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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


(This special chapter is a collection of short stories that took place around Chapter 4)


Earth took a deep breath and wiped his sweat. He smiled contentedly and felt proud of himself as the kitchen was now squeaky clean.

*Earth currently was wearing a light brown apron that has 'World's Number 1 Mama' on it. Wind, Fire, and Leaf gave it as a gift so he couldn't refuse to wear it. (Wind and Fire teased him with it while Leaf was the only one who thought that it was a genuine gift for their 'Mama').

"I moped the floor, wiped down the upper cabinets, cleaned microwave and sink, tidying up kitchen utensils, refilling food in the fridge, and threw the garbage" he then washed his hand. "Now, all I have to do is cooked dinner. Hmm, what shall I cook?" he thought for a while and wiped his hand with a clean cloth. "Maybe I should ask my siblings"

Lightning was currently training in the gym (yes, they have a freaking gym in the house) that was equipped with exercise and self-defense equipment. All the siblings will train or battle each other every weekend, mainly because they want to improve their combat skills in the future.

"Hey there, lightning!" Earth called him as he entered the gym.

"Earth?" Lightning turned to Earth (his yellow jacket was tied on his waist, revealing his white shirt underneath the jacket). "Can I help you?" he asked.

"I was wondering, what do you want for dinner tonight?" Earth took out his small notebook and a pencil to write it down.

Lightning thought for a while. "Tok Aba's special fried rice" he answered and blushed a little.

Earth wasn't surprised to hear that from Lightning. In fact, they all missed their dear grandfather but kept it strong so that they could see him again. "Sure! That's a nice choice" Earth warmly smiled at him. He was about to leave Lightning when...

"Earth!" he suddenly called him.

Earth turned back to face Lightning. "Yes?"

"T... Thank you" Lightning blushed as he wasn't the type to act nice. "Thank you for being strong for us" he thanked him.

Earth was taken back and finally chuckled. "You're welcome and thank you for being there for us as well" he replied. "Well, I have to ask others what they want for dinner. Bye!" Earth waved at him as he exited the gym.

Lightning smiled and continued his training.

Earth walks towards the gaming room since he already knew that Wind and Fire were gaming right now.

"Fire! Cover me! Cover me!" Wind shouted as he was pressing the video controller buttons like a pro-gamer.

"I'M GONNA KILL THEM!" Fire growled when he saw the zombies in the game. "TAKE THAT STUPID ZOMBIES!" he shot them.

Earth knocked before he entered the room. "Guys, what do you want for dinner tonight?" Earth asked but was left unanswered by his two siblings.

"Wind, I think my stomach just asked what to eat for dinner tonight," Fire said as he was still focused on the screen. "Is this what they call hunger?"

"Dang! My stomach said that as well" Wind replied. "Do you think that maybe our stomachs are communicating with us? Does it mean that I'm hungry as well?"

Both were too focused on shooting zombies that they unconsciously ignored Earth.

"Really?" Earth was beginning to feel irritated as he walks towards the TV plug. He then pulled out the wire that was connected to the socket. Immediately the game closed, causing Wind and Fire to be very shocked and upset.

"Hey! Who's the bastard that..." Wind and Fire froze as Earth was now standing in front of them.

"Bastard what?" he glared at them, making Wind and Fire gulp in fear.

"We're so sorry, Earth!" they both immediately apologized and prayed that Earth wouldn't kill them.

"Fine" Earth sighed. "As I was asking, what do you want for dinner?

Wind's and Fire's eyes shined with excitement.

"Oh! I want spicy fried chicken Earth! Just like Tok Aba always make for dinner, please!" Fire drooled as he could taste Earth's cooking. Even though, he isn't the type that fancy spicy foods but Earth and Tok Aba were able to cook spicy dishes that he can eat and endure the spiciness. 

Obviously, the owner of the Earth element and his dear grandfather has magical hands when it comes to cooking.

"I'll help you to bake some cakes after I finish my game, Earth!" Wind chirped.

"Great!" Earth smiled. "Well, I better asked the others want they want and don't play games too much game!" he advised.

"Aye-Aye, Sir!" Wind and Fire responded as they saluted Earth. "By the way, let's play some games sometime" they smiled warmly at him.

"Sure, anything but a punching game" Earth smiled back and headed towards the pool.

Water was currently enjoying the warm weather besides the pool with his whale plush. He even put on his sunglasses along with his plush. "Now, this is heaven. The sun is shining warmly, the relaxing sounds of the pool's water, gentle breeze blowing, and certainly no trio troublemaker. I wish every day was like this. So relaxing" he said.

"Hey, Water" Earth called him as he approached his water sibling.

"Oh, hey there Earth. What brings you here? Don't tell me you want to enjoy the warm weather as well?" he took off his sunglasses and looked at Earth. "It's only me and Mr. Whale but we can accept extra company if you want to join us though"

"Thanks, but no thanks Water" Earth politely refused. "I was just asking what you want for dinner"

"Oh, is that it? Well, I bet the others already said what they want for the main dish. So, I'll just request iced cocoa for drinks then" he smiled. "Like Tok Aba always make"

"Sure, on it!" Earth wrote down Water's request and looked at him. "Oh, and please don't sleep too long outside Water" he advised as Water tends to forget going inside the house a lot because he was too relaxed outside. Plus, he almost went missing the other day for over-observing a butterfly outside.

"I will" Water lazily replied as he felt sleepy again. "By the way, Earth" he yawned. "Try to relax sometimes," he said as he fell asleep.

Earth chuckled. "How can I relax when you guys always cause a scene" he sighed and continued walking to the garden.

"Hey, Light" Leaf called him.

"Yeah" Light replied however his eyes were still fixed on the book he was reading. Leaf and Light were in the garden with Leaf's man-eating plant.

Leaf wanted to borrow Light's mp3 player and speakers because he had read that music can make his plants grow lush in his garden (Yes, Leaf has a garden outside the house filled with flowers and vegetables). Furthermore, his man-eating plant loved relaxing songs as it moved right and left while listening to it. Light decided to tag along with Leaf in the garden as he was now enjoying his book under a shady tree.

"Have you ever felt water-hungry?" Leaf naively asked Light.

"I think you meant thirsty" Light corrected still focused on his book.

"Yeah! Water hungry!" Leaf shinned brightly.

"Stop" Light said as he put on his sunglasses. He didn't want to be blinded by Leaf's brightness.

"Hey there, Leaf, Light, and Mr. Man Eating Plant!" Earth waved at them.

"Earth!" Leaf and Light turned to him while the man-eating plant waved at him with its leaves.

"I was wondering what you guys what for dinner today," Earth asked.

"Earth, could you make something out of these vegetables?" Leaf asked as he handed Earth the vegetables he just harvested. There were tomatoes, carrots, cucumbers, and cabbages.

"Sure!" Earth smiled as he took the basket full of vegetables. "What do you want for dinner light?"

"Can I request some rolled omelets, Earth?" Light asked. "And do you want some help at the kitchen?"

"Sure, that would be really helpful, Light" Earth nodded. "Well, I better prepare dinner. I don't want my 'kids' to be hungry" he was about to walk away when...

"Earth!" Leaf and Light called him. He turned to them.

"Let's plant flowers sometimes!" / "I have a new cookbook for you!" Leaf and Light said at the same time causing Earth to chuckle a bit.

"Thanks, you really are the best"

"WOAH!" the other gasped as they saw the variety of food on the table. "Looks delicious!" Fire and Leaf drooled.

"I gotta say, we made quite a feast" Light commented as he arranged the plates, spoons, and glasses on the table.

"Nah, we'll be fine. The important thing is that we finished it all" Wind replied as he cuts the strawberry cake (Fire's request) into 7 pieces.

"True, it's okay once in a while" Earth sweat-drop as took off his apron while the others took their sit. Then they all enjoyed their lovely dinner that evening.

"Earth's cooking is the best!" Leaf praised while munching the fried chicken.

"It is" Lightning added.

"Hey! We helped Earth too you know!" Wind and Light glared.

"Thank you, Earth's mightiest heroes" Water half teased and half thanked them.

"Give a clap to Windmill and Light bulb" Lightning teased them and smirked.

"Shut up, Pikachu!" Wind and Light teased back earning a sharp glare from Lightning.

"Is it me or do I smell smoke? Someone's burning" Fire winked at Lightning.

"How could humans burn themselves Fire? I thought only you could do that" Leaf asked and titled his head, feeling confused.

"Really Leaf?" Fire sighed as Leaf didn't understand his jokes.

Everybody was now mocking each other, well except for Leaf and Water that is.

"They're giving me a headache" Earth sighed. "Now, now, guys. Can we just continue eating here?" he half screamed as his siblings turned to him and then continued eating.

However, after a while Lightning, Fire, and Light started bickering again as Wind, Water, and Leaf just watched them and laughed at those three who were now mocking each other.

"And that's how our weekend is" Earth continued eating and fully ignoring the chaos in front of him.


"I'm not letting you leave me, Earth!" Lightning pulled Earth's wrist and forced Earth to look at him.

"Lightning, I... I..." Earth didn't know to respond to Lightning's request. "But we can't" he answered. "I need to go"

"Like I said I'm not letting you leave me!" he was serious, if Earth left him now, he probably would die.

"Lightning, I need you to understand! Please!" Earth pleaded. "You know I can't stay here"

"Please Earth" Lightning closed his eyes. "Please, don't leave me with... THEM!!!" he pointed at the others.

"Oi!" The others were irritated with him.

"I'm begging you Earth, please don't leave me here!" Lightning pleaded. "I will die taking care of them! Do you want that to happen?!"

"Look!" Earth was annoyed by now. "I'm just going to the FREAKING supermarket!" he glared at them. "As much as I like to stay at home and keep ALL of you from trouble but every time you do the groceries..." he pointed them. "SOMETHING WRONG ALWAYS HAPPENED!" he shouted.

They all gulped as they remember their mistakes.

"Lightning, you almost killed a salesman for forcing you to buy his product! Wind wasted the money by buying all types of candies and snacks! Fire almost burned the store because they were out of milk! Water had fallen asleep on the massage chair until it was midnight! Leaf almost got kidnapped by a stranger who offered him fertilizers! And Light threatened the staff to improve the store's performance until he almost got imprisoned!" he gave them a sharp and scary glare. "Satisfied? Or do you want me to continue?!"

"No, please" his siblings look down as they were ashamed of their selves. "W... We're sorry" they apologized.

Earth took a deep breath. "Children," he said. "Now that's settled, I better head to the store now. Oh, and before I forget..." he turned to them.

"YOU GUYS ARE TOTALLY DEAD IF YOU BLOW UP THE HOUSE! UNDERSTAND THAT?!" he threatened them with a killing aura before leaving.

"Yes sir!" they stood up straight and saluted him like soldiers.


"Man! Science class was sure hard today!" Kirishima sighed as they were eating their lunch at the cafeteria. "Not to mention we have to write a report on home science this weekend"

"I know!" Kaminari replied. "Who could have thought that science was a subject that composes of different things like biology, chemistry, and physics?! Not to mention that it also involves counting!"

"Kirishima-kun! Kaminari-kun! Science is an important subject to be mastered by all!" Iida reprimanded them, entering his class president mood.

Boboiboy and Midoriya sweat-drop. Well, Boboiboy didn't have problems when it involved science however his weakness was on historical subjects. "I'll have to work on that" he whispered. Besides, he scored a perfect score for their science quiz the other day.

"Cheer up guys!" Midoriya tried the calm them down. "Actually, homeworks can be done easily in groups even though there are some who prefer to do it alone"

"Hey! Now that you mention it, how about we write our reports together this weekend?" Boboiboy suggested. "At my house, I have tons of materials we could look at!"

It was true though, the mini library (holy sacred place by Light) at his house has many science books, especially astronomy. Not just science books it also included many academic genres like literature and history books.

"Cool! That's a great idea!" Kirishima and Kaminari quickly agreed.

"Are you sure about that? I mean, we don't want to bother your weekend" Iida asked for certainty.

"What? No! You won't bother my peaceful weekend. I live alone, remember?" he replied. "Besides, I was thinking maybe you guys could help me with Modern Hero Art History. I'm kinda a bit behind in that subject" Boboiboy scratched his left cheek.

"Sure!" Midoriya agreed as he shined with excitement.

"Too shinny" they sweat-drop.

"I'm not the kind to study but maybe studying isn't so bad when you're studying together right?" Kaminari sighed.

"Then, this weekend we should gather around 12 o'clock in the afternoon. Don't be late and don't forget to bring your books!" Iida instructed them.

"Man, you're serious even outside class" Kirishima commented as they chuckled.

The four of them couldn't help but be amazed as they saw Boboiboy's house (like Boboiboy's reaction to seeing his new house). Heck, even Iida was astonished and he's rich too.

"Are you sure he's not royalty?" Kirishima asked them.

"When he said his house was big, I didn't imagine it to be this big" Kaminari added. "And are you sure we're not lost?"

"According to the location he gave us, it leads us to this house" Midoriya confirmed. He was also surprised to see Boboiboy's house as he never expected him to be rich. Oh, but he was so wrong about this!

"Hey, guys!" Boboiboy waved at them. "What are you waiting for? Come on in!" he invited.

"Please excuse us," they said as they followed Boboiboy. "Woah!" they yet again were amazed as the inside of the house had a modern design with a touch of sophistication.

"Whoever his parent is, they do have a taste!" Kaminari looked around as he seated himself on the sofa.

"I hope you guys are comfortable here," Boboiboy said nervously as he served them drinks.

"You never told us you were filthy rich Boboiboy!" Kaminari softly punched his arm.

"Well, I'm not because this house belongs to my guardian though. I just help him watch this house while he's gone" Boboiboy answered.

"Is your guardian perhaps a multi-billion businessman?" Iida asked as he drank the drinks prepared by Boboiboy.

Boboiboy gulped. Truthfully, he doesn't know who his guardian really is and they have never met before. "M... Maybe" he slowly replied as his friend nodded.

Midoriya looked around again as his eyes landed on the three picture frames beside them. He stood up and took a closer look at it and was soon followed by the others. "Is that?" he pointed at it.

"My family and friends" Boboiboy answered. "This is a picture of me and Tok Aba" he pointed to the first frame. It was a picture they took before Boboiboy left to work with TAPOPS.

"Tok Aba as in your grandfather, right?" Midoriya smiled. "Your grandfather sure seems energetic for his age"

"Well, he always joked that he was 18 at heart" Boboiboy chuckled. "The next one is a picture of me and my friends" he explained.

"Hey, is it me or does this yellow robot looks kind of like the three robots we encountered during the villain attack" Kirishima wondered as he saw Ochobot in the picture.

Boboiboy silently panicked. How was he going to explain this?!

"Yeah, you're right!" Kaminari screamed as he took a close look. "But doesn't this one looks more like a toy? I mean the ones back then had an evil aura like the villains however, this one seems ordinary"

"Ochobot! I'm sorry that I let them call you a toy! I'll explain to them properly next time!" Boboiboy nervously chuckled.

"If you looked closer, it is" Iida continued while Boboiboy let out a breath of relief. However, his actions were noticed by a certain One for All quirk user.

"Hahaha! You guys might be true then moving onto the next picture..." Boboiboy quickly changed the subject as they turned to the last one. "It a picture of me and my dad when I was little" he smiled as he caressed the picture frame. "Dad was always busy as he works as an ambassador" Boboiboy gave them a sad smile. "True I do get sad that I don't see them that often, but they work hard to support us all" he smiled as he placed the picture back. "Well, I still have the most awesome grandfather in the world! So, I'm not that sad if my parents are away"

"It must be hard for you, Boboiboy. I understand that kind of feeling, I mean my dad was also busy with his work" Midoriya smiled at him.

"You're such a man Boboiboy!" Kirishima wipes his manly tears. "Don't worry! You got us, now right?!" he patted his shoulders.

"Yeah, that's true" Boboiboy nodded. "How about we start doing our homework?" he suggested as they began discussing.

After they finished their homework, Kirishima and Kaminari were head to head in a shooting game while Boboiboy, Midoriya, and Iida were in the kitchen preparing some snacks from them. The three of them decided to make various types of sandwiches. They had a wonderful time that evening and when it was time to go home Midoriya, Iida, Kirishima, and Kaminari decided to excuse themselves and went back home.

After that specific day, it seems that the number of guests coming to Boboiboy's house appears to be increasing as the boys and girls like to hang out with him in their free time. Well maybe also because his house has a gaming room and pool. Boboiboy on the other hand just let them be, besides it was a chance to know them better. 

Besides, Boboiboy could freely use his elemental power without worry. He gave them a glimpse of what his elemental power could do, like Wind showing them some aerial tricks while Fire did some fire performance for them (they did this individually not separated). Leaf had even introduced them to his man-eating plant, which scared them at first, but somehow, the girls loved the carnivore plant. The man-eating plant also bites Mineta because he was googling his eyes on the girls. 

"Boboiboy sure is cool!" his friends thought after experiencing a fun day with him. 


"DARN IT!" Captain Vicious threw his glass on the wall making it shatter into many pieces. "How could that brat come to this world?!" he shouted in anger. "I thought I banished him into the deepest part of the galaxy!"

"W... well..." one of his crew wanted to reply to him but was cut off.

"That Wishbot! When I wished for the elemental brat to be banished to 'a world fitting for a hero like him', I didn't expect him to be in this world!" he growled as he threw his chair.

"It seems like Wishbot wished to be rescued," one of his underlings said to him. "But don't you think we're in a disadvantaged situation right now? We can't use your precious power sphere anymore and two of us have already been captured"

Vicious glared at him. Yes, he already had used all his three wishes. You see Wishbot's powers gave him the ability to grant wishes however, he could only grant three wishes per person. After those wishes were granted, he was now useless to Captain Vicious. However, Wishbot still could grant his wishes...

Under someone else wishes that is.

"So, what are we going to do now?" his underling asked him.

"For now, we wait and see" Captain Vicious smirked. "Also strengthen our allies" he turned to his crews. 

"Let's give the League of Villains a visit, shall we?"


"It seems like Vicious has made his move" a masked man reported. "He already helped the prisoners that were under arrest by TAPOPS to escape and had them working under him. However, two of them were managed to be defeated by 'him' and had been under arrest while the rest still remained unknown"

"I see" another one replied. "It seems like his plan is beginning to fall in place," he said as he turned to a man in red armor. "I heard that 'he' is here in this world. Aren't you concern about him?"

The man in red armor smiled. "I am concern about his safety but if we want our plan to succeed then 'he' needs to become stronger on his own"

"He's our key to defeat Captain Vicious and end his evil plans once and for all"


It has been two weeks since Boboiboy's disappearance, his friends work hard to find him, but they got nothing.

"Boboiboy, my friend" Gopal sobbed as he put flowers near a photo frame. "I hope you rest well" he cried again. However, he was knocked on the head by Yaya and Ying. "Dey! That hurts!"

"Boboiboy is not dead Gopal!" they screamed at him while Fang sighed. "Him and his stupidity" he mocked him silently.

"Dey! Of course, I know that!" he glared at them. "But... but... we've been searching him for days but still no sign of him. I'm worried. Does he eat well? Or is he begging for money right now? What if he had to sell his organs in order to live?!" he said earning an eye from the three of them.

"Knowing him, I know he's alright" Fang tried to assure them, but he was also worried about Boboiboy. His brother had been into many planets to search for him and still no sign of the orange hat boy.

"Hah! It's been a while since I saw your long faces. Finally, sorrow has fallen upon you!" a green square-headed shape alien smirked at them.

"That's true Mr. Boss! They're giving the same amount of sadness like the time when you were dumped by your girlfriend" a purple alien robot added. However, he received a smack from Mr. Boss.

"Shut up! I'm trying to be bad here?! Also, I was the one who dumped her!" the green alien replied.

"Adu Du! Probe!" Yaya, Ying, Gopal, and Fang gasped. "What are you doing here?!" they were ready to attack him when...

"Please! For once I'm not here to do evil kinds of stuff" Adu Du answered them.

"Then, you've already repented from being evil?" Fang asked.

"Hell no!" Adu Du quickly answered. "Don't you guys know? Evil is a trend nowadays and there's no way I'll leave my evilness! Muahahaha!" after laughing so hard he coughed.

"Then why are you here?" Yaya politely asked him.

"True, I maybe still evil but I'm here to help you find Boboiboy," he said as the others were shocked to hear this.

"Why do you want to help us?" Ying asked.

Adu Du's expression turned bitter.

"Oh, it's because I know who exactly Captain Vicious is and I want revenge!"




I hope you enjoyed reading it!



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