Chapter Seven: The Unseen Threat

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Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self) and removing repetitions.


Jingliu embarked on her mission to investigate the Bloodshot War Wyverns, leaving the opulent capital for the rustic settings of Xianzhou Luofu. The difference between these environments was striking. In this rural area, villages clung to ancient traditions, making her feel as though she had stepped onto a different planet.

As she delved deeper, Jingliu noticed the sharp contrast between the capital's splendor and the simple, close-to-the-earth lifestyle of the rural folk. Their clothes were made of natural fibers, and traditional symbols adorned their homes, each step taking her further from the capital's technological marvels and closer to the heart of Xianzhou's cultural heritage.

The overwhelming sense of hopelessness that enveloped the villages struck her profoundly. The villagers' faces bore the marks of despair, and their eyes, once vibrant, now reflected a deep weariness from daily struggles.

Approaching a villager, Jingliu asked about their situation, her expression concerned. The villager's response was laced with frustration: "We've lived off this land for generations. Our ancestors toiled these fields. But now, everything's rotting away, and we don't know why!"

Another villager added bitterly, "We've reached out to the capital, to those officials in their grand chambers, but no help has come."

A third interjected, anger evident, "Our livelihoods, our way of life—it's all being destroyed. It's unjust!"

Listening intently, Jingliu noticed the stark discrepancy between these tales of hardship and the reports she had received months earlier. She felt a deep concern for the suffering communities.

"Is there anything I can do to help?" she offered softly.

"We appreciate it, but these are hard times. Nothing we've tried stops the rot," the first villager replied, his expression a mix of frustration and resignation.

When Jingliu mentioned the Wyverns, the villagers expressed palpable fear. "Those accursed Wyverns have been terrorizing us," one explained. "They're just a few kilometers away, and we hide in fear whenever they appear."

Thanking the villagers for their candor, Jingliu realized her mission involved more than confronting the Wyverns; she needed to uncover the cause of the turmoil affecting these communities.

With a heavy heart and renewed determination, she continued her journey, committed to finding the truth and alleviating the villagers' suffering.


As Jingliu's investigation deepened, her sharp instincts uncovered mysterious clues suggesting a larger, hidden threat lurking in the shadows.

While tracking the Bloodshot War Wyverns, Jingliu made a chilling discovery. Deep, enormous gashes scarred the landscape, clearly not the work of the wyverns she was tasked with eliminating. These marks, indicative of a brutal force, were unlike anything related to the creatures she pursued.

"By the Aeons," Jingliu muttered, scrutinizing the gouged earth. "These marks are far too large to be from Wyverns."

Her exploration brought her to an area overwhelmed by a horrific stench, so rotten and putrid that it nearly made her gag. This indescribable odor was like nothing she had encountered before, hinting at a sinister presence tied to the recent disturbances.

"Something unnatural lingers here," she whispered, her hand instinctively on her lightsword's hilt.

Further unsettling discoveries awaited her. The crops and livestock were covered in a slimy black substance, showing signs of severe decay or consumption. The sight of livestock carcasses underscored the savagery that had struck the rural communities. Clearly, something far more menacing than the Bloodshot War Wyverns was at play, devastating the land and its inhabitants.

The ominous nature of these findings could not be ignored. Realizing there was a hidden menace, Jingliu knew her mission had taken a darker turn. She resolved to delve further into this mystery, determined to uncover the truth and alleviate the suffering of the villages.


As Jingliu advanced, the environment transformed ominously. The air thickened with a greenish miasma that clung to the trees and shrouded the land in a sinister fog. It was a hauntingly familiar sight for Jingliu, reminiscent of the devastation she had witnessed at a village earlier in her mission.

Memories of that visit haunted her—the villagers' desperate cries, the decaying livestock, and the blighted crops. The miasma had been an omen of disaster, and its reappearance filled her with dread.

"Could it be?" she whispered, surveying the tainted landscape.

The question lingered as she pressed on, intent on discovering the truth. She pondered whether this malevolent fog was linked to the Bloodshot War Wyverns or if a darker force was at play.


After several minutes of rapid sprinting, Jingliu finally came face-to-face with the Bloodshot War Wyverns. Their monstrous forms, with crimson scales and jagged spines, loomed large, yet they did not display the aggression she had expected. Instead, they howled mournfully, their cries more akin to whimpers of fear than roars of fury.

"What's going on here?" Jingliu asked aloud, cautiously approaching the creatures. Their mournful howls and terrified eyes were in stark contrast to the fierce aggression she had been prepared to face.

"Face me," Jingliu commanded, her voice firm with resolve. She was ready to end the confrontation swiftly and decisively.

In battle, Jingliu's combat skills were evident. Her movements, a seamless blend of grace and power, allowed her to effortlessly parry the Wyverns' attacks. Her lightsword, glowing a brilliant cerulean, cut through the air, leaving shimmering trails as it clashed against their wings.

Jingliu's anticipation of their moves, a skill honed through rigorous training, enabled her to dodge and strike with precision, focusing on disabling their wings to incapacitate them without causing fatal harm. Her expertise not only in agility but also in swordsmanship allowed her to slice through the Wyverns' fireballs with ease, showcasing a dazzling display of skill.

The confrontation was a masterclass in swordplay and tactics, with Jingliu emerging as the clear victor. Her every move was a testament to her mastery and the years of dedication behind her skills.

As the battle concluded, the defeated Wyverns lay motionless around her. Standing amid the twilight, illuminated by the glow of her lightsword, Jingliu surveyed the aftermath. Despite her victory, the deeper mystery of the Wyverns' behavior and the broader threat to the villages remained unsolved.

Pushing forward, Jingliu's senses led her to a clearing where a new, formidable challenge awaited. A massive, dark-scaled beast stood before her, its form gnarled like a corrupted tree, radiating an unnatural chill.

"This is no dragon of Xianzhou," she murmured, hand on her lightsword, as the creature's crimson eyes watched her with eerie intelligence.

Approaching cautiously, Jingliu sensed this creature might be central to the mysteries plaguing the land, including the resurgence of the miasma. The creature expanded, its massive form stretching like the branches of a grotesque tree, the miasma swirling around it like leaves.

Their confrontation escalated quickly; the beast flapped its wings, releasing a corrosive, acid-like substance that Jingliu narrowly avoided. Her agility was crucial as she maneuvered through the deadly assault.

"I won't fall here," she declared, her determination unwavering as she engaged in a grueling battle. Her lightsword met each acidic attack with precision, but the creature's relentless assaults tested her limits.

When the beast unleashed a cloud of noxious, oil-like rain, Jingliu was forced to conjure an icy shield for protection. The acid rain hammered against her barrier, threatening to break through as she strategized her next move.

As the storm unexpectedly cleared and sunlight peeked through, Jingliu lowered her shield, gasping for breath. The dragon then spoke in a guttural tone, its words hinting at ancient secrets.

"Your scent," it rumbled, "reminds me of one who once overcame the darkness. Your presence here is no coincidence."

Jingliu, puzzled and on edge, demanded, "Who are you?" Her voice was steady, but the dragon's mysterious words stirred deep memories and raised more questions about the true nature of the threat and her role in this unfolding drama.

End of Chapter

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