Chapter 25 - SECRETS REVEALED?! (PART 1)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


Solar slowly walked towards Bakugou, standing in front of him. "I did say that I will beat you with an indisputable difference, right?" Solar smirked, folding his arms.

"So, what does it taste watching from behind bomb boy?" He continued.

"I'LL KILL YOU, ELEMENTAL BASTARD!" Bakugou was about to pounce on him but stopped by Midoriya.

"Kacchan! You're injured! No more fighting!" Midoriya said worriedly.

"LET ME GO DEKU! I NEED TO END HIS LIFE!" Bakugou shouted even louder, pushing Midoriya away.

"Hah! Good luck trying!" Solar smugly replied, lifting his head high.

"Boboiboy! Stop provoking him!" Midoriya reprimanded the light user.

"Well, they certainly fit together perfectly as a team." Aizawa sighed, grading them.

Team Midoriya, Bakugou, and Boboiboy have passed!





"T... Thank you so much Recovery Girl..." Midoriya thanked her as soon as he was healed by Recovery Girl.

Boboiboy, Midoriya, and Bakugou were currently in Recovery Girl's office having their injuries treated after the long battle with All Might.

"Are you okay Midoriya?" The brown boy asked worriedly.

"I'm fine. No need to worry. Kacchan, how about you?" Midoriya turned to his childhood friend.

"Shut up nerd!" Bakugou roared, refuse to be treated as if he almost died just now.

"I can't believe that among the three of you, you're only the only one who got out with light injuries despite being thrown two times by All Might." Recovery Girl commented, treating Boboiboy's light wounds.

"It's safe to say that I'm lucky this time." Boboiboy gave her a reassuring smile.

"That's good to hear, however... All Might! You really don't know how to hold back, do you?! If you'd hit any harder, you would've done permanent damage to them!" The elderly hero scolded All Might for hitting them too hard.

"But... But... I got injured too." All Might replied, seeing how hard Solar kicked his butt a moment ago. Plus, he also received a heavy bruise from Quake's golem and an itchy rash thanks to Thorn. He was a victim here!

"I'm truly sorry All Might!" Boboiboy bowed, apologizing. "I... I... didn't mean that to happen!"

"No... No... You were protecting yourself and your friends from the 'villain'." Recovery Girl said, patting his shoulder.

"You're truly nice for your own good Boboiboy. You were just helping out and trying to pass the exam yet you apologized for beating up this jerk." She whispered.

"Recovery Girl is right. No need to feel bad about that." Aizawa continued.

"How's the treating coming along?" Amato asked as soon as he entered the infirmary room.

"Pretty good." Aizawa turned to the obvious worried armored hero. "And good job for today. Thank you for the hard work."

"You're welcome!" Amato said, eyes on his son. Finally, he could take a breath of relief since he confirmed his son's current situation.

Plus, it took all of his willpower and patience not to shot All Might with his Modern Broom a.k.a destructive weapon for hurting Boboiboy and his friends.

Suddenly, his phone ringed, maybe it was call from Ramenman.

"I'm sorry, but I have to take this call." Amato excused himself and quickly went outside for privacy.

"Amato!" Ramenman's anxious voice was heard at the end of the line.

"Did something happen Ramenman?" Amato asked, feeling that something big was about to happen.

"I received an emergency message from TAPOPS! They are here, Amato!" Ramenman said, shocking Amato.

"Finally, they managed to find Portalbot, huh? But who? Who were the ones that entered this world?!" Amato whispered.

"Can you pin me the location? I'll find them right away!" Amato asked in a serious tone. "We need to save them before Vicious finds out about this!"

"The signal is currently weak! But I'll try my best to search it!" Ramenman answered, ending the call.

Without wasting his time Amato entered the infirmary room again. "This is very sudden but I received a call for work." He informed the teachers and his son.

"You... You're leaving dad?" Boboiboy asked. To be honest, he wasn't sad if his dad went back to work since he's a hero in this world.

However, what worries him was the tense expression on his dad's face. As if something alarming suddenly happened.

"Yes, I have some work to do. I promise I'll call you afterward and explain everything." Amato said. It truly hurts him to leave his son so suddenly.

"I see. Take care dad! Please be careful!" Boboiboy tried to smile. However, that fake mask of his wasn't enough to convince Amato.

"I will." Amato ruffled his son's brown locks and turned to the teachers. "Please convey my apologies to Principal Nezu for not being able to attend the results meeting after this."

"It's fine. You're a hero too and of course, you have other obligations to your duties." Aizawa simply answered.

"We will handle the rest. No need to worry!" All Might continued.

"Thank you and again I'm sorry for leaving so suddenly." Amato politely bowed. "Well, I'll be going now." He said, turning to the door.

"DAD!" Boboiboy's worried voice was heard.

"Please... Please come home safely!" Boboiboy said before binding their farewell.

"I will. I promise to come back to you as soon as I'm done with work." Amato gave his son a reassuring smile, slowly turning his heels, and left them.

"Stay safe dad!"


League Of Villains Hideout

"Are you curious about that boy, Midoriya Izuku?" Kurogiri questioned, seeing that Shigaraki was holding a picture of Midoriya during the Sports Festival.

Shigaraki decided not to answer that, red eyes now landed on Boboiboy's picture. Suddenly, he remembered a conversation he once had with his sensei, All For One.

A conversation about the elemental boy.

"That elemental user attracted my attention with that magnificent quirk of his. He can manipulate different types of elements and it seems like his quirk can also evolve to a higher level. I wonder if I'll be able to meet him and rip off his quirk from him. Wouldn't that be lovely?"

All For One once said to him.

Shigaraki clicked his tongue in irritation. This is the first time his sensei had eyes on someone else! And what irritated him the most was he wanted to meet this so-called elemental user, Boboiboy!

"You annoy the hell out of me." Shigaraki let a low growl.

"Shigaraki, you all have been the talk of the town the past few days. I heard that you're starting something big—"

"And? Who are they?" Shigaraki cuts Giran.

"Uwaah... I saw a picture of you, but you look grosser in person." A spiky black-haired guy with a huge purplish scar commented, slightly unamused.

"Wow, the hand guy! You're friends with the great Stain, right? Right?" The petite girl beside him said, smiling. "Let me join, too! The League of Villains!"

"Hmm, pretty nice hideout you have here. Ah, finally I can have a better sleep after this." Another guy replied. However, this one had red hair with turquoise green highlights.

"Kurogiri, get rid of these guys. Everything I hate came together in one set." Tomura demanded since one is a rude guy, beside him was someone annoying, and the other one was a bratty young girl.

"Woah... Woah... We already meet, right? The Hosu incident remember? I was particularly there." Vengeance said.

"Ah... This is stupid." Vengeance whispered. Just to clarify, he also hated mixing with humans and if it wasn't for Vicious's order then he would never step his feet on the filthy place.

And yes, he was ordered by the pirate villain to infiltrate the League of Villains and keep an eye on the next successor of the stealing quirk, Shigaraki Tomura.

"Now, now... They came all this way to visit, so let's at least hear them out. Kurogiri pleaded for his master to reconsider his decision since the big shot broker was the one who brought them there.

"I don't care what you do with them, but make sure I get my commission, Kurogiri. At least let me introduce them..." Giran said.

"First, this cute high school girl. Her name and face were kept tightly under the wraps by the media, but she's on the run as the suspect in a series of deaths by blood loss." He introduced the first candidate, Toga Himiko.

"I'm Toga! Toga Himiko! It's hard but I want the world to become an easier place to live! I want to become Mr. Stainy! I want to kill Mr. Stainy! So, let me join the League of Villains, Tomura!"

"I don't get her. Is she crazy?" Shigaraki commented.

"The next one here is an infamous hacker. In case you're wondering, he was the one who was responsible for stealing Company H's network passwords and credit card numbers and sold them to the black market."Giran continued, introducing Vengeance to Shigaraki.

"What can I say, I needed money for a new PS4." The red-haired guy replied. Hacking? Well, he can do more than that as long as it is profitable on his part.

"Last but not least, this guy here hasn't committed any flashy crimes but he holds fast to the hero killer's ideology." Giran introduced Dabi.

I'm uneasy about this. Does this organization really have a just cause? Don't tell me that you're going to let this crazy woman and this geek in?" Dabi questioned while Toga and Vengeance just smiled eerily after hearing that.

"Hey, you. You can't even do what they were able to do. Give your name first. You're an adult, right?" Shigaraki said.

"I currently go by Dabi and I'm here because I will carry out the will of the Hero Killer, Stain." Dabi replied.

"Jeez, everyone's so hung up about Stain, Stain... Stain! I don't like it!" Shigaraki complained since everyone was too hung up on Stain which pissed the hell out of him.

"Oh no... He's coming." Vengeance stood far as possible, didn't want to be involved in a fight.

"You mustn't!" Kurogiri tried to stop him.

"I don't feel so good... You're all no good!" Shigaraki attacked Toga and Dabi in which they retaliate in self-defense.

However, Kurogiri was much faster as he used his warp quirk on them, stopping the fight immediately.

"Aww, you ruined the fun moment! They were about to kill each other." Vengeance sighed.

"Please calm down, Tomura Shigaraki! If what you wish is to come to pass, then we must increase the organization's numbers. This is our chance since we're pushed in the spotlight." Kurogiri said.

"You must seize this chance and don't let it slip by." He continued, trying to convince Shigaraki.

"Shut up." The decay quirk user growled, angrily storming out of the hideout.

"I don't want to complain about the client, but... he's young. Too young." Giran commented.

"Agreed." Vengence nodded.

"Would it be all right to give you an answer at a later date? I believe he knows what he should do. It's because he knows that he left without saying anything. All Might... Hero Killer... He's been humbled twice already." Kurogiri explained.

"I'm sure he will reach an answer that both you and he himself will be satisfied with."


The Next Morning

At Class

"Everyone... I'm looking forward to hearing your stories... about training camp...." Ashido sobbed while Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sato looked as if their lives were taken from them.

"We... we don't know for sure yet! There might be a last-minute twist!" Midoriya tried to calm them down.

"Yeah! There's still a chance for this!" Boboiboy continued, trying his best to calm them down.

"Midoriya, Boboiboy, if you say it out loud it'll probably jinx it." Sero said.

"I know you guys are sad and to be honest I'm pretty disappointed in myself too. It was thanks to Mineta that I magically passed the practical exam." The black-haired boy continued while Mineta smiled smugly.

"Once the bell rings, get in your seats." Aizawa opened the door, only to see that his students were perfectly seated in silence.

Aizawa walked in front and let a heavy sigh. "Morning. Unfortunately, there are those who did not pass the final exams. Accordingly, for the training camp in the woods..."

"...everyone's going!" He announced with an 'I lied to you again' face, shocking his students.

Boy, does Aizawa knows how to act, huh?

"A LAST MINUTE TWIST!" The whole class roared, completely fooled by their teacher.

"Well, that means everyone is going, right? That's great then! Awesome! (Terbaik!)" Boboiboy smiled.

"We can go too?!"


"Yeah. Some failed, but no one failed the written exam. In the practical, Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, Sato, and Sero failed." Aizawa continued.

"EH?!" Sero gasped. "I knew it. Just because my team passed didn't mean I scored high enough not to fail..."

"For this time's exam, we on the villain side made sure to leave a way for the students to win while watching to see how you all would take on the task at hand. If we hadn't, most of you would've gotten stuck before you started.

"Sir! When you said you were trying to obliterate us, was it a lie? Or were you just trying to scare us?" Boboiboy raise his hand and asked.

"That was to make you feel cornered. In the first place, the training camp in the woods is one to increase strength. So those who failed need it the most. They have to get stronger." Aizawa replied.

"I see, thank you for answering that!" Boboiboy gave him a small grin.

"It was a rational falsehood." Aizawa gave them a stiff grin.

"A RATIONAL FALSEHOOD?!" Kirishima, Kaminari, Ashido, and Sato gasped again, however were basically jumping in joy after hearing that.

Why did their homeroom teacher have to be so cruel?!

"I was tricked again! As expected of U.A." lida said, couldn't believe that he fell for Aizawa's trap again!

"However, since you lied to us twice, our faith in you will waver!" The class representative stood up, protesting.

"Wow, you're being a wet blanket, Iida." Uraraka commented.

"That's true. I'll consider that. But I wasn't lying about everything. "Failure is a failure. We have prepared a separate time for extra lessons for you all. Frankly, it'll be tougher than the extra lessons you'd get if you stayed at school." Aizawa gave the failing students a death glare.

Kirishima, Kaminari, Sero, Ashido, Sato completely turned white after hearing that. Well, it was early for them to celebrate anyway.




The day went by so fast as it was time to go back home now.

"Well, in any case, I'm glad we can all go together." Ojiro said, holding a training camp guide.

"A week of training camp, huh? lida said.

"We'll have to bring a lot with us." Midoriya continued.

"I don't have a bathing suit or anything. I'll have to buy a bunch of stuff." Kaminari said to them. They must be really prepared if they want to survive training camp.

"Night vision goggles..." Mineta replied while Boboiboy gave him a death glare.

"Oh, then since we're off tomorrow, and we just finished our exams, why doesn't Class A all go shopping together?!" Hagakuru suggested, beaming happily.

"Great idea Hagakure!" Boboiboy agreed, nodding.

"Hey, Bakugou, you're coming, too!" Kirishima said.

"Like I'd do something so irritating." Bakugou replied, walking away.

"Bakugou be always Bakugou." Boboiboy sighed.

"Will you come too, Todoroki?" Midoriya and Boboiboy approached Todoroki with a hopeful look.

"Sorry but I'm going to visit my mom during our days off." Todoroki politely declined since his mother was his first priority.

"You guys are such party poopers! Get a clue, you clueless guys!" Mineta appeared from nowhere and shouted.

"Shopping together, huh? I can't wait!" Boboiboy jumped.

"Thank goodness I still have some money from dad. Maybe, I'll buy him something! Like a shirt or..." His smile suddenly turned upside down as he remembered his dad and Mechabot.

"I wonder what they're doing right now?" Boboiboy silently wondered, feeling worried since there was no news from both his dad and Mechabot.

"Dad... Mechabot... I hope you're doing alright..."


The Next Day

"And so, here we are! With the most stores in the prefecture, the newest and coolest, most advanced... Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall!" Ashido said.

Class 1-A decided to meet up at the Kiyashi Ward Shopping Mall since that place was one of the largest malls near UA.

"Wow! This mall is so big!" Boboiboy looked around. For today, he went with a casual look with black jeans and an orange hoodie, and of course his iconic dinosaur hat.

"They don't just try to cover the various body types due to quirks by numbers, but they actually have designs that fit a wide range of ages, from teens to seniors, so—" Midoriya muttered as he walked around.

"You're scaring the children. Stop that." Tokoyami commented while Boboiboy chuckled beside him.

"Oh, aren't those U.A. students?!"

"First years?!"

"I saw them on TV!"

"Sports Festival, yay!"

"Oh, there are still people who remember that..." Uraraka commented as eyes were now concentrated on them.

"Anyway, I need to buy a big carry-on bag." Jirou said.

"Oh my, then why don't we go together?" Yaoyorozu suggested, walking with Jirou.

"Where I can get lock-picking tools and small drills?" Mineta asked.

"Not again Mineta." Boboiboy sighed, shaking his head.

"I don't have any outdoorsy shoes, so I want to go buy some." Kaminari said, looking around for some shoe store.

"Oh, me too, me too!" Hagakure replied.

"The guide said to bring shoes that are already broken in—" Iida said, raising his hand in a robot-like manner.

"Oh, but I see, perhaps we should choose based on utility?" The spectacled boy suddenly put his hand on his chin, thinking.

"Everyone has different things they want to do, so why don't we decide on a time to meet back up?" Kirishima suggested to them.

"I agree!" Ashido shouted.

"Then let's meet back here at 3 o'clock!" With that, they split up going to different stores to buy what they needed for the training camp.

"Everyone's really fast, huh?" Midoriya said.

"Yeah..." Boboiboy and Uraraka agreed.

"What about you guys? Where do you want to go?" The green-head asked.

"Well, I want to go to the clothes store first and maybe to the supplies store since I want to buy a small first aid kit. You never know if you need that during the training camp, right?" Boboiboy said.

"Ah, taking good precaution I see. That's a thoughtful idea Boboiboy!" Midoriya replied.

"Thanks! Well, I'll see you guys later!" Boboiboy said and left them.

"W... What about you Uraraka-san? I want to get some heavier wrist weights." Midoriya turned to the brown-haired girl.

"I need to buy a bug spray—"

"Do you... like him?" Aoyama's voice suddenly ringed inside her head and instantly she turned red.

"Bug spray!" Uraraka quickly left Midoriya all on his own.

"I'm a bug?!" Midoriya pointed himself, totally confused with Uraraka's sudden action.

"Even though we all came together, I'm by myself now..." Midoriya said.

"Oh, if you are all alone then how about a talk with me?" A voice was heard as the unknown man suddenly placed his hands on Midoriya's shoulder.

"I think we'll have a great time together! Isn't that right, Midoriya Izuku?" The man let an eerie smile as he managed to trap his prey.

Midoriya felt a cold shiver, slowly turning to the man beside him. His body trembled, couldn't believe who the man was...

"Shigaraki Tomura!"




"I did say I wanted to buy some clothes but..." Boboiboy sighed, taking a seat in the seating area. Truthfully, he was excited to go shopping with his friends but it seems like his mind was somewhere else as he couldn't stop thinking about his dad and Mechabot.

"Still no calls, huh?" The elemental user checked his phone in case his dad might called him or something but then was disappointed when his call log was left silent.

"Having some trouble there?" A deep voice was heard.

"Oh! Please don't mind me! I was just..." Boboiboy looked up, only to be shocked as his eyes meet with the one standing in front of him.

"V... Vicious!" The elemental user shouted.

"Did you miss me Boboiboy?" Vicious gave the boy a satisfied smirk.

"W... Why are you here?!" The elemental watch glowed, a sign that Boboiboy was about to unleash his power.

"Now... Now... You don't want to cause trouble, do you?" Vicious replied, seeing that people were looking at Boboiboy with a strange look.

"Mama! Mama! Why is the boy talking on his own?" A little boy asked his mother while pointing at the elemental user.

"I... I don't know. Anyway, let's just ignore him. Maybe, he's having a hard day." The mother replied as they quickly left, scared.

"They... They can't see you?" Boboiboy gave a confused look, now speaking softly.

"Bingo! 100 marks to the stupid hatted boy!" Vicious clapped his hand, amused. "You know Stealthbot's invisible power is amazing! Just by making a few adjustments, one can be invisible in the other's eyes while only their targeted person can see them. Isn't that great?"

"What?! (Apakah?!)" Boboiboy gasped. He was the only one who can see Vicious?! No wonder he received strange views from others. Apparently, he was like talking to himself!

"And besides, you can't use your power here! Remember the 'Quirk Law'?" Vicious let another satisfied smile as he managed to corner the elemental user.

"So, if I were you, I wouldn't do anything to attract unnecessary attention. I just want to have a quick talk." Vicious said.

Boboiboy stood in silence. A part of him wanted to beat the villain while the other was forced to listen to his words. There were a lot of people at the moment and he didn't want to bring any harm to them.

"I think your father already told you my plan, didn't he?" Vicious continued. "Well, we were work partner once and I think he can read me like a book by now."

Boboiboy didn't reply as he just let the pirate villain continue.

"You know something you shouldn't right Boboiboy? For instance, the current owner of the One For All quirk."

Boboiboy flinched after hearing that, his mind wandered to Midoriya.

Vicious smirked when Boboiboy's calm expression suddenly turned terrified. "So, you do know who he is, huh? Someone close to you right?"

"D... Don't you dare lay your dirty fingers on that person!" Boboiboy glared.

"Pfft! As if you could stop me from getting what I want!" Vicious let an evil laugh. "Hmm, no wonder that 'person' suddenly weakened! He gave his quirk to someone else, huh? Then, that explains everything and your expressions confirmed it."

Boboiboy turned white, trembled. "No! Please..." He whispered.

"This is truly fantastic! To think that the owner of the One for All quirk close to you! Ah, I can't wait to see your grief when I finally rob that quirk of his and turned it as my own!" The pirate villain laughed again, satisfied that he finally got his answers.

"After that, I'm going to end your hero legacy once and for all! And trust me, I will kill you slowly and painfully until you lose your sanity. I promise you that." Vicious gave him an eerie smile.

"I like to see you try." Boboiboy gave a brave answer.

"We will see who will get the last laugh boy!" Vicious replied, hitting Boboiboy on the face with a punch while Boboiboy tried his best to endure the pain.

He can't lose to Vicious!

"And that's just the beginning!" Vicious smiled, leaving him.

"Midoriya!" Without wasting his time Boboiboy ran as fast as he could, hoping that his green-headed friend will be alright!




"Uraraka!" Boboiboy called her seeing that Uraraka was standing all alone without the presence of Midoriya.

"Boboiboy? Wait! What happened to your face? There's blood on  the corner of your lips!" Uraraka panicked.

"No time to explain! Where's Midoriya?!" Boboiboy questioned.

"Eh? Deku-kun? I... I don't know. We separated a moment ago." The girl replied.

"Thanks!" Without waiting Boboiboy ran again.

"Boboiboy? Boboiboy! Wait for me!" Uraraka quickly followed, feeling that something bad was happening.

The duo quickly ran back to the meeting place they promised only to see Midoriya was getting choked by an unknown man.

"Deku-kun? A friend...? No..." Uraraka paled immediately.

"Midoriya! Get your hands off him!" Boboiboy shouted in anger.

"It's nothing! I'm fine! So, don't come close!" Midoriya warned them.

"Well... well... if it isn't the famous elemental user that everyone was talking about!" Shigaraki smiled, tightening his hold on Midoriya's neck.

"You know... I hated that everyone has their eyes on you especially my sensei." The pale man continued. "Now that we meet, I kind of understand why you're so special."

"And destroying you will be very worthful!" Shigaraki gave him a death glare as he let go of Midoriya from his clutches.

Midoriya gasped for air as he was released.

"If you try to follow me, I'll get angry." Shigaraki threatened before leaving.

"Deku-kun! / Midoriya!" Uraraka and Boboiboy ran towards him.

"Wait! Shigaraki Tomura!" Midoriya yelled.

"Eh?!" Both Uraraka and Boboiboy were shocked to hear that.

"What is All For One after?!" Midoriya questioned.

"Who knows?" Shigaraki simply answered. "More importantly, you should be careful especially you, Boboiboy. The next time I meet you, you two will be shredded meat. Remember that well." With that, he quickly disappeared among the crowds.


After that, Uraraka reported the incident, and the shopping district was temporarily closed.

The heroes and police in the ward undertook an emergency investigation, but in the end, they could not find Tomura Shigaraki.

Midoriya was taken to the police station that day and told Officer Tsukauchi, who is investigating the League of Villains, about the principal offender, Shigaraki Tomura's appearance, and their conversation.

Boboiboy stayed with him since he was worried about Midoriya's condition. The wound that he got from Vicious was also finally treated by the medical staff despite that he had to lie by saying that trip from running.

"Hmm... From what I'm hearing, it sounds like they aren't a monolithic organization. But the part where he wants to defeat All Might hasn't changed. Anyway, thank you, Midoriya." Officer Tsukauchi said.

"Oh, welcome... I wish I could've detained him, though." Midoriya replied.

"No... No... In fact, you did well hold up when your life and the lives of others were at stake. Most people would get scared and panic. The fact that there were no victims is thanks to you for staying calm." The police officer said, assuring Midoriya.

"And thank you for helping Midoriya. If you weren't fast enough then who knows what might happen to him." The police officer turned to Boboiboy.

"We didn't do anything special sir." Boboiboy replied. Who knew that today he met both Vicious and Shigaraki Tomura and to make it worst both of these villains were aiming for his life.

"Young Midoriya! Young Boboiboy! Tsukauchi-kun! All Might (muscle form) called them as soon as Midoriya was released from the police station.

"All Might? Why are you here?" The students replied.

"He's here because he will be escorting you to your homes. We can't let anything happen to you again." The police officer explained.

"I see..." The boys nodded.

"Good evening, I will be the one to drive you to your houses." A red-haired police officer introduced himself.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you... All Might." The man smiled.

"He seems familiar." Boboiboy whispered. He can't recognize who the officer was but he felt that they met somewhere? Or was it just his feeling?

"Then, off you go. We don't want your parents to worry about you." Officer Tsukauchi said.

"Right." They said and followed the red-haired officer.

"Well, tonight will be interesting." He said, smirking.


"Umm, excuse me..." Midoriya politely said. "I think you went to the wrong road. This isn't the way to my house."

"Eh? Wrong way? But I followed the directions given though." The officer showed them the GPS system.

"I'm sorry but Young Midoriya is right. We're going in the wrong direction." All Might continued seeing that the police car entered an abandoned place.

The atmosphere suddenly became quiet. too quiet in their perspective.

Immediately the car stopped as the red-haired police got out of the car. "Wait a minute. I need to make a call to police headquarters." He said, lying.

However, unknown to him Boboiboy caught a glimpse of the red-haired officer's eye color.

It was turquoise green! 

Which means....

"Midoriya! All Might! Quick, get out from this car!" Boboiboy shouted, now realizing who the red-haired man's true identity is....

He was Vengeance!

"Oh my! My cover was blown up!" Vengeance smirked. Welp, the important thing is that he managed to bring them far away from the police and heroes. So, a job well done!

"You were a fool to fall for that!" Retak'ka appeared from the shadows, shocking Boboiboy even more. "Who knew that you were this idiotic Boboiboy!"

"Retak'ka?!" Boboiboy shouted.

"Boboiboy! Do you know who they are?" Midoriya questioned while All Might stood in front of them, protecting his students.

"What's happening here?!" All Might said. These faces were new to him since he never met any of them!

"Gee, you didn't even introduce us to them, Boboiboy? How sad since we basically came from the same world." Retak'ka smiled.

"W... What is he saying Boboiboy?" Midoriya questioned, now confused.

"Now... Now.... This isn't the time to tease him space monkey. Remember, we have a mission to do." Vengeance reminded, taking off his disguise.

"I swear if you ever order me to play cops again, I'll freaking kill you Vicious." Vengeance growled.

"Well, if I ordered Retak'ka to disguise as police, he'll turn into a circus clown than a government worker. Besides, he has no nose." Vicious said, appearing before them.

"Vicious!" Boboiboy screamed again.

"Vicious? HE'S VICIOUS?!" Midoriya's green eyes fell onto the pirate-like villain, remembering that Boboiboy once said his name during the training lesson.

"Ah, it's finally nice to meet you One For All user!" Vicious smiled, turning to Midoriya and All Might. "Let me introduce myself, I'm Captain Vicious, soon to be the conqueror of this world!"

"WHAT?!" Both All Might and Midoriya gasped.

"And to achieve that goal, I need your quirk! The One For All quirk!" He smirked as a power-sphere appeared beside him.

"Cementbot! Come Forth!" He summoned.

"That... That power is the same as the two villains during the attack on USJ!" Midoriya pointed Cementbot.

"So, they were his underlings, huh?" All Might dashed forward launching an attack on Vicious when...

"Oh no, you don't." Vengeance said, stabbing All Might on the right of his abdomen.


"I... I forget those two were here!" All Might said, holding his injury. He was totally blinded by Vicious's villain aura that he attacked carelessly. Luckily for him, the injury wasn't deep as he thought it would be.

"That's careless of you human." Vicious used this opportunity to throw cement bullets towards the hero but...

"Not this time Vicious! Elemental Power! Boboiboy Quake! Earth Wall!" Boboiboy quickly used his second-tier earth element and protected All Might with an earth wall.

"Thank you Young Boboiboy!" All Might thanked him while Quake nodded.

"Earth Golems!" Quake immediately summoned three earth golems and caught Vicious, Vengeance, and Retak'ka at the same time.

"You can summon more than one golem Boboiboy?" Midoriya looked at them in awe while All Might was impressed, noting to himself to never pissed off quake version Young Boboiboy since he could literally end his life in one punch.

"Yes, but this move takes a lot of energy from me." Quake replied, concentrating.

"Interesting." Vicious smirked as he easily destroyed one of the golems.

"What? (Apakah?)" Quake shouted.

"How about this?" The villain questioned, summoning Hookabot. "Hookabot! Come Forth! Ensnaring Hook!" He used the hook to capture both Midoriya and All Might, which he succeeded easily.


The villain licked his lips when he acquired his targets. "Target captured."

Meanwhile, both Retak'ka and Vengeance managed to break free from the earth golems thanks to the time given by Vicious.

"Ah, I forgot that your elemental power is really annoying Boboiboy." Retak'ka growled.

"One versus three, huh?" Vengeance took out his knives. Ah, he needed to end this, or else Kurogiri might question him.

He hated his double life!

"Finally, your journey as a hero ends here Boboiboy." Vicious smirked, now using Hookabot in canon-mode.

"Boboiboy! Don't mind us! Please, save yourself!" All Might said, trying to break free but his body was tired due to using his muscle form for a long period.

"Boboiboy! You can't handle them all alone!" Midoriya shouted, he wanted to save his friend but the chains binding them were too hard to break free! "Why can't I break free from this?!"

"You're right... I can't..." Quake reverted back to his original self, seeming like he has given up or something but then...

"I can't if I'm alone but..." Boboiboy said, his elemental watch glowed with two lights.

Now, wasn't the time to hide his powers anymore! He needed to protect All Might and Midoriya from Vicious! They were his first priority compared to his secret!

"Boboiboy Duo Split!" a circle containing two out of seven elemental logos appeared. Boboiboy jumped into it and...

Split into two persons.

"What if there were two of us?" Blaze and Ice said simultaneously.

Midoriya and All Might were shocked by the sudden revealment. Boboiboy had multiple quirks? And this one basically allows him to split or duplicate himself!

"I... I can't believe this. To think that another person besides All For One could control multiple quirks. Young Boboiboy... Who are you?" All Might whispered.

"Boboiboy has an ability to split himself into different elements! It's.... It's amazing!" Midoriya said, green eyes on Blaze and Ice.

"It's time to end this!" Blaze and Ice strike their right wrists against together.

"Elemental Fusion! Boboiboy FrostFire!" FrostFire emerged, standing majestically before them, making his second debut.

"Frost... FrostFire?" Midoriya mumbled, remembering the day that Todoroki told him about FrostFire's existence.

"HE CAN FUSE HIS ELEMENTS?!" Midoriya and All Might jaw-dropped by the breath-taking sight of FrostFire.

"How many quirks does he have?" They questioned, now confused at the true nature of Boboiboy's elemental quirk.

"FrostFire Bow!" The dual-element summoned a bow containing both ice and fire arrows. FrostFire aimed at the villains, trying to delay time so that All Might and Midoriya could escape from the hooks.

"This elemental fusion of yours is really annoying!" Retak'ka hissed given that it was difficult for him to keep up with FrostFire's speed

"Hurry up and capture them Vicious! We are only targeting One For All, right?!" Vengeance shouted while dodging the hot and frozen arrows of FrostFire.

"A... Amazing!" He's much faster now!" Midoriya and All Might said. Finally, managed to escape from Hookabot's chains.

"Oh no, you don't! Blazing Frost Punch!" FrostFire quickly went to combat offense, kicking and punching Vicious with immense speed.

"Vicious!" Retak'ka was about to help him when...

"SMASH!" Both Midoriya and All Might managed to land a punch on his stomach, knocking him out with brute force.

Unknown to them Vengeance inflicted a knife wound on both Midoriya and All Might. "Let's see how you handle this." He licked the blood on his knife, activating the blood curdle quirk that they stole from Stain.

Immediately, both All Might and Midoriya's movements were locked.

"This... This quirk... It's the Hero Killer's quirk!" Midoriya yelled. "How... How did they have this quirk?"

"Midoriya! All Might!" FrostFire shouted. This is not good on their side!

"Hey! Space monkey! Quick use that mind control power of yours and control them!" Vengence slapped Retak'ka. However, the villain was already unconscious due to the ruthless attack he received from All Might and Midoriya.

"Argh!" Vengeance lost his patience and took the mind control power watch from Retak'ka.

"Finally! Target captured!" Vengeance was about to activate the power watch when...

The unexpected happened...

And within seconds, the red-haired man was pushed onto the ground by a giant thorny-like feline beast.











"BOBOIBOY!" A voice called him.

And FrostFire was definitely familiar to the owner of the voice.











"O... OCHOBOT?!" FrostFire couldn't believe this! Ochobot was here?! In this world?!

"CATTUS?! BELLBOT?!" His central heterochromia eyes landed on the big green cat and the tiny yellow power sphere.

"How?! When?! Where?!" FrostFire was beyond confused by now. However, he quickly took his chance to give Ochobot a big hug.

"I missed you!" FrostFire said.

"No time to explain! We need to get out of here!" Ochobot replied. For now, running away was the best option since Vicious might call his crew in no time.

"What? The TAPOPS's power spheres?! How did they end up here?!" Vicious was also surprised to see them.

"T... Talking robots?!" Midoriya gasped for the hundredth time today. 

Were they Boboiboy's acquittances? Or friends? Or family?

He was really confused by now...


"Can you move?" A green bot asked Midoriya and All Might.

"We... we can't..." They slowly replied.

"MOTOBOT! You're here too?!" FrostFire asked.

"Yep! We came to help you!" Motobot replied. "Cattus! Can you please lift them?"

The green beast cat nodded, releasing Vengeance immediately, and went to help Midoriya and All Might by carrying them like a stuffed toy.

"I... I hope we don't get eaten!" Midoriya and All Might swallowed since their precious life was in the hand of the beast cat.

"Don't worry! Cattus is a nice and heroic cat!" Motobot said.

"VICIOUS!" Now it was Amato's turn to attack him by slashing his Mecha Sword against the villain, giving him a heavy injury.

"How dare you touch my son with that filthy hands of yours!" The armored hero growled angrily.

"DAD!" FrostFire shouted happily.

"We don't have much time! Ochobot! Now!" Amato instructed.

"Right, Mr. Dad!" Ochobot nodded, activating his power.

"Teleportation Power!" A blue light came as Ochobot opened a portal.

"Everyone! Into the portal! Quick!" Amato ordered, jumping into the teleportation portal. After that, Ochobot quickly closed, preventing Vicious and his crew from following them.

"FIND THEM!" Vicious roared in anger knowing that his plan to steal the One For All quirk now ruined.

"DAMN YOU AMATO!" The pirate villain cursed. 

"Captain! Captain!" One of his crew suddenly called him.

"WHAT IS IT?!" He spatted. 

"W... Wish... Wishbot! He... He escaped!" The crew informed.





Somewhere Else

Wishbot ran as fast as he could, away from Vicious, his capture. But honestly, he doesn't know where to go! He wants to ask for help but he doesn't know Boboiboy's whereabouts!

"Help! Please help me! Anybody! Just please!" Wishbot pleaded, energy now draining.

After Vicious deemed that he had no more purpose to him, the villain immediately locked him in a cage without charging him back. That's why Wishbot tried his best to conserve his energy so that he can use it when he escapes one day.

However, little did he know that his energy drained so quickly after running for so long. His vision was now blurred, he was too tired and fell on the ground not realizing that someone was in front of him.

"A robot?!" The boy questioned. He slowly approached Wishbot.

"W... Who are you?" The boy questioned again, holding Wishbot in his hand.

"P... Please... H... Help me..." Wishbot said weakly, losing consciousness.

"Hey! Hey!" The boy shakes him. However, no response from the wish-granting power sphere.

The boy quickly took Wishbot with him, hoping that he might save him!

"Don't worry! I'll help you!"







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm so sorry for the late update! I was busy with my studies and work! 

Sorry about that! And thank you for the patience!

At least you finally know who entered the BNHA world, right?

The secrets revealed arc will continue in the next chapter and finally, the two heroes arc will start on Chapter 27!

I will do my best to update frequently as possible! 

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


A lovely art from hollla07


Another one is from Airi_Rin09

She made a bunch so... Thank you for this!

Please spare Boboiboy's chubby cheeks! XD

Ah! Hatless Petir! So cool! 😍

They are so cute together! And look at Leaf's carnivorous plant! It's smiling! 😆

This trio is also cute! XD And Fire is getting jealous there! 😂

Friendly note, never let them karaoke together! Or else your eardrum will hurt! 😂

Btw, they are currently singing a song from BTS called Fire! 😆



Thank you so much for this!

Lastly, this one is from me, but it's ugly though! 😂

Well, I think that's all!

Thank you for reading and the support! 🥰


See you in Chapter 26!


StarTwinkle ⭐

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