Chapter 20 - BACK TO SCHOOL

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Please, don't be careless from now on! Think before you act! Tell that to the elemental user as well!" Gran Torino huffed.

"Eh?" Midoriya questioned. "What do you mean?"

"That elemental kid disappeared on us as soon as you text him your location!" Gran Torino explained.

"Wait? What?" Midoriya was really confused at the moment.

If he was not mistaken, Boboiboy came to them 5 minutes after he found out Iida's location. It was quite impossible for Boboiboy to arrive at the location in time if he decided to help Gran Torino and the heroes first.

And if he really did help the heroes, then he would arrive together with Todoroki since the half-cold half-hot user took 10 minutes to get there.

"Is it possible? No, it can't be!" Midoriya whispered.

"How can Boboiboy be at two places in one time?"




The panic state in Hosu City was gradually recovering. It's still undeniable that the feeling of terrified still lingered among the public. Who can blame them? That specific night was truly a nightmare for them since it was the night where the nomus roared freely while the Hero Killer lavished his starvation for a better hero society.

However, thanks to the help and encouragement of the heroes, the dispute was managed to be overcome, even though that incident left dark and terrible memories in people's minds.

But not all ends well with rainbows or stuff. Little by little society's thinking was slowly influenced by Stain's understanding of the 'Hero World'.

Hero Killer: Stain! Real name: Chizome Akaguro.

All Might's debut left a deep impression on him as he set his sights on becoming a hero. He enrolled in a private school but was disappointed with the fundamentally depraved views of heroes. He dropped out from school and called for a return to the old ideas of heroes. However, he realized that words had no power! He strongly emphasized that heroes should not seek compensation and the title of 'Hero' must only be granted to those who are truly worthy of being called a 'Hero'.

That's why he dedicated himself to cleanse the dirtiness of the hero society! Fake heroes should be taken down or killed, leaving the ones that are sincere in calling their selves a hero! Until society realized this, he will keep lurking in the shadows, purges until people finally open their eyes to the true meaning of a 'Hero'!

Thus, people were now questioning the heroes' duties. Why did people die when there are heroes who were protecting them? Why can't heroes do their work properly? And certainly, why is evil so prevalent even when heroes fight to uphold justice?

Hence, those questions created...

"Have you heard about the League of Villains?"


After a few days, Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Boboiboy were released from the hospital. These dedicated students decided to continue their internship program since they needed to benefit from all the time they had left.

Without them realizing it, time passes quickly and the internship program was now coming to an end and it was time for them to return to school.




"Are you sure you're going to school under that condition?" Amato asked his son worriedly. The armored hero decided to take a few days break from work since he was still worried about his son's well-being. Boboiboy did suffer severe injuries in the last battle, so it was important for him not to push things with his still-recovering body.

"You're worrying too much dad." Boboiboy chuckled, taking his packed lunch that Amato made for him today.

"That's because you tend to be careless sometimes." His father sighed. "You know I can call your homeroom teacher and asked him for permission to rest the week off." He suggested.

"That's Recovery Girl's authority, not Aizawa-sensei's, dad." Boboiboy replied. "And besides, if you, a famous foreign pro-hero called sensei for rest permission then probably the whole school will know that you're my dad."

"I don't see that as a problem though." Amato folded his arms, unsatisfied. "Besides, Midoriya, Todoroki, and Iida already know that you're my son."

"I... I just don't want to catch any more attention. Trust me, I'm already famous there." Boboiboy answered. Being the center of attention wasn't his thing at all.

Slowly, Amato gave up. If this continues, then his son will be late for school. "Fine, then." He caressed his son's head. "Promise me that you'll take good care of yourself, okay?"

"I promise!" Boboiboy beamed. "I'll be going now! Bye, dad! Bye Mechabot!" Boboiboy waved.

"Bye kid! Don't do anything dumb at school! Or else I'll be listening to Amato's whines for the whole week!" Mechabot who was sitting leisurely while enjoying the morning news, waved back unaffected by his partner's glare.

"Wait Boboiboy!" Amato called his son, making Boboiboy turned back. "What do you want for dinner?"

"Tok Aba's special fried rice, please!" Boboiboy grinned and continued walking.

"Fried rice, huh?" Amato smiled, recalling the days that he used to enjoy his father's home-made cooking.

"If you're going to buy groceries then count me out. I have a drama to watch." Mechabot replied from afar.

"Geez, congrats for ruining the heart-warming mood." Amato mumbled.


At School

As the internships under the pro-heroes ended, the students went back to school and were ready to resume their ordinary student life.

Or so they thought it would be—

"HAHAHAHAHA!" Kirishima's and Sero's loud laugh was heard throughout the class. "Seriously?! Seriously, Bakugou?!"

"STOP LAUGHING!" The explosive user roared. He knew they'd teased him for his 'new' hairstyle! And it's all because of that damn hero, Best Jeanist!

"My hair's gotten used to it! So, it won't go back after I wash it!" Bakugou defended himself. "Stop laughing! I'll kill you!"

"Wow, it seems like Bakugou got a new hair gel." Boboiboy commented. 

"Fashion tragedy." Luckily, Boboiboy was standing beside Todoroki's desk or else Bakugou might hear him.

"Kacchan got a new hairstyle!" Midoriya shouted inwardly. "I wonder what kind of training he went through with Best Jeanist?"

"Lame." Todoroki whispered.

"I'd like to see you try, Side-Part Boy!" The duo continued laughing.

"I WILL SERIOUSLY KILL YOU!" Bakugou shouted again as his hair bombed into its original form.

"It's back!" Kirishima and Sero pointed.

The whole class was now telling each other's experiences during the internship program. Indeed, it was a fruitful program since they learned a lot of things regarding the hero business.

"What about you, Ochaco-chan? How was your week?" Asui turned to her friend.

Uraraka let out a breath of relief while emitting an intense aura. "It was very worthwhile."

"Ochaco's awakened, huh?" Asui wondered.

"I guess everyone had a wonderful experience, huh?" Boboiboy commented seeing the joy (except for Bakugou) of his friends' face.

"You're right." Midoriya nodded. "Are you sure you're totally fine Boboiboy? Your injuries were pretty bad that day." He questioned worriedly.

"It's fine Midoriya! Sure, my injuries aren't fully healed yet, but that's not going to stop me! I too have a lot to learn in order to become a hero!" Boboiboy shined with pure resolve.

"I see, but you need to tell us quickly if you're feeling any pain, okay?" Midoriya replied. He didn't want to disappoint Mechamato since the hero asked him for a big favor.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Amato asked Midoriya to watch over Boboiboy at school on behalf of his stand!

"Why does it feel like dad and Midoriya formed a kind of secret pact behind my back?" Boboiboy questioned himself.

"Speaking of hero experience, the ones who changed the most or at least went through the most were those four, huh?" Kaminari suddenly pointed at Midoriya, Iida, Todoroki, and Boboiboy.

"Oh, yeah! The Hero Killer!" Sero remembered.

"I was really worried when I heard that you were involved." Yaoyorozu replied.

"I heard that Endeavour save you, right?" Sato questioned as they gathered around them.

"I saw on the news that the Hero Killer was connected to the League of Villains." Ojiro couldn't help, but comment.

"He is scary, but did you see the video, Ojiro? I mean, you can see how he's really single-minded and tenacious but doesn't it almost make you think that he's some kind of cool?" Kaminari answered.

"Kaminari-kun! / Kaminari!" Midoriya and Boboiboy reprimanded him.

"Huh? Sorry, Iida!" Kaminari quickly apologized, cursing himself for saying that!

"No, it's fine." Iida replied, unaffected. "It's true that he was tenacious, but I understand how people could think he's cool since he's the first brave individual to question about the hero society. The only wrong thing he made was he chose to purge as a result of his beliefs. No matter what he thinks, that part is definitely wrong!"

"Therefore, in order to keep anyone else from turning out like me... I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!" The spectacled boy answered.

"Now, it's time to commence class! Everyone! Be seated please!" Iida nagged them, already returning to his president persona.

"He's so loud—" Tokoyami sweat-drop.

"You're so cool, Iida!" Midoriya and Boboiboy felt glad that their friend was back to his old self. Yes, no more revenge because all that was left was the desire to become a better hero!


Foundational Heroics Class

"Class! This is Field Gamma! It's a dense area filled with factories laid out like an intricate labyrinth!" All Might introduced as soon as they arrived at the training field.

"So, for today's class, you'll be having a rescue training race! Yes! That's true! You'll challenge the time in order to rescue people! Therefore, you'll be divided into groups and go through training one group at a time!" The hero continued explaining.

"And of course, you'll have to keep damage to a minimum!"

"Don't point at me!" Bakugou growled, already knowing who All Might was mentioning.

"All right! The first group, get in place!"

The first group was consisting of Midoriya, Iida, Sero, Ojiro, and Boboiboy.

"I'll be fighting against Sero, huh?" Boboiboy thought to himself. "In this situation, probably Sero's quirk would benefit the most. My lightning element should do this, but I will still be slowed since there are too many buildings around here. However..."

"This group has those who are good with mobility, huh?" Kirishima said looking at the screen in front of them.

"Hmm, perhaps Midoriya-san is at a slight disadvantage here." Yaoyorozu analyzed. "I'm worried since whenever he does something, he always gets badly injured."

"Who do you think will win? I think Sero is going to be first!" The red-head betted.

"Ojiro's there too. So, there's a chance for him to win!" Hagakure replied.

"Definitely, Boboiboy! Since he has that lightning element of his." Kaminari said.

"Boboiboy will be victorious in this match." Tokoyami agreed.

"Deku will be last!" Bakugou suddenly jumps in.

"Even if he's injured, I still think it'll be Iida." Uraraka spoke her thoughts while Asui nodded.

"Okay, here we go! START!" All Might announced as everyone began moving towards their rescue goal.

"See! I told you! Sero is currently first! In a place all jumbled together like this, it's standard practice to go up!" Kirishima shouted.

"Which means, Sero's got an advantage since he's good in the air, huh?" Shoji commented.

"Come on, Boboiboy! Show them who's boss!" Kaminari cheered while Tokoyami nodded.

"Hey! Isn't this place a little too perfect for me?" The tape user self-complimented himself, feeling proud at the moment.

However, little did he know that his path to first was already cut by Midoriya as the greennette jumped from building to building using 5% of One for All.

"It's too perfect for the training I did!" Midoriya moved swiftly, proud at his improvement.

"That's amazing, Midoriya! What's with the moves?!" Everyone was amazed by Midoriya's revealed new strength.

"No way!" Sero was also in complete shock.

"Yeah, now that I think about it, those moves are..." Todoroki mumbled.

"My moves!" Bakugou growled angrily, couldn't believe that Midoriya was getting better and better at handling his quirk.

All Might smiled proudly that his successor was gradually growing into a whole new level that he could possibly imagine.

Everyone was so focused on Midoriya and Sero that they forgot a certain someone.

And that someone smirked because he could already taste the victory on his hand.


Red flashes were the only ones that can be seen since the movements were too fast for their naked eyes to follow!

The class was quickly blown away! Even, All Might was astonished at the moment!

What was happening?!

"What the—" Sero questioned in confusion.

"You're using your red lightning, huh Boboiboy?" Midoriya whispered to himself, unaware that his footing was now unstable.

"First that damn nerd and now the elemental bastard! While I was spending my time uselessly at my internship— They! They—" Bakugou gritted his teeth in frustration.

Everything happened so fast and without everyone realizing it...

Thunderstorm had already zipped his way towards victory!




"Thank you for saving me!" All Might proudly hand the winner sash to Boboiboy.

"Awesome! (Terbaik!)" Boboiboy jumped happily. However, he felt a cold shiver when the whole class immediately gathered around him.

"Man, I can't believe you managed to pull that trick right in front of our eyes!" Kirishima felt slightly betrayed since the elemental user successfully turned the tables around.

"What was that Boboiboy?! Your lightning was completely red just now!" Kaminari lightly punched Boboiboy's arm. "And don't give me the, "What are we talking about?" because I won't fall for that again!" He demanded.

"That red lightning was another version of my lightning element. And it's called Thunderstorm. You can say that it's a stronger form of my lightning element." Boboiboy finally answered.

"That Thunderstorm version of him is incredibly swift and not to mention the lightning attacks are ominous." Midoriya, Iida, and Todoroki mumbled since they witnessed what Thunderstorm was capable of during their fight with Stain.

The whole class wasn't exactly surprised when they heard this since they had a feeling that Boboiboy's elemental quirk was much more than that. Plus, Boboiboy did once told them he still wasn't using his elemental quirk's full potential.

However, Boboiboy's answer confirmed one of their theories about his elemental power. That was each of the elements has its own superior version yet to be revealed!

Boboiboy's elemental power is truly incredible and mysterious at the same time!

"Man! You sure did grow a lot stronger after the internship program, huh?" Kirishima was the first to comment.

Boboiboy gulped. "Yeah..." He slowly replied.

"I see, then that explains everything!" Ashido jumped.

However, among all of them there was someone who wasn't satisfied with the elemental user's answer.

"You damn bastard!" Bakugou quickly yanked Boboiboy towards him by pulling his shirt. "Still secretive as always, huh?!" The explosive user growled.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya shouted while Todoroki was ready to use his ice quirk on Bakugou. They were worried since Boboiboy's injuries weren't fully healed yet.

"Well, listen here change freak... I don't give a damn about your elemental power's true abilities! One thing for sure, I will beat you and become number one, got it!" Bakugou declared, sending a death glare to Boboiboy.

Boboiboy didn't reply. Truthfully, he was hurt by his own behavior since he still kept the truth about his elemental power to his friend. His friends might be in danger if they know too much of him and besides, Retak'ka was already targeting his friends. Seeing them hurt truly brings pain to him...

And he would do anything to keep them safe!

"Now... Now..." All Might slowly calmed Bakugou. "Please let go of Young Boboiboy." The hero politely asked, preventing a fight from happening.

Slowly, Bakugou let go of Boboiboy's shirt and turned around. "I hope you remember that bastard!" Then, he walked away.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya quickly approached his friend. "Are... are you okay?" He asked him worriedly.

"I'm fine!" Boboiboy replied with a smile.

"Who knew that Bakugou was in a foul mood today." Todoroki commented.

"Yeah..." Midoriya and Boboiboy let a nervous laugh.

"How about you Midoriya?" The elemental user asked back since his friend had

"I'm fine. Just some scratches I guess." Midoriya chuckled, remembering the fact that he had fallen due to jumping without consideration just now.

"Please be careful next time!" Boboiboy huffed while Todoroki nodded.

"Class! I have to say that you've gotten better at using your quirk compared to the beginning of the year! Keep on going like this and start preparing for your final exam!" All Might praised them proudly.

"Yes, sir!" They replied, slightly nervous since the final exam was around the corner.


Boy's Locker Room

After the class, everyone was in the locker room, changing back into their school uniforms.

"That was some hard training." Sato said as he took a seat.

"Oui." Aoyama replied whipping his sweat with his sparkly handkerchief.

"I need to work on my mobility." Kirishima sighed as he took off his hero costume.

"You must compensate for it by gathering information." Tokoyami replied, fixing his necktie.

"That'll put me a step behind everyone. I'm jealous of guys like you, Sero, and Boboiboy." Kaminari commented while Sero gave him a smug face.

"Don't worry! I'll help you Kaminari! Let's get stronger together, okay?" Boboiboy gave him a bright smile. Too bright in Kaminari's aspect.

"That's it! We're officially BFFs from now on Boboiboy!" tears of joy began falling from his eyes. Boboiboy was truly an angel in disguise!

"Guys... Guys... I discovered something crazy!" Mineta called them as the boys' attention was now shifted towards him. They had a feeling that the short boy had something horrible in mind. "Look at this hole on the wall! It's probably thanks to the efforts of those who came before us!"

Everyone was startled. Does it mean that— Oh no!

"Yes! Next door is the girls' locker room!" The perverted boy continued.

"Stop this, Mineta! Peeping is definitely a criminal act!" Iida reprimanded and tried to stop him. However, the horny bastard was too stubborn to listen.

"My little Mineta is already a criminal act!" Mineta said quickly ripping the poster that was covering the hole.

But then—


Boboiboy's hand covered the hole, immediately stopped Mineta before he could even peek at the girls.

"Don't you even dare!" The elemental user looked at him with a murderous glare. It seems like his Earth persona quickly took over him. "Didn't I warn you about this before?"

Mineta gulped, shaking in fear as he didn't want to be a squashed grape after this. "Da... Damn it!" He quickly ran away, saving his poor life.

"Nice job there Boboiboy!" Midoriya praised while Iida took a deep breath of relief.

"We should tell the girls about this. So that, Yaoyorozu can create something to cover this up right away." The elemental user suggested while the others agreed.

Meanwhile, on the other side of the wall...

"Bo... Boboiboy is truly admirable!" The girls praised him since they were saved yet again by the elemental user.


After School

"You're not walking with us today?" Todoroki, Iida, and Boboiboy questioned their friend.

"No, you guys walk ahead first! I have something to do and please don't wait for me." Midoriya answered, quickly leaving his friends.




"I wonder what kind of business Midoriya-kun has to attend. Usually, he went home straight after school." The class president commented as they walk together on the street.

"Probably important. Well, let's just trust him." The half-cold half-hot user replied.

However, Boboiboy couldn't help but think that there's a possibility that his friend was meeting All Might since he noticed that there's a special bond between the teacher and the student.

One for All.

Yes, that's probably the main reason that binds them together.

Boboiboy suddenly became anxious, afraid that something might happen to Midoriya after this since his friend has now become one of Vicious's targets.

"I... I'm going back!" Without much thinking Boboiboy left them, causing Iida and Todoroki to be shocked by his sudden decision.

"Boboiboy!" They called out his name but the elemental user was already far from them, running at full speed.




"Bo... Boboiboy?!" Midoriya quickly approached the elemental user, who was trying to catch his breath from running all the back to school. "Did something happen?" He asked worriedly.

"No... No." Boboiboy stammered. "I was just worried about you."

Midoriya let a soft chuckle. "Gee, I'm fine and I can take care of myself you know that."

"Yeah... But..."

"Vicious's is targeting you! How can I not be concerned about your safety!" However, those words didn't come out of his mouth.

"Thank you for worrying about me Boboiboy. I really appreciate that!" His friend smiled at him. "Let's go home, okay?"

"Sure." Boboiboy simply replied as they walk together.

"Iida and Todoroki-kun were really worried about you. They said you suddenly ran back to school without explaining to them." Midoriya told him since he received a call from Iida.

The elemental user let a nervous laugh, holding the back of his neck. "That was really irresponsible of me to do that. I'll apologize to them right away!" Boboiboy replied, dialing Iida's number.

"Your actions are unpredictable sometimes." Midoriya chuckled while Boboiboy was nagged by an angry Iida.


Boboiboy's House

"Did something happen during school today?" Amato wiped his hands after he finished washing the dishes.

"Yeah! You've been down ever since you got home." Mechabot continued beside him.

Boboiboy sighed. "Dad, I've been meaning to ask this. Who is Vicious? How did he end up in this world?"

The hero walked himself to the refrigerator and poured iced-chocolate for his son. "Here, you'll need this because this is going to be a long story." His father gave him the drink and sat beside his son.

"Well to start off, Vicious was once affiliated with TAPOPS under the name Admiral V. However, he was soon stripped off from his duties and title when TAPOPS discovered that he was plotting to take over this world."

"In his view, he sees this world as a tool or a source of power since basically everyone in here has quirks." Amato sighed, devastated by the fact that a great admiral like him could fall in the hands of darkness.

"How... How did he discover this world?" Boboiboy gulped.

"Actually, 'we' discovered it." Amato explained, shocking his son. "You see, I used to work together with Vicious. We were tasked to retrieved Gigabot since the power sphere was stolen by a power-hungered alien."

"Gigabot?" Boboiboy questioned. "Wait! Gigabot has the power cross dimensions!"

"Yes, that's correct." Amato nodded. "If Gigabot were to fall in the wrong hands then bad things will definitely happen! Luckily, we managed to retrieve it. However, Gigabot's power malfunctioned along the way, sending us to this very dimension. That incident happened two years ago though."

"Vicious was fascinated by the fact that this dimension was powerful than he thought it would be. That's why he was plotting to take over it. So, he planned this carefully in silence. In order to secure himself with money, he even dated Ibu Bu, a successful businesswoman and also Adu Du's mother." Amato continued.

Krik... Krik... Krik....

"Awkward." Mechabot commented.

"WHAT? (APAKAH?)" Boboiboy was now in complete shock. Who knew that Adu Du almost became Vicious's step-son!

"That man is truly despicable my son! After he tricked Ibu Bu, he quickly ran away with her money. Luckily, Ibu Bu's beauty business wasn't affected by that. However, she was heartbroken after being left by the man she loved!" Amato took his handkerchief, wiping his tears.

"Typical Korean drama love scam." Mechabot replied.

"After that, he created his own group of villains and stole Wishbot, a power sphere that was strictly protected by TEMPUR-A." Amato continued.

Boboiboy already knows what Wishbot's power was capable of since it was the very reason why he was here right now.

"As you can see, Wishbot already granted three of his wishes. Therefore, Wishbot was no longer useful to him at the moment."

"Dad, does this mean that he can control Ochobot's power as well?" Boboiboy questioned, remembering the fact that the villain had the power to control different types of power spheres.

"Unfortunately, no." Amato replied. "You see Wishbot's power is definitely to grant wishes. However, it was not an easy task for him since he can only grant specific wishes."

"That's why for Vicious's first wish, Wishbot only granted him the inactive power-spheres that were kept under TAPOPS's surveillance room. So, this wish didn't apply to Ochobot, Motorbot, Bellbot, Mechabot, Gigabot, and other power-spheres that were not in the care of TAPOPS." Amato explained more.

"In Ochobot's, Motorbot's, and Bellbot's case, they were deemed as TAPOPS's members. Therefore, they are left active since they played a big role in carrying out missions. Meanwhile, me and Gigabot are currently under Amato's care, having the same purposes as those three as well." Mechabot continued.

" I see." Boboiboy nodded.

"Vicious had made the same mistake when he used his last wish on you as well. He didn't specified to where he wanted Wishbot to banish you. Therefore, you ended up here, in this world since this world was fitting for a 'hero' like you." Amato continued.

"I see!" Boboiboy responded. "Then, how about the hidden journal? Was it yours?" He questioned again, suddenly remembering the journal that Light had found in the mini-library.

"Told you that one of them was a bookworm!" Mechabot cheered, celebrating his victory since he was right all along.

"Well, I beg your pardon since I didn't trust you at that time!" Amato rolled his eyes while his partner gave him a smug face.

Mechabot quickly turned to Boboiboy. "It was my idea to hide that journal in the mini-library in hope that one of you (he was referring to the elemental siblings) might find it."

"And that journal once belonged to Vicious before we managed to take it from him." Amato continued, shocking Boboiboy again. "That thing was one of his prized possession since the heroes' data was listed in that. Plus, it also contained..."

"Information about One for All and All for One." Amato and Mechabot both replied.

"However, that villain managed to rip apart the pages that had the One for All info since he needed that to track down the current holder of that specific quirk." The pro-hero sighed.

The elemental user hung his head low, trembled as he thought about Midoriya. "Can you tell me more about the One for All?" He requested.

"Well, One for All is a quirk that allows the user to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power, allowing them to significantly enhance all of their physical abilities into a superhuman level. This results in unbelievable levels of strength, speed, agility, and durability. However, this power also put strains in the user's body." Mechabot explained.

"No wonder Midoriya always gets injured when he tried to use his quirk." Boboiboy thought. "But then, I think he managed to get the hang of it since the internship program."

"Stockpiling is the main key features of this quirk. Somehow, this quirk is able to gather various types of power within itself. We don't know for sure how this happens, but it is most likely that this quirk is so powerful that Vicious wants it for his own." Amato continued.

"Midoriya is in a dangerous situation here! I can't just sit back and let Vicious do as he pleases!" Boboiboy mumbled to himself.

Amato and Mechabot were now worried since Boboiboy stayed silent.

"Boboiboy." Amato slowly hugged his son. "Things became more dangerous, I know. But mark my words, this time I'll be right by your side to fight evil."

"T... Thanks, dad." Boboiboy hugged his father back, comforting himself.

"Yuck! Group-hug, huh? Count me out!" Mechabot pretended to barf.

"Come here you whinny destructive robot!" However, Amato quickly pulled him.

"NO!" Mechabot wailed, forcibly being hugged by those two.



"What's your next plan Vicious?" The space monkey, Retak'ka asked his captain.

"Oh my! Aren't you itching to kill, huh?" Vicious gave him a smirk while shining his sword.

"Well, you're giving the others mission and not me!" Retak'ka growled, probably had grown tried from staying inside the ship.

"It's because the others are smarter than you, idiot." The villain replied, still not looking at him.

"WHAT DID YOU SAY?!" Retak'ka immediately burst into anger.

"Tch!" Vicious clicked his tongue. "Patience you hideous monkey!" He growled. "You'll get your mission not long after this."

"And what kind of mission is that?" Retak'ka rolled his eyes. Vicious would probably tease him by sending him on a mission of doing the groceries. Damn! He really did hate this man!

"To capture the owner of the One for All of course." Vicious turned back, now facing him. "And I don't expect you to fail me!"

"You mean The Number 1 Hero, All Might? And by the way, I won't." Retak'ka answered, smiling with pure confidence. "What about Boboiboy then?" He couldn't help but ask.

Vicious smiled wickedly as he starred the full-moon, a magnificent sight tonight. "Well, kill him, by all means, necessary since he's one of TAPOP's precious gems and also Amato's vital weakness."

"If we kill him, then our plan to control this world will be successful!"


Boboiboy stared at the night sky, too magnificent in his opinion. It was dreamlike but powerful at the same time. Gazing at it, one could sense the wonder and vibrant radiancy that was far beyond what one would expect.

"I wonder how Tok Aba, Ochobot, and my friends are doing?" His mind wondered.

Truthfully, he missed them and his adventure with them. However, he had to be patient since Gigabot's power was weak at the moment, unable to open a portal to his real world.

Yes! He had to be patient like his dad had said!

"Tok Aba, Ochobot, Gopal, Yaya, Ying, Fang, and everyone... I hope you're doing alright as I'm! Trust me, I'll come back as soon as I can!" Boboiboy smiled.

Then, the boy slowly turned back, heading to bed now.

"Sweet dreams everyone..." 





StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

School is now starting and the exam arc will now begin! XD 

Finally, Amato told BBB the truth, huh?

And boy! Father Amato is on the house! I totally love the interactions between him and his son! (/▽\)

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟





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