Chapter 15 - INTERN ARC PART 1

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Turn in your choices before the weekend and I expect all of you to come up with a choice by then. Make your decision efficiently. Class in now dismissed." Aizawa ended their class session and excited with Midnight.

Our elemental user continued reading the list of companies he got. He was excited yet confused at the same time because to be honest, he wasn't really familiar with the hero agencies here in this world.

Boboiboy carefully read the list of agencies. He didn't want to pick a company just because of its fame and money. What the elemental user wanted was a company that has a comfortable and productive environment to work in. Suddenly, Boboiboy stopped reading when he noticed something that caught his attention.

"Ramenman Hero Office?" Boboiboy mumbled as he felt his heartbeat rise. "Ramenman? That name... It's kind of familiar."

"Why do I feel like I've heard this name before?"





The elemental user turned back to Midoriya, who was staring at him with anticipating eyes. "Did you choose a company yet? I can give you a few tips or information to help you pick a company." The green head quickly offered.

Boboiboy smiled at his friend. It was really nice of Midoriya to help him since there was a company he already had in mind. He was just not sure of it right now. "That's really kind of you Midoriya. About the company, there's something I have in mind."

"You already pick a company? May I know what it is?" Midoriya politely asked Boboiboy back.

"Ramenman Hero Office." Boboiboy answered him. However, it left a confused look on the green head's face. Boboiboy nervously sweated. Did he say something wrong?

"I'm sorry, but that company's information is very limited. I believe I can't provide you with any information regarding about that company. But I think that this company is kind of new since only few knows about this." Midoriya gave a deep sigh. For a hero geek like him, it's kind of embarrassing that he failed to provide such crucial information to his friend.

Ah! He really did want to help Boboiboy!

Boboiboy let loose a soft chuckle as he could see the obvious frustration on Midoriya's freckled face. "That's okay. Thank you for helping me! Maybe I should ask Aizawa-sensei about this matter." The elemental user quickly took his notebook and rolled out, disappearing from Midoriya's sight in mere seconds.

"I hope you will get your answers." Midoriya mumbled softly.




"Sir! May I ask something?"

Aizawa took a deep sigh and turned back, only to see Boboiboy trying to catch his breath. "What is it, Boboiboy?" The teacher lazily asked. "You're kinda interrupting my afternoon sleep right now."

"But you slept during your homeroom though." Present Mic commented.

"That's what we call preserve your energy during free time." Aizawa cuts him off. "Again, what can I help you?"

"Do you have any information regarding Ramenman Hero Office?!" Without wasting his precious time, the elemental user quickly asked. Eyes full of anticipation now landed on the teacher's downturned eyes. Unknown to the both of them, Boboiboy's sudden question quickly caught others' attention.

"To answer your question that office belongs to Slurping Hero: Ramenman. To be more specific, it was built 4 months ago, so only a little people knew the existence of Ramenman's hero agency."

"I also heard that his office is specialize in foreign heroes related-stuff. Such as, hero transfer to other country or the other way around. Probably a factor as to why his office is least-known among the society." Aizawa explained while Boboiboy took a few notes.

"Does this agency catch your attention?" The raven-haired teacher asked

"Yes, sir! I have this familiar feeling I need to go there!" Boboiboy answered earnestly.

"I see. Then, let me tell you this... Pick wisely. It's not like that I disagree with your choice, but if you picked a more popular company then you'll gain a better fighting and intern experience." The teacher continued. "As your teacher it's my duty to tell you this."

Slowly, Boboiboy gave his teacher a reassuring smile. "Thank you for the advice, sir... But I'm still sticking with my choice! To be honest, I don't care about popularity. Although, this may sound crazy but, I have the feeling that this person understands my quirk better than anybody else! That's why, I'm not afraid of trying!"

The unwavering look that the elemental user gave to him had made Aizawa sighed in relief. Determination. That what's needed to convince him. "Good to hear that." The teacher slowly replied.

"Thank you for helping me, sir! Awesome! (Terbaik!)" With that, the elemental user left the teacher's lodge.

"You got an interesting student there." The R-rated Hero commented. "Usually, students would aim for a bigger company rather than a company that is hardly known by other people."

"True. However, not everyone has the same opinion. What matters the most is how much will they grow after their internship."


Boboiboy walked back to class with a wide smile on his face. "It's decided! Ramenman Hero Office! I hope you're ready for me!" The boy was in his own thought that he didn't realize that he bumped into someone. He was about to fall when the blonde boy caught his hand.

"Woah there! Are you alright?" The person he bumped into quickly asked.

"I'm sorry! I wasn't paying attention with my surrounding!" Boboiboy quickly apologized as he blushed in embarrassment. "Me and my clumsiness!" He inwardly shouted.

The blonde boy quickly let a loud laugh while his raven-haired friend and a periwinkle-haired girl looked at him with a surprised look. "Geez, it's fine! There's nothing to be worried about!"

"I see. Again, I'm sorry about that, then if you'll excuse me..." Boboiboy was about to leave them when...

"Wait a minute... orange dinosaur hat... Hey! Aren't you the first-year that could manipulate seven elements?!" It gave the elemental user a surprise when the blonde boy quickly approached him. "I heard you placed third in the UA Sports Festival! Congrats!"

"Mirio! You're making him uncomfortable." His raven-haired friend, Tamaki quickly reprimanded him. "Others may think you're bullying him too!"

"What? (Apakah?) No, he didn't do anything wrong to me!" Boboiboy was sweating nervously now. He didn't want to create a misunderstanding here!

"Really?!" Things turned quite hectic when the periwinkle-haired girl decided to join Mirio. They looked at Boboiboy with shinny questioning eyes, wondering how a boy like him could control seven elements without a sweat.

"Hey! Hey! How do you control your quirk? Is it hard? Oh! How do you change into one element into another so quickly? Is your quirk dangerous?" The girl continued asking while she examined Boboiboy from head to toe.

"Not you too, Hado-san." The black-haired senior groaned. He quickly averted his gaze as soon as Boboiboy's brown eyes meet his. "Please, don't look at me."

"Eh?" Boboiboy titled his head in confuse. Did he do something wrong?

"Don't mind him. Tamaki is always shy around new people. Sorry for my rude behaviour just now. I'm Togata Mirio, a third-year student here in UA. The one standing beside me is Nejire Hado and that's Amajiki Tamaki. They're in the same year as me." Mirio explained with a smile.

"Oh! Hello there! I'm Boboiboy! A first-year student. It's nice to meet you." Boboiboy politely introduced himself.

"Boboiboy, huh? What a strange name!" Without carefully thinking her words, Nejire blurted in out causing her friends to sweat-drop.

"Hado-san, you're kinda being rude there..." Tamaki commented from afar.

"It's alright." Boboiboy let out a soft chuckle. "So, may I help you with something?"

"Oh! Don't mind us. We're just curious about your quirk, particularly me." Mirio let out a laugh. "Besides, this is the first time I encountered someone who can manipulate multiple elements just like you. By the way, you were really cool during the sports festival!"

"We also like the horse stand you did during the tournament match. I mean, it was adorable!" Nejire continued.

"You mean my 'Fusion Kuda-Kuda Supra'?" Boboiboy mimicked his 'Kuda-Kuda' move earning a loud laugh from the seniors. Even Tamaki was suppressing his laugh from afar.

"YES!" Mirio and Nejire nodded.

"Your fire and ice element also caught our attention. I mean..." Tamaki added quietly.

"You totally had two different personalities back then! Isn't it strange yet amazing?" continued the periwinkle-haired senior excitedly.

"Let's just say that was a part of my quirk and thank you for the kind words. But I still have a long way to go and I think I'm not good enough for the praises you gave to me." Boboiboy scratched his non-itchy cheeks.

"Don't be like that" Mirio quickly patted his shoulders. "Everyone deserves praises, especially you! I mean, you did great in the sports festival. However, like the other first-year students, what you're lacking is experience. That's why UA established the internship programme! So that you will be exposed to the hero world!"

"Experience help us to grow to be better heroes. That's when we realize that the path of becoming a pro-hero is not an easy one." Tamaki continued. His forehead rested on the wall to avoid eye contact with the elemental user.

"And that's why the internship programme is crucial for us students! I wonder how much will you grow after this?" Nejire then gave Boboiboy a curious look.

"I see. Thank you for telling me this. I'm really hyped up right now! I can't wait to learn more!" The three seniors smiled, seeing the motivated junior.

"Guys, I think we should go now. Class is about to start." Tamaki slowly reminded his friends. It was fun talking to the elemental user, but they can't afford to be late for class.

"Hmmm... It looks like time is really envious at us. Welp, I hope we can meet again, Boboiboy! Keep up the good work! See you!" With a final wave, the three seniors quickly walked their way to class.

"Thank you! I will!" Boboiboy answered as he continued walking. Excitement, nervousness, and curiosity is dwelling inside of him!

He can't wait for the internship program to start!


"Boboiboy!" Midoriya immediately called his name as soon as he entered the classroom. It seems like the conversation about the internship company hasn't ended yet.

"Did you pick a company yet? I heard that you had a problem just now." Todoroki asked.

"I did have a problem but, no worries. It's all settled now! And I decided that I will have my internship programme at Ramenman Hero Office!" Boboiboy replied, earning a confused look from Midoriya and Todoroki.

"I see. However, I thought that you would aim for a bigger company like Endeavor's or something." Todoroki commented. If he wasn't mistaken, his old man also offered Boboiboy an internship place in his company.

"Nope! It's not like I'm ungrateful or something but, something tells me that I need to go to Ramenman Hero Office! Let's just say that I'm... following my instinct right now!" The elemental user gave his two friends a determined look. "Let's just hope that my instinct is correct though." He then let a nervous laugh.

The three of them continued their conversation. Well, it stopped as soon as All Might appeared in front of their classroom, calling Midoriya in a distressed tone. From Boboiboy's perspective, it seems like something urgent has happened, judging from All Might's trembling body. Did something scary happen?

Boboiboy let out a soft chuckle seeing those two. However, his smile suddenly faded as soon as his gaze landed on Iida. He knew that something was wrong with the class representative.

But what?


"Are we really sure we're going to pick Ramenman Hero Office? I have to ask though. Just in case." Light broke the silence between them. They were currently discussing in the living room after dinner.

"Of course, we're!" Fire enthusiastically replied. "Who knows this guy might be related to TAPOPS or something."

"Still, we have a 50% change here. There's no guarantee if he's really a member of TAPOPS or not." Water sighed as he leaned on his whale plushie.

"But we still have to try, don't we? If we let go of this opportunity, then when we will get another one?" This time it was Wind who voiced his opinion.

"You're right. However, I have this funny feeling that this guy might be dangerous. He's still a mysterious figure to us or worst he's actually working with Vicious or something." Lightning argued.

"I don't know this but I think we should trust him." Leaf slowly replied. To be honest, he was also confused, but he can't let it consume him. "What do you think Earth?"

Earth took a deep breath when his siblings looked at him. "I don't know. A part of me wants to do this, but I'm also scared of the consequences. However, like Wind said we can't let this opportunity slip by. Afraid or not, we still have to try and give it our best!" The leader of the elemental replied, earning a smile from his siblings.

"Yeah!" They all nodded.

"I'm glad that we came up with a good conclusion for that." Light gave them a proud smile. "However, we still have to discuss about..."

"The Hero Killer." The others continued.

The Hero Killer's victims were increasing from time to time. It would be lucky for someone to escape from the villain's clutches. However, none of them survive except for Iida's brother, Ingenium. Nonetheless, Ingenium paid a good price for survival as he was stripped off from his ability to continue in the hero business.

"We need to stop him! Heroes are getting murdered right now! Can't we do anything?" Leaf half-shouted as he trembled from his seat. The green-themed baby must be terrified by now. I mean, who could blame him? The massacre of heroes is now getting worse!

"There... There..." It was out of his character, but Lightning tried to comfort Leaf as he was the nearest to him. True he is cold, but not to Leaf, though. The yellow-themed boy slowly patted Leaf's head, trying to calm him down.

"It's not that we can't do anything about this but we're just not allowed to do it." Light sighed as he sat beside Leaf. Slowly, he wiped Leaf's tears away. "Remember the hero law? If we use our power without a proper license then we will be punished."

"Well, that sucks! I mean, we have powers here people! We can't just stand aside knowing that people are getting killed right now!" Fire huffed. Trying to stay strong, but his manly tears spilled anyway.

"FYI, you're not that cute when crying. So, stop it." Water calmly commented. However, he was also shaken by the fact they can't do anything about this.

"Shut up!" Fire yelled back. "And I'm not crying."

"I know it's frustrating guys. Knowing that you have the power to protect other people, but can't use it for greater good." Earth sighed. "However, we are strangers here in this world. Happy or not, we still have to respect the law, but..."

"We will gladly break it if the time comes. Rule or not we will protect people with our strength even if we will get punished in the end!" Wind continued as he gave his siblings a wide grin.

"Oh! I know! Strike while the iron is still hot, right?" Fire took the spotlight back, grinning proudly at himself. It was indeed smart, but not fit for his real character, though.

"I swear you're becoming Idiot Scientist 2.0 if you spend more time with Light." Lightning coldly commented, earning a nervously laugh from Earth.

"NO! I'M/HE'S NOT!" Light and Fire glared at the yellow Malaysian Pikachu.

"Besides, this guy is obtuse! Don't you agree? He can never understand me by the way." Light protested.

"That's because you're always beyond my ken!" Fire growled as he engaged in a heated stare between the white-themed boy.

"Wow, this is the first time I heard Fire said something smarter than Light. Geez, the world is ending." Water yawned, ready to sleep now.

"Shut up! Antarctic polar bear!" Fire and Light shouted.

"Oh no... My headache is coming." Earth tried to stay calm as he can.

"It's true though Fire. You sounded like Light just now." Leaf finally laughed while his sibling sighed in relief. The happy jelly bean Leaf is finally back!

"Aww! Group hug everybody!" Wind shouted, bringing the mood back. Despite Fire, Light, Lightning reluctant to hug each other, they hugged anyway if it means that Leaf is happy. Plus, they will get killed by Earth if they refused.

"I know it's going to be tougher day by day but, let's do our best, get even stronger, and protect everyone okay?" Earth chuckled.



The Internship Day

"You all have your costumes, right? And remember you aren't allowed to wear your costumes out in public except when you're doing hero work of course." Aizawa gave his students a piece of advice.

"Yes, sir!" They replied in enthusiasm.

"Also, make sure to mind your manners with the heroes during your internship! You're bringing the name 'UA' in your workplace!" He advised them again. Like a mother duck trying to teach its duckling how to swim. "Now, off you go!"

"Yes, sir!" Once again, his students replied and went into their separate way.

"Iida-kun! / Iida!"

Iida stopped his track and turned back only to see the worried faces of his friends. "Yes, may I help you or something?" The class representative replied rather coldly.

Midoriya, Uraraka, and Boboiboy flinched a bit. Never did they thought their dear friend had turned this cold.

"Are you sure you are okay?" Midoriya slowly asked. "We're here for you if you needed someone to talk to."

"We're friends, right? You don't need to keep this all to yourself." Boboiboy continued as he gave Iida a hopeful look, sending messages that he will be there for him.

"Thank you for telling me this but..." Iida gave them a smile, but it was obviously a fake one. "Sometimes secrets are meant to be keep all to yourself, right?" With those last words, the class representative quickly left them.

Boboiboy gulped. He knew those words weren't really meant for him, but his guilt still dwelled inside as he remembered he was also keeping secrets from his friends. "Iida..." The elemental user mumbled.

"Boboiboy..." Midoriya gave him an apologetic look.

"You know what Midoriya, a part of me wants to stop him but I know I'm not in the right place to do something like that." The elemental user gave his friend a sad smile.

"It hurts when you know you have to do something but you can't at the same time."

Midoriya was about to reply to Boboiboy's words when he noticed someone was standing behind Boboiboy.

Eh? A man with yellow noodle-like hair?

"Geez, it's your first internship day but why the long face? If you kept giving such an expression then the citizen would never feel safe with you." The man commented.

"What? (Apakah?)" The voice startled Boboiboy a bit as he turned back. He was slightly shocked when Ramenman was standing behind him. The man gave the elemental user a dazzling smile in which he also caught Class 1-A's attention.

"It seems like you have a lot of free time to pick him up." Aizawa sighed. He didn't expect the hero to pick up Boboiboy today.

"That kinda hurt you know." Ramenman chuckled. "Well, this kid is a treasure and I was really excited that he chose my company." Ramenman replied as he exchanged greetings with the sensei. "I know we haven't officially meet but it's a pleasure to meet you. Ah! This is a small gift from me!" Ramenman quickly gave Aizawa-sensei a box of Maggi Kari.

"Likewise." Aizawa replied politely. "Small, huh?" He whispered as he took the box of instant noodles. "Please take care of Boboiboy. He may be a polite boy but trust me when he turns red in colour he'll be wild and destructive."

"Ah... Aizawa-sensei is showing his fatherly love on you Boboiboy." Kirishima tried to hold his laugh.

"Its hard to be the youngest child, huh?" Kaminari added. Boboiboy just shrugged it off by giving them a fake chuckle.

"So that's Ramenman, huh? He looks so cool!" Midoriya shouted inwardly.

"Thank you for telling me that! Now, let us go Boboiboy! An amazing day awaits us!" The hero quickly pulled the elemental user as if he was trying to kidnap him. "Well then, I'll hope to see you again! Ramenman signing out!" With that, they both disappeared from the others' sight.

"Take care Boboiboy!" Midoriya bind his farewell.

"I hope you can survive this, Boboiboy." The black-haired teacher whispered. "Nah, knowing you... You'll do just fine."


"Welcome to Ramenman's Hero Office!" The pro-hero introduced Boboiboy to his office. An office located to the west of Tokyo or to precise, at Hosu City. His office was also luxurious and big, too big for one man's office, perhaps. Ramenman's office also smelled filthy rich, like the first time Boboiboy arrived at his (castle) house.

"Fuyoo!" Boboiboy gasped in amazement.

"As you know, my type of work is more focused on overseas heroes transferring to Japan and diplomatic work. Diplomacy is important if you want heroes all over the world to be working together right?" Ramenman explained as they went on a tour around the office.

"I also managed the exchange students' admission here. By the way, some of them are currently studying in UA." The hero continued explaining.

"Isn't that hard sir? I mean, since you're on your own." Boboiboy asked.

"Of course, it's hard! Especially when you're a foreigner like me! I mean, I was like fish out of water when I first arrived here! You have to customize with this country's culture and language to gain mutual respect. Plus, the hero system here is also complicated." Ramenman sighed. "However, I'm not alone, I have friends I can count on."

Boboiboy smiled in relief. Thank goodness there's someone else besides Ramenman who works here.

"But yeah, they all ditched me and went to 'play' somewhere else. Probably playing hide and seek or totally spies right now." Ramenman continued while Boboiboy sweat-drop. "Welp, I still have my workers with me, so there's not much problems to handle."

"I see." Boboiboy commented as they continued walking.

"Judging from your facial expression, I think you're loaded with questions right now." The hero asked as if he was able to read Boboiboy's mind. "What seems to be the problem?"

Boboiboy paused when he was red-handed caught. He hesitated a bit, afraid that his instinct might be wrong. "Sir, I don't mean to be rude but... Have we meet before?"

"What do you mean by that?"

"It's just... I have this feeling that we meet before, but I can't seem to remember where and when?" Boboiboy gulped, feeling nervous at the moment.

Ramenman's cheerful persona has now turned into a serious one. "Hmmm... To answer your question. Yes, we meet before, but it seems like you forgotten me since you just gain your conscious after a big fight. Supra really made you reach your power limit, huh?"

"Then... Did you come from the same place as me?! Scratch that! Are you from the same world as me?!"

"What do you think? And even if I am from the same world as yours, does it benefit you in a way or something?" Boboiboy's question was countered back with another question.

"I think you are and for the second question, it doesn't matter if I don't get any benefits from this. It's just that... I'm really happy that I'm not alone here in this world." Boboiboy teared up. Finally, there was someone beside him and his father inside the hero world. Now, all left to do is to find a way back!

"Pfft! Hahaha! Honestly, I wasn't expecting that answer! You truly are 'his' son you know that!" Ramenman wasn't expecting that kind of answer from the elemental hero. He's way too pure for someone strong as him.

"Sorry?" Boboiboy titled his head, confused at the moment.

After laughing so hard, Ramenman finally answered. "Alright... alright... I'll give you a straight answer. I am from the other world. Your world to be exact and yes, I know who your father is."

"Really?! Where is he?! Can I meet him?!" Boboiboy's eyes glittered, excited to meet his dad again. He had many things to tell him!

Ramenman gave him an apologetic look. "Unfortunately, no. You can't because he's sniffing Vicious tracks right now. Maybe soon enough? I hope."

"It's okay! As long as I know he's safe and fine, it's more than enough for me!" Truthfully, Boboiboy was a little disappointed, but he knew his father is doing his best to stop the evil villain, Vicious.

"I hope I can meet you again, dad!" He prayed.

Ramenman smiled proudly. Amato's son sure was mature for a 15-year old boy like him. Boboiboy probably got that trait from his grandfather, Tok Aba. "Geez, Amato doesn't deserve to have a good son like you. I swear his son is more thoughtful than him."

"Eh?" Boboiboy titled his head again, this time like a curious cat.

"Yeah, your father can be a cold-hearted man sometimes but he was doing it to keep you and your grandfather safe. So, don't think too bad about him, even if he's annoying." Ramenman replied.

Boboiboy gave him a warm smile. "Thank you for telling me this! So, when can we start patrolling or do hero-like stuffs? I'm kind of pump up right now!"

"Patrolling? Work? Ah, no, no, no... You'll be doing another task I've prepared for you."

"What is it sir?" Boboiboy gladly asked.

"Cooking tonight's dinner!" Ramenman replied with a wide grin on his face.

"Eh?" The situation suddenly turned really awkward.






Cooking Time!

Boboiboy was left all alone in the kitchen, already in a chef uniform given by Ramenman. "What kind of hero work requires someone to cook dinner?" He thought to himself.

"Yes! Your first task is to cook dinner. You will be given two hours to cook and you can use whatever ingredients you want to! Remember make something that is special and delicious, so that 'everyone' can enjoy it!" Ramenman's final words echoed inside his head.

Suddenly, he remembered his first-day training with Tok Kasa. He and Gopal started training after a good rest. Maybe each trainer has his own unique style of training? Well, that explains Tok Kasa's case, though.

Shut up! Maybe... Perhaps maybe this was a secret test given by Ramenman?! If that's correct, then maybe the hero wanted to test his strength or something?! Ramenman already knew what his elemental power is capable of, as well as his split and fusion ability.

Boboiboy let a proud smile as if he managed to solve a big mystery like Detective Conan.

"Let's do this! But first... a great yet creative strategy!" he shouted as a power circle containing five of his elements appeared.

"Boboiboy Penta Split!" Quake, Thunderstorm, Ice, Blaze, and Thorn appeared in their respective chef uniforms.

Quake turned to his siblings. "Guys! The clock is ticking! We have to start cooking now! And today's menu is..."

"TOM YAM!" The others continued excitedly.

"Right!" Quake nodded. "Thunderstorm! I want you to cut the ingredients!"

"On it!" Thunderstorm smirked as he took out his very own cutting knife, channelling his inner 'Gordon Ramsay' spirit.

Quake nodded and turned to the duo FrostFire fusion. "Ice and Blaze! I want you guys to wash the raw ingredients and don't forget to cook the rice please!"

"Aye! Roger and out!" Ice and Blaze quickly took their place.

"Mama Quake! What about me?! What is my task?" Thorn questioned excitedly.

"Thorn... You..." Quake thought for a while. "Can you prepare the drinks? Make sure it's not too sweet okay?"

"Sure! I can do that! That's easy!" Thorn replied with big dazzling eyes. "Yeay!" The green-themed boy ran towards his station.

"Alright boys! Let's start cooking!"




Everything was fine at the moment. Ahem... For Thunderstorm's side, that is...

"Thunderstorm Chop!" In a flash, all of the ingredients managed to be chopped by Thunderstorm.

"Woah! So cool!" Thorn said in amazement.

"When you're cutting the ingredients, it has to be perfect and precise." Thunderstorm said in a cool demeanor.

"Show off." Blaze and Ice commented, slightly annoyed.

"Guys, focus." Quake reprimanded them as he senses a problem coming.

"Ice can you please add the salt?"

"Sure!" Ice replied. However... He was about to put a rock of salt inside! Scratch that! A giant rock of salt! Luckily, Quake managed to stop him!

"ICE!" The leader of the elemental stopped him. "Don't put it all! The dish will be too salty if you do that! Give me that!" Quake quickly snatched the rock of salt and put the right amount of salt inside the dish.

Quake then stirred it up and tasted the dish. "Hmm? I think it's too spicy!"

"We forgot to put in the coconut milk!" Thunderstorm informed him.

"Thorn is here to save the day!" Thorn approached them as he gave the important ingredient to them.

"Thanks a bunch!" Quake ruffled Thorn's hair and proceeded to put the coconut milk in the dish. Suddenly, his mama-tingle crawled into him. Something is going to happen!

"It seems like dish is cooking too slow." Blaze approached with a wide grin. "Here! Let me help!"

"Huh?! Blaze, no-"

"Fire Breathe!" Blaze quickly gathers and releases a large flame from his mouth, directly burning their dish.

"IT'S BURNING!" Quake and Thunderstorm shouted.

"I'M SORRY!" Blaze yelled in panic hugging Thorn, who seems to be clueless about what's happening at the moment.

"Do you want a drink Blaze?" Instead, he offered Blaze a drink despite the chaos in front of him.

"Thanks." The panic Blaze quickly drank Thorn's drink. However, he spits it back. "What the- Why is this salty Thorn?!"

"Eh? But... I put the same thing like Quake did just now?" Thorn titled his head in confuse.

"Same thing?" Blaze quickly turned his head and found the answer. "Ah, I see. You put salt inside the drink. Are you crazy?!" He glared at Thorn.

"Hah-" Ice took a deep breath. "Here let me handle this." He offered, but...

Here it comes... Disaster number 2!!!

"Ice! No-"

"Freezing Ice!" Ice did manage to stop the flames, but their main dish was completely frozen by now! Like solid frozen!

"What do we do now..." The others sighed, ready to give up.

Suddenly, Quake remembered an advice that Tok Aba used to give them.

"No one is born a great cook but one learns by doing. That's why you can't give up when it comes to cooking!"

Quake took a deep breath and stood up. "Guys, I know a way out of this. Blaze! Ice! Lend me your strength! You know what that means, right?"

Blaze and Ice nodded and turned to each other. "Of course, we do! It's fusion time!"

The duo bumped their fist, and... "Elemental Fusion! Boboiboy FrostFire!"

It was FrostFire (in his chef uniform) time to save the day. "Don't worry guys! I got this!"

"Freezing Heat Explosion!"


The elemental sibling smiled proudly while looking at their cuisine. Despite the many and difficult challenges they faced and a narrow escape from disaster, they eventually managed to get back up and complete their dish for tonight's dinner!

Now, dinner is served! And they called their masterpiece as 'Tom Yam Kampung Tok Aba!' Their dish consists of tom yam, fried eggs and of course white rice. Oh! And don't forget the iced Thai tea that Thorn has prepared.

"Hmm... I see. You did a great job!" Ramenman praised them. He was really pleased with the results.

"It's nothing!" The elemental sibling replied with a smug face, happy as if they got high praises from a worldwide celebrity chef. "Awesome! (Terbaik!)"

"But sir... can we really finish all of this?" Boboiboy politely asked after reverting back. He didn't like to waste food since it was something Tok Aba always told him not to do.

"Of course, we can! Especially, when I brought some guest coming over!" Ramenman replied in a hero-like manner.

"Guest?"Boboiboy questioned only to be greeted with a group of children around 5-10 years old.

"Hero! Hero!"

"Mr! I watched you the other day! You were so cool!"

"Nee! Nee! Do you want to see my quirk?!"

"Hero-san! You're soo handsome in person!"

"Why are in a chef uniform? Is this your hero costume?"

The kids shouted while some of them tugged Boboiboy's uniform. They were really excited to meet the elemental user since they watched him on TV.

"Now... Now... Please take your seat. Dinner is about to start!" Ramenman rounded them up. "Boboiboy, please serve the food to them." He instructed the elemental user while helping some of the children to wash their hands.

"Yes!" Boboiboy quickly followed his orders. "Alright! I hope you guys will enjoy dinner tonight!"


"Finally!" Boboiboy slumped onto the sofa after an hour playing with the children. It was fun but tiring at the same time since they were too energetic for him to handle. However, he did enjoy spending his evening with them because it kind of reminded him of the mushroom children from Planet Rimbara.

"You're ready to drop, aren't you?" Ramenman commented. "Kids these days really do worn you out."

"I agree." Boboiboy nodded. "But sir, why did we invite them for dinner?" He couldn't help but to ask. Clearly, cooking dinner wasn't his secret test or something, and he was already embarrassed when he brought that idea out of nowhere.

"How did it feel?" Again, Boboiboy's question was countered with another question. "How did it feel when you spent your time with them? Especially during dinner time."

"To be honest, I wasn't expecting for them to come but it felt warm and pleasant seeing the smile on their faces during dinner. I also felt like I wanted to protect them, so that they can smile more in the future." Boboiboy gave a sincere answer. "Why do you ask sir?"

"Those children... Are orphans." The hero replied. His answer clearly shocked the elemental user.

"They lost their parents in such a young age. Some of the parents were heroes, risking their lives to protect others. Some were innocent civilians, sacrificed because of the cruel nature of villains. It's a crying-shame that these children had to go such a rough childhood while the villains are still laughing triumphally out there."

Boboiboy shivered in anger. Why do the children have to suffer like this?! Who knew such a bright smile was hiding a deep wound inside their heart.

"People lost their lives day by day, Boboiboy. That's why 'we' as heroes need to stop those villains! Not everyone deserves such a fate!" Ramenman continued.

"The feeling you felt just now, I want you to remember that feeling and grow even stronger! Become a hero who's capable of protecting others!"

"I will, sir! I promise!" Boboiboy quickly stood up. His fatigue suddenly disappeared, replaced with a burning passion. "I will become even stronger to protect others!"

"That's the spirit!" The hero patted Boboiboy's right shoulder.

Coming clean, the whole purpose of the cooking task was to teach the elemental user about the main roles and huge responsibilities a hero should bear. Ramenman also wanted to burn Boboiboy's resolve to become even stronger in facing new challenges that will come to him. Especially when it involves a villain named Vicious and possibly All for One.

"You probably should take a good rest now, because we will start training first thing in the morning!" Ramenman advised.

Training Boboiboy was another task Amato had given him and he was more than pleased to train the elemental user.

"Yes, sir!" Boboiboy gave him a TAPOP's salute and went straight to his room.




"I will need to get stronger, so that I can soar even higher!"







StarTwinkle here! Alive from the depths of painfull studying!

I'm really sorry for the late update! Trust me, I waa in the state of writer's block! Thus, holding me from writing as fast as I could!

But, the good news is... I'M BACK EVERYBODY! (Puts on my pink pineapple glasses)

Never mind me! How was it? I hope it's okay though!

Next chapter will be focused on Boboiboy's training and finally the awaited battle between Stain! Plus, with a hint of twist in it!

On a more serious note, I will be explaining a few things here:

1. Maggi Kari - A type of Malaysian instant noodles. (My favorite flavor!)

2. Tom Yam - A type of hot and sour Thai soup origin from Thailand and usually cooked with shrimp (prawn). Tom Yam is also one of Malaysian's favorite dish!

3. Thai Tea - A type of drink is made from strongly brewed Ceylon tea, milk, and sugar.

Ramenman's hero office will play a huge role as TAPOPS's base in the MHA world!

Also, Boboiboy'cooking task was inspired or taken from the latest issue of the Boboiboy Galaxy comics. I mean, Chef Boboiboy? I had to write that!

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!




An amazing art from memoichi

Kyaa!!! I totally love this! Boboiboy's interaction between those three is really cute!

Thank you for this! I'm really sorry that I posted this a bit late!

Another one is from the Ultimate AhoRiyu


This one is also cute! Elemental siblings + kotatsu!

Thank you for this, Riyu-san!

And please don't worry about me! I'm perfectly fine! :)

And I hope you're fine as well! Btw! Good luck on your SPM! (early wish) (๑ơ ₃ ơ)♥

Next one is from MidnightMeadows

A joke maybe? To be honest, I don't really get this. (Curses my sense of humor)

However, I still appreciate what's given to me. So, thank you for this!

Last but not least is from kira_steph123

This is too adorable! Hahaha... By the way the 'Ultimate Housewife' thing originally belongs to AhoRiyu

You should thank her as well for coming up such a wicked idea!

Anyway, thank you for this! I really like how Gempa is potrayed here!

Just For Fun!

Boboiboy-- The definition of brother material!

That's why I decided to write about Boboiboy's interaction with the children!

Also, some art from our beloved Ariieya_Senpei

Ice and ice-creams? 100% YEAH!

Okay! That's all from me! I hope you enjoyed it!

See you in the next chapter! (Next Saturday or Sunday!) :)

Lots of love from me,


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