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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!

Chapter 32

"Good job there, Young Boboiboy. Frightening as always, I see." The No.1 Hero nervously commented that the last attack nearly destroyed half of the towers' buildings.

"Awe... Awesome... (Ter... Terbaik...)." Boboiboy muttered. A smile spreads across his tired face before he fully blacks out. They could see his soul leaving his body.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya worriedly watched his elemental friend.

"You're always like this at the end of the battle Boboiboy. How am I going to leave you alone when you make me worry all the time?" Ochobot sighed.

A great ending indeed, they concluded. Melissa wipes her left-over tears, now joining in with her friends.

"As expected of heroes! They always save the day!"




The layer covering the atmosphere had an aura of brightness as the light flickered through it and reached the surface of Earth, making it a bit scorching. The sun finding its way from the horizon to the summit of the sky, pierced its lucid sunlight to the people, making their faces plastered with an eerie glow, squinting eyes and glittered demeanor.

Such a marvelous day after, despite the harrowing event that befell the I-Expo's evening party last night.

People describe it as the most atrocious scene in I-Island history, and the incident itself significantly impacted the residents' memories. Thank goodness, the heroes, especially the Number 1 Hero, present to bring an end to the villains' plan. Plus, if you look at the bright side, the villains' attack may also serve as a catalyst for the development of a defense system in the future.

Like in the movies, heroes always save the day. Happy ending, full stop.

However, is there anyone who is able to save the elemental user from the nerve-wracking situation he's currently facing due to his secret that was revealed yesterday?

Let's find out, shall we?

Oh! And pray for our favorite elemental user's safety, everyone, because if you listen closely, Mineta is shrieking like a banshee at the moment.


"W... What?"

The original trio stood there. Quake was trying to figure out the best words to say next, Thunderstorm had his right hand behind his neck, looking away while Cyclone let out a nervous laugh.

The poor dino-hatted trio felt their heart rate was increasing by seconds. Bodies were completely frozen as if they were cast by a stone mummifying spell or something. Their eyes did not dare look back at those bulging stares given to them. Plus, there's this fluttery nervous in their stomach as their palms get sweatier due to the combination of anxiety and dread.

It has been 5 minutes, no... 5 minutes and 30 seconds and counting, to be precise, after half an hour (they kept it short and simple) worth of explanation about their elemental power.

It was difficult, the trio noted. Way harder than facing aliens trying to take over the world or steal Tok Aba's cocoa. Even though they decided to split into three, they still couldn't ease the now tense situation.

Well, who could've blamed them? They didn't expect the whole class to attend the I-Expo proper; the others were also on I-Island this entire time. They just weren't invited to the party, revealed Iida.

Well, talk about luck, huh?

The class group chat practically exploded this morning when Kaminari and Mineta dramatically announced the whole "Breaking news! Boboiboy's real quirk finally exposed?! More info, find us and our main star (Boboiboy) at the I-Expo proper! See you there!"

And yes, the drama-catching announcement was followed by Bakugo's loud outburst and countless censored angry texts.

Of course, the whole class and Melissa (Uraraka texted her) didn't want to miss the golden opportunity on a silver platter. Now, they are wordless after hearing the long-awaited explanation from the elemental user. Even Aizawa-sensei was present. His reactions? A dead-panned look and a deep sigh.

"Hmm... that's a surprise indeed. Now this one is a next-level problem child." Their homeroom teacher sighed deeply, and strangely, the trio heard that.

"Everyone, please say something... Anything..." Quake pleaded. The eerie silence was getting worrisome by now.

"It's official. We broke them." Cyclone commented, waving his hand before them.

"We clearly didn't expect this kind of reaction from them, though." Thunderstorm added.

Quake was about to open his mouth again when suddenly Kaminari grabbed his arms tightly while giving the leader of the elemental a piercing glare. The others followed behind him, looking like a pack of hyenas, ready to attack any second.



















The crowd went wild not long after as everyone started talking in a raised voice at once. They demanded more explanations, while others couldn't believe what they had just heard. Who knew that their most recent friend was this (inhumanly) strong?! Their scream was heard yet again as their eyes were still glued onto the elemental trio. The original trio had no choice but to cover their delicate ears, protecting them from their friends' loud and rambunctious voices.

"Yeah, that's how our elemental power really work. We're sorry for keeping this a secret." The dino-hatted boys explained, not forgetting to send them their best apologetic look, looking like a lost kitten in the process.

"Boboiboy..." Midoriya, who stood not too far from the crowd, whispered. He knew this day would be bound to come sooner or later. He didn't expect Boboiboy to make a simple mistake that led him to his true power revealment. His elemental friend was quite careful with handling his powers.

"He must've been worn-out but then on the other hand, Boboiboy wouldn't have to come out with anymore lies to cover up his secret." The One for All user noted that guilt was always placed on Boboiboy's face whenever he had to

"Guys, please give them some personal space." Midoriya tried to lend a hand, acting as the trio's bodyguard but at last, the crowd pushed him off easily.

"I assume you already knew about Boboiboy's true power?" Todoroki couldn't help but ask Midoriya as he approached the boy. Of course, he's one of the few people who Boboiboy voluntarily told about his elemental power during the villain's attack and joining him back then were Bakugo and Kirishima.

However, it was still shocking to the half-cold half-hot user no matter how many times he heard about it, to be honest. Well, in Todoroki's defense, that power alone was too unreal... But then, the owner was Boboiboy. A young and talented, soon-to-be hero.

"Yeah..." Midoriya nervously replied. Somehow, he felt terrible leaving his friends in the dark.

"I see." Todoroki nodded. He couldn't blame Midoriya fully since the boy probably respected Boboiboy's wishes. However, a part of him was still slightly disappointed. Was he not that trustworthy? Or was it because he used to give the elemental user the cold shoulder back then? Remembering his past behavior made the boy shudder a bit. Remind him not to hate all fire-user just because their quirk was the same as his old man.

The young hero immediately shakes off the negative thought building inside him as he walks toward the helpless trio with Midoriya.

"Boboiboy-kun!" Iida called. Everyone went silent after that, freezing in their places.

"Which one exactly? There's three of us right now." The trio answered, titling their heads a bit.

"Iida-kun! That's Thunderstorm with the red lightning insignia, the one with the blue hat is Cyclone and lastly Quake, the one with the amber eyes to be precise. If you call them by just Boboiboy they'll be confused. The splits have their own name and personalities based on the elements!" Midoriya slowly whispered but somehow reached the other's ears.

"Noted!" The idiotic duo, Kirishima dan Kaminari, nodded while typing notes on their phones.

"Oh! I see, I'll keep that in mind." Iida pushed his glasses upwards, looking like a professional detective or something.

After that, there was an awful silence as everyone waited for the class monitor's next words. Iida took a deep breath and...

"Thank you for telling us more about you and your powers." Iida gave the original trio a warm smile.

"Iida..." The trio whispered. Those words were truly unexpected, but somehow it lightened the guilt building inside them.

"Truthfully, I had my doubts on you... I mean, you magically appeared during the USJ attack back then and somehow you manage to wield your quirk more efficiently than any of us. It makes it hard to believe that you're new to the hero business. You never fail to amaze me whenever you use that quirk of yours and to be honest every time you reveal new abilities, things get much mysterious about you."


"I thought I knew a lot about you... However, you kept coming at us with endless questions, and whenever we finally got the answer we wanted, it somehow ended up just one small piece from the puzzle." Iida continued as he walked towards the trio and placed a hand on Thunderstorm's left shoulder.

"But one says that a good puzzle can give you all the pleasure of being duped into mystery story and I'm glad that you finally gave us the awaited answers. Just please trust us more next time, okay?" He let a reassuring smile while his expressions went softer.

Iida truly felt glad that his elemental friend (now friends?) decided to talk more about his powers to them. Besides, he, too, was indebted to Boboiboy since the latter saved him from his immoral desire toward the Hero Killer.

Now, it's time for him to show his support towards his elemental friend instead of making him more uncomfortable than he is. Of course, he had a lot of questions in mind, but he'll probably ask them later since he didn't want to stress them out.

"Thank you, and we'll keep that in mind. Sorry for not telling you guys about our true capabilities back then." Thunderstorm said. Hearing those encouraging words gave him the strength to face others finally.

"We had our reasons. At first it was simply an act to protect ourselves since you know... we were still unfamiliar with our environment at UA and we simply didn't want to catch people's attention knowing that the elemental power was this strong from the beginning." Quake added as he managed to escape from Kaminari's deadly clutches.

"Well, you did a terrible job at that. You and Todoroki basically have fan clubs all over the school by now." Sero snorted, laughing a bit.

It's true, though. Boboiboy already gains a lot of unnecessary attention for getting into UA without going through the school entrance test. His popularity was in the mainstream during and after the UA sports festival and continued to grow from time to time. His fans practically went crazy during the hatless Boboiboy period. Oh! And not to mention his father, MechAmato was also crowd-pleasing the moment he became a teacher at UA.

Like father and son, huh?

"I have fan clubs? I wasn't aware of that." Todoroki said, oblivious as usual, making the crowd sigh in pity. This innocent poor boy, they mumbled.

"You'll get used to it someday. However, don't let that fame eat you whole unlike someone I know." Cyclone nodded while giving Todoroki a reassuring pat on the back.

"Besides, we really wanted to get along with everyone and to be honest, we were a little bit anxious if we couldn't make friends during our first, no second day at UA. If we told you guys earlier, then..." Thunderstorm continued, but they didn't expect their next reaction.

"Pfftt... HAHAHAHA!" The whole class laughed as if they had just heard a terrible joke from the elemental trio.

"You? Afraid of not having friends? Good one!" Kirishima commented.

"I know, right?! Who knew he was anxious about that and ended being a social butterfly in school within minutes." Kaminari scoffed, desperate for air.

"I guess everyone gets a little nervous on their first day of school, huh?" Jirou said, wiping her tears.

"That is true." Yaoyorozu nodded.

"I... This isn't some kind of stand-up comedy you know. We're telling the truth here." Thunderstorm sighed. Slowly irritation was creeping into his nerves while his right mind was telling him to be patient.

"We know. We know. Sorry about that Thunderstorm." Uraraka assured as the others finally stopped laughing.

"You know what? I'm glad that you decided to be more open about yourself and your quirk, even though you accidentally revealed in public. Maybe next time you should be honest about your concerns? We'll be more than happy to lend an ear." The anti-gravity girl gave them a harm-warming smile.

"Thank you, Uraraka. That's nice of you to say." Quake replied, showing off one of his best (charming) smiles.

"But there is one thing that I am not satisfied with!" Uraraka huffed angrily, marching toward the elemental trio like an angry mochi.


"We're good friends (Midoriya gang), right? Why did it you take so long to tell me about your real quirk and abilities? I'm a little offended by this!" The brunette said. Obviously, she is hurt by the fact that Boboiboy was so secretive towards her. He told Deku-kun about his power, right? So, why not include her and Iida as well?

"Sorry about that Uraraka. We really didn't mean too! It's hard for us to find the right time to explain everything!" Quake explained, hoping that it might calm her.

"That's why there's this quote that only time can tell! I think?" Cyclone interfered by randomly giving a quote that popped out of his mind.

"Huh?" Quake and Uraraka sweat drop. That was certainly out of the box.

"Thanks, genius. That really helped. Really." Thunderstorm rolled his eyes while folding his arms.

"Well at least I tried to help Mama Quake here!" Cyclone turned towards the 'cool side of Boboiboy'.

"Mama Quake?" The other gasped, shocked by the suddenly revealed information. There's a mother figure between the splits?! That's... That's slightly weird. Does this mean there's also a father-like persona?

"Oh boy... Here we go again." Quake sighed in defeat, rubbing his temple like an overly worked adult.

"Is it me or is it kind of weird seeing them bickering towards each other?" Kaminari pointed as he nervously laughed. This scene was still new to him, obviously.

"Yeah, it's like Boboiboy talking to himself or a mirror." Kirishima nodded.

"You'll get used to it someday. I think." Midoriya calmed them. If those two overthink, then he feared that they might short-circuit afterward.

"But if he's using his split ability then those splits are now twins, right?" Sero continued, hands on his chin while thinking.

"Urgh! Somebody better explain to me about this again! Boboiboy' elemental ability is hella confusing!" Mineta shouted.

"Agreed." The other half of the group nodded.

"You think this is confusing? Wait till you see seven of us." Everyone's attention was quickly directed to Quake, the other version of Boboiboy, who was getting tired of this non-existing chaos.


"Wait, I thought you only split into three?" Midoriya questioned. Now, he was also confused.

Quake took a deep breath, gathering his remaining energy because deep down, he felt a catastrophe was coming.

"Well, there's four blessed souls over there who are currently watching us while eating caramelised popcorns." The leader of the elemental pointed at Blaze, Ice, Thorn, and Solar, who were standing not too far from the group, watching them with an overly smug face.

"Eh?" The group nervously questioned, slowly turning back only to meet with the other half of the elemental splits.

Such a wonderful way of knowing the other splits, isn't it?

"Oh my? They finally realized about our existence, huh? It was getting boring by the way." Solar was the first to comment while adjusting his yellow specs.

"And things were just getting interesting..." Ice gave them an unbothered look while slurping his Cola.

"These popcorns are delicious! Where did you buy them, Aizawa-sensei?" Thorn happily munched the sweet-salty delicacy. Like always not really paying attention to the situation before him.

"Pfftt! Did you see Thunderstorm's flustered expression! That was both ugly and hilarious. Man, I would love to see that again!" Blaze laughed with a mouth full of popcorn.

"Really? I think Solar recorded it. Right, Solar?" Thorn turned to the white-hatted boy.

"Yeah, this will definitely go into our family collection and not to mention a good method for blackmailing." Solar replied, showing the video he recorded to the others.

"Sweet! Don't forget to send me that!" Blaze reminded, laughing again.

"Are you sure these splits are not crazy? They are literally just a one person, right? Why do they need more than one phone?" Mineta asked Midoriya. A judgmental look was written on his face while trying to convince himself that his elemental friend was not out of his mind or something.

"He tends to get forgetful during the splitting time. That's for sure. The situation may be confusing right now, but the spilts persona's tends to think that they're their own person. That's why they act differently according to their personalities." The greenhead explained.

"You... You were watching us this whole time and we didn't even notice that?" Kaminari shivered as if he saw a ghost.

"Yeah, obviously! From the start! And it was fun seeing those three trying their best to set things out with the whole 'elemental ability' thing." Blaze nodded, eating another handful of popcorn.

"You didn't notice us earlier because we were hiding behind those bushes right there!" Thorn said as he cheerfully pointed out their supposedly hiding spot.

"Eh? But there were no bushes there before?" Iida questioned.

"I use my elemental power. No big deal." Thorn gave the class president an angelic smile.

"At first, we were told to hide a by our lovely 'older brothers' since they were worried that you guys might get a heart attack from seeing all seven of us altogether." Ice continued, still giving them an unbothered look.

"And it was getting boring just sitting there and hide like cowards! We wanted some action too!" The fire user huffed, throwing a tantrum like a child.

"So, we decided to come out from our hiding place, hoping that someone might be surprised by our great entrance as 'Seven Boboiboys', but then no one noticed our presence except for Aizawa-sensei. He offered us popcorns afterwards since there will be drama, and he's definitely not lying about that." Solar continued, eating a piece of his popcorn in a gentleman-like manner.

"It was also quite enjoyable to watch, especially those three struggling to explain things." The ice user beside him said.

"That's what you get from leaving us behind!" Blaze let out another evil laugh.

"Now that's settled... Hello we are the other half of the elemental split! And yes, there's seven of us! Don't be too surprised though, that's not good for your heart rates and mind!" Thorn said while doing the 'TA-DA!!!' pose.

"This... This is too much to handle in a day..." Kaminari dramatically fainted but was caught by Kirishima.

"I know, right?" Sato nodded, followed by Ojiro, Shoji, and Koda.

The whole class remained silent while processing the scene before them. They were undoubtedly excited to see Boboiboy's elemental split abilities, but they didn't expect the split's unpredictable behavior afterward. Plus, now they had to memorize every detail of the splits to distinguish them one by one. It was a hard task, but they were convinced they could do it.

"Blaze, was it?" Unexpectedly, it was Tokoyami who broke the never-ending silence first as he made his way toward the fire user.

Blaze gave him a slow nod, confirming his question. The fire user was suddenly becoming hesitant, remembering that he nearly hurt Tokoyami during the quarter-final match. If it weren't for Dark Shadow, he would've finished him on the spot.

Ice, who stood beside his brother, raised an eyebrow, maybe wondering why Tokoyami was acting like that, which was totally out of his cool and observing personality.

"Solar... Solar... Blaze didn't burn his house or something, right?" Thorn whispered to the white-hatted boy.

"As idiotic Blaze is, I believe he doesn't have the nerve to do that, plus Quake would have totally stop that from happening. Besides, he only burns our house, remember? That one is beyond Quake's reach, unfortunately." Solar answered since Blaze would often set their house on fire due to his reckless behavior, especially when he's engrossed in pranking Thunderstorm.

"It's an honour meeting you again. I believe the last time we meet was during the UA sports festival, correct?" Tokoyami said.

The dark-shadow user knew that it wasn't his thing to meddle in someone else's personal business, but what Blaze said, who seemed to speak as if each element was a different person, always played in his mind since the UA Sports Festival. However, being the respectful person he is, he knew he shouldn't bring up that topic anymore since Boboiboy seemed a bit uncomfortable talking about his elemental abilities. So, the best thing to do was to wait for an explanation from him, and finally, he got his awaited answers.

"Yeah, it's been months, right? Not that it bothered me or something." Blaze replied with a hint of hesitance, an automated response more than anything since doesn't want to start any trouble. Where was his overly big confidence when he needed it?

"Do you need something—"

"The whole elemental ability revealment is still going into my head to be honest. However, without a doubt your elemental quirk will be an important asset in the hero world. I hope that we can work together as friends this time without you unconsciously trying to murder me or the others, that is." Tokoyami calmly gave his words, an indirect message saying that he'll most likely be delightful working alongside the rowdy fire user rather than facing him as enemies in the future. Besides, he didn't want to traumatize Dark Shadow anymore.

"Tokoyami..." Blaze smiled indulgingly at the teen in front. Somehow Tokoyami's straightforward words managed to wash away Blaze's uneasiness and guilt about what happened between them that day.

"Thanks! Finally, we can use our power without nothing to fear, huh? And don't worry I won't kill you out of panic in the future! I mean we're buddies now! I just hope that Dark Shadow won't hate me though." Blaze grinned, hands behind his head.

"It depends on your aggressiveness during battle but fear not. He's already taken a like of you." Tokoyami assured. He could feel Dark Shadow bashfully intertwining his index fingers when he saw Blaze.

"Did you get that?" Thunderstorm crossed his arms as he turned towards Ice, who was recording the wholesome scene this whole time.

"Save every moment of it." Ice gave the red-eyed boy a thumbs-up.

"A timed and down in the mouth Blaze would also fits perfectly in the family album, don't you think?" Thunderstorm sneered, taking his sweet revenge on Blaze since the latter, with the help of light-bulb took embarrassing pictures of him just now.

"Agreed, plus dad would definitely love it." Ice's lips curled into a small smile. His excitement must have shown, then. He wasn't aware of it, typically having a calm composure. He couldn't help it, though.

Smiling wasn't in his dictionary, but then everything turned out to be better than he imagined it to be. Their friends were slowly accepting the truth of the elemental power and the splits could freely move to own their own now. They won't be secretive like before, and lying wasn't be an option if another power revealment happens again.

It was a happy ending the splits' could've wished for, except... It was all too early. Vicious and his goons are still on the loose and for sure planning something treacherous.

Aquamarine eyes shifted towards the ruby ones. The small smile just now was no longer displayed on his face. It was now replaced with a frown.

"Why didn't you tell them where 'Boboiboy' originated? I mean, it's great that they know about the elemental power, but why did you tell them the whole truth? We agreed no more secrets after this." The ice user questioned.

Thunderstorm was lying if he wasn't taken aback by the sudden question. He took a deep breath before answering.

"We really wanted to tell them about that, but just now, before the whole power revealment thing, Admiral Tarung gave us a warning not to reveal anything related to our world. If someone knew where 'Boboiboy' originally came from, it could threaten our own world's safety. Therefore, we were prevented from telling them about this based on the information privacy." The lightning user sighed.

"You probably didn't know about this since you, Blaze, Thorn and Solar were already gone into hiding by the time Admiral Tarung secretly approached us."

"Wait, what? Don't you think that's a bit late by now? I mean, Midoriya and All Might already knew about our world." Ice slowly said with an ever-growing frown.

Thunderstorm doesn't say anything for a while. That's far too long for either of their comfort.

"Hey... say something—"

Thunderstorm cuts him off. Leaves no room for his twin to think he can keep talking.

"TAPOPS is planning to erase their memories after we end the war between Vicious. When the time comes, everyone will eventually forget who 'Boboiboy' was in this world."


Everyone was having a great time from Quake's perspective. Thunderstorm was chatting with Iida, Uraraka, Yaoyorozu and Midoriya, probably talking about Thunderstorm's sprint during the Calvary Battle. Cyclone was with Kaminari, Kirishima and Sero, impressing them with his wicked air surf, and yes, he's probably going to be scolded by Aizawa-sensei after this. Blaze was telling bad jokes in order to make Todoroki laugh, but he was not doing so well, considering the confused look plastered on Todoroki's face. Well, if you look on the bright side, Jirou, Ashido and Hagakure found it humorous. That's great, right?

On the other hand, Ice was slurping another cola (again) and was sitting next to Koda, Tokoyami and Shoji, definitely enjoying the scene before them in their own world. Thorn was spotted not too far from them with Mineta and Tsuyu. Should he be worried about Mineta's safety since the grape-headed boy was begging to be spared from Thorn's man-eating plant? Nah, Mineta deserved a cruel punishment for his despicable act anyways. Lastly, Solar spoke endlessly about chemical but food-friendly ingredients found in cake with Sato, Ojiro and Aoyama. Sato and Ojiro quite enjoyed hearing about the relationship between science and sweets. However, Aoyama, on the other hand, just wanted to indulge himself with Solar's shininess.

"Everyone is having a great time, huh?" A small smile fell on Quake's lips, and his shoulders relaxed. Quake wanted to enjoy himself too, but then Admiral Tarung's words prevented him from doing so. Ultimately, the earth manipulator distanced himself from the others and decided to take a few minutes to calm down before the others gave him a look that basically spelled 'your acting suspicious'.

"TAPOPS is planning to erase their memories after we end the war between Vicious. When the time comes, everyone will eventually forget who 'Boboiboy' was in this world."

"There's a line he has to keep in mind and there's at least an arm's length to maintain, huh? TAPOPS probably just doing what's best for us and our world. Erasing their memories might be the best solution for that." Quake mumbled, sighing.

"But... do we want to be forgotten?" Quake questioned, overwhelmed by those two choices. A part of him was extremely sad by the fact that only 'Boboiboy' would remember the time they shared in the hero world, but at the end of the day, he didn't belong there.

That's a bitter truth he'll have to accept whether he likes it or not.

"Judging from your ugly look, you haven't told the whole truth, eh?" A voice behind him suddenly spoke. Aggression was clear in his tone, mocking as always.

"Bakugou..." Quake called his name, earning a glare from the explosion user.

"I don't like repeating myself, change-freak. You're still hiding something, right bastard?"

"What do you mean by that—" Quake panicked and blurted the first thing on his mind.

"You're not from here, aren't you? From this world to be specific." Bakugou crouches down in front of him, looking Quake straight in the eye.

Quake bit the insides of his cheeks, contemplating whether he should continue speaking or not. A simple question was asked, but one that he hadn't been asked so directly before. Hesitantly, he replied. "Look, you misunderstand something. I—"

"The hell with your lies! I'm not buying that from you anymore! You can fool the others but not me this time!" Bakugou growled in anger, obviously pissed off by the fact that Quake was running from telling the truth again.

He was quiet for a moment, but Quake could see the anger rising to a boil as Bakugou glared at him, and finally, his patience exploded.

"Listen here, bastard! The fact that you miraculously appeared during the USJ attack, admitted to UA without even entering the qualifications exams, handling your damn quirk as if you have been trained for years and what the hell even your elements have an evolved forms, splits and fusions?! Fuck, suddenly your old-man, those so-called heroes, and that damn shadow bastard came into the picture! And don't get me started with the monkey-bastard who's obviously trying to kill you!"

"Any normal person would definitely sense that something's suspicious is going on every time you're involve with it!" Bakugou shouted, irritation obvious with his scowl.

"Wow, so straight forward. Note the sarcasm." Quake folded his arms, irritated with the explosion user's curses.

"That's just a coincidence—"

"Then how do you explain about those damn power spheres? If I recall we only use the terms quirk here rather than power watch." Bakugou continued more in time in a more serious note.


Another bout of silence stretched between them, this time grimmer and heavier. His stance remained uninviting, and the air between them was just as frigid and unforgiving.

"The food-bastard has a loose mouth. Talking about this shit aloud as if it's somewhat normal here." Bakugou answered as if he could read minds.

"That's why you've been eerily quiet just now. You were waiting for our explanation about this matter, right?" Quake decided not to give Bakugou what he wanted to hear specifically.

"Damn, right! I didn't come here to listen to that elemental power of yours. You already elaborated enough during the I-Expo attack, bastard. I wanted to clear my suspicions of you, but it seems you were still a coward and chose to run away from telling us the whole truth.

"I have my reasons, and I can assure you that." Quake replied. Hesitance quickly washed away since he promised TAPOPS never to reveal about their world to his hero friends.

"Whatever! Sooner or later, we're bound to know the truth anyways." Bakugou said, clicking his tongue with a hint of disappointment.

"Tch! To think that damn nerd knew this all along too." The explosion user mumbled as he turned his body and angrily stomped away, most likely irritated since Quake refused to answer him.

The soon-to-be hero's words slapped a cruel reality against Quake's face. The boy's eyes fell onto the ground, frowning. Quake took a deep breath. His uneasiness was getting the better of him.

"Yeah, and by that time... You and the others might already forget about us."


Journey Back To Japan

Midoriya was nervously sweating, fidgeting when he entered TAPOPS's private jet. Of course, he was delighted when Amato offered them a ride back to Japan, and the Armored Hero wouldn't take a no for an answer. He was too stubborn for that, as Midoriya mentally noted.

What the One for All user didn't expect was that there were other passengers beside them, and this included the TAPOPS admirals and Boboiboy's friends from his world. If he remembered, they were Gopal, Yaya, Ying, and Fang.

He was with another world hero! It was exciting yet frightening at the same time!

"I was totally not ready to meet them! Not like this!" Midoriya mentally shouted since he could feel the others were giving him some kind of judging look.

"Young Midoriya! Stay calm! They aren't going to bite your heads off or something." All Might, who was seated beside him, whispered.

"Let me get this straight. Vicious is currently targeting them because their quirk can stock-pile other quirks, and we need to prevent that from happening, or else we might lose our only change to defeat that pirate guy." Fang was the first who initiate the conversation. The silence was killing him, so he needed to end it as soon as possible.

"The current One for All user is Midoriya. However, Vicious is targeting All Might since he didn't know about this kind of information." Boboiboy replied, hoping that his friends might understand the problem here.

"Oh my! That's terrible. We need to protect them then!" Yaya gave them an apologetic look, concerned about their safety.

"We're really sorry that somehow the both of you ended up involved with problems relating to our world." Ying apologized.

"Please, don't apologize! The one who is in the wrong is the villains! Besides, TAPOPS already helped a lot during the I-Expo attack and because of you brave souls, we managed to capture Wolfram and his team." All Might waved his hands, trying not to move as much as he could since he was injured during the battle with Wolfram.

"Dey, Boboiboy! Are you really sure that Vicious is targeting them?" Gopal whispered to the Elemental Hero.

"What do you mean by that—"

"Well, that one, All Might was it? Is practically a living blonde zombie! And his apprentice, Midoriya... Hmm... I don't know... I have my doubts about him. I mean, you're way stronger—"

"Oh, just shut up and enjoy the food will you!" Ying stuffed some muffins into Gopal's mouth, preventing him from saying something stupid (again).

"B— But—!"

"Nice safe there, Ying." Yaya chuckled a bit while Fang rolled his eyes.

"Boboiboy is telling the truth Gopal! Vicious once tried to steal the One for All quirk to stockpile his power! I saw it with my own eyes!" Ochobot, who was currently sitting on Midoriya's lap, said.

The yellow robot was quite fond of the green-headed boy since he was one of Boboiboy's closest friends. Ochobot, who considered himself, particularly as Boboiboy's sibling, wanted to hear all of Boboiboy's adventures in the hero world from Midoriya. The two grew a close relationship after the whole secret revealed thing, by the way.

"If that's true, then we need to keep on eye on Midoriya and All Might from now on. Who knows when, where, and how Vicious will attack them again." Yaya said, placing a hand on her chin. Probably, thinking about the best way to implement that plan.

"Oh! If we need to protect them then, does it mean that we'll also get to attend that famous hero school that Boboiboy's currently in? What was it? Oh! Oh! UA High School?" Gopal's eyes glinted with excitement.

"I can't believe my ears. Gopal is excited to attend school! Are you sure the guy in front of me is not some kind of shape-shifting alien?" Boboiboy gasped in horror since the real Gopal would rather be haunted by Katakululu than attend a school like normal boys would.

"Shut up, dino-boy—"

"We possibly can't do that." Fang protested as he did not agree with Gopal's unrealistic suggestion.

"Wait! Why—" Gopal words were immediately cut off by Fang.

"Attending that famous hero high school would most likely arouse public suspicion. It's too risky since our real identity will be on the line. Plus, if all of us were to attend UA then it would be easier for the villains to find us." Fang scolded with a warning glare.

"Fang has a point there, Gopal. We don't want the UA students to get involved in this if possible. This situation can endanger their lives too." Yaya, who was on the same page as Fang, agreed.

"Besides, it will be unfair for them don't you think? Unfair in terms we get to enter that prestigious high school just because TAPOPS were involved in our administration while the others work hard day and night just to enroll in UA. Their feelings might get hurt seeing that we could easily enter UA without even attending an exam." The pink hijabi continued more.

"UA is not just 'a high school' you know. It's a school where those who wants to be a hero can make their dreams come true there. Just because we're hero in our world doesn't mean we're obligated to attend there as well." Yaya said. She didn't want to hurt Gopal's feelings, so she tried her very best to reason with it.

"But... But... We finally reunited with Boboiboy after months of searching him. Wouldn't it best to fight alongside of him?" The Indian boy questioned, sadness prominent in his tone.

"We're definitely in this together, Gopal. However, we have another important role that is to search for Wishbot. That's our priority, right now. Our mission. Boboiboy's case was a different one. He suddenly got transferred into this world without him knowing anything and got offered into UA officially by the principal. Besides, he and his dad are more than enough to keep an eye on Midoriya and All Might." Fang knew those words were cruel. However, he needed Gopal to stay focused so that they could defeat Vicious and rescue Wishbot.

"Cheer up, Gopal. Look on the bright side, after we defeated Vicious we can go back to our world as soon as possible. You'll be able to eat your amma's curry, drink Tok Aba's signature coco and play video games all day long. That's why we need to work our very best so that we can return back afterwards." Ying gave Gopal a reassuring pat on the back, to which the boy quickly perked up at the mention of his mother's homecooked food.

However, little did she know Midoriya squirmed in discomfort, attempting to flinch away from his body.

"You... You're going to return after completing your mission? How about school, then? You're going to quit UA just like that?" Midoriya glanced on his side towards Boboiboy as his chest tightened with anxiety. When he realized what he had just said, he panicked slightly.

"I'm sorry! I—"

"It's sad, I know. I really did enjoy myself and the hero experience taught me a lot to become a better person but at the end of the day I realize that..." Boboiboy hesitated a bit, trying to find the words. The elemental hero took a deep breath before answering.

"I don't belong here."

Midoriya felt reality hit him square in the face. He obviously knew that Boboiboy would return to his world someday, but he didn't anticipate it this sooner.


"It was fun while it lasted. So, I'm just going to enjoy every moment of it then! I'm going to do my best at UA so that I'll be a better hero in the future!" This time Boboiboy lifts his head, wearing a smile. He decided converting all these weird feelings into a familiar emotion was better. So, the dino-hatted boy chose to lighten up the situation by spreading his unmeasured positivity.

"Too much learning is going to make you an idiot like me, though and I sure hope none of the UA teachers are like Yaya and Ying. They're monsters when it comes into math." Gopal shrugged, adding a bit of humor to the situation.

"Eh? What did you say?" Yaya and Ying gave Gopal a death glare, frightening enough to scare the hell out of the Indian boy.

"It's thanks to them that your math is as good as Einstein. They did a great job teaching you." Fang snorted out a laugh.

"Dey, Fang! A man protects another man's dignity!" Gopal huffed. His shaky admiration towards the shadow user immediately crumbles into dust.

"And I'm a humanoid alien, remember?" Fang replied, smirking as if he had won the conversation.

The awkward situation was completely washed away by now as everyone laughed, probably because of Gopal and Fang's bickering like an old married couple. The gang also didn't miss their chance to get to know Midoriya well and tell stories of his heroic journey in UA.

The very sight was something Boboiboy wanted to treasure with his life, and reuniting back with his friends was something he always wished for the moment he entered the hero world.

"I'll definitely protect them." The elemental hero whispered, shifting his weight on his feet as he turned towards the window, looking at the endlessly white and blue scenery before him.

"In order for that to happen, I'll need to put an end to Vicious plan."



"Damn it!" Vengeance gritted his teeth as his knuckle connected to the nearby wall, ignoring the blood dripping from the newly found wound.

"You said that you have it under control, right?! Then why the heck did TAPOPS managed to get here! And not to mention that Kaizo is there with them too!" The red-headed villain glared at his so-called boss, who was just standing there analyzing potential quirks to be stolen.

"They used Portalbot's power to get here. Big whoop..." Vicious remained calm despite his enemy forces getting more powerful day by day.

"And you're not concern about that?! What a big ego you've got there considering you once failed to secure yourself with the One for All quirk." Vengeance growled.

"Panicking isn't the right way to cope with that. Use your intelligence once you will or book yourself a counseling section after this." Vicious replied, still concentrating on his work.

"You don't need to tell me what to do!" Vengeance threw himself on a nearby couch, trying to cool off. Every time Kaizo, his former friend, was involved, his anger overflowed, making him a madman for a day. He despite the owner of the power of energy with all of his being. If he could have some kind of curse ability, he would have cursed Kaizo to his death by now.

"So, what's the plan now? Hiding like cowards or what?" The lazy-eyed villain looked behind towards Vicious.

"You for sure are going back to the League of Villains, gather as much information as needed about All for One, his soon to be successor, Tomura Shigaraki, and potential quirks to be turn into power watched." Vicious said, didn't bother to look at Vengeance's disgusted expression.

"Yuck! I can't stand those humans! All the do is talk about shit and blood or something. Well, I have to say Twice's really good at games at time but still... Yuck!" Vengeance pretended to gag.

"You made friends then I see. Good for your social skills because I don't want an introverted villain in my team." The alien pirate replied, unamused.

"Go to hell with that. Me returning to the League of Villains isn't much of a plan, is it?" Vengeance rolled his eyes.

"Nope... However, helping All for One to steal Boboiboy's power is since he's dying to add the elemental power into his quirk collection." Vicious said, finally taking his eyes off the screen, directing them towards the second-in-command pirate.

Vengeance's lips curled into a wicked smile, and a menacing aura followed afterward. He probably couldn't wait to execute the plan.

"Now, that's an idea. They never know what hit them, eh?"


Nagano, Japan

A small boy with short spiky black hair who stands at the height of 3'6' dashed through the woods, running towards a nearby house located deeps in the large and dense forest.

Upon entering the house, the young boy quickly took off his shoes and went quickly into his room upstairs, ignoring his aunt, who was calling his name multiple times or the question, "Where have you've been?" as he was too immersed in the thought of his robotic friend.

"Wishbot! I'm home!" The young boy said as soon as he locked the doors behind him and quickly checked on the power sphere.

"Kota? Are you home already? Where have you been? Your aunt was worried about your safety." Wishbot, who barely had the energy to maintain his power, greets the boy, who now considers a friend. During his escape, it was Kota who saved him and took him to safety. To Wishbot, Kota was particularly his hero.

"I'm fine. I just went to the old dumpster to find something that might charge your energy. You're getting weaker day by day, you know." Kota explained. The young boy didn't want to lose his only friend, so he tried his very best to find something that might replace Wishbot's depleted energy.

Wishbot didn't dare to speak another word. If only the young boy knew that the only way for him to restore back his energy was through TAPOPS's power sphere charging ports. However, that device was nowhere to be found in the hero world.

"If I have enough sleep, then I can still maintain my energy. So, don't worry about that." Wishbot said. The robot didn't want his friend to do something dangerous for his sake.

"Well, I rather have you talking with me for 10 minutes than you sleeping for a whole day. I'll surely find a way to help you, Wishbot." Kota replied as he reread comics about robots. Maybe, he'll get his clue if he does so.

"I really appreciate the effort Kota. Thank you." Wishbot sat near the boy, trying his best to be awake and lend a hand to the young boy. However, he was too exhausted to do so. All he could do was accompany the boy and save him from loneliness.

"Hey, Wishbot..." Kota called, realizing his robot friend was going into sleep mode any minute.


"I'll definitely find a way to restore your power but promise me you'll always be there for me, okay?" The young boy said, trying his best to shake the feeling that Wishbot might die soon. Tears formed in his eyes as he took the power sphere into his arms.

"You're my only friend, you know that?" Kota continued.

"I promise." Wishbot whispered. His system went off automatically after seconds, a sign that he needed to sleep in order to survive for his human friend.


Amato and Boboiboy's Residence

The sound of intoning bees filled the air. The clouds were bracketed by the eternal summer sky. It was like a dome of solar blue. Everything feels optimistic and vibrant since the sun is proud of the sky. Summer in Japan was definitely something new to Boboiboy.

"It's so hot here! I feel like Satan's spears are piercing through my delicate robotic skin. No high quality korean sunscreen could save me from this scorching heat!" Mechabot whined as he fanned himself. However, the hot air was nowhere from cooling him down.

"Don't be such a drama queen or robot in your case. You're sacrificing yourself to the sun and course you feel hot since you're outside. There's aircon inside the house. So, stop whining and get in." Amato, his (un)beloved owner, rolled his eyes, placing hands on his hips.

"Urghh! Way to ruin the mood! There's no summer in Malaysia or in the space! So, let me enjoy this once in a lifetime opportunity!" Mechabot huffed in annoyance, glaring at Amato through his thick black sunglasses.

"You're giving me a migraine with your unrealistic comments. I made some ice-cream so you can eat it if you want to." Amato sighed, taking a seat next to his son.

"I would love to dig in if it is ice-cream puffs! You know curry-puffs but cool and sweet!" Mechabot decided to go back inside since treats were offered.

"Beggars don't get to pick. Just eat what's given to you without complaints." Amato replied, now enjoying his iced chocolate.

"Your food taste great as always, dad!" Boboiboy praised, enjoying another mouthful of ice cream.

"Thanks, son." The Armoured Hero smiled, ruffling his son's soft brown hair gently.

"It's such a shame that Gopal and the others couldn't join us. They'll definitely love your foods, dad." Boboiboy hummed as his mind began to wonder what his friends might be doing now. His facial expressions slowly turned melancholy without him knowing it.

After returning to Japan, Boboiboy offered the Kokotaim gang to stay with him, his dad, and the power spheres in their humongous mansion. However, Yaya, Ying and Fang politely declined to say that it was better for them to stay at the TEMPUR-A base since it would be much easier for them to find Wishbot's location there as well as gather information related to the quirks that Vicious stole from its perspective owners. Only Gopal strongly objected to the idea, but at last, Fang managed to drag him back with his shadow-like arms. The poor boy could only cry, praying that Yaya and Ying could spare some sympathy during their lessons and study sessions.

Besides, they wanted to give some personal time and space to Boboiboy and Amato. After years of separation, the father-son duo would probably like to spend time together. They already have Mechabot's unforeseen attics to deal with anyways.

Amato decided not to respond to his son's words. Somehow his father's instincts told him something was wrong with his son the moment they returned from I-Island. However, he couldn't pinpoint what it was exactly. The man noticed that his beloved son was always daydreaming, as if he was lost in his own thoughts. Sometimes, Amato had to call his name multiple times in order to catch Boboiboy's attention. The Armoured Hero knew he needed to do something and FAST!


In a spur of moment, a ringing sound was heard from Boboiboy's phone. The young hero quickly answered the sudden call when he saw Kaminari's name on it.

Amato decided to give some time to his son, hoping that the call might cheer him up a bit, and he was right the moment Boboiboy turned towards him, now beaming with excitement. Boboiboy's lips curved into and smile and...

"Dad! Can I train at the pool with Midoriya and the others?" 







StarTwinkle here!

How was it? I hope you enjoy reading it!

I'm so sorry for the late update! To be honest, I have zero ideas about continuing this story. Thank you for always giving me your support! I will try my best at least to put an end to this story of mine. That's for sure.

Welp, I think that's all, everyone! I hope you have a fun time reading this chapter!



Lots of love from me,

StarTwinkle 🌟


I like to convey my thanks to an angelic person from Instagram who graces me with this wonderful art inspired by Chapter 7

Lol, Kaminari's expression is to die for! XD

Thank you again! And I love your art from Twitter! 😇

Since Boboiboy Rimba just debuted today, let us all appreciate Monsta for their hard work! It was an amazing journey! Thank you for giving us the moment of our lives! 

Finally the awaited power-up! Can't wait to read issue 26! And I sure hope issue 27 will follow some other day! 💕

That's all everyone!

Thank you for reading!

See you in the next chapter!

StarTwinkle ⭐

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