Chapter Four: Whispers of Possibility

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Artist "Minty0"/ Pixiv Art Code "111259245"

Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self!) and removing repetitions. D:

-Dan Feng's POV-

After meeting with the elders of the Xianzhou Alliance, Dan Feng found himself strolling along one of the ancient bridges in the Exalting Sanctum. This place was famous for its stunning view of the cosmos, where the stars twinkled like diamonds, bathing the bridge in a gentle, otherworldly glow.

Alone, Dan Feng's mind wandered to the days when he and Y/N, his closest friend, would quietly observe the stars from this very bridge. They shared a deep and meaningful friendship, rooted in these peaceful moments and unwavering support for each other.

Y/N, a mighty warrior, would rest against the railing with his enormous greatsword nearby, always ready for any challenge. In these serene moments, their friendship truly shone. Y/N treated Dan Feng not just as the High Elder of Vidyadhara, but as a valued friend whose efforts were crucial to their community.

"Dan Feng, titles and positions are just labels," Y/N had once remarked, his voice deep with insight. "What truly counts is what's in one's heart."

Looking at the stars now, Dan Feng deeply missed his friend's solid presence. With the responsibilities of leadership bearing down on him, he yearned for the simplicity of those nights, standing side by side with Y/N, sharing in the vastness of the cosmos and the closeness of their bond.


In the days after Y/N left, Dan Feng felt an emptiness that seemed impossible to fill. While the alliance respected his power and he carried out his duties as High Elder with grace and resolve, the absence of his closest friend deeply affected him.

During meetings, forming partnerships, and handling the complex politics of the alliance, Dan Feng often missed Y/N's direct and clear approach. Y/N was a decisive warrior who tackled problems head-on, without the burden of titles or prestige weighing him down.

Dan Feng's mind drifted during a particularly intense council session. "Y/N, you always looked beyond titles. You recognized the true value of people."

Y/N had appreciated Dan Feng not just as a leader, but as an equal—a comrade whose contributions went beyond mere authority.

"High Elder, your authority should not be questioned!" Councilor Lin argued during the session.

"Titles may outline our roles, but they don't determine our worth," Dan Feng responded calmly, promoting unity over division. "Everyone's voice here is important."

After the council meeting, in a moment of quiet, Dan Feng gazed at the stars again, silently communicating with his missing friend.

"Y/N, your legacy continues through me," he murmured to the night sky, "and I will uphold it with honor."


Dan Feng, deeply involved in the complex politics of the Xianzhou Alliance, watched the shifting dynamics of power and beliefs among its members. Many in the alliance followed the "Abundance" Path, a philosophy that valued selflessness, altruism, and healing, both physically and spiritually.

As he maneuvered through this maze of alliances and interests, a bold idea started to take shape in his mind—an idea that momentarily seemed beyond reason. What if, he pondered, the principles of abundance and selflessness could somehow bring back Y/N, his dear friend who had given everything for their home?

This thought lingered like a daring whisper, audacious and tempting. Dan Feng paused, questioning the soundness of his thoughts. It felt like he was encroaching on forbidden territory, challenging the natural order.

"Am I letting my grief cloud my judgment?" he wondered, his expression troubled. The idea of using the "Abundance" Path for personal reasons seemed like a risky path to tread.

But Y/N had always been a figure of immense bravery and endless resolve, never shying away from a challenge. His defining traits seemed to call to Dan Feng, pushing him to consider this realm of possibility.

Dan Feng shook his head, trying to clear the enticing idea that had rooted itself in his thoughts. Despite his efforts, the seed of possibility had been sown—a seed that, if nurtured, could grow into a groundbreaking idea that might change their universe forever.

With a heavy heart, Dan Feng refocused on the present, feeling the burden of his role as High Elder. The universe was in chaos, needing a firm hand to steer it through the upheaval. Yet, the whispers of what could be continued to echo, along with the memory of Y/N, a symbol of relentless determination in the face of challenges.


In the days that followed, Dan Feng grappled with a bold idea that had lodged itself in his mind—an idea that seemed irrational and contradicted the values he cherished. The "Abundance" Path, a philosophy embraced by many in the Xianzhou Alliance, focused on selflessness, healing, and the common good.

Dan Feng found the idea of using these principles to bring back Y/N, their fallen friend, irresistibly compelling. Y/N's sacrifice for their universe was a heavy burden on Dan Feng's heart, a loss he felt deeply. He couldn't stop thinking about whether it might be possible to reverse what seemed irreversible.

"Am I crazy to even think about this?" he wondered, enveloped in doubt. The thought of bending the rules of the "Abundance" Path for personal reasons seemed like a violation of the universe's natural laws.

Even as he participated in meetings and addressed the alliance's issues, Dan Feng couldn't shake the persistent thought that his grief might be skewing his judgment. The whispers of possibility lingered at the edges of his thoughts, unrelenting.

"Y/N, my friend," he whispered to himself in a quiet moment, "what would you make of this daring notion?"

Xianzhou was in chaos, desperately needing Dan Feng's steady guidance through the crisis. The heavy responsibilities of leadership weighed on him, yet the thought of bringing back Y/N—a chance to change their history—remained a persistent temptation.

In the stillness that ensued, he faced a crossroads, clouded with uncertainty about the future. The bold idea of resurrecting Y/N lingered as a tempting possibility, one that could irreversibly change their world.

Suddenly, his reflection was broken by a chilling, spectral voice emerging from the shadows, sending a shiver through him. The voice, eerie and filled with malice, seemed to saturate the night.

Instinctively, Dan Feng readied his spear, the Cloud-Piercer, a mighty weapon infused with his own energy. It thrummed with a foreboding power that matched the night's sinister mood.

With the spear in hand, Dan Feng surveyed his surroundings, alert and tense. The eerie voice echoed from all around, as if corrupting the very air. Despite the overwhelming dread, there was no sign of anyone nearby.

The night was cloaked in darkness, only slightly illuminated by distant stars. An oppressive silence followed the ghostly voice, heightening the tension as if the cosmos itself was holding its breath.

Standing alone, Dan Feng felt the intensity of the moment. The Cloud-Piercer, though a symbol of strength, did little to dispel the unsettling air. He sensed he was on the edge of an unfathomable mystery, where the boundaries of reality seemed to blur.

The fabric of reality appeared to distort with each moment, amplifying the burden of his duties as High Elder. As he stood resolute, facing this bewildering challenge, Dan Feng realized he was stepping into a realm filled with doubts and challenges that might shake the core of his beliefs and convictions. The mingling whispers of possibility and the haunting nocturnal voice propelled him into a realm of deep uncertainty, a path from which there might be no return.


In the oppressive silence, pierced only by that ghostly whisper, a figure materialized from the shadows—an abhorrent creature that was beyond understanding. It stood tall, humanoid, dressed in ceremonial robes adorned with eerie jewelry, and topped with a crown that sharply contrasted with the chainmail armor enveloping its body. Most disturbing was its face, or rather the lack of one, just smooth skin marred by deep, grotesque fissures as if worn by time.

Its pale, decayed appearance sent chills through Dan Feng, and he felt as if he was on the edge of something inconceivable.

The entity, a haunting blend of the ethereal and the nightmarish, spoke in a voice that echoed through reality itself. "I can make your dreams, your ideas, your ideals come true," it said, its words heavy with an inexplicable depth.

Despite his fear, Dan Feng was drawn to the entity's offer. The ongoing strife within the Xianzhou Alliance, the precarious fate of their universe, and the persistent memory of Y/N weighed heavily on him. The yearning to reverse the loss of his friend flared within him.

He paused, transfixed by the figure before him. The entity's promise dangled the compelling prospect of altering their universe's destiny, yet the sinister aura it projected made him wary.

Dan Feng pondered the implications of such a deal, questioning whether this figure might hold answers to their mysteries or simply be a malevolent force preying on their desperation.

The universe seemed perched on a brink of uncertainty, and the decisions made now would echo far into the future. Dan Feng stood at a critical juncture, where reality and the unknown merged, and the entire fate of their universe was at stake.

With a troubled heart and a mind swirling with conflict, he faced a pivotal choice—one that would define their path forward and decide if the haunting echoes of the past would lead to salvation or ruin.


Dan Feng's brief hesitation gave way to a surge of determination as he exclaimed, "This is a bad idea! You're nothing but a malevolent trickster, preying on our fears and desires!"

With lightning speed, he thrust his spear at the horrifying figure before him.

To his shock, the spear passed right through the entity as if it were nothing but an illusion. This left Dan Feng reeling with the realization that he was up against a force he could not understand.

Unfazed by the attack, the entity continued to stand there, its faceless demeanor seemingly amused by his efforts.

Feeling the weight of his actions, Dan Feng sensed the situation growing more oppressive. The once-enticing offer now appeared as a dark trap, and he worried that he might have triggered threats beyond his or even their universe's control.

Now, Dan Feng faced a critical decision: to accept the entity's dangerous proposition or to refuse it and confront whatever unknown horrors might emerge. The stakes were high, and his choice would impact his comrades, their home, and the legacy of Y/N.

Dan Feng's attacks showcased his exceptional skill, honed through years of training. Yet, the entity, a sinister figure from the depths, moved with eerie agility, effortlessly evading every strike. It seemed to float and weave through the air, defying physical laws and leaving Dan Feng in a mix of admiration and fear.

A profound fear took hold of Dan Feng, the enormity of the situation weighing heavily upon him. He felt as if he were on the brink of insanity, his mind straddling the line between understanding and chaos.

As the entity dodged his attacks, it looked at Dan Feng with an unreadable, emotionless stare. It introduced itself in a cold, haunting voice, "I am a pontiff, the leader of the Aeon Envoys, a servant of a greater being that has conquered Permanence," sending chills through Dan Feng. He was taken aback; the Aeon known as Long, the Progenitor of All Dragons, had been a monumental figure in their universe, known for creating scions and defining immortality through the Revelation of Permanence. Long's significant influence in the rise of Vidyadhara underscored the seriousness of this encounter.

Weighed down by uncertainty, Dan Feng asked, "What do you mean by helping me?" His voice blended curiosity with caution.

The entity, a ghostly figure in the moonlight, replied from what felt like the depths of the night, "I wish to assist you in harnessing the power of the Ambrosial Arbor, to realize your dreams, your ideas, your ideals."

The pontiff's proposal hung in the air, enticing with the promise of power and transformation. Despite the surrounding darkness, a spark of hope flickered within Dan Feng. Yet, the overall situation remained heavy with doubt. The entity's unsettling offer was veiled in mystery and as it began to fade away, disintegrating like ash in a breeze, the night seemed to swallow it back into the shadows, leaving Dan Feng alone with his thoughts.

However, the weight of uncertainty persisted. The mysterious offer, coupled with the entity's disturbing nature, left Dan Feng wrestling with his choices—torn between his loyalty to Y/N and the risks of accepting help from such a dark figure.

As the night deepened, the High Elder stood at a pivotal crossroads. The choice before him held the potential to alter the destiny of their universe. Secrets whispered from the shadows, and Y/N's spectral figure lingered in his memory, silently urging him to choose wisely.


Author's Note:

And so, the plot thickens.

What do you think of the fight? Yes, it's short but I tried my best to put the action into words.

Now, I shall head back to my scripts. See you tomorrow or in a few days!

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