Chapter Sixty-Five: I Love You

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How long has it been since Jingliu last truly met him?

As the evening breeze caressed her, the phantom touches from their last farewell ignited a cascade of long-dormant emotions.

It had been countless years, feeling like an eternity; from her summoning to this world and embarking on a journey akin to a fairy tale, to this very moment.

Encircled by ancient stones and wild ivy, the ruins whispered tales of ages past, yet none of that mattered to them now.

Her tears flowed unabated, like waterfalls. She tightened her embrace, fearful he would dissipate like the phantoms she had faced before.

As her emotional connection deepened, he reciprocated her embrace.

"Can this be real?" she whispered, her voice cracking with a mixture of hope and fear.

"Y/N...? Is it truly you?" She sought confirmation, fearing the man before her might be an illusion.

Artorias responded not with words but released her slightly, only for her to pull him close again, seeking assurance in his presence.

He sighed wearily, "As I've told you, Jingliu, I am back. Truly me, without a trace of wistful illusions—just me, Y/N."

Their reunion was shaded with unspoken sadness, a melancholy rooted in their prolonged separation and the transformations it had enforced upon them both.

Though "Y/N" had merged with his Abyss self, he retained the name for her, the woman before him.

Jingliu remained silent. Despite his assurances, her desire to hold on was overpowering, haunted by their past traumas.

Recalling how their past intrusions into each other's space had once driven them apart, she reluctantly released him.

Hesitantly, she stepped back and wiped away her tears, examining his altered appearance once more.

What stood before her was not the Y/N she remembered in form, but his essence was unmistakable, altered yet familiar.

His soul appeared as a blend of black and white, like yin and yang, astounding her with its harmonious coexistence of contrasting essences, both primal and orderly.

She then locked eyes with him, noting the profound changes—they were wiser, older.

"Your eyes..." Jingliu murmured, captivated by the reflection of their shared past and the wisdom gained through time.

A moment of confusion crossed her face as she remembered the Aeon,, Terminus had once spoken of, though this time, she felt grounded in reality.

Artorias, noticing her trance-like state, sheepishly waved his hand before her face, breaking her reverie.


No longer the quipster of old, Artorias now preferred the simplicity of small talk, his demeanor that of a sage.

Considering his age, he truly was an elder.

"So... how have you been?"

His question came awkwardly, reflecting the gap between his imagined reunions and the reality of their current meeting.

Jingliu, standing in a similar emotional place, smiled upon seeing his effort.

"I've been doing well... And you? I imagine your journey has changed you quite a bit."

"Gone through a lot..." would be an understatement, yet Artorias chose not to burden her with tales of his struggles.

"I've been managing well too. Perhaps we could find a more secluded spot to talk? The moon is overwhelmingly bright tonight."

Unbeknownst to Artorias, the intense luminosity of the moon symbolized Jingliu's heightened emotions, mirroring her inner state.

Jingliu, feeling a blush rise, managed to calm herself, causing the moon's glow to wane slightly.

Contemplating his suggestion, she knew just the place and eagerly led him there, desiring nothing more than to be by his side.

Taking his hands, their silhouettes bathed in moonlight, they began to shimmer, gradually vanishing from sight.

Artorias, feeling the pull of the light yet reassured by Jingliu's firm grasp, trusted in their joined fate.

"Don't worry, you're not the only one who has changed," she reassured him.

It appeared she, too, had her share of transformations, much like him.

"Together, we'll rediscover ourselves and this world," Jingliu whispered as they were enveloped by light, reaffirming their bond for new beginnings.

As they disappeared, the scene left behind was a desolate fortress under a radiant moon, a silent witness to their departure.


They materialized beneath a gigantic tree, beside rivers that spiraled like tendrils of smoke. The water was crystal clear, teeming with glowing, translucent fish of various sizes.

Artorias blinked several times, disoriented. "That was an odd sensation."

Indeed, the feeling was bizarre; it was as though everything within him had been condensed into a sphere and then expanded once again in a different locale.

He would have preferred using the Abyssal Gate, which merely acted as a portal to another path.

Jingliu's laughter, light and slightly nervous, filled the air. "It's my first time using it too. Quite a day with the siblings, wasn't it?"

She walked toward the large stream and settled on the grassy bank, using the soft earth as a cushion.

Looking back, she motioned for Artorias to join her. "Sit here, Y/N. You'll enjoy it," she assured him.

Artorias nodded, his gaze shifting between Jingliu and the inviting patch of grass.

He knelt slowly, his cape hindering his movements, but he managed it gracefully.

He looked down at his robe-like cape with a mild huff, seemingly annoyed.

Then, an idea struck him. He draped his cape around himself like a blanket, covering everything but his head, resembling a child overly bundled up on a snowy day.

Jingliu watched his antics, and a playful thought crossed her mind about how she could just gobble him up right there.

Artorias caught her gaze and offered a deadpan expression in response.

Yet, he contained his reaction, not wishing to make her uncomfortable.

Now, it was his turn to observe Jingliu intently, and he was taken aback by her ethereal beauty.

Her hair seemed whiter than before, and her red eyes, unchanged in shape, now shimmered with a vibrant intensity. Her black dress was strikingly beautiful, adorned with a golden dragon emblem on her shoulder, symbolizing Xianzhou's Vidyadhara or, more precisely, the Aeon of Permanence, Long.

He shook his head, not wanting to stare at her like a voyeur, unaware that Jingliu cherished his admiring gaze.

In Xianzhou, many had looked at her with lust, but only Artorias, apart from the now disbanded High Cloud Quintet, viewed her with a gaze filled with gentle comfort.

Artorias then turned his attention to the river, where the fish, glowing in a kaleidoscope of colors, provided a natural luminescence.

Clearing his throat, he began, "I don't know how to start this... It's been so long since we've talked, and I fear—"

"Shush," Jingliu interrupted, placing a finger on his lips. She was aware of his lingering insecurities and approached the conversation with tender caution. "Let me start with my story. Your disappearance caused quite a stir."

Artorias nodded, pleased she was initiating the conversation; he didn't remember her ever being so talkative.

He ventured a question to steer the discussion. "So, what happened after I 'disappeared'? My supposed demise? Did Xianzhou descend into chaos?"

Jingliu grimaced at his question. "Chaos is an understatement. With your disappearance, our foundation of power weakened, and the citizens grew restless."

This was no surprise to Artorias; he had expected as much.

She continued, "The politicians tried to exploit the situation, but I defended your legacy."

"What did they do?" Artorias inquired.

Jingliu clicked her tongue, her disdain evident. "After your apparent 'demise'," a word she despised in relation to him, "a series of calamities ensued. A black substance began to plague the rural areas, destroying crops and livestock. It was like a curse, and the Elders speculated it was a result of your being struck by Mara, a notion that spread rapidly after your disappearance..."

She then rested her head on his shoulder, an action he welcomed without hesitation.

Artorias commented, "Struck by Mara? I suppose that's the story they settled on, though it's far from the truth."

Jingliu nodded in agreement. "I know. We caught glimpses of it when we revisited our memories together. Yet, it still doesn't clarify how you were afflicted."

Artorias recalled the moment vividly. 'It was when Fuli used THEIR power to revisit the past and relive it. I remember seeing you, Jingliu, even in my amnesiac state.'

Artorias vividly remembered the moment he encountered Jingliu after Fuli's trials. It was an extraordinarily surreal experience—feeling as if his soul alone had regressed. The phenomenon was complex and difficult to articulate clearly, and he preferred not to dwell on it excessively.

He had decided to allow the Tree, with which he was partially connected, to furnish him with information in due time.

While Artorias was lost in thought, Jingliu interpreted his silence as an opportunity to continue the conversation.

"You don't seem particularly surprised, Y/N," she remarked.

Her words pulled him back from his contemplations.

"I've pondered over it extensively during my 'adventure'. Many of the Aeons I encountered provided some clarification, albeit in a context that's difficult to convey without extensive background," Artorias explained, prompting a look of surprise from Jingliu.

"You... I shouldn't be surprised, really. You had a close connection with Lan before this, a relationship many would sacrifice a great deal to have," she observed.

Artorias merely smirked at her comment. Throughout his descent into madness, both locals and foreigners had often disparagingly whispered about his unconventional relationship with Lan, which starkly contrasted with the typical interactions between other Aeons and their followers.

"Indeed, they might attempt to reach out to them, but they are ill-prepared for the consequences," he replied thoughtfully. "Please, continue. I'm eager to hear more about what transpired."

Jingliu sighed, reflecting on her initial ignorance of what direct contact with an Aeon would entail. Though Fuli had tormented her psyche, she recognized the necessity of the ordeal. Still, it hadn't mitigated the pain of the experience.

"Afterward, strange occurrences began to proliferate across Xianzhou, not just in Luofu but everywhere. Dragons from beyond our borders started to infiltrate, establishing nests, ravaging villages, and more. Their timing, coinciding with the curse, was surely no coincidence," Jingliu detailed.

Artorias raised an eyebrow, intrigued. Dragons were common in Xianzhou, typically of a serpentine variety. However, foreign dragons were an anomaly; known for their territorial nature, especially the Vidyadharas, renowned for their cunning and ancient behaviors.

"Following numerous reports, I was tasked with investigating a rural village where the Elders believed the curse and several dragons were concentrated. Upon arrival, I encountered an unusual dragon, its scales blackened like charred trees, and its wings resembled roots," she continued.

"Gogma," Artorias interjected abruptly.

"Yes, its name was Gogma. Eh?" Jingliu was taken aback by Artorias's knowledge of the dragon.

"How did you know...?" she asked, puzzled.

Artorias blinked, then realization dawned. 'Ah, the Tree is transmitting information again. Of all times...'

He closed his eyes, allowing the influx of information to flow serenely into his soul. He then disseminated this knowledge across his Phantom Bubbles, which served not just as repositories of memories but as his personal library.

Taking a deep breath, he said simply, "I'll explain later."

Jingliu huffed and hugged her legs. "Fine..."

Watching her pout, Artorias sighed. "No worries, I'm not going anywhere. You and I both need answers and closure. I'll confront the Aeons if necessary."

His declaration was sincere; he was prepared to challenge the highest orders if they threatened their bond.

Jingliu smiled, visibly reassured by his commitment. She felt significantly better, comforted by his resolve.

Jingliu wanted nothing more than to pause her tale and simply bask in the moonlight with him, but seeing Artorias at peace with his eyes closed, she felt content with how the day had unfolded.

"Anyway," she continued, "I confronted Gogma, answering its challenge with my own."

As she spoke, Jingliu summoned her greatsword, drawing Artorias's gaze as he opened his eyes. The blade was a stunning reflection of her soul, its hues a harmonious blend of ocean depths and moonlight.

Her transformation was evident; she had embraced a new strength, manifesting power through her own resolve and the connections she had forged with the Aeons she encountered.

"It's beautiful. It seems you've drawn inspiration from me," Artorias remarked.

Jingliu giggled in response. "Yes, when I forged this sword, I thought of our shared memories. You could say it's a manifestation of my desires for you."

"How sweet of you," he smiled, his simple praise igniting a warmth in her powerful enough to melt Absolute Zero.

Yet, the moment passed quickly. "But that means you've faced considerable hardships..."

Jingliu shook her head. "Indeed, but it was my faith in you that guided me. Unlike others who too readily accepted your absence, I always believed you were still alive. If I ever meet Jing Yuan again, I'd make him swing his weapon a billion times a day as penance."

Artorias hummed thoughtfully. "You believed in me, even after all the years I was gone?"

Jingliu's gaze hardened with conviction. "Absolutely. You are my life, as I am yours. Fate decreed our union, and I never doubted that, even before it was confirmed."

Artorias absorbed her affirmation with another hum, choosing not to delve deeper into how she acquired such certainty.

Despite the loneliness of being dismissed by everyone else, hearing her unwavering loyalty was heartening. He understood their rationale; his disappearance had been bizarre, leading many to presume his death.

This thought led him to ponder his own transformations, triggered by the deaths of close ones, remnants of the Dream. He wondered if Jingliu's change implied a similar loss.

Yet, he clung to the notion that her transformation was inspired by hope, perhaps for him.

However, Jingliu's next summary did little to lift his spirits. "Then, the war with the Denizens of Abundance erupted. It was an unnatural conflict. Many factions emerged and converged, likely colluding with the Abundance... The conflict escalated dreadfully."

She paused, then summoned an ice bow, reminiscent of one gifted by Lan to a certain Foxian.

Struggling to find the words to discuss her best friend's fate, Jingliu's voice faltered, her eyes welling up with tears. "Then... Baiheng sacrificed herself to save Xianzhou."

Resting her head on his shoulder once more, her body trembled with grief.

Artorias' gaze hardened as he stared at the river, the Abyssal Miasa slowly exuding from him, subtly warping the surroundings.

Anger surged within him at the loss of their friend. His fists clenched, and the sword within his soul darkened with wrath.

Then, feeling a gentle touch, he looked down.

Jingliu was holding his armored hands, her eyes pleading for understanding and comfort.

The Abyssal Miasma ceased its ominous release, fortunately causing no harm to the surroundings. However, nature sensed his distress and remembered it, causing the nearby animals to scatter in fear.

He clasped her hands for comfort, seeking to temper his rising anger.

"If only I had been there... then she might still be alive. Your adversaries must be formidable, huh? I gather Shuhu isn't our only concern, given the other group you mentioned."

Jingliu nodded, wiping away her tears, which seemed less overwhelming in his presence. "Yes, there's another dragon, far more dreadful than Gogma. I didn't face it directly as the others advanced without me while I was engaged in another battle. Its power was monumental, capable of spreading destruction and death."

Artorias rubbed his forehead in concern. "And who were the casualties?"

As Jingliu let the ice bow dissolve into the river, its surface shimmered momentarily.

"Several of Lan's generals, among others. Jinhua was severely injured, losing her left arm to the creature."

Artorias was taken aback by the extent of the devastation wrought by a single dragon, which seemed to surpass the usual bounds of their kind.

Jingliu sighed deeply. "Years later, I continued my training. Then, one night, just as I was about to sleep, I found myself in a crystal cave and met Fuli."

Artorias' expression softened as he began to grasp the nature of her journey—a transition through dimensions that bridged the gap between reality and the ethereal.

"Fuli put me through numerous trials, offering a chance to relive our memories together. The trials were excruciating, but they bestowed upon me this gift." She revealed a pendant shaped like the moon, its once dark blue crystal now transformed by her experiences.

Artorias listened intently, familiar with Fuli's enigmatic powers. He speculated whether Fuli was interacting with both of them simultaneously through their sentinels.

He examined the pendant, noting its stark contrast to his own shadow pearl pendant, a gift from the Progenitor.

He hoped silently that the deity had not encountered Jingliu.

"After that, I encountered another Aeon... she was quite a unique one," Jingliu resumed, unusually referring to the Aeon with a gender pronoun. This Aeon, embodying a concept fueled by collective belief, had met her in an incomplete form.

"She guided me, teaching me about the potential of the moon, though much remained unclear. Aeons often cloak their guidance in riddles, leaving their answers shrouded in mystery."

Artorias hummed in agreement, accustomed to the cryptic nature of their responses. He hoped that with the Tree's help, he might gain clearer insights.

"During those trials, I met... you. At the time, I didn't recognize you, but now it's clear. You were there with me, as we relived our memories under Fuli's and another's guidance."

He knew she referred to Xipe but chose not to complicate matters by introducing the name just yet.

Jingliu then settled back, allowing the tumult of emotions to ebb into a tranquil calm. Looking at the river, she saw their reflections merged together—hers and now his.

"I am happy, Y/N. Truly happy," she confessed, her voice carrying the weight of long-held emotions now joyously released.

Artorias felt a profound connection in her words and shared her sentiment. "Me too, Jingliu. Me too."

They sat close, their physical touch reinforcing their emotional bond.

Yet, Artorias knew he had to disclose something crucial about himself. Setting aside his own narrative, he prepared to reveal his personal truths.

"Jingliu, there's something important I need to share about myself," he began, his tone turning serious.

"Hmm?" she responded, sensing the gravity of his words.

He paused, gathering his thoughts. "Things have happened in my life... experiences I must share with you, starting from when I awoke."

Deciding to recount his entire journey, he hoped that full transparency would prevent any misunderstandings and foster deeper understanding between them.

With the myriad experiences Artorias had endured, beginning his story was daunting. Should he share these experiences with others, they might dismiss him as a fantasist. Yet, his very existence was concrete proof of the realities they had encountered.

He draped his cape over Jingliu, who let out a surprised yelp.

"It's for the best," he reassured her, feeling it was necessary for protection.

Sensing her composed demeanor, he began his tale. "I awoke as an amnesiac, buried beneath an ancient underground town. Disoriented, I found myself clutching a broken sword and wearing heavily scarred armor."

Jingliu took note of the mention of the underground town, intrigued by the stratified nature of this realm.

Artorias then drew Jingliu closer, draping his arms over her shoulders. She did not resist but accepted his embrace wholeheartedly.

"I soon encountered guards who patrolled the area. It was there I first experimented with my powers and stumbled upon a book."

Conjuring a shadow blade in his hand, he surprised Jingliu. The shadows that once haunted his presence now seemed to coexist in harmony with him.

"This book," he explained, "seemed imbued with Arcane energies, akin to those wielded by Aeons on their absolute Paths. It appears to be a map of this realm, albeit incomplete." He opened the book, and it emitted a glow, releasing images that ascended into the sky, depicting various named regions.

The names of Aeons appeared: Aha, Akivili, Ena, Fuli, and Idrila. Jingliu watched in awe as the map revealed pathways and locations she assumed to be national territories.

The names of Akivili, Ena, and Idrila particularly struck her—they were known to be deceased, and yet Artorias had met them. "How is this possible?" she asked, her curiosity piqued.

Artorias recognized her astonishment. "The Tree has disclosed more to me than I expected. It's startling to realize that nearly half of the Aeons I've encountered should not be extant, yet here they are."

"Using this book, I traversed this realm, meeting them in alphabetical order by their names," he continued.

Jingliu touched the book gently. "It seems you've gained profound insights. There's a noticeable change in your stature and demeanor."

Artorias smiled warmly. "Indeed, each Aeon imparted valuable lessons. Aha introduced me to the essence of Elation, Akivili to the freedom of Trailblazing, Ena to the principles of Order which have reshaped who I am, Fuli to the importance of cherishing memories, and Idrila to understanding my true self."

He deliberately omitted any mention of his encounters with IX, HooH and the Progenitor, fearing the profound implications of their teachings on Equilibrium and Nothing might unsettle Jingliu.

Mesmerized by his narrative, Jingliu considered the rarity of such personal teachings from Aeons. "But there must be more you haven't shared," she observed intuitively, aware that such profound encounters often came with complex consequences.

"Indeed, there are more experiences I have not disclosed," Artorias admitted, sensing the depth of her understanding. "The journey with each Aeon has shaped me in ways I'm still comprehending."

Jingliu listened intently, enchanted yet mindful of the inherent dualities such blessings could carry. "With such knowledge comes great responsibility, and often, hidden burdens."

"You've encountered more, haven't you? Don't hold back; I can tell you're omitting details," Jingliu pressed, her voice conveying both concern and a right to understand. From Artorias' descriptions, the influence of the Aeons on him seemed more profound than he admitted.

She felt a pang of hurt but recognized his reluctance to revisit painful memories. Although she had ascended beyond her human origins as a native of Xianzhou, some aspects of her humanity were ineradicable.

Artorias tensed, Jingliu's insight piercing his defenses. Was it really an accusation if it stemmed from love? He realized he couldn't hide anything from her, her understanding transcending the changes he had undergone.

With a resigned sigh, he opened up. "I met IX, the Aeon of Nihility, who reshaped my very essence into a blank slate. Following that, HooH judged me on Equilibrium and challenged me to defend my beliefs. It led me to a desire to sever my ties with this world."

Jingliu listened intently, anticipation building for what came next.

"Then I encountered Them, or should I say Him, who emerged from Nothing," Artorias continued, his voice heavy with the weight of his recollections.

"You met the Emperor?" Jingliu interjected, her voice tense.

Artorias met her gaze, his irises reflecting the abyssal depth of his turmoil. "Yes, and it seems you know the being? Have you encountered Him?"

Jingliu traced her fingers gently around Artorias. "Indeed, I met him several times. First in Xianzhou, then later during an event marked by Finality. His power was terrifying, something I hope never to face again."

A heavy silence fell between them, only broken by Jingliu's pressing curiosity. "What happened afterward?"

Artorias continued, "The Progenitor revealed my intended purpose—to exist merely as a shadow to your narrative. But I refused that fate, choosing instead to redefine my identity."

Jingliu absorbed his words, a mix of fear and curiosity etched on her face. "What exactly did you do, Y/N?"

With determined clarity, Artorias responded, "I transformed who I am, not just my identity but my very nature. With Idrila's aid, I severed my predestined path and became Artorias, merging with the Abyss and reinventing my past self. I crafted a new role to ensure I could be with you eternally."

Jingliu remained silent, her quietude unsettling Artorias.

"Do you fear me now?" he asked, his voice tinged with vulnerability. "I've become someone distinctly different from the person you once knew. Please, tell me your thoughts."

Instead of withdrawing, Jingliu tightened her grasp on his hands, pulling herself closer to face him directly.

With a tender, reassuring smile, she said, "You're not the only one driven by selfish motives, you know? Your actions, though drastic, stem from a noble intent. You've endured unimaginable hardships just to be with me. That alone fills me with joy. The changes don't matter; your love transcends everything. Whether as Y/N or Artorias, my love for you remains unaltered."

Artorias's eyes widened in relief and joy. "Truly?"

"I love you, Artorias," Jingliu confessed wholeheartedly. "With every fiber of my being, for we have weathered much together, and I am with you."

Overcome with emotion, Artorias felt tears streaming down his cheeks—an unexpected show of vulnerability. "I'm crying?" he chuckled, wiping away the tears before gazing back at Jingliu with equal ardor.

"I love you too, Jingliu," he declared.

He then leaned in and kissed her passionately, a moment of unity celebrated silently by the shadow soldiers lurking nearby.

It was the perfect conclusion to their day, and they eagerly anticipated the dawn of their renewed journey together—not as solitary wanderers, but as partners bound by love and shared destinies.

End of Chapter

A/N: Hopefully you all like this chapter. I apologize for the delay in releasing this chapter, but I hope you find it was worth the wait. I'm quite pleased with how it turned out and excited to hear your thoughts. There are just a few more chapters left before we wrap up Season 1, so stay tuned for what's to come. Thanks for reading and supporting this journey!

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