Chapter 1: All Might Pt. 1

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POV: Y/n, 14 years old, 10 months before the entrance exam

"Deku," I started running up to my friend, "I heard yer enterin' the U.A High, without a quirk, that takes guts man! I wish the best's luck to ya!" "T-thanks Y/n," Deku started, "It means alot to me." "No problem bro," I started as we walked home, "I've applied 'swell, I fig'red with yer brains an' my quirk, we'll be an amazin' team." "What do you mean Y/n?" Deku asked. "Ya literaly have books full'a every pro-hero and their respective quirks an' it's effects." I started grabbing one of his notebooks from his bag, "An' with my quirk, knowin' the quirks'a so many heros makes me stronger. Even Bakugo will be in awe of us!" "Yeah," Deku started, "But everyone says I have no chance. Since I'm quirkless." "Deku," I said, placing my hand on his shoulder, "Ya have the chance to be the Ruby Bridges of the Quirk world!" "Ummm, who's Ruby Bridges?" Deku asked, "She's the first black student to go to a public school in 'Merica." I responded, "I got a lotta respect for folk like that, even if my ancestors didn't see that way."

As I went to hand Deku his notebook back Bakugo came up and grabbed it. "I dunno what you think your doing, Deku," Bakugo started, "But we're not done!" "What'cha got, his diary?" One of his lackys said as they walked up. "Don't tell me you're taking notes on how to be a hero." the lacky continued, "That's so pathetic." The two lackys then laughed as if it were a cruel joke. "Haha, yeah real funny guys." Deku said reaching for his notebook, "Just give it back." Bakugo then punched the notebook burning it. "What was the for Bakugo!?" I screamed as Deku cried, watching his hard work burn before him. "That's so mean." Deku cried. "Most first string heros show potential early on." Bakugo said throwing the book on the ground, "People look at them and just know they're destined for greatness. When I'm the only student from this garbage junior high to get into U.A people will start talking about ME like that. They'll realize I'm legit. The next big thing. That's not ego talking, I just know I'm good." "That sure does sound like the ego talkin', and it's talkin' real loud." I said as Bakugo placed his hand on Dekus other shoulder and scorching Deku's uniform. "Here's a little word of advice, nerds," Bakugo started, "don't even think about applying, or else."

The lackys mocked us as the three of them walked off. "That's sad, I thought you had a bit of fight in you." One lacky said, "They finally understand it, they'll never be heros." The other added. "You know," Bakugo said, turning around slightly, "if you really want to be a hero that badly there might be another way, just pray that you'll be born with a quirk in your next life! And not a copycat's quirk! So go take a swan dive off the roof of the building." I could tell Deku was pissed because I heard him growl at Bakugo. "Something wrong?" Bakugo said creating small explosions on his hand. "Mimic; Hydrokinesis!" I said moving the sweat from his hands, stopping the explosions. "Yeah, that's too far, even fer you. Now leave us be."

"I'm sorry Deku," I said as Deku and I walked down an alley, "No one should tell that to a person, they never know if they may listen." "Thanks, I wonder what Bakugo would have done if I actually jumped." "He'd be in worse condition then roadkill," I started, "cause I'mma throw 'im off the roof 'til I get bored. An' yer thinkin' bout not havin' a quirk ain't ya." "y-yeah." Deku said, tears in his eyes. "Don't worry buddy," I said hugging him, "Cause you an' me, we're gonna save 200 people in five minutes! I just know it! Ya just have to believe!" "Thanks Y/n" Deku said, wiping his tears away. "Ya know," I started, "if Bakugo weren't such an ass, he'd likely be a great hero."

Half an hour later, I saw Deku trying to smile. "Ya tryin' to act like ol' All Might eh?" I said. "So what," Deku started, "I will be more like him I just need to believe." "That's the spirit lad!" I cried slapping him on the back, knocking him slightly forward, "Uhhh, Y/n..." Deku mumbled, "There's a villain behind you!" "Shit!" I said tackling Deku out of the way. "You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in!" The sludge villain said as he lept off of the sewer grate and into Deku's mouth. "Deku!" I cried, "Don't worry," The villain said, holding Deku in a way were he couldn't move. "I'm just taking over your friend's body. It'll be easier if you don't fight back." "MIMIC; HYDROKINESIS!" I cried moving the sudge villain away from Deku. "Y/N RUN!" Deku screamed, out of breath. "NOT WITHOUT YA!" I cried as the villain did the same to me. "Don't fight back now, it'll only hurt for a minute." The villain said, "You'll feel better soon!" I can't breathe! I thought grasping at the sludge, Deku, just run. "Grab all you want my body's made of fluid." The villain said, "Thanks for the help, you're a real hero to me kid. I didn't know he was in this city, gotta get out fast before he tracks me down." My body's gettin' weak, I thought, grasping and losing consciousness, I think I'm dyin', Deku, don't be a hero right now, save yerself, sometimes, the hero, never gets his happy endin'.

I then heard the sound of the sewer lid hit the roof of the tunnel. "Have no fear, you boys are safe." said a deep, empowering voice, "Now that I am here that is!" "All Might!" Deku cried as the villain turned around, taking me with him, and I saw a huge man in a white skin-tight t-shirt, green cargo pant, blonde hair that stuck up like the wings on Thor's helmet, and he had a large grin. "Pleaser help Y/n, he's my best friend!" "I count on it!" All Might said as the villain slung a band of sludge at him. All Might ducked below the sludge and dashed forward, the villain sent another band of sludge at him, only as a hand. "TEEXXAASS SMAAASH!!!" All Might said as he punched the air, destroying the villains arms and damaging the villains body. "I can't hold together!" the villain said has burst, freeing me. "Thank you All Might!" deku said running to me. "T-thank ya, sir." I said weakly before passing out.

The next thing I know, I'm being patted in the face and the same deep voice from earlier telling me, "Hey, wake up. Hey, uh!" I then tried getting up. "Thought we lost you there!" All Might said. "Thank ya sir!" I said jumping to my feet. "Well," All Might started, "Looks like you're moving around alright. Sorry about that back there. I didn't mean to get you two caught up in my justicing. Usually I pay more attention to keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out the city's sewer system is pretty hard to navigate. HAHAHAHAHA" I could see that Deku was in awe of his hero and idol. "Anyway," All Might started, "You were a big help! I've captured the evil-doer!" As he said that, he held up a bottle of green sludge. "Don't drink that!" I cried, "It tastes worse than it looks." "YOU LOOK SO MUCH COOLER IN PERSON!" Deku cried as All Might's teeth shined, "Holy crap," Deku said patting himself for a book, "I need to get an autograph." "It's on the ground," I started, "Ya dropped it when I tackled ya." "Oh thanks Y/n" Deku said opening his charred notebook, "Aahh! He already signed it!" Deku then started bowing and almost praising All Might as he simply smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Welp," All Might said, turning around, "I've got to get this guy to the police, stay out of trouble. See you around." "Wait, you're leaving already?" Deku asked as All Might did some squat, as if he were about to jump. "Pro herps are constantly fighting time as well as enemies. Now stand back I'm taking off."

The next thing I know All Might is in the air and Deku is gone. "Uh oh, Mimic: Dead-Eye!" I said looking for Deku. I found him holding on to All Mights Left leg as they flew through the air. "SHIT!" I said chasing after them the best I could, "Mimic; Explosion. Mimic; Arbor!" I then flew in the air chasing after the two. I saw them argue then stop since we were in the air. I then used Arbor to attach myself to All Might's waist. "Sorry fer hitchhikin' but I needed my buddy here, if ya'd be so kind as to drop us off at the nearest buildin', we'll let ya go." I said apologetically. "But Y/n, I have so many questions." Deku said, "Midoriya," I started, seein blood come from All Might's mouth, "we aint got time fer that. Ya alright All Might, ya look like yer gettin' sick." "I'm fine, I'm setting you two down here." All Might said as we landed on a building.

When All Might set us down, Deku fell to his knees. "I just had my whole life flash before my eyes." He said. "It's alright Deku." I said, sitting beside him, "Mr. All Might wouldn't let us fall. Ain't that right?" "Not a very smart move," All Might said with his back to us, "bang on the door for a while, someone will let you in, or if you can mimic any quirk, use one to get down. Now I have to go." "I'm sorry sir." I apologized. "See you on the flip side." All Might replied holding up his left hand. "Wait, not yet." Deku said getting up and running towards All Might, "One second." "No I don't have any time." All Might said as he put his hand down. "I have to know!" Deku started, retracting his hand and tensing up, as if he were reliving bad memories, "Is it possible to be a hero, even without a quirk?" Hearing that made All Might stop walking, "I'm a normal kid without any powers," Deku said, sounding like he was about to tear up, "Could I ever hope to be someone like you!?" All Might turned around, with his smile still large, and Deku, who had his eyes closed holding back tears, had a small blush on his face from nerves. I looked on with anticipation, waiting to hear the answer Deku desperately needed, the encouragement from his idol.

POV: Writer

Sorry this took so long to put out, I actually had this done weeks ago, but didn't check a word count, so about 10 - 15 minutes into writing chapter 2, I realized I was over 2000 words, and I barely started episode 2, as in, I just got to the intro barely. Anyway with Finals starting literally this week, I won't have much time, but after next Wednesday, I'll be done. But 'til then, God Bless y'all, an' good luck a=on any tests and challenges in yer lives.

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