Chapter 26 - SECRETS REVEALED?! (PART 2)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"We don't have much time! Ochobot! Now!" Amato said.

"Right, Mr. Dad!" Ochobot nodded.

"Teleportation Power!" A blue light came as Ochobot opened a portal.

"Everyone! Into the portal! Quick!" Amato ordered, jumping into the teleportation portal. After that, Ochobot quickly closed, preventing Vicious and his crew from following them.

"FIND THEM!" Vicious roared in anger knowing that his plan to steal the One For All quirk failed.

"DAMN YOU AMATO!" He cursed knowing that Amato and Boboiboy ruined his plan!




A Few Days Before

After he received Ramenman's message, Amato immediately rushed to the location given to him.

"Whoever came here must be in danger at the moment since they aren't familiar with the hero world and the hero system." The man said.

"Yeah! True... But— WHY ARE THEY SO FAR AWAY FROM JAPAN?!" Mechabot roared.

"I mean, LAS VEGAS?! REALLY?! That's like 8 962 km and not to mention going there takes 15 hours 53 minutes! " The robot destroyer complained a bit.

"No wonder the signal was faint, huh? And Remember what Gigabot said, Portalbot still can't control his power well. Unlike Gigabot who is used to opening gates and portals, Portalbot never actually done such a thing." Amato explained.

"Besides, we have TEMPUR-A's private jet with us. It won't take too long to reach them with this speed." The hero continued, piloting the aircraft.

"Fine..." Mechabot huffed and sat next to Amato. "I hope those who entered here are able to help us defeat Vicious."

"We will see that soon enough."


Las Vegas is a large sprawling glitzy city situated in the middle of the high desert surrounded by stark high desert mountains. Words such as surreal, fast-paced, and hyper-reality quickly come to mind when describing Las Vegas and thus, words such as subtle and quiet are not often associated with this city.

"How are we going to find them Amato? I mean, this place is swarmed with humans!" Mechabot said.

"No clue but, I think they are somewhere around here." Amato pointed at the red dot on his tracking system.

After 30 minutes of walking, they finally stopped at an old and dilapidated toy factory. It was so old that the abandoned building gives a rather scary vibe as if there are 'occupants' inside the building.

"The door is locked! Great! How are we going to go inside?" Mechabot whined, struggling to open the door.

"We can just use the windows and—"

"Wait a minute!" The robot destroyer suddenly had an idea. "I have my destructive blasters!" Mechabot said, blasting the lock, allowing them to enter the old factory.

"Or we could just go with that—" Amato sighed.

"Wait, why are hiding behind me?" The hero asked when his partner used him as a 'shield'.

"Hiding?! What are you talking about? I'm not a coward! I'm... I'm just protecting myself here!" Mechabot replied, tugging Amato's shirt.

"Whatever—" Amato rolled his eyes. Suddenly, they heard a low growl coming from the shadows.

"Did... Did you hear that?" Mechabot said, slightly shaking.

"It came from over there!" The red robot pointed.

"Mechabot! Prepare for attack mode!" Amato instructed as the growl was becoming even louder.

"Got it!" Mechabot said and quickly handed Amato a broom he just found.

"Really?—" Amato gave his partner a blank look. "You know we should mechanize, right?"

"Oh yeah! I forgot— AMATO! BEHIND YOU!" Mechabot eyes widened when the green beast emerged from the shadows, giving them a sharp look as if wanting to kill them.

Amato quickly pushed Mechabot away, dodging the claw attack from the ferocious beast.

"How come there's a giant green tiger here?!" Mechabot shouted, fusing with the old broom to create a Mecha Blaster.

"I like to know that as well." Amato said, aiming at the thorny beast when suddenly he noticed something unusual.

"WAIT!" He shouted, putting the Mecha Blaster down, and raised his hand as a sign of concession.

"I... I don't want to hurt you! In fact, I came here to save you!" Amato said, hoping that the beast might hear him out.

"Amato! What are you doing?! We're going to be eaten alive here!" Mechabot immediately returned back to his robot form, shaking his partner as if the man had lost his right mind.

"Mechabot... I think that giant beast is from our world." Amato whispered.

"What? Really?!" Mechabot turned towards the thorny beast.

"Yeah! There's a power sphere hanging around its neck!" Amato pointed at the yellow-like bell.

"Now that you mention it..." Mechabot replied, much calmer by now.

"Can... Can we trust you?" Another two power spheres came out from their hiding place.

"Of course! Here's some proof!" Amato showed them his TAPOPS and TEMPUR-A badges, hoping that he might earn their trust.

"Thank... Thank you for saving us!" Ochobot and Motobot launched their selves at Amato and Mechabot while Cattus turned back into his cat form and quickly joined them.

"There... There... It was terrifying, right? Especially when you're new in this world." Amato smiled softly, trying his best to comfort them.

"Oh my, you're prickly, huh?" Amato sweat-drop when he accidentally touched Cattus's thorny tail while the feline purred.

"Wait! So, are you one of the high officers that TAPOPS sent here?" Ochobot asked.

"Yes, I am." Amato nodded.

"And so am I!" Mechabot said proudly.

"A power sphere?!" They questioned, shocked.

"Correction! A destructive robot power sphere." Mechabot replied to his 'kouhai' rather smugly.

"Is Boboiboy with you? Is he fine?" Ochobot quickly questioned, turning his attention back to Amato.

Amato let a soft chuckle. He recognized the yellow robot since Tok Aba once showed Ochobot to him. "He's fine and doing well if I may add!"

"That... That's great! I was worried about him. I mean, he suddenly disappeared one day and I... I..." Ochobot's cheerful voice turned sad remembering the day that Boboiboy went missing. He was very concerned as he thought about Boboiboy day and night, hoping that there's some kind of miracle to save him.

"There's no need to be sad Ochobot. You'll get to see him soon. I promise. " Amato comforted Ochobot.

"Umm, sir... How did you know my name?" Ochobot asked after a moment of silence.

"Well, I know all of the power spheres' names under TAPOPS and TEMPUR-A supervision." Amato smiled. "And if I'm not mistaken, you're Motobot and Bellbot, right?" The hero turned to the two robots.

"Correct!" Motobot and Bellbot nodded.

"And you must be Cattus! I know since Maskmana once told me about you." Amato picked up the ferocious yet cute feline cactus alien.

"Meow!" Cattus answered while licking Amato's cheeks.

"Hey, that tickles!" Amato laughed.

"Sorry, sir but who are you?" Motobot asked, curious.

"Well, I'm Amato, Boboiboy's beloved dad!" Amato proudly introduced himself to them.

"Oh..." The power spheres nodded but then—



"You know you could've gone with MechAmato when you introduced yourself to them." Mechabot sighed as Ochobot, Motobot, Bellbot, and Cattus stared at him with an unbelievable look.

"And now you ruined their lives Amato." The red robot waved his hand at them but it seems like he got no reaction to that.

They were currently on the private jet, heading back to Japan as fast as they could.

"Who... who knew that Boboiboy's dad and his partner, Mechabot are affiliated with TAPOPS and TEMPUR-A, huh?" Motobot said, eyes still on Amato.

"Yeah... / Meow..." The others nodded.

"Are we going to contact Boboiboy? I mean, we did promise to call him." Mechabot asked as he didn't want Boboiboy to worry about them.

"I want to but, we can't Mechabot." Amato let a loud sigh. "You know that Vengeance is on our tail, right? He's a master when it comes to hacking. One small mistake and we might expose the power spheres and Cattus to them."

"Besides, even though Vicious can't 'copy' their powers but they are still in danger right now." Amato continued more.

"I'm so sorry Boboiboy. I promise to come back as soon as possible! Please take care of yourself while I'm gone." He whispered.

"All right." Mechabot nodded, understanding their current situation.

"Say..." Mechabot turned to the others. "Why did TAPOPS sent you guys here instead of... you know humans or aliens..."

They looked at each other with a guilty look and... "Well, Portalbot's power was still unstable when we found him." Bellbot replied first.

"He also lacked energy at that moment and he could only open a small portal for us to cross over to this world." Motobot continued.

"Only me, Motobot, Bellbot, and Cattus could enter the gate back then. Commander Kokochi wanted to come with us (since he's also small) but, suddenly we got attacked by the enemy! He was in the frontline and he told us to go ahead." Ochobot explained.

"I see. You guys were in a desperate situation, huh?" Amato nodded.

"Please don't blame TAPOPS because we were the ones who wanted to do this!" Ochobot replied.

"Yeah! We wanted to save Boboiboy! That's why we took the risk and came here!" Motobot said.

"Meow!" Cattus nodded.

"Oh! My juniors are so brave!" Mechabot dramatically wiped his tears, touched because of their determination and spirit.

"Thank you for coming here. I appreciate your courage for making a such big decision." Amato smiled. Finally, the situation between them is no longer as tense as before.

Slowly, Ochobot approached Amato. "Umm... Can I ask you a question?"

"Sure! What is it?" Amato replied.

"I rarely heard Boboiboy talking about his father. So, what does he call you?" The yellow robot questioned.

"Well, he calls me dad of course!" The hero replied, smiling. "Why?"

"I know this may sound weird but, can I call you Mr. Dad? I mean, I call Boboiboy's grandfather as Tok Aba and I'm like a younger sibling to Boboiboy too! Besides, it's kind of weird to call you by your name." Ochobot explained.

"I certainly don't have a problem with that and Mr. Dad is cute! So, fine by me!" Amato gave him a huge grin.

"Thank you, Mr. Dad!" Ochobot immediately thanked Amato, proceeding their friendly conversation after that.

Meanwhile, Mechabot stared at them with a blank look. "Well, it seems like I have a new nephew now..."


Ramenman Hero Agency

"Where... Where are we?" The place was unfamiliar to Midoriya's green eyes. He looked around, wondering where in the world they were right now.

He slowly began to regain his movement's back, a sign that the blood-curdle quirk was slowly fading.

Suddenly, Midoriya recalled something...

That's right! They teleported there! And if he wasn't mistaken, they managed to escape because of the yellow robot's quirk!

Wait, his name was Ochobot, right?!

"You are currently at my agency Midoriya Izuku, All Might." Ramenman replied to them.

Oh boy... How will they explain this?

"We... We teleported here?" All Might finally voice his thought after a long silence.

"That's right! I moved us here with my teleportation power!" Ochobot happily approached those two.

"You... You can talk?!" Midoriya and All Might asked the floating yellow robot.

"Of course, I can! I'm a power sphere after all!" Ochobot replied rather cheerfully, while Midoriya and All Might gave him a confused look. Millions of questions were playing in their mind right now.

"A power sphere?" They questioned since things were pretty baffling on their side.

"Mi... Midoriya... All Might..." Boboiboy swallowed. The previous event might have surprised them a lot. If he was in their places, then he would give the same shocking reaction.

"We can explain." Amato said to them, calmly.

"Young Boboiboy... Who..." All Might stopped when he suddenly changed back into his skinny form, a sign that he used a lot of energy maintaining his muscle form today.


"OH NO—"

"OH MY?"

"A ZOMBIE!" Boboiboy and Ochobot hugged each other immediately while Motobot, Bellbot, and small Cattus hide behind Amato.

"Well, that's surprising." Mechabot commented, looking at skinny All Might with an unfazed look. Nah, he's seen a lot of scarier things besides that.

For example, Amato's demon mode when he heard that Retak'ka nearly killed his son. That's a sight he never wants to see ever again!

"No! This isn't what you think... BLERGH—" Skinny All Might coughed some blood, scaring Boboiboy and Ochobot more.

"AH! A ZOMBIE THAT COUGHS BLOOD! HELP!" Boboiboy shouted, tightening his hug on Ochobot as if they were in a horror movie with real deadly zombies.

"Hey! Do you need something to drink though? There's blood everywhere and I refuse to turn into a shovel to bury corpse around here." Mechabot offered All Might a glass of water, hoping that might calm them down a bit.

"Thanks." All Might said, gladly accepting the drink.

All Might took a deep breath and began explaining after that. "This... This is my current form. You see I suffered a heavy injury during my fight with a villain. Since then, I had gone through multiple surgeries that reduced me to this form. I'm sorry if I scared you."

"We're sorry to All Might! It was rude of us to call you a zombie just now!" Boboiboy and Ochobot apologized, ashamed that they jumped to a conclusion without even hearing All Might's explanation.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya approached his friend. "What's... What's truly happening here?"

"Midoriya, you see—" Boboiboy was about to answer that specific question when...

"What did the monkey villain mean by you're both from the same world?!"

"Was that Vicious?!"

"Your... Your elemental quirk... You can duplicate yourself and then combine two elements into one?!"

"You have multiple quirks?"

"Who are those robots?! Your friends, right?"

"And what's a power sphere?"

The green head dropped those questions like a boom, desperately thirsting answers.

"That's it? I thought you had more?" Mechabot said, writing Midoriya's questions.

"Eh? I think that's all for now..." Midoriya said while Mechabot nodded, handing Amato his notebook.

"Good luck answering." He said to his partner, earning a glare from the man.

"It's time, to tell the truth, huh?" Amato took a deep breath. He knew that revealing the truth would put them in a serious situation. However, he trusted Midoriya and All Might. Besides, it's probably the best since it pains him to see his son's devastated whenever he was forced to lie.

"Well, to answer that..." Amato turned to them.

"Wait!" Midoriya suddenly stopped him and took out his notebook and pen. "Please continue!" The green-head said. A hint of excitement can be seen on his freckled face.

"Mi... Midoriya..." Boboiboy nervously chuckled. Same old Midoriya, huh?

"This may sound far-fetched or crazy but yes, we're from another world. A world that is totally different from yours." Amato said, slowly revealing who they are to Midoriya and All Might.

The sudden revealment shocked them. "What?!"

Midoriya was lying if he wasn't surprised by this. So, all this time Boboiboy came from another world?

"That... that explains how he suddenly appeared that day." Midoriya whispered, remembering the first day he met Boboiboy during the incident at USJ.

"But... But crossing between two worlds. Is that even possible?" All Might said.

"To be honest, we recently discovered this fact and yes, it is possible. In our world, the power sphere enables us to do so. That's why we're here." Amato replied.

"And regarding your question about the power spheres... Power Spheres are high-tech robots carrying unimaginable powers in them. These powers are strong enough to devastate the universe. Hence, must not be used frivolously." The armored hero explained.

"So, these robots are power spheres then?" Midoriya and All Might pointed at Ochobot and the others.

"You're absolutely right and they're also our comrades." Amato confirmed.

"Hey! Can we stop using the terms 'robots' please? I mean, we have our own names!" Mechabot sighed, rolling his eyes.

"But they already know your name Mechabot." Amato and Boboiboy sweat-drop.

"Yeah! But they don't know the others." The red robot destroyer replied. "Juniors! It is time to introduce yourselves to the world! Show them how terrifying but cute you are!"

"Right!" Ochobot, Motobot, and Bellbot replied, marching forward like mini soldiers.

All Might and Midoriya were confused at first but, after 10 minutes of self-introduction and explanation finally, they understand a little bit about the power spheres and their powers.

Of course, they also didn't forget to introduce Cattus to Midoriya and All Might. Plus, Cattus quickly took a liking on Midoriya mainly because... well they're 'green' perhaps?

"So, you're Ochobot?" Midoriya approached the yellow power sphere.

"Yes, I am!" Ochobot replied.

"Boboiboy has been talking a lot about you! I can't believe we finally met!" The green cinnamon roll said.

"Wait, really?!" Ochobot asked and hugged Boboiboy. "You really missed me, huh?"

"Of course, I do!" Boboiboy replied, smiling.

"Midoriya, there's also something you need to know about the power spheres." Amato continued. "The thing is..." The hero quickly stopped when Boboiboy slowly tugged his shirt.

"I... I'll be the one to tell him the truth dad." Boboiboy said brown eyes met the green ones.

"You see Midoriya...." Boboiboy took a deep breath and... "My elemental power came from Ochobot."

"What?!" Both Midoriya and All Might gasped, obviously shocked to learn about this fact.

"Yes, Ochobot was the one who granted me a power watch when I was 10 years old. Plus, my elemental power can't be described as a quirk because I'm basically powerless without this watch." Boboiboy took off his orange watch and gave it to his dad.

"I'm pretty much 'quirkless' and a normal boy without the elemental watch. I mean, I can't even summon my elements right now." Boboiboy lowered his head.

Amato let a soft sigh as he slowly took Boboiboy's hand, putting on the orange elemental watch to its rightful owner, Boboiboy.

"In our world, most of us received our powers from power spheres like Ochobot and the others. The power was given in a form of a watch or a medium that connects us to the grantor." Amato added.

"In Boboiboy's case, Ochobot gave him the elemental power because Boboiboy was trying to protect Ochobot from a square-headed villain called Adu Du." The armored hero explained, hoping that they will understand this matter.

"If you received your powers at the age of 10 then, why are so good at handling them Young Boboiboy?" All Might ask, curious since among all of the students from Class 1-A, Boboiboy was the only one who had a full grasp of his quirk... ahem power.

"Well, I practiced controlling my power every day All Might! It was hard at first but I got the hang of it later on." Boboiboy replied.

"Besides, in our world, there is no such thing as 'The Hero Law' since only a few people have access to these powers." Amato continued. "Plus, people are free to use their given power as long as it's for justice and good purposes."

"No wonder Young Boboiboy was clueless about the Hero Law around here." All Might whispered, remembering the day that Boboiboy used his elemental power to save them from the alien-like villains. The elemental user basically just uses his power to protect them without any hesitation back then.

"Boboiboy and his friends have also been fighting bad guys since they're at the age of 10!" Ochobot continued. "They are basically the heroes there!"

"They also have been saving the endangered power spheres around the galaxy!" Motobot replied.

"Oh! Oh! And don't forget that Boboiboy used to train under Tok Kasa, an elemental warrior and the holder of the crystal element!" Ochobot added excitedly.

Instead of being afraid, Midoriya was literally enjoying their story right now.

Who knew that such an amazing world exist? A world where people can freely use their powers and become heroes regardless of their age!

"That's... That's fascinating Boboiboy!" Midoriya's green eyes shinned enthusiastically. "You can be heroes at the age of ten? How awesome is that?!"

Boboiboy chuckled after hearing Midoriya's positive reaction. To be honest, he was afraid that his friend might hate him after knowing his origins but, it seems he's absolutely wrong, huh?

"You should totally come to our world then!" Ochobot replied. "I bet we'll have tons of fun and adventure together!"

Little did Ochobot knew, he ignited a tiny spark on Midoriya as the boy hoped to visit Boboiboy's world someday soon.

"But wait? How did you come here Boboiboy? Is it because of a power sphere as well?" The greenette asked.

"Yes, I accidentally came here due to Wishbot's granting powers. However, technically it was Vicious's fault for wishing me to disappear in a world fitting for a 'hero' like me. " Boboiboy continued.

"I see. Back then wasn't just a coincidence, huh?" Midoriya replied slowly while Boboiboy nodded.

After that, there was a sudden silence before Boboiboy continued more.

"So, about my elemental power... It's true that besides manipulating seven elements I have other abilities as well." Boboiboy said.

Finally, the discussion about his elemental power has begun!

"By that... you mean you have multiple quirks then? Can I assume it to be like that?" Midoriya replied, pen on his hand, ready to write any time.

"Yes, you already know that I can manipulate seven elements and each of my elements have a stronger version, right? Well, recently it's been revealed that the elements have a third-tier form too. However, I still can't use my third-tier version at the moment." Boboiboy continued.

"So, your elemental power keeps stronger and stronger, huh?" Midoriya replied, writing.

"I mean, the seven elements have their own base form and the second-tier form. Plus, the third-tier form is yet to be discovered." Midoriya mumbled.

"Yeah...." Boboiboy scratched his cheeks.


Couldn't believe that his friend had amazing power! A power that grows day by day until it reached its full potential someday!

"So... tell me more about it!" Midoriya's inner geek was rising now.

"Well, I also have the split and fusion ability. My elemental split is an ability that allows me to split or to duplicate myself into seven versions of myself based on the elements." Boboboiboy continued while his elemental watch glowed.

"Seven versions of yourself?!" Midoriya and All Might gasped again.

"Here let me show you! Boboiboy Hepta Split!" The elemental user then split into seven versions of himself with each of them had their own personality and themed color.

"That's incredible Boboiboy!" Midoriya said, finally meeting the elemental sibling.

"Thanks!" The elemental sibling replied.

"Essentially the elemental split produces 'copies', but still pertaining to each form that is called upon. Therefore, the elemental forms are their own people, each with a unique personality that in one way or other ties back our original personality." Quake continued.

"During the elemental split, we also use our own elemental names too." Thunderstorm added.

"That's a lot easier to differentiate us since you basically can't call the seven of us with Boboiboy, right?" Cyclone grinned.

"I see..." Midoriya nodded, writing that up very quickly.

"So, I guess it's best to introduce ourselves first, right? I'll be starting first then! I'm Quake! The leader of the elemental sibling." Quake, the topaz-eyed boy politely introduced himself.

"Thunderstorm." Turning away coldly after his simple introduction.

"Aww! Don't be a sour bean Thundy!" Cyclone put his hand around Thunderstorm. "I'm Cyclone! It's really nice to meet you! But wait? This isn't our first meeting, right? How silly of me!" The blue-eyed boy, softly knocked his head while doing the 'Tehee!' gesture.

Blaze marched forward, hands of his hip. "I'm the Mighty Fire User, Blaze-dono! Bow down before me!" The orange-themed boy said proudly as if he was a Fire Lord or something.

"Geez, you guys are so loud." Ice whined. "It's night already can't we sleep now?" He asked.

"NO!" The elemental sibling replied.

"Fine— By the way, my name is Ice. Probably, you know me as Water back then. Nevertheless, I'm still sleepy in both forms." The aquamarine-eyed boy yawned.

"Hey, look!" Thorn approached Midoriya, bringing Cattus with him, "We're the green trio!" The naïve boy said, giving them a peace sign.

"Eh?" Midoriya sweat-drop.

"Oh! I'm Thorn! I like cats and plants! It's nice meeting you, my green friend!" Thorn smiled, giving off a pleasant yet childish aura.

"It's nice meeting you too!" Midoriya replied, smiling.

"And last but not least we have—"

"Hehe..." The spotlight was now on Solar as he adjusted his yellow shades. "I'm Solar, the most powerful among the elements." He said smugly, nose up high. "I'm bright, intelligent, and of course strong."

The elemental sibling gave him a glare with the others chuckled nervously.

"Oh boy... This kid again..." Mechabot sighed.

"But you're not as smart as you think though, bookworm." Blaze and Thunderstorm commented, annoyed.

"Please don't or else he'll be explaining that for an hour." Ice sighed, putting on his earmuffs.

"Guys..." Quake sighed, trying to control the situation.

"Hmph! Talk all you want because I know everything there is to know." Solar replied, right hand resting on his chin.

"Then, what letter contains water in it?" Thorn asked, testing him.

"What— There is no such thing as that—" Solar said.

"C (Sea)." The emerald-eyed boy replied, stopping Solar immediately.

"I... I didn't know that—" Solar slumped, defeated.

"Thorn – 1, Solar – 0!" Cyclone replied while Blaze and Thunderstorm laughed hard at Solar's defeat.

"That's my boy!" Quake praised Thorn while the green-themed boy just grinned.

"Chaos—" All Might comment from afar seeing that the elemental sibling was a bit loud now.

"I know they are just a person but it seems that they made quite a group with those different personalities. No wonder Boboiboy's personality always changed whenever he uses his element, huh? I can't wait to learn more!" Midoriya mumbled, writing the new piece of information he got.

Midoriya let a soft chuckle, gaining attention from the elemental sibling. "To think that I finally got to meet all of the elements at once. I'm truly lucky here."

"We're sorry that we kept this hidden Midoriya. When we first arrived here, we were still wary of this world. That's why we didn't reveal much of our abilities." Quake apologized, hoping that Midoriya has the heart to forgive 'Boboiboy' after a long series of lies.

"Besides, we still didn't know who our allies and enemies were. It's a safety measure we had to take in order to protect ourselves." Thunderstorm added.

"To be honest, I was surprised at first but I think I understand now." Midoriya said. He too was ashamed of himself since he keeps questioning Boboiboy's true power.

Mysterious yet remarkable. That's the best way to describe his elemental power.

"We also have the fusion ability." Quake continued. "This ability involves fusing two elemental forms into an entirely new form like FrostFire."

"However, although the fusion ability is powerful, it uses a lot more energy and strength than performing an elemental split. That's why we only use the fusion ability when needed." Ice added.

"We currently have four forms of the elemental fusion since this ability is yet being developed over time." Solar, who now rises from his defeat said.

"But it's a cool ability though! I mean just look at mine and Ice's fusion! I bet you were blown away just now, right? Oh, by the way, FrostFire is the first fusion we achieved during our battle with Retak'ka." Blaze said.

"Yeah! It's was spectacular!" Midoriya replied. However, his smile suddenly fading away, replaced with a frown.

"I... I'm sorry if I kept this a secret from you Boboiboy but... I knew FrostFire existence." The green-head lowered his head.

"You what?!" The elemental sibling shouted.

"Okay, admit it! Who spilled the beans this time?!" Quake turned to his sibling, not forgetting to give them a death glare.

"WE DIDN'T DO IT! WE'RE INNOCENT!" The others defended themselves.

"Oh my—" All Might gasped, he too was afraid of the earth manipulator ever since he got punched by his golem.

"Ochobot! Prepare to call our lawyer! We need to clear ourselves or else we might get killed!" Blaze, Cyclone, and Thorn turned to the yellow robot.

"Since when did you guys have a lawyer?" Ochobot asked them back.

"They do have. However, he's in our world though." Amato let a nervous chuckle.

"Let's... Let's stand right here in case of Quake enters his killing spree." Meanwhile Thunderstorm, Ice, and Solar stood far away, ready to run if the 'dear brother' went hunting them.

"I... I'm joining you too..." All Might said, standing near those three.

"Wait! I knew this from Todoroki!" Midoriya replied, afraid that there will be a murdering case after this.

Everyone basically let a breath of relief after hearing this. "We're... We're safe!"

"I noticed something strange during your battle with Todoroki! That's why I asked him what happened. Unfortunately, the last thing he remembered was FrostFire before he suddenly blanked out." Midoriya explained.

"Todoroki also felt confused on how he could win at that point because when he regains consciousness you were already lying weak on the ground." He continued more.

"That's because Retak'ka sabotaged the match!" Ramenman replied.

"That noseless villain quietly entered UA and by the time of the semi-final match Retak'ka used dirty tactics to defeat Boboiboy by controlling Todoroki's mind during the match." The hero explained more.

"What?!—" Midoriya and All Might yelled. A villain interfered with their match?!

"The reason why Retak'ka sabotage the match was because he didn't want Boboiboy to learn the truth about what's truly happening in this world. I didn't officially meet my son at first. Besides, Boboiboy was pretty clueless at that time." Amato explained some more.

"I see... Something did happen behind that thick smoke. I can't believe that a villain was involved in that." All Might sighed.

"Yes, we barely have evidence regarding that incident. That's why we didn't report it to the office since they might cancel the Sports Festival. We're sorry about that." Both Ramenman and Amato bowed, apologizing.

"Please don't apologize about that matter. It was unseen and besides the audience was unharmed. So, I guess it's better if this incident were kept hidden." All Might said. That was a good solution for now since they didn't wish to cause any commotion.

Midoriya kept quiet all this time. Who knew that Boboiboy loses the match because of a villain interference? "Boboiboy... I..."

"It's okay Midoriya. To be honest, I was quite down when I lost the match but it was worth the sacrifice since I managed to protect Todoroki from Retak'ka. Besides, my dad met me at the nurse's office and explained everything after that." Boboiboy said, trying to assure him.

"But did he show his face though?" Mechabot teased his partner.

"That's... That's cruel Mechabot..." The truth hit Amato hard like a ton of bricks have fallen onto him.

"When Vicious mention that he wanted the One for All quirk... What did he mean by that?" Midoriya asked.

"And how did you know the One for All quirk?" All Might couldn't help but ask.

"We knew about this because of the information written on Vicious's journal. He was investigating about the One for All quirk the moment he entered this world because he needed that specific quirk to complete his power." Ramenman explained.

"You see, Vicious's second power enables him to steal quirks and turned them into power watches. That's why he needed a quirk that allows him to stockpile an enormous amount of raw power." Amato said.

"WHAT?!" Midoriya and All Might yelled.

"No wonder the number of people losing their quirk is increasing nowadays." All Might commented.

"But he can't, right All Might? I mean, the One for All quirk is a quirk that can't be forcefully taken! So, if All for One can't take it then neither do Vicious!" Midoriya turned to All Might.

"You're right." All Might said.

"We... We didn't know about that fact." Amato, Boboiboy, and Ramenman took a breath of relief after hearing that.

"So, the One for All quirk can't be taken away without the user's permission, right? That's great but that fact can't stop Vicious from obtaining what he wants." Amato said.

"Dad! We need to protect Midoriya then! We possibly can't let Vicious or All for One take that quirk from him!" Boboiboy look at his father, determined.

Krik... Krik... Krik...

"Wait! How did you know I have the One for All quirk Boboiboy?!" Midoriya questioned, obviously shocked by that while All Might descended to Heaven.

"Ah— Rest in peace Number 1 Hero." Mechabot said.

"I... I kind of... well accidentally heard you guys talked about the One for All quirk in the infirmary room. Sorry about that." Boboiboy nervously chuckled.

"So, you heard our conversation, huh?" All Might's spirit was finally back to his body.

"And thank you for keeping this a secret Young Boboiboy. The successor of the One for All quirk is meant to keep as a secret in order to maintain current user's safety." The blonde hero explained, patting Boboiboy's shoulder. "And I can't thank you enough."

"I can't believe you knew this all along Boboiboy. I'm sorry if I kept this a secret from you." Midoriya lowered his head. However, deep down inside him, he was in relief. Finally, he has someone to talk about his quirk besides All Might.

"It's okay... I guess we're on the same page, huh?" Boboiboy chuckled. Who knew that both of them were keeping each other's secret this whole time?

Amato and All Might smiled looking at those two. It seems that their friendship just got closer, huh?

"All Might... Midoriya..." Amato turned to them. "I have a big favor to ask. Can you please keep this a secret for now? We don't want anyone to know about the power spheres' existence since some might hunt them down."

"Yes! Please help us to protect Ochobot and the others!" Boboiboy pleaded, sending them a hopeful look.

"Sure! We'll help!" Midoriya replied while All Might nodded.

"Well, it seems like we achieved an agreement here. Yay! Finally, we can have dinner!" Mechabot cheered. "Juniors! What do you want to order? Amato will pay them all since he's rich!"

"Hooray!" The power spheres cheered, dancing happily.

"Oh god— I forgot that Mechabot has access to my credit card..." Amato face-palmed.

"Join us Midoriya and Mr. Zombie!" Ochobot offered.

"Sorry, but can I call my mom first? I bet she's worried now!" Midoriya said, taking his phone.

"Don't worry about that Midoriya! I already called her just now." Ramenman replied.

"He's... he's fast!" Midoriya gasped silently.

After that, they had a huge dinner at the agency since Mechabot and the power spheres ordered a lot of food for them.

Amato and Boboiboy then sent Midoriya and All Might back to their respective home with the help of Ochobot's teleportation to facilitate the job of course!

It was a chaotic night indeed filled with tumultuous events. However, despite that, both parties were able to reach a mutual agreement at the same time. 

Hopefully with this, the heroes are able to build a strong fortress to fight the enemies in the near future.



"Where am I?" Wishbot questioned as soon as he regained his consciousness.

"You're at my place. I took you home." His savior said. "Don't worry you're safe with me now!"

"Tha... Thank you for saving me!" Wishbot hugged the boy, thankful that he took him.

"You're welcome..." The boy said. "But why were you running away? Did you make some kind of crime or something?"

"No! Someone is after me since I'm a power sphere! They want my power for personal use!" Wishbot explained.

"You... you have a quirk then? I didn't know robots has quirks though." The boy replied.

"Well, I guess you're right... Maybe?" Wishbot said, enjoying his conversation with the young boy.

"So, do you have a name?" The boy asked.

"I do! It's Wishbot! And you?" The power sphere excitedly replied.

"Wishbot? That's a strange name." The boy chuckled. "Well, my name is..."

"Kota Izumi."


UA High School 1st Semester Closing Ceremony

From the entrance exam to the fitness test, combat training, the League of Villains' attack, the sports festival, internships, the Hosu City incident, and the final exams...

A lot happened but finally, the first semester at UA was finally over...

And summer vacation is about to begin any moment now!

"Summer has finally arrived but, that doesn't mean the students can just think about having fun. They needed to be prepared for the impending evil in order to become true heroes. They don't have time to just stand around." Principal Nezu said.

"Therefore, I hope you'll continue your training individually and grow stronger from time to time. The path of becoming a hero isn't an easy one. However, I promise you that the teachers and staff will do their best to assist all of the students."

"Have fun on your summer vacation and don't forget to do your summer homework too!" The UA principal added.

"Finally! It's summertime!" Kirishima, Kaminari, and Sero cheered.

"Sshh! The principal is still talking!" Iida and Yaoyorozu tried to quiet them down but was left unsuccessful.

"Before I end my closing speech, I have an important announcement to make." The principal continued. "Starting from the second semester, we will have a temporary teacher joining us here at UA!"

The students were now whispering among another.

"Eh? A temporary teacher? That's sudden..." Uraraka questioned.

"I wonder who?" Asui said beside her.

"Oh! I hope the teacher is a 'she' though! And I hope she's sexy and tall!" Mineta replied.

"Mineta—" Boboiboy quickly gave him a glare.

"Without further a due, please welcome...." The principal said, introducing the new UA staff to the students.

"The Armoured Hero: MechAmato!"

"Mechamato-san?!" Class 1-A gasped.

"Dad?!" Boboiboy silently shouted.

"I'm honored to be a part of UA. I hope that we'll have a blast in the second semester! Thank you for having me here!" Amato confidently said on the microphone.

"Who... Who knew Amato-san is going to be our teacher now, huh?" Midoriya chuckled. He at least expected this since Amato and Mechabot would probably keep a close eye on him from today onwards.

Being the target of a villain from another world is really hard, huh?

"Yeah..." Boboiboy replied. What could go wrong, right?

"Nee... Nee.... Is it me or..."

"The temporary teacher is kind of good-looking!"

"Oh no—" Boboiboy face-palmed.

"I really do hope that everything will go well after this."


The Next Day

"All right! Confess! Who wreck my lab again?!" Solar roared in anger, igniting his solar beam on the tip of his finger.

"Not us! / Meow!" Motobot, Bellbot, and Cattus replied.

"Not again..." Ice whined as he was finally able to enjoy his nap after completing all of his chores.

"It's them." Thunderstorm pointed the Trio Trouble Maker.

"We're dead! Quake help us!" Cyclone, Blaze, and Thorn hide behind Quake who was about to serve them some snacks.

"Is it like this every day?" Ochobot asked, sighing.

"Absolutely. You'll have to get used to it from now." Quake replied, serving the ice cocoa on the table.

"Everyone!" Amato shouted, slamming the door as if he won a big prize or something.

"Did something happen Mr. Dad?" Ochobot worriedly asked, afraid that something bad might happen.

"Pack your things because we're going on a trip people!" Amato showed the tickets in his hand.

"Oh! Nice one! I needed my monthly vacation anyways!" Mechabot cheered, putting on his sunglasses.

"Are we going to Hawaii?!" The Trio Trouble Maker jumped in excitement.


"Paris?" Solar guessed.


"Bali?" Ice and Thunderstorm tried.


"Oh! How about South Island, New Zealand?" Motobot and Ochobot asked.

"Still no—"

"Then, where are we going dad?" Quake said in defeat.

Amato gave them a sly smile, ready to announce the great news!

"We're going to I-Island! The Hollywood of Science!"







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm so sorry for the late update!

Finally, I finished this chapter and we're going to enter The Two Heroes Arc next!

Midoriya and All Might finally learn the truth about BBB, huh? Don't worry the others will follow soon enough! XD

I bet Midoriya and Ochobot will be best friends from now on! XD

Regarding the question of whether Boboiboy's friend will enter the BNHA world or not....

Yes, they will go to the hero world since Boboiboy needs all the help he can get to defeat Vicious. However, the question is... When?

Wishbot is with Kota?! Yes! I love their friendship! q(≧▽≦q)

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


Thank you mladshayasestraxx for giving me such a cute art!

This is totally adorable!

There's also from tr_ynthi (IG) ^^

Thank you so much for this! 

Hatless Hali is so handsome! '(*>﹏<*)′

Plus, I will also show you some of Hachi-san's amazing arts! 

The arts are soo spectacular everyone!

(Repost with permission)


And the reverse version is totally my favorite! q(≧▽≦q)

You can follow the artist on Twitter and IG for more arts! (hachi_29mitsu)

And please support Hachi-san's commission! (✿◡‿◡)

Thanks everyone!

I also want to show you Thorn and Solar's CANON interaction! XD

And yes, they bicker a lot! 😂

Last but not least...

Say hello to BOBOIBOY SORI! 😍

He's OP! No doubt about that!

However, Sori not Sori, huh? 😂

These are some arts from ariieya_senpie (IG)

AWESOME, RIGHT?! ( •̀ ω •́ )✧

She's also open for a commission! Please do support her! 

That's all everyone!

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

StarTwinkle ⭐

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