Chapter 1

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Some Hub America

The hub was as quite as usual, a girl dressed in a suit with out a tie. She have a slight cut on her cheek and arms along with some bruises . She walk into the bar while taking off her tuxedo reveal some blood stains on her, she sat on the stood . She look at the bartender , Mr Smith who shook his head. "Hello again miss , another bad huh?" He asked as she nodded while mixing her glasses. 

"The usual I presume?" He questioned before she could look at him, Mr Smith hand her one jolly rancher shot glass along with 5 small bottle of flavored jolly ranchers.

That girl is Leon Wu , she smirked at him before pouring the vodka inside the shot. "Thanks." She said before drinking it one shot. 

"So what happen to you?" He asked her as she just grin at him.

"The usual task to take out the badly." She said while taking another shot as Mr Smith smirked at her and pass her a slice of cake.

"Here you go try it , my new recipe." He said as Leon smile at him before taking a bite of the cake then a group of men enter the hub.

"Oi OLD MAN !!! PUT THE MONEY IN THE BAG DON'T GIVE ME ANY FUNNY BUSINESS." One of man yell while tossing the bag in front of Mr Smith.

Leon give a slight glance at them before taking another shot. "Listen boys, I don't have any cash. Please don't force me." He said as one of them point a knife at him.

"I said PUT THE FUCKING MONEY IN THE BAG!" He yell as Leon look alarmed, she make eye contact with Mr Smith told him to do stay calm.

"Mr Smith, I shall take my leave." She said as she places her candy shot glass on the table while getting up as she was about to leave the hub.

"Miss it's going to rain, here." Mr Smith throw her an umbrella.

She smile at him, "Excuse me. Excuse me."

As she made her way to the door. "If you're looking for another guy, they're on the corner of Smith's Street." One of the man joked which cause a few laugh from them .

Leon walks over to the front door and let out a sigh before smirk and starts locking it. "Manners maketh man." The men look at her confused and angry.

"Do you know what that means?" She asked as there was a total silent in the hub.

"Then let me teach you a lesson." With that being said, she use the hook of the umbrella, she grabs a glass and swings it at one of the man's head and knocks him out. As the knife landed on Leon's hand.

"Are we going to stand around here all day, or are we going to fight?" She asked while throwing the knife up and down like a gentle breeze.

As one of the thugs goes to punch Leon , she threw the knife upwards before moving her head and the other man gets punched instead knocking his teeth out, then Leon proceeds to swiftly beat the rest of the thugs. ' Five down two to go.' She thought as she look at the both of them.

"You fucking dirty...fucking dirty..." One of them said when suddenly he pulls out his gun , Leon quickly kicked it away. She caught the knife from the air and threw it at the man which hit him right in the shoulder. He scream in pain, Leon kick him to the wall while caught the gun and aim at the man.

"You're move." She said as the man surrender, Leon kick his neck which knocked him out cold.

After knocking out all the thugs Leon goes back to sit down and finishes her drink while disabling the gun and dropped it on the floor. As she took gulp of her drink.

"Kamsamnida (Translation : Thank you)." She said while chewing the shot glass and she was about to walk out of the hub.

"You have grown stronger, Leon. I'm proud of you." He said as Leon smirked to herself before walking off.

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