Chapter Fifty: Finality's Lesson

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In moments that would usually seem beyond the realm of possibility, Jingliu found herself in the midst of an experience that defied all expectations. Meeting an Aeon, particularly Terminus, the Aeon of Finality, was something she could never have anticipated, a once-in-a-lifetime encounter that left her grappling with a mix of awe and uncertainty.

They congregated in Yara's hideout, a place marked by the presence of dangerous concoctions and life-threatening experiments. Seris lay on a bed, her rest peaceful yet borne out of necessity. The severance of her connection with Oedon had taxed her significantly, necessitating a period of rest to mend the tattered links between her mind and soul.

Yara, immersed in her usual state of organized chaos, was surrounded by scattered notes. Jingliu observed from a distance, her posture relaxed against the wall, contemplating the surrealness of their current company.

Terminus sat with an elegance befitting a being of her stature, her manners impeccable as she enjoyed a cup of tea prepared by Yara. "Mmm, this is a nice brew you made, Yara," Terminus complimented, eliciting a blush from the usually composed doctor. Jingliu, witnessing Yara's uncharacteristic bashfulness, couldn't help but raise an eyebrow in amusement.

"Thank you, my lady. It's a specialty of mine that I always make when I need to relax," Yara responded, her hands fidgeting, betraying her nervousness despite the graciousness of her words.

Terminus, touching on the subject of etiquette, mused, "Humu! Though, if we adhere to customary practices, it is most common to reciprocate such a remark, no? The courtesy of compliments should be graciously acknowledged when the offering is appreciated."

She continued, lamenting the current state of interpersonal relations, "Nowadays, people do not extend words of gratitude towards their peers—be they traders, allies, or even foes. It seems as if the world has regressed, with many lacking basic courtesy."

Addressing Jingliu directly, Terminus posed a thought-provoking question, "Do you not agree, Nighthilt Sovereign? Perhaps a reset of the world is in order, instilling such behavior as instinctual in the rebirth."

Jingliu, taken aback by the Aeon's deadly yet serene tone, chose her words carefully. "First of all, you can always call me by my name."

Terminus, setting her cup aside, replied with a playful chuckle, "Hehe~ It is a habit of mine to address others by their title, especially one that I have bestowed."

Jingliu concurred with the importance of expressing gratitude, sharing a lesson from her youth. "My mother taught me to cherish rewards with sincerity, believing that a heartfelt thanks can strengthen bonds."

The Aeon smiled at Jingliu's insight, yet pointed out a nuance Jingliu had missed. "Education often teaches us that gratitude and other reflective behaviors are fundamental. However, there are those who, despite being thankful, struggle to express it or even recognize it as such."

Puzzled by the shift in conversation, Jingliu inquired about the relevance of their discussion on gratitude.

Terminus' smile broadened, revealing her true motive. "Why, of course. I wish for you to express your gratitude towards me. You have, after all, received a portion of my power."

Caught off guard, Jingliu realized the Aeon sought acknowledgment. With a sigh, she acquiesced, offering a bow of deep respect. "It is my honor, to express my gratitude towards such an esteemed being as you. Thank you."

Terminus, delighted by the gesture, clapped her hands with a laugh. "Hahahaha! Ahh, no matter how many times I witness it, it never fails to bring me joy. I am pleased with you, Jingliu."

Straightening up, Jingliu felt a sense of relief, her actions not only lightening the mood but also lifting an invisible burden from her shoulders.

"Now then," Terminus declared, clapping her hands together with such force that the vibrations seemed to momentarily alter the fabric of reality itself.

Yara winced as the shockwave threatened the integrity of her delicate glassware, a testament to the Aeon's immense power. Jingliu, caught off guard, silently lamented not having anticipated the need for ear protection.

Terminus, rising from her seat with a grace that belied her formidable strength, pointed directly at Jingliu. "Starting tomorrow, I will train you, Jingliu," she announced, her voice brimming with enthusiasm. The proclamation sent a ripple of astonishment through Yara, and left Jingliu grappling with the reality of receiving personal guidance from an entity whose existence spanned the cosmos.

"Yes...?" Jingliu managed, her response mirroring Yara's own incredulity at the situation. This elicited another round of laughter from Terminus, her mirth echoing like a symphony of harmonious bells, filling the room with a sense of warmth and lightness.

"Yes, indeed! I will meet you first thing in the morning tomorrow. Do wake up early!" Terminus instructed, her form beginning to shimmer with the particles of constellations as if she were made of the very stars themselves.

"You're leaving now?" Jingliu couldn't help but inquire, a hint of reluctance in her voice at the Aeon's impending departure.

"Of course. I need to watch over the dimension that lies between the universes. Think of it as a guard patrol, if you will. Welp, have a good evening!" With that, Terminus vanished, her presence dissolving into a cascade of starlight that faded from the room, leaving behind a silence that spoke volumes of the encounter.

In the aftermath of Terminus's departure, Yara and Jingliu shared a moment of collective exhalation, the tension that had underpinned the Aeon's visit dissipating with her exit.

Yara, attempting to regain her composure, coughed lightly and turned to Jingliu, who had since taken Terminus's vacated seat, the weight of the moment pressing down upon her.

"A most interesting experience," Yara remarked, the understatement hanging between them as she slouched back in her chair, a gesture of relief as much as exhaustion.

"Agreed," Jingliu echoed, her voice carrying the weariness of one who has just been offered a glimpse into a realm far beyond the ordinary, a tiredness that came not just from the body but from the soul.

As they both settled into the quiet that followed the storm of Terminus' visit, they were left to ponder the implications of the training that lay ahead. For Jingliu, the dawn of the next day would mark the beginning of a journey unlike any she had undertaken before—a journey under the tutelage of an Aeon.


Yesterday had unfolded with an intensity that lingered in Jingliu's mind, the final hours of the day marked by an otherworldly visitation. The familiar routines of morning and afternoon—strolls, training, casual exchanges with the celestial siblings—had been a comforting cadence in her life. Then came the evening's gathering, a congregation that stirred memories of camaraderie long missed, a reminiscent echo of the times before Y/N's disappearance. Life had guided her down an unfamiliar path, one that had veered sharply the night prior.

Jingliu's eyes remained closed, a reflex to savor the last tendrils of sleep. Yet, she didn't feel the comforting weight of a blanket; rather, an unusual sense of exposure. Slowly, a realization crept in—she was standing, not lying down as one should upon waking. A silent alarm rang through her, something was decidedly amiss.

"Why is everything so quiet?" she mused internally, urging her senses to wakefulness as she rubbed her eyes. Upon opening them, the world around her defied comprehension, and she felt an acute sense of diminution.

Before her eyes spanned an expanse of fractured reality, a cosmic spectacle of a universe untamed. A gargantuan moon dominated the horizon, its surface pulsating with an unfathomable energy that seemed to resonate with the very heartbeat of existence. The celestial body was encircled by a vibrant nebula, weaving colors of purples and pinks into a celestial tapestry, a silent testament to the paradox of life and death, of vibrant existence within the finality of space.

The landscape underfoot mirrored the desolation of a world forgotten, with ruins that whispered tales of a time when they stood proud and whole. Shards of reality floated aimlessly, suspended in the void as if the laws of physics bowed to a higher will in this domain. Everything felt both dead and alive, a dichotomy that settled heavily on Jingliu's soul—a haunting serenity that spoke of ends and beginnings.

"Jingliu!" The voice, unmistakably Terminus' from the evening prior, broke the solemnity of the moment. Jingliu turned to find the Aeon playfully poking her cheek.

"Hahaha! What do you think of this place?" Terminus inquired, her posture casual with one hand on her hip, the other now retreating from Jingliu's face.

Jingliu remained silent, her expression far from amused. To awaken in such an alien realm, without warning or explanation, was not a pleasant experience by any means.

Terminus, noting the lack of response, ceased her playful gesture and adopted a more contrite expression, rubbing the back of her head with a sheepish "Teehee...?"

The Aeon's juxtaposition of godly might and mischievous demeanor was disarming. Jingliu felt a vein throb in her temple, a physical manifestation of her bewilderment at the continuous jest. The being who personified the end of all things was here, making light of cosmic forces, reducing the unfathomable to a playful morning encounter.

"Unbelievable," Jingliu muttered, pressing her fingers against her forehead as if she could physically suppress the budding headache.

"Haha... I'm sorry about that. I haven't interacted with anyone for a long time. So, my social skills must have deteriorated," Terminus confessed, her previous humor giving way to a tinge of melancholy. Her playful demeanor receded as she crossed her arms, seemingly wrapped in her own thoughts.

"Oh..." was all Jingliu could offer, a pang of empathy striking her for the deity. Yet, her mind was alight with questions.

"I assume that the Aeons have duties of their own, and as such, they don't interact with each other. Am I right?" Jingliu ventured, watching Terminus closely for any telltale signs in her response.

"Hmm, yes and no," Terminus replied, her eyes closing as her hand rested thoughtfully on her chin. It was an answer that hinted at complexities Jingliu was eager to unravel.

"Can you elaborate on that?" Jingliu's request was prompt, her usual formalities discarded in favor of a more direct, personal approach.

Terminus' gaze settled on Jingliu, a deadpan expression etching her features. "You are really persistent with questions, aren't you?" she remarked, the weight of her words sending a flicker of apprehension through Jingliu.

"Oh no! Curiosity got to me and... I'm sorry, I've stepped outside the boundaries of privacy," Jingliu stammered, her hands fluttering in a show of apology.

The Aeon's expression softened, "Well, since you are curious, I shall indulge you with my answer," Terminus acquiesced, prompting a nod from Jingliu.

They began to walk, Terminus leading with a grace that seemed to make the very plane of existence take notice. Shards around them stirred, coalescing into reflective dust clouds in her wake. Jingliu, following behind, felt the environment resonate with the Aeon's movements, a world responding to the whims of its creator.

Pausing before the pulsating moon, its rhythm akin to the beating of a cosmic heart, Terminus broke the silence. "Mortals call us gods. What do you think of gods in general, Jingliu? What are their aspects in life that differentiate them from mortals?" she inquired, her gaze locked on the celestial body.

Jingliu reflected on the question, her eyes also drawn to the moon. "Gods, or Aeons as they are known here, are embodiments of aspects far removed from the grasp of mortals. Immortality is the clearest divide—never withering with the passage of time, untouched by the decay that claims all life. They are the omniscient overseers of the cosmos, holding knowledge that spans the breadth of existence, aware of the intricate dance of fate and choice. Worship and reverence are due to them, not just for their might, but for the wisdom and order they impart upon the chaos of creation."

She paused, considering the deeper implications. "Paths are the congregations of Imaginary energy, born as manifestations of universal philosophical concepts. Those who walk these Paths, the Pathstriders, shape and are shaped by them, their beliefs and practices reinforcing the concepts they revere. And in rare instances, an entity might intertwine so wholly with a Path, exploring its philosophical depths until they become one with it, ascending to become an Aeon themselves."

Jingliu turned to Terminus, "Is that not the truth? That Aeons are the ultimate Pathstriders, the pinnacle of their respective Paths, exemplars of their inherent philosophies made manifest?"

That was Jingliu's understanding, the culmination of countless hours spent in libraries vast and ancient. Knowledge was power, the scholars said, a beacon that could lead to victory in both mind and field. Yet, what she knew were but mortal interpretations, observations made by scholars based on the Emanators' actions, representative of their Aeons. This knowledge had never been confirmed by the Aeons themselves.

Terminus watched her, a small smile gracing her lips. "You are correct in that regard, but there is so much more about us. Even we do not fully understand ourselves."

Jingliu's brow furrowed in puzzlement. Terminus seized the moment to clarify, "Like your mortal concepts of good and evil, we too have our classifications. It's a fundamentally mortal construct, but it helps to categorize us separately."

Jingliu nodded, recalling her interactions with a member of the Genius Society. "Indeed, I have heard of them from a member of the Genius Society," she recounted the days when the Emanator of Nous had shared his intrigue about Y/N with her, bestowing knowledge that even surprised her.

Terminus hummed thoughtfully. "I'm sure you're aware, but as a reminder... Firstly, we have 'the Arbiters,' who determine mortal births and deaths, closely tied to the rise and fall of civilizations. Fuli lies in this category," she expounded, ending the explanation of the first category.

The concept of Fuli as an Aeon was something Jingliu could comprehend, a neutral force following the mandates of life's ebb and flow.

With two fingers raised, Terminus signaled her second point. "Secondly, we have 'the Sacrosancts,' who defy clear categorization as good or evil, with their ultimate destinations often enigmatic. Nous would be among them."

Jingliu agreed silently. The Emanators of Nous had always presented a chaotic front, whimsical in their actions, leaving her uncertain whether they sought amusement or a grander design.

Raising a third finger, Terminus delineated the final category. "Then lastly, there are 'the Authors of Calamity,' the harbingers of disaster. You know to whom this refers."

"Yaoshi..." Jingliu hissed, her disdain for the Aeon responsible for her people's suffering evident in her tone.

Terminus snapped her fingers, drawing Jingliu's gaze. "I don't blame you for your feelings. Granny Yaoshi has always been an enigma, even to us Aeons. Only he understands her," she sighed, a statement that left Jingliu reeling with its implications.

"Wha- What do you mean by that? And... who is 'he'?" Jingliu demanded, her thirst for knowledge turning into a need.

Terminus' smile was tinged with sorrow, "I cannot divulge her intentions, but fear not, you shall encounter her in due time."

"As for him... you have already met. The shadowy figure with eyes of black and white," Terminus revealed, evoking a memory in Jingliu of an entity that had made her aware of her own power during the battle with Yexian.

"Yes, I did. The Aeon who embodies Concepts? I searched for records, but found none," Jingliu confessed, still grappling with the presence she'd felt, the overwhelming power that had effortlessly revealed her soul.

"It is difficult to comprehend, but he does exist. Without him, we would not be. The Paths we embody are but concepts, ideas brought to existence by his will, woven in the Abyss," Terminus concluded, offering Jingliu a glimpse into a truth that stretched beyond the confines of her understanding.

"Oh, and for the record, he has a name. One that we call him," Terminus continued, her voice dropping to a murmur that belied the gravity of her words. Jingliu knew the significance of names among Aeons; they were not just identifiers but carriers of immense power, capable of unleashing events beyond mortal comprehension.

"And what that may be?" Jingliu inquired, her desire to understand the names and powers she might invoke in the future growing ever more intense.

Terminus faced Jingliu fully, her visage etched with an uncommon seriousness. "A name that might be misconstrued as a title, yet it is one not spoken lightly by our own laws."

"We call him the Void Emperor." The moment Terminus vocalized the name, reality quivered, as if the fabric of existence itself recognized the weight of the title. The mirror fragments swirling around them were suddenly shrouded in the darkest void, the essence of the Abyss itself.

Jingliu, without hesitation, adopted a battle stance, her sword materializing in her hands as a reflex. Terminus, for her part, appeared shaken, a testament to the name's profound impact.

Jingliu's gaze was drawn to the floating fragments, now imbued with an absence so profound it was as if all light and life had been devoured. It was an abyssal void, not merely devoid of color but of existence itself. She knew she could stare forever, lost in its depth.

Terminus snapped her fingers, a sharp sound that shattered the trance. "You'll get lost if you gaze too long into the Abyss, and that was but an iota of its essence."

"That much power...?" Jingliu whispered, still feeling the residual might of the Abyss' brief touch.

With a dismissive huff, Terminus alleviated the tension in the air. "Do not fret; that was merely his way of passing through."

"Brief, you say. It felt like eons here..." Jingliu's voice trailed off as she regarded her trembling hands, the encounter with such raw power leaving a lasting impression.

"You'll get used to it one day. Now, enough chit-chat!" Terminus declared, her form beginning to radiate with an imposing light.

The transformation was swift and awe-inspiring. Terminus, the Aeon of Finality, now stood arrayed in her full glory. The image before Jingliu was that of a warrior deity, her armor gleaming with the power of a thousand stars forged into existence. Her hair, a silvery cascade, flowed with the luminescence of the cosmos. The sword she wielded was no mere weapon but an extension of her very will, each edge and curve resonating with the potential to cleave through the veils of reality.

Jingliu felt a primal fear in the presence of such might. The Aeon, however, simply smiled, a mixture of reassurance and regret. "Nothing personal, Jingliu."

End of Chapter

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