Chapter Forty-Nine: Finality

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In the serenity that followed the storm, Y/N found solace in the gentle embrace of tranquility, his head resting upon the lap of a figure whose eyes radiated a profound calmness. The softness beneath him felt as though it were crafted from the very essence of comfort, a momentary respite that allowed his senses to drift towards the peaceful cadence of the sea before them.

"Hey, Y/N," the voice, imbued with warmth and care, broke the silence, pulling him from his reverie. He turned, not to face her directly but to share in the view of the endless sea, its waves a soothing symphony of calm and contemplation.

"Yeah?" His response, tinged with a languid contentment, mirrored the tranquility of their surroundings.

As they both gazed upon the sea, a question pierced the calm. "Have you thought of death? Of... what will come to us?" Jingliu's voice, sudden and laden with a weight that seemed out of place in their peaceful setting, prompted Y/N to sit up, shaking off the remnants of drowsiness.

"Why did you ask that all of a sudden? Did something happen that may have... you know?" Y/N's inquiry, gentle yet probing, sought the root of her sudden contemplation.

Jingliu's sigh, heavy with the burden of her thoughts, preceded her explanation. "I watched a speech made by one of the members of the Intelligentsia Guild," she admitted, her gaze turning solemn.

Y/N's curiosity piqued. "Them? The ones who would charge 'wisdom' with any form of currency?" he asked, already weaving through the complex tapestry of life's eternal questions.

"Yes," Jingliu affirmed, her eyes, a gateway to her soul, shimmered slightly, reflecting her inner turmoil.

Jingliu's eyes met Y/N's, a depth of contemplation swirling within. "The speech," she began, her voice a soft echo of the waves, "spoke of life and death not as ends and beginnings, but as intertwined cycles. The speaker said, 'Life is but a brief interlude in the vastness of eternity, a moment where souls dance in the light before returning to the shadow.'"

Y/N listened, his gaze never leaving hers. "And death?" he prompted gently, encouraging her to continue.

"It was described as a passage, a transition where the essence of what we are is freed from the confines of our physical existence. 'To fear death is to misunderstand life,' the speaker claimed. 'For in the embrace of the eternal, we find not an end, but a continuation of existence, in forms beyond our comprehension."

She paused, her gaze drifting back to the sea, reflecting on the words. "But what struck me most," Jingliu continued, "was the notion that the connections we forge, the love that binds us... it transcends the physical realm. That perhaps, in the vast tapestry of the universe, our souls remain entwined, guided by the unseen forces of fate and destiny."

Y/N absorbed her words, a thoughtful silence enveloping them. "So, in a way," he mused, "our journey together, our struggles and joys, they're not just fleeting moments but part of a larger, eternal story."

Jingliu nodded, a fragile smile gracing her lips. "Yes, and it's that belief, that hope, which makes the idea of parting so unbearable. I find solace in the thought that, maybe, our connection is part of something greater, something endless."

Listening intently, Y/N allowed her to voice her deepest fears, her words painting a vivid picture of the struggle between the desire for eternal companionship and the harsh reality of life's finite nature.

"I do not want that... I want to be with you, forever," Jingliu confessed, her voice trembling, eyes brimming with tears.

The pain in her words struck Y/N, prompting him to grasp her hands, a silent vow of shared strength and comfort. "I... I don't like the idea of it. I just want to be with you..."


In the quiet clearing where the moon cast its ethereal glow, Jingliu's training session with Icaria took an unexpected turn. The gleam of her lightsword, once vibrant and full of life, dimmed—a reflection of the turmoil brewing within her. Distress, akin to the grief experienced at Baiheng's passing, gripped her heart, an inexplicable sorrow that clouded her spirit and halted her blade mid-air.

Icaria, her sparring partner, couldn't help but notice Jingliu's sudden detachment. "Jingliu? I don't want to disrupt our flow, but you seem... distant," she remarked, her tone laced with concern, her fiery hair illuminating her worried expression.

A silent nod was all Jingliu could muster, her gaze lost to the woods, a mirror to her clouded thoughts. Icaria, ever observant, recognized the shadow of despair that once haunted Seris. Determined to dispel the gloom, Icaria offered her remedy with a hopeful sparkle in her eyes. "What say you to more training? Let's ignite your spirit with the clash of our blades—ice against fire, ambition versus goals. Let's find joy in the duel's dance. What do you say?"

Despite the weight of her sorrows, Jingliu couldn't resist a chuckle at Icaria's unwavering spirit. "Never change, Icaria," she replied, a smile breaking through her somber mood.

Icaria's grin widened, her enthusiasm undimmed. "Change is not in my nature! I am the embodiment of unyielding joy! Come, let the forge of our battle temper your woes away!" she declared, her sword erupting in a spectacle of flames that danced like fireworks around her.

Jingliu's smile faded to a cringe at Icaria's choice of words. "Please, let's not use that phrase..."

Even as the sparring session with Icaria ended, Jingliu found no respite from her unease. The sensation within her, far from diminishing, had grown to a palpable intensity, manifesting physically in a way that bordered on pain. She wondered if it was merely a trick of the mind, a phantom pain born from stress or paranoia. Yet, in a realm filled with entities of unimaginable power, the notion of being targeted wasn't entirely dismissable. Still, dwelling on such thoughts seemed futile.

The moon, hanging low, caught her attention with its unnatural blue gleam—a phenomenon alien to her universe but a familiar presence to her, a symbol of her own power and duality. The darkness of the night sky contrasted with the moon's luminous beauty, a reminder of the balance between light and shadow.

Seeking answers, Jingliu connected her consciousness with the moon, delving into the deep, inherited powers she had honed over the past year. Her mentor, a painter of vivid realities, had once shown her the extent of her lunar abilities, albeit briefly. These powers, she knew, were a gift, though their purpose and the intentions of the Aeons remained mysteries to her. Questions of their motives, the role of the Emanators, and the true nature of her powers swirled in her mind, further muddled by the memory of her encounter with Fuli, an Aeon whose presence seemed to erase her doubts temporarily.

Forcing herself to focus, Jingliu summoned the moon's light, which responded by casting a radiant blue aura around her, captivating to any onlooker. She half-expected Yara to appear, eager with new experiments to probe the depths of her lunar abilities. These experiments, despite their intrusiveness, had expanded her understanding of her powers, allowing her to view the world through the moon's perspective—a disorienting ability that had once overwhelmed her senses.

Now, with mastery over this unique vision, Jingliu surveyed the realm—a lush expanse teeming with life, from towering trees glowing green to dragons soaring through the skies. Yet, amidst this connection, she sensed an alien presence, an intrusion that compelled her to sever the link abruptly.

Yet, amidst this connection, she sensed an alien presence, an intrusion that compelled her to sever the link abruptly.

Unbeknownst to her, a deity from another dimension had been observing her every move, its gaze piercing through the veil of worlds, watching with intentions unknown.


The next few weeks passed like a breeze for Jingliu. The weight of her responsibilities seemed to lighten, not from a reduction in their number but from a newfound strength within herself. It was a jump in power she hadn't anticipated, arriving too soon, yet undeniably welcome.

She found herself in an area that seemed to exist out of time, a space where the natural and the mystical intertwined. The floor beneath her feet was a tapestry of marble, cool and smooth, leading up to walls that shimmered with a crystalline glow. These surfaces reflected the soft luminescence of a lamp, a creation of Yara's summoning, casting gentle light across the gathering.

Around her, the celestial siblings convened, each absorbed in their own manner of leisure. Pluto, with her youthful exuberance, swung from the gargantuan arms of Holos, her laughter a melody in the tranquil space. Adabas and Mono, caught in a brotherly tiff, playfully tugged at each other's cheeks, their argument over who was the superior mentor to Jingliu bringing a smile to her face.

Above them, Icaria traced patterns in the air, her movements reminiscent of a phoenix blessing the world with the promise of life and rebirth. The spectacle was mesmerizing, a testament to the beauty inherent in their immortal existence. Beside Jingliu, Yara sat, her attention divided between the gathering and the notes she perused, a doctor ever dedicated to her craft. Seris, in contrast, presented the picture of serene contemplation, her hands resting elegantly on her lap, her eyes closed as if in deep thought.

Pluto, with an air of curiosity yet undiminished by her playful demeanor, paused her swinging and perched on Holos's shoulder. Despite her light frame, her presence commanded attention.

The moment of casual camaraderie was broken by Pluto's voice, her question slicing through the harmony like a well-aimed arrow. "Hey, Jingliu. It has been more than a year since you arrived here. What do you think of us?" Her question, simple in its structure, was profound in its intent, drawing a collective pause from the assembly as their gazes converged on Jingliu.

Taking in the expectant faces around her, Jingliu felt the weight of her words before she spoke them. It was true; she had much to say. The power and mysteries she'd been exposed to in this realm were beyond the ken of most mortals. Her gaze met Seris', finding a curious blend of anticipation and encouragement in the other woman's expression.

Jingliu, her demeanor calm yet reflective, acknowledged the gravity of the question. "Where should I start? Perhaps, I should share a bit about the incident that preceded my arrival here." Her intention was clear: to dispel any misunderstandings and provide a backdrop for her unexpected journey into their realm.

Holos, embodying a stoic curiosity, engaged further. "Ah, you mean the circumstances of how you came to be among us?" His tone, while gentle, was laced with an eagerness that mirrored the collective curiosity of his celestial counterparts.

With a nod, Jingliu affirmed, "Yes, before I was summoned to this realm, I was in my homeland, Xianzhou, embroiled in a quest to find my friend, my love." The mention of 'love' stirred a subtle shift in the atmosphere, with Seris's attention sharpening, her gaze intensifying as if to dissect the layers of Jingliu's confession.

Continuing, Jingliu recounted her tale, a narrative punctuated by trials and tribulations, dreams, and the stark reality of her final challenge—the confrontation with a mirage of her beloved, transformed into a visage of corruption and darkness.

Icaria, driven by an insatiable curiosity and an unbridled pace of speech, interjected. "Oh! You often speak of him, yet you've never clarified; was he merely a friend, or was there more? Were you both ensnared by unconfessed feelings in the past?" Her words, a rapid cascade, sought to unravel the mystery of Jingliu's heart.

Seris offered a cautionary glance towards Icaria, a silent reprimand for her forwardness, yet it was Jingliu's response that captured the essence of her inner turmoil. "Our past relationship transcended friendship, yet it fell short of love. My own reservations held me back, preventing our relationship from evolving. Looking back, I deeply regret not expressing my feelings sooner..."

The mood, now tinged with a somber reflection on missed opportunities and unspoken words, shifted as Yara intervened. Her voice, both comforting and commanding, redirected their focus. "Let's not stray too far from the tale at hand. Please, Jingliu, continue with your story." Her encouragement was a gentle reminder of the strength found in their shared narratives, in the journeys that had intertwined their fates.

Jingliu, acknowledging Yara's intervention with a grateful nod, turned to Icaria with a look of sheepish cheerfulness. "Do not worry, Icaria. I forgive your intrusion. It's not your fault; we've all faced moments of ignorance without realizing the consequences it might bring." Her words, gentle yet firm, resonated within the crystalline chamber, earning nods of understanding from Seris and the others. It was a moment of learning, a reminder that ignorance often leads to unexpected revelations.

The atmosphere lightened as Icaria's aura flickered with a soft glow, the gentle rise of flames from her attire signifying her relief and gratitude. Jingliu resumed her narrative, her next words capturing the undivided attention of her audience. "After the trials, I encountered the Aeon of Remembrance at the very end." The revelation of meeting a deity widened the eyes of everyone present, a shared surprise at the gravity of her experience.

Adabas, visibly thrilled by the mention of the Aeon, let ruby petals dance around her in a whirl of excitement. "Did you engage in battle with the Aeon, Fuli?" Her inquiry, driven by genuine curiosity and a hint of anticipation for a tale of epic confrontation.

Jingliu, accustomed now to Adabas's enthusiasm for combat, responded with a hint of amusement. "No, I was too exhausted by then. The thought of confronting a being of such magnitude was beyond me." Her honesty painted a picture of the immense challenge she faced, a battle that, even in her current state, would remain a daunting endeavor.

A sigh of disappointment escaped Adabas, her excitement dampened by the anticlimactic turn. Mono, unable to contain her amusement, chuckled behind her oversized sleeves, a light moment in the midst of heavy revelations.

"Fuli led me to a realm of memories," Jingliu continued, her hands rubbing together as if to physically grasp the essence of her recollections. "There, I relived moments with Y/N, memories long forgotten that now reside permanently within me. Each memory was so vivid, it was as though I was experiencing them anew."

However, Jingliu's expression faltered, her smile dimming in a way that did not go unnoticed. "But those memories weren't solely mine. I also lived through Y/N's experiences, seeing the world through his eyes..." Her voice trailed off, quieter now, tinged with a sorrow that spoke of deep, unresolved emotions.

The group, sensing the delicate nature of Jingliu's revelations, chose silence over inquiry, respecting the pain that such memories might evoke. Recognizing Jingliu as not just an ally but as family, they opted for empathy over curiosity.

Seris, ever the wise and comforting presence, decided it was time to bring the gathering to a close. "I believe that's enough for today. Jingliu needs rest, as do we all. Now, off you go," she said, her voice gentle yet firm, prompting groans of reluctance from the group, including Yara.

Mono, her stubborn streak surfacing, retorted with a playful huff. "Fine! But we all know it's late. No need to play the mother hen, Seris." Her words, though mockingly defiant, carried an underlying affection for the dynamics of their makeshift family.

As the celestial siblings dispersed, leaving Jingliu, Yara, and Seris alone, the atmosphere shifted from one of shared warmth to a solemn gravity.

"Hmm... now then, that was an interesting tale, Jingliu," Seris remarked, her tone a blend of neutrality and an ethereal whisper, reminiscent of their first encounter. There was a ghostly quality to her voice, hinting at depths unseen and unheard.

Her gaze then shifted to Yara, whose eyes hardened into a glare directed at her sister. "Yara, why don't you trot along and go back with the others?" Seris suggested, a deceptive lightness in her words.

Yara's response, firm and unyielding, caught Seris off guard. "No, I'm afraid that I will not do so, sister."

"Oh? And why is that, dear sister?" Seris's tone, once neutral, now betrayed a simmering anger, disbelief coloring her words at the introverted doctor's unexpected defiance.

Jingliu stood there, feeling like a lost sibling caught in the middle of an argument between two older sisters, so she quietly stepped away from them.

Turning her gaze towards Jingliu, Yara commanded with an authority that was rare and compelling, "Jingliu, why don't you use your powers and look at Seris for me?"

Understanding the gravity of Yara's request, Jingliu complied. The power of the moon came in an instant, her eyes now shimmering darker, and her vision turned into a gaze white with the linings of souls around. What she saw before her shook her to the core.

Seris, usually surrounded by an aura of pure white, now bore a disturbing hint of dark blood red.

"What do you see, Jingliu? An aspect of something unholy? An element that shouldn't disturb our peace, that is what," Yara accused, her voice sharp with anger, casting a shadow of suspicion over Seris, whose visage twisted into one of wrath.

As Jingliu continued to scrutinize Seris's aura, the once pristine white began to corrupt, transitioning into a more profound blood red, as if her very essence were bleeding out into darkness.

However, the aura halted as they felt another presence coming in. Power. They felt immense power. Power that Jingliu had felt once before. It was like back then when she met the painter.

Seris attempted to speak, but the voice that emerged was not her own. It was a blood-curdling cry of defiance, "Who dares!?" Her tone, now a stark contrast to her earlier calm, was met with Yara's protective instincts as she enveloped both herself and Jingliu in a shield of blue and green magic.


The environment transformed, the crystal-like area now a vast expanse of pink and purple, reminiscent of the cosmos itself. Standing before them was a deity, her presence radiating the same cosmic energy but with an intensity that dwarfed everything else.

"I, who have moved backward in time and preside over the Path of Finality," declared the deity, her voice booming with a feminine authority that demanded respect. Yara and Jingliu instinctively knelt, while Seris struggled against the overwhelming presence.

"I have come to eradicate you from this realm, Oedon."

Once the forbidden name was uttered, the cosmos itself seemed to rebel; space fractured, and reality cracked in protest.

Yara's face was etched with terror upon hearing the name, while Jingliu, though confused, was equally engulfed in fear—the fear of the unknown and the sudden appearance of an Aeon.

Seris, or rather the entity possessing her, bore the visage of madness, erupting into sinister laughter. "Hahahaha!!!" It was a mockery, her laughter laced with malevolence. This was not Seris but Oedon, using her form to peer especially at Jingliu, revealing her endgame despite her exposure.

"My, oh my. I did not expect a deity such as yourself to intervene. It seems I've fallen quite low if I couldn't conceal my presence from you," Oedon taunted, her voice a disturbing harmony of her own and Seris', eliciting a shudder from the listeners.

The Aeon, embodying the cosmos yet assuming a more humanoid form, advanced slowly. Her face remained unseen, but her presence communicated a clear message.

"Your kin are not welcome here," declared the Aeon, presiding over the Path of Finality. Her voice, resonant and commanding, vibrated through the very fabric of their reality.

Oedon's response was to unleash her aura, a manifestation of nightmares, creeping into the deepest fears of those present. In contrast to the Aeon's majestic essence, Oedon's presence was a tangible horror.

"This is a battle of dominance, then. Worry not; I am not alone," the Aeon dismissed with a casual shrug, inciting Oedon's wrath.

"You dare mock me!?" Oedon bellowed, her aura intensifying, corrupting the space around them into decay.

"Oh no. This is exactly what I intended," the Aeon retorted, snapping her fingers. Oedon's confidence faltered, her eyes widening in realization.

"I, Terminus, will banish you from this universe. You shall never return, never come again, for your kin will never touch this realm again." With those words, the cosmos itself seemed to rally around Seris, iridescent lights swirling, stars orbiting her as if performing a celestial ritual.

"No! I will not be banished! He must be within my grasp!" Oedon's protest echoed, not from Seris' mouth but as a disembodied chorus of defiance, revealing her true, formless nature.

Terminus, her visage forming an equivalent of a frown, concentrated an immense amount of energy at her fingertips, shaping her hand into a gun.

"Spirit gun!" she declared, and the built-up energy surged towards Seris. The world was engulfed in a blinding flash of white, leaving only the Aeon unaffected.

As their vision cleared, they found themselves back in the crystal area, with Seris lying unconscious before them.

"Wooh! I've always wanted to do that after such a long time," Terminus exclaimed, her tone cheerful. Yara and Jingliu turned to the source of the voice, astonished by the Aeon's human form.

Before them stood Terminus, embodying beauty and cosmic mystery. She possesses a delicate face framed by silvery-white hair that cascades like a waterfall. A pair of strikingly bright eyes reflects the vastness and mysteries of the universe, shimmering with a soft lilac glow.

Her hair is adorned with intertwining patterns reminiscent of constellations. At the temple region, a distinct curl stands out, signifying a special mark or symbol of her cosmic lineage.

The Aeon wears an intricately designed, armored bodice, blending the traditional with the cosmic. It's predominantly white, signifying purity, and punctuated by deep purple and silver, which may represent the vastness and depth of the cosmos. 

All in all, a beautiful woman.

"Greetings, everyone," Terminus greeted with a sheepish smile, her gaze warming as she turned to Jingliu. "It's been a while since we've met, Nighthilt Sovereign. Do you remember me?"

Jingliu's realization dawned. "You're the painter?" she asked, her voice tinged with shock.

Terminus nodded, confirming her suspicion. "Mmm, there is much to discuss."

End of Chapter

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