Chapter 31 - TWO HEROES (FINAL)

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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!

Chapter 31

"Hah?! What do you mean, idiots? That bastard has been with us this whole time." An annoyed Bakugou replied while Quake paled at his words.

"Yeah... He helped us defeat an aggrieved chimpanzee-like villain." Kirishima added.

"Did something happen here?" Todoroki asked with his unemotional expression.

"Oh boy, I feel something big is going to happen." Fang sighed, rubbing his eyes with his thumb and index finger, definitely not looking forward to the conversation ahead.

And like a crack in his dream-like state, the world shatters at the realization. Within an instant, reality hits Iida, Kaminari, Mineta, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou square in the face.








"Boboiboy Triple Split"

The elemental user splits into Thunderstorm, Cyclone, and Quake, the trio original. Time was running out. He needed to save Midoriya, Iida, and the others immediately! The elemental user clearly knew that his secret was on the line since the probability of his real power being exposed was too high. However, he had to put it aside for now. If he hesitated, he would probably hate himself later if anything happened to his dear.

"Thunderstorm, you'll go to Iida's location with Ying and Gopal while Cyclone and Yaya, please head towards Midoriya! I'll face Bakugou, Todoroki, and Kirishima with Fang! Please, be careful! We don't want to end up with a serious injury like last time." Quake said, giving them one last look as he turned to Retak'ka with fury.

"Understood!" The others replied as they quickly made their way and raced against time to save the others in need.

"I never thought we would be teaming up again. The last time I checked, it was against my brother, and trust me, I don't want to face him like that ever again." Fang let out a shiver, remembering the 10-year-old him having the actual guts to face his gruesome big brother, Captain Kaizo, one of the most influential space rebels in the galaxy.

"Me neither. He's really a menace back then. If you ask me, he's even scarier than Captain Vargova." Quake left a soft chuckle, summoning his earth familiar, Giga.

"I know, right? We're lucky that we still live today." The shadow user nodded while a shadow bear emerged beside Fang, looking ferocious as it locked target with its prey.

"Umm... Can you promise me something? Promise me that you'll spare them at least. Controlled or not being controlled, Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima are still my friends, someone I treasure." The golden-eyed boy gulped, seeing Fang's shadow bear was growling like a wild beast.

"I'll try, though. I mean, look at the ash-blonde dude who's about to kill us with that... umm... is that explosive or something?" Fang pointed. Purple eyes landed on controlled Bakugou, who was igniting his quirk while looking like the intimidating monster he is.

Controlled or not being controlled, Bakugou would still kill his opponents. That's a fact we have to bitterly accept everyone.

"Yeah... Bakugou is really difficult to deal with in the first place." Quake nervously replied.

"I see..." Fang sighed. Oh boy... This is going to be exhausting.

"And the red-haired one is Kirishima while the heterochromia-eyed boy is Todoroki. He's like Frostfire's elemental-like brother from another dimension if you ask me!" The earth manipulator continued. His eyes shine bright as he excitedly introduces them to Fang.

"You... You don't have to introduce them one by one though. I mean, I'll get to know them sooner or later." Fang sweat-dropped since he's bound to know them, like it or not. Plus, they're a part of Boboiboy's circle.

"Right... Hehe..."

"Destroy them!" Retak'ka ordered the three controlled boys. Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima quickly marched towards Quake and Fang, activating their quirk as they fought the earth manipulator and the shadow user.

"Oh no, you don't! Shadow Hands!" A hand-like shadow emerged from below, stopping their tracks. However, Bakugou and Todoroki managed to escape while Kirishima poorly tried to do so.

"They're fast alright!" Fang said, commanding his shadow bear to charge at them.

"Die..." Controlled Bakugou muttered while explosive meets shadow. Definitely, a bad combo since a large explosion followed behind.

"Really, Bakugou? I can't believe you could say that while being controlled." Quake sweat-drop. The earth manipulator quickly built a large earth wall acting as their defense.

"Is he really your friend? He seems like a human version of Roktaroka minus the magma, though." Fang commented, sighing a bit.

"Ah... Yeah... He is, but he doesn't see me in a friendly way though." Quake answered. An apparent hesitance was heard but Fang ignored it anyway.

"Well, that's certainly new—"

Suddenly, their feet were frozen onto the ground thanks to Todoroki's ice quirk.

"Giga!" The earth giant quickly came to Quake's aid, hitting the ground with a strong force until Todoroki's ice shattered, freeing them from the ice lock.

"Thanks!" Quake turned at Giga, never forgetting to give the giant a proud thumbs-up.

"Do you have an idea on how to free them from Retak'ka's control?" Fang asked.

"I think we need to defeat him first! That's probably the only way!" Quake said, dodging Bakugou's explosives attacks.

"Unlike Shinsou's brainwashing quirk, strong shockwaves weren't powerful enough to set them free from Retak'ka's controlling power." He added.

"Take down the mastermind, huh? Sounds like a plan!" Fang nodded as he retreated beside Quake. He had an idea on how to secure a triumph victory against the ex-elemental user. However, he wasn't sure whether or not the plan might work well as he wanted it to. Besides, it's been 5 years since they used that kind of 'move'.

"I think we might have a chance to take him down if we used 'that'!" The shadow user said as he began to gather his shadows.

"Well, it's worth a try!" The golden-eyed boy quickly understood Fang's strategy. The earth manipulator then created two enormous hands, grabbing both Todoroki and Bakugou from below, trapping them tightly as it locked their movements.

"Giga!" Quake summoned his earth giant again. The giant now stood tall in front of him and Fang.

"Ready?" Fang questioned, now in a position to release his power.

"Yeah!" Quake nodded, feeling confident with their plan.

"Combo Move! Shadow Golem!"

A massive burst of power occurred due to the two elements combined. Smokes gradually disappeared from their sight, slowly revealing a much bigger golem with purple shadow-like features.

Quake and Fang's lips curved inwardly, thrilled that their combo move worked like a charm!


Retak'ka screamed on top of his lugs. How could he not see this coming?! A secret move is hidden in their arsenal?! The villain gritted his teeth and choleric flames of anger rise in his chest.

"Tch! You think that could stop me?!" Retak'ka shouted from afar, shifting back his power to the light power watch.

"No, but I think your rush actions there helped us with something." Fang gave him a smug look, pointing out the now unconscious UA students that were trapped in his shadows and Quake's giant earth-made hands.

The villain's brown eyes turned towards his puppets, now noticing his negligent action, blinded by his fury.


"So, it seems like even though you have multiple power watches, you can only use it one at a time, huh? That's an invaluable info revealed, don't you think?" Quake quickly cuts the villain's words as he speaks, his tone full of amusement.

"Shut up!" Retak'ka couldn't wait any longer as his urge to destroy Boboiboy, and his pesky friends escalated even more. The villain unleashed a powerful light beam towards them, his lips curved in a wicked smile, thinking that his attack managed to go through.

However, he was in for another surprise when...

His targets disappeared into thin air!

"What?!" The villain's eyes bulged as he looked around his surroundings, but nothing was visible in his sight.

"Looking for us?" Quake and Fang appeared from behind him, definitely enjoying the horror expression on the ex-elemental user's grumpy face.

Probably wondering how Quake and Fang could pull that trick off, right? Well, thanks to the Shadow Golem's abilities, they can now move to different places as long as there's shadow within the target's radius.

"Shadow Golem Attack!" Quake and Fang shouted, followed by the golem's huge fist landing on the villain's unguarded stomach.

Retak'ka, who barely had time to breathe, let alone dodge, was sent flying in the air, and not long after, his back finally met the wall in a loud thud. The villain's eyes turned white, and he immediately became unconscious (again), thanks to his deadly impact.

Quake and Fang immediately set their feet towards the villain, trying to capture the Retak'ka before he wakes up. However, the young heroes were a second too late when a portal appeared before Quake and Fang, revealing a red-haired villain emerging from it.

"Vengeance!" Quake spat while Fang immediately froze as if he just saw a ghost or something.

"You... You're alive?" Fang could feel his breath hitched as he turned paler every second.

"Tch! First the older brother and now the younger one, huh?!" The humanoid alien gave Fang a menacing look while his turquoise eyes burned with pure hatred.

"Come on now, Retak'ka! To think that I had to ask Kurogiri for help! If Vicious saw us fail again, he'll definitely pulverize us!" The red-haired villain hissed once more before supporting the unconscious villain to stand up on his feet, walking back to the portal.

"I swear if we meet again, I'll be gouging you and your brother's eyes and feeds them to the sharks! Mark my words!" Vengeance turned back as his eyes bitterly locked on Fang, the little brother of the distinguished space rebel. The villain then let another loud hiss before returning to the portal back with his now retrieved unconscious coworker.

"Do you perhaps know that guy?" Quake asked, curiosity reflected in his golden eyes.

"He's... I mean, he was one of my brother's friends. Well, used to be now since he took Vicious's side. I... I never thought that he would be a villain after all these years." Fang answered. There was a hint of disappointment in his tone.

"Did something happen between them—"

"Boboiboy?" Todoroki's, who just regained his consciousness, called him.

Quake and Fang looked over to their shoulder only to see questioning looks from Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima.

"Why... Why are we trapped like this?" Kirishima asked, obviously confused. The last thing he remembered was the grumpy gravity-defying haired villain who appeared before them. All of a sudden his mind went blank as if he had fallen asleep or something. The next thing when he woke up, he was being tied by.... umm shadows? Well, it was more like giant shadow-like hands that were squeezing him like a puny ladybug. Yup, that seems like it.

"Damn it! Get your giant earth hands off of me, elemental bastard!" Bakugou glared at the earth manipulator.

"Gee, you could've said thank you at least." Quake sighed while Fang watched the drama that began to unfold in front of him.

"Are you alright, Boboiboy? Where are the villains?" Todoroki ran towards his elemental friend. He quickly grabs the elemental user's shoulders, scanning his elemental up and down, checking if there are any injuries on him. When satisfied with his friend's condition, Todoroki then turned to an unfamiliar spectacled boy beside him.

The first thing Todoroki noticed was the purple-haired boy's height, probably way much taller than his elemental friend. Long legs clad in a dark grey pair of pants with a long sleeveless jacket over a dark purple sleeveless turtleneck, showing off a few of his muscles. The boy in front of him had a pale complexion, much paler than his, and it seemed to fit well with his short but flowy raven hair. Another thing Todoroki noticed was his light blue lens glasses that hide his deep crimson eyes very well.

"I'm sorry but have we met before?" He questioned, trying to be polite as possible. They were attacked just now, so he was being extra cautious just in case. Now, who could've blamed him?

"Who the hell are you?!" Bakugou yelled. It looks like God was testing his patience tonight. First, he finally learned the truth about the elemental bastard's quirk. Second, he let himself be controlled by the villain's quirk. Where did that bastard go anyway? Did he die already?! Tch! And third, the elemental bastard saved his butt again! Thanks to that, his pride was shattered like dust!

The ravenette just gave him a smug look, pushing his glasses slightly upwards as his lips curled into a smile.

"Oh boy..." Quake sighed, mentally preparing himself.

"Glad you asked! Well, I'm just a new boy in town. The names Fang, by the way, a hero in training from overseas. And I'm probably..." Fang replied, running his hands through his hair, looking criminally attractive while doing so.


"What the..." Bakugou could feel his vines pooped. Clearly, unamused by the look that the ravenette was giving him. Was it his confidence? Or he's just a simple sought-after idiot?

"It's my time to shine! And you're not stopping me from doing that Boboiboy!" Fang mumbled. The shadow user folded his arms while sending a smug look in Quake's direction.

"And that's just the start..." Quake shivered as he gave his shadow friend a worried look.

"It's nice to meet you then, Fang. My name is Kirishima. That's Todoroki, and the grumpy one is Bakugou." Kirishima, the oblivious red-headed boy, said.

"Are you perhaps Boboiboy's friend?" Todoroki questioned, joining the conversation.

Fang immediately tense, frozen in his position.

"Yeah... I guess so..." The spectacled boy muttered. He was obviously sweating at the moment as his eyes diverted in another direction.

"Pfftt!" Quake immediately covered his mouth, taking his phone from his right pocket. Didn't expect that his 'tsundere' friend managed to say that out loud. "I'm sorry, could you please repeat that again? I bet Yaya, Ying, Gopal, and Ochobot would love to hear that."

"Hell no!" Fang shrieked, sending Quake a hateful glare.

"Aww... It's worth the try, though." The earth elemental user let a disappointed sigh as he held his hands up, surrendering.

"Ahem! Shouldn't we catch up with the others? I bet they need our help by now." The ravenette asked, trying to find a new topic to discuss as he avoided the embarrassing issue.

"That's right! Midoriya and the others are probably in danger right now." Quake agreed. Finally, they are on the right track again, that was saving their friends.

"Then, we have no time for chit-chatting! Let's kill those villains and destroy the party!" Bakugou roared, igniting his quirk while giving them a menacing look.

"You mean to save the party, right Bakugou?" Quake politely interrupted.

"Whatever!" The ash-blonde boy rolled his eyes in annoyance.

"Yeah, let's do that!" The group ran. No time to waste at the moment.





Silence settles overhead like a giant vulture that comes to rest on a high branch and quiets the rest of the sounds. Everyone didn't dare to say a word while waiting for the golden-eyed boy's reply.

"Argh! How could I could forget that Thunderstorm went this way! I totally messed up this time!" Quake mentally scolded himself. The boy bit the insides of his cheeks, contemplating whether he should continue speaking or not.

The side effects of the elemental power were now surfacing since he had been using it for an extended period of time by now. Plus, he was still considered a human being. His body was bound to get tired later, energy drained, and now his mind was getting a bit hazy since they had already reached way past the elemental split's time limit.

"For Quake to make a careless rookie mistake is truly worrisome since he's always careful with his decisions." Ying muttered. Her blue eyes focused on the earth elemental user as she could feel the tension kept rising by second.

"Argh! I knew it! Boboiboy's getting tired from using too much of his powers!" Gopal mentally shouted. He really wanted to help his friend, but it's probably best to stay silent at the moment since he's bound to attract problems. Besides, even though he's an air-head, he still has a drop of situational awareness in his body.

"Did we miscalculate the split's time and locations?" Fang thought. He tried to remain calm while thinking of a possible way handles this problem.

"I... I can explain..." As soon as the words left Quake's mouth, a tense silence filled the atmosphere, both of them standing still, eyes glued together.

"What you saw just now was just a part of my quirk. So, there's no need to be frightened, everyone." Quake tried to make eye contact with Iida and the others, but his nervousness made it difficult.

"Your quirk? So that means you can basically copy yourself or make clones? Is that it?" Kaminari asked as he was the first to recover.

"Yeah... Well, that's just the first part of it, though. I have a proper explanation for that. A long one." Quake replied. He was about to continue more, but his words were cut by the blonde boy in front of him.

"BBB dude! That's wicked! Controlling seven elements was already out of this world, and now you can create copies of yourselves! Your quirk is much stronger than I thought it would be!" Kaminari patted his elemental's friends back. Excitement was evident in his playful tone.

"Well, that was easy?" Quake mumbled.

"You should've told us about it sooner Boboiboy-san!" Yaoyorozu replied while Jirou sighed in relief.

"You're... You're not scared about it?" Quake stammered. He totally didn't expect this kind of reaction from his friends.

"Scared? We were just surprised, I guess?" Iida lifted his head and gave his elemental friend a reassuring smile. True, he was a bit bewildered by the sudden revealment. Still, there was also a part of him that was jubilant when his friend decided to reveal more about his true powers.

"To be honest, I thought that the guy just now was some ghost or something. But never mind that! You owe us a proper explanation, you hear me, Boboiboy!" Mineta huffed, pointing at the elemental user.

"Yeah! But dude, I never expected that your quirk's secret was this big! Finally, BBB revealed his true potential, huh?" Kaminari grinned beside the earth elemental user.

"You can say that again man! I was also shocked when BBB told us about his elemental quirk's true abilities!" Kirishima went to them, slinging an arm around Quake's shoulder.

"Wait? So, you already know about it?" Kaminari questioned.

"Yeah, a few minutes ago, to be exact."

"Hmm? What's this? My 'someone is going to steal my dear dino-hatted BFF from me' sense is tingling! Danger is coming ahead!" Gopal gave Kaminari and Kirishima a death glare from afar, sending them a threat in silence.

"Umm... I really don't want to interrupt the conversation, but time is ticking everyone. Don't you think there's something more important we need to do now?" Fang reminded them. Let's just say he's learning from the mistakes they made just now.

"I promise I'll give you a proper explanation after this everyone. We need to save Midoriya, Uraraka, and Melissa first!" Quake said, shifting his weight on his feet as he started to run towards Midoriya's location while the others followed him.

"I understand you can't properly explain, Boboiboy, but I sure hope I'm not too shocked with the revealment though." Iida chuckled as he walked beside the earth elemental user and Todoroki.

"Trust me Iida. You'll be so shocked that you might turn into a stone." Kirishima quietly said.

"Just prepare for the worst. I think?" Quake said as he let a slight chuckle.

"Oh! I guess you're also with them, purple-haired dude? A member of TAPOPS was it?" Kaminari asked, turning his gaze towards Fang.

"Wait? How did you know about TAPOPS?" Fang stopped for a bit, knowing whose mouth was loose enough to expose this kind of valuable information.

"Strange, but never mind. Let me introduce myself! The name is—"

"Now is not the time for shitty introductions!" Bakugou roared, mad as always.


Main Control Tower

"Midoriya! Melissa!" Cyclone, who managed to find them, immediately approached his friends, who were currently hiding behind a wall. Upon reaching them, his cheerful smile was washed away at the sight of fear radiating from Midoriya and Melissa's faces.

"What happened—" Cyclone stopped questioning as soon as his blue eyes landed on the sight in front of him.

Wait? Isn't that Professor David and his assistant, Sam? Weren't they captured by the villain? And what were they doing in the tower's main storage room?

"You did it, Professor! We finally got the Quirk Amplification Device back!" Sam's voice had a hint of happiness as he retrieved a special item, probably one of Professor David's creations.

"Yes. This device and research data are the only things I would never give to anyone." The professor replied. He let a small smile. His eyes shined brightly at the sight of his device in Sam's hand, and there was no guilt or shame in his words.

"Everything is according to plan, isn't it, professor? And it looks like the villains are doing well, too."

"Thank you. It was all because you arranged everything for me, Sam."

Cyclone could feel his breath hitched as he refused to acknowledge the truth in front of him. Was professor David the real mastermind behind this attack? So, all this time, he was working along with the villains?

"This can't be happening. The professor sacrificed the civilian's safety just because he wanted to retrieve his device?" Cyclone whispered lowly.

"Papa..." Melissa called her father in a voice low, unable to stop the cracking in her tone as she came out from her hiding place. Tears of betrayal began to fall from her eyes down towards her cheeks.

"Me... Melissa?!"

"What do you mean 'arranged'? That's not true, right?" Melissa demanded answers. She bravely approached them, followed by Midoriya and Cyclone behind her.

Professor David slowly lowered his face, unable to make eye contact with his daughter. He felt genuinely disappointed in himself at the moment. The last person he wanted to know about this plan was Melissa. However, he had to face the consequences of his actions.

"It's true. I... I was the one who arranged this attack." The man, without shame, revealed the truth.

"Why?!" Melissa questioned more. The poor girl was truly heartbroken by the scene in front of her.

"The professor is only trying to get back what was stolen from him! This ground-breaking invention that mechanically amplifies quirks!" Sam defended the professor seeing that the man had a hard time explaining.

"It amplifies quirks?" Midoriya and Cyclone voiced their thought. Was that device so crucial that they literally had to use villains in order to get it back?

"Correct! The device can amplify quirks without affecting the body!" Sam continued.

"However, the sponsors confiscated this invention and research data! The research itself was also frozen. If this were made known to the world, then the structure of superhuman society would change drastically. Fearing that, governments from different nations put pressure on the professor! That's... That's why I proposed the idea to steal back the research!" The assistant confessed.

Initially, it was his own idea to retrieve back the Quirk Amplification Device by using the villain's attack as a distraction. The professor only followed his plans.

"What?!" Midoriya and Cyclone were horrified by this revelation.

"It's a lie, right papa? The Papa I know would never do anything like that! So, why? Why are you doing this?!" Melissa demanded to know why. Deep down, she was hurt by her papa's action. Her friends and the heroes risked their lives to save everyone from the villains! Everyone was in danger because of her papa's actions!

"It is for All Might." Professor David admitted.

"All Might?"

"You three probably didn't know, but his quirk is disappearing." The man continued, looking away.

"His quirk is disappearing? Is it because he gave the One For All quirk to Midoriya?" Cyclone mumbled and turned towards Midoriya, who felt guilty knowing the truth of why All Might lost his power.

"The professor acted this way because All Might passed his quirk on to me. He was worried about his friend losing his power, and—" Midoriya thought. The truth was hard and painful, but he had to swallow it bitterly, knowing that he's the main reason why All Might's quirk was slowly decreasing.

"I know this is completely wrong, but... I want to save my friend! I can give him more abilities than he started with!" Professor David continued. Yes, he only agreed with Sam's idea because of this particular reason. All Might's quirk will disappear if he doesn't help him. That's why he was acting desperately on that.

"I don't care what kind of punishment I received as long as The Number 1 Hero... The Symbol of Peace can regain his light and save many more people!"

"Is that what All Might wanted, though? His dear friend sacrificing innocent people's lives for the sake of 'helping' him?!" Cyclone interfered with aggression clear in his tone, making them turn their heads in his directions. His usual cheerful and bubbly persona turned serious, much like Thunderstorm but only scarier.


"I may not know All Might that long like you or Midoriya but... I can clearly tell All Might will not be pleased if you try to save him like this! So, please stop before anyone gets hurt even more!" The wind elemental user continued more.

Melissa was amazed at Cyclone's bravery. She looked right at the other's face and gathered her strength, taking a step ahead, and quickly showed off the scar on her arm that she got from one of the villain's attacks.

"What do you think Deku, Boboiboy, and his classmates went through to save the hostages?! They risked their lives for everyone's safety!" Melissa shouted angrily. She knew she should knock some sense into her papa, opening his eyes to the danger he exposed to the public.

"What is the meaning of this? The villains were fake..." Confused, the professor turned toward Sam.

"They... They are fake, right? It should've all been an act.." His voice trembled in fear, now realizing his mistakes.

"Of course, it was an act. An act pretending to be fake villains." Wolfram smiled triumphally as he made his dramatic entrance by walking toward them.

"That guy—" Midoriya and Cyclone tried to launch an attack, but Wolfram was quicker. He used his metal manipulation quirk to restrain the young heroes from interfering with his plans.

"Deku! Boboiboy!"

"Sam, where's the device?" The villain asked.

"H-Here!" Sam snatched the Quirk Amplification Device from Professor David and ran towards Wolfram.

"Sam? Don't... Don't tell me, from the beginning you were planning on giving the device to the villains all along?" David felt betrayed by his own assistant.

"I knew this was bound to happen! No wonder you proposed that idea to the professor. You're just using him for your own gain!" Cyclone shouted from afar, trying his best to break free.

He could've just used his fierce winds to push the metals away, but his body was getting weaker and weaker. Probably, one of the side effects of using the fusion ability and the elemental splint back and forth simultaneously.

"Y-You're the one who tricked me, David. I-I served you for so long, but you let your research taken away from you so easily! The honor and renown we were supposed to get all went away! If-If I didn't get at least some money, then it was a waste of my time!" Sam finally confessed. The only thing he cared about from the project was fortune from working so hard. However, suppose the professor's morality was his downfall. In that case, he'll have to collaborate with the villain to achieve his goal.

"Good job, and here's the reward I promised you." Wolfram let a sly smile and shot Sam in the arm, acting as if they never had an agreement.

"W-Why? This isn't what we agreed!"

"Shut up! You're lucky I decided to let you live at least, old man." The villain chuckled, now pointing his gun towards Professor David.

"Well, professor... Like it or not, no matter what reasons, you've dirtied your hands with evil deeds. The crime you committed will not disappear. You're the same as us now! A villain!" Wolfram spoke in a tone full of amusement, seeing that the last hope in the professor's eyes was starting to fade little by little. Oh, how he loved tormenting people like these. It somehow made him superior!

"Sweet dreams. Thank you for your hard work on creating the Quirk Amplification Device." Wolfram pulled the trigger and—



The sound of gunfire was heard, and a body collapsed. Warm red blood drizzled out the cold floor. However, the blood did not belong to the professor.

It took Cyclone a second to process the scene before him. Suddenly, as if all the air in his body were being pulled from his extremities into his core. His eyes widened, dread swirling in his stomach.

"DAD!" The wind user shouted on top of his lungs, seeing that his father lay on the floor while holding his wound.

Apparently, Amato managed to protect Professor David from being shot by Wolfram. However, as a price, he received an injury since the bullet grazed him right on the waist.

"I'm— I'm fine, son. It's just a light wound." Amato lied as he tried his best to stand up, but the wound he suffered made it hard to do so since it was pretty severe. He couldn't literally feel the pain coursing through him.

Next time remind him to never act hastily again without Mechabot being equipped with him.

Who could've blamed him though? He panicked and quickly rushed to the central control room with Mechabot. At the same time, Maskmana and Cattus were busy kicking the villains' butt. All Might also help them by saying that he'll follow him as soon as they secure the guest's safety. However, he came unprotected since his partner was handling the drones outside. Amato can practically hear Mechabot's furious roar from here.

"MechAmato! You're... You're injured! We need to take you to the hospital!" Professor David approached the wounded hero. How naïve of him to think that this plan could've actual work with the help of villains?! Guilt took control of him whole since his irresponsible actions led to this awful disaster.

"Hah! That's very noble of you, Mechamato! Saving the man who's behind this catastrophe. However, it seems like your heroic journey ends here, hero." The villain snickered, aiming at Amato's head with his gun.

"STOP!" Cyclone knew he had to do something or else his dad and Professor David would die. So, without wasting time, the wind user tries to concentrate as he gathers his winds and, with a fierce shot blows away the metals, breaking free from the binds.

"Cyclone Disk!" He aimed wind-like disks towards Wolfram, knocking off the gun from his right hand a second earlier before the villain could even pull the trigger again.

"Tch! Lousy kids! I should've taken your lives first!" The villain gritted his teeth, manipulating metal around his surroundings. This time he created sharp spear-like metal, ferociously attacking Cyclone, Midoriya, and Melissa without mercy.

"Thunderstorm Slash!" Red lightning destroyed the metals like it was nothing, shocking the audience with its intimidating power.

"Need a hand?" The owner of the lightning ability said in a cold tone as he stood before them. His ruby eyes locked on the villain in front of him.

"Geez, you really are the king of an epic entrance, Thunderstorm." Cyclone shakes his head, pretending to be crestfallen. They were the same person, yet this guy always took the scene with his 'outstanding' appearance.

It was totally unfair to the other six face-alike though!

"No one cares about that nonsense. What's important is that we take this guy down. Permanently." Thunderstorm commented. Rage began to pile inside him at the sight of his injured father.

"Of all the quirk user there is, it had to be lightning manipulator!" Wolfram thought, knowing that his quirk was extremely vulnerable against those with electricity abilities.

"Don't get carried away!" Wolfram activated his quirk yet again. This time he created a wide-range metal attack on the heroes.

"Melissa! We'll save the others! So, save everyone else!" Midoriya told the blonde beside him. The freckled boy tried to stop Wolfram, forcing him to come to blows with the villain's quirk.

"We'll cover you!" Cyclone added, creating a wind shield as he refused to allow the villains to pass them and hurt her again.

"Alright!" Melissa nodded and ran towards the control room quickly as she could, determined to save everyone from the villains' grasp.

Using his lightning speed, Thunderstorm dashed forward to save Sam, taking him to safety.

"I'm totally pissed at you, but my dad will be disappointed if I didn't do something." The lightning manipulator could feel irritation rolling off of him, but he still decided to save the man. Thunderstorm huffed as he placed the man beside his father and Professor David.

"You're not doing so well, dad." He commented, seeing that the man tried his best to endure the pain.

"I can survive this, son. Don't worry about me." Amato assured, making a fake chuckle.

"Yeah, sure. Just try to stay alive, though. You and Quake will definitely have the 'talk' after this." Thunderstorm replied while Amato gulped.

Ah, that son of his is truly frightening, he thought to himself, imagining getting scolded for being reckless by the earth manipulator soon.

I-Island's security system is now operating in normal mode.

"Damnit! Did that girl manage to disable the security system?!" Wolfram gritted since the drones turned back to normal mode.

"Tch! We have no time for this!" Wolfram unleashed powerful metal attacks against the young heroes. However, that was just a diversion he created. The villain's actual plan was to capture the creator of the Quirk Amplification Device. He knew that he would be stopped if he continued fighting here and there. So, he made a few adjustments to his plans.

"Change of plans. You're going to help me mass produce that device for me." Wolfram restrained Amato and Sam with metals and knocked the professor out, taking him as he escaped.

"We're getting out from here!"

"They got the professor! You guys catch them! I'll handle it from here!" Cyclone drew out his winds, stopping Wolfram's henchmen from following Midoriya and Thunderstorm.

"Right!" Midoriya and Thunderstorm nodded, pursuing after Wolfram.


"The security system has been deactivated! Deku-kun, Boboiboy-kun and Melissa-chan did it!" Uraraka jumped happily while Yaya could feel something was not right, yet she couldn't put her fingers on it.

"That was easy?" The pink hijab girl thought.



The two girls turned behind only to be greeted by the others but still no sign of Midoriya, Thunderstorm, Cyclone, and Melissa.

"I'm glad that both of you are okay." Quake sighed in relief since there were barely any wounds on them.

"Yeah! Yaya-chan was super strong! She kept protecting me from the security robots!" Uraraka said, obviously amazed at Yaya's ability.

"And she's pretty too." Mineta drooled while Yaya gave him a sickening look.

Uraraka, aware of Mineta's unmoral intention, quickly stood before Yaya, protecting her like a knight. Jirou, on the other hand, prepared murdering weapons, ready to attack in seconds.

"Well, Yaya is a like monster who spits fire when she's mad. I mean, she's terrifying, like scarier than Mama Zola. Trust me on that." Gopal interfered, proudly saying those unfiltered words while Yaya tried her best to contain her anger from afar.

"Do you have a death wish?" Fang sweat-drop, hiding behind Quake, who was unaffected by Yaya's building wrath.

"What's with this guy and his mouth? Has he always been like this?" Todoroki commented, turning to Ying.

"Don't bother with him. Saying something without actually thinking about the consequences is his specialty." Ying, who was dizzy with Gopal's unexpected attics, placed a hand on her forehead.

"I didn't know that was a specialty—"

"WHAT ARE YOU GUYS YAPPING ABOUT? WE HAVE VILLAINS TO KILL HERE!" Bakugou roared out of nowhere, reminding them of their true purpose.

"Well, technically, we still don't know where the villains are. Shouting isn't going to help us either." Fang commented, sighing.

"What did you say, shadow bastard?" The explosion user marched towards Fang.

"I'd rather you call me Mr. Popular, angry dude." Fang bravely said, now eye to eye with Bakugou.

"Guys!" The group turned towards the owner of the voice. It was Cyclone on his hoverboard, alerting the heroes while trying to get some help.

"Thank goodness you're okay! I was really worried there! What am I doing? Oh, yeah... Quake! Dad got injured, and Mechabot is on a rampage! Midoriya and Thunderstorm are..." The blue-eyed boy suddenly stopped, feeling all the attention land on him. Something Solar and Fang would've loved, he noted.

"Crap! I forgot that they don't know the elemental split ability!" Cyclone panicked. His fatigue was getting the better of him now. How could he have forgotten that there was three versions of Boboiboy at the moment?!

"Okay, I'm totally going to get killed. Well, at least I have some time to prepare my death bed, and I surely hope it won't be too painful..." Cyclone thought, comically crying, thinking about his fate after this.

"I... I can explain... Well, it's a long explanation though." Cyclone slowly mumbled without actually looking straight at his classmates.

A beat of silence passed. All of them were trying to analyze what the wind manipulator had just said.

"Gee, you guys really are clones. Like he totally said the same thing as you did!" Kaminari turned to Quake while giving the earth manipulator a commoving look.

"We prefer the terms 'twins or brothers', Kaminari." Quake replied, still remain composed as before. He probably learned the best from the master of calmness, Ice.

"True, but they are still some differences though, especially the personality and the eyes." Kirishima commented as he scanned Cyclone from head to toe.

"I agree with your view. They are the same person yet different at the same time. Fascinating." Iida joined him.

"Wait... W-What?" Cyclone blurted out, extremely confused. The poor boy turned towards Quake, demanding for some explanations.

'I know what you're thinking, Cy, and yes, I messed up first. So, sorry about that.' Quake gave him an apologetic look, and somehow Cyclone understood that.

However, the problem before for him was less worrisome, at least in his view. They could still develop a proper explanation even if it takes days to explain. What worries Cyclone more was the fact that his responsible and almost 'untouchable' brother, Quake made a mistake. A huge mistake, he mentally noted. Well, he still blamed the side-effects of the elemental power too, making their bodies weak plus them having jingled memories as an after effect but—"

The main point here is Quake made a mistake?! Was the world ending?

Cyclone deliberately covered his mouth as if he couldn't accept the fact that was served in his eyes.

"Oh my gosh! What have you done? We really need to write this down. I'll tell Blaze to do so. Please, remind me that." The wind user couldn't help but to tease his other 'twin', now forgetting his fear of dying.

"I said... I'm sorry, okay?" Quake could feel a vein pop as he tried to remain calm. It was practically not working since a dark aura surrounded him at the moment, making the others shiver in fear at the scene before them.

"Are you really sure they're the same person?" Kaminari questioned while he and Gopal took cover behind Iida.

"Ehem! Boboiboy Number 2! What were you going to say just now?" Iida quickly changed the subject ending the dispute between Cyclone and Quake.

"Oh, right! The villains are escaping, and they got Professor David with them! Melissa already told All Might about this, and we need some help in the main control tower. My dad and Professor David's assistant, Sam, got shoot by the villains." Cyclone informed now focuses on the main issue.

"Where's Midoriya?" Todoroki questioned.

"He and Thunderstorm are chasing the villains! We need to catch up with them!" Cyclone replied, ready to head back, but then—

"Wait, so there's like three versions of you?" Kirishima couldn't help but to ask while Quake gave him an unamused look.

"It's complicated, I know..." Quake let out a heavy sigh. He already felt a migraine growing, but he still smiled. Well, smiled tightly, that is.


(On Top of I-Tower)

"Kill... Kill me..." That was the first thing David mumbled as soon as he regained back his consciousness.

"I will. However, I'll add just a few more sins then. I'll make your wish come true." Wolfram replied, making his way to the helicopter.

"Wait! Give the professor back!" Midoriya and Thunderstorm managed to catch up, stopping the villain from taking another step.

"I see. Did you brats come to take back this man who has committed wrongdoing?" Wolfram gave them an evil smirk, hands on the metal, summoning flexible iron pillars to crush his targets.

"Wrong! We've come to rescue the professor! That's what heroes do!" Both Midoriya and Thunderstorm rushed forward, trying their best to evade most of Wolfram's attacks.

"Oh, really? Then, how are you going to save him now?" The villain turned his gun towards Professor David.

"Don't worry about me! Just save yourselves!" The captivated professor yelled. He couldn't bear the sight of innocent people risking their lives for his safety.

"Jeez, it's so inconvenient being a hero. I didn't do much, and you already can't move." He smiled wickedly when Midoriya and Thunderstorm stopped moving. Using the opportunity given, he slammed them hard on the wall with metal pillars.

The villain attacked the young heroes without mercy, slamming them over and over with his quirk. Wolfram only stopped when he felt satisfied at the sight of the injured young heroes lying on the ground helplessly.

"Nice effort, by the way, but at last, it's the villains' win." The villain walked his way to the helicopter, escaping.

"Tch, using dirty plans to escape, huh?" Thunderstorm concentrated on moving, but his body was failing him to do so.

"The... The professor... W-We promised Melissa to rescue him..." Midoriya's vision was getting blurry by now. However, he refused to give up as he slowly pushed himself up.

"Yeah, you're right. We possibly can't give up now." Thunderstorm forcedly got up. The boy stumbled a bit, legs still shaking as a sign of him enduring the pain he received from the villain's attack.

The two boys looked at each other, determined to save the professor again. But before their bodies move even further—

Someone was even faster than them.

"Good job there holding off the villains, boys! But it's fine now. Why? Because I'm here!" The No.1 Hero declared, arriving at the scene with Melissa.

"All Might!"

"I'll have you give my friend back, you villain!" All Might soars through the helicopter, rescuing Professor David from Wolfram's clutches as he sends the villains to their fiery demise all in one motion. The aircraft crashed in one hit, ending the villains' path to escape from I-Island.

Midoriya and Thunderstorm gasped, couldn't believe their eyes. Here they have been struggling to save the professor while All Might had done all in a single move.

"As expected from The No.1 Hero." Thunderstorm mumbled, still bewildered.

"Papa!" Melissa hugged her father. She felt relieved that her father was okay. Sure, there were a few bruises on the cheeks. Probably because he struggled to free himself from the villain's grasp just now.

After assuring his daughter that he was okay, Professor David shifted his sight towards All Might. An apologetic look was plastered on his face.

"Toshi... I'm sorry. I-I didn't mean this to happen. I..."

Before the professor could continue, more Wolfram abruptly appeared from the smoldering remains of the crashed helicopter, like a zombie who just received an extra life.

"Did you really think you've won All Might?!" The villain shouted, attacking All Might with an overwhelming force while trapping Professor David in a metal casing.

"All Might!"


"He's using the professor's device!" The young heroes were in shock, seeing that Wolfram's metal manipulation quirk increased exponentially while in use of the Quirk Amplification Device.

"You don't know when to give up, huh? Texas Smash—" All Might tried to silence the villain. However, Wolfram proved to be far more powerful than before with the help of his enhanced quirk.

"You call that a punch? Sam was right all along! You don't have the power you once had!" Wolfram attacked All Might again. This time the villain overwhelms All Might with dozens of iron pillars, smashing the hero as if he was a little bug that was just meant to be squashed. In the end, Wolfram nearly crushes All Might under the weight of a steel barrage.

"As expected of something by David Shield! This thing is great! I can tell that my quirk is getting revitalized!" Wolfram laughed on top of his lungs. Using his enhanced powers, the villain transformed the tower's roof into a scrap metal hell, barricading himself inside a fortress of scrap metal while almost destroying parts of the building in the process.

Midoriya, Melissa, and Thunderstorm could only witness the situation in horror, too stunned to even make a move.

"Now, in order to raise the price of this device... why don't we have a demonstration on how many it can kill the heroes? Starting from you brats! Hurry up and get crushed!" Wolfram aimed the iron pillars toward Midoriya, Melissa, and Thunderstorm. The iron pillars almost hit them but then—

"Teleportation Power!"

In the blink of an eye, their position was changed to a safer place, a second saving them from the mortiferous impact, thanks to the power sphere in front.

"Ochobot?" Thunderstorm called while Melissa wondered about the robot in front of her.

"Boboiboy! Thank goodness you're alright!" Ochobot proceeded to hug the serious boy. He was worried sick about his friend ever since the security alarm was activated. So, he tried his best to fight his way to Boboiboy's side.

"Thank you for saving us." Thunderstorm smiled gently. A rare sight only Ochobot and his brothers could witness it.

Their moment was abruptly interrupted by explosions, Bakugou's outburst, and Todoroki's ice.

"Kacchan! Todoroki! Everyone!" Relief brought a smile to Midoriya's lips. Their presence proven that hero is never alone and comes to his rescue.

"Hah! Getting your butts kicked by the villains, huh?!" Bakugou joined in as he aggressively unleashed an onslaught on Wolfram.

"What's with the tired look, guys? Whirling Vortex Wind!" Cyclone shouted from above, enthusiasm evident in his tone as he unleashed multiple offensive wind strikes, protecting them by demolishing the metal pillars before him.

"Sorry, we're late." Todoroki continued the assault by freezing the metal pillars around them.

"Are you guys alright?" Quake and the others joined the fray.

"We can manage." Thunderstorm answered. He was about to open his mouth again, but then he noticed something was wrong.

Wait... They are still in their elemental forms, right?! Thunderstorm mentally thought as they were openly exposing the elemental split ability to the public. The cool red-eyed boy could feel doom strikes him like lightning, unable to make eye contact with the earth manipulator.

"Eh? There's three of you?" Melissa pointed, slightly confused, while Midoriya sweated nervously behind her.

"I... I can explain... Though, it's a long one—" Thunderstorm said, an automated response more coming from him as he tried his best to put out a poker-face. However, deep down, the lightning manipulator was slightly panicking.

"We know." The UA student nodded since that was their third time hearing those words.

"Wait... Really?" Thunderstorm was confused beyond belief. He tried his best to digest their current situation.

"For your information, it wasn't my fault. Quake jinx it first." Cyclone said, now joining up his siblings.

"That's even more terrifying..." Red eyes stared at the earth manipulator dumbfoundedly. He wanted to comment more, but he wasn't going to risk his dear life getting yanked into space again.

"Let's just say we messed up our timing, and I came earlier than expected." Quake justified.

"Yeah, true... half of it was still my fault anyways. The 'discussion' went long, way ahead of time." Thunderstorm thought, but he refused to voice that out, seeing that Cyclone was having the time of his life by teasing the 'untouchable' earth manipulator.

"We need to return now, guys, or else our bodies and memories are becoming more unstable if we continue more." Quake notified them. The others nodded, joining back together into their original form.

Boboiboy wobbled a bit, a hand on his head. He felt a bit nauseous since his memories went scrambled as the pain was starting to course through his adrenaline. A sign that he was slightly overusing his elemental powers.

"Boboiboy!" Iida quickly supported him in standing up properly.

"Hehe... I might have been using too much of my elemental power." With his free arm, Boboiboy scratched the back of his head nervously.

"You and your carelessness when it comes to saving the day." Fang remarked, shaking his head a bit.

"Don't worry about the metal pillars Boboiboy! We'll take it from here! Gravitational Force!" Yaya supported Bakugou and Todoroki, saving those two from nearly getting crushed by the pillars.

"Wait! I'll lend you a hand!" Midoriya soared high in the sky, destroying the pillars with a single smash.

"Yaya's right! Go and stop the villain before he does something crazy again! Slow-Mo Speed!" Using her time manipulation power, the spectacled heroin stopped some pillars from moving, allowing Kirishima and Iida to take on the pillars head-to-head.

"Yeah! And I'll just stay here and stay safe! Tell me when it's over!" Gopal slowly slides away, making his escape from the battlefield. However, Fang caught him red-handedly.

"Oh no, you don't... You'll have to contribute too, like it or not." The shadow user discreetly threw a knowing look at Gopal while dragging the Indian boy.

"Fang?! Are you crazy? That guy's a monster! Just look at his size!" Gopal tried to break free, but Fang was proven to be stronger than him.

"Just stop winning and turn those pillars into a giant candy cane or something. Shadow Eagle Fusion!"

"Wait! I don't want to do this! Fang, you bully!" Gopal comically cried.

"Everyone... I know my powers are reaching its peak, but I possibly can't just stand here and do nothing!" Boboiboy mumbled. The young hero was determined not to waste a single minute of his time defeating Wolfram.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Thunderstorm!" The boy resorted to using his second-tier lightning element again. This time he came stronger than before.

The fierce battle against Wolfram continued with each hero trying their best to fight back, defend and even support All Might. However, despite their numbers, Wolfram was still proven to be a formidable opponent.

"How can you get beat up by such a damn lame last boss, huh, All Might?!" Bakugou threw his head back, roared with fury, and at the same time burned his enemies with fire attacks.

"All Might! I'll carve a path for you! Make sure you give that guy a good punch! Thunderstorm Strike!" Thunderstorm dashed towards the villain in a teleportation-like manner, striking Wolfram like a huge lightning bolt, electrifying him murderously.

"With my students so motivated, I can't be held back by some stupid limit! That's right, Plus Ultra!" All Might goes beyond, using his tremendous power to break through Wolfram's iron defenses. With his California Smash, he managed to create a massive impact on Wolfram.

"Prepare yourself, villain!" Just as the No. 1 Hero was gaining the upper hand in the fight, Wolfram trapped him with metal wires.

"Prepare myself? You should take your own advice, All Might!" Wolfram chuckled, crushing his throat with a surprise Muscle Augmentation Quirk. The villain continued torturing The No.1 Hero, now aiming at the injury that All for One carved on the left side of his chest.

"He has another quirk?!" Midoriya let out a sharp gasp.

"Y-You... Don't tell me that..."

"That's true. When we're planning this extortion, I received a call from that man, All for One." The villain revealed that the most feared villain, All For One contacted, had offered his assistance to him by giving Wolfram the Muscle Augmentation Quirk and exposing information about All Might weaknesses.

When Wolfram questioned his reasons, All for One only confessed that he simply wanted those around All Might, his best friend, to fall into pitch-darkness, corrupting him with villainous deeds.

The new information bounced around All Might's head. At first, The No.1 Hero was in disbelief, then in shock, and finally, in anger. His award-winning smile was twisted in pain, knowing that his arch-nemesis had orchestrated the incident.

"You've finally stopped smiling, huh?" A self-satisfied smirk played across the villain's lips as he managed to fuel All Might's anger, destroying hope along the way. He crushed All Might under a torrent of scrap metal using his enhanced quirk, much to everyone's horror.

"DETROIT! SMASH!" Midoriya's instincts quickly kicked in, and his body moved forward, breaking the iron prison apart in time to save his mentor.

"Young Midoriya! With that body... It's too reckless!" After a safe land, the hero scolded Midoriya. The older man's eyes were clouded with concern, seeing that the boy had just recovered from his wounds.

"All Might... You always taught me that a hero has to save those in trouble. That's why my body can't help but to move." Midoriya argued, giving his mentor a smile. Somehow, he hoped that would lessen All Might's worries.

There was a beat of silence between them. Miraculously, All Might's smile returned deliberately, thanks to his young successor. Who knew that both parties were equally stubborn when it came to heroism? The older man let out a breath of relief.

"Thank you..." All Might grinned.

Wolfram clicked his tongue as he felt that he wanted to vomit at any minute. The cheesy sight in front was truly sickening. This is not what he desired it to be!

"Do you possibly think you can save the day—"

"Hey..." Thunderstorm cuts him midway as he stands on top of a metal pillar, dangerously near the villain.

"What?! When did you—"

"Tell me... Was it so satisfying tormenting All Might like that? Professor David never really intended on doing such a thing. He just wanted to save a dear friend of his. He did it knowing the consequences ahead of him." Thunderstorm yet again beat Wolfram to the action. Venom was prominent in the boy's words while his red eyes flashed with rage.

"If I were in his position, I would've done the same thing." Melancholy was present in Thunderstorm's tone, changing his sight towards Ochobot, then to his group of friends.

"Are you saying you'll dirty your hands for your pathetic friends? And you call yourself a hero?!" Wolfram amusedly tested the boy's words.

"That's possible. However..." Thunderstorm smirked, reverting back to his original form.

"I'll try to avoid things from getting messier in the future. Starting from defeating you!" Boboiboy declared with all the confidence he could muster.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Solar!"

A blast of power illuminated, shocking those around. The vigorous power alone made them close their eyes, protecting them from being harmed by the arduous light source up in the sky.

"What the—" When Wolfram could finally open his eyes, he was greeted by the greater foe, bursting with energy.

"It's him again!" Kaminari gasped while Gopal cheered beside him.

"Haha! Feel the wrath of the almighty Boboiboy, you creep!" The Indian boy shouted.

"Solar Leap!" The light manipulator concentrated light particles around him as he teleported into another location in the blink of an eye, saving Professor David from Wolfram's grasp in one move.


"You're okay now, professor." Solar placed the injured man gently beside Melissa.

"How did he?!" Wolfram was utterly in shock. Everything went by so fast that he couldn't even block the elemental boy from taking the professor from his custody!

"Worthless little brat! That's it! I have enough of you and your meaningless tricks. You're nothing better than trash!!" Anger was burning through him now. Wolfram created multiple pillars, aiming toward the light manipulator.

"MechaLaser!" One glancing shot was enough to shatter the pillars in pieces, protecting Solar from being hit.

"Dad!" Solar turned his directions towards Amato.

"I'm glad I manage to protect you just in time, son." Amato, who could barely even stand, waved at Solar. His legs were getting wobbly again. Thankfully, Maskmana was there to assist him this time.

"You and your son. Both are indeed troublemakers." Maskmana commented, earning a nervous laugh from Amato.

"As expected of Boboiboy!" Midoriya stood up, amazed at his friend's ability yet again.

"Lend me a hand, Young Midoriya! We'll defeat this villain together!" All Might requested, side by side with the current One for All successor.

"Let's go!"

"Yes, sir!" Midoriya armed his Full Cowl, placing his faith in Melissa's Full Gauntlet. The teacher and pupil race into the heat of battle, rushing past through the endless iron assault from Wolfram in synchronization.

"Tch! You don't know when to give up!" The villain created even more metal pillars, attacking the heroes.

"You're the one who doesn't!" Despite the building strain in his arms, Bakugou angrily charged forward, blasting out the metal pillars in the process.

"I won't let you!" Todoroki formed a colossal block of ice, preventing the pillars from getting in All Might and Midoriya's way.

The Kokotaim group didn't stay silent as well. Yaya and Ying stop the pillars from moving with their respective powers, Gopal transformed everything into different kinds of food that he could've possibly thought off while Fang pierces the pillars with shadow-like spears.

"I'll crush you and the tower!" Wolfram couldn't take it anymore. The heroes' enthusiasm is getting onto his nerves. As a last-ditch effort, the villain formed a massive iron cube, large enough to crush the whole tower.

Despite his effort, the villain still couldn't stop All Might and Midoriya as both soared up in the sky.

"To overcome the crisis in front of you, with everything you've got..."

"To save everyone, with everything you've got..."

"That is what makes a hero! Double Detroit... SMASH!"


All Might and Midoriya went beyond their limits and broke through the cube with a Double Detroit Smash, pulverizing everything with their monstrous power with twice the might of One For All. Even Wolfram first-handily was hit by the duo's combo attack.

"Now, Boboiboy!" The master and student shouted, passing the baton towards Solar.

"Thanks, everyone. Now, let's end this! Solar Leap!" Solar centered himself in the sky, grey eyes locked at his weakened target.

"Multifold Solar Eclipse Shot!" Solar moved his hand in a circular motion, manifesting his power as he formed an eclipse. With enough raw power gathered, the light manipulator, without mercy, released radiation-like energy, creating a massive shockwave along the way as it sent Wolfram into oblivion, finishing off the villain.

"Did... Did we win?" The light manipulator questioned before fainting in mid-air.

"Boboiboy!" The others yelled in distress. Some even move to save him from the fall.

"Gotcha!" All Might swiftly catch Boboiboy just in time, saving him from hitting the ground.

"Good job there, Young Boboiboy. Frightening as always, I see." The No.1 Hero nervously commented, seeing that the last attack nearly destroyed half of the towers' buildings.

"Awe... Awesome... (Ter... Terbaik...)." Boboiboy muttered. A smile spreads across his tired face before he fully blacks out. They could see his soul leaving his body.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya worriedly watched his elemental friend.

"You're always like this at the end of the battle Boboiboy. How am I going to leave you alone when you make me worry all the time?" Ochobot sighed.

The Kokotaim Gang let a laugh while the UA students cheered in victory. Amato, Mechabot, Professor David, and Melissa watched them from afar as the situation became more chaotic in seconds.

Fang and Gopal discussing on how to prank the elemental hero when he wakes up, Bakugou was shouting at Midoriya and Todoroki for an unknown reason, while Kaminari and Kirishima them, Yaya and Ying check on Uraraka, Yaoyorozu, and Jirou for injuries while Iida was stopping Mineta from coming closer to girls.

A great ending indeed, they concluded. Melissa wipes her left-over tears, now joining in with her friends.

"As expected of heroes! They always save the day!"







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm so sorry for the late update! I'm busy with college at the moment and I'm also trying my very best to write.  

Also, I've noticed some stories (I don't want to mention) are using some of my ideas recently. I just want to clarify you may use it, but please don't take the whole story. Just, please, DON'T! I mean, even my OCs were used. Please also MENTION me if you're using the ideas. Thank you. I am not that stingy, but I take a LOT of thinking while writing! 

Welp, I think that's all everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


Thank you for this art @alyana_solehah (IG). I absolutely adore this! The gravity queen's interaction! 

I also received some fanarts, but it seems like I can't find them anymore. Please, do send them again so that I can mention you guys here! 

And yes, this guy is my current favorite, and I've been simping him since his debut. I'll probably write a story about the fusions in the future. A chaotic one to be precise. 

That's all everyone!

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

StarTwinkle ⭐

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