Chapter 2: All Might Pt. 2

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POV: Y/n

“Without a quirk,” All Might started, before doubling over in pain with steam coming off his body. He sounded like he was muttering to himself, it sounded like, “Not now. Not here.” Before I could ask about it Deku continued, “People think I don’t have a chance, and not having any powers makes me a weakling, My classmates, aside from Y/n, like to make fun of me. But you know what, that makes me want to prove them wrong. Ever since I was a kid I thought saving people was the coolest thing you could do. I want people to see my fearless smile and feel safe, and be the kind of hero everyone looks up to, just like you!” As deku said that last part he looked up and I changed my focus to where All Might was, only for us both to see a skinny man with blonde scraggly hair, and black eyes with green irises wearing the clothes All Might wore.

Upon seeing this, Deku screamed, likely thinking that All Might disappeared. “That’s kinda smart,” I said putting two and two together, “to ‘ave a transformation ta hide yer true identity.” “T-t-that can’t be All Might!” Deku said looking around, “He’s an imposter.” “I assure you that I am All Miguhhh” The scrawny guy said when blood poured from his mouth. This made Deku scream even more. “Impossible!” He cried, backing up. “But, Y/n is wrong on what I do.” All Might started, “You guys know how guys at the pool are always sucking in, trying to look buff, I’m like that.” “I liked my idea more, seemed discrete.” I said. As Deku cried more, “This can’t be real!” Deku cried, “I’m dreaming, All Might’s a giant of a man who saves everyone, he defeats all obstacles and wins with a fearless smile.” “Deku,” I started, slapping him on the head, “ya ain’t dreamin’ cause I doubt we’d have the same dream.” “There’s plenty of fear behind that smile.” All Might exhaled before sitting down. “I’m counting on you two to keep your mouths shut, don’t go talking about this online or go telling your friends.” “Ha, won’t be a problem fer me!” I said, “I ain’t got many friends, and I ain’t in internet fella.”

All Might lifted up his shirt, revealing an impact wound, a few years old from the looks of it. The wound was a pinkish-purple that got lighter in color the farther from the impact it was. Seeing it caused Deku to flinch, while I looked closer. “Pretty gross right?” All Might asked, “I got this in a big fight 5 years back. My respiratory system was basically destroyed, I lost my whole stomach, all the surgeries have wore me out, and it can’t be fixed. Right now I can only do hero work for about three hours a day. The rest of the time, this is what I look like.” “No way,” Deku  said leaning forward as All Might lowered his shirt, “5 years ago, so does that mean it was the fight with Toxic Chainsaw?” “Wow, you know your stuff.” All Might said raising his fist. “That’s his thang.” I said setting my arm on his shoulder. “But no, the punk may have gotten some good hits in, but it wasn’t enough to bring me down.” All Might continued, looking at the street below us, “Most of the world has never heard of this fight, I did everything I could to keep it under wraps.” All Might then looked at us, “I’m supposed to be the guy who’s always smiling right?” he asked, “I’m the symbol of peace, people everywhere have to think I’m never afraid. But honestly I smiled to hide the fear inside.” All Might then clenched his fist, “It’s just a brave face I put on when the pressure’s on me.” He said, “This job isn’t easy. Pro Heros are always risking their lives, some villains just can’t be beaten without powers, so no I honestly don’t think you could become a hero without a quirk.”

When All Might said this, Deku was filled with shock, and so was I, but I also felt rage come over me. “I-i Isee.” Deku said looking down. “WHAT THE HELL!” I shouted, “DEKU LOOKED UP TO YA, ALL HE NEEDED TO HEAR WAS THAT HE COULD ACCOMPLISH HIS DREAMS. HE AIN’T EVEN GOTTEN THAT FROM HIS PARENTS!” “Y/n, i- i- it’s fine.” Deku said weakly looking at me and trying to smile. “If you really want to help people, there are other ways.” All Might said getting up and walking away, “You could become a police officer. They get crap because the heroes catch most of the villains, but it’s a fine profession. It’s fine to have a dream young man, just make sure your dreams are attainable. Realistic, understand?” “An’ his true colors are revealed.” I muttered as All Might closed the door he left from. “Come on Deku, let’s go home. Mimic; Arbor!”

As I said that, I grew tree limbs in place of my regular limbs and we crawled down the side of the building. I then saw an explosion go off in the background. “A villain!” Deku said cheerfully, “I wonder what hero will show up!” “Then let’s get goin’ Deku!” I said hurrying to the ground. “Wait,” Deku said sadly as we hit the ground, “All Might just said some villains can’t be beaten without powers, what will I do.” I placed my hand on Deku’s shoulder, “Midoriya, we’re just gonna be bystanders. Now let’s watch a fight!” “Alright!” Deku said running towards the explosion. “THAT’S THE SPIRIT LAD!” I said running after him.

When we arrived at where the fight was happening, we saw the slime villain form before, but this time, he had what looked like a kid inside him. I looked around and saw the heroes trying to help the people and I had an idea. “Deku, I’m going to see if I can put out that fire,” I said running through the crowd, “you call 911 and see if they’re on the way, an’ tell ‘em to hurry!” I then ran up to there followed by Deku, “Bakugo’s in there!” Deku said, “I heard bystanders talk about a hostage, and then I saw Bakugo!” “Shit!” I said seeing Bakugo in a worse position than both me and Deku were in almost an hour ago, “Mimic; Hydrokinesis! I’m going to make an opening, you tackle him out.” “WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU KIDS DOING?!” Death Arms shouted at us. “YOU’RE GONNA GET YOURSELVES KILLED!” “Savin’ a kid!” I shouted trying to use Hydrokinesis to move the sludge away from Bakugo. When I managed to get the sludge off him I yelled. “NOW!” “You two!” The villain said seeing me and Deku in the area.  “Kachan!” Deku cried tackling Bakugo out of the villains grasp. “Why are you here?” Bakugo asked Deku, “I don’t know, my legs just carried me here.” Deku answered, tears forming in his eyes, “Kachan, I couldn’t just stand there and watch you die!” Just then the villain got up and started to swing at Deku and Bakugo. “I’m done playing with both of you!” it said swiping down. “SAVE THE BOYS,” Death Arms shouted as the heroes jumped in, “THIS THING WILL KILL THEM BOTH!” “MIMIC; ARBOR!” I shouted extending limbs made of wood to protect the two.

Before my arm and the other heros could reach them, a cloud of smoke covered the area, I heard a deep, familiar voice come from inside as it settled. “I really am pathetic.” it said. When the smoke fully cleared, I saw All Might, holding up the villain with Bakugo and Deku underneath him. “I told you the traits to be a champion, but I wasn’t living up to my ideal!” All Might said ripping part of the villain apart and his mouth spewing blood, “Pros are always risking their lives, that’s the testament of a true hero!” “Damn you All Might!” the villain said. “DETROIIIIIIIT SMAAAAAAASH!!!!” All Might shouted punching the villain away as Mt. Lady protected bystanders in the crosshairs. The force of his punch was enough to create a tornado. A few seconds later, it started raining, helping put out what little cinders remained. A few of the bystanders noticed this, All Might was out of breath, but we all saw his power. “Holy crap,” Death Arms said, “He changed the weather.” “I’m never seen anyone change the weather with a single punch ‘fore,” I said deactivating my powers, while slightly out of breath, “that’s amazin’. I see why folk like him now.” The crowd cheered as All Might raised his fist in glory, however when he did so, he slightly stumbled. I helped the heroes collect the remaining sludge and tried to avoid the press, didn’t want myself being shown on tv just yet.

After Deku woke up, we got scolded by Death Arms and Kamui Woods. “You morons,” Kamui started, “do you two have a death wish?” “there was absolutely no reason to put yourselves in danger like that.” Death Arms said, “Now I will admit,” Kamui started looking at me, “You were smart in using your quirk, but don’t use it to fight, you should’ve helped Backdraft.” “Sorry sir.” I said looking at Deku. out of the corner of my eye, I noticed Bakugo was starting at both of us.

When Deku and I were walking home I decided to talk to break the ice. “Ya did good man,” I said, trying to cheer him up, “We work well together.” “Yeah,” Deku said sadly, “I just wanted to apologize to All Might, but he was swarmed by reporters. I’ll send him a message when I get home.” “Sounds smart.” I said before footsteps could be heard running up from behind us. “Deku, Copycat!” Bakugo cried as he was sprinting towards us. “Kachan?” Deku said as we turned around and Bakugo stopped running, obviously out of breath. “Listen,” He started, panting, “I would never ask for weaklings like you to help me. Don’t think you can look down on me. Huh, you got THAT!? I DON’T OWE EITHER OF YOU ANYTHING!” “Yeah, now scram.” I said continuing on my path with Deku following behind. “I don’t see why he expected us to have him owe us, we did that cause it was right.” I said walking, “Why are you so rude Y/n, to Kachan that is.” Deku asked, “My family’s montra’s always been, treat others the way they treat you, or treat ‘em how ya wanna be treated.” I answered, “Plus I’ve always acted that way towards cocky folk.”

“I AM HERE!” All Might said as he darted out in front of both of us, making both of us jump. “Gaah,” I said, “Why are you here? An’ how many times have ya failed?” “How’d you get rid of all those reporters?” “Ha ha ha.” All Might laughed, “I stand for Justice, not sound bites, because I am All Muuugh.” All Might then transformed into his scrawny form, blood spurting from his mouth again. This made Deku scream, again. “Young man, I came here to thank you.” All Might said wiping the blood from his mouth, “and also to discuss your question from earlier.” “Huh?” Deku asked, processing what was happening. “Deku,” I said placing my hands on his shoulders and looking him in the eyes, “this is AMAZIN’. Ya finally get to be a hero like ya always wanted!” “If you hadn’t told me about your life,” All Might continued, “if you hadn’t run into that fight, I would’ve been a worthless bystander standing in the crowd. So thanks.” “N-no, it was my fault!” Deku said bowing, “if I didn’t get in the way, none of this would’ve happened. I wasted your energy, and your time.” “I’m not done.” All Might said. “You said you didn’t have a quirk, so when I saw this timid, quirkless boy run in to save a life, it inspired me to act too. There are stories about every hero. How they became great, most have one thing in common, their bodies moved before they had a chance to think, almost on their own.” Deku started to tear up at this. “This is awesome man,” I said patting him on the back, “Good goin’ you’ll be a pro in no time!” “Today, that’s what happened to you.” All Might said as Deku doubled over, crying and I tried to comfort him. “Young man, you too can become a hero.” “Deku, ya hear that?” I asked kneeling on the ground beside him, “ya got the ‘bility to be a great hero.”

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