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'How did you know he loves you?'

'When he became my anchor, my rock; I knew."

"Wuthering Heights?" She felt the ever-so-familiar presence behind her and the next moment, a head resting on her shoulder. Mishil smiled softly before flipping the pages of the novel.

"Yeah, it's been a while since I've read it." "Isn't it just too sad?" Namjoon said, his head still on her shoulder. He didn't assume his soulmate to be into tragic romances. "Yeah, and messed up too!" Mishil closes the book and puts it back where it originally was.

"But when I look at Heathcliff and Catherine and their story, I realize how easy it is to have a happy ending." She turns to face him, her expression solemn.

"If Heathcliff had just asked Catherine, the misunderstanding would have never happened. And maybe, they could have found a way to be together." "But they got together at the end," Namjoon argued, liking the storyline a lot.

"When Catherine was almost dead. Almost at the end of the story. When they could've been together, married, have kids, and live the life they wanted to live." He did open his mouth to argue back but he knew that she made sense.

"When it comes to reading, the story is tragic and good to read. But imagine if Catherin and Heathcliff were real human beings. Wouldn't that be such a waste of life?"

Now, Namjoon was dumbfounded. "Babe, you do realize that these are all fictional characters, don't you?"

Mishil fell silent for a few seconds before saying, "Of course I do! But whenever I read a book, I can't help but imagine the protagonists as real human beings and just wonder! What if they were real people and went through all of the things that happened in the story?
Would it be just as painful as it feels? Or are people stronger than that?"

Namjoon just stared at her explaining her thoughts. The way she talked about fictional characters, it almost felt like she was talking about real people who she knew. How many people in this world had an imagination that wide? To make fictional characters feel like they're real?

"I think it would be less than it is written. Because every other person's emotional capacity is different. Like different types of glass. Some break with the slightest pressure, some break when they reach a certain limit, and some break when let down. It's different for everyone..." Now, Mishil was staring at her soulmate, sorry! Boyfriend.

The way he spoke, the way he viewed things; never failed to amaze her. His thought process was rare. It was rare to come across someone who looked at the smallest things with that great detail.

"Babe, your phone." Namjoon suddenly said as he pointed at Mishil's illuminated pocket. "Oh! Just a sec..." She fished the phone out of her pocket and held it against her ear.

"Hello-" "WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU TWO?!!" Mishil flinched slightly at the loud voice on the other side.

"I have been blowing up Namjoon's phone for the past hour! Why the hell is his phone off!?" It was Sora, full-on yelling at the phone. Namjoon cocked an eyebrow up at Mishil just held the phone close to her ear, her eyes somewhere between frightened and surprised.

"What's going on?" He mouthed to her, worry slowly increasing. "GIVE THAT IDIOT THE PHONE NOW!!" Sora yelled, making Mishil squeak, and then she obediently passed the phone to Namjoon.

What in name of Bang PD made Sora go from a soft-spoken elegant woman to a full-blown screeching Banshee!? Namjoon put the phone against his ear and he actually thought someone was gonna rip off his ears.


The next second, he pocketed the phone, grabbed Mishil's hand tightly, and dashed for the front desk. He was panicking! Thankfully, the front desk was well hidden from the glass front doors, so it really took them no effort to reach there.

"Honey, why are there soo many people out? And why are there cameras?" The old librarian asked her husband, her hand clutching her heart. Namjoon's heart sank at the sound of it! They were very very screwed! But right now, nothing mattered more than getting Mishil out of here.

"I think they might have an answer to that." The old man turned to a panting and panicking couple. "Are you an idol, young man?" The old librarian guessed it the second the soulmates walked through the door.

"Yes sir! We need to get out of here, as soon as possible!" Namjoon said. Mishil could hear the panic in his voice, although he'd tried his level best to keep it in check. She squeezed her hand around his own and silently hopes that there was a way out of this sticky situation. "Follow me, you two. Honey, turn the lights out, close the library, and wait. It'll help these two out." With that, the old man led them down the aisles to the very back of the old library. To an old, beaten-down door, barely hanging off its hinges.

"This used to be the original entrance of the library. Hold on kids, let me check." The old man peeked out through the window parallel to the door. "Are there any people, sir?" Mishil asked, her voice small and shaky.

"Not as much as the front, but there are a few. With cameras." The soulmates felt like hope left their body like air leaves a deflated balloon. But then, Namjoon suddenly began taking off his denim jacket and his bucket hat.

He grabbed Mishil's wide-brimmed hat on his own head, which at that moment looked kind of peculiar but desperate times call for desperate measures! Stuffing the beanie inside Mishil's tote bag, he covered her face with the denim jacket. "At least your face will be hidden!" He flashed her the briefest smile and that's what assured Mishil that they were gonna be just fine. "Just go for it, okay." The old man said, patting Namjoon's back.

The plan was to create a momentary diversion to remove or at least reduce the number of people at the back entrance by opening the front door. "Thank you so much sir! I don't know what we'd have done without your help." Mishil smiled from behind her denim curtain. "It's nothing!" He waved her off. "We were young too once." With that, he jogged back to the entrance.

"Ready?" Namjoon asked, securing the beanie over his eyes and his mask over his face. Mishil nodded. Namjoon wrapped an arm around Mishil's shoulder, closing the denim jacket from the front with one hand and twisting the doorknob with the other.

You know how everyone takes a deep breath before diving into a pool? That's what the soulmates did before they finally stepped out. Because they were basically free-falling. Once they were out, there was no going back in. They needed to fix up whatever damage had been caused. Maybe it was beyond fixing but right now, they needed to get out of the crime scene before anything else.

There were very few people so it could be assumed that Namjoon's plan worked. The ones that were there lunged at the couple, shoving cameras at their faces, yelling! It was chaotic!
Namjoon used his long legs as an advantage and jogged the both of them out of the place, almost carrying Mishil with one arm, and then jumped into the car. Before anyone could decipher the situation fully, they were speeding towards the dorms.

They hadn't gotten 3 steps inside the dorms when Sora, Jin, Soo-Ah, and the other boys practically threw themselves on the soulmates.

"Oh thank God you're home!" Sora gasped, her voice a bit scratchy. Must be all of that screaming.

Mishil softly removed the denim jacket from over her head and finally breathed fresh air. After some 15 minutes of fussing over them, they all sat back, and Namjoon finally; opened his phone.

"When'd this happen?" He said, scrolling through Twitter. His jaw was clenched and his voice was steely! Kim Namjoon was pissed! "Some two hours ago." Yoongi answered, "The IT team is working on removing them. They assume some sasaeng took the pictures."

Even Yoongi's usual sleepy voice had a hint of anger in it.

"It's spread too much, Hyung! Everyone's been talking about it. ARMYs are growing suspicious." Jimin was scrolling through Twitter.

#BTSRM and #mysterygirl were trending.

Almost the entirety of South Korea had seen it. "What do you wanna do Namjoon?" Hoseok asked, his voice demanding a decision. It was too huge to just let it stir and wait for it to be forgotten. Something had to be done and it had to be done fast.

Namjoon looked down once at their joined hands and once at Mishil's face. She was calm but it was not hard, to read the fear behind her eyes.

Namjoon looked at Hoseok dead in the eye and said, "Arrange a meeting with Bang PD. I want to go public about finding my soulmate."

The whole room was stunned silent!


Hello beautiful people!!!!

New update for you all and things have taken a turn! The curve is rising and we are slowly making our way to the climax. Hang on tight soulmates! This just got real!!

Do tell me what you guys feel about this chapter.

Votes and comments are always appreciated.

I'll see you guys soon enough, in my next update.

Till then, Stay safe. Stay happy.



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