Chapter 23 - FINAL EXAM (PART 2)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you! 


"Oh dear, it's only the first match and I already have work." Recovery Girl sighed, heading towards the two students.

"A... Amazing!" Midoriya and Uraraka gasped. The first battle was a one-sided battle indeed! Neither Kirishima nor Kaminari managed to land an attack on Mechamato and what's worst they both failed in the practical exam.

"Mechamato's quirk is strong Boboiboy." Midoriya said to his friend.

"Yeah." He gave Midoriya a quick reply. "And he's not even using half of his power. Mechabot's ability is much greater than that." Boboiboy whispered to himself.

"The possibility of us passing the exam is really low, huh?" Midoriya commented while Boboiboy nodded.

"And what's worst, we're up against All Might, The Number 1 Hero."




"You were being too easy on them Mechamato." Present Mic said as soon as Amato entered the teacher's monitor room.

"I just wanted to know how capable they are during battle. I have to say for teamwork they scored an A! However, C on their quirk application during battle though." Amato replied and sat next to All Might.

"Ah, wonderful observation!" All Might praised.

"Thank you." Amato replied, smiling.

"It seems like picking you as the external examiner was a good choice then!" Principal Nezu jumped onto Amato's shoulder, much like when he did with Aizawa.

"It's an honour to be examining the student. By the way, I have a question... Why did UA decide to make a big change on the practical exam?" The armoured hero couldn't help but ask.



A Few Days Ago

"With the connection between the Hero Killer, Stain and the League of Villains there's a possibility that the villains will be reinvigorated, huh?" The UA principal sighed after reading the reports about the villains' attack going on nowadays.

"If we consider how fights against villains will continue to intensify in today's society, then combat training against robots isn't practical anymore." Snipe commented.

"Originally, robots were used to avoid complaints about people being injured in the entrance exams." The shooting hero continued.

"We can just ignore those. Let them say what they want." Aizawa replied.

"You know we can't exactly do that now, can we?" Midnight turned to the lazy teacher, worried that the erasing hero might actually do that.

"I understand why you want to change the exam but having the students fight us in teams of two or three is a bit unfair in my opinion." Cementoss voiced his thoughts.

"If we win too easily, we won't be able to give them grades. Isn't that too harsh?" Present Mic continued.

"Of course, we would take that into consideration and give the students a handicap." Snipe replied.

"Principal, what do you think?" Aizawa asked.

"Of course, I also agree with changing the practical exam. What should we do to keep the students from being in even more danger? The answer is simple..."

"We must have the students themselves become stronger!" Principal Nezu replied while the teachers nodded in agreement.

"How about the teams then?" Midnight asked.

"First we will start with the teams of three that will be Midoriya, Bakugou, and Boboiboy. I'm leaving in your hands All Might." Aizawa explained, shifting his gaze towards The Number 1 Hero.

"Me?" All Might slightly question.

"You really like Midoriya, right? And I didn't pair up Midoriya and Bakugou based on their ability or grades." Aizawa sighed. "The reason they got teamed up is because of how badly they get along." The homeroom teacher explained.

"Furthermore, I added Boboiboy to their team because maybe... just maybe he could stabilize the intense situation between those two. Besides, Bakugou does view him as a rival while he's also one of Midoriya's closest friends."

"Ah, the elemental boy is being sacrificed for the sake of 'getting along', huh?" Present Mic teased Aizawa a bit. He just hoped Aizawa's decision was right on this.

"Sorry, but it had to be done..." Aizawa replied.

"I see..." All Might nodded. "I'll do my best."


"Changing the practical exam was an excellent idea indeed." Amato nodded, agreeing. "We need the students to become even stronger now that the crime is on the rise."

"Your acceptance about this is truly valuable Mechamato-san since Boboiboy is also one of the UA students." Principal Nezu replied.

"He's my SON, principal. I'm sure he can handle this. I mean, he's been 'training' since the age of 10." Amato confidently replied as he tried his best to conceal the proud father vibes.

"Hmmm.... No wonder he's good at combat and using his elemental quirk." Aizawa commented seeing that hero ability Boboiboy was almost perfect during hero and rescue training.

"Such a doting father you are Mechamato-san!" Midnight squealed. The father and son bond between Mechamato and Boboiboy was too sweet for her to handle.

"FINALLY! Someone who saw my worth as Boboiboy's father!" Amato internally shouted.

"Thank you." Amato replied and turned back to the screen, watching the second match.


Second Battle

"Team Tokoyami and Asui, practical exam. Ready, go!"

As soon as the exam starts, Ectoplasm immediately made tons of clones of himself.

"I forgot to tell you... We, teachers, are also trying to crush you with everything we have. Luckily, I'm not as kind as the first examiner. Let's put an end to this right now." Without warning Ectoplasm's attacked them.

"Go, Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami instructed the shadow bird earning an, "All Right!" from his quirk. Dark Shadow quickly protected them from the clones.

"Asui, I'm throwing you!" Tokoyami warned as Dark Shadow threw her high.

"Tokoyami-chan!" Asui then used her long froglike tongue and pulled him away from the clones.

"Good thing we figured this out beforehand." The frog hero commented, running towards the finish line.

You see, the two of them planned to use their respective powers to aid each other in running away from the teacher rather than face him head-on. The pair decided that it was best to use their brains rather than brawn in order to win the fight against Ectoplasm.

"So, you're running, huh?" Ectoplasm said as he created more clones.

(Present Mic's voice in the background)

Ectoplasm – Quirk: Clones

He produces ectoplasm from his mouth which he turns into clones of himself that he can put anywhere! He can produce about 30 at once. But apparently, after singing two or three songs at karaoke, he can produce about 36!

"Their teamwork is superb!" Boboiboy praised.

"An escape only those two could pull off!" Midoriya continued beside him.

"Communication skills. In this society, it's a simple but important skill for heroes to have." Recovery Girl said to them.

"Umm... I have a question. Even though this is an exam each student is being made to deal with their weakness on purpose, right?" Midoriya asked the hero.

"That's right." The hero answered.

"I wonder what Tokoyami and Asui have to work on. I can't imagine Ectoplasm-sensei's quirk being a bad match-up for theirs."

"No, it's bad Midoriya. For Tokoyami that is..." Boboiboy replied, observing the screen. From his perception, he knew Tokoyami was struggling at the moment.

"Tokoyami Fumikage's strength is his quirk attack and the rage that lets him keep his distance." The hero explained.

"However, Tokoyami has one critical weakness in that he can't defend himself without Dark Shadow and that puts him at a disadvantage without Tsuyu covering his back. Right?" Boboiboy continued.

The elemental user once fought with the Dark Shadow user and he noticed that Tokoyami was struggling to defend himself when his secondary fire element tried to attack him in close combat. He could also tell that Bakugou knew this as well and use it as a hidden weapon to defeat Tokoyami during the training practice with the Isami High students.

"Good eye you have there Boboiboy." Recovery Girl praised him a bit.

"Who knew that Tokoyami had such a weakness." Uraraka said.

"I see." Midoriya nodded. "With Ectoplasm's quirk he can create many versions of himself as he desired and those clones can appear unexpectedly too."

"That's must be the reason why Tokoyami s being paired by Tsuyu-chan!" Uraraka commented.

"Exactly. You see Asui here is an excellent student with no clear weakness. Therefore, she must provide support to her ally. Besides, her ability to keep calm can provide emotional support to others in crisis." The hero explained.

"That was the 28th one." Tokoyami said as Dark Shadow defeated the clones.

"Tokoyami-chan, I can see the goal and that's probably sensei's real body." Asui pointed at the escape gate where the real Ectoplasm was guarding it.

"Good job getting past all the others." Ectoplasm praised those two. However...

"But what'll you do against this?" He revealed his trump card in which he created a huge clone. So huge that it almost rivalled Mount Lady in her giant form.

"Giant Bite Detention!" The huge clone attacked Tokoyami and Asui and managed to trap them.

Midoriya, Uraraka, and Boboiboy were in horror. Who knew that Ectoplasm would use his big move on Tokoyami and Asui!

The practical exam became much scarier now!

"I can't put out clones now but as long as I can see you, then this one will be enough." Ectoplasm said to the trapped students. "Only I can release my clones. Now, what will you do?"

"What an all-powerful quirk." Tokoyami said, struggling to break free.

"I'm the same!" Dark Shadow proudly replied to his owner.

"Dark Shadow, you at least need to get through the gate!" Tokoyami instructed.

"Got it!" The shadow quirk replied, heading towards Ectoplasm and engaging in a battle for victory.

However, being a pro-hero Ectoplasm easily over-powered Dark Shadow in the combat battle. The shadow bird tried it's best to land a punch on the teacher but Ectoplasm easily dodged it with powerful kicks.

"He can't go through against a pro head-on, huh?" Tokoyami said.

"But if he can reach, then we have a chance. Have Dark Shadow take this, Tokoyami-chan." Asui replied.

If they can't defeat Ectoplasm then maybe they had to resort to trickery in order to pass the practical exam.

"Don't look closely since sensei might notice and besides.... It's really gross." Asui told him. Just now, without Ectoplasm realizing it she swallowed the handcuffs and stored it in her stomach. This is something she can do with the help of her quirk that can take things in and out of her stomach. A handy ability during dire situations.

Very cunning of her to come out with such an idea, right?

"Can you keep this up until time runs out? What I want is the shine of heroes who can do away with adversity." The cloning teacher said as he battled Dark Shadow. Kick after kick was landed on the shadow bird. However, Dark Shadow being the strong-willed quirk he is kept on fighting like there's no tomorrow.

"Dark Shadow!" Tokoyami called him and returned back, secretly taking the handcuffs from Asui.

"Calm down. It's fine because Tokoyami-chan and Dark Shadow are strong." The green-haired girl encouraged.

Once again Dark Shadow attacked Ectoplasm, specifically his legs. A huge blow was heard after that.

Did Dark Shadow succeed?

"If we became unable to move then this would be the only way to win." Asui said as the shadow bird managed to place the handcuffs on one of Ectoplasm's leg, winning the match between the teacher.

"I see." Ectoplasm replied. Who knew Asui and Tokoyami managed to trick him? The kind of trickery that nets them a win and a passing grade.

"He's been handcuffed!" Uraraka jumped happily.

"They passed!" Boboiboy commented, happy for Tokoyamo and Asui.

"Dark Shadow and Frog! They were able to use both their quirks well together!" Midoriya cheered.

"That was wonderfully clever. You two deserved to be commented." Ectoplasm praised them. He was really impressed with their amazing performance.

"I am delighted." Tokoyami bowed while Asui smiled happily.

"It was all thanks to me, right?" Dark Shadow appeared, proud of his work that scored them their victory.

Team Tokoyami and Asui have passed!


Teacher's Monitor Room

"Well, it seems like Tokoyami and Asui had done well." Aizawa commented.

"Yeah, who knew they out-smarted Ectoplasm. A very good job indeed." Present Mic praised.

"Well, they are certainly promising heroes." Amato replied.

"I'm back." Ectoplasm said as soon as he entered the monitor room.

"Good job there." Principal Nezu said to the teacher.

"It was nothing and besides they well-deserved the victory." Ectoplasm replied, sitting.

The teachers plus Amato were ready to evaluate the third battle when...

"Hey! How about me and you become singing buddies?"

Krik... Krik... Krik...

Ahem... Awkward...

It was Mechabot and his crazy ideas again! And because of that all of the teacher's attention fell onto the armoured hero.

"Eh... Eh? I didn't know you enjoy karaoke as well Mechamato-san." Ectoplasm slowly turned to Amato.

"HAHAHA! Whoops! That came out of nowhere! Sorry about that..." Amato nervously chuckled.

"AH! YOU'RE BRINGING TROUBLE TO ME AGAIN MECHABOT!" The hero inwardly shouted, irritated at his partner.

"Do I look like I care?" Mechabot replied as if he could read Amato's mind.

"Karaoke together? That sounds lovely Mechamato-san!" Midnight replied.

"Well, this conversation suddenly changed course..." Aizawa commented.

"Karaoke?! Well, count me in!" Present Mic shouted.

"Yes, karaoke is the best med after working so hard." Cementoss replied.

"HAHAHA! I WILL JOIN AS WELL!" All Might gave Amato a thumbs up.

"We should invite the other teachers as well." Snipe said.

"Alright! I'll text them right away!" Midnight eagerly volunteered.

"Can I excuse myself from that—" Aizawa sighed since he would rather be sleeping then 'hanging out'.

"NO!" The others denied.

"Geez, what a pain in the neck." The raven-haired teacher sighed again.

Meanwhile, Amato sat quietly as the UA teachers planned for the now karaoke party.

"Ah... What did I get myself into?" Amato questioned, lowering his head in defeat.

"Hey! Heroes needs to have fun once in a while, right?" Mechabot said to him in a low whisper.


Third Battle

"Team Iida and Ojiro, practical exam. Ready, go!"

Iida and Ojiro are up next, going against Power Loader. They're backed into a corner since neither can really harm him and they need to run to the goal.

"We're running out of places to stand..." Iida commented as Power Loader has set pitfalls all over the ground in order to trap them.

"What should we do, Class Rep?" Ojiro turned to the engine quirk user.

"The current topography gives our opponent an advantage. In order to keep the damage down to a minimum and defeat him, I think going to find a hero with a quirk advantageous against our opponent is the best choice!" Iida said.

"In other words, we should run, right?" Ojiro replied.

"Exactly." Iida nodded. "Therefore..."


Ojiro was forced to piggyback Iida and yes... This is their fusion form.

"This... This is really embarrassing..." The blonde martial arts boy sweat-drop.

"Here we go! Recipro Burst!" Iida ran at full speed despite the unstable ground.

"We're going faster than the holes are forming. If we keep going like this—" Ojiro said but then...

"Kekeke! I wonder?" Power Loader chuckled. In front of them was a giant pitfall that he made a moment ago.

"We're going to fall!" Ojiro shouted.

"Find the best solution, Tenya! What would Midoriya-kun and Boboiboy-kun do if they were in my situation!" Iida mumbled. Then he had an idea!

The engine hero jumped and—

"Wrap your tail around my leg!" He instructed Ojiro to which the other immediately followed.

"Recipro Extend!" Iida used his special move and tossed the tailed hero to the exit line. Ojiro then used his tail and dodged Power Loader's attacks as he secured a victory for him and Iida.

"That's amazing!" Uraraka said.

"Yes! They passed!" Midoriya and Boboiboy high-fived while remembering Iida's words.

"I will once again walk on the path to becoming a hero!"

"You're so cool, Iida!" The two boys said, returning back to the screen.

"It was kind of forceful, but it didn't take long and you were quick-witted enough to get your friend out. Not bad, you pass." Power Loader praised them.

"Thank you, sir!" Iida and Ojiro politely bowed, thanking the teacher.

Team Iida and Ojiro have passed!


Monitor Room

"Iida! Ojiro! Congratulations on passing the exam!" They congratulated as soon as those two entered the room.

"Thank you!" Both Iida and Ojiro replied.

"Iida you were amazing!" Midoriya and Boboiboy couldn't help but be proud of their friend.

"I was just doing what's best for winning." Iida smiled at them.

"Yo! Congrats on winning!" Kirishima and Kaminari joined not long after that. Despite failing the practical exam, both of them were pretty cheerful and calm.

"Kirishima... Kaminari..." The cinnamon buns mumbled.

"We're the ones who failed and why are you crying?" Kirishima chuckled, positive as ever.

"Yeah! I know we failed but that doesn't mean it's the end of the road for us, right?" Kaminari grinned, hands behind his head.

"Yeah! That means we have to work even harder from now on!" Kirishima continued, giving them a thumbs-up.

"And besides... That father of yours is a really strong hero Boboiboy! No wonder you're strong too, you got that trait from Mechamato-san." Kaminari replied, pinching Boboiboy's cheeks.

"Like father like son, huh?" Kirishima joined Kaminari, probably unleashing his frustration on the elemental user.

"Midoriya... Help! I'm being bullied!" Boboiboy asked for help while Midoriya just chuckled.

"Next, is the fourth battle, huh? Todoroki and Yaoyorozu against Aizawa-sensei." Iida looked at the screen as the fourth battle was about to start.

"Do your best Todoroki-kun / Todoroki!" Midoriya and Boboiboy inwardly said, cheering for their half-cold half-hot friend.


Fourth Battle

"Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"Yaoyorozu! It doesn't matter what you make. Just keep creating some small objects. When you can't make them anymore, then that means Aizawa-sensei is close." Todoroki said to Yaoyorozu since her quirk will shut off due to Aizawa's erasing quirk.

"This exam will depend on who finds the other first! Once we can see him, I'll draw him to me." Todoroki continued. However, his partner was feeling slightly unmotivated since she didn't make something with her creating quirk.

"What's wrong?" He turned to her.

"No... Nothing." She replied as they continued running.

"Yaoyorozu, I said to make something, but what are those?" Todoroki pointed at the small dolls.

"Russian matryoshka dolls." The raven-haired girl replied.

"I see. Let me know if you notice anything strange with your quirk." He said, activating his ice quirk.

"I expect nothing less from you, Todoroki-san. You were able to come up with a plan to use against Aizawa-sensei so quickly and you were able to determine what would be best at once." Yaoyorozu said, now stopping.

"It's nothing special." Todoroki replied.

"Nothing special, huh? As students who got into UA through recommendations, we started from the same place but in terms of the practical skills a hero needs, I haven't done anything that stands out." Yaoyorozu, looking down.

"During the cavalry battle, I just did what you said. In my own fight, I lost before I could do anything against Tokoyami.

"Is it me or why does Yaoyorozu look so down?" Boboiboy said. "It's like she lost her confidence or something."

Midoriya nodded. "You're not the only one, I noticed that as well."

"Yaoyorozu, your matryoshkas..." Todoroki noticed that Yaoyorozu had stopped producing the dolls meaning that...

"He's coming!"


"If you realize that, then you should immediately start acting!" Aizawa said, hanging upside down above them like a spider-man.

"Tch!" Todoroki clicked his tongue.

"In this case, you should prioritize evasion since I stole a march on you!" Aizawa's eyes shined in red, a sign that he was activating his quirk.

"Yaoyorozu, go!" Todoroki tried to distract him while she runs away. That was best for now!

Yaoyorozu quickly followed while Aizawa wrapped Todoroki with his steel wire alloy woven scarf, tying the boy up high.

"So that's the plan, huh? Either way, I'd been planning to catch you first since you're the offence." Aizawa said.

"You think you've caught me? I can burn or freeze these restraints in an instant—"

"I don't care which you do. Just be careful of where you fall." Aizawa puts a bunch of caltrops below Todoroki.

"Caltrops? What are you, a ninja?" The half-cold half hot user asked in sarcasm.

"Probably, and this ninja was forced by his co-workers to go karaoke this weekend." Aizawa replied.

"It's different from the time with the Hero Killer. I know the quirks and numbers of heroes. I'm perfectly prepared to intercept you. Your plan places the burden pretty heavily on yourself. It's nice to try and be considerate to the girl, but maybe you should've talked it over more." Aizawa lectured him before he proceeded in chasing after Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu ran as fast as she could.

"How much farther until the escape gate?"

"Is there a shorter route?"

"Is Todoroki all right?"

"Is this okay?"

"Will I be able to get out like this?"

"Where am I running?"

"What should I do?"

Many questions were playing inside of her head. Yaoyorozu was probably panicking now since she can't decide what to do. Her thoughts raced as she doubts herself.

"Ever since the sports festival, she'd obviously lost confidence." Aizawa was getting closer to her.

The teacher immediately binds her arms with the scarf. Finally, capturing her.

"What? My quirk is not erased? Creation!" Yaoyorozu quickly used her quirk, creating something on her arm so that she could slip from the binding cloth.

"Against a teacher, I don't have a chance! I'm sorry Todoroki-san!" She said and ended up running back to Todoroki.

"She's comparing herself to Todoroki, huh? This is bad. She becomes unable to have confidence in her own thinking now." Aizawa commented as he chased her.

"Todoroki-san!" Yaoyorozu called, finally arriving back to him. "I'm sorry, I couldn't—"

"Hey! Aizawa-sensei is coming!" Todoroki warned.

"Eh? What should I do?"



"Tell me! What should I do?!" Yaoyorozu nervously ponders whether she's making the right choices or not.

"Yaoyorozu! Sorry, I wasn't listening to you just now but you've got a plan, right?" He asked.

"I... I do! But your plan didn't work, so how could my idea..." Yaoyorozu replied.

"It's fine! I'm saying that you're the one more suited to this stuff!" Todoroki said. Finally, he understood what Aizawa-sensei was talking about just now.

"When we were voting for class rep, you had two votes, right? One of those was mine! Because I thought you'd be good at it!" Todoroki gives her some encouragement, hoping that Yaoyorozu might recover her confidence back!

"Disgraceful... So disgraceful." The raven-haired girl finally pulled herself up after hearing those words.

"Are you done now?" Aizawa asked, getting closer to her.

"Todoroki-san, close your eyes!" She said as she threw her Russian dolls at Aizawa only to be revealed that those dolls had flash-grenades in them.

"Flash-grenades?" The erasing hero seems to stop for a while since the flash was so strong that it affected his eyes. He can use his quirk!

"Todoroki-san! I do have an idea! A special operation just to beat Aizawa-sensei!" Yaoyorozu used the opening to free Shoto slowly, avoid the caltrops below.

"I have been thinking about this at the beginning!" She replied with confidence.

"Sure! Just tell me about it!" Todoroki was about to use his fire quirk on Aizawa but the teacher quickly erased it.

"It's been erased, huh?" Todoroki said.

"Todoroki-san, let's hide!" They quickly ran away.

"Aizawa-sensei's eyes have become a bit unstable! So, for now, we must get out of his field of vision! It's just a matter of time... We can win!" Yaoyorozu replied.

"Todoroki-san, please keep checking if you can use your ice quirk!" She instructed as they kept running.

"I'm going to catch you!" Aizawa was behind them now, using his cloth once again to catch them.

"Thinking that we can't use our quirks is a bad assumption to make. There will definitely be a single moment! An interval of time when Aizawa-sensei blinks before he can look at us again!" Yaoyorozu said.

True to her words, Aizawa blinked, deactivating his quirk on them.

"Here it is!" Todoroki said as he can now use his ice quirk.

"You can pull it off at that moment, right? That giant ice wall you showed us at the sports festival!" Yaoyorozu said as Todoroki created an enormous ice glacier between them, blocking Aizawa's view from them.

"I blocked him with the wall the moment my quirk came back." Todoroki activated his fire quirk, melting the frostbite he got due to unleashing a big-scaled ice attack.

"Now that we can use our quirk, tell me the rest of the plan while we—" He slowly turned back but quickly shifted his gaze away when Yaoyorozu was currently 'activating' her creation quirk.

"Aizawa-sensei's weapon?" Todoroki asked when he realized what Yaoyorozu was making.

"Yeah, but I don't know what it's made of or details of how it's made, so it's not exactly the same as his. However, I made my own version with a certain material woven to it." She replied.

"Since this is a residential area, then we must keep the damage to a minimum. Besides, he moves quickly with those restraining bonds, making him hard to catch. So, I believe that this plan has a higher chance of succeeding than trying to escape from Aizawa-sensei." Yaoyorozu explained, pointing at the catapult and woven-weapon she made.

"I see. No, complaints here." Todoroki followed, believing in Yaoyorozu.

"The escape gate is behind me. So, it'll be better to watch their approach carefully than to try and chase them." The hero looked around, in case that Yaoyorozu and Todoroki might sneak an attack on him.

Finally, the teacher realized that the students were on the move. "Cloth, huh?" He said as they covered themselves with dark robes.

"That won't work you know!" He used his scarf on them, stopping them.

However, the upper bodies were actually mannequins, causing Aizawa to fall into their trap.

"There's one thing to do!" The raven-haired girl said as she tried to launch the catapult but unfortunately, she missed.

"A catapult?" Aizawa jumped away from them.

"Not this time!" Yaoyorozu acted fast, launching again, and tossed the clothes she made at Aizawa.

"A diversion?" Aizawa questioned.

"Todoroki-san! Blast your flames low!" She gave Todoroki a signal while Todoroki unleashed his flames on the woven-cloth that Yaoyorozu created.

"I don't know if we can beat sensei in a battle of quirks. That's why..."

"Have you heard of nitinol alloy? When heated, it returns to its original shape in an instant. It's a shape memory alloy!" Yaoyorozu said as the cloth completely restrained Aizawa, immobilizing him.

The students immediately handcuffed their homeroom teacher, securing a win in their battle.

"It went exactly according to your plan, but didn't it go a little too smoothly?" Todoroki asked.

"Honestly, it is inexplicable. When I was about to launch the catapult, I made a mistake." Yaoyorozu explained.

"Sensei noticed that but still jumped away. Even though, sensei could have stopped it in that opening. It looked like sensei was allowing himself to be taken in by my plan on purpose." She gave Aizawa a sad look.

"I was just being careful of Todoroki next to you. I could see you, but Todoroki had a cloth over him. So, I'd thought he'd freeze me. I backed off, thinking that was the best course of action, and then played right into your hands." The teacher backs himself up.

"It really was only a matter of time, like you said... Thanks." Todoroki thanked her while Yaoyorozu was brought to tears.

"What's wrong? Do you feel sick?" He asked the crying girl.

"It's... It's nothing." Yaoyorozu turned away.

"If you feel nauseous, there's a pressure point on the instep of your foot—" Todoroki tried to help or at least tried to understand her at this point but...

He's really clueless, huh?

"I said, it's nothing!" Yaoyorozu replied, this time in a serious tone.

Team Todoroki and Yaoyorozu have passed!


Fifth Battle

"Team Uraraka and Aoyama, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"We were so close!" Uraraka groaned. They were currently against Thirteen, whose quirk was to create black-holes that sucks in objects inside of it.

"Oh no! I won't let you get away!" Thirteen said to them.

"This isn't good! We'll get caught! Think! Think about how to get out of this! What would Deku-kun do in a time like this?!" Uraraka tried her best to think of an idea.

While her partner...

"Hey!" Aoyama called her.

"Not right now! I'm thinking—"

"You were thinking about what Midoriya Izuku would do, weren't you?" Aoyama dropped the question like a bomb and...

"Huh?" Uraraka gave him a questioned look.


"Do you like him?" The sparkly boy continued asking. However, this was just a trick by sacrificing the bubbly girl for victory.

. . . . . . .

"HUH?!" Uraraka who fell for Aoyama's trick blushed after hearing that as she released her hold on the metal bar and fell back towards the teacher.

"EH?!" She tried her best not to get sucked into Thirteen's quirk but this just created an opening for them to use.

Oh-ho... Very cunning Aoyama!

"What?!" Thirteen immediately shuts her quirk as she didn't want to hurt the young girl.

"You should not fight on your opponent's field but on your own field, see?" Gunhead's words suddenly came into the brown-haired girl's mind as she...

Turned into pro Gunhead martial arts Uraraka-sams within a minute.

Uraraka swung a fist at the hero in which Thirteen managed to dodge. However, she used this opportunity to push Thirteen down taking her right arm.

Thirteen was about to counter-attack when Aoyama rushed to Uraraka's side with his navel laser and locked Thirteen left arms, immobilizing her.

Uraraka then took out the handcuffs and secured a passing grade for them by hand-cuffing Thirteen on the right arm.

"What I learned with Gunhead just happened to come in handy right now!" Uraraka said.

Team Uraraka and Aoyama have passed!


Monitor Room

"Nice judgment, Uraraka! I can't believe she thought to use her opponents' power to get in close!" Midoriya said.

"Really?" Boboiboy titled his head a bit, wondering. "To me, it looked like Uraraka just happened to let go, though..."

"I agree with Boboiboy-chan." Asui nodded.

"Really?" Midoriya questioned.

"Maybe but I wonder what she was talking about with Aoyama right before she let go?" Boboiboy answered.

"Eh? Midoriya-san? Boboiboy-san? You two are here?" Yaoyorozu called them, entering the monitor room with Todoroki.

"Yeah... We were supposed to come up with a plan as a team but... Kacchan is being Kacchan again." Midoriya let a nervous laugh.

Boboiboy sighed. "He refused to talk with us and left without telling." The elemental user continued.

"I see..." Yaoyorozu swear-drop.

"Oh, by the way, congrats on passing the practical exam!" Midoriya and Boboiboy congratulated.

"Thanks." Todoroki said, smiling softly at those two.

However, he was worried since Bakugou wasn't cooperating well with his team. He could tell that Midoriya and Boboiboy were anxious at the moment.

Defeating All Might wasn't an easy task you know...


Sixth Battle

"Team Sato and Ashido, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"Sato-kun! Let's do our best to win this!" Ashido jumped, feeling pump up!

"Right!" Sato nodded as he activated his quirk, Sugar Rush.

You see his Sato strength increases five-fold within three minutes, by consuming 10 grams of sugar. However, the defect of this quirk is his cognitive function gradually drop, making him very sleepy afterwards.

"Let's see want you can do." Cementoss said, creating square-like walls from the cement road.

Sato and Ashido immediately went for a frontal breakthrough by busting through the cement walls in front of them. Sato with his beastly strength and Ashido with her deadly acid, a dangerous combination indeed since the two of them easily destroyed the walls.

The two made an excellent job at first... However, more and more walls were coming at them.

"This is not good." Boboiboy commented.

"At this rate, they can't win this." Midoriya continued. "It's a matter of time in this battle."

"To us, we have a limit of using our quirk but I don't think this apply to Cementoss-sensei. He can continuously use his quirk as long as he's in contact with the cement." The green-head commented, seeing that Sato has almost reached his limit by now.

"This practical exam is pitting students against teachers they'd have a hard time with on purpose, huh?" Boboiboy said.

"Ah, no wonder we're up against All Might." The elemental user whispered.

"This is never-ending! No matter, how many we break or destroy, they just keep coming and coming!" Ashido shouted, her skin was now gradually losing its natural resistance against her acid.

"I'm sleepy... I'm tired..." It was the end for Sato when he already reached his peak.

"Sato!" Ashido tried to use her acid quirk again but nothing came out.

"Listen, in a fight, you have to see just how much you can push the things you're good at." Cementoss advised them.

"Sorry but time to end this." The hero said, creating huge wave-like walls that swallowed both Sato and Ashido, ending their hope to get a passing grade.

"Team Sato and Ashido retired due to both members losing consciousness."


Monitor Room

"They must be very frustrated." Boboiboy said, eyes still on the screen. "But then again, this is an exam."

"What? Mina's team lost?" Uraraka asked, entering the room.

"Yes, it seems like they reached their limit a while ago and Cementoss-sensei took this opportunity to take them down." Yaoyorozu replied.

"Really? That's too bad!" Uraraka said, sad that her friends didn't make it.

"Ochaco-chan, when you were fighting against Thirteen, what were you talking about?" All of a sudden Asui asked, curious.

"Hm? We're talking about..."

"Do you... like him?"

Uraraka's face was red as a tomato after remembering Aoyama's words. "No... Nothing! That's now how it is!" She stuttered.

"What's wrong Uraraka?" Iida asked while Midoriya gave her a questioning look.

"Something happened, huh? But what?" Detective Boboiboy and Detective Asui wondered, hands-on their chin, thinking.


Seventh Battle

"Team Jirou and Koda, practical exam. Ready go!

"YEAHHHHH!" Present Mic's was currently standing at the escape gate, letting lose sound-based wave attack.

"So loud!" Jirou groaned since her ears were sensitive to loud noise.

"Koda! You can control animals with your quirk, right? Can't you get the birds to attack him or something?" Jirou turned to her partner.

However, Koda was at a disadvantage because the majority of the animals were driven away by Present Mic's loud scream.

"Even if I plug my ears, I feel like my eardrums would burst. He's not just better... He's like a new and enhanced version! I can't even get close to him!" Jirou said since her quirk can barely cancel out the teacher's quirk.

"HURRY UP AND COME OUT!" Present Mic let out another scream. So loud that Jirou couldn't walk an inch near him.

"If this keeps up, our eardrums will be destroyed. What should we do?" Jirou commented while Koda nodded.

Suddenly, she noticed an ant on the rock and carefully picked it. "Koda! Can you control bugs—"

Koda paled and let out a high shriek, scared of the ant on Jirou's hand. He immediately ran away, afraid of the little creature.

"He's not good with bugs, huh?" Midoriya and Boboiboy whispered.

"THERE YOU ARE!" Present Mic continued attacking.

"YOU COMING YET?" The ruthless teacher continued.

"We... We need to break out of this! Or else, we won't be able to get close to him!" Jirou said in pain since she's been receiving heavy damages thanks to Present Mic's quirk.

"Koda! Sorry, I know it's scary, but... We need to win this, right?" She gave Koda an encouraging smile.

"You... You want to be a hero, don't you? If so, then let's pass this!" Jirou continued, hoping that Koda might be brave in facing his fears.

"Jirou's ears are..." Koda gasped when blood came out from Jirou's ears. "It's because I've been running away that she's injured!"

Slowly, Koda looked down at the insects, creeping near him.

"That's right! I got into my dream school, UA! I can't be giving up right now!!"

Koda took a deep breath and...

"Go on, little ones, Now is the time to take out the man responsible for the noise!" He said, facing his fears while trembling at the same time.

"You can totally talk!" Jirou commented since this was the first time Koda talked using his voice.

"Koda-kun is amazing!" Midoriya and Boboiboy shined in admiration since Koda bravely faced his fears.

"What, are they planning on hiding until time's up?" Present Mic said, whistling.

This is when his nightmare came when various types of insects attacked him from below, crawling on his legs. Present Mic's colours completely drained as he froze.

"They're coming from underground, where it's hard for sound to travel! This is why I hate the forest!" The blonde man said and...


A loud scream was heard.

"That's hard even for a pro, huh?" Boboiboy paled.

"Koda-kun! That's harsh..." Midoriya said.

Koda and Jirou used this chance to run towards the escape gate. Finally, securing their selves with a passing grade.

Team Jirou and Koda have passed!


Eighth Battle

"Team Shoji and Hagakure, practical exam. Ready, go!"

The practical exam continued with Shoji and Hagakure's battle against Snipe.

"Shoji-kun! At this rate, we can't move at all!" Hagakure said as they were being cornered by Snipe since his quirk allowed him to move bullets to his liking.

"Calm down, it's just a diversion. Even so, escaping will be a Herculean task. The only consolation is that our opponents' movements are slowed by weights." Shoji replied since Snipe was still cornering them with his shots.

"Now, let's see who's better at hide-and-seek." Snipe threw a smoke bomb towards them, obstructing their view.

"Shoji-kun! I have an idea but I need you to act as a decoy!" Hagakure said, removing her gloves and shoes while Shoji agreed.

Shoji quickly came out from his hiding place and played his role as a good distraction. Snipe attention was completely on him that he didn't realize that Hagakure was slowly moving towards him.

"I give up." Shoji out his hands up, a sign of defeat when Snipe was already in front of him.

"Aren't you giving up too easily?" Snipe said, pointing his gun towards the multiple-hand boy.

But then...

"Caught you!" Hagakure took this golden opportunity and hand-cuffed Snipe.

"When did you—" Snipe questioned. "Ah, I see." He finally understood what's truly happening. Hagakure's quirk comes pretty handy when it comes to sneak attacks, huh?

"I have to admit. Good job there!" Snipe praised them.

"Thank you!" Shoji and Hagakure replied.

Team Shoji and Hagakure have passed!


Monitor Room

"As expected, Hagakure is a cut above when it comes to convert activities!" Yaoyorozu commented.

"Shoji also did a good job helping by drawing Snipe-sensei's attention from her." Boboiboy continued.

"Yeah!" They agreed.

"Midoriya, Boboiboy, you guys are up next after the ninth battle, right? Aren't you going to the exam area?" Uraraka turned towards them.

"You're right Uraraka-san, but I'll watch everyone's fight until the last minute. It's useful to see how everyone's using their quirks, but I also feel like I'm getting strength from watching the fights. Everyone's really amazing!" Midoriya replied, eyes on the screen.

"Even if they couldn't pass, they fought until the end. It's amazing! UA students who never give up—"

"Midoriya." Boboiboy quickly cuts him off from continuing his words.

"I think you should consider it though—" The elemental boy face-palmed, pointing at the screen.

"There's one who's totally given up."


"I GIVE UP! Damn it! How can I take this stupid test?!" Mineta dramatically cried as he headed towards the other gate.

"Mineta-kun?!" Midoriya was in complete shock.

Who knew that he was wrong...?


Ninth Battle

"Team Sero and Mineta, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"This is crap! It's completely unfair! How can I take such an unfair test?!" Mineta wailed, like the baby he is.

"Wasn't he looking forward to the training camp so much?" Boboiboy questioned with a blank-look. He could never understand Mineta, can't he?

"Why is he ready to run away?" Midoriya questioned.

"If it's gotten that far, it might be hard for him. For this practical exam, All Might, Present Mic, Cementoss, and Midnight are all especially hard to beat. Depending the person, it isn't hard to imagine someone being checkmated or feeling like they are." Recovery Girl said.

However, that was far from the truth...

"Sero, damn it! I won't forgive you!" Mineta turned back to the sleeping boy who was on Midnight's lap.

"Ah, he's jealous, huh?" Boboiboy face-palmed yet again.

"Sero, you traitor! Bastard!" Mineta cursed more.

Sero was the first to go down since Midnight used her quirk on him, releasing sleeping gas from her skin that immediately knocked him down. However, Sero managed to save Mineta first by wrapping his tape around the small boy, pulling him up so that he was far from Midnight.

"If Sero hadn't saved me, then I'd be in Midnight's laps right now!" The small boy continued to scream in pure jealousy.

"I wonder, will the boy survive?" Recovery Girl questioned. "UA is constantly preparing walls and making the students overcome them. In order to keep overcoming those walls without losing steam, the students need a concrete goal to focus on."

"In the end, is there a goal in that child's heart that he can focus on?" The hero continued.

"I want to be popular with the ladies." Mineta slumped, feeling unmotivated.

"That's very direct." Recovery Girl commented.

"Well, if you want to be popular than you'll have to ask Todoroki or Boboiboy." Kaminari replied.

"Yeah, you guys are popular around the ladies, right?" Kirishima teased.

"W... What?" Boboiboy blushed while Todoroki stayed quiet.

"Since when did I became popular?" The half-cold half-hot user questioned.

"I wanted to be popular with girls. That's why I became a hero. I'd thought that I'd be popular once I become a hero but..." Mineta said.

"I thought I'd stay enshrined in front of the gate until time ran out but I suppose that's too inconsiderate." Midnight appeared behind Mineta, attacking him with her bullwhip.

"If someone runs away from me screaming, my sadistic side starts to throb so much that I can't help it!" Midnight licked her lips, showing her sadistic side.

Mineta quickly ran away from the hero, covering his nose so that he can't smell her fragrance.

"Tch!" Mineta quickly hides behind a rock. "After coming to this school and having a brush of death, I realized that it's not that they're cool because they're heroes but..."

"THEY'RE HEROES BECAUSE THEY'RE COOL! Right, Midoriya?!" Mineta said, finally unleashing his secret plan that he's been carrying.

"Listen Midnight! I ran away from the gate, whined, fanned your sadistic side and drew you all the way here! I did that in order to be cool!" The grape boy shouted.

"Are you saying you had me in the palm of your hand? I won't let you!" Midnight rips her clothes, realising more of her quirk.

However, Mineta was fully prepared for battle, taping his nose and mouth with Sero's tape while his purple balls on his hands.

"There's no need to fight! Because my special move has already worked!" The small quickly threw the purple balls towards Midnight, trapping her in those as he rushed forward.

"Grape Rush!" Mineta said as he managed to pass Midnight.

"That's pretty amazing!" Midnight praised.

"He got her stuck far away from the gate so her Somnambulist wouldn't be able to reach!" Midoriya commented.

"Oh, he's pretty clever. He had me completely fooled." Recovery Girl said.

"Geez, if you hadn't saved me, then I wouldn't work this hard." Mineta dragged Sero with him to the escape gate.

"Just this once, we'll save the women for another day!" The small boy continued, passing the practical exam.

Team Sero and Mineta have passed!


Teacher's Monitor Room

"Who knew that Mineta had us completely fooled, huh?" Amato sighed since he did fell for Mineta's pathetic act.

"I know right?" Power Loader replied.

"Now, it's time for the tenth and final battle, huh?" The armoured hero's eyes fell on the screen again.

As a pro-hero, he knew that this will be a tough battle since they're up against All Might.

"I have a feeling that All Might is not going to play nice in this battle." Amato mumbled, worried about the next team.

Meanwhile Mechabot...

"Yeah! But I'm more worried about you since you'll go berserk if your son gets hurt!" The power sphere whispered.

"And since when did you bring 'The Modern Broom' in here?!" Mechabot inwardly shouted, seeing that there was an old broom behind Amato's chair.

"I should be the one who making troubles!"



Final Battle

"Team Midoriya, Bakugou, and Boboiboy, practical exam. Ready, go!"

"Ah, this is an intense situation we're having. I hope we can pass easily." Boboiboy sighed since it was very awkward between them at the moment. Neither Bakugou nor Midoriya decided to talk and not to mention they don't have a proper strategy in their hand.

"Tch!" Bakugou was the one that moved first, marching forward angrily.

"Seriously, what's his problem?!" Boboiboy groaned inwardly as they decided to follow the explosive user.

"K-Kacchan, for this exam, the teacher is the villain and we're the heroes! So, we need to keep in mind the villain's combat ability and chose either to fight or to run!" Izuku tried his best to talk things out with Bakugou.

"But our case, the villain is All Might and fighting against him is dangerous! I think it's a really bad idea, anyway—" The green-head even went to the length to warn Bakugou since picking a fight against All Might was really dangerous and that they should run away.

"Why should we run away?! It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!" Bakugou shouted.

"Gee, what a fruitful idea you got there Bakugou. You know that we should avoid combat if we can no matter what, right? All Might is way stronger than us." Boboiboy said in annoyance.

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him!" The explosive user ignored their words.

"It's really hard for us to deal with Kacchan..." Midoriya whispered.

"Big words there Bakugou. Don't you realize that All Might is an experienced hero? Just stop being stubborn and listen to us! We want to pass the exam, right? And we can't do that without teamwork!" Boboiboy ran and stood in front of Bakugou, stopping him from walking even further.

"Don't say another word! It's pissing me off! Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk!" Bakugou's anger has reached its peak now. The ash-blonde was about to smack Boboiboy on the face when the elemental user caught his hand, shocking Bakugou and Midoriya.

"Violence doesn't solve anything!" Boboiboy gave Bakugou a serious look as his watch glowed in a golden light.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Quake!"







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

Okay, this chapter mainly focuses on the Class 1-A battles. I do love Boboiboy, but I want to focus on the other character developments as well. 

You have to read Chapter 24 if you want to know what happens to Midoriya, Bakugou, and Boboiboy! This chapter will be all about their fight with All Might!

And, yes! It's a double update! 

Sorry for not updating on time! It seems like my Wattpad account has a problem yesterday, and I can't log into it.

Sorry for making you wait!

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟



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