Chapter 30 - TWO HEROES (PART 4)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!

Chapter 30

Retak'ka could feel his rage over-flowing again, eyes landed on the trio with bitter resentment.

"SHUT UP AND DIE ALREADY!" The villain yelled, aiming his light beam towards the original trio but before he could release his attack...

The unexpected happened. Literally unexpected.

"Don't you dare lay your dirty hands on Boboiboy!" The group of young heroes shouted from afar. Of course, the trio could recognize the respective owner of those voices.

"Taffy Transformation!"

"Gravity Power Punch!"

"Thousand Times Kick!"

"Shadow Claw Attack!"

There was a smile forming on the original trio's lips, excitement, confusion and thrill were dwelling inside of them. Their shoulder relaxed, snapping out of their trance as Thunderstorm, Cyclone, and Quake immediately supplied the given names as a matter of fact.

"Gopal! Yaya! Ying! Fang!"




Boboiboy couldn't believe what was in front of his eyes. Was he hallucinating due to Bakugou's deadly bomb attacks earlier? Nah, that wasn't enough to kill him though, he faced a lot of pernicious situations than that. Or was it because of Todoroki's brutish ice attacks? Maybe Kirishima's hard yet manly punches? Or did he hit his head somewhere? Boboiboy asked himself as he stood there, astonished.

The elemental boy was indeed perplexed at the moment. His focus on Retak'ka, who was currently unconscious immediately became nonextant as his mind drifted, thinking about what had just happened before his very eyes.

"Everyone..." Boboiboy, who already reverted back to his original form let a soft whisper, disbelief and shock mix in the end of his tone. His honey-brown eyes unknowingly lit up, excitement quickly rushed through his veins as his (manly) tears began to fall onto his squishy plump cheeks.

The elemental boy began sobbing. This was indeed out of his personality but, he was also a normal human being, a normal boy who was unable to control his emotions, much like when he finally got the chance to reunite with his dad.

Is this what they call tears of happiness? Or was it since the feeling of longing for his friends could no longer be curbed. Boboiboy already knew the answers though.

"Retrouvailles, another one of those words that do not translate into English, means "the happiness of meeting someone you cherish again after a long time. It may not be now but I'm sure that we'll meet them someday." His dad once said to him, a piece of advice he always told him whenever he got caught thinking of his friends and Tok Aba. Somehow those words managed to alleviate his worries.

"Everyone... Gopal, Yaya, Ying and Fang..." Boboiboy tried to remain calm as possible, fat tears still trickled down his blushed cheeks as his nose started turning red. This was not the kind of expression he wanted to show them but who cares right? His friends were here again! Together with him again!

"You're here..."

His body immediately moved towards them but then...








"Deyyy! Are you really Boboiboy, my old buddy old pal?! Where's your orange dinosaur hat, huh?! You never took it off when you're with us! It was your life and signature style!"

Krik... Krik... Krik...

Sigh. Yes, Gopal had to ruin their much-awaited reunion, huh? Way to go there.

"Oh my... Are you okay, Boboiboy?" Yaya let a worried gasp, covering her mouth in a polite ladylike manner.

"I forgot that he's the type to blurt the first thing that comes into his mind. Please remind me to punch that idiot later." Ying slowly said her fist. A flash of irritation crossed her face as she huffed, literally annoyed with Gopal's unpredictable antics.

"You said you missed Boboiboy and couldn't wait to see him again, but why did you have to hit him with a giant chocolate pocky stick?" Fang blurted out, sighing in defeat.

"That's... That's because he's not wearing his orange hat! You know how much Boboiboy treasures that thing! This guy could be an imposter!" Gopal tried to defend himself with the most logical argument he could think of in his mind.

In front of him was a good-looking gentleman with prominent collarbones peeking out of his shirt. His clothes seem expensive, properly ironed despite all the folding and untucking he's done. His hair was a bit messy but perfectly styled with white strands highlighting his features. This guy here looks like he's coming straight out of a movie set. Maybe he's a celebrity or something?!

"And they say that we have seven look-alikes around the world..." Gopal mumbled silently.

"But he's wearing a suit though? I don't think that his orange hat is suitable for that kind of formal attire. It violates the party's dress code, remember?" The pink hijab girl said, trying to calm her Indian friend.

"Don't waste your time talking him into his sense Yaya. He doesn't like to read, remember?" Ying shocked her head, stupefied with Gopal's eccentric mind.

However, none of the girls' words reached his mind. Gopal was still sure that the brown-haired boy was his best friend's doppelganger or something.

Wait.... doppelganger? Well, he seemed smarter than he thought he would be since Gopal Kumaran could never come up with such a bombastic word. He would definitely tell his Appa about this! And maybe his Appa will congratulate him with his mouth-watering chicken curry!

"Geez, I can feel the drama coming. Too bad there's no popcorn.". Fang rolled his purple eyes. He definitely didn't want to get involved in this catastrophe (again) since he was already tired of Gopal's erratic behaviour during Boboiboy's absence in their world. It's time for him to relinquish the role of the 'best friend' to its rightful, Boboiboy and returned to his classic 'awesome cool boy' title. To be honest, he missed his old role.

"I can make you popcorns and sodas if you want—"

"I was being sarcastic thank you very much." Fang cuts Gopal's words off immediately. Leaves no room for the boy to think he can keep talking.

"There's no need to be sour purple plum though, Fang. I bet you're hungry right now." Gopal side-glance the shadow user, giving him the "I will save the day" look.

"What?! Didn't you hear me—"

"Pfft! Hahaha... HAHAHAHA!" Boboiboy, who had been holding back the pain from Gopal's pocky baseball hit, scoffed in amusement. He laughed really loud until his stomach couldn't hold more of the tingling happiness dancing inside of him.

The feeling of sadness and shock in his heart was now long gone and was replaced by a feeling of joy. Oh, how he longed to see his friends like this.

He truly did miss them!

"Aiyo amma appa, he's gone nuts! See, I told you that's not Boboiboy. He must be one of Bagogo's cheap robot clones or something." Gopal gasped in terror, hiding behind Ying.

"That's ridiculous." Ying replied, sighing.

"It's really good to see you guys again!" Boboiboy who finally calmed down, gave them his iconic warm smile, so bright that Gopal had to close his delicate eyes.

"My eyes—"

"Glad, you're still alive. I see that you still can't restrain yourself from the hero business in this world, right?" Fang was the first one to reply. Unlike Gopal, he was 100% no, 110% sure that this boy standing in front of them is the real Boboiboy, his former rival in check. Not that he acknowledged Boboiboy as a friend now though. No, not in a million years. He bets Lahap's precious figurines on that fact!

"Hehe... Well, I can't keep quiet if there's something I can do to help others though." Boboiboy scratched his blushed cheek and smiled sheepishly.

"Same old Boboiboy, huh? You really had us worry there, you know." Yaya chuckled, a tear formed in the corner of her eyes, delighted to see her elemental friend again.

"Yaya's right! Next time, please try to find a way to contact us all! At least, we know you're okay or not!" Ying added, smiling while she wipes her happy tears.

"Wait! You guys can't possibly believe that he's the real deal? What if this guy here suddenly turned into a cocoa monster or something—" Gopal abruptly stopped talking when his head was hit by Ying who had been holding back her anger this entire time.

"Good job there." Fang amusedly gave her a thumbs up.

"Haiya! That's way far-fetched! Can you please stop thinking nonsense and think rationally?" The Chinese spectacled girl reprimanded him.

"Ouch! Why did you that Ying?!" Gopal rubbed his poor head.

"I'm just being extra careful here! You know that this strange world is filled with super-powered humans! We might be ambushed by the villains or something..."

"Gopal might be right there. We have to be always on the look since we still don't know how this world works." Yaya said. However, she was more than sure that this hatless boy here is the real Boboiboy. She's betting the delicious cookies on it!

"Not you too, Yaya—"

"Ergh, fine then... Let's test him to ensure that he's the real Boboiboy." Fang decided since he had enough of this matter. This conversation was taking too long and probably might not finish the moment Retak'ka wakes up again.

The purple-haired boy turned to the elemental user and...

"x2 + x - 6 = 0, find the roots of this equation. You have a minute to answer this." Fang pushed his glasses upwards, giving the poor brown-haired boy a cold look as he dropped the mind breaker question like a bomb.

"That's a cruel question though..." Yaya and Ying commented, feeling sympathise towards the elemental user. However, they were smart enough to solve that.

"What?! (Apakah?!)". Doom strikes Boboiboy like lightning. The abstruse cruelty of maths came slapping his handsome face with reality as his brain went scrambled.

The elemental boy began to sweat, scared to the bones to be exact. He trembled as numbers were playing inside his mind. If he gets this wrong then his friends might stay suspicious towards him.

With a shaking hand, the elemental boy took his phone from the back of his pocket, nervously pressing the mobile calculator app. Honestly, he didn't know how to answer such a mind-blowing question.

"I wish dad was here..." Boboiboy gulped, his felt his heart throbbing in flat-out motion. A math equation on of the blue? Truly gruesome in his opinion.

Boboiboy took a deep breath and hopes that his answers were right, even though he will fail miserably but he at least had to try right?

"I think the answer is..." However, before he could finish his words Boboiboy was tackled by an overly excited Gopal and fell rather hard onto the ground.

"You... You... You still suck at Maths! And, you're using a calculator to solve that ridiculous equation! You're truly Boboiboy, my dear friend!" The Indian boy comically cried, holding Boboiboy as if his life depends on it.

"Okay, the first part was totally unnecessary but it's great to see you again too, Gopal." Boboiboy chuckled slowly returning the older boy's hug. He knew that his friend's nonsensical behaviour will give him headaches later but... Nah, a journey without Gopal will be senseless after all.

"Well, that was unexpected and I'm glad that we somehow managed to convince Gopal." Yaya nervously chuckled while Ying huffed in annoyance.

"It's about time this idiot realized that he's the real deal." Fang silently whispered, ignoring Gopal's "Group hug!" from afar. Technically, he was glad that Boboiboy was okay and surviving in this world but another part of him wanted to stay cool in front of the elemental boy. Plus, they can't possibly conclude Yaya and Ying since you know... ahem... nerve mind then.

"Did... Did you know how much I was worried about you? Days went by when you weren't there for me, to save me from dangers especially from Ying and Fang was never kind to me! Plus, I really didn't have much appetite when I think of you—"

"But you eat so well during the search though." Fang interrupted while Gopal gave him a blank look.

"Ahem! As I was saying..." Gopal continued, his tears running again. "I'm so happy to see you again, Boboiboy!"

"Was he always like this?" Boboiboy nervously questioned, slowly tapping Gopal's back in a reassuring beat.

"Yeah, he's been overly dramatic lately ever since he watched Korean dramas together with Nut, Commander Kokochi and Admiral Tarung." Fang explained.

"Eh...?" Boboiboy sweated. "Even Admiral Tarung couldn't resist the temptation in joining them, huh? I wonder what kind of drama they watched? Maybe I should ask Gopal for some recommendations. I bet dad, Mechabot and Ochobot would love to watch it." The elemental boy thought.

"Guys, it's nice that we're finally reunited, totally heart-warming, really, but... I think Retak'ka is conscious now." Fang broke the scene while pointing at the awakened villain. Did they talk that long? Geez, remind him to actually capture the villain first before chit-chatting next time.

"What— You! How on earth did you get here?!" The monkey villain asked in disbelief, irritation was obvious with his scowl as he slowly stood up on his two feet.

"The same way you got here Retak'ka!" Yaya replied, activating her gravitation powers. Of all the villains in their universe, it had to be Retak'ka, huh? And wasn't he supposed to be dead or something? Never mind then, she had another opportunity to throw him into prison so she'll happily go with that.

"Nosy brats! Always in my way in destroying the elemental user!" Retak'ka gritted his teeth, furry swallowed him entirely as his eyes burned with hatred. His lips then curved into a wicked smile since Boboiboy's 'other' friends were still under his control. He'll probably have to thank Vicious for the mind-controlling power watch then.

"Guess we'll have to defeat him once more, huh?" Ying said as she stood beside Yaya. Oh, how she couldn't get her hands on the monkey villain again. This time, she'll be sure to kick him into oblivion.

"It seems so and here I thought that we'll get to see new faces but I guess we're still stuck with this guy." Fang smirked, summoning his shadow tiger.

"Wait!" Boboiboy shouted, unconsciously pushing Gopal off him as he stood up.

"Those three... Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima... They're my friends! Please don't hurt them!" The elemental boy begged.

"Friends?! Don't tell me that you replace us with them—"

"Your friends? Don't tell me that they're somehow being controlled by Retak'ka." Yaya questioned, totally ignoring Gopal's attics. She could clearly tell from the abyss of darkness clouding their eyes.

"Wait... Since when did Retak'ka has mind-control powers?!" Ying said, obviously shocked by the sudden revealment. The last time she checked that ugly gravity-defying haired villain has the elemental power!

"Vicious gave him that power! To be exact a power watch that can control minds! Retak'ka currently has a light power watch and a mind control one in his arsenal!" Boboiboy gave them an early warning.

"Isn't... Isn't that dangerous?! He's like Katak Kululu 2.0!" Gopal let a loud shriek, hiding behind Ying, again.

"But he's a monkey though—"

"Hmm... That must mean that Retak'ka has no longer had control of his elemental powers since he's been relying more on power watches now." Fang guessed and it seems like his assumptions were correct judging from the villain's facial expression as he scowled.

"Now that you mention it, if he can't use his elemental powers... is it possible he can't absorb Boboiboy's powers anymore?" Yaya added causing Retak'ka to slightly flinch at her words.

"Got you..." Fang smirked triumphally. Surely that kind of precious info would be their victory ticket at this point.

"Oh! Maybe he lost all of his powers the moment Ochobot absorb it from him during our last fight. No wonder he became one of Vicious's underlings." Ying said. Now, taking him down would be easy right? Besides, she always did want a rematch.

"You... You guys are awesome! Are you sure you're not detectives in training or something?!" Gopal gasped. Could it be that his friends secretly watched detective series behind his back without actually telling him?! How could they!

"I'm sure glad they're my friends. I... I never gave a thought about Retakka's power until now." Boboiboy sweat-drop, silently scolding himself.

"Tch! Pesky kids... I forgot how smart they are!" Retak'ka clicked his tongue. The monkey-like villain has been quiet for a moment now, surely his enemies could see his anger risen' up to a boil as he continues to glare at them. Retak'ka was beyond annoyed since his secret has now been revealed.

"Well, it seems like we'll have to defeat Retak'ka without actually hurting your new friends, huh? And here I thought I could go full shadow-mode..." Fang let a disappointed sigh as he dispelled his shadow tiger.

"Thank you but actually they are not the only ones who need our help! Midoriya and the others are in danger too!" Boboiboy informed them, his brown eyes clearly displayed concern towards his friends from Class 1-A.

"Of course, you had more... Gee, what a social butterfly you're, Boboiboy." Fang said as his purple eyes sparkled with determination with a hint of mischief. Well, isn't this the best way for them to 'properly' introduce their selves to Boboiboy's other friends, right?

Well, if that's the case then they have a lot coming ahead then...

"Let's see how should I introduce myself? 'The Worldwide Awesome Fang' or 'The Cool Shadow User'?" Fang silently thought, hands-on his chin as he thought of an epic introduction to Boboiboy's friend.

"Argh... I can see something cringe coming from Fang's mouth after this." Boboiboy mentally said. Judging from the unnecessarily cheerful, enthusiastic, and his whole-body language seems too loud, too enthused, too excited for his own good, Boboiboy knew that Fang was definitely planning on something. Besides, his shadow friend here was always the attention seeker type of person. Maybe he should ask Gopal to make him some tape after all.

"Alright, we'll have to split up then if we want to help the others! Can you please send us their locations?" Yaya said, eyes on the elemental user.

"On it!" Boboiboy said as he transferred Midoriya and Iida's respective locations to their power watches.

"I'll stay behind, you guys go and help the others!" Fang said while the others nodded in agreement.

"Right! Let's save them, everyone!" A small smile fell on Boboiboy's lips as his shoulders relaxed.

"Boboiboy Triple Split!"


With Mechabot

Mechabot could feel his breath literally hitched as he quickly turned back. His eyes immediately widened, obviously shocked to see the person behind him.


"I forgot how loud you are. Aren't you supposed to be hiding?" A silvery voice was heard as the man tried to calm the robot destroyer.

"Maskmana?!" Mechabot shouted the said man's name, drawing out the syllables.

"Can't you please be quiet? You're blowing up our hiding place." Maskmana said in an unamused tone, releasing the furious robot from his hold.

"Since when and how did you get here?! Where are the others?!" The red robot questioned. His loud voice was still heard even though he was whispering.

"A moment ago, to be exact 7 minutes 45 seconds ago. Portalbot managed to get us through eventually. However, it took all of his powers to open the portal and now he's resting at the moment. As for the others, Kaizo and Lahap are assisting Ochobot and the others, Fang and his friends went to Boboiboy's location while Koko Chi and Tarung stayed behind in case something happened in our world." The masked man replied.

"Understood. It seems that a lot of TAPOPS's reinforcements have come into this world then." Mechabot nodded.

"Hmm... I see that both of you and Amato are in a pinch right now. Aren't you two supposed to be the greatest duo in TEMPU-RA though?" Maskmana questioned, eyes scanning around.

"Hey! There times when the heroes are in a pinch you know!" Mechabot gave Maskmana an unamused gaze, obviously annoyed by the man's question. To clarify that statement, he would have blown up the place in seconds if it weren't for Amato and All Might. He literally needs them to be alive so that Boboiboy and Midoriya wouldn't weep at their unexpected death. What kind of caring, understanding and a kind robot is he if those two didn't survive.

"Yeah... Yeah..." Maskmana waves Mechabot off like a fly, earning a "Don't treat me like a bug!" from the red robot.

"So, do you have a plan to save them or not?" Mechabot asked, hands folding.

"I do." The masked man replied. Mechabot could literally see his cool smirk from behind that metal mask of his.

"Yeah? Well, it better be a brilliant one though." Mechabot gave him a questioning look.

"Indeed, because this one involves..."








"A giant prickly feline."


Midoriya's steps abruptly stopped when he heard a loud explosion coming from the 130th floor, where Iida's and the others were fighting the security robots.

"Deku-kun! You can't stop! If we get caught here, then there's no point Iida and the others stayed behind!" Uraraka reminded him since she didn't want the other sacrifices to be wasted just like that. Her eyes were fired with resolve causing her to be able to run forward without looking back.

"Right! Everyone, please be okay!" Midoriya continued running. This is the only shot they got so he couldn't possibly be wasting it!

Eventually, the trio reached the wind power generation system, one of the safes routes from getting ambushed again.

"We can go up through the tower from here. If we can just get to that emergency exit that is." Melissa explained as she slowly turned to the zero-gravity user.

"To do so, we need Ochaco's quirk that... that lets everything she touches weightless." The blonde's hands were shaking, she knew that if Uraraka used her quirk on them then the brown-haired girl would stay behind. It was horrible and selfish of her to suggest such a thing but this was the only for them to reach the main tower! But they had no other choice!

"Right! Leave it to me! Melissa, hang on to Deku-kun!" Uraraka nodded. There's no time to waste, they needed to stop the villains immediately.

"Go...!" The zero-gravity user quickly activated her quirk on them, lifting Midoriya and Melissa toward the exit. However, the brown-haired girl was exposed to danger as the robots began to ambush her.


"Release your Quirk and run away!" Melissa told her friend.

"I can't! If I do that, then we can't save everyone!" Uraraka refused. Ready or not she had to face the robots alone, she had to!





"Whirling Vortex Wind"

"Double Gravity Strike"




Just before the robots could get to Uraraka, Cyclone and Yaya make their heroic entrances knocking the security robots in one powerful shot as if they were just a small obstacle to them.

"Boboiboy!" The trio shouted his name, earning a signature smile from the wind elemental user.

"Are you okay Uraraka?" Cyclone rushed towards Uraraka.

"Yeah, I'm fine and I'm glad that you're alright as well Boboiboy!" Uraraka replied, turning her attention back to the floating duo.

"Thanks, everyone... Woahh—"

"Oh no! They are getting carried away by the wind!" Cyclone shouted as he quickly moved below them.

"Hang on Midoriya! Whirling Cyclone!" The wind elemental user gathered huge amounts of winds, blowing into their direction, setting Midoriya and Melissa back on course in one swift motion.


"That's too strong! We're going to hit the wall!" His green-haired friend shouted in panic when they flew fast towards the wall as a result of the Cyclone furious winds.

"I'm sorry!" Cyclone comically apologized, nervously biting his nails. He really needs to control the powers of the winds after this. Besides, if Quake knew about this, he would be scolded, no scratch that... killed in action.

"Gravitational Pull!" Luckily, Yaya was there to save Midoriya and Melissa who were inches from hitting the hard wall.

"Eh?" The duo slowly opened their eyes only to see a pink gravity force pulling them from the impact.

"Amazing!" Uraraka gasped, couldn't believe that the girl beside her has the ability to control gravity as well.

"Thanks!" Midoriya quickly thanked Yaya though a part of him was curious about the other gravity user that had to hold, for now, mentally noting that he had to question Boboiboy about this matter later.

The One for All user immediately used the opportunity and the distance given to break his way into the top floor of the tower with a full-power Detroit Smash.

"They got into the tower! Release!" Uraraka instantly released her quirk once they were inside.

"Thanks for the hard work, Uraraka!" Cyclone hurriedly approached her, scanning if there were any wounds on her.

"No worries Boboiboy! And who's this? A friend of yours?" The brown-haired girl questioned as she gazes upon the pink hijab girl.

In front of her was what she described as a feminine beauty. Her pink hijab wrapped around in a neat style, unblemished skin with a peaches and cream complexion, caramel brown with hazelnut shaped eyes, and on top of that was a genteel ladylike persona. Not to mention that this girl had a gravity-type of quirk, judging from how she easily crushed the security robots and saved both Deku and Melissa from the impact.

Wait? Was she a hero in training then? Uraraka mentally noted to ask her after this.

"Hello there. My name is Yaya, a good friend of Boboiboy. It's really nice to meet you." Yaya gave her a polite wave, smiling sweetly at the zero-gravity user. She could easily understand what Uraraka was saying since she personally knew and speaks Japanese. Unlike Boboiboy, she didn't need any kind of weird medicine to help her with that. Well, that was one of the perks of being Malaysia's tourist ambassadors in their world.

At that crucial moment, Uraraka knew that she had to protect the girl, especially from Mineta's perverted attempt. Just like Melissa, the pink hijab girl was too angelic to be treated as such.

"Likewise, I'm Uraraka Ochaco, a student from UA, Class 1-A and also one of Boboiboy's friends there." Uraraka replied bubbly.

"I've been wondering what's your quirk Yaya—"

"What kind of power do you have Uraraka—"

"Ladies." Cyclone slowly interrupted, scratching his cheeks slightly.

"I think we got company... Maybe we should stop them first?" The blue-eyed boy nervously chuckled, pointing at the now advancing security robots.

"Right!" Yaya and Uraraka straightened their bodies shifting into combat mode. Guess they have other priorities to deal with right now, huh? Besides, they can totally have a long chat after they save the day.

"Boboiboy! Please, follow Deku and Melissa! We will take care of these robots!" Uraraka told him.

"Are you sure you're going to be, okay?" Cyclone worriedly asked.

"Don't worry about us. We can handle this! Gravity Blasts!" Yaya replied, activating her powers as she sheathes her enemies with gravitational force, lifting the robots up before throwing it back.

"Right! Be careful then!" Cyclone nodded. Using his hoverboard, the blue-eyed boy flew towards the main tower.


"Hey! Let us go!" Mineta yelled, trying to break free from the ropes that restrained him from moving. The UA students have all been successfully captured with Iida who has reached his engine's time limit, an exhausted Yaoyorozu, plus a short-circuit dumb Kaminari and Jirou who was in the same situation as him.

"Midoriya-kun, I hope you reached the tower by now..." The class 1-A president whispered, hoping that the others are in good shape than them.

"Well... well... if it isn't the brave student from UA. This is what you got from meddling an adult's business, kids." One of Wolfram's henchmen came, smiling triumphally as he declared victory over them.

"Villian! Did you really think that you could've gotten away with this! The heroes will stop you! I can guarantee that!" Iida shouted on top of his lungs, struggling to move but the ropes were preventing him from doing so.

"Tch! Noisy brat!" The villain clicked his tongue, obviously irked by Iida's words. He slowly walked towards the Class 1-A president, his lips now curved into a wicked smile as he took out his gun from the back of his pockets.

"The heroes are going to stop us, huh? Well, I hope these so-called heroes can save you first." Venom was prominent in the villain's words as he aimed his gun right at Iida's forehead.

"Iida! No!"

Iida literally could hear the others gasped in fear while his entire body seems like a bundle of nerves, not being able to calm himself down. However, he possibly can't show his fears to the man in front of him. The spectacled boy quickly put up a dauntless façade hoping that he could fool the villain's eyes.

"See? Nobody came... And it's time for you to say goodbye to your friends. I surely hope that you end up in the heavens though." The villain chuckled darkly, fingers slowly pushing the trigger.

"Goodbye young hero..."

"IIDA! SOMEONE HELP US!" Mineta let out a loud shriek, praying to the gods above that someone will come to save them from the villains.

A loud bang was heard and...




"Thunder Blade"

"Slow-Mo Speed"

"Fried Chicken Transformation"




Everything went by so fast, there were no bullets that pierced Iida's head and to their surprise the evil villain was now lying weakly on the floor probably due to the electric shock he had just received from a certain red-eyed boy.

"Boboiboy!" Iida, Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Mineta spoke as one, perfectly in tune.

"Are you okay?" Thunderstorm slowly lifted his head, looking dangerously handsome like always as he walked towards the group.

"Yeah!" Iida nodded while Mineta cried happily. Never in his life, he felt glad to see the elemental user again.

"Boboiboy! Behind you!" Thunderstorm heard Yaoyorozu yell, warning him about the robots that quickly marched towards him.

But before Thunderstorm could unleash his electrical attacks, Ying moved a second before him using her speed power as she attacked the enemies by jumping on them multiple times over and over again. Gopal on the other hand, quickly followed Ying since he secretly wanted to look cool in front of Boboiboy's friends. So, the tan-skinned boy transformed every security robot into a giant gummy bear not forgetting to give Thunderstorm a peace sign every time he succeeded in doing so.

"Who... Who are they?" Iida questioned. Those faces weren't familiar in his memories.

In front of them was a Chinese girl and an Indian boy. The girl had petite features, impeccable pale skin, deep-blue eyes under her glasses and in their view, they knew that the said girl was a high-spirited, confident and a loyal friend. Meanwhile, the boy next to her was somehow the opposite, he was a bit chubby but much taller than their elemental friend, brown-skinned with dark-chocolate brown eyes, though his eyes radiated fear yet he managed to cover it with his courage.

But what's more important is... How can they handle their quirk so efficiently? If they think about it, they felt some kind of Deja vu at the moment as if it was the first time, they met Boboiboy.

Millions of thoughts were dancing in their mind but they quickly sakes it off.

"No clue... But they're strong!" Mineta replied, eyes clued at the spectacled heroin.

"Hmm... It seems like they don't need my help after all." Thunderstorm sighed, crossing his arms as he stood by the sidelines. Usually, he's the one kicking the villains' butt but yeah, he can't take a break or two sometimes.

"We did it!" Ying and Gopal high-five, celebrating as they managed to defeat the robot with ease.

"Did you see that Boboiboy? I became much stronger right?" Gopal was practically skipping on his feet.

"Those two, are they Boboiboy's acquaintances?" Yayaoyoruzu whispered, still amazed Ying and Gopal's 'quirks'.

"Uh-huh, so can you help them with these?" The red-eyed boy pointed at the ropes that were currently binding Iida and the others.

"Aye! No problem! Spaghetti transformation!" In one move, the strong ropes turned into soggy spaghetti, making it easier for Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Mineta to break free. The UA students quickly thanked Gopal for his assistance but the Indian boy replied to them with a blank look. Confusion was plastered on his face and he didn't bother to show it.

Gopal quickly made his way towards Ying, much to the spectacled girl's annoyance.

"Hey Ying..." His open hand tucked by one corner of his mouth as though he speaks of a secret.

"What are they saying? Is it some kind of alien language or something? And are they trash talking about me?"

Krik... Krik... Krik...

"Argh! I knew it..." Ying sighed, slapping her forehead as she felt a migraine growing.


"They are speaking in Japanese." The blue-eyed girl explained. She knew this was going to be hard but she had to try.

"Japan— What now? Udon? Ramen? Dorayaki?" Gopal titled his head, a giant question mark appeared beside him.

"Oh no... This is going to take forever." Thunderstorm groaned, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, definitely not looking forward to the conversation ahead.

"It's Japanese! A kind of language! Please don't think of it as a form of food!" Ying for the second time smacked Gopal's poor head, a huge bruise appeared not long after.

"Ouch! You're so mean Ying! How am I supposed to know! I don't speak Japa— Wait? Do you actually understand them then? But you're Chinese!" Gopal shrieked in horror as if his friend turned into a box-headed alien or something.

"Of course, I understood what they were saying! Unlike you, I used my spare time to learn new languages. Plus, we had a good Japanese teacher (Yaya) to help us with that!" Ying explained.

A month ago, she and Fang decided to learn foreign languages given that their mission required them to travel extensively around the world. Seeing that Yaya knows Japanese then the duo decided it's best to learn from her since the kind-hearted girl doesn't charge any cost for night classes.

As a result of their efforts and sacrificed bed-times, she and Fang were now fluent in Japanese and it's all thanks to their pink hijab friend.

"What?!" The spectacled girl's answer slapped a cruel reality against Gopal's face, horror strikes him like lightning. How could his friends betray him like this? Leaving him out as they had fun studying together.

"Now, before you make a silly conclusion, you were the one who refused to join us, saying that watching K-dramas was much exciting than learning!" Ying holds a finger, explaining even further.

"That's predictable..." Thunderstorm commented in defeat while Iida and the others watched their heated conversation. The red-eyed boy slowly walked towards Gopal, right hand on his pocket. Then, Thunderstorm took out a bottle containing some kind of medicine, popping out one in the process.

"Boboiboy, your friends... Are they perhaps Malaysian as well? I can't follow their conversation." Iida questioned, hands on his chin. Of course, he couldn't follow because Ying and Gopal were bickering in Malay.

"Yeah..." Thunderstorm gave a quick nod.

"But you're Malay, that girl is Chinese and the other one is Indian though." Kaminari, who just recovered from his short-circuit phase, questioned.

"Malaysia is a multicultural society. We have different ethnic, religion, languages and culture but still lives in harmony. That's why you'll see different types of people there." Thunderstorm explained, slowly walking towards Gopal.

"Here eat this." He offered to Gopal, well more to deliberately forcing him to swallow the drug as he shoved it into his mouth.

"Hmph!" Gopal quickly forced himself to swallow the medicine. It tasted awful and disgusting! He felt like he wanted to throw up!

"Yuck! What was that Boboiboy?! How can you be so mean to your best friend?!" The Indian boy whined, fake tears comically running onto his face.

"That's a medicine that helps you to understand them." Thunderstorm rolled his eyes, exhausted with Gopal's drama.

"That kind of stuff doesn't exist—" Gopal immediately stopped when it turned out he could actually understand Kaminari and Mineta's conversation.

"Dude, I think that guy's head is wrong or something..."

"Shh! He'll hear you, Mineta! Don't be so loud!"

"I... I... I knew what they're saying!" Gopal jumped, happy but annoyed at the same time.

"Boboiboy! Are you some kind of magician or something?" The Indian boy shakes Thunderstorm's body vigorously.

"No, but my other counterpart is a mad scientist though." Thunderstorm answered, referring to Solar.

"Uh... Thanks for saving us there!" Yaoyorozu and Jirou approached Ying and Gopal.

"I would like to convey my gratefulness as well. I would be shot to death if it weren't for you." Iida joined them with Kaminari and Mineta.

"It's no big deal. Allow us to introduce ourselves. My name is Ying and this is Gopal."

"It's Mr Gopal Kumar." Gopal quickly interfered Ying, showing his classical smug face.

"Err... yeah. What he says—"

"Can you tell us more about your quirks?" Kaminari asked enthusiastically.

"Question!" The cheerful Indian boy announced as he bounced on his toes. He stopped when he got their attention.

"What's a quirk though?" He asked while Thunderstorm and Ying turned white at his words.

"I knew he was going to ask something like that—"

"Umm... That's basically your superpowers..." Kaminari replied, confused. Did he ask the wrong question?

"Oh! I see! Well, my 'quirk' enables me to transform an object into another object." Gopal replied, taking the ammo that Yaoyorozu created and changing it into an apple. He then gave it to Yaoyorozu considering that the girl needed some energy judging from her pale complex.

"Woah! It did become an apple!" Jirou said, amazed.

"That's fascinating! So, your quirk allows you to change the structure of the molecules, right?" Yaoyorozu gasped, happily accepting the apple from Gopal and taking a bite of it.

"Did the guy just flirt with Yaoyorozu?" Mineta gritted his teeth, reminded himself to enter Gopal's name on his watch list.

"Flirting? I was just offering her some food, though? Besides, food makes you smile right?" Gopal gave Mineta his million-dollar smile, causing the teen to hiss at him.

"By the way Boboiboy... What's flirting?" Gopal questioned, obvious as ever.

"... That's something we'll discuss later." Thunderstorm replied, unamused.

"My 'quirk' somehow enables me to control motion since I can make my surroundings slow or even fast." Ying decided that was the best answer for now. Unlike Gopal, she didn't want to expose her powers that easily. They have to be careful since this world was still very foreign to them.

"What a marvellous quirk you have then! No wonder, you could stop the bullets from hitting me and accelerated towards the robots in seconds!" Iida said excitedly.

"Yeah... Thanks!" Ying's lips curved into a smile, happy to hear those words from Iida.

"There it is... The birth of the spectacle duo..." Gopal commented from afar.

"Just... shut up." Thunderstorm punches him rather hard on the shoulder.

"So, you guys are some kind of overseas hero in training or something?" Mineta asked, slightly suspicious since Ying and Gopal did suddenly appear out of nowhere but hey, they're Boboiboy's friends, right?

"Yeah... We—"

"Heroes in training? Pfft! Are you for real? We're already heroes! In fact, we're earth's mightiest heroes and one of TAPOPS's best officers if you ask me! Handling and kicking bad aliens' butt from every galaxy! Saving power spheres from evil!" Gopal interfered with a toothy grin, letting out their precious secret without shame and guilt.

Out of nowhere, he pulled his black sunglasses as if the whole spotlight was now pointed at him and...

🎼TAPOPS mengembara satu galaksi🎼

🎼Mencari Power Sphera untuk dilindungi🎼

🎼Power Sphera tak boleh salah guna🎼

🎼Oleh si alien, si alien, si alien🎼


Gopal quickly strikes a pose, a smug smile was plastered on his face.

Krik... Krik... Krik...

"Eh? Was that a song?"



"Power spheres?"

Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Mineta mentally questioned, trying their very best to digest that information since most of the lyrics were in Malay.

"Why did he have to say that out loud?" Thunderstorm and Ying sighed in defeat. They really need Yaya's biscuits if they want to shut Gopal's loudmouth.

"Eh? What?" Iida and Yaoyorozu automatically questioned. Their mind, which they thought was smart...utterly blanked, blink up as their eyes in utter confusion.

"That guy is a complete wacko..." Mineta finally broke the silence.

"Hey! That's rude!" Gopal shouted.

"Your answer seems to be just that—straight forward Gopal." Ying sighed, probably the 100th time today.

"And we're officially exposed. Quake will definitely kill us tonight." His right hand was placed on his forehead as Thunderstorm's felt a migraine growing. All of his brain cells are dead because of his tan-skinned friend there.

"So, let me get this straight... Does TAPOPS stand for some kind of secret organization or something? You know like CSI or MI6?" Kaminari asked, still confused and definitely oblivious.

"No! TAPOPS is an organization that specializes in— ooff"

"Can you keep quiet for a bit!" Ying immediately stomped his feet, stopping Gopal from exposing them again.

"Yeah..." Thunderstorm slowly nodded. He felt really guilty about lying but he didn't have a choice, right?

"THAT'S AWESOME! I MEAN THAT'S SOMETHING PROS DO, RIGHT?" The blonde boy screamed looking straight at Ying and Gopal. Without him realizing it, the said boy did them a huge favour when Yaoyorozu, Jirou, Iida and Mineta fell for that as well.

"Eh?! That's not fair! You guys are way too young to be spies!" Mineta huffed.

"Well, we're just trainees. So, we don't do much..." Ying said.

"Does it mean that Boboiboy has some kind of relation to this organization then? I'll definitely have to ask him after this." Iida inwardly thought. Somehow still suspicious about TAPOPS while millions of thoughts raced in his mind.

"Everyone... I think should continue this later on. The others probably need our help." Thunderstorm slowly interrupted this time, with an indifferent look.

"You're right! Midoriya and the others are in need of our assistance!" Iida and the others agreed.

"Yeah, let's get to them before something happens to them. I'll go ahead then. Thunderstorm Sprint!" Without waiting for their answer, the red-eyed boy sprinted ahead leaving them far behind within seconds.

Ying and Gopal looked at each other, nodding. The TAPOPS's lance corporal and cadet were about to follow Thunderstorm, but their steps stopped when...

"Ying! Gopal Eh? Where's Thunderstorm?" A certain golden-eyed boy asked without knowing that he showed himself in front of Iida's and the others at the wrong time. Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima appeared soon after.

Iida, Kaminari, Yaoyorozu, Jirou and Mineta froze in their places, dropped jaws and bulging eyes.

"What's wrong?" The golden-eyed boy replied, now squirming in discomfort since all ayes were directed at him.

"Wait... Didn't you like leave just now?" Kaminari pointed Quake. His fingers trembled as if he saw a ghost.

"Is... Is this some kind of illusion?" Iida questioned.

"?!" The earth elemental boy gasped. He felt his heart was doing somersaults in his throat as he struggled to get any words out.

Todoroki, Bakugou and Kirishima tried to digest the situation since everything went on so fast. Even their minds couldn't catch up to it.

"I... Uh... Well..."

"Hah?! What do you mean idiots? That bastard has been with us this whole time." An annoyed Bakugou replied while Quake paled at his words.

"Yeah. He helped us defeat an aggrieved chimpanzee-like villain." Kirishima added.

"Did something happen here?" Todoroki asked with his unemotional expression.

"Oh boy, I feel something big is going to happen." Fang sighed, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, definitely not looking forward to the conversation ahead.

And like a crack in his dream-like state, the world shatters at the realization. Within an instant, reality hits Iida, Kaminari, Mineta, Yaoyorozu and Jirou square in the face.








StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm so sorry for the late update! I was busy with schoolwork so I hadn't been writing for months now.

I'll try to update as often as I can so please don't pressure me, okay? 😇

Yeah, lots of chaos in this chapter especially when Gopal was added. Lol, I really like his character here! 😂 And yeah, Boboiboy's elemental split is now revealed! Writing their reactions was very entertaining for me! 😇

Since a lot has been asking if the gang will enter UA or not... My answer is still NO since they'll be helping TAPOPS and who knows maybe Midoriya will train with them in their 'secret' base operation or something. 😅

Some questioned whether I'll include Sori and Tempest. For now I'm only planning on including Sori since he's a fusion! 😇

The next update will probably be the last one for the Two Heroes arc. I hope you can patiently wait for it.

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


Thank you @Naz_Artz for this!

This is so awesome! I really like this! 😭

Thanks to @lurreiaz as well!

Kyaa! Totally in love this! Hali in UA uniform! Thank you for drawing this!

I would like to convey my appreciation to @A_Weird_Simp too!

Thank you for the lovely Boboiboy Ice art! 

Also, to @chas_patoot for letting me post her arts! This is such an honour considering that you're an absolutely fantastic artist! 😆💕

Please follow her on Twitter (@ChatPatoot)or Instagram (

Wonderful isn't it? 😆

Last but not least, let's appreciate this Boboiboy Beliung / Boboiboy Tempest art from our lovely Ariie_ya!

His debut was totally god-tier! 😭💕 

Can't wait for the other elementals to get their third-tier element!

That's all everyone!

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

StarTwinkle ⭐

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