Chapter Eight: Jingliu's Awakening

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A/N: All rights to the original content are reserved by the respective copyright owner.

Chapter Image Source: Pixiv Artist Code "19935159" / Pixiv Art Code "109669413"

Edit as of July 19, 2024: I am rereading my previous chapters and couldn't help but cringe at some aspects, particularly the repetition caused by my past self. Even the English is too complex for normal readers. So, I am editing some segments to use more natural vocabulary (screw you again, past self) and removing repetitions.


The dragon's ancient, serpent-like eyes pierced Jingliu with an intensity that sent shivers down her spine. Those crimson orbs seemed to carry the weight of centuries, hinting at the unfathomable knowledge and power this creature held.

As Jingliu bravely posed her question, the dragon's immense body seemed to vibrate with contained energy. It rose to its full, towering height, its presence causing the ground itself to tremble.

With a voice that echoed like distant thunder, the dragon spoke, its words heavy with the echoes of ages past, each syllable infused with ancient wisdom and an unsettling malevolence.

"Mortal," it rumbled, the sound filling the air, "you face Gogma, the last of the ancient dragons. I am known as the devourer of the roots of the Tree of Despair, a guardian of the abyss that underlies the universe."

Jingliu's breath caught at the mention of "Gogma." The name was one of legends, spoken only in whispers. Yet, there it was, tangible and ominous, aware of the darkness enveloping the land.

Gogma's gaze was relentless. "I did not come here out of hunger, for I no longer require sustenance. Instead, I was drawn by the semblance of the abyss that has spread through Xianzhou. This land's corrupted state offers not food, but a source of power."

Jingliu processed the dragon's revelations, realizing it was not here to feed but for a more sinister purpose—drawing strength from the very corruption afflicting the land.

"The abyss below," the dragon continued, "is more than mere hunger. It is born of despair and suffering, calling to me. I have come to witness its expansion, to understand its essence, and perhaps, to claim its power as my own."

This disclosure sent a cold fear through Jingliu. Gogma's intentions were more complex than any predator's; it sought to harness the land's darkest energies.

Gogma then spoke with a chilling intent, its focus narrowing on Jingliu. "What fascinates me most, mortal, is the semblance of the abyss within you. A latent darkness resides in your soul, unawakened but stirring. It calls to me, as does this land."

A wave of dread washed over Jingliu as the dragon's words stirred deep-seated fears. She wondered if she, too, might be marked by the same darkness that plagued Xianzhou.

"Do I carry the mara within me?" Jingliu whispered, her voice trembling with uncertainty as she delved into her own thoughts, seeking answers deep within her soul.

The dragon's eyes sparkled with malicious glee, and it burst into a loud, echoing laugh that shook the trees and sent ripples across the land.

"You fear the mara, little mortal?" the dragon taunted, its voice oozing amusement. "You see it as a curse, a burden, yet you do not understand its true nature."

Jingliu, startled by the dragon's laughter and cryptic words, felt a mix of fear, confusion, and rising unease. The dragon's revelation had unleashed a flood of questions, and she knew she had to confront them directly.

"Why do you laugh?" she stammered, her voice shaking. "How can you find humor in a curse that brings such suffering?"

Her fear quickly morphed into anger, her expression hardening as she faced the dragon with newfound defiance. The dragon's mocking laughter irritated her deeply, and she demanded answers.

"Why do you find amusement in the suffering of these lands? Why mock the curse that plagues Xianzhou?"

The dragon narrowed its eyes, irritated, and the tension between them escalated. Neither was prepared to back down.

Gogma responded with booming laughter that resonated through the environment. Its enjoyment of Xianzhou's plight was deeply unsettling.

"Young one," Gogma spoke, his tone dripping with dark amusement, "you fail to grasp the true essence of the abyss. It is not merely a plight to be pitied or feared. It is a transformative force, a crucible where the weak perish and the strong are forged anew."

Jingliu's confusion intensified as she tried to process the dragon's unique view of the abyss—as not a curse, but a catalyst for change.

Suddenly, Gogma's gaze sharpened, and its massive body expanded, casting a vast shadow over Jingliu. It roared with a fury that echoed like a storm.

"A mortal dares to challenge me for explanations," it thundered, "I, Gogma, the devourer of despair, who has seen civilizations rise and fall and has consumed the roots of the Tree of Despair! Your understanding of the abyss is but a mere glimpse of its vast power. You are but a mere speck in the grand design of Xianzhou's destiny."

Jingliu, undeterred, stepped back and gripped her sword tightly, understanding she faced a force of immense age and power, beyond her prior comprehension. The complexities of the mysteries that had led her here far surpassed her initial expectations.

As Gogma's menacing presence dominated the scene, the very landscape seemed to transform in response. Massive trees, their forms twisted and grotesque, erupted from the earth. Their branches, dripping with the dragon's corrosive substance, reached out like malevolent vines, threatening to trap and slowly destroy her.

Reacting instinctively, Jingliu maneuvered to evade the advancing trees, but they were unyielding. The branches, numerous and determined, stretched out to ensnare her, threatening a slow, painful end.

In the midst of the turmoil, Jingliu came to a startling realization—these trees were not mere flora; they were extensions of Gogma itself. Looking up, she found herself encircled, trapped by what seemed like massive, charred claws of tree trunks.

Caught in this grave situation, with the dragon's mocking laughter reverberating around her, Jingliu prepared to harness every ounce of her strength and cunning to face this ancient, mysterious adversary.

-Flashback start-

Jingliu's turbulent memories of her encounter with the ancient dragon and the oppressive land faded, giving way to a tender, nostalgic scene from her past. It was a simpler time before she and Y/N had become soldiers, before the High Cloud Quintet was formed, when they were just best friends seeking comfort in each other's presence.

They sat side by side on the lush green grass, the wind gently brushing against them. Y/N, casually sitting with one leg bent and his arm resting on his knee, was close enough to Jingliu that their bodies lightly touched, reflecting their close bond.

Breaking the peaceful silence, Y/N's curiosity piqued. "Why are you so obsessed with swords, Jingliu?" he asked, looking out towards the horizon.

Jingliu, pulled from her reverie by his question, turned to him. She pondered confessing her deeper feelings but hesitated, still unsure of her own emotions. Opting instead to mask her feelings, she responded with a reflective sigh, "I want to become the Sword Champion, Y/N. I aim to show that the sword is more than a weapon—it's a symbol of protection for our world."

Y/N chuckled at her earnestness, his laughter echoing around them. Jingliu, a bit annoyed yet affectionate, frowned slightly at his amusement.

However, Y/N's mood shifted to seriousness, and he looked her directly in the eyes. "If you truly want to embody the sword," he said sincerely, "then I'll be your shield, Jingliu. I'll protect you from any harm that comes your way."

His words made Jingliu blush, and she hugged herself tighter, overwhelmed by a flood of emotions she hadn't fully understood yet.

Y/N, speaking with firm conviction, continued, "If you aim to be a beacon of swordsmanship, then you must sharpen your skills relentlessly. Train hard, and one day, you'll stand out as the best."

In that tranquil moment under the vast sky, Jingliu and Y/N made a vow, one that would not only shape their futures but also bind them through the forthcoming trials.

-Flashback end-

As memories of her past with Y/N faded, Jingliu was enveloped by a profound sense of longing. She imagined holding Y/N's mighty greatsword, a symbol of their unbreakable bond and her own inner strength.

Focusing intently on this image, a remarkable transformation occurred above. Ice crystals, sparkling like diamonds, began to cascade around her in a mesmerizing spectacle. The ancient dragon watched, a mix of confusion and excitement taking hold as this unexpected phenomenon unfolded.

It seemed Jingliu's deepest desires and intentions were manifesting before her very eyes.

Soon, the ice crystals near her started to coalesce into a magnificent form. In her outstretched hand, a sword began to materialize—not just any sword, but one that transcended ordinary blades.

This sword, born from the depths of Jingliu's soul, symbolized her deepest wishes and her bond with Y/N. Crafted from pristine ice rather than iron, it glowed with a soft, ethereal light, as if capturing moonlight itself.

More than just a weapon, this sword epitomized Jingliu's determination and her friendship with Y/N, representing her power to overcome obstacles and protect her world.

The dragon, its ancient gaze filled with awe, looked upon the sword with deep respect. In this moment, Jingliu had accessed a power beyond conventional warfare, tapping into her soul's essence.

With this extraordinary weapon in hand, Jingliu stood ready, her resolve as strong as ever. The battle ahead was daunting, and the mysteries of this land remained deep and dark. Armed with a sword that was a testament to her spirit, she was prepared to confront whatever challenges awaited, fueled by the cherished memories of her past and the enduring promise made with Y/N.

End of Chapter


Author's Note: 

Ello, the next chapter will explore more of Jingliu's new sword and the battle against the eldritch dragon! For a more visual representation of her sword, the chapter image should help illustrate that.

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