them.

"I thought you were sleeping." Both Fire and Light sweat-drop when Water cuts the scene.

"I have hearing magic. That's why I can still hear you." Water replied slowly. "I'm gonna tell Earth if you guys fight again." The lazy boy didn't forget to threaten them.

Fire and Light were about to say something to Water when they heard a loud slam. It was Lightning who just arrived from grocery shopping. Before he made his way to the kitchen, he gave the others a glare.

"What's wrong with Pikachu boy?" Fire and Light questioned as their eyes followed the yellow-themed boy.

"My guess is he was pissed by a salesman again." Wind commented.

"Or maybe a clown gave him a balloon on his way back home." Leaf replied as he tilted his head a little.

After a while, Lightning returned to the living room and slumped on the couch, slightly startling Water beside him.

"Did something happen?" Water asked him. He was annoyed that his sleep was disturbed again.

Lightning took a deep breath. "We... We..."

"We what?! Say it already!" His siblings cut him off quickly without waiting for his answers. All eyes are now on the yellow-themed boy.

Lightning rolled his eyes annoyedly. "We became famous here." He said as he slightly blushed. "When I was paying the groceries, those people were like..."

"Hey, he's the elemental user! You know the boy who could manipulate seven elements!"

"Aren't you Boboiboy from Hero Course!"

"Kyaa! Boboiboy-san is so cute in person! May we take a picture with you?"

"Is that Boboiboy?! The one who place third in the UA Sports Festival!"

"Good job at the sports festival! You were so cool!"

"Do your best hero!"

Lightning took a deep breath again. To be honest, he was uncomfortable with the attention he got during grocery shopping. He suddenly became the centre of attention, the moment people laid eyes on him. That narcissistic idiot Light probably love praises and attention, but he doesn't!

"To be honest, it gets on my nerve. I mean, wherever I go, people were like whispering while some of them squealed like fangirls or something." Lightning continued as his blush never left his face. "It's like we became celebrities overnight."

"Really?! That's cool!" Wind, Fire, and Leaf marched towards Lightning as they gave him an excited look. Their eyes twinkled with happiness upon hearing what Lightning had just said to them.

"First Malaysia, then the galaxy, and now in another universe, huh?" Light gave them a smug look. "We really are the definition of awesome."

Lightning glared at his happy go lucky siblings. Here he was being annoyed by the attention they got while the others just cheered happily like they found a pot of gold or something. "Why did I even tell you guys that?" He groaned, now regretting his actions.

"Just let them be happy." Earth smiled as he placed a plate of hot-baked biscuit served with iced cocoa. "It's not everyday we received this kind of attention. That's just mean that our presence is recognized in this world. Even though, we're just temporary here." The brown-themed boy gave a sad smile.

What will happen if they left this world? Would their friends be sad? Would they be forgotten?

Earth didn't know, but for sure they have to find a way back. Tok Aba, Ochobot, and their friends were waiting for them!

Lightning sighed. What Earth said just now was true. Their presence in the hero world was at least acknowledged, and that's more than enough for him. Now that's settled, there's something else bothering him right now.

"By the way Earth, your apron..." Lightning slowly pointed words written on Earth's hickory colored apron while Earth gave him a confused look.

"......Ultimate Housewife, really?" Lightning sweat-drop as he questioned.

"It's them." Earth pointed at the cute team who were now jumping happily.

"Ah, I see." Lightning slowly nodded. Earth wasn't a fan of those type of apron. So, Wind, Fire, and Leaf were the true culprits indeed. Geez, they probably used Leaf's puppy dog eyes on Earth in order to convince him to wear such a thing. Now, Lightning prayed that he wouldn't receive such a thing from the trouble maker team. He didn't want to admit this, but Leaf's pleading eyes was one of his big weaknesses.

"Your efforts will be remembered Earth! It took a lot of courage to wear such a thing!" Lightning whispered quietly.

"Earth, any news about Iida and his brother?" Upon hearing that from Lightning all of the elemental siblings turned towards Earth.

Earth took a deep breath. "No. Unfortunately, Iida still hasn't reply to the messages we sent." The owner of the land element replied worriedly. "I hope he's okay. I mean, his dear brother almost got killed by the Hero Killer during a mission. Plus..." Earth didn't dare to continue as his hand slightly trembled.

"He was the only one who survived during the mission while the other heroes lost their lives to the Hero Killer. Being the only one to survive such an attack must be hard." Light growled. Anger was beginning to control his mind. Of course, it wasn't Iida who told them that and there were plenty of sources for that specific information such as the news.

Everyone went silent after that. News about the Hero Killer was spreading wild among the society. That man was a notorious villain for having killed many Pro Heroes. Ingenium was the only person whose life was gracefully and kindly spared by the Hero Killer.

"How... How could he do such a cruel thing? The pro-heroes were just protecting people!" Leaf stood up as he gave a hurt look to his brothers.

"Yeah!" Fire continued. "Why do villains always think that killing is the best way to win?! Does that satisfy their poor self or something?! For heaven's sake, that doesn't change anything! It will only create more problems!" The red boy was beyond angry right now. How could he not be angry? His friend's brother was in a critical situation because of the Hero Killer.

"Fame, power, pride, or hate. It's either the four of these that determine their true purposes." Water replied, now fully awakened. "We've been fighting villains since the age of ten. I think we can understand to why they do such an awful thing."

"What Water said is true everyone. For now, we have to be more careful. Who knows what kind of villain we will be facing soon! But for sure we have to be strong if we want to defeat them!" Earth agreed.

He stood up and gave a determined look to his sibling. However, his 'Ultimate Housewife' apron was kind of ruining his leader-like cool image. The others just close their mouth to prevent their selves from laughing. Well, maybe except for Leaf who was looking Earth with big bright eyes.

"Earth has a point guys!" Wind was the first to talk, perfectly holding himself from laughing. "That's why we have to train ourselves properly and get even more stronger! Besides, we still have a pirate alien butt to kick here!"

"Yeah!" The others agreed. Yes! They have a long way to go in order to defeat Vicious and his crew. Therefore, they have to be ready when the time comes to face them!

"Now, let's dig in guys! We can't let Earth's biscuits turned cold!" Wind gave them a big smile as he took a bite on a biscuit. The intense atmosphere has turned better by now as the siblings continued enjoying their afternoon together.

Little did they know that they will be facing another challenge soon.

"What a nice day today! A good day to walk to school!" Boboiboy smiled as he enjoyed his peaceful walk to school.

Ah, the sweet smell of spring! It's such a refreshing time throughout the year! The warm sunshine feels so good on his skin as it melts away the winter blues. Colorful blooms are popping up while the sakura trees were giving a pink and beautiful scenery early in the morning.

Like Leaf would always say, "It's the perfect time to start planting the garden!"

Boboiboy chuckled a bit. Thank goodness he still got his elemental splits or else his sanity would be in jeopardize right now.

"Boboiboy!" Boboiboy turned back to see that it was Midoriya who called him. The green-head waved at him as he rushed towards the elemental user. "Good morning! Do you want to walk together to school?" Midoriya polite asked as he gave Boboiboy a warm smile.

"Sounds great!" Boboiboy nodded as they continued walking.

"How are you Boboiboy? Did you get enough rest this time?" Midoriya questioned. He was slightly worried. He heard that Boboiboy was kicked out of the nurse's office because he too energetic after a short rest. Plus, Boboiboy managed to anger Recovery Girl, a pro-hero who was always calm when treating her patient.

"Sometimes, Boboiboy's action is too hard to predict." Midoriya thought to himself.

"Of course!" Boboiboy gave him a wide grin. Two days were already enough for him to restore his energy back. "How about you Midoriya? Did your injuries healed yet?"

"80% on my way to recovery!" The green-head showed him his still bandaged hands. "Don't worry it doesn't hurt now! So, it's safe to say that I'm okay!" Midoriya replied.

The two boys continued their conversation. However, this time it was about the fame they got since the UA Sports Festival. The two boys sweat-drop as they felt that they became celebrities overnight. It's like all eyes are on them and people couldn't help but talk about their achievement and the battles they've gone through three days ago.

"I'm still not used to this." Both Midoriya and Boboiboy sighed. Becoming the centre of attention wasn't their thing after all.

"Hey! Todoroki!" Boboiboy called Todoroki from afar as they quickly ran towards the half-cold half-hot user. "Morning!" Boboiboy and Midoriya said in unison.

"Ah, good morning." Todoroki slowly replied. He wasn't sure how to properly greet Midoriya and Boboiboy after what happened between them. Of course, Todoroki was happy that finally there's someone he can call as friends now, but he was still ashamed of disrespectful attitude he gave to them in the past.

"Calm yourself up and talk properly to them. You wanted to change for the better right?" Todoroki reprimanded himself.

After the UA Sports Festival Todoroki decided to confront his problems instead of running away like he used to. That way, he can move forward and become the ideal hero like he always wanted to. So, talking to his mother after years of separation was the first step he did. It was his starting line, and he was more than glad that he decided to do that.

"Did... Did guys rest well these past two days?" Todoroki slowly asked. Still wondering what kind of topic, he should talk to them.

"We did!" Midoriya and Boboiboy replied warmly to him as they walked together.

"That's great then." Todoroki gave a nervous smile to them. The walk to school became slightly quiet after that. Todoroki couldn't help but blame himself for the awkward atmosphere. He tried to open another story but he doesn't know what kind of topic that was appropriate to talk about.

"How about you Todoroki-kun? Did things go well in your side?" Finally, Midoriya broke the silence.

"It did. Thank you for asking. Its thanks to you guys that I finally found the strength to face my problems." He stopped for a moment while Midoriya and Boboiboy gave him a confused look. "You guys helped me yet I..."

"Don't sweat it." The two boys replied.

"I mean you were in trouble back then. We couldn't just ignore someone who needs help." Midoriya continued.

"We're sorry if you were uncomfortable with our sudden behaviour." Boboiboy apologized. True, they helped Todoroki back then, but they still couldn't escape the fact that they forced him to use his fire quirk knowing that Todoroki loathed his left side.

Todoroki blushed a bit after he heard Midoya's and Boboiboy's honest answers. He was about to open his mouth when...

"You are you, Todoroki. No one should define who you'll be in the future. You deserved to create your own path." Midoriya continued more.

"I know you like to do things own your own, but I want you to know that we're here for you. I mean, we're friends now, right?" Boboiboy replied as he gave Todoroki his warmest smile. The type of smile that can easily melts the hearts of the young maidens out there.

Todoroki gave a genuine smile to them. "Thank you." The half-cold half-hot user quickly thanked his friends.

"You're welcome!" Midoriya and Boboiboy replied. They were about to continue walking when they heard Iida's loud voice from afar.

"Good morning! Midoriya-kun! Todoroki-kun! Boboiboy-kun!" The spectacled boy greeted. However, he didn't stop by as he quickly dashed forward, leaving the three boys behind.

"What? (Apakah?)" Boboiboy questioned in confuse. Usually, Iida would stop and walk with them, but it seems like Iida was in a rush today.

"What are you guys doing? You're going to be late!" Iida reprimanded them.

"Late? But we still have 15 minutes left before the school bell ring." Midoriya replied. The others nodded as they decided to follow Iida.

"UA students should always arrive early!" The class representative continued running.

"Then, wait for us!" Midoriya and Boboiboy shouted while Todoroki just calmly followed them.

"Good morning." The four boys greeted their classmates. It's been two days since they last see each other, so they have a lot to catch up.

"Yo!" Kirishima and Kaminari raised their right hand. "Wow, did something happen? This is the first time we saw you guys walk together." Kirishima commented as Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Boboiboy took their seats.

"We just bumped into each other. Nothing special happened." Midoriya chuckled.

"Yeah." Todoroki backs him up.

"It seems like you're in a good mood today Todoroki-san." Yaoyorozu commented beside him.

"Yeah, I mean you're still the usual you but warmer?" Kaminari continued while giving him a grin. "And that's cool by the way!"

"Hey everyone!" Now all eyes are on Ashido. "Did you guys realize like we kind of gain people's attention after the UA Sports Festival! So many people talked to me on my way here!"

"Yeah! Me too!" Kirishima pointed himself. "Some of them also thanked me for working hard during the festival!"

"People were staring at me, too. It was kind of embarrassing!" Hagakure squealed in joy.

"Isn't that normal for you, Hagakure-san?" Ojiro sweat-drop after hearing that from the invisible girl.

"Shut up damn extras! Class is starting soon!" Bakugou growled from his seat as he gave the others a death glare. However, as soon as his gaze fell on Boboiboy, he quickly gave another loud growl and turned away. Great! Thanks to the elemental bastard, he kept remembering about Amato who he met days ago. Now, he curses their facial similarities.

"Did I do something to make him angry again?" Boboiboy asked in confusion. He tried his best to remember, but nothing came. "Nah, he's always angry. I think there is no problem to it."

"Man, you guys sure are lucky!" Sero let a deep sigh. "I had some elementary schoolers suddenly tell me, "Don't worry about it!" on me way here!"

"Some people told me to keep it up and never give up to become a hero!" Uraraka cheerfully joined in. "It's kind of cool since a lot of people know us by now!"

"Good things have fallen onto us after the sports festival. This is the results of our hard work." Tokoyami commented in his cool demeanor.

"After just one day, we've suddenly been thrust into the spotlight, huh?" Boboiboy commented as he suddenly remembered the day he was acknowledged as a hero at Pulau Rintis. It was a special day he will always remember. "UA really is amazing, huh? Awesome! (Terbaik!)" He gave his friends a thumbs up.

"Morning." Aizawa entered the classroom. The homeroom teacher took a quick glance at his students who were and magically seated in their respective seats.

"Good morning!" They greeted him back.

"Sir, your bandages are gone! Are you okay now?" Boboiboy politely raised his hand and questioned the now healed Aizawa-sensei.

"The old lady went overboard with her treatment. As you can see, I'm perfectly fine now." Aizawa replied while Boboiboy let a deep breath of relief. "Besides, aren't you glad that you won't be startled by a 'mummy' now?"

The class went silent for a bit. "Boboiboy sure has the guts to call Aizawa-sensei a mummy, huh?"

Boboiboy blushed as he remembered the first time, he met his homeroom teacher. He totally regretted his actions back then. "Why did you have to remind me that sir?"

"More importantly, we're having a special hero informatics class today." Aizawa continued lazily.

"Here it is!" The whole class shouted inwardly. Was it a quiz? A test? An essay they have to write? Or something related to heroes' laws? They were anxious now!

"Code names." Aizawa replied to them. "In short, you'll be coming up with hero names."

"We're gonna do something excited!" The whole class cheered happily while Aizawa gave them a glare. The kind of glare that says, "Shut up! And listen first!".

"This is related to the pro hero draft picks I mentioned the other day. After students have gained experiences, they can become immediate assets to the pros. In other words, for them to extend offers to first years like you shows that they are interested in your future potential. These offers are often cancelled if that interest dies down by graduation."

"Sensei! Does that mean that we'll have to prove ourselves once we get picked, right?" asked Asui.

"That's right. Here are the totals for those with the offers. This year some foreign hero companies decided to give " The black-haired teacher then displayed the students' results of offers in front. "In other years, it's been more spread out, but all eyes were on these three students this year."

Boboiboy couldn't believe his eyes! Was he dreaming or something? Or did he forget to get a good night sleep last night? "I... I got 3713 offers?!" He shouted to himself.

To be honest, he wasn't expecting that! What he was expecting was at least 20 to 50 offers, but he was totally mistaken! He actually got 3713 offers on his hand! And what's, more was that his number of offers was the second-highest in class!

"Gah, there's such a big difference!" Kaminari sighed as he slumped on his seat.

"The adults are unfair! How come they only picked the 'ikemen' (good-looking) type!" Mineta growled with pure jealousy.

"Those pros don't know a good thing when they see one! Je suis un meilleur choix! (I am a better choice!)" Aoyama huffed.

"Todoroki's first, Boboiboy's second, and Bakugou's third...?" Jirou questioned confusedly.

"It's the opposite placement in the sports festival." Kirishima continued. Among them, Todoroki got the highest offers with 4111. Second highest was Boboiboy with 3713 offers while Bakugou got 3520 offers in his hand. Clearly, their offers had a huge difference between the others.

"Some people are too scared to ask for a guy who had to be restrained on the podium like a wild boar." Sero commented sarcastically.

"What're the pros scared of?!" Bakugou roared loudly as he gave Sero a murderous look.

"Ka... Kacchan... You look really scary right now." Midoriya stuttered.

"I got the highest offers, huh? Well, that's probably because of my father." Todoroki calmly commented. He knew his father's influence as The Number 2 Hero would come to this.

"Hey! That's still impressing though! I mean, you got a lot of attention from the pro-heroes Todoroki! Isn't that a close step to become a pro-hero?" Boboiboy gave him a proud smile. The kind of smile Earth used to give Wind, Fire, and Leaf when they managed to do something good once in a while.

"If you're talking about impressive, then I have to say Boboiboy's achievement during the sport festival is something worth talking about." Tokoyami voiced his honest opinion, then the dark shadow owner turned towards Boboiboy. "I hope we will face each other soon. However, I will emerge as the winner next time."

"Tokoyami..." Boboiboy was lost of words. For a moment there, he suddenly remembered a purple-haired boy who always challenged him in a competition to see who was the best among both of them.

"Yeah, I have to agree with Tokoyami. Boboiboy-kun managed to show us another side of his quirk. It was surprising yet exciting to see his elements evolve even stronger in every battle." Shoji replied as the whole class now turned towards the elemental user.

"Though, he still hasn't revealed his elemental quirk's true ability." They whispered. To them, Boboiboy was still a mysterious person. Aside from that, they still believe that Boboiboy is a friend and ally that they can trust.

"Man! You're totally lucky Boboiboy since you got a flashy quirk there." Kaminari teased Boboiboy a bit.

"It's not surprising if you got the second highest offers in class. You deserve it, Boboiboy-san. I bet the pro-heroes are also curious about your elemental quirk." Yaoyorozu replied beside him.

Boboiboy blushed a bit. Seriously, he was a little bit worried about the attention he gained after the UA Sports Festival. The dinosaur hat boy knew very well that he shouldn't be happy about this. Not when he decided to leave them as soon as he finds his way back to home and defeat Vicious.

"Typically, the results are more balanced in the past years, but this year it seems like the pro-heroes favourited Todoroki, Boboiboy, and Bakugou. However, I want the other students to remain calm. There still offers given to you all." Aizawa explained more.

"Maybe it's less than the three of them, but you still have to be grateful of what you got. As a hero, you all need to use every opportunity well. Understood?"

"Yes, sir!" The students replied.

"So, it means like everyone will have their own changes, right?" Boboiboy smiled. The elemental boy quickly scanned the number of offers in front. However, he noticed that Midoriya's name wasn't on the list.

"Wait! There's no offers given to Midoriya!" He screamed inwardly, now concerned at his friend.

"Midoriya! You didn't get any!" Mineta shook Midoriya's body vigorously. "The pro-heroes are probably scared of you because of the crazy way you were fighting!"

"Yeah." Midoriya sighed. Then, the green-head unconsciously turned back and saw the worried look on Boboiboy's face. "I'll be alright. Trust me on that." He gave Boboiboy and confident look.

"Keeping these results in mind, whether or not anyone asked for you, you will all be participating in internship with pros." A serious look was on Aizawa's face right now.

"Internships?" The students asked in confuse.

"Yes. At USJ, you already got to experience combat with real villains, still it would be a good experience for you to see pros at work first-hand." The homeroom teacher explained more.

"So, that's explains the hero names! Things are suddenly getting a lot more fun!" The whole class cheered. Determining their own code names was another step for them to become a pro-hero in the future.

"Fun? Well, it certainly is. However, coming up your own hero name is also an important matter since hero names helps you to become recognized by society. In the end, those code names will end up becoming professional hero names!" All eyes are now on the R-rated hero, Midnight. She gave them a grin as she entered the class.

"Class, Midnight will be joining us today. She is here to assist you and making sure that your names are okay. Besides, I can't do stuff like that." Aizawa sighed as he took out his yellow caterpillar-like sleeping bag. In his case, his hero name, Eraser Head, was given by someone else. To be specific, the person who gave that name was Yamada Hizashi, also known as Present Mic today.

"Remember, your future hero image depends on the character projected by the name you choose. So, pick your hero names wisely." Aizawa gave them a last piece of advice before falling into dreamland. He was already in his cozy sleeping bag, so it was easy for him to doze off. The students sweat-drop when their classroom teacher was already sleeping in the corner of the class.

"That was fast." They mumbled.

A hero name, huh?" Boboiboy looked down at the writing board given to him earlier. " Hmm... a hero name that reflects who you want to be in the future..."

"What do I want to be?"

After 15 minutes of thinking, the students are now asked to present their hero name in front. Some of them were nervous while some of them where excited.

"All right! For those who are ready, please come in front to present their hero names to the class!" Midnight invited. She was also curious about what kind of code names the students gave to themselves.

"Oh no! I haven't decided my name yet!" Boboiboy sweated nervously as he stared his still blank writing board.

"Moi d'abord! (Me first!)" Aoyama quickly stood up as he walked to the front.

"That's the spirit!" Midnight clapped her hands. The youth was making her excited.

"Here it comes!" Aoyama quickly revealed his amazing, cool, and fantastic hero name worth thinking for 15 minutes. "Sparkling Hero: I Cannot Stop Twinkling! Which means, you can't stop my sparkles!"

"THAT'S A FREAKING SENTENCE!" Kaminari and Sero shouted from their seat.

"Huyoo! What a cool name!" Boboiboy eyes twinkled with excitement.

"That's a good name Aoyama-kun! However, a hero name should be a name that is easy to be remembered by the society. I think if you take out the "I" and abbreviate to just "Can't" then it will be an easier plus classy name." Midnight commented.

"Oui, Mademoiselle!" Aoyama winked at the female pro-hero teacher.

"It's... It's acceptable?" The whole class sweat-drop.

"Then, I'll go next!" Ashido cheerfully ran in front. "Hero name... Alien Queen!"

"Two! Excuse me but are you aiming for the image of that super-acidic blood thing?! I wouldn't if I were you!" Midnight disagreed. "I would be wiser if you pick a name that is less spine-tingling. You don't want scare away the children, right?"

"Dang it! And I thought that it was a cool name." Asido sulked as she went back to her seat.

"Alien? Now, that you mentioned it, that specific word reminded me of Adu Du and the aliens we encountered in space." Boboiboy chuckled a bit.

"Ribbit!" Asui raised her hand. "Then, may I go next?"

"Go ahead, Tsu-chan!" Midnight nodded.

"I've had this in mind ever since I was in elementary school. Rainy Season Hero: Froppy!" The first two names were kind of unique. The whole class sighed in relief when Asui's hero name came to save the day.

"That's so cute! It seems like friendly! I like it!" praised Midnight. "It's a great example of a name that everyone will love!"

"Thanks, Froppy! You've brought things back to normal!" They cheered.

Kirishima gathered up his manly strength and went in front next. "Then, I'll go too! Sturdy Hero: Red Riot!"

Midnight thought for a while. "Red Riot? You're paying homage to the Chivalrous Hero: Crimson Riot, huh?"

Kirishima blushed as he scratched his head. "Yes! It's pretty old-fashioned, but the hero image I'm going for is Crimson himself!"

The female teacher gave the red-head a proud smile. "If you're bearing a name you admire, it will come with that great pressure."

The hardening quirk user gave his teacher a confident look and... "I'm prepared for that!"

"Kirishima is so cool! He was inspired by a hero, huh?" Boboiboy gave his friend an amazed look. "I wonder if my hero name should be inspired by a hero as well?"

"Hmm... should it be Papa Boboiboy (Papa Zola)? Nah! How about Hang Boboiboy (Hang Kasa)? No! That's not it!" The elemental user talked to himself. "Choosing your own hero name is hard, huh?"

Suddenly, Tok Aba came into his mind. The warm image of his dear grandfather brought a smile to his face. "I think... I know what my hero name is now!" Boboiboy quickly took a pen and wrote up his idea.

"There! I think that should do it!" Boboiboy gave out a proud expression. "My hero name is..."

The special hero informatics class continued with everyone presenting their own hero names.

"Hearing Hero: Earphone Jack."

"That's good! Next!"

"Tentacle Hero: Tentacole."

"It's like tentacle with some octopus thrown in the name! Good one!"

"Tapping Hero: Cellophane."

"Nice and simple! That's important!"

"Martial Arts Hero: Tailman."

"Your name reflects your body!"

"Sweet Hero: Sugarman!"

"So sweet!"


"Peachy pink complexion!"

"Stealth Hero: Invisible Girl!"

"Sounds great!"

"Petting Hero: Anima."

"Okay, I got it!"

"Stun Gun Hero: Chargebolt!"

"Oh, I feel electrified!"

"I hope I will not bring shame to this name. Everything Hero: Creati."


"Jet Black Hero: Tsukuyomi."

"God of the night!"

"Fresh Picked Hero: Grape Juice!"

"Pop and kitschy!"


"Your name? Is that okay?"


"Okay, my turn. This is what I thought of, "Uravity." Is it okay?"

"Sounds stylish!" Midnight squealed while Uraraka let out a breath of relief.

The class went silent for a while when it was Bakugou's turn to present his hero name. Bakugou gave them a deadly glare and... "King Explosion Murder!"

(Krik... Krik... Krik...)

"Ah, Roktaroka's long lost neighbour has finally been found." Boboiboy commented as he gave Bakugou a blank look.

"You probably shouldn't use something like that." Midnight calmly rejected Bakugou's hero name.

"Why not?!" The tempered boy exploded.

"Choosing hero name is going more smoothly than I thought it would. So, who wants to go next?" Midnight asked. All that was left was Midoriya, Iida, Boboiboy, and of course Bakugou whose idea was rejected just now.

"Me!" Boboiboy quickly raised his hand and walked in front. All eyes were at him now. The orange hat boy took a deep breath as he calmed himself. 

"Elemental Hero: Boboiboy." He explained with a spark of confidence.

"Your choice of hero name is the same as Todoroki. Are you sure you want to use your own name?" Midnight questioned.

"Positive! My own name is already unique and different from others. So, I think it's best if people call me by my own name, Boboiboy. Besides, since I was a child, my grandfather enjoyed calling my name since it's not a familiar name in my town. Trust me, my name is on a whole new level of different compared to other children." Boboiboy explained as his friends let a soft chuckle.

"To be honest, I never thought of becoming a hero. What I always wanted was to grow up into a responsible and awesome adult like Tok Aba. However, everything has changed ever since I met 'him'. This friend of mine changed my normal life and made me the person I'm today. Since, I'm blessed with a great power, then I decided to help the people in need!" He continued, feeling motivated as ever!

"Also, since I'm using my own name as a hero name, here. I want people to think of me as soon as they heard the title Elemental Hero. So, that's why I will work hard to become a good hero!" Boboiboy gave them a huge grin.

Midoriya gave a quizzical look to his friend. "What does Boboiboy mean by, "I want my presence to be at least acknowledged or remembered". "Is he going to leave us someday or something?" The green-head quickly shakes his head. "No! I shouldn't be thinking of such a thing!"

"Your reasons are admirable Boboiboy! I have no choice but to approve your hero name!" Midnight smiled. "Do your best young man!"

"Awesome! (Terbaik!)" Before leaving, Boboiboy gave them his signature thumbs up.

As he walked to his seat, Boboiboy glanced at Iida, who walked himself in front. At first glance, Boboiboy knew that something was wrong with him and quickly took notice of the stressed look on class representative's face. There was no happiness displayed. Only sadness, grief, and—


"Iida." Boboiboy mumbled worriedly.

"Tenya?" Midnight questioned when Iida revealed his hero name. "You're also using your first name, huh?"

"That's correct." Iida replied slowly. Without even explaining his hero name, he quickly turned around and walked back towards his seat.

"Midoriya-kun, are you ready?" The female teacher decided to call Midoriya.

"Yes!" Midoriya replied as he quickly went in front. "To be honest, I didn't like this name before, but someone changed the meaning of it, and had a huge impact on me. That's why my hero name is Deku! Which holds the meaning of "You can do it!" The green-head gave them a proud smile.

"Deku, huh? What a great hero name!" Boboiboy returned the smile with a thumbs up. A sign that he also liked Midoriya's hero name.




"LORD EXPLOSION MURDER!" Bakugou's loud voice roared.

"No, that's still no good." Midnight sighed. The pro-hero has forgotten how many times she sighed by now.

"WHY?!" The explosion quirk user went berserk while the others could only watch him cursing his day.

In the end, Bakugou had to do a lot of thinking in order to come up with a 'proper' hero name.

"Now that everyone decided their hero names, we'll go back thinking about the internships. Those who had offers from pros will be given you own list, so you can choose from those yourself. Those who didn't have offers will choose from among forty agencies around the country that will be accepting our interns." The awaken Aizawa explained while Midnight stood beside him.

"All agencies have their own specialty. For example, some are more towards rescuing and disaster compared to fighting." Midnight added.

"So, I want you to think carefully before you choose. Especially, for those who received a large number of offers." The homeroom teacher continued explaining as he passed the list of offers to his students.

"Yes, sir!" His students replied.

"Woah! There are so many companies here!" Boboiboy gasped in amazement. How should he choose just one company if 3713 companies offered him an internship place with them?

"Turn in your choices before the weekend and I expect all of you to come up with a choice by then. Make your decision efficiently. Class in now dismissed." Aizawa ended their class session and excited with Midnight.

Everyone was now talking about the internship program while some of them were deciding on which company they should pick.

Our elemental user continued reading the list of companies he got. He was excited yet confused at the same time because to be honest, he wasn't really familiar with the hero agencies here in this world.

"Endeavor Hero Agency? Woah, I even got an offer from The Number Two Hero. I thought Endeavor hated me. I mean, I was kind of rude to him before." Boboiboy commented. "I'll should apologise to Endeavor as soon as I get to meet him then."

"Genius Office."

"Fat Gum Agency."

"Hawks Hero Office."

"Gang Orca Hero Agency."

"MT Office."

Boboiboy carefully read the list of agencies. He didn't want to pick a company just because of its fame and money. What the elemental user wanted was a company that has a comfortable and productive environment to work in. Suddenly, Boboiboy stopped reading when he noticed something that caught his attention.

"Ramenman Hero Office?" Boboiboy mumbled as he felt his heartbeat rise. "Ramenman? That name... It's kind of familiar."




"Why do I feel like I've heard this name before?"







StarTwinkle here! I'm really sorry for the late update! I have been busy these days. 


How was it? I hope it's okay though!

Okay! Next chapter is the beginning of the intern arc where Boboiboy finally meets Ramenman! And yes, Ramenman owns his own agency although it's a small one compared to the other pro-heroes. Guess, where his agency is located? ( ͡• ͜ʖ ͡• ) (smirks)

Also, there are a few things in this chapter that I need you to know. The song Fire sang was a song from the movie Chicken Little. I don't know why, but I had to put it in my book! The 'ultimate housewife' idea was originally from AhoRiyu. Thank you Riyu-san for allowing me to borrow that for a while!

Lastly, it pains my heart to say this, but I will take a short break from writing. I have a lot of things going on and it seems like I can't focus on writing at the moment. I'm so sorry that you will have to wait for a while for Chapter 15 to come out. 

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!




An art from Suga_SweetTsukki

Trust me, I fainted the moment I see this magnificent art! My heart when Doki- Doki- the whole day! Thank you for this! I really loved it! LMAO, Boboiboy would probably said the same thing!

Now that they're friends (plus Midoriya), I hope I can write their friendship well! Maybe, I'll have Todoroki visit Boboiboy's house or something in a special chapter. Who knows... :)

You can find this art in Suga_SweetTsukki's fanart book!

Another one is from my beloved friend aGlitchNamedDanie

Yeah! It's a concept art of Vengeance! One of my villain OCs! Looks awesome, right?!

Dang it! She totally nailed this! I mean, this is the same thing I had in mind! She did a great job on the details too! Since, Vengeance is also a humanoid alien just like Kaizo and Fang, Danie decided add some extra features that was inspired from Sai's and Shielda's alien features. Futhermore, he's the same age as Kaizo, but he has a baby-face appereance. That's why many mistaken him as a 16-year old teen! And no, he's not small. He actually has the same height as Kaizo.

3 words to describe Vengeance's character is smart, sneacky, and vengeful (Lol, I took Danie's correction). Apperently, he joined Vicious's crew with revenge planned on his mind. To whom? And why? You will find out in the book later!

Thank you so much for this concept art! I loved it! 

You can find this art in aGlitchNamedDanie's Everything Art and Randomness (VOL.2) book!

To end this fine day, I'm gonna post some of Ariieya's awesome art! Because...


Kyaaa!!! I can finally rest in peace now! Just kidding! Hehehe...

Well,  see you in Chapter 15! Adios!

Lots of love from me!


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