Chapter Six: Memories of Steel

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Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self) and removing repetitions.

-Flashback Start-

The training ground glowed softly in the dawn light, setting a serene stage for a duel that was more than just a fight. Y/N and Jingliu faced each other, their eyes locked in intense determination. They were not merely teacher and student but the closest of friends, engaged in a sparring ritual that had grown dear to them over time.

Y/N stood tall in his formidable armor, his greatsword gripped with the confidence of a seasoned warrior. Jingliu, with her lithe figure clad in disciplined fighter's attire, wielded her lightsword with grace and agility. They watched each other intently, poised for a dance of blades.

Jingliu struck first with a lightning-fast lunge, her lightsword cutting through the air with the swiftness of a shooting star towards Y/N, who adopted a defensive stance. She unleashed a flurry of strikes, each a display of her speed and precision. Y/N, the stalwart defender, countered her attacks with a solid guard, the clang of their weapons echoing across the training ground.

As the spar progressed, Y/N's aura began to shift. A cerulean hue enveloped him, pulsing with energy through his greatsword—a subtle yet profound change.

Jingliu noticed this shift, signaling Y/N was ready to conclude their match. His resolve intensified, his movements deliberate, and the cerulean glow grew stronger, casting an ethereal light along his blade.

In response, Jingliu increased her pace, her attacks becoming quicker and more intense. She recognized Y/N's intention to end the battle decisively, a challenge she embraced as a measure of their growth.

Their duel peaked with Y/N executing a powerful swing, a move that embodied their shared experiences and unspoken synergy. Jingliu, fully alert, clashed with him head-on, their weapons meeting with a resounding impact.

But Y/N didn't stop there. With a surge of strength, he raised his greatsword and brought it down with formidable force. Jingliu was momentarily taken aback but rallied her strength to defend against it.

With her lightsword crackling with energy, she stood firm, the force of Y/N's strike challenging her to her core. She endured, her resolve unyielding, a testament to the strong bond between them. Her defense held, and she averted a devastating blow.

At last, Y/N relaxed, lowering his greatsword. Jingliu, catching her breath, lowered her weapon too. The spar was over, and though it had pushed her limits, she had proven herself.

"Jingliu," Y/N said with the wisdom of a close comrade, "your growth as a warrior is remarkable. Trust in your instincts and the skills we've developed together. That's what makes you formidable."

Breathing deeply after the intense duel, Jingliu felt a surge of warmth and gratitude. Unbeknownst to them, they had attracted an audience. The High Cloud Quintet—Ying Xing, Jing Yuan, Dan Feng, and Baiheng the foxian—had watched silently, admiring their skill and dedication.

Their applause broke out suddenly, resonating like thunder across the training ground.

Y/N, surprised by the applause, looked sheepish, scratching the back of his head. Jingliu simply smiled at the heartfelt praise.

The bond among the High Cloud Quintet was deep, strengthened through battles, hardships, and moments of friendship. In that moment of applause, their bond deepened even further.

-Flashback End-

The memory of those cherished times stayed with Jingliu as she stood alone on the training ground, each recollection a poignant reminder of the friend and sparring partner she had lost.

"Y/N," she whispered, her voice blending longing and resolve. "I wish you were here with me, my friend."

She felt a growing frustration, missing their training sessions where blades clashed and spirits intertwined.

"You pushed me to be better," she thought, the memories of Y/N motivating her. "We truly were equals."

Their relationship had evolved beyond friendship to a partnership of equals, constantly challenging each other to reach new heights.

"It was more than just about titles," Jingliu reflected, her eyes misty. "It was about our shared journey."

Though she now held the title of Sword Champion of Luofu, a title reserved for only one, she wished Y/N could have shared that recognition with her as an equal.

"I earned that title for us both," she murmured, feeling the weight of her promise to him.

The memories of their battles and their deep understanding spurred her determination.

"Your spirit lives on in me, Y/N," Jingliu vowed, tightening her grip on her lightsword. "I won't let your legacy fade."

She believed Y/N would have been proud of her achievements, just as she was proud of his. His legacy was a beacon for her, a reminder that their bond was unbroken, transcending time and space.

"Wherever you are, my friend," Jingliu whispered into the breeze, "know that I carry you in my heart."

As Jingliu lingered on the training ground, lost in thoughts of Y/N, her reverie was suddenly interrupted by a cloaked messenger. The figure was clad in dark robes, their face hidden behind a mask.

"Sword Champion Jingliu," came the muffled voice from behind the mask, "the council has summoned you. Your presence is required immediately."

Jingliu's expression shifted to one of curiosity and concern, wondering about the council's urgent request. Yet her determination was firm.

"Very well," she responded, her hand on her lightsword's hilt. "Lead the way. I will heed the council's call."

With that, Jingliu followed the enigmatic messenger, prepared to confront whatever new challenge lay ahead, her memories of Y/N momentarily set aside.

-Xianzhou Alliance Headquarters-

Jingliu moved with determination through the bustling corridors of the Xianzhou Alliance headquarters, driven by the council's intriguing summons.

In a dimly lit chamber, Councilor Li, a stern and seasoned leader, waited for her. His eyes conveyed the gravity of his words as he spoke.

"Jingliu, we have troubling reports of Bloodshot War Wyverns causing unrest in the rural areas of Xianzhou," Councilor Li explained. "These creatures are a threat to local communities, and we need someone with your combat skills to address this."

The memories of her training sessions with Y/N, still vivid in her mind, gave this new mission a deeper resonance. It was an opportunity to return to the rural settings where she had sharpened her skills under the tough guidance of an unknown soldier who had once mentored her.

Listening to Councilor Li, Jingliu recalled her mentor's lessons that had pushed her to the limits, forging her into the warrior she was today. Accepting the task with a mix of resolve and curiosity, she saw it as a chance not only to deal with the Wyverns but also to refine her swordsmanship using them as test subjects.

"I accept the mission, Councilor," Jingliu stated clearly.


Leaving the headquarters, Jingliu felt a nagging unease. The apparent simplicity of the mission made her cautious, and she wondered if there was more to it than it seemed.

"Maybe I'm just being overly cautious," she thought to herself while heading towards the rural areas of Xianzhou Luofu. Thoughts of her mentor's teachings and past encounters with Bloodshot War Wyverns reminded her of the world's unpredictability.

With her trusted lightsword by her side and her senses sharpened, Jingliu began her mission to investigate the Wyverns. Although the path seemed straightforward, she couldn't shake the feeling that there were hidden secrets yet to be revealed. Fueled by a blend of nostalgia and increasing vigilance, she pressed on, ready to confront whatever challenges lay ahead.


Author's Note:

I should come up with better names for each councilor. Councilor Li is a man; Councilor Lin is a woman.

On the plus side, I'm happy at how well this chapter turned up, might be my best one I've written as of yet.

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