Chapter Three: Echoes of Time

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Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Art Code "110647928"


In the quiet of her chamber, Jingliu found herself in a dream, transported back to a time when the weight of the universe had not yet pressed upon her shoulders. She stood on the balcony of their shared residence, surrounded by the ethereal beauty of stars and galaxies. Y/N, her steadfast friend and protector, approached with a warm smile.

"Jingliu," he greeted, his voice a soothing melody amidst the celestial silence. The balcony's metallic railings, cool against her touch, framed the breathtaking expanse of stars that stretched beyond.

Jingliu welcomed Y/N with a rare, mesmerizing smile that she reserved only for a select few, including him and Baiheng. She marked this moment as precious, knowing that in the vast tapestry of their universe, such moments were fleeting. Her eyes sparkled like distant stars as she basked in the memory.

"Where have you been?" she inquired, her voice a soft echo of curiosity. Her voice, like a gentle breeze, carried the warmth of a long-forgotten summer.

Y/N, the indomitable warrior, chuckled. "I was waiting for Baiheng to return from her exploration of the outer planets." His laughter, like the music of a celestial harp, filled the silence.

Jingliu's expression shifted ever so subtly, a hint of disappointment in her eyes. "Oh, I see," she replied, the words laced with mild jealousy. The soft rustle of her clothing as she shifted conveyed her mixed emotions.

Y/N, ever the diplomat, played off her concerns. "It's merely to ensure she returns safely, bringing with her souvenirs from distant worlds." He extended his hand, offering a gift—a bottle of locally made alcohol from a planet they had visited on one of their earlier adventures. The smooth glass was cool to the touch.

Jingliu's heart swelled with appreciation as she accepted the gift. She wrapped her arms around Y/N, her voice filled with warmth. "I wish moments like these could last forever." Their embrace conveyed a bond forged in the crucible of shared experiences and unwavering friendship, and the universe itself seemed to pause to witness it.


Jingliu woke from her dream, still smiling—a rare occurrence for her—as she clung to the memory of that perfect moment in time.

After the vivid dream had woven the past into the present, Jingliu couldn't help but find solace in the memory of Y/N's warmth and camaraderie. With a sigh, she roused herself from her bed, her mind now focused on the pressing matters at hand—the imminent council meeting.

Dressing in her formal attire adorned with the emblem of the High-Cloud Quintet, she took a moment to check her reflection in the mirror. Her dark red eyes bore the weight of the universe, a reflection of the responsibilities she carried as its sword champion. The memories of Y/N, her comrade and friend, served as a reminder of the sacrifices they all made for the greater good.

Stepping out of her chambers, she made her way through the corridors of their ship, each step echoing with purpose. The council meeting was inevitable, and she was prepared to face whatever challenges lay ahead. The faint hum of the ship's engines reverberated through the walls, a constant reminder of their journey through the cosmos.

As Jingliu entered the council chamber, her presence commanded attention. She knew that the council members would look to her for guidance, for her leadership as the current sword champion of the High-Cloud Quintet. The dream may have unearthed memories of the past, but the present demanded her unwavering focus and determination.

The shadows of power loomed large, and the labyrinthine politics of the Xianzhou Alliance awaited her, ready to entangle her in their intricate web. With Y/N' legacy hanging in the balance, Jingliu steeled herself for the trials that lay ahead, her heart heavy with both memories and resolve.


As the council chamber doors loomed ahead, Jingliu couldn't help but notice the conspicuous absence of Ying Xing among the council members who were gathering for the meeting. Her dark eyes scanned the room, searching for any sign of the enigmatic warrior.

Turning to Jing Yuan, who stood nearby, she raised an eyebrow and inquired, "Have you seen Ying Xing?" The words held a note of concern, like a soft whisper against the backdrop of rising voices.

Jing Yuan, a stoic figure with eyes closed in meditation, offered a subtle shrug as he replied, "I haven't seen him. That man still doesn't look well." The slight crease in his forehead conveyed his unease.

The mention of Ying Xing's condition stirred a disconcerting memory within Jingliu. She recalled the grievous wound he had suffered at Y/N's hand during one of the Mara curse's uncontrollable fits. The black miasma that had emanated from the wound had left an indelible mark on Ying Xing's body and soul, a tactile reminder of their shared struggles.

With a heavy heart and a lingering unease, Jingliu proceeded into the council chamber. The absence of Ying Xing, coupled with the weight of the impending meeting, cast a shadow of uncertainty over the proceedings. As she took her seat among the council members, she couldn't shake the feeling that they were treading on treacherous ground, their universe teetering on the edge of the unknown.

-Short Timeskip-

As the council members grappled with the inexplicable anomaly that mirrored Y/N's circumstances, their discussions devolved into chaos. The council chamber filled with the clamor of panicked voices and heated arguments. Yelling and accusations echoed off the holographic walls, as outrage surged like a tidal wave.

Councilor Mei's voice trembled as she shouted above the tumult, "This can't be a mere coincidence! The curse is real, and it's not confined to Y/N alone!" The urgency in her voice reverberated through the chamber.

Councilor Huan, his face flushed with anger, countered, "We must investigate this immediately! The universe is in peril if we don't act swiftly." His words carried the weight of impending catastrophe.

But dissenting voices rose in opposition. Councilor Zhou's voice cut through the cacophony, "Investigate Y/N? Investigate this curse? Why should we waste our time on a dead man? He's of no consequence anymore!" His disdainful tone, like a sharp blade, sliced through the heated debate.

The outrage accelerated as council members from different factions clashed in their beliefs. The chamber's once orderly proceedings had devolved into pandemonium, and the discordant voices hung in the air like a dissonant symphony.

Amidst the chaos, Jingliu, the current sword champion, remained a pillar of calm. She couldn't ignore the haunting whispers and the eerie shadows that continued to encircle the room. The voices in her mind persisted, growing louder, as if they sought to convey a hidden truth.

Jingliu knew that the council's judgment hung in the balance, and their unity was crumbling. As voices grew more frenzied, she understood the urgent need to quell the chaos and find answers. She raised her voice above the tumult, her words carrying the weight of a leader determined to restore order.

"Enough!" Jingliu's command reverberated through the chamber. "We must remain united. There are forces at play here that we do not yet understand. Investigating Y/N's curse is not a matter of his worth in the living universe but a matter of our universe's survival." Her words, like a soothing balm, began to calm the discordant voices. Gradually, the outrage subsided, and the council members settled into uneasy silence.

But Jingliu's unease remained, as did the sense that the shadows held more secrets than they could fathom. The council's decision, already teetering on a precipice, now hung in the balance, and the fate of Y/N and their universe was more uncertain than ever before.

-Short timeskip-

The council meeting had ended predictably, with a cacophony of voices and rambling discussions that seemed to lead nowhere, as had become customary. Jingliu couldn't help but feel a growing frustration at the lack of progress and decisive action within the council. The universe teetered on the precipice of uncertainty, and yet the very individuals tasked with guiding it seemed lost in the maze of bureaucracy.

As she left the council chamber, her footsteps echoed in the quiet corridors of their headquarters. The austere walls held the weight of countless decisions and deliberations, and the atmosphere was suffused with an air of melancholy. The dim lighting cast elongated shadows that danced like specters, mirroring the uncertainty that plagued them all.

Determined to find clarity amidst the chaos, Jingliu decided to convene an internal meeting with the members of her trusted circle—Jing Yuan and Baiheng. She knew that their insights and camaraderie were invaluable in times like these.

Making her way to their designated meeting room, she found Jing Yuan, seated in meditation as usual, his presence a calming influence. Baiheng, on the other hand, had recently returned from her work with one of the commissions, her eyes still bearing traces of exhaustion from the day's endeavors. The dimly lit room seemed to absorb the weight of their concerns.

With a resolute expression, Jingliu greeted them both. "We need to talk," she declared, her voice carrying a sense of urgency. As she took her seat, she couldn't help but feel that the shadows of uncertainty were closing in, and they needed to find a path through the looming darkness. The absence of Dan Feng, who was engrossed in his responsibilities with the High Elders of Vidyadhara, was keenly felt, but they would have to proceed without him for now.

The meeting room, bathed in the soft glow of muted lighting, bore witness to the gravity of the discussion that unfolded within its confines. Jingliu, her resolve unwavering, leaned forward, her dark eyes focused and determined.

"We need to take action," she asserted, her voice steady. "We can't wait for the council's approval any longer. We owe it to Y/N to find out the truth about his curse and its effects."

Jing Yuan, his features etched with concern, met her gaze. "Jingliu, I understand your pain, but we must consider the consequences of our actions. The council's approval carries weight, and we can't risk alienating them further." The faint rustling of his robes punctuated his measured words.

Baiheng, who had seen the toll that Y/N' situation had taken on their leader, added her perspective. "Jingliu, we have responsibilities within the Xianzhou Alliance. We can't simply abandon our posts to pursue this investigation. It's dangerous, and we don't even know where to start." The slight tremor in her voice conveyed her genuine concern.

Jingliu's frustration simmered beneath the surface, and her voice took on a poisonous edge as she responded, "And what about Y/N? Wasn't he our friend too? He gave everything for us, and now he's gone. We can't let his sacrifice be in vain." The rawness of her emotions was palpable in the charged air of the room.

Jing Yuan, ever the diplomat, sought to ease the tension. "Of course, Y/N was our friend, and we mourn his loss. But rushing into this without a plan won't help anyone, especially not him." His calm demeanor contrasted with the growing storm of emotions.

Baiheng followed up on Jing Yuan's point, her gaze unwavering. "Perhaps we should consider discussing our concerns with the other factions, see if they share our sentiments. Together, we might find a more diplomatic path forward." Her thoughtful suggestion was like a lifeline in the tumultuous sea of their debate.

Jingliu sighed, her anger yielding to a sense of resignation. She knew that her comrades' caution was not without reason, but the ache of Y/N' absence gnawed at her heart. "Fine," she conceded, her voice heavy with defeat. "We'll do it your way. But I won't let Y/N be forgotten. I won't rest until we uncover the truth." Her unwavering determination echoed in the dimly lit room, casting aside the shadows that threatened to engulf them.

As the meeting concluded, Jingliu's two companions left the room, their expressions marked by a mixture of sadness and understanding. They knew that their leader's determination stemmed from a deep well of grief and loyalty to their fallen comrade. It was a burden they all shared, each in their own way, and it weighed heavy on their hearts.


A few days after their almost explosive, not in a positive way, meeting had ended, the members of the High-Cloud Quintet found themselves growing increasingly concerned about the whereabouts of Ying Xing. The unsettling implications of the new anomaly that bore eerie similarities to Y/N's curse hung over them like a looming storm.

Jingliu, Jing Yuan, and Baiheng, each grappling with their own responsibilities within the Xianzhou Alliance, couldn't help but feel a growing unease. Ying Xing's absence weighed heavily on their minds, especially considering his emotional state after Y/N' battle against them.

As they went about their duties and deliberations, their thoughts kept returning to their missing comrade. The wound from Y/N's brutal attack still troubled Ying Xing deeply, both physically and emotionally. Jingliu, ever vigilant of her comrades' well-being, couldn't shake the nagging worry that he might be facing his inner demons alone.

She voiced her concerns to Jing Yuan, her voice tinged with curiosity. "Where's Ying Xing?" she asked. "He hasn't been seen since Y/N's battle against us, and I'm curious about his whereabouts." Her curiosity, like a flickering flame, illuminated the shadows that clung to her thoughts.

Jing Yuan, his expression somber, replied with a shrug. "He's not been himself since the council meeting. That wound from Y/N's attack... it still troubles him deeply." The resonance of his voice conveyed the weight of Ying Xing's burden.

Jingliu's thoughts flashed back to that harrowing moment during the council meeting when Y/N had brutally slashed Ying Xing, and the wound had bled a sinister black miasma. The curse had left its mark, both physically and emotionally.

"I should check on him," Jingliu murmured, her concern deepening. "He shouldn't be alone in this." Her determination to seek answers cast a glimmer of light in the gathering shadows.

With determination in her step, she set out to find Ying Xing, hoping to offer him some solace in this time of turmoil.

It took some time, but eventually, Jingliu located Ying Xing in a quiet chamber, far removed from the bustling halls of the Xianzhou Alliance headquarters. He sat in meditation, his eyes closed, his demeanor unusually serene for a man who had endured such suffering.

Jingliu approached him cautiously, not wanting to disrupt his meditation. As she drew closer, she noticed the scars that marred his body, a stark reminder of Y/N' uncontrollable fits and the malevolent curse that had gripped him.

"Ying Xing," she spoke softly, her voice carrying a note of concern. Her voice, like a gentle breeze, sought to dispel the darkness that cloaked him.

His eyes fluttered open, revealing a haunted look within them. He acknowledged Jingliu with a nod, but his gaze remained distant, as if lost in the shadows of his memories.

Jingliu took a seat beside him, the weight of their shared experiences settling between them. She couldn't begin to fathom the depth of Ying Xing's pain, but she was determined to offer what comfort she could.

"We can't ignore what's happening, Ying Xing," she said gently. "The universe is in turmoil, and we need answers. I know Y/N would want us to seek the truth." Her words, like a lifeline, sought to bridge the gap between their shared grief and their shared resolve.

For a moment, Ying Xing's gaze met Jingliu's, and in that silent exchange, a silent understanding passed between them. They were bound by their shared past, by the wounds they carried, and by the determination to uncover the truth.

As they prepared to rejoin Jing Yuan and Baiheng, who had recently finished her work with one of the commissions, Jingliu couldn't help but feel a glimmer of hope. Despite the chaos and uncertainty that surrounded them, the bonds of friendship and the pursuit of truth would guide their path forward.


Author's Note:

Does anyone else struggle with describing action sequences, or is it just me? I've got these epic battles playing out in my head for future chapters, but when I try to put them into words, it feels like mission impossible! Any tips or tricks to help me out with this?

Anyway, do comment on the chapter, your remarks will contribute to future chapters. Thanks.

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