Chapter 2

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Somewhere In Paris, France
Huntik Foundation Academy

Leon walk down the corridor of the academy , everyone started to talk among themselves. "Is that Leon?" One of the male student with grey suit asked.

"Oh my gosh!" Leon walk up to her locker and grab her jacket.

"Hey Leo." She turn around to see, a guy wearing a badass looking outfit . His name was Alexander McGrath.

"Got you coffee." He said while showing two cups of coffee on his hand.

"Oh it's you, Xander." She said while locking her locker before grabbing the cup of coffee from his hand.

"Thanks." She said while taking a sip of her coffee .

"I heard that you got back from your mission, was it the fifth one?" Alexander questioned.

"Technically, it's the sixths. Just got out of my 6th mission to stop Greg Housen from the kidnap of multi millionaire, Steve Burter." Leon sigh while making their way to their classroom.

"Still haven't find him didn't you?" He asked as Leon look at him and nodded.

"Don't worry you are going to kill him soon. After you find him." He chuckled, Leon smirked at him.

"Shut up." She punch him playfully on his shoulder and walk away.

Alexander chasing after her, "But I'm serious. You need to find that person who killed your family." He whisper the last part as Leon glance at him.

"I don't wish to talk about it." She said coldly.

Alexander put both hands up in the air in defense. "Okay okay. I shut up now." He said before siting down.

"Do you still have a crush on Elina?" Leon asked while gesturing to a blonde hair girl talking to her friends that causing Alexander to blushed.

"Maybe?" He said awkwardly, Leon push him away from her.

"Go talk to her!" She said as Alexander blushed even redder.

"WHAT?!" He chocked on his coffee, "but what if she doesn't feel the same about me ?!" Leon glance at him which make him tense up.

"Go asked her out now!" Leon smirked as Alexander nodded and went up to Elina. All Leon could do was to smile at the both of them. Then a guard bragged into class and stood in front of Leon.

"Agent 13, Mr Darren want to see you immediately." He said as Leon sit upright and look at him.

"Did he say anything else?" She asked as the guard shook his head.

"Alright I'll be there shortly." He nodded and walk away. Leon got up to signal Alexander that's she's leaving. He put his thumbs up and she start walking towards the office. Leon knock on the door a few times before she heard her boss voice telling her to come in. She open the door to reveal her boss, Mr Darren siting on his office chair.

Leon Pov :

"Hello Agent 13, sorry for the short notice. I know you just got back from the mission but this is argent . Please sit down . " He sounded every serious, I'm not surprised as I nodded before sitting down listening to what he have to say.

"I have a new mission for you from the Huntik Foundation headquarters." He said as a huge screen popped out and the video is being played. A group of boys singing and dancing on stage.

"A week ago in Seoul, South Korea. This band was performing on stage, they called themselves EXO. They are the most popular boyband around the world, as they were performing. Someone fired a gun shot and it nearly hit one of them." I look at the screen and heard a loud bang, people screaming and running away.

"So?" I asked not convincingly as my boss sigh.

"Expect it's wasn't a bullet it was a dart gun." I look up with shock and surprise now that catch my attention.

"A dart gun?!?!" I repeated again not believing what he said.

"Yes and it hit on of the members, causing him to lose consciousness." I sigh of relief.

"I believe it got to concern about the same person who I think killed your parents, and he going to attempt to kidnap them to get a randsom of 1 billion for each boy. And he's going to do the same thing that he did to you." I widen my eyes with fear as memories of my past started to flow back in my head.

"Leon!!" My boss called out my name then I realised that I unleash a bolt of electricity around my hand.

"Sorry, Sir." I apologised as he sigh slightly.

"I know it's hard to keep it in from everyone." He said as I try my best not to show tears to him.

"But why me?" I asked.

" You have been here the longest and the best we got." He said as I turn away from him avoiding eye contact.

"It's top secret, and very dangerous. But are you up for it?" He asked me as memories of the person who did this to me appear into my head.

"Mission accept." I look him in the eyes as my boss smile at me.

"When do I leave?" I asked.

" You leave tomorrow first flight, you will be picked up at the airport around the corner and you will be their newest member of the group." He said.

Wait a minute WHAT?!

"But sir, I don't sing or dance." I said as he raised his eyebrows at me before pressing a button of me singing and dancing in my room.

"You were saying?" Mr Darren smirked at me as I started to blushed and groan with frustration.

"Every single time." I muttered before stomping out of the office but I walk back in again.

" You said that I'm going to be their new band member right?!" I questioned as he nodded.

"Yes. I'll pass all your equipment at the airport. For now you will stop class and start packing. You'll be leaving tomorrow morning." He said as I nodded slowly before heading to my room.

A Few Minutes Later

I arrived at room, I walk over to my study table. I switch on my computer to do some research. I start searching on the incident 11 years ago. News articles popping out, I start to scrolling and scanning every words then flashes of images start appearing. I stumbled on the floor then I notice something wet under my nose, I touch it to see it was blood .

The more I read the more it hurts me and my memories return to me. I quickly get up and head towards the washroom to clean myself. As images of blood everywhere enter my mind, I splash water to my face before looking at the mirror. "I wish you were here." I said while touching my necklace around my neck.

"I will have your revenge." I said as I glance at my own reflection before heading towards my room and start packing for tomorrow. Then I noticed my amulets started to blinking non stop as I let out a chuckle.

"Don't worry you all will be coming with me." I replied as all my amulets start floating towards me. I smile slightly before opening my side pouch.

Looks like I'm going to enjoy this mission.


At SM Entertainment Building

"Okay boys you will meet your new member tomorrow at around 3 o'clock sharp." Their PD lied.

"But why do we need another member? We are already Number 1 in both China and Korea." Kai question as the rest of them look at their manager confusingly. Truthfully he was scared that something bad will happen to the boys after what happen last week. He was worried that the attacker will strike again, but what scares him was when they said 'She's the best we got'.

'Can she really protect them?' He thought as the member from EXO start discussing about this situation. Suho and Kris was fine about it, Lay , Luhan , Xiumin , Chanyeol , Baekhyun, Chen and D.O. don't mind. The rest were arguing but in the end they agree to to it.

" Alright your new member will arrive tomorrow so please be nice." Their PD said sternly as all of them nodded before racing out to their van. Suho and D.O. shook their heads at them before catching up with them. Their PD sigh, 'please keep them save.'

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