Chapter 24 - FINAL EXAM (PART 3)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Why should we run away?! It'd definitely be better if we beat him up!" Bakugou shouted.

"Gee, what a fruitful idea you got there Bakugou. You know that we should avoid combat if we can no matter what, right? All Might is way stronger than us." Boboiboy said in annoyance.

"We'll toy with him until it's almost over, and then once he's tired out, I'll beat him!" The explosive user ignored their words.

"It's really hard for us to deal with Kacchan..." Midoriya whispered.

"Big words there Bakugou. Don't you realize that All Might is an experienced hero? Just stop being stubborn and listen to us! We want to pass the exam, right? And we can't do that without teamwork!" Boboiboy ran and stood in front of Bakugou, stopping him from walking even further.

"Don't say another word! It's pissing me off! Just because things are going better for you doesn't mean you should talk!" Bakugou's anger has reached its peak now. The ash-blonde was about to smack Boboiboy on the face when the elemental user caught his hand, shocking Bakugou and Midoriya.

"Violence doesn't solve anything!" Boboiboy gave Bakugou a serious look as his watch glowed in a golden light.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Quake!"




This wasn't Quake's first appearance in the hero world, it was his second to be exact. However, this was his official meeting with his friends.

He wondered, how would they react?

Upon using his 2nd tier earth element, Boboiboy's orange outfit has now turned black with shimmering yellow earthquake patterns. Warm brown eyes have been replaced with golden ones. 

Oh! And don't forget his iconic quake fists of course!

"Elemental bastard / Boboiboy is using his earth element second form!" Bakugou and Midoriya mumbled.

They already witnessed his lightning, wind, fire, and water evolved form and now the earth element.

That means, two more... The leaf and the light element.

The others in the monitor room gasped in amazement when Quake was revealed!

"Woah! His earth evolved form looks awesome!" Kirishima and Kaminari commented.

"Finally, you revealed your quake form, huh?" Tokoyami said, remembering the unintentional words Blaze said during their fight.

"Quake, huh? I wonder what kind of abilities he can do with that form?" Todoroki wondered.

"Whatever it is, I bet his quake form is a strong one much like the other elements." Iida replied.

"The exam is already starting! We can't argue anymore! We need to focus to win this battle!" Quake turned to his teammates.

"Now, I know you want to prove that you're much better Bakugou, but do that later please." The golden-eyed boy politely said to Bakugou, smiling.

"Or else... I'll be breaking this wrist of yours." Plus, with a light threat added, still smiling by the way.

"Don't order me around bastard!" Bakugou shouted at him, pulling his wrist away from Quake.

"Well, I'm not stopping until you finally act responsibly and contribute as a team player!" Quake replied back, putting his hands on his hip like an angered mother.

"I knew putting Boboiboy in that group was a good idea. He knew exactly what the team needed." Aizawa silently commented. 

Meanwhile, Amato tried his best to keep his cool.

"Calm down... This is a test... This is a test..." The armoured hero said to himself since he was furious that Bakugou almost slapped his beloved son.

Midoriya let a breath of relief. "The situation got less intense thanks to Boboiboy!" He mumbled when Quake was still nagging Bakugou while the explosive boy yelled back, refusing to follow his orders.

"Huh?!" Quake noticed a sudden movement occurring on the ground's surface.

"Guys! All Might is attacking!" He immediately warned, shocking Midoriya and Bakugou.

"How did you know that—"

"Earth Wall!" The golden-eyed boy immediately created a wall of earth to protect them from being blown away by All Might's air punches.

As he expected, the air punches were so strong that his earth wall easily crumbled from impact. So, in order to defend from All Might's attacks, Quake created multiple earth walls that surrounded them.

"I see that you managed to defend from my attacks. Good job there Young Boboiboy." All Might praised. Finally, revealing himself to them.

"Those air punches were strong enough to destroy everything on its way, huh?" Quake commented. "You sure didn't hold back All Might."

"What... What is this... This sense of intimidation?!" Midoriya trembled in fear while Bakugou smiled excitedly, couldn't wait to face All Might.

"If you think of this as an exam, you'll be sorry. I am a villain, heroes! Come at me with everything you've got!" All Might gave them a murderous look, fitting for his villain role.

"We... We can't take him head-on! Let's run!" Midoriya said.

"Midoriya is right!" Quake agreed. While Bakugou was still stubborn with his decision to fight All Might.

"Don't tell me what to do!" Bakugou said to them, attacking All Might.

"Stun Grenade!" The explosive user created a sphere of light between his hands. This flash of light immediately blinded All Might. "Come at me, you said? Even if you didn't say anything, I was gonna do that—"

However, All Might being the professional hero he is grabbed Bakugou's face, stopping Bakugou from advancing.

"Ow, ow, ow, ow, ow!" The blonde hero slightly shouted when Bakugou ignited his explosion right at his face.

"Normally, if you grab someone's face, they reflexively try to move your hand. This kid is only thinking about defeating me, huh?" All Might inwardly comment. 

The hero then proceeded in slamming Bakugou hard on the ground. "With such weak consecutive hits, it just stings, though."

"And then..." All Might turned back and in a blink of an eye, he was standing behind Midoriya. "You're not off the hook either, Young Midoriya. Are you leaving your teammate and running away?" He said and was about to hit Midoriya when...

"No, you don't! Earth Pillar Grab!" Quake created two giants earth hands, grasping All Might, locking his movements.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya called him.

"Young Boboiboy is really sensitive towards his surroundings, huh? Plus, he acts quickly to protect his friends with his elemental quirk. Let me test him a bit..." All Might inwardly commented.

"Ah, I certainly didn't forget about you Young Boboiboy." Using his mighty strength, the hero released himself from the earth grip.

"What? (Apakah?)" Quake was in shock when All Might easily destroy his giant earth hands. 

Well, they didn't call All Might the Number 1 Hero for nothing, huh?

"Knowing you, had me realized something. Your great weakness is..." All Might appeared behind Midoriya again, surprising the greenette again.

"YOUR FRIENDS!" With that, All Might threw Midoriya towards Bakugou, collided with each other.

"I wonder how are you going to protect your teammates now?" The hero then dashed forward, ready to land a punch on them.


"Earth Golem!" Quake quickly summoned Giga, protecting them from the pretend villain, All Might.

"What?!" All Might, Midoriya, and Bakugou were in a big surprise. "He can create an earth golem now?!"

"I'm sorry All Might! Since you're a villain then... Giga Punch!" The earth golem landed an attack on All Might, sending him flying to a distant place.

"WOAH!" The whole class gasped. So, Boboiboy in his quake form can create an earth giant?!

They couldn't believe that Boboiboy was hiding such an amazing ability!

"That's so cool!" Uraraka jumped, amazed by Quake's golem.

"He can create earth golems now? Man, Boboiboy gets stronger and stronger the moment he reveals more of his elemental evolved forms!" Kirishima commented.

"That golem of his looks intimidating. Don't you think?" Kaminari replied.

"Yeah... I bet that thing can turn Mineta into a crushed grape in a minute." Sero said, scaring Mineta.

"Don't you dare give that idea to Boboiboy!" Mineta said back.

"I see that his defence became even stronger in that form." Todoroki said, miss-matched coloured eyes still landed on Giga.

"You're right and by the looks of it he can control the golem with his own movements." Iida said.



Deep down inside of him, he was glad that he didn't face Boboiboy since the boy could literally send him flying just like All Might.

Even the teachers were amazed by Giga's first appearance.

"Hmm... Interesting..." Aizawa commented.

"Ah, your son's elemental ability is truly mysterious Mechamato." Principal Nezu said to Amato.

"Thank you." Amato coolly replied while...

"YES! TAKE HIM DOWN BOBOIBOY!" His inner self shouted, like a fanboy in a concert.

"Midoriya! Bakugou! Are you alright?" Quake ran towards his teammates, making sure that they were okay.

Midoriya nodded while Bakugou growled, probably humiliated that Quake saved him from getting his ass-kicked by their opponent.


"Oh, before I forget... Meet Giga, my earth golem." Quake cuts him off by introducing his earth golem to his friends. "Giga, this my friends and teammates for today."

"So, it has a name, huh?" Midoriya and Bakugou sweat-drop.

"It's nice meeting you Giga-san!" Midoriya waved at the earth golem.

"Giga? OMG, that's so cute!" The girls squealed while the boys...

"Really Boboiboy? Even your earth golem has a cool name?" They mumbled.

"He's coming again!" Quake warned them, sensing a movement on the ground. "Guys! We don't have much time! We have to think an idea to win this or else we might lose—"

"Going somewhere?" Like a ninja, All Might appeared suddenly behind him.

"GIGA!" Quake immediately defend himself with Giga as a shield.

"Young Boboiboy you are truly great in battles. That's why I need to take you down first!" All Might said and...

"Texas Smash!" All Might throws a punch directly at Quake and Giga, blowing them away as they slammed hard on one of the building.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya shouted worriedly. Who knew that All Might was so desperate to defeat him that he used one of his strongest moves on the elemental boy!

"Boboiboy!" Uraraka, Todoroki, and Iida trembled. There's no way one could survive that ruthless attack!

"This is a test... This is a test... This is a test..." Amato tried to calm himself down, trying his best to be mad or act crazy like turning the table upside down.

"Now one down... Two more to go..." All Might gave turned to Midoriya and Bakugou.

"Come at me! All Might!" Bakugou walked towards him.

"Ka... Kacchan! I told you, there's no way you can win facing him head-on!" Midoriya tried to stop him.

"Shut up! I'll win! That's what it means to be a hero!" Bakugou growled, still not listening.

"Then, it's even more important to avoid—" Midoriya quickly chased after him, pulling Bakugou's arm.

"Let go! Don't touch me!" Bakugou smacked his hands away.

"For now, here's a present for the one who wants to run away!" All Might pin Midoriya to the ground broken steel, sealing the freckled boy's movements.

Without wasting his time, All Might throws a hard hit on Bakugou. Due to the hard impact, he received Bakugou throws up while Midoriya could only watch his childhood friend being beaten up by the one he admired the most.

"Kacchan!" Midoriya shouted. First Boboiboy, then Kacchan! He can't bear to see this anymore!

"I'm... I'm... not done yet!" Bakugou tried to stand up despite the heavy damage he received. This particular scene suddenly triggered a memory during their childhood.

"You're a jerk but... No matter what, you always make sure you are the winner! I admired you for that!" Midoriya tried to break free from the steels that were pinning him down.

No! He can't let All Might continue beating up his friends, can he?

"I know why you're so angry. It's because of Young Midoriya's sudden improvement, right?" All Might walked towards Bakugou, giving him a piece of advice.

"You know there's no way Level 1 and Level 50 power can improve at the same time. There's so much wasted potential in you. Do you understand? You still have so much room to grow! But I'm not talking about power—"

"Shut up, All Might. If I have to get help from that scum then..." Bakugou slowly replied.

"I'd rather lose!"

" I see..." Midoriya mumbled, finally activating his quirk.

"Don't regret this..." All Might lifted his hands, ready to attack.

Out of nowhere, Midoriya hit Bakugou on the face, knocking the ash-blonde boy down again.

"Don't you dare say that you'd rather lose!" Midoriya said angrily the fact that Bakugou was going against what he always strived for that is...

To Be The Winner No Matter What!

"Damn you... How dare you hit me?!" Bakugou tried to get up again, giving the green-head a murderous aura.

"As I said, don't you dare say that you'd rather lose Kacchan! Before you give up, at least try using me!" Midoriya said back.

"Huh?! Who are you to tell me that you damn nerd!" Bakugou slowly walked towards him.

"Someone who wants to win this fight! Besides, you're you because you never give up on winning, right?" The current owner of the One For All quirk replied.


"Stop yelling! That's why we can never have a real conversation! You never listen!" Midoriya shouted.



A loud smack on the head was heard.

"Stop fighting this instance!" The golden-eyed boy gave his teammates a hard smack (please take note that he was wearing his quake gloves), knocking them out from their rising anger.

"You two were fighting while I was gone? How childish of you considering that this is a real battle." Quake folded his arms, didn't forget to give those two a threatening death glare, much like when he did when Blaze sent the house on fire again.

"I got two words for you two..." Quake continued.

"Grow. Up."

Krik... Krik... Krik...

"I rest my case. My decision was right after all. Boboiboy fits well with them." Aizawa inwardly commented.

"That's my boy!" Inner Amato praised with a smug expression.

"Did... Did he just told them to grow up? Like seriously?" Kirishima couldn't believe what's happening.

"I think I'm not deaf. I think he did say that." Kaminari replied, still shocked.

"Boboiboy sure has the guts to tell them something like that, huh?" Sero continued.

"Admirable qualities." Tokoyami said.

Midoriya and Bakugou were shocked! Boboiboy was pretty much fine considering that All Might almost killed him with his Texas Smash.

"You're fine?" Funny that this came out from their mouth.

"Perfectly fine to be exact. It takes much more than that to kill me." Quake calmly replied.

"Besides, I was blasted to outer space by a pirate alien and still survive after that. It's safe to say that I'm blessed." The earth user said to himself.

"Young Boboiboy... You..." All Might was glad that the boy was okay and standing, but deep down he felt terrible since he literally didn't hold back against Boboiboy just now.

"Stop! Stay where you are. I'm talking to them right now." Quake turned to the hero, giving him a serious (ahem... murderous) look. "I'll deal with you later."

"Understood." All Might immediately followed his orders. For some reason, Quake's aura reminded him of his fierce teacher, Gran Torino.

"Bo... Boboiboy is amazing." Midoriya was amazed since All Might actually listened to the elemental user.

"Who would thought that a 15 year old boy managed to scare the Number 1 Hero." Snipe commented while the other teachers nodded.

"Now..." Quake turned back to Midoriya and Bakugou, smacking them on the head once more.

"Ouch! What was that for?" Midoriya and Bakugou rubbed their heads.

"Knocking some sense in you of course." The earth manipulator replied, hands on his hips.

"Bakugou! You want to defeat All Might, right? Let's face it, you have amazing combat sense, but why are you in such a hurry?" Quake said.

"And Midoriya, I know you want to run since All Might is a difficult opponent to defeat, right?" The golden-eyed boy turned to Midoriya.

"Midoriya probably admire All Might too much that to him, he's like a god." The earth manipulator said quietly.

"Both of you fall apart in a second when it comes to each other. Envy, hate, pursuit, awe, rejection, pride. These are the feelings that dwelled inside of you with each other piled up one on top of the other. That's why you guys don't know how to interact or communicate anymore." Quake continued.

This was something he realized after observing those two. To Midoriya, Bakugou was some kind of inspiration for him to be stronger. He can also tell that Midoriya admired Bakugou's talent in-hero professionalism. This was opposite to Bakugou though. 

In Bakugou's view, Midoriya was some kind of obstacle for him to become number one. In fact, the thing he hates the most is losing to Midoriya. That's why he will do everything in his power to better than him.

"I don't know what really happen to the both of you but... Can't we just forget about rivalry and work as a team? I mean, we can do anything as long as we work together, right?" The golden-eyed boy said in a sad note.

Both Midoriya and Bakugou were in silence since Boboiboy was telling them the truth and because of that, they weren't progressing much in the fight. 

At this rate, they will fail!

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya was the first to talk. "I'm sorry and thank you..."

"Tch! Whatever!" Bakugou clicked his tongue, turning away since the friendship vibes are making him sick.

"It's nice that everything is settled but.... We're still in a fight here!" All Might appeared behind Midoriya and Bakugou, shocking them again with his crazy speed.

"Oh no, you don't!" The elemental watch glowed in green light and...

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Thorn!" Golden-eyes are now replaced with green irises as the attire changed into a black storm breaker jacket with neon green vine-like patterns adorning it.

"Another evolved element?" Midoriya and Bakugou said while All Might stopped for a moment.

"Finally! My time to debut!" Thorn jumped like the carefree child he is.

"Dad! Iida! Uraraka! Todoroki! Are you watching?" The innocent boy waved happily as if he was about to receive an Oscar award or something. "I'm going to defeat All Might now!"

"What a sudden change of personality... He was serious back then and in a second he suddenly turned childish." Midoriya, Bakugou, and All Might silently commented.

"We're watching! Good luck!" Uraraka and Iida waved back.

"Wow, the elemental boy suddenly became a cheery person, huh? Do you agree with me, Mechamato—" Present Mic stopped when Amato was to busy capturing Thorn's moment on the screen.

"My precious Thorny is here." Amato commented in a cool demeanour, still not showing his doting father side.

"Gee, what a doting father he is--" Present Mic mumbled.

Slowly, Thorn shifted his gaze towards All Might. "Now, it's time for revenge!" The green-eyed boy smiled wickedly while All Might felt a cold-shiver.

"Ensnaring Thorny Vines!" Thorn binds All Might with his sharp and prickly vines, immobilizing the hero.

"Ouch! Ouch! Ouch! These vines are sharp!" All Might commented when the thorny vines bit his delicate skin. Suddenly, the Number 1 Hero felt something strange.

Why did he suddenly feel itchy?

"Young Boboiboy... This..." All Might looked at him in horror.

"Oops! Did I say thorny vines?" Thorn titled his head in a cute manner. "I meant itchy thorny vines! Sorry about that!" He (pretended to) apologized.

"Why you have to be so cruel young boy?! I... I can't scratch my back!" All Might wriggled like a dancing worm.

"Revenge All Might... Revenge... Besides, you may be the Number 1 Hero but you still can't run from itchiness, huh?" Thorn replied, smiling in satisfaction.

"Woah... The boy is right." Present Mic said while the teachers nodded, agreeing. 

"Who... who knew that Boboiboy could become this evil..." Midoriya said as he and Bakugou quickly used this chance to get away from All Might.

"Kac... Kacchan... I really can't think of a way to beat All Might or a way to make a clean escape." Midoriya slowly said.

"Huh?! Don't shove that question in my face! Ask the elemental bastard—" They turned to Thorn but the boy was busy laughing at All Might attics.

"Hahaha! You know maybe I should use my 'Woven Leaf Trap' on you! Then, you'll be a 'Ketupat Palas' All Might!" Thorn teased him. 

"He's useless right now, huh?" Bakugou groaned. 

"Tch! Against All Might's crazy speed, no matter how you run and hide, you won't be able to avoid fighting. He won't even budge with half-assed power. I figured that out earlier with those consecutive hits. So..."

For the first time, these two come out with a plan together.

"Enough of this!" All Might snapped Thorn's vines and broke free.

"What? (Apakah?)" Thorn gave out a questioning look. Probably because of how All Might escaped from his itchiness curse. 

"Step aside change freak!" Bakugou appeared behind All Might, igniting his quirk and ruthlessly unleashing it again and again towards All Might.

"This is pissing me! I would never work together with you!" The ash-blonde boy growled.

"But you're already helping though?" Thorn titled his head a bit, wondering.

"Shut up bastard!" Bakugou yelled at him while Thorn covered his delicate ears.

"DEKU!" He shouted.

"I'm sorry All Might but... WE HAVE TO WIN THIS!" Midoriya took this change and blasted All Might from a point-blank range with one of Bakugou's bomb gauntlets.

A huge explosion happened after that.

"My shoulder! Kacchan, you were using something like this?!" Midoriya touched his right shoulder. It seems like the recoil alone has knocked Midoriya's shoulder out of its socket.

"What are you waiting for?! Let's go—" Bakugou words were cut off when...

"That's not enough to knock me down, young boys!" All Might pop up in between Midoriya and Bakugou, shocking them.

"What're you surprised about?" The hero immediately destroyed Bakugou's gauntlets.

"Midoriya! Bakugou! Binding Roots!" The green-eyed boy quickly binds All Might's arm and legs with his thorny roots. 

"Don't you dare hurt them!" Thorn shouted, afraid that All Might might beat them again. 

"I'm sorry Young Boboiboy but these prickly roots of yours are getting in the way." All Might pulled the thorny roots and brutally threw Thorn away from them.


"Boboiboy!" Midoriya tried to get him but All Might caught his uninjured left arm and used him to beat Bakugou like a hammer.

"Why you..." Bakugou tried to fight back but ended up getting slammed on the ground.

"The fight was interesting but it seems that..." All Might said as he stepped on Bakugou while holding Midoriya like a captured victim.


"Listen here All Might! I... I will break myself because..." Bakugou moved his arm upwards, right below All Might.

"I'LL WIN THIS THE WAY I CHOOSE!" He released a giant-scale explosion much like when he did during the sports festival.

"What?!" All Might was taken back while Bakugou released himself from All Might's clutches.

"I'm sorry All Might but..." Midoriya mumbled, activating his quirk.

"I want to win this as well! Together with my teammates!" The green-head said determinedly and...

"SMASH!" Midoriya punched his idol on the face, hitting the hero hard enough that All Might draws blood.

"I see..." All Might wiped his blood, proud that finally, Midoriya used his quirk against him.

"We have to attack now or else..." Midoriya and Bakugou attacked at once, hoping that they might defeat All Might but...

"Wrong move!" All Might let a wicked smile.

"SMASH!" The hero gave them a frontal somersault. The attack was powerful enough that it blasted nearly everything in front of him. If one was caught in it would probably the person will be blown away by the immense air pressure.

Everything was in a mess now. Buildings were destroyed and smoke was all over the place thanks to All Might's attacks. All Might walked forward, smiling that he fulfilled his villain role perfectly.

"It seems like I win—"

"Wrong!" A voice was heard.

"What?!" All Might gasped when the fading smoke revealed Thorn in front of him. "Miss me?"

"Young Boboiboy? But where are..." All Might looked around for the two boys.

"Up there!" Thorn pointed to a hanging Midoriya and Bakugou who were tied up on a street pole.

"These vines of yours are sharp Boboiboy..." Midoriya tried to endure the pain.

"Ouch! Let me go this instance!" Bakugou demanded, wriggling. 

"Okay!" Thorn snapped his fingers as the vines released his teammates, making them fall on the street floor.

"It seems that your attack just now only focused on one point that was in front of you since the purpose was to defeat Midoriya and Bakugou. Unbeknownst to you, I used my vines and pulled Midoriya and Bakugou up, saving them!" Thorn explained.

"Oh, and before I forgot... Binding Roots!" Thorny roots creep from below and bind All Might, locking his movement.

"Now, time to put an end to this..." The elemental watch glowed in bright orange.

Finally, the time you have been waiting for!

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Solar!" His attire changed yet again. 

This time he wore a short-sleeved jacket white and bright orange fold at the end adorned with shinny yellow patterns. He now has gloves with his insignia sitting in front of his cap and gloves. The iconic part of him was the bright orange shades that added charisma to his character.

Yes! It's Solar's time!

"WHAT THE—" The audience went wild. Did Boboiboy just revealed all of his evolved elements?!

"SOLAR?!" Midoriya and All Might were in astonishment while Bakugou stood still.

"Finally, he revealed all of the upgraded elements, huh?" Midoriya and Bakugou commented from afar.

"Boboiboy, my dear BFF! I can't take more of this..." Kaminari dramatically fainted while Kirishima caught him.

"Dude, his elemental quirk is much more than we could think of." Kirishima commented.

"And to think that Boboiboy-san was holding back this whole time." Yaoyorozu continued, amazed that Boboiboy's quirk kept stronger and stronger the more he reveals it.

"No wonder, he held back though. That dude looks powerful." Sero pointed Solar.

"But why do I feel like he's still hiding something?" Todoroki inwardly said, remembering FrostFire.

"Boboiboy-kun quirk sure is amazing. I mean, he can manipulate seven elements and now each of the elements has a stronger form." Uraraka said, hoping that they could win against All Might.

"Thunderstorm, Cyclone, Blaze, Ice, Quake, Thorn, and now Solar..." Iida said. 

"Finally, Boboiboy is showing what he's capable of..."

"GO! ELEMENTAL BOY!" Present Mic cheered with Midnight following him.

"Solar, huh?" Aizawa said, eyes still on the screen. "I have to say Mechamato-san, Boboiboy's quirk is impressive."

"Thank you, sensei." Amato shortly replied.

"AH! SOLAR! FINISH HIM NOW!" While his inner doting side screamed, raising a banner with Solar's face on it.

"But I wonder what more can he do with that quirk..." Aizawa mumbled.

"Greetings, Number 1 Hero, All Might or should I say villain in this battle..." Solar pulled his gloves. "I have to say that this was an interesting fight."

"However, you hurt my friends..." The shaded boy continued in an angry note as Midoriya and Bakugou were covered in injuries especially on their arms.

"Plus, you..."

"LITERALLY THREW ME TWICE TODAY! AND NO ONE IS ALLOWED TO THROW ME EXCEPT FOR QUAKE!" Yup, what pissed Solar the most was that All Might nearly killed him today.

If All Might didn't hold back, then why should he do the same, right?

"Time to end this in a shoot!" Solar's eyes glowed in bright orange as his hands moved to manifest the light power around him to form an eclipse.

"He's mad..." Everyone commented, praying that All Might will live after this.

"Now... Now... Young Boboiboy, I'm sure we could talk this out." All Might sweated since he knew something 'big' was coming.

"Adios, All Might." Solar refused to hear his excuse and...

"Solar Eclipse Attack!" Solar released an energy ray in the form of radiation, shooting All Might with it.

The light beam was so strong that everyone froze after witnessing that attack.

"What the—" They gasped when the town was half-destroyed thanks to Solar. Well, All Might did contribute in the first place but yeah...

Those two are monsters!

"Mission accomplished!" Solar said when he hand-cuffed the unconscious hero.

"He defeated All Might?" Both Midoriya and Bakugou silently questioned, still not believing what's truly happening.

"No, we defeated him." Solar replied as if he could read their minds.

"All Might was already tired by the time I came and I believe it's because of fighting with you two. I just finished the job with my almighty light beam." There was a proud note at the end.

"And besides, he's been beating us with the compressed weight and not to mentioned doubled on his side. So, he must be extremely exhausted." Solar continued, shifting his gaze towards Midoriya.

"However, All Might could easily defend from the attack just now, but it seems like his power has been limited, huh?" Solar knew that the real reason he won was that All Might's strength suddenly dropped towards the end.

Proof? He could easily break free from Thorn's vines a while ago if he wanted to but...

He just let himself be caught like that? Truly, far-fetched if you asked him though.

Welp, the important thing is that they won, right?

And it's all thanks to him! Oh yeah!

Solar slowly walked towards Bakugou, standing in front of him. "I did say that I will beat you with an indisputable difference, right?" Solar smirked, folding his arms.

"So, what does it taste watching from behind bomb boy?" He continued.

"I'LL KILL YOU, ELEMENTAL BASTARD!" Bakugou was about to pounce on him but stopped by Midoriya.

"Kacchan! You're injured! No more fighting!" Midoriya said worriedly.

"LET ME GO DEKU! I NEED TO END HIS LIFE!" Bakugou shouted even louder, pushing Midoriya away.

"Hah! Good luck trying!" Solar smugly replied, lifting his head high.

"Boboiboy! Stop provoking him!" Midoriya reprimanded the light user.

"Well, they certainly fit together perfectly as a team." Aizawa sighed, grading them.

Team Midoriya, Bakugou, and Boboiboy have passed!











Meanwhile On Boboiboy's World

"You have to hurry! Portalbot's powers are almost fading!" Fang shouted while he defended them against the pirate crew.

"Dey! Amma! Appa! Why are there so many villains?!" Gopal wailed, shooting his molecule changing powers towards the enemies.

"Aiya! Shot properly please!" Ying reprimanded Gopal.

"How can I stay calm when these guys are trying to kill us!" Gopal replied, shouting again and again.

"FYI, every villain we faced before tried to kill us too!" Ying said, kicking the enemy.

"Since... since when Vargoba's goons have power watches?" Kaizo clicked his tongue, slashing his energy sword towards his opponents.

"Guys! The portal is closing!" Yaya shouted since the gate to the hero world was getting smaller and smaller by seconds.

"Hurry up! We don't have much time!" Fang said to them since they were their only hope to find Boboiboy in that world.

A world filled with heroes!

"Alright!" They replied, ready to cross dimensions now.

"I... I can't hold much longer!" Portalbot said, energy fading.

"Good luck and say hi to Boboiboy for us!" Yaya and Ying waved and proceeded in defeating the villains in front of them.

"I want to go to but... I CAN'T!" Gopal cried dramatically.

"BOBOIBOY MY BFF, WAIT FOR ME! AND PLEASE PROTECT ME AFTER THIS! I DON'T WANT TO DIE YOUNG!" However, he immediately earned a smack from Yaya and Ying.

"Focus!" The two girls said while Gopal was forced to follow.

"If you arrived there, immediately searched for Ramenman's help!" Kaizo advised, still fighting.

"Don't worry we will follow you afterwards! Now, go!" Fang instructed, protecting them as they went into the portal.

As soon as they entered the portal, Portalbot's powers quickly died, a sign that he had no strength to open portals for the time being.

"Boboiboy, please protect them." Yaya, Ying, Gopal, and Fang muttered, hoping that they will be alright in the other world.

Then, the four of them turned back, they have an unfinished business to handle here!

"For now, let's defeat these villains and protect Portalbot!"







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

Finally, the exam arc is finished! You know what this means, right? Another step closer to the Two Heroes arc! 😍

To be honest, I did intend to reveal the whole 2nd tier elements. I mean, the class already knew about Boboiboy's evolved elements right? 😏 

I wonder if they would be suspicious of his elemental power now.

Moving on, who were the ones that entered the hero world? 

They will be revealed soon and will play a part in the next arc! 😎

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


An art from Ariieya_Senpie

An art based on the recent Boboiboy Galaxy comic. We all know what happened between Solar and Duri, right? (~ ̄▽ ̄)~

They aren't as friendly as we thought they would be! 😂 

But their interaction is still cute though.

By the way, Solar's eyes look soo beautiful here! 

Another amazing art from Curror (Twitter)

Please support the artist! ❤

In celebration of the now revealed 2nd tier elements! 🤣

They look so cute here!

Plus, it's a Gempa Simp Squad! 😂

This is totally one of my favourite artists! 

seny_oru (IG) 

Please support the artist, please! 😍

I can guarantee that all of the arts are amazing!

Awesome, right? ✨✨✨


I mean the art is god-tier! 

I just can't control myself seeing crossover arts like these!

Remember, to support the artist, okay? And there's more on IG! 😍



StarTwinkle 🌟

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