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English is not my mother language!

Any grammar mistakes, bad English, typos & so on!

Warning! Contains Offensive Language!

Hope you enjoy reading it anyway! Thank you!


"Don't tell me..." Midoriya gasped.

"The villains again?!" Mineta shivered in fear.

Aizawa looked at his students and then...

He announced.

"The UA sports festival is drawing near"





The class was celebrating. For a second, the students thought they were going to fight villains again. However, it seems that a certain boy with an orange dinosaur hat had the impression that he was left behind.

"UA sports festival? What's that?" Boboiboy asked himself.

(Inwardly in his mind)

"Sports festival? That means we can have fun, right?" Leaf asked his siblings while blinding them with his brightness.

"Not positive, though" Water was the first to respond. "Whatever it is, I'm not going to take part in the subject called 'running'. You guys can have my part though" he insisted.

"Oh! You're such a party pooper, Water!" Wind pouted at his lazy sibling.

"Finally, it's time for me to shine!" Fire jumped as he trembled with excitement. "CAN'T WAIT TO SHOW THAT WALKING BOMB, WHAT I'M MADE OF!"

"Shut up! And let the teacher continue, will you? Sheesh!" Light scolded them, and they continue listening to Aizawa-sensei.

Kirishima stood from his seat. "A normal school event-"

"Wait, wait, wait!" Kaminari shoved Kirishima, finally realizing the bitter reality they were facing after the whole USJ incident.

"Is it okay to have a sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside?" Jirou asked making the whole class turn at her. Then they looked at Aizawa-sensei, searching for answers.

"What if they attack us or something?" Ojirou continued.

Aizawa took a deep breath, he knew this was coming. "Apparently, they think of it as UA showing that our crisis management system is solid as a rock by holding the sports festival. The security will also be strengthened to five times from the previous years. Above all, our sports festival is a huge chance. It can't be cancelled because of a few villains" he explained.

"Few you say?" Boboiboy sweat-drop and whispered. "More like an army to me! But that's maybe how pro-heroes view the whole situation. Awesome! (Terbaik!)" he said confidently.

"In the days before Quirks, sports fans would obsess over the Olympic Games. When powers became a part of the human equation, then the UA Sports Festival became the most-watched sporting event. So, the UA sports festival is an opportunity for you to showcase your abilities in different competitions in order to be scouted by Pro Heroes and support agencies" Aizawa explained more.

"After we graduate, it's typical to join a pro agency as a sidekick!" Kaminari turned to Jirou.

"But a lot of people lose their opportunity to become autonomous and become everlasting sidekicks afterwards. Kaminari, I feel you'd become one of them. Since you're dumb" she commented, earning an 'excuse me' expression from the lightning quirk user.

"Of course, by joining a famous hero agency, you get more exposure and recognition. Time is limited" he gave them a serious look. "If you're planning to go pro, then this experience will open up the path to your future. One-shot a year and three chances in all. No aspiring heroes can afford to miss this event. If you understand that, then don't slack off on your preparations!" he gave them a piece of advice.

"Yes, sir!" the whole class replied, feeling very motivated.

"I couldn't afford to feel safe in my comfort zone! I have to do something to survive here!" Boboiboy whispered. He wants to go back home, so he would do just anything to achieve that.

"I'm really getting excited!" Kirishima roared after class just ended.

"If we put a good show and stand out, we'll have taken the first step to become a pro-hero!" Sero nudged the red-haired boy. He was feeling excited as well.

"We will only receive a few chances. We cannot afford to lose it" Tokayami added.

"I'm getting kind of nervous now! I need to stand out at the sports festival! Hip! Hip! Hooray!" Hagakure said with determination as she jumps happily.

"Oh dear, what will I do?" rose-petaled background appeared behind Aoyama. "Maybe I'll just stand out and show them my sparkling self. So, the scouts won't be able to stop looking at me, right?!" he gracefully turned to Koda.

Koda being the reserved and quiet guy he is, nervously sweated. He immediately agreed as Aoyama did not let him leave without a reaction.

"Everyone's is so into it!" Midoriya was astounded by this. Suddenly, he and Iida felt a menacing aura from Uraraka and Boboiboy.

"Deku-kun / Midoriya, Iida-kun / Iida" Uraraka and Boboiboy turned to them. "Let's do our best at the sports festival!" they both said with a determined expression.

"Urarakan-san, Boboiboy, your face...! It's-" Midoriya stuttered. Truly, both of them was on fire.

Uraraka and Boboiboy turned to the others. "EVERYONE! I'M GOING TO DO MY BEST!" they shouted.

"Y... Yeah...." their friends answered slowly.

"What's wrong? Your personality is all over the place?" Kirishima asked.

Midoriya, Iida, Uraraka, and Boboiboy were on their way to the canteen. Suddenly, Midoriya stopped... "Why did you decide to become a pro-hero, Uraraka-san?" he asked.

"Huh?! Um, that's because of..." she blushed as she turned from them. "Money" she slowly replied.

"MONEY?" this realization surprised the three boys.

"To boil it down simply, yes!" her cheeks were red due to embarrassment. "Sorry, it's such a wholesome reason! You three have such admirable and noble motivations compared to mine"

"You don't have to be embarrassed by that Uraraka. I mean, everyone has different goals and reasons for it" Boboiboy replied.

He couldn't refute it, but wealth is all nowadays. Yet, wealth also contributes to covetousness, unnecessary affection, and lust for ownership. Therefore, money is either your salvation or your killer. In the end, it depends on the individual and their rational thinking.

"My family owns a construction company but we haven't gotten any work at all. So, we're flat broke" she started to explain.

"Construction?" the three boys held their chins.

"Oh! With her quirk, if she gets licensed, then it brings cost way down, right?" Midoriya turned to Iida and Boboiboy.

"She could make any raw material float. No heavy equipment will be required!" Iida added.

"I know, right?! That's what I've been telling my dad since I was little but..." she paused for a while. "But dad says he would be happier if I achieved my dreams"

The three boys in front of her didn't divert their gaze from the zero-gravity quirk user.

"I'll definitely become a hero and make money, and let my parents take it easy!" she looked at the three. Her eyes burned with determination.

It was a lie if they weren't touched by her resolve. "Bravo! Uraraka-kun! Bravo!" Iida clapped his hand. Clearly, the story had touched his heartstrings.

"KYAHAHAHA!" a sudden voice burst into laughter. They looked around, trying to find the voice. "Young Midoriya is HERE!" it was the Number 1 hero, All Might.

"All Might? What's the matter?" Midoriya asked with surprise.

"Lunch! Wanna eat together?" he asked while copying the pose of a shy girl asking her boyfriend to eat lunch with her.

"He's like a maiden!" Uraraka said with incredulity.

"Awesome? (Terbaik?)" Boboiboy sweat drops while looking at the cute maiden All Might.

Midoriya turned to his friends. Clearly, he wanted to excuse himself. His friends smiled while nodding. They clearly understand if Midoriya doesn't join them for lunch today.

Midoriya smiled. "I'd love too!" he then ran towards his idolized hero.

"I wonder what All Might wanted with Midoriya?" Boboiboy inquired his friends.

"If you want to know Midoriya's quirk is almost similar to All Might. They both have boundless power type quirk" Iida began explaining. So, perhaps All Might has taken a liking to him" he added while Uraraka nodded.

"He's amazing!" Boboiboy could only compliment him.

Unknown to them, Todoroki was listening to the whole conversation as he was not far from them. "All Might... and Midoriya Izuku, huh?" he thought to himself as he looked at the group, to be exact at our elemental hero. "And the new kid... He has a fire quirk also. Just like-" he quickly averted his gaze when Boboiboy's eyes landed at him.

Boboiboy being the friendly person he is, waved at Todoroki but was ignored by the heterochromia boy.

"I knew that will happen" Boboiboy scratched his cheeks. "Oh well! Better luck next time!" Boboiboy murmured.

It was now 10 minutes past 3 pm. The class had finished, and it was time for the students to return home. However, all of them were shocked by a large group of students standing in front of their class. Students from other classes, males, and females, appear to watch Class 1-A from outside.

What exactly happened?

"What the... (Apakah?)" the elemental power user asked as the group of students had blocked their way out. Not only him, but also his classmates were surprised by the situation. "Suddenly it feels like we're being a celebrity or something" he added.

"What business do you have with Class 1-A?" asked their class representative.

"We can't get out! What'd you come here for, anyway?!" Mineta screamed at them.

"Scouting out the enemy, small fry" Bakugou slowly walked to the front door. "We're the ones who made it out of the villains' attack. They probably want to check us out before the sports festival"

Mineta huddled as he pointed at Bakugou with disbelief.

"That's Kacchan in neutral" Midoriya explained to Mineta, deadpanned.

"I guess, he's less disruptive in neutral" Boboiboy commented.

"There's no point in doing stuff like that. Out of my way, extras!" he growled at the group of students.

"Stop calling people 'extras' just because you don't know them!" Iida rebuked him.

"I came to see what the famous Class 1-A was like but you seem pretty smug" a young man with messy and indigo-coloured hair walks through the group of students. He was Shinsou Hitoshi, a student from the General Education Department. "Are all the students in the hero course like this?"

Hearing him say that, Bakugou groaned louder while the others immediately shook their heads. Denying the fact that they were like that.

"Seeing something like this makes me disillusioned. There are a few people who enrolled in general studies or other courses because they didn't make it into the hero course. Did you know that?" there was a touch of annoyance in his voice as he gave Bakugou a brief glance. "The school has left those of us a chance. They are going to consider our transfer into the hero course according to the outcome of the sports festival"

He let loose a bitter chuckle. "Scouting out the enemy?" he turned the others. "At least, I came to say that even if you're in hero course, if you get too carried away then I'll sweep your feet from under you. I came with a declaration of war" he gave them a warning.

"This person's is audacious, too!" Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka squandered.

Boboiboy had a feeling that they shouldn't look down at him. "Why do I have a feeling that things are going to turn nasty after this" he sighed. He didn't realize that the group of students were now looking in his direction.

"The new kind with the elemental quirk" their eyes never left Boboiboy.

"So, you're the famous transfer student, huh?" Shinsou questioned. "You look rather average from what I've imagined. Here, I assumed that the new transfer student was 'special' or something considering that he came to UA on the advice of the principal"

Boboiboy grinned at them as he marched towards the crowd. His actions puzzled his classmates. "Hi!" he waved at them. "I'm Boboiboy! I'm new here! It's a pleasure to meet you" regardless of what Shinsou said, Boboiboy was being very friendly to him. Too friendly in their views.

"True, I got here under the recommendation of the principal but I'm still the same as you guys. Entering UA by that doesn't make me remarkable" he honestly answered as the group of students was shocked to hear that.

It was like they didn't expect this? Because they were expecting the transfer student to be arrogant because his quirk was acknowledged by the pro-heroes. However, seeing the friendly and kind person in front of them had led their assumptions to be far from the actual reality. Some of them were in relief that the new kind was nice while some were still cautious of him.

"Tchh!" Bakugou clicked his tongue and started walking off.

"Wait a minute, Bakugou!" Kirishima stops him. "What are you gonna do about all of this? It's your fault everyone is hating us!"

Bakugou looked back at them. "It doesn't matter" he replied.

"Huh?!" It obviously surprised Kirishima.

"It doesn't matter as long as you stand to the top," he said again, leaving them without a glance.

"That's so simple and manly!" Kirishima was struck by his words.

"Awesome! (Terbaik!)" Boboiboy couldn't help but feel motivated by that. "I have to work hard for the UA sports festival!"


The UA sports festival is in two weeks. It will be broadcast live on TV too. There's no doubt that those who do well have a much better chance of becoming a pro-hero.

We won't know what events we will be participating in until the day. But I'm sure that everyone has started getting ready.

"I know I practiced hard my elemental power near the school ground. But that place is not suitable for me to use my elemental splits" Boboiboy was now outside his house.

That area is sufficiently closed enough so that no one could see him trained. It can also prevent him from getting into trouble if he wants to use his power in an open space.

"Let's do this!" Boboiboy cheered to himself. "Boboiboy Hepta Split!" a circle containing all of his elemental logos appeared as he jumped into it and splits into his seven first-tier elements.

"Can't we just use our second-tier forms during the sports festival?" Water asked lazily.

"You know we can't do that, Water! We may be strong and much more powerful in our second-tier forms or our elemental fusion forms but that doesn't mean we don't need to work on our defects" Earth reminded him.

"We have to improve if we're going to face Vicious again" Lightning added.

"Besides, we still need to be very careful of our surroundings. That goes also to the three of you!" Earth shifted to Wind, Fire and Leaf.

"Yes, sir!" they answered and saluted their elemental leader.

"I think we need a strategy here, people!" Light said. "We have to improve our weaknesses first and also extend our split's time limit" Light gave his opinion.

"For example, Earth, I know your power works best for defence but you need to improve your agility too. By improving that, your speed of counterattack will increase"

"Thank you, Light. I'll work hard on that" Earth smiled.

Light then turned to Lightning. "Lightning needs to improve his accuracy. You're already fast enough Pikachu, but you have to improve your accuracy if you want your Lightning Kris to strike your enemy accurately.

"You don't need to remind me that, Light bulb" Lightning smirked.

"Wind needs to improve his wind attacks by creating attacks that can buffer the enemy's forces or strikes against us" Light suggested to Wind.

"Sure! I'll work on my wind spheres for that" Wind chirped.

"Fire, I know you and Water had trained under Tok Kasa and improved much better than us. But I need both of you to enhance your battle emotions" he pointed out.

"What do you mean by that?!" Fire shouted while Water calmly listened to Light.

"Obviously, you need to control your anger during battle, Fire! You tend to lose control during combat when you're really mad or dominated by your rage. You need to learn to remain calm and try to restrain yourself if your enemies deliberately provoke you during the sports festival. However, if someone really ticks you off then kill them with your fireballs" Light smirked darkly.

"Urghh, I hate it when you're right!" despite that, Fire agreed with Light's opinion.

Light then pointed at Water, who was staring at a tree. "Water needs to stay focused, and not too relaxed during battles! And try to be motivated a little bit will you, Water?" Light sighed. He was slightly concerned for him. "Also, other than Earth's wall defence, I need you to practice your water shield"

"Aye! Sir!" Water gave him a thumbs up.

"What about me, Light?" Leaf jumped happily.

"Leaf" he turned to the precious boy. "I need you to multiply and diversify your plant-based attacks. I think we really need that during the sports festival. Oh, and practice your Pitcher Plant Trap attack because that technique is great for our offensive side"

"I will do my best, Light!" Leaf said enthusiastically. He gets to see his pitcher plant at last!

His siblings' sweat-drop as the carnivorous plant came into the picture. They just hope that they won't get swallowed by it.

"I will do some analysis and create battle strategies. Don't worry, I'm going to train as well. My long-distance light shot needs to be improved" he added.

"Now, that's settled, it's time to train guys!" Earth exclaimed.

"YEAH!" his siblings replied as they went to train themselves.

It's been three days since they had their individual training, and it can be said that their training progress is going really smooth. Each of them tried really hard to improve their weaknesses and get to know their strengths more deeply.

Earth approached Light, who was busy analyzing the potential and the best combination of elemental splits for them to use during the sports festival. "Hey, Light" he called him.

Light turned to Earth. "Yeah, Earth?" he closed his notebook and put it aside.

"I know that we've decided to train individually but there's something I want to try" Earth wanted to voice his opinion.

"Please, enlighten me with it" Light replied as the both of them began discussing a new way to train their selves.

"What?! You want us to battle one another?" the rest questioned as they looked at Earth.

"Yeah, that's it!" Earth replied as his sibling looked at each other.

"Sure, Earth but why?" Lightning was the first to ask.

"That's because besides attacking and defending, we also need to improve our combat ability" Earth answered. "And it's vital to keep an edge on your enemy from the very beginning"

"By saying that, are you implying that we need be to head to head with our opponent?" Wind replied.

"Yes, that's true! We still don't know our opponent's capabilities and skills. So, I suggest that we do a stimulated fight or spar one another. That way we can deliver fast attacks, improve our reflexes, deflect blows, and create strategic combinations quickly" Earth explained while his siblings nodded.

"Though sparring doesn't cover a lot of the stuff than a real fight, you can still learn how to act and react in a fight situation. You also develop intuition and predict your opponent's next attack" Light added.

"Sounds like a plan!" the others agreed.

"Nice thinking, Earth and Light!" Leaf praised them.

"Technically, I get to kill them, eh?" Fire intensely stared Lightning and Light.

"Killing is very restricted, Fire" Earth seriously reminded him.

"Oh! You're no fun, Earth!" Fire whined. "Hey, did you hear that sleepy head?!" he slapped Water who was asleep beside him.

"Loud and clear, chilli-sauce" Water slowly answered, eyes still closing.

"Time is gold! Let's start now!" Earth stood up, and they continued training.

After a while...

"Time passed in a blink of an eye, huh?" Boboiboy walked his way to school. "I couldn't believe that today is UA sports festival! Tok Abah was right, time does pass by so quickly. That's why we must benefit well" He suddenly remembered a piece of advice that Tok Abah had given him.

"Boboiboy!" Midoriya waved at him as he approached the elemental user. "Good morning!"

"Good morning too, Midoriya! You're in a high spirit today!" he smiled warmly at him and continued walking to school with Midoriya.

"Of course, I'm! Today is the UA sports festival! And my mom is recording the live broadcast" the green-haired boy replied. "Aren't you excited about it?"

"Well, I'm excited but anxious at the same time. This is my first time attending such a thing" Boboiboy replied frankly.

"Is that so?" Midoriya simply said. "Hey, Boboiboy about your personality change-" he was cut off by a large group of reporters in front of the school. It seems that they were being verified before entering the school ground.

"W... Woah..." exclaimed Boboiboy. "That sure is a lot of people," he said. "I'm sorry what were you saying, Midoriya?"

"Oh? I... It's nothing! Common, let's hurry in" Midoriya said as they quickly entered the school.


After changing into their gym uniform, Midoriya, Boboiboy, and the others are instructed to wait in the waiting room.

"I wonder what the first round's gonna be..." Sato sweated in his chair with a cold sweat.

"No matter what comes, we have no choice but to deal with it" Tokoyami commented as Shoji agreed with him.

"Everyone! Are you ready?!" Iida immediately asked as he burst through the screen instantly. "We will be entering soon!" he announced.

"The time has come!" Boboiboy tried to remain calm even though he was very nervous. "Time to show them the result of my training"

Midoriya took a deep breath while Mineta beside him counted "People, people, people....". Perhaps, a way for him to remain calm too.

"Midoriya" Todoroki said with his cold demeanour.

"Todoroki-kun? What is it?" Midoriya asked as he turned to the half-cold half-hot quirk user. Everyone turned their attention to them, including a spikey ash-blonde haired person.

"Looking at things objectively, I'm stronger than you," Todoroki said with a serious look.

"Huh?! Y... Yeah," Midoriya was obviously shocked to hear this.

"But... All Might has his eyes on you, doesn't he?" Todoroki expression turned more serious. "I'm not going to pry but... I'm going to beat you" he declared.

"Oh? Is the best in the class making a declaration of war?" Kaminari said with surprise.

"Hey! Hey! Why are you picking a fight all of a sudden?" Kirishima walked towards them, trying to calm down the heated situation.

"We're not here to play friends" Todoroki slapped away Kirishima's hand from his shoulder. "So, what does it matter" he briefly said and walks away.

"It does matter" Boboiboy replied back to him because he didn't like the way Todoroki talked to Midoriya and Kirishima. "It matters. I mean, what's the point of being stronger if you're literally alone in the end" Boboiboy and Todoroki began staring intensively

"Todoroki-kun, I don't know what you're thinking when you say you'll beat me. Of course, you're better and stronger than me. I think you're more capable than most people" Midoriya slowly replied.

"Midoriya, you probably shouldn't talk so negatively" Kirishima patted his shoulder.

"But!" Midoriya continued. "But everyone is aiming for the top with everything they've got. "I can't afford to fall behind!"

"Midoriya" Boboiboy softly called his name as Todoroki turned to him.

"I'll be going for it with everything I've got, too!" he gave Todoroki a determined look.

"Yeah" Todoroki replied, as he turned to Boboiboy. He gave the orange-hat boy a brief look and proceeded to turn away.

Boboiboy sighed. "Really! What is his problem?" he questioned.

"HEY!" Present Mic began announcing. The first-year stage was already full of people, media, UA's staff and also pro-heroes who came to watch the first-year stage.

"Pay attention, audience! Swarm, mass media! The UA sports festival is about to begin! Are you ready?!" he spoke with enthusiasm. "It's time for the students to enter the first-year stage!" he said as the first-year students began entering the stage.

"The miraculous new stars who overcame enemy attacks with their heart of steel! Hero-course, Class 1-A!" he announced as Class 1-A marched themselves to the centre of the stage.

"Huyoo! So many people came!" Boboiboy looked around. "Awesome! (Terbaik!)"

"Will we be able to give our best performance being watched like this?" Iida wondered.

"Man! Present Mic is going overboard with that praise! I'm getting nervous! Aren't you, Bakugou?" Kirishima asked him.

"No. I'm just getting more of it!" Bakugou answered with high confidence.

"They haven't been getting much airtime, but this class is also full of talent! Hero-course, Class 1-B!" Present Mic announced them next as Class 1-B entered the stage with a high spirit.

"Oh! The class next door!" Boboiboy waved at them, but his friendly gesture was ignored.

"Next up! General studies, Class C, D, and E!" the general department classes were announced next.

"We're just here to make the hero-course look better, huh?" said a male student from general studies.

"Support courses, Class F, G, and H!" the support class students entered.

"And business course, Class I, J and K!" last but not least ware the students from business class.

"All of UA's first-year are here now!"

"Time for the player pledge!" a female pro-hero who was tasked as the first-year chief's empire said as all of the students arrived at the centre of the stage.

"Oh, this year's chief empire is R-Rated Hero, Midnight!" the audience said as they were captured by her aura.

"What is Midnight-sensei wearing?" Kirishima blushed at the sexy hero outfit Midnight was wearing.

"That's an R-Rated Hero for you" Kaminari besides him also blushed.

"Is it okay for her to be at high school even though she's R-Rated?" Tokoyami commented.

Boboiboy quickly covered his eyes. "I shouldn't be seeing such thing..." he said.

"Quiet, everyone!" she told the audience. "Representing the students is Bakugou Katsuki from Class 1-A!"

"What? It's Kacchan?" Midoriya gasped with horror as Bakugou walked to the stage.

"That guy did finish first in the entrance exam" Sero commented.

"I hope he doesn't mess this up" Boboiboy silently prayed.

"Huh! Of course, from hero course" a girl from the general studies said as she turned to Class 1-A.

Everyone went silent as Bakugou was now in front of Midnight. "I pledge... That I'll be number one" he said with confidence.

"I knew he'd do that!" Class 1-A was in great shock.

"Oh, boy.... We're in trouble now" Boboiboy deadpanned.

"What the heck?!"

"Don't be full of yourself! Class 1-A!" the whole first-year students screamed in frustration.

"Why are you doing something so disgraceful?!" Iida shouted at him.

"At least become a nice bouncy step for me to jump off of" he gave them a smug face and a thumbs down.

"How overconfident can you get?! I'll crush you!" Tetsutetsu's fury exploded.

"Over-confident? That's not it. The old Kacchan would've laughed while saying that. He's driving himself into a corner" Midoriya turned to Bakugou as Bakugou passed next to him. Bakugou deliberately pushed Midoriya's shoulder, a sign of warning.

"Getting the rest of us caught up in it is just like Kacchan though" Midoriya sweatdrop.

Bakugou then stopped when he was in front of Boboiboy. "Be ready to be pulverized, elemental bastard!" he growled as he went to his standing position back.

"Ah yes... Today sure is going to be a hard day, huh?" Boboiboy sighed. He could feel his Fire element was ready to murder Bakugou but was held back by his Water element. "I'm sorry Bakugou, but I'm not going to lose as well"

"Now let's get started right away!" Midnight announced. "The first game is what you call a qualifier! Now, here is the fateful first game!" a big screen appeared behind her. "This year is this!" the big screen showed them the result.

"An obstacle course race?" Boboiboy wondered.

"All 11 classes will participate in this race. The course will be 4 km from the outer circumference of this stadium. Our school's selling point is freedom!" she licked her lips. "As long as you stay on the course, it doesn't matter what you do! Now, take your places, everyone!"

The first-year students were on the starting line, getting ready for the obstacle race. Determination burned in their eyes, ready to be released!

"Start!" Midnight announced as the obstacle race started.

The first-year students immediately ran as fast as they could, and now they were pushing each other in a tight and narrow alley.

Boboiboy instantly used his wind element without hesitation. True, it would be much faster if he used his Lightning element, but he didn't want people around him to be electrocuted if he used it. "Element Power! Boboiboy Wind! Wind Acceleration!" he gathered strong wind around him and accelerated forward. He was now slightly ahead of the others. As he ran, he could feel his environment turn colder.

"Sorry but..." Apparently, Todoroki had used his ice quirk as he ran forward. The ice had caused their route to be covered with thick ice, trapped some students and caused them to be unable to move.

"Ouch! What the-? So cold!"

"It's freezing! I can't move!" those who were caught complained.

However, his tricks couldn't fool his peers as they also used their quirk to overcome the ice.

"Naïve, Todoroki-san!" Yaoyorozu yelled.

"I won't let you get away so easily! Half and half bastard!" Bakugou growled as he used his explosion quirk and charged forward.

"More students outside Class 1-A were able to dodge that than I expected," Todoroki said as he turned back a bit. He then looked above when Mineta was in the air. He hurled his sticky balls and proceed to jump on them.

"I've outwitted you, Todoroki! How pathetic!" he smirked evilly. "Take this! My special attack!" he was about to unleash his assaults on Todoroki when a huge robot unexpectedly sent him soaring.

"Targets found!" the giant robots looked down at the students.

"Mineta!" Wind shouted. "Wind Catch!" He quickly used his wind element and caught Mineta in a wind-like sphere to which it avoided him from falling hard into the ground.

"The faux villains from the entrance exam?" Midoriya questioned and stopped his track.

"Obstacles have shown up suddenly! Starting with the first barrier! Robo Inferno!" Present Mic declared.

"S... So big!" Wind gasped.

"Aren't those the zero-point villains from the entrance exam?!" Kaminari shrieked in horror.

"Seriously?! The hero course had to fight those?!"

"This is what they meant by obstacles?!" the other students shouted."

The giant robots began attacking Todoroki and Boboiboy, who were in front of them.

"If they went through all this trouble, I wish they would've prepared something better" Todoroki then used his quirk and made ice rise around him. "Since my stupid old man is watching!" he said in a cold and bitter tone. With one swift movement. he had managed to freeze the large robot that was heading towards him. After, the robot was frozen with his ice Todoroki quickly ran forward, leaving the others.

"He stopped them!" the others shouted. "Between their legs! We can get through!"

"I wouldn't if I were you. I froze them when they were unbalanced. They'll fall over" he advised as the robot's frozen parts began falling.

"Todoroki from Class 1-A! He attacked and defended in one hit!" Present Mic praised. "Amazing! He's the first one through!"

"What?!" Wind screamed in horror. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Earth!" he quickly changed into his earth element. "Earth Barrier!" Earth punched the ground with both of his fists and formed a ground protector that protects them from being struck by the robot debris. Earth took a deep breath. "That was a close one!" However, Earth didn't stop there. "Multiple Earth Punch!" he attacked the giant robots caused them to crash down.

"Eh? A student from Class 1-A saved us? But why?"

"Hey! Isn't that the new student with the elemental quirk?" the other students began debating as they were saved by Earth.

"I really like to stay, but I have an obstacle course to be finished!" Earth thought. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning!" he transformed into his lightning element. "Got to speed things up a bit. "Lightning Speed!" he dashed forwards to catch up with Todoroki.

Then they heard an explosion. It was Bakugou who passed giant robots easily. "Like I'd let you get ahead of me! Half and half bastard! Elemental freak!" he growled. Following him were Sero and Tokoyami.

The crowds gave them a big cheer. "As expected, most of the group that's gone ahead is from Class 1-A" Sniper commented.

"Class 1-B and the other courses aren't bad, either!" All Might replied. "It's just..." he gave them a confident grin.

"...Class 1-A doesn't spend a lot of time standing around" Aizawa continued as more students from class began to move forward by defeating the robots. "Those who had fear planted in their hearts. Those who dealt with it and pulled through. They all used that experience to drown out their hesitation" he continued commenting.

"I can't rely on One For All this early in the competition!" Midoriya marched forwards. A robot attacked him but he easily dodged the attack. He quickly grabbed a piece of the robot's armour from the one Todoroki defeated.

"The robots will lock onto the target and track it. I'll make it build up momentum and then..." Midoriya waits for the robot to come near him. When it was near enough, he quickly attacked it with the armour he picked up. The robot splits into two as Midoriya succeeded.

"Move! Move!" he told himself as he continued running forward.

"Hey, hey! The first barrier was a piece of cake?" Present Mic wondered. "Then what about the second?"

The students were shocked when they came to the next hurdle.

"If you fall, you're out! If you don't want to fall, then crawl! It's "The Fall"!" he announced the next obstacle.

"What?!" Lightning stopped. "It'd be a pain if I fall in the pit," he said. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Wind!" he changed yet again. "Wind Blast!" he collected the strong wind power around him and released it. The windblast swept him right effortlessly as he used his momentum to support him leap to the end of the obstacle. Now he is in the front position. "Easy!" Wind smiled as he continued running.

"Woah, the elemental boy got some moves! With one blast he had passed Todoroki!" Present Mic announced.

"The elemental kid is not so bad!" the audience commented. "He passed Endeavour's son?!" they couldn't believe this.

"Tchh!" Todoroki clicked his tongue.

"How are we going to pass this?" Uraraka and Ashido asked.

"Glitter! Here it is! Her's my chance to show off!" a pink-haired student said. She was Hatsume Mei, a student from support class. "It's time for my support items to be in the limelight!" she grinned. "Look, all you support companies across the country! Wire arrows and hover soles! Look at these babies!"

"You're from the support course?" Uraraka turned to her.

"What? It's okay to bring in items?" Ashido pointed at her gadgets.

"In order to keep things fair, support course students are allowed to equip items. As long as we develop them, of course!" Hatsume answered confidently. "Besides for us support course students, UA sports festival is a place we can show off our ideas and skills to companies!" with that she left them as she showed them the potential of her 'babies' ability to the public. "Look at my super cute babies!"

"My older brother is probably watching me! I can't let him see me act uncool!" Iida said as he balanced himself on the rope. He used his engine quirk at a slow pace as he didn't want to fall.

Midoriya was slightly left behind as he worked hard to cross the obstacle only by using the existing rope that was provided for the second obstacle.

"And now the leader of the pack is the new student, Boboiboy! Following him is Todoroki!" Present Mic announced.

"Half and half bastard! Elemental freak!" Bakugou angrily charged towards them. Damn it!"

"Oh no! I'm going to be hit by a bomb!" Wind gulped and ran faster.

"Looks like he's getting fire up" Todoroki slightly turned back. "A slow starter?"

"And now, we've quickly arrived at the final barrier! And it's a minefield! You have to be careful or else you'll be sent flying!" Present Mic explained. "By the way, these landmines are for games, so they're not powerful" he didn't forget to add that fact.

"Cool! It's like one of the games I've played with Fire!" even though Wind was surprised, it didn't stop him from smiling. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Earth!" he used his Earth element again. "Earth Push!" Earth made a special route for him by raising the ground and pushing the landmines embedded in the ground.

"Yes!" he then continued running but was disturbed by Bakugou who flew towards him. Bakugou pushed him away and made him fall. "I'll be the winner, elemental bastard!"

Todoroki did not miss his chance and froze Earth's legs. "That should stop you," he said as he continued running. This action had caused Earth unable to move. "These two!" Earth was mad now.

Bakugou and Todoroki were now head to head as they battle for the number one place. "Bastard! Don't declare war on the wrong person!" Bakugou shouted at him and used his explosion on Todoroki. However, Todoroki managed to avoid the attack.

"New boy is down! Todoroki and Bakugou is in front! Rejoice, mass media! It's the kind of development you guys love!" the audience roared. Clearly, loving this plot twist. "The rest of the pack is also speeding up! Can these two students remain in the lead as they push and pull at each other?!" Present Mic commented as Bakugou and Todoroki battle each other off.

"It... It's far!" Midoriya gasped as he saw the distance between him and the lead. "But there's still stuff I have to do! I'm going to borrow your idea, Kacchan! Super explosive speed turbo!" he placed the robot's armour that he had brought from the first obstacle in front of him and jumped into the landmines.

Earlier, he had gathered the landmines carefully and placed them in one spot. He then launched himself into it. This action had triggered a massive explosion, and the force from the explosion had sent him flying towards Bakugou and Todoroki.

All Might stood in shock. He didn't expect Midoriya to come up with this insane notion. However, it was not just him who was shocked as the other students were also surprised to see this.

"Was it an accident, or did he do it on purpose?! Class 1-A's Midoriya is in hot pursuit with a blast! He now has taken the lead!" Present Mic commented. The audience went crazy, as they were served with another plot twist.

"I flew just like I'd planned but I didn't think about landing!" Midoriya said in horror.

"Deku! Don't go ahead of me!" Bakugou used his explosion to catch up on him.

"This will give those in the back a path but I don't have time to worry what's behind me!" Todoroki made an ice path from him to run.

"The two formerly in the lead have stopped trying to slow each other down and are chasing Midoriya!" Present Mic said. "Now that they have a common enemy, they've stopped fighting!"

"I... I can't lose!" Earth said. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning!" he changed to his lightning form. However, red lightning bolts engulfed his body as Lightning was now mad. He gave a sharp glare. "Lightning Dash!" he dashed forwards. In a blink of an eye, he was head to head with Midoriya, Bakugou, and Todoroki.

"When did he get here?!" The three of them were clearly shocked by this.

"Surprised?" Lightning smirked.

"Oh no! I'm losing speed!" Midoriya was now falling down. "Now think about the time I'd lose landing! Grab hold of that chance you got, and don't let go!" True to his words, Midoriya didn't let go of his chance.

"If I can't take back the lead, then I can't let them get ahead of me!" with a swift motion he turned around, and with a fast move and struck the minefield with the armour of the robot earlier. This triggered another major eruption, in which Midoriya was forced forward by energy.

"Midoriya swiftly blocks those behind him!" Present Mic roared.

However, neither did Bakugou, Todoroki and Lightning give up as they continued challenging Midoriya. It was a fierce battle for the number one spot.

"Eraser, your class is amazing! What did you teach them?!" Present Mic questioned.

"I didn't do anything. They got each other fired upon their own" Aizawa replied as he watched four of his students battle for the first place.

"UA sports festival, first-year stage! Who could've predicted the developments at the beginning or this conclusion?" Present Mic continued announcing.

"Right now, the first person back in the stadium is that man..."







StarTwinkle here!

I hope you enjoyed reading it!

 I'll try to update as soon as I can! It takes me a lot of time to write!

A/N: Boboiboy trademark quote (Terbaik!) will be written as Awesome! As this story is in English.

For the next chapter, should I make Boboiboy team up with his classmates or make him use his elemental splits? :)




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