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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"I wonder how Tok Aba, Ochobot, and my friends are doing?" His mind wondered.

Truthfully, he missed them and his adventure with them. However, he had to be patient since Gigabot's power was weak at the moment, unable to open a portal to his real world.

Yes! He had to be patient like his dad had said!

"Tok Aba, Ochobot, Gopal, Yaya, Ying, Fang, and everyone... I hope you're doing alright as I'm! Trust me, I'll come back as soon as I can!" Boboiboy smiled.

Then, the boy slowly turned back, heading to bed now.

"Sweet dreams everyone!" 




At School

"It's a little sudden, but for today's hero exercise we will have four Hero Class students from Isami High School that will join us as special guests."

"Yeay!" The whole class cheered in excitement.

"Woah! I bet today's training will be a blast!" Boboiboy grinned. This was his first time seeing other hero-class students from another school.

"She's a glasses girl! She's a glasses girl!" Mineta shocked Midoriya's body vigorously as he couldn't contain his excitement.

"Hey there pretty lady, can I get your number?" Kaminari quickly approached the spectacled girl with silver hair.

However, before he could embarrass himself more, Jirou quickly stopped his actions by using her quirk on him. "Dammit, stop showing off your stupidity." She complained.

Aizawa couldn't take it anymore. The teacher quickly gave them an angry and sinister glare, succeeding in silencing the whole class.

"Introduce yourselves." He said after that.

"Of... Of course." The spectacled girl replied. "Greetings everyone, I'm Kashiko Sekigai, from Isami High School, Hero Class." She politely introduced herself.

"Same class, I'm Dadan Tadan. It's a pleasure to meet you." An auburn-haired boy continued.

"I'm Fujimi." Another boy with pale blue hair replied, sending glares towards Bakugou.

"We're supposed to have one more," Aizawa said when the fourth student didn't introduce herself yet.

Slowly, the female student who was hiding behind her friend's back emerged in front, shocking Asui at the same time.





It turns out that the girl was Asui's best friend during Middle School.

"Tsuyu-chan's friend?" Uraraka wondered.

"I'm getting a little bit nervous... This shouldn't happen in nature..." Midoriya hands were slightly shaking seeing the bubbly sight in front of him.

"Hmm? What's the matter Boboiboy?" Todoroki immediately asked the elemental user when the boy trembled from his seat.

"It's... It's a Heroine Snake!" Boboiboy commented, remembering a dreaded memory he experienced during his mission on Planet Dargha'ya.

Yes! 2/7 of him were scared of snakes! And deep down inside of him Wind and Leaf hugged each other, praying that everything will be okay.

As if it was destined, the snake-girl turned her gaze towards Boboiboy, meeting his at the same time.

Boboiboy quickly gave her a quick wave while the other waved back, blushing.

"Well, she seems nice!" Boboiboy commented, smiling as his fear was now gone.

"Mongoose! Don't get all friendly with these chummy UA guys!" Fujimi bitterly growled.

"WHAT DID YOU JUST SAY?! YOU ISAMISHIT BABY!" The explosive user replied furiously.

"Stop it, Kacchan!" Midoriya tried to calm him down but was ignored.

Their homeroom teacher sighed, knowing that things are going to be rough starting from here. "Change into your costumes and make your way to ground omega, okay?"

"Iida, please guide the Isami students." The teacher ended their class.

"Understood, sir!" Iida answered as they made their way to the locker room.


Girl's Locker Room

"Ah! I knew it! You two went to the same Middle School!" Uraraka commented, seeing the two friends.

"Yes! We were very good friends!" Asui replied.

"Is that so?" The girls beamed as they introduced themselves to Mongoose Habuko, Asui's dear friend.

"So, you're the class president, Sekigai-san?" Yaoyorozu politely asked the silver-haired girl.

"Yes! But, it's a stressful job though since our class is full of troublesome students." She chuckled with a hint of pain in it.

"Well, we've got the exact same problem too." Yaoyoruzu sweat-drop.


Boy's Locker Room

Meanwhile, the boy's locker room was filled with an ominous and sinister aura coming from Bakugou and Fujimi. The others stood afar, didn't want to get involved with the ferocious duo.

"A delinquent as the top student, huh? UA seems to have gone downhill." Fujimi started first, fueling Bakugou's anger.

"Why don't you say it again, Isamishit!" The ash-blonde boy growled, doing all his best not to beat the hell out of the Isami student.

"S... Stop them, Midoriya." Mineta begged.

"It's... It's impossible." Midoriya trembly replied.

"Then... Boboiboy, please stop them." Mineta turned to the elemental user, his second option.

"I already tried Mineta! But none of them listened to me!" Boboiboy face-palmed. "It's like the world war between those two!"

"If you're going to start a fight, then start a fight you can actually win!" Bakugou furiously shouted.

"We'll prove to you that in this exercise, we are the superior ones!" The pale-blue haired boy replied, undaunted by Bakugou's treat.

"THEN COME AT ME!" The explosive user fearlessly challenged.

"Settle down, Bakugou!" Iida quickly reprimanded him.

"We're so sorry!" The other Isami High student, Dadan apologized. "Fujimi says a lot of nasty things, but he's not a bad person at heart!"

"We too, apologize." Iida bowed politely and turned to Bakugou. "Ours has trouble with admitting that he is in the wrong."

"HAH?!" Bakugou replied in annoyance.

"I hope nothing bad happens—" Midoriya unsure that the training exercise will go smoothly.

"Why do I have a feeling that something unlikely will happen." Boboiboy suddenly felt a cold shiver, hoping that everything will be alright.


Ground Omega

"Alright, is everyone here?" The raven-haired teacher looked at the students. "Today's her exercise will be observed by me and one more person."


I HAVE— (Like a special guest) ARRIVED!" All Might stands majestically, satisfied with his heroic entrance!

"A... All Might! In the flesh!" The invited students gasped in amazement, happy to finally meet the Number 1 Hero!

"I'm so jealous of UA!" They continued, thrilled.

Midoriya and Boboiboy quietly took a look at them and smiled. UA is truly fortunate to have a famous hero such as All Might as one of the teachers.

"So, about our little exercise, we're going to have you all go through some survival training!" The hero explained.

"Survival training?" Boboiboy titled his head a bit. "If I'm not mistaken, this training is used to train survival skills and helps to expand teamwork or strengthen the bond of a group, right?"

"Well, we have done plenty of that since Admiral Tarung likes to throw us in different planets for training." The elemental user whispered to himself.

"And plus, delivering the laundry of course." Boboiboy sweat-drop remembering the horrific training and part-time job they had gone through as TAPOPS's members.

"Like some Battle Royal thing, right?" Kaminari turned to Kirishima.

"Let me explain! With five to four students per team and six teams overall, you will start at the predetermined positions that we have chosen!" All Might continued explaining.

"Everyone has one objective! That is to survive! Therefore, you can run and you can fight because anything goes! Victory will go to the last surviving team of course!"

"If you run into another team and manage to bind your opponents with this Capture Tape, you can make them combat ineffective. This should be a familiar item." Aizawa said, holding a wipe tape.

"Now! Let's announce the teams!" All Might grinned.

Group A

Midoriya Izuku

Uraraka Ochako

Asui Tsuyu

Ashido Mina


Group B

Bakugou Katsuki

Kirishima Eijirou

Yaoyorozu Momo

Mezo Shoji

Group C

Todoroki Shoto

Ojiro Masahiro

Hagakure Toru

Koda Koji

Group D

Iida Tenya

Tokoyami Fumikage

Sero Hanta

Sato Rikido

Group E

Kaminari Denki

Jirou Kyoka

Aoyama Yuga

Mineta Minoru

Group F

Fujimi Ramero

Sekigai Kashiko

Dadan Tadan

Mongoose Habuko

"We're in the same team, huh Boboiboy?" Midoriya beamed, thrilled to be in the same team with the elemental user.

"Please, take care of us Boboiboy!" Uraraka replied, pleased.

"Yeay! One of the strongest in class is in our team!" Ashido jumped.

"It's a pleasure teaming with you, Boboiboy-chan." Asui gave him a warm smile.

"Thanks! Happy to be in a group with you guys too! Awesome! (Terbaik!)" The elemental user gave them a thumbs up.

"Everyone! Let's give our all!" Iida and Yaoyorozu turned to Class 1-A.

"Tsuyu-chan! I won't lose that easily!" The snake-headed girl said to her friend.

"I'll give it my all too!" Asui replied back.

Then, Mongoose slowly turned to Boboiboy while the boy also looked at her. "Let's... Let's do our best!"

"Right!" The elemental user nodded and gave her a thumbs up. "Awesome! (Terbaik!)"

"I might let you smell my victory!" Fujimi smirked towards the explosive user.

"Go ahead if you think you can!" However, those words didn't affect Bakugou.

"All teams, move to your areas! The exercise will begin without warning in five minutes!" Aizawa ordered.

"Make sure you survive!" All Might supported and thus, the survival training begins!


"What's our plan?" Uraraka asked Midoriya after securing themselves in a safe place.

"Can't we just fight the other teams?" Ashido replied.

"No, we'd be at a disadvantage because we don't have Shouji, Jirou, Tokoyami or anyone that can spot the other teams," Midoriya answered, thinking the best way to survive this training.

"But you have me though." Boboiboy pointed at himself.

"Wait? Since when did you have an ability that can track enemies?" Uraraka questioned.

Boboiboy let a soft chuckle. "Since, I have my Cyclone element of course!" His watch glowed in blue light and...

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Cyclone!" He immediately changed into his second-tier wind element.

"BOBOIBOY CYCLONE IS HERE!" The cheery boy mimicked All Might's catchphrase.

"That... That's so cool!" Midoriya shined, quickly taking notes of Cyclone.

"Woah! Isn't this your wind element during your battle with Tokoyami!" Ashido was amazed. This blue wind form was totally strong at that time.

"What's your plan Boboiboy-chan?" Asui asked.

"Well, I can detect enemies using my hoverboard since this enables me to fly around. If any of the teams approached us, then I will immediately inform you!" Cyclone explained.

"That's acceptable since the other teams don't know about your cyclone's abilities." Midoriya nodded.

"Cool!" Cyclone jumped to his hoverboard. "I'll see you in a moment then! Cyclone Surf!" Cyclone created strong winds and immediately launched himself to the sky.

"That elemental ability of his sure is amazing, huh Deku-kun?" Uraraka turned Midoriya but—

"I see. His hoverboard is a new kit that comes with his cyclone form. So, in order for him to fly, Boboiboy uses his wind hoverboard, huh? That hoverboard also benefits him, especially when creating winds like in the semi-final match. The winds he created in this form is also dangerous since it managed to destroy a whole wall. Judging from the rotation of winds much be higher in this form—"

"Deku-kun, you're mumbling again." Urarake stared at him with a blank face.

"Oh! Sorry about that!" Midoriya rubbed the back of his neck. "What did you say again?"

"I said, Boboiboy's elemental power sure is amazing, right? I mean, it keeps getting stronger and stronger. Plus, his elemental quirk has more abilities than we can imagine!" The bubbly girl said, amazed.

"I have to agree! Every time Boboiboy uses his elemental ability, he always managed to surprise us with what he is capable of! Sometimes, I feel like there's no limit to his elemental power!" Ashido continued.

"Boboiboy-chan sure is humble despite having an incredible quirk." This time it was Asui who gave her opinion. "He's also someone who is very respectful and never boasts about his strong quirk to other people."

"Yeah! Usually, someone with a strong quirk would be prideful and egoist. But then, there's Boboiboy! Someone who accepts his weakness and tries to improve himself more." Uraraka continued.

"Yes, you're right! Boboiboy truly is an amazing person!" Midoriya agreed.

"But why do I get this feeling that he's hiding something from us? Not just his powers, but his identity as well?" The owner of the One for All quirk thought.

"No! I can't be suspicious of him!" Midoriya furiously shocked his head. "No matter what, I have to believe him! He's a dear friend of mine!"

"I... I just hope that someday, he would talk more about himself to me." Midoriya hoped for that day to come.


"Well, it seems like Boboiboy learned a few tricks after the internship program," Aizawa commented as he saw Cyclone up in the sky.

"Yes! Young Boboiboy sure has many potentials yet to be discovered!" All Might replied. "And that's a great plan they got there."

"Aizawa, are you okay with such a boring exercise, even though we have Isami students as guests?" The Number 1 Hero suddenly asked.

"It's the time of year where energy and tensions run high in all Hero classes. Especially at this time, avoiding fights and reminding them of patience and self-control is important." The homeroom teacher replied.

"I see. Well, you've got a point..."


"But not everyone's like that." All Might smiled as he watched the survival training unfold.




"With this height, it may be difficult for them to detect me. After all, they still don't know this flying ability of mine." Cyclone whispered as he observed the other teams' situation below.


A huge explosive was heard! A sign Bakugou is looking for his prey aggressively.

"I don't care about hiding! I'll crush them all!" The ash-blonde smirked marching towards Team E, Kaminari's team.

"Ahah— It seems like bomb guy is on the hunt." Cyclone commented from above.

"Bakugou's voice, only one person's footsteps. This means he's alone." Jirou said to her teammates while tracking for sounds using her earphone jack.

"He's coming alone!" Mineta replied.

"Too confident!" Aoyama twinkled, posing dramatically.

"Alright! Let's team upon him!" Kaminari suggested as they now commenced their plan.

Aoyama started by using his navel laser on Bakugou, shooting from the right. Meanwhile, Mineta attacked him using his sticky balls on the left. A perfect combination to take down Bakugou!

However, Bakugou being the sharp person he is, quickly dodges the combination attacks. "A concentrated attack, huh? They know that I'm alone. Then that means—" The ash-blonde whispered.

"Earphone Girl!" Bakugou launched an explosion to the ground causing a loud shock.

"OUCH!" Jirou covered her ears, hurting from the soundwaves she received.

"We got him!" Mineta and Aoyama shouted, ready to attack Bakugou again.

"HOORA!" Bakugou shouted, using his explosion to direct Mineta's sticky balls towards Aoyama. The poor sparkly boy was now trapped in a sticky situation and landed on top of Kaminari and Jirou.

The three of them were now glued together, unable to move.

"Ergh! I can't get free! At least give us a chance!" Kaminari struggled to break free.

"Bakugou, you monster!" Mineta growled.

"You called?" Bakugou appeared behind him with a sinister smile.

And in the end—

Team E was easily defeated by the explosion murderer king.

"I... I'm sorry guys! I'm sorry that I can't help you!" Cyclone comically cried as he was forced to watch his friends getting beaten by Bakugou.

"Eh? Where is he going now?" The blue-themed boy questioned as he silently followed the explosion user.

However, Bakugou killing reign wasn't over as now he attacked Team D, Iida's team.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami tried to defend his team with his shadow quirk.

"Didn't I say— THAT YOU'RE NOTHING TO ME?!" Bakugou swiftly hit Dark Shadow with an explosion, causing the shadow bird to return back to its owner.

"Leave it to me!" Iida ran towards Bakugou, hoping that he can put an end to Bakugou's winning streaks.

Bakugou quickly used his quirk to get away from Iida, dragging the spectacled boy to another place.

A place where trapping tapes were placed on some trees. Yes! A perfect trick he made to trap the fast boy!

"Dammit!" Iida tried to stop, but at last, it was too late.

Meanwhile, Cyclone, on the other hand, closed his eyes as he didn't bear to see another group fall. "Not Iida too! I'm truly sorry that I can't help guys!" He sobbed.

"Bakugou! You're advancing too quickly!" After a moment then finally, his teammates managed to catch the explosive bomb. "Where's the enemy?!"

"I'm already done!" Bakugou pointed at the now taped Team D.

"He defeated eight people alone?" Yaoyorozu gasped in amazement.

"You're too good as an ally!" Kirishima shouted at his face, annoyed that the ash-blonde boy acted on his own.

"Where's the Isamishits?" Bakugou ignored the red-head, searching for Team F.

On the other hand, the Isami students were observing Bakugou's team from afar.

"Ah, they aren't far from Bakugou's team, huh?" Cyclone commented as he spotted the Isami students. Luckily for him, the others didn't realize that he was observing them high in the sky.

"He's back with his team! Distance, 100 meters. Beginning to move." Sekigai reported. Using her quirk, she created a holographic map that allows her to monitor the enemies' movements.

"That Bakugou person is amazing!" Mongoose couldn't help but praise.

"Tch!" Fushimi clicked his tongue.

"They are coming this way!" Sekigai warned them.

"Okay, Tadan! Explode them!" Fujimi instructed the other boy.

"Truthfully, I don't like fighting—" Tadan tried to excuse himself from the fight. However, he only received a glare from Fujimi.

"Distance, 80 meters!" Sekigai reported again which made Tadan flinched in fear.

"Of course! It's for the team! Make them all blind!" The chestnut-haired boy immediately released numerous missiles towards Team B.

"Mi... Missiles?!" Cyclone said in horror. "Not good!" Cyclone quickly rushed towards Bakugou's team.

"BOBOIBOY?! / BOBOIBOY-SAN?! / BOBOIBOY-KUN?!" Kirishima, Yaoyorozu, and Shoji were surprised by the sudden elemental user's appearance.

"What the— WHY YOU ELEMENTAL BASTARD!" Bakugou shouted furiously.

"Sorry, but I'm hurting your pride now Bakugou!" Cyclone replied as he gave a playful wink to him.

"Spinning Storm!" The blue-themed boy then gathered his wind into a tornado and threw Dadan's missiles up to the sky, exploding there.

"What?!" Everyone was shocked by that.

"How... How did he..." Dadan sweated nervously.

"It's the student with the elemental quirk, huh?" The other Isami High students commented.

One thing they wanted to avoid was a fight with the famous elemental quirk user. They saw his potentials and powers live during the UA Sports Festival and deemed that he was a dangerous opponent. To be honest, they expected him to win first place in the festival, but then—

He lost to Todoroki in the semi-final match!

"Those missiles were just flash-bangs, huh" Yaoyorozu commented.

"Nice!" Cyclone praised himself as he managed to protect his friends.

"WHY DID YOU SUDDENLY SAVE US—" Bakugou tried to attack him but Cyclone was faster as he dodged it swiftly using his hoverboard and fly higher.

"Woah! Cool trick man!" Kirishima praised, amazed by the fact that Boboiboy could fly now under his cyclone form.

"Thanks! Oh, by the way..." Cyclone rapidly surfed in the air and approached Bakugou, shocking the explosive user by the sudden move.

"This is for Iida and Kaminari!" The blue-themed boy flicked Bakugou's forehead, loud enough to be heard while shocking the ones near them.

"Ciao!" The wind user quickly ran away before Bakugou could even react to his trick.

"I'LL KILL YOU, ELEMENTAL BASTARD!" Bakugou was now in a murderous mode! How dare that change freak flicked his forehead?! Oh! He's going to pay! Big times!

"Hah! Having your stupid ass saved by your friend, huh? That's pathetic!" Fujimi's voice rang as they were now in front of Team B.

"You're really irritating, you know." Bakugou cracked his knuckle, ready to commence murdering. Forget the elemental bastard for now since he can deal with him anytime!

"I hope you're ready!" Fujimi growled, ready to use his quirk on them.

"Leave it to me!" Mongoose quickly marched forward, using her paralyzed quirk on them.

"Eh?" Team B was immobilized as they were unable to move thanks to the paralyzed quirk.

"Attack now!" Mongoose said to her teammates. However, she was completely shocked when Bakugou jumped before being paralyzed.

"Just three seconds?" Bakugou smirked, now able to move. "What a weak quirk!" He used his explosion and fly towards the Isami students, specifically Fujimi.

"Stop mocking us!" Fujimi couldn't take it anymore.

"I'll kill you!" Bakugou was near him now, ready to punch the pale blue-haired boy.

"Don't underestimate us!" Fujimi released his quirk that was in a form of pink smoke.

"Fujimi! Don't!" Sekigai tried to stop him. However, it was too late Fujimi already released his quirk causing people around him to be exposed to the pink smoke.

"This is?" Yaoyorozu, Kirishima, and Shoji questioned.

"Fujimi you idiot!" The female class president shouted, covering her nose as possible.

"No! Don't breathe it in!" Iida warned the others.

"Eh? Pink smoke?" Cyclone observed from afar. "What happened there?" He was about to check on them but—

"W... WHAT?! (A... APAKAH?!)" The wind user gasped in horror as his body began trembling.





"Huh? What's that?" Uraraka questioned, pointing at the pink gas.

"I don't know but we should stay away from it!" Asui suggested as they moved to a safer place.

"That gas... I read the Isami students' data sheets and apparently one of them—"

"Has a troublesome quirk." The teacher sighed, feeling like something bad had happened. "We should stop this exercise—"

"No." All Might immediately cut him off. "This situation can be called a survival situation. Besides—"

"It's okay!" The hero gave Aizawa a thumbs up, grinning widely. "If things got bad, I'll stop it!"

"I... I'll leave it to you then." The raven-haired teacher replied, hoping that All Might kept his words.

"Todoroki-kun!" Midoriya called the half-cold half-hot user. It seems like his team was also looking somewhere safe from the pink gas.

"Midoriya! Now isn't the time to fight!" Todoroki said, slightly worried since things became a bit quiet after the pink gas was released. "Do you know what that gas is?"

Midoriya gave him an uncertain look. "It's probably one of the Isami students' quirks! I don't know what it does but—"

"EVERYONE!" Cyclone immediately rushed to them, frightened by the dreadful sight he saw.

"BOBOIBOY!" Midoriya and Todoroki shouted. "What happened?" They hurriedly asked the wind user.

"They... They..." Words were stuck on Cyclone's throat.


"THEY TURNED INTO ZOMBIES!" Cyclone yelled causing the others to jolt after hearing this.


"The other teams turned into zombies when they were exposed to the pink gas! And the one who released the gas was Fujimi, one of the Isami High students!" The blue-themed boy explained. He suddenly felt a cold shiver when...


"Z... Zombies!" Everyone (except for Todoroki that is) dreaded. The friendly training exercise had now turned into an awful nightmare!

(Present Mic's voice in the background)

Fujimi Romero: Quirk – Zombie Virus

He spreads his virus around and infects people! Once infected, the victim cannot be damaged! All brain activity also stops! The victims also randomly use their quirks! And they also go, "Aaah!".

Is this really a heroic quirk? This is too dangerous!

"Habuko-chan!" Asui said her best friend's name.

"It's like Boboiboy had said! It's because of the gas! They've been zombified completely!" Midoriya tried to think of a way to return them back.

"MUAHAHAHA!" Fujimi laughed, satisfied that the others were now zombies thanks to his quirk. "What do you think of my quirk?! It's super strong, right?! UA isn't that much—"

However, they all ignored Fujimi's words since their gaze was fixed on a figure that was quietly standing behind him.


"Be... Behind you..." Midoriya and Cyclone stuttered, pointing at 'Bakugou The Zombie'.

Without wasting his valuable time, zombie Bakugou immediately chomped Fujimi's shoulder.

"OHHO MAH GAWD!" The zombie virus owner shouted in agony as he completely turned into a mindless monster himself.

"Really? He's still fighting as a zombie!" Midoriya and Cyclone deadpanned.

"Aaah!" Zombie Fujimi howled.

"He... He turned into a zombie as well! Just like in the movies!" Cyclone was taken back in surprise.

This incident was similar to the zombie movies he once watched with Gopal and Fang! The three of them secretly watched the movies on Fang's spaceship, claiming that none of them would be afraid after watching it. However, thanks to that they couldn't get a glimpse of sleep after watching too much bloodshed and ruthless acts!

From that day on, they swore on their precious life to never watch zombie movies again!

"A... Apparently, if you get bitten by a zombie then the zombie virus will spread inside you as well. What's more—" Midoriya trembled as the situation became dangerous.

"Once you're bitten, you're as good as dead!" Cyclone continued, horrified. "You'll turn as a zombie!"

"If the quirk user is down, there's no way to reverse all of this!" Midoriya continued.

"If that's so, then we will just have to freeze them!" Todoroki used his ice quirk and froze the zombies' legs.

"I'll help you Todoroki!" The elemental watch glowed in light blue. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Ice!" Cheerful Cyclone had now turned into calm Ice.

"Hmmm... It seemed like we're in a lot of trouble here." Ice commented, staring at the zombies with a blank look.

"Please be a little more distressed." The friends replied.

"Sure. Ice Wall!" Ice summoned a big wall of ice, preventing the zombies from getting near them.

"Yes! Nice job there Todoroki and Boboiboy!" The girls cheered.

However, the zombies were too strong as they easily broke off from Todoroki's ice and smashed the wall of ice in front of them.

"They're much stronger now! Just like in the movies!" Midoriya said in fear.

"NO!" Ojiro and Hagakure shouted, now already been bitten by Zombie Kirishima and Zombie Tokoyami.

"Ojiro! Hagakure!" The others could only shout from afar.

"Tch! Even Kouda had become one of them!" Todoroki clicked his tongue.

"Hmmm... It seems like Kouda is still quiet despite being a zombie. That's a mystery." Ice wondered, putting his hand on his chin.

"Hey! What should we do now?!" Ashido asked, worried since only a few of them were humans now.

"Anyways, we should leave now!" Midoriya instructed, running away as quickly as possible.

But then, Asui accidentally tripped. "Kero!"

"Tsuyu-chan! / Asui!" Her friends turned back, trying to rescue her but one of the zombies was already behind the frog hero.

"Not good! Ice Bow!" Ice quickly summoned his bow of ice, aiming that the zombie so that Asui can save herself. "Asui! Run!"

However, Asui didn't move, seeing that her attacker was Mongoose Habuko, her dear best friend from Middle School.

"Habuko-chan..." Asui mumbled her name, sad that her friend had now become a mindless monster.

The Zombie Habuko immediately stopped, tearful eyes fall onto her friend.

"Habuko-chan!" Asui took Mongoose's hands, holding them in a friendly gesture. She knew that even if Habuko-chan had turned into a zombie, she would still remember her as a dear friend.

"The power of friendship, huh?" Ice lowered his weapon, sighed in relief when the snake zombie didn't attack Asui.

"Thank you!" She thanked her. "We'll always be friends—" Asui was cut off by Zombie Aoyama as he bit her, ruining the warm friendship moment.

"Arh!" The others shouted.

"Well, that certainly ruined the moment." Ice commented, sighing again. "Welp! It seems like they're still friends as zombies! That's great, right?" He turned to his friends.

"Can you at least be a little bit horrified by this?" They face-palmed, looking at the cool and calm ice user.

"What do we do now?" Midoriya thought.

"HAHAHA!" All Might's loud voice was heard. It seems like the Number 1 Hero is going to save them now. That's a relief then!

"This voice!" Midoriya beamed.


"I have arrived!" However, it was skinny and fatigued All Might who presented himself.

The situation certainly had become awkward!

Midoriya had turned white, unbelieving that this had to happen when the situation got worst.

Uraraka and Ashido hugged each other as the blonde zombie suddenly jumped out of nowhere.

Todoroki put his hand on his chin, wondering what was truly happening.

And Ice... Well, he....

"Everything is totally not alright." Calmly commented, unfazed by the blood that skinny All Might has coughed.

"Aaah! A stranger turned into a zombie!" The girls screamed, dragging the boys to somewhere that was much safer than there.

"Damn!" Skinny All Might cursed. "I stayed in my muscle form for such a long time that I can't maintain it further!"

"Wait, kids! I'm not a ZOMBIE!" He tried to call them back when suddenly he felt a murderous aura behind him.

"SHIIIIIIIIIT!" The blonde man cursed again, embracing himself for the worst!

However, the zombies just ignored skinny All Might as they passed by him, chasing the other 'survivors' instead.

Well, at least Zombie Sato shared his time by patting his right shoulder in a sympathetic gesture.

"They... They think I'm one of them!" Skinny All Might was dumbfounded with a hint of offended by that.

"But... What do I do about this?" He then remembered his promise to Aizawa.

Meanwhile with Aizawa—

"I'll leave this to you and I surely hope you can handle this." He said, watching the clear sky.


After a long run, Midoriya, Todoroki, Ice, Uraraka, and Ashido sheltered in a cave, hoping that this might save them from the zombie apocalypse.

Todoroki immediately used his ice quirk and covered the only exit. "I guess, we'll be fine for now!"

"I can finally breathe!" Uraraka dropped.

"Midoriya, how long do you think that zombie quirk can last?" Todoroki questioned.

"The gas was clearing, so I'm sure it will go away eventually, but I don't know how long that will take—" The greenette replied.

"I'm sure that if it gets too dangerous the teachers will save us!" Uraraka tried to brighten the situation.

"If only—" Midoriya face-palmed, remembering the skinny teacher who did try to save them.

"Boboiboy, how did the protagonist in zombie movies escape?" The girls turned to the light blue-themed boy.

"Well— They all died." Ice answered, shocking the girls. "But then, some of the protagonists did survive, but only suffered from a long-time trauma. Like in Train to B—"

"That's probably enough Boboiboy." Midoriya immediately stopped him.

Suddenly, they heard a loud bang! Apparently, the zombies were trying to destroy Todoroki's ice in order to catch them.

"They're here!" Todoroki warned them.

"Ice Wall!" Ice quickly made another wall of ice, this time thicker than the previous one. "We'll be overrun if this continues!"

"Todoroki-kun! Boboiboy-kun! Get ready to use your flames!" Midoriya quickly instructed the flame users.

"A frontal breakthrough, huh?" Todoroki and Ice replied. Sounds like a nice plan to them!

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Blaze!" Ice changed Blaze, the aggressive fire user.

"Let's get them, Mr. Hot-Shot!" Blaze turned to Todoroki while Todoroki nodded.

"Yeah! If we can't fall back, then we can only go forwards! I'll make an escape route! Those zombies can't be damaged! If I blow them away with ice, we can escape then!" Midoriya replied, activating his quirk.

"One for All: Full Cowling!"

"Get ready, Midoriya!" Todoroki and Blaze ignited their flames.

"Blazing Fire!" Blaze concentrated fire at his hands and released them towards the ice together with Todoroki.

Slowly, the ice started to melt, releasing a lot of water vapor as it thins, and when the time is right—

"Now!" They both instructed Midoriya.

"SMASH!" Midoriya punched the thin ice wall, penetrates it while creating an airy explosion. "Everyone! Let's get out of—"

"What?! WHAT'S GOING ON HERE?!" The now normal and human students asked in pure shock while falling helplessly on the ground.

Apparently, Midoriya had sent them all flying just now with the frontal breakthrough.

"They turned back normal?! I... I'M SO SORRY!" The green-head panickily apologized.

"Uwah! Flying fried human zombies! Nice one Midoriya!" Blaze gave him a thumbs-up, grinning widely.


"Hey, shitnerd!" Bakugou yelled his name, annoyed. "You wanna fight with me? Sounds fun!" His eyes burned murderously.

"No! You've got it wrong!" Midoriya tried to defend himself, but Bakugou just wouldn't listen to him.

"I'LL CRUSH YOU WITH EVERYTHING I'VE GOT!" The explosive user propelled himself, using his strongest move on his arsenal on poor-victimized Midoriya.


A large explosion occurred after that, leaving a huge impact on the training exercise.

"What a huge mess—" Aizawa sighed in defeat. This will be so troublesome to handle!


"Everyone! We're so sorry that this happened!" Sekigai bowed, asking for an apology. Today was truly a bitter experience for them.

"Don't worry about it!" Yaoyorozu tried to assure her.

"We too ask for your forgiveness!" Iida bowed. This incident probably wouldn't happen if the two individuals weren't so prided to prove who was much better in a fight!

"Bakugou, you apologize too!" Iida turned to Bakugou.

"Fuijimi, you too!" Sekigai reprimanded her classmate.

"APOLOGIZE!" They shouted as the two boys didn't say a thing besides glaring at each other.

"TCH!" The stubborn boys clicked their tongues since they would rather die than admit that they were at fault for this incident.

"Habuko-chan! I'm so glad I got to met you again!" Asui said happily, despite getting injured in today's exercise.

"Me too, Tsuyu-chan! We got turned into zombies and get hurt—" Mongoose replied.

"But it was really fun!" They finished and giggled.

"Habuko-chan! Let's both work hard and become great pro-heroes!" Asui hugged her friend.

"Yes! Absolutely!" Mongoose replied as she returned her hug. "By the way, can I ask you a favor Tsuyu-chan?"

Asui titled her head, hearing her friend's request.

"Can you say, "Thank you for not being afraid of me." to Boboiboy-san?" The girl continued.

"Sure!" Asui nodded. "I'll tell him as soon as I can!"


"Midoriya, my boy. I'm so sorry I couldn't stop it—" All Might sweated nervously. 

"Cake?" offered the boy various types of sweets as an apology gift.

"I... I can't eat..." Midoriya painfully cried.

"Don't worry Midoriya! I'll help you if you need something!" Boboiboy replied, worried about his friend's condition since Midoriya was full of bandages at the moment.

Among all of them, Midoriya's injury was probably the heaviest since he received a major hit from the hot-headed Bakugou.

"Hmmm... It seems like I got a lot of explaining to do." Aizawa sighed. He seriously has to call Midoriya's mother after this.

And now, he really regretted that he trusted the blonde hero—



"BOBOIBOY!" Amato called his son's name, suddenly appeared in the infirmary room.

"DAD?!" The elemental user was puzzled that his father was here and more importantly he came with his apron on which caused Boboiboy to be slightly embarrassed at the sight before him.

"Eh? Mechamato?" All Might and Aizawa questioned why the foreign pro-hero was at UA. "What's with the clothes though?" They couldn't help but to question.

"Ah! Now I see their resemblance!" All Might whispered as his gaze falls onto Amato's and Boboiboy's white hair strand.

"Mechamato-san—" Midoriya cried, feeling pitiful since the hero saw him in this state.

"No... No..." Amato shook his head. "For today I'll be the modern father, Amato. Not pro-hero, Mechamato." He stood proudly as he introduced himself as Boboiboy's father.

"You're too bright—" The teachers commented his fatherly aura while Boboiboy face-palmed.

"Why are you here, dad? You know strangers aren't allowed to enter the school's ground." Boboiboy asked his father. "And why did you bring a broom here?" He pointed out the broom on Amato's right hand.

"Why this broom here can turn into a lethal weapon, my boy," Amato replied. "Trust me, it's lethal enough that it can turn into a huge blaster!"

"I see—" They looked at him, dead-panned.

"Now— WHERE'S THE ZOMBIES?! HOW DARE THEY HARM MY SON AND HIS FRIENDS!" Amato roared angrily, ready to fight them.

"Th... Thank you!" Midoriya cried again. This time in tears of joy since the hero wanted to defend him without him asking for it.

"How did you know about that?!" The others shouted.

"Well, a little loud and yellow birdie told me about this," Amato replied coolly.

"Ah— It's Present Mic's doing, huh?" They whispered as they gave Amato a blank look. 


Boboiboy let a soft chuckle. Today was a memorable day indeed!

He said his catchphrase while giving them a thumbs up. 

"Hehe... Awesome! (Terbaik!)" 





StarTwinkle here! 

Yes! Double update from me! (。・∀・)ノ゙

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

Okay, the exam arc will officially begin at Chapter 22! 

Btw, Training of the Dead was totally one of my favorite OVAs in the anime! That's why I included this in my book! 

Amato being a worried plus silly father when it comes to Boboiboy, huh?

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


I received a wonderful fanart from Xx_Tundra_M00n_xX

Really a talented artist! Don't forget to check on her books! It's awesome!

Sorry that I posted this late! Trust me, I tend to forget things--

Anyway, I totally love this! Thank you so much for this!

There's more!

Boboiboy truly does know how to kill us using his...








Yes! you can imagine this as StarTwinkle! (✿◡‿◡)


Here's an awesome video to watch!




StarTwinkle 🌟

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